[sqlalchemy] Joins with 3 tables to order results?

2007-03-01 Thread Chris Shenton

I've got a 'system' table which has a foreign key client_id to a
'client' table, and that has a FK vendor_id to a 'vendor' table. 

Currently I query and order by client_id and system attribute like::

   systems = self.session.query(System).select(or_(System.c.lastseen == None,
   System.c.lastseen  lately),

then using SQLAlchemy magic I can render the system.client.vendor.name
and system.client.name.

I want to do a query on 'system', get and order by vendor.name and
client.name in that order.  But I don't know how to construct a join
so I can order this way. 

Any clues?  Thanks.

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[sqlalchemy] [Solved] Avoiding SQL injection with raw-ish queries (MySQL FULLTEXT search)

2007-01-28 Thread Chris Shenton

I finally discovered the Using Bind Parameters in Text Blocks
section of the SQLAlchemy manual -- very useful and very easy to use.
Perhaps this will help others who are trying to search against MySQL's
FULLTEXT index safely.  FWIW, I'm doing this in Pylons.

Here's what I ended up doing:

t = metadata.engine.text(
SELECT ROUND(MATCH(message) AGAINST(:message), 2) AS score,
WHERE MATCH(message) AGAINST(:message)
  AND facility=:facility
  AND severity=:severity
LIMIT :limit
c.results = t.execute(message=text, facility=fac, severity=sev, 

If you echo the SQL it's using, you can see how it quotes any query
parameters that have quotes in them.   Slick. 

Thanks for such a nice tool!

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[sqlalchemy] Avoiding SQL injection with raw-ish queries (MySQL FULLTEXT search)

2007-01-28 Thread Chris Shenton

I'm doing a query against a MySQL table that has a column which has
a fulltext index, so I need to do some raw-ish queries.  Problem is
that these open me up to SQL injection attacks.  How do I avoid them --
bound variables? filtering of quotes and funny chars?

I create the index on a table already created with SQLAlchemy by:

metadata.engine.execute(ALTER TABLE kb ADD FULLTEXT(message))

I later query against it with two exact matches and a MATCH...AGAINST
the fulltext index:

query = 
SELECT MATCH(message) AGAINST('%s') AS score,
WHERE MATCH(message) AGAINST('%s')
  AND facility='%s'
  AND severity='%s'

query = query % (text,text,fac,sev,100)
results = metadata.engine.execute(query).fetchall()

This works nicely most of the time.

If one of the parameters includes a single-quote, however, it breaks
the query.  This seems a avenue for an SQL injection attack.

Problem is I can't figure out how to use SQLAlchemy's bound variables
to re-implement the query. 

I can remove the SELECT part of the query string and do something like:

query = 
MATCH(message) AGAINST('%s') AS score,
WHERE MATCH(message) AGAINST('%s')
  AND severity='%s'

query = query % (text,text,sev)
results = select([query], engine=metadata.engine).execute().fetchall()

But that doesn't help with the SQL injection.  

If I remove the AND portion from the query string and move it into the 

results = select([query], 

it doesn't help at all -- the SQL that's echoed indicates no
AND severity... at all and I get too many results.

Is there a way I can do the MATCH...AGAINST but using bound variables,
or some other way that SQLAlchemy can protect me from injection

If not, how do you recommend I sanitize the user-supplied query
parameters so the query can't be exploited? 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Full Text Search using PostgreSQL and tsearch2

2007-01-18 Thread Chris Shenton

I'd be interested in how you work this out as I want to do something
similar.  Would you be willing to write it up and perhaps post it to
the wiki?

I was able to get MySQL's fulltext search working more quickly than
PostgreSQL's and that's what my customer is used to so that's what I'm
going to use for them.  I haven't yet gotten to integrate it with SA.

Down the road, I'd like to know how to do the same with PG.


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[sqlalchemy] How to query like sys_id=42 AND ts_created 90 minutes ago ?

2007-01-11 Thread Chris Shenton

I've got a bunch of history and other timestamped information I will
need to query against. The columns are created with type DateTime and
get set upon row creation:

  history_table = Table(
  'history', metadata,
  Column('history_id',  Integer,primary_key=True),   
  Column('system_id',   Integer,ForeignKey('system.system_id'), 
  Column('ts_created',  DateTime,   
  Column('ts_updated',  DateTime,   

I'm going to want to do lots of queries on this 'history' table for a
specific 'system_id' and a 'ts_created' within some duration in the
past -- like 5 or 60 minutes.  

It's taken me a while to figure out the SQLAlchemy syntax to make this
work and it seems a bit verbose:

datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=90)))

Is there a better, more concise way to say this? 


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[sqlalchemy] Additions to model not getting flushed to DB?? (Pylons)

2006-12-23 Thread Chris Shenton

I'm doing a Pylons app and must be doing something stupid because
similar logic seems to work elsewhere, but this just
isn't sticking in the DB.  I query to get existing 'contacts',
they're empty so I create a new one, append it, save and flush, but it
doesn't show up in the diagnostic queries I do.  Perhaps I'm not
seeing something obvious, any suggestions? 

   contacts = 
   print #vendor.upload DBQ contacts=, contacts
   contacts = client.contacts
   print #vendor.upload DOT contacts=, contacts

   contact = model.Contact(client_id=client.client_id,
   print #vendor.upload New contact=, contact
   print #vendor.upload Query contacts before append=, 
   print #vendor.upload Query contacts after  append=, 
   print #vendor.upload Query contacts aftersave=, 
   print #vendor.upload Query contacts after   flush=, 

When I run it, you see it creates a new one but then none of the
queries find the contact from a query. An SQL query against the MySQL
DB show's it's not their either.

   #vendor.upload DBQ contacts= []
   #vendor.upload DOT contacts= []
   #vendor.upload New contact= Contact(None,9,[EMAIL PROTECTED],None,None,None 
[None, None])
   #vendor.upload Query contacts before  save= []
   #vendor.upload Query contacts after   save= []
   #vendor.upload Query contacts after  flush= []

The client and contact model and relations look like:

   client_table = Table('client', metadata,
ForeignKey('vendor.vendor_id'), nullable=False),
Column('name', String(40), unique=True, 
Column('ts_created',   DateTime,   
Column('ts_updated',   DateTime,   
   mapper(Client, client_table,
  properties={'contacts': relation(Contact, lazy=False),
  'systems':  relation(System,  lazy=False),

   contact_table = Table('contact', metadata,
 Column('client_id',  Integer,
ForeignKey('client.client_id'), nullable=False),
 Column('email',  String(80), 
unique=True, nullable=False),
 Column('password',   String(40), 
 Column('firstname',  String(40), 
 Column('lastname',   String(40), 
 Column('ts_created', DateTime,   
 Column('ts_updated', DateTime,   

Any ideas? Thanks!

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Additions to model not getting flushed to DB?? (Pylons)

2006-12-23 Thread Chris Shenton

Doh, I should have turned on the SQL echo.  Now that I have, it's even
more puzzling to me.  It shows the 'contact' being inserted and
committed -- but it never appears in MySQL!

 2006-12-23 17:33:15,140 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..cc BEGIN
 2006-12-23 17:33:15,145 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..cc SELECT 
 2006-12-23 17:33:15,145 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..cc []
 2006-12-23 17:33:15,150 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..cc INSERT INTO 
contact (client_id, email, password, firstname, lastname, ts_created, 
ts_updated) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
 2006-12-23 17:33:15,150 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..cc [9L, '[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]', None, None, None, datetime.datetime(2006, 12, 23, 17, 33, 44), 
 2006-12-23 17:33:15,158 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..cc COMMIT

 #vendor.upload Query contacts after  flush=[]

If I switch my Pylons development.ini to use an SQLite DB, the app
works as expected until I get to the same flush():

   contact = model.Contact(client_id=client.client_id,

The Pylons traceback reports:

   sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLError: (OperationalError) SQL logic error or missing database 'INSERT INTO contact (client_id, email, password, firstname, lastname, ts_created, ts_updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' [1, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', None, None, None, '2006-12-24 00:25:35', None]  

The SQL echo looks good, until the ROLLBACK:

   2006-12-23 19:25:35,874 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..0c BEGIN
   2006-12-23 19:25:35,878 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..0c SELECT 
   2006-12-23 19:25:35,878 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..0c []
   2006-12-23 19:25:35,879 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..0c INSERT 
INTO contact (client_id, email, password, firstname, lastname, ts_created, 
ts_updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
   2006-12-23 19:25:36,031 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..0c [1, 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', None, None, None, '2006-12-24 00:25:35', None]
   2006-12-23 19:25:36,086 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..0c ROLLBACK

That self.session is created with a Pylons __before__ method:

   def __before__(self):
   self.session = session_context.current
   self.q = self.session.query(model.Vendor)

and other methods use this just fine as far as I can tell. 

How can I track down whether there's a missing database or what the
SQL logic error might be? 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Additions to model not getting flushed to DB?? (Pylons)

2006-12-23 Thread Chris Shenton

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

seems like Pylons is not properly maintaining the session within

Yeah, it sure feels like that. :-(

unless there is some way you can reproduce this problem
without any dependencies on pylons ?  is this using the newest
SA/Pylons code that Ben was recently working on ?

Hrmmm, I'm not sure ... I am not on the bleeding edge with nightly
easy_install -U *=dev :-)

I'll see if I can reproduce in a small scale in Pylons; if so, I'll
try reproducing in standalone SA. 

Thanks for the pointers. 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to auto-set timestamp: MySQL func.now(), but not SQLite

2006-12-22 Thread Chris Shenton

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

func.current_timestamp()  (which evaulates without the parenthesis in

Excellent, works like a charm. Thanks.

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