[sqlalchemy] Re: To select only some columns from some tables using session object, relation many-to-many

2010-08-02 Thread Kalium

On Aug 3, 8:43 am, Alvaro Reinoso alvrein...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have these classes where items (class Item) is related to channel
 object. Channel can contain many items:

 channel_items = Table(
         Column(channel_id, Integer,
         Column(item_id, Integer,

 class Channel(rdb.Model):

     id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = Column(title, String(100))

     items = relation(Item, secondary=channel_items,

 class Item(rdb.Model):

     id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = Column(title, String(100))

 I know how to get all the columns using something like:

 session = rdb.Session() channels =

 However, I'd like to select some columns from both tables with some
 conditions in Item. For example, select all the channels where
 item.type = 'jpg'. I'd like to get a channel object with items
 attributes with that condition for example. How can I do that?

 I've tried something like (no one worked out):

 result = session.query(Channel).filter(Item.typeItem != 'zeppelin/
 result = session.query(Channel, Item).filter(Item.typeItem !=

 Thanks in advance!

Try something like

session.query(Channel).join('items').filter(Item.typeItem !=

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Exists clause on relations of different mapped objects

2010-07-28 Thread Kalium

On Jul 28, 11:37 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jul 27, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Kalium wrote:

  I'm trying to determine whether or not there are any value in one
  mapped object relation that correspond to another  mapped object

  A.x - represents a relation of x's on A
  B.x - represents a relation of x's on B

  They both use their own separate mapping tables for these relations.
  So I want to find out of any of A.x is also present in B.x

 how about



 thats assuming you're starting with a particular A and B.

Opps, accidentaly replied to Michael and not the group.

I wasn't dealing with a particular A and B. I wasn't successful in
using the tables in the outer query so I merely reconstructed the
where clause in the exists query that I used to join the outer tables
in the first place, i.e

 A.x.any(B.x.any()).where(X.id == my_id)


  The closes I've had to it working was in the follwing fashion, by
  doing the following;



  I put this exists clause into an existing filter() but it didn't
  correlate the tables with those in the outer query (which I really
  need it to do!), so I tried using correlate function to correlate the
  table on the join() but it didn't seem to do anything (I've used it in
  other situations with success but not this time).

  Also ,  A.x.any(B.x.any())
  seems to almost do what I want as well, but again, doesn't correlate
  to outer query and because I'm using 0.4 it does not have a
  correlate() method in ORM!

  Any other hints as to how I can do this ?


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[sqlalchemy] add_column does not correlate with aliased table.

2010-03-30 Thread Kalium
I've had a look through the docs and a quick look through the forum
here, and haven't been able to solve my problem. I'm using 0.4

The following works as expected.

q =

The add_column() recognises that the activity table is already joined.
and thus does not add it to the tables in the 'FROM' clause.

However, the following does not work. The only difference is that now
the joined table (activity) is aliased.

q =

add_column() does not recognise the aliased activity table and the
from clause now looks something like 'FROM system,activity', whereas
it should be joined.

What are my best solutions?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: add_column does not correlate with aliased table.

2010-03-30 Thread Kalium

On Mar 30, 10:54 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Mar 30, 2010, at 2:47 AM, Kalium wrote:

  I've had a look through the docs and a quick look through the forum
  here, and haven't been able to solve my problem. I'm using 0.4

  The following works as expected.

  q =

  The add_column() recognises that the activity table is already joined.
  and thus does not add it to the tables in the 'FROM' clause.

  However, the following does not work. The only difference is that now
  the joined table (activity) is aliased.

  q =

  add_column() does not recognise the aliased activity table and the
  from clause now looks something like 'FROM system,activity', whereas
  it should be joined.

  What are my best solutions?

 in 0.4 you'd need to use SQL-level Table and alias() objects to achieve the 
 desired effect.  in 0.5 and above, you'd use aliased(Activity) as your 
 entity.    the aliased=True option only affects subsequent 
 filter/order_by/group_by calls.

Thanks Michael. Another reason to upgrade to 0.5

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[sqlalchemy] correlate on Query in 0.4

2010-02-10 Thread Kalium
Hi, 0.4 doesn't seem to support correlate() on a Query object. I have
a subquery (which is actually just another Query object), so at no
point can I actually do a correlate(). Any other good options other
than upgrading to 0.5 or using a select ?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Dynamic mapper issue

2010-01-19 Thread Kalium
Thanks Michael, I'm going to take a closer look at this and rework my


On Nov 27 2009, 12:56 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com
 On Nov 26, 2009, at 2:05 AM, Kalium wrote:

  Hi, I'm coming to grief trying to create aMapperon the fly.

  At first I tried this


 Dynamic.mapper=mapper(Dynamic, self.j);

  self.j is a join statement. This now maps all the columns from the
  tables in the join statement. Which is fine. Except that in the SQL
  query it looks something like  SELECT table1.id AS id, table2.id AS
  id etc etc. So that won't work as the columns don't have alias'.

 the join() by itself is automatically disambiguating so you shouldn't have 
 such an issue:

 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import *

 m = MetaData(e)

 t1 = Table('t1', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
 t2 = Table('t2', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))

 j = t1.join(t2, t1.c.id==t2.c.id)

 # j now has j.c.t1_id, j.c.t2_id
 print j.c.t1_id, j.c.t2_id


 t1.id t2.id

 now map:

 class C(object):

 mapper(C, j)

 print create_session().query(C)


 SELECT t1.id AS t1_id, t2.id AS t2_id
 FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.id = t2.id

 the map of C will have a single attribute id on it, which is based on that 
 name.  in this case, that's fine since the two id columns are equated, and 
 you'd want them to be under one attribute.  If you didn't, you can set up the 
 mapping explicitly with the names you prefer:

 m = MetaData(create_engine('sqlite://'))

 t1 = Table('t1', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('data', 
 t2 = Table('t2', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('data', 

 j = t1.join(t2, t1.c.id==t2.c.id)

 class C(object):

 mapper(C, j, properties={


 s = sessionmaker()()
 c1 = C()
 print s.execute(select * from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id,mapper=C).fetchall()


 [(1, u'foo', 1, u'bar')]

 above, themapperfor C has a single attribute id representing t1.c.id and 
 t2.c.id, but separate t1data and t2data attributes representing t1.c.data 
 and t2.c.data, respectively.

  Next I tried something like this


 here, you've mapped to a select() construct - that is your selectable.  The 
 mistake here is that you used columns for primary_key which are from your 
 tables - which are represented within the internal FROM clause of your 
 select() but are not the columns it publically exposes in its columns clause. 
     Any columns you specify to primary_key must be in terms of the mapped 
 selectable's exported columns clause, i.e. myselect.c.table1_id, 
 myselect.c.table2_id, myselect.c.table3_id.   Specifying use_labels on your 
 select() construct will allow the column names it exports in its c 
 collection to be prepended with the table name, the same way that the join() 
 does automatically.  

 But also, if your select() already has all the PK fields from the three 
 tables represented, the primary key columns will automatically be pulled out 
 in the mapping so there is probably no need for the primary_key argument.
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[sqlalchemy] string type passed to join's onclause

2009-12-06 Thread Kalium

It seems that although would work fine in place of a ClauseElement
when passed to filter(), but not so when passed to the onclause
parameter of join() ?

There doesn't seem to be anything in the ClauseElement class that will
convert a string to something of type ClauseElement. Have I missed
anything? Any workarounds ?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: string type passed to join's onclause

2009-12-06 Thread Kalium
Sorry, I should have looked at the source first.

sql.text(string) should fix it.

On Dec 7, 5:22 pm, Kalium raymond.ma...@gmail.com wrote:

 It seems that although would work fine in place of a ClauseElement
 when passed to filter(), but not so when passed to the onclause
 parameter of join() ?

 There doesn't seem to be anything in the ClauseElement class that will
 convert a string to something of type ClauseElement. Have I missed
 anything? Any workarounds ?



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[sqlalchemy] Dynamic mapper issue

2009-11-25 Thread Kalium
Hi, I'm coming to grief trying to create a Mapper on the fly.

At first I tried this

 class Dynamic(object):

 Dynamic.mapper = mapper(Dynamic, self.j);

 self.j is a join statement. This now maps all the columns from the
tables in the join statement. Which is fine. Except that in the SQL
query it looks something like  SELECT table1.id AS id, table2.id AS
id etc etc. So that won't work as the columns don't have alias'.

Next I tried something like this

Dynamic.mapper = mapper(Dynamic,select(fields_to_select,from_obj=

fields_to_select are the fields I actually need, and they look
something like [table1.c.id,table2.c.id,table3.c.id]. If I want to I
imagine I could individually attach a label() to these and that would
overcome any conflicts with the SQL query.  That's not the problem
though, as it gives me this error

mapper Mapper|Dynamic|{ANON 158092684 anon} could not assemble any
primary key columns for mapped table '{ANON 158092684 anon}'

I've looked around and read the docs, been through the newgroup but
can't seem to figure out where I've gone wrong. Any ideas ?



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[sqlalchemy] Determine what joins are in select statement

2009-10-27 Thread Kalium

Just wondering if there is an easy way to determine what tables are
joined in a query?

I'm doing something like this

query = session.query(System, dynamic_obj).select_from(self.j)

Where dynamic_obj could be any mapped object and self.j represents a
join produced by the sqlalchemy.schema.Table.join() function. I'd like
to know if the table represented by dynamic_obj is already in the

I could of course do this programmatically outside of sqla, but it
would be nice if sqla could tell me this.


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