[sqlalchemy] Re: inheritance and column_property() - subqueries are being limited

2010-08-05 Thread SQLAlchemy User
...and we're back to the same issue with another column_property: that

How do you create column_properties with subqueries on child objects
where the subquery references another child object? This:

PC_avgdist_subq = select([func.avg(func.distance(PC.pt.RAW,
Switch.pt.RAW))]).where(PC.switch_mac == Switch.mac).as_scalar()
Switch.PC_avgdist = column_property(PC_avgdist_subq)

no longer works. The workaround worked for the last case but doesn't
work when I need to do a func.average(func.distance(..)) to get the
average physical distance between a switch and the PCs that are
attached to it.

As before, the generated sql is appending WHERE 'devtype' in
'Switch' to the end of the switch = Session.query(Switch)...
statement, which I think is throwing off the subquery results (but I
could be completely wrong).



On Aug 4, 5:11 pm, SQLAlchemy User sqlalchemyu...@gmail.com wrote:
 ...and I've figured out a workaround:

 in Switch(Device):
   pcs = relationship('PC', primaryjoin = 'Switch.mac ==
 PC.switch_mac', lazy='dynamic')

 Now, switch.pcs.count() works :)


 On Aug 4, 5:00 pm, Zippy P sqlalchemyu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a single-table inheritance setup:

  class Device(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'devices'
    devtype = Column(Unicode(20), nullable = False)
    mac = Column(Unicode(128), primary_key = True)

  class PC(Device):
    __mapper_args_ = {'polymorphic_identity':u'PC'}
    switch_mac = Column(Unicode(128), ForeignKey(mac), nullable = True) #
  ignore any typos here - this is munged code

  class Switch(Device):
    __mapper_args_ = {'polymorphic_identity':u'Switch'}

  pc_ct_subq = select([func.count(PC.mac)]).where(PC.switch_mac ==
  Switch.pc_ct = column_property(pc_ct_subq)

  When I didn't have the inheritance set up (when Switch and PC were separate
  tables and separate objects), pc_ct worked fine. Now, however, it's failing
  - I think because the inheritance is appending AND devices.devtype IN 'AP'
  to the initial load query since it's trying to bring up just devices of type

  How do I get around this? I just want Switch to have an attribute that
  represents the number of PCs that are associated to it (where the PC's
  switch_mac equals the Switch's mac).



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[sqlalchemy] Re: now with code goodness: problems with single-table inheritance and column_properties?

2010-08-05 Thread SQLAlchemy User
Trying again without tab indents. Hopefully the formatting works this

from objects import *

class Device(Base):
devtype = Column(Unicode(20), primary_key = True)
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': devtype}
mac = Column(Unicode(128), primary_key = True)
switch_mac = Column(Unicode(128), ForeignKey(mac))
switch = relationship('Device', primaryjoin = 'Device.switch_mac
== Device.mac', backref=backref('connections'), remote_side =
cablelength = Column(Float, nullable = True)

class PC(Device):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': u'P'}

class Switch(Device):
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': u'S'}

Switch.PC_cablelength_avg = column_property (
select([func.avg(PC.cablelength)]).where(PC.switch_mac ==

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[sqlalchemy] Re: now with code goodness: problems with single-table inheritance and column_properties?

2010-08-05 Thread SQLAlchemy User

On Aug 5, 3:11 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

 Ultimately you're looking for a self-referential correlation here.   In SQL, 
 that always implies using aliases.   Your column_property needs to be against 
 aliased(PC) and not PC itself.    

Thanks - that did the trick. I can't believe it was such a simple

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[sqlalchemy] Re: inheritance and column_property() - subqueries are being limited

2010-08-04 Thread SQLAlchemy User
...and I've figured out a workaround:

in Switch(Device):
  pcs = relationship('PC', primaryjoin = 'Switch.mac ==
PC.switch_mac', lazy='dynamic')

Now, switch.pcs.count() works :)


On Aug 4, 5:00 pm, Zippy P sqlalchemyu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a single-table inheritance setup:

 class Device(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'devices'
   devtype = Column(Unicode(20), nullable = False)
   mac = Column(Unicode(128), primary_key = True)

 class PC(Device):
   __mapper_args_ = {'polymorphic_identity':u'PC'}
   switch_mac = Column(Unicode(128), ForeignKey(mac), nullable = True) #
 ignore any typos here - this is munged code

 class Switch(Device):
   __mapper_args_ = {'polymorphic_identity':u'Switch'}

 pc_ct_subq = select([func.count(PC.mac)]).where(PC.switch_mac ==
 Switch.pc_ct = column_property(pc_ct_subq)

 When I didn't have the inheritance set up (when Switch and PC were separate
 tables and separate objects), pc_ct worked fine. Now, however, it's failing
 - I think because the inheritance is appending AND devices.devtype IN 'AP'
 to the initial load query since it's trying to bring up just devices of type

 How do I get around this? I just want Switch to have an attribute that
 represents the number of PCs that are associated to it (where the PC's
 switch_mac equals the Switch's mac).



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread SQLAlchemy User
  I have the following code:

  class EventQuery(Query):
    def histogram(self):
      ''' return a histogram of source / count(source) given an eventquery''

  class Event(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'events'
    query = Session.query_property(query_cls = EventQuery)
    name = Column(Unicode(128))
    source = Column(BigInteger)

  Now, Event has 54 additional attributes, some of which are quite large. In 
  EventQuery.histogram(), all I really need is the Event.source attribute. 
  'events' has over 150 million rows, and it's likely that 
  EventQuery.histogram() will be called for all events.

  So - is there any way to 'modify' the query (self) in histogram() so that 
  it only returns (Event.source, func.count(Event.source)), or, for the 
  general case, to modify the query to return an attribute of the object? 
  I've tried from_self, but that seems highly inefficient (at least 20x 
  slower than Session.query(...) ). I'd also really like to keep histogram() 
  as a method of EventQuery.

  I can see reasons why this would be impossible, but perhaps there's a way 
  to do it.

 you can use values(Event.source, func.count(...)), or just put a method on 
 Event called histogram that uses the standard 
 object_session(self).query(...) approach, I'm not really sure what the using 
 the old query_property accessor gets you here

Thanks, Michael. Two followup questions:

1) The histogram() method is designed to provide statistics on a set
of Events (defined by a query), so it made sense (to me) to make it a
method of EventQuery. I don't know how I'd do this as a method of
Event. Could you clarify?

2) When you say 'old query property' accessor, are you implying that
query_property is deprecated? Is there an alternative? I really like
the idea of subclassing Query and adding custom methods. Is this a
misguided approach?

BTW: the values() generator takes at least as long as the from_self()
does, and uses a huge amount of memory since all().values() still
passes the entire object list to python. from_self() took 1920 seconds
to run against the entire 'events' table, where
Session.query(func.distinct(Event.source)).all() took 0.02 seconds.
I'll try experimenting with joins next.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread SQLAlchemy User

On Aug 2, 11:34 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

 values() should be using the least amount of memory of any approach - it only 
 buffers 10 rows in memory at a time, and doesn't deal with session or object 
 accounting at all so is also much more performant than all().  I dont know 
 what all().values() is or if that's a typo.    
 Session.query(Event).values(func.distinct(Event.source)) should emit a brief 
 SELECT DISTINCT query and whip through a single column for the result.

It wasn't a typo; it was silliness on my part. The iterator approach
is blazingly fast. Thanks.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: multi-table comparators / properties - how?

2010-06-02 Thread SQLAlchemy User

On Jun 2, 6:43 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jun 2, 2010, at 12:48 AM, SQLAlchemy User wrote:

  OK, I get the need for column_property, but the select is fairly
  complex and involves unions of the containing class (and it hasn't
  been defined yet). How do I get around this, and other questions

  I think I got the SQL right (for a device with id = foo):

  SELECT v1.adminstate
  FROM (
   (SELECT devices.adminstate, devices.processdate as insert_ts,
   FROM devices
   WHERE devices.deviceid = foo)
   (SELECT devicestates.adminstate, devicestates.insert_ts,
   FROM devicestates
   WHERE devicestates.deviceid = foo)) AS v1
  ORDER BY v1.insert_ts DESC LIMIT 1;

 You dont need to get into UNION here.   My suggestion would be to avoid UNION 
 at all costs, in fact, they perform poorly and are very cumbersome to work 
 with.    A correlated subquery here should do what you need:  (i.e., when you 
 say query(Device).filter(Device.curradminstate=='FOO'):

 select device.* from
 device where
     (select devicestate.adminstate from devicestate where
     devicestate.insert_ts  device.import_ts order by devicestate.insert_ts
     limit 1),
 ) = 'FOO'

 you'd need to verify the above works first (particularly the LIMIT inside the 
 subquery, I know mysql can do it, not sure about PG, don't know your backend).

 property is:

 class Device(Base):

 device_subq = select([DeviceState.adminstate]).where(DeviceState.insert_ts  

 Device.curradminstate = column_property(
         func.coalesce(device_subq, Device.adminstate)

Thanks so much - this worked perfectly.

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[sqlalchemy] multi-table comparators / properties - how?

2010-06-01 Thread SQLAlchemy User
Hi all:

Hoping some kind soul on the list will be able to advise on this use/
implementation problem I'm having:

I have two tables (both declarative representations): the first,
Device, describes devices (device ID, import time, other details), and
the second, DeviceState, lists state changes for those devices (device
ID, old state, new state, timestamp). The device table is imported
daily and contains state information at the time the export is
performed. The state changes come in to DeviceState as the devices
change state.

I have a property on Device as follows:

def curradminstate(self):
Session.query(DeviceState.adminstate).filter(DeviceState.deviceid ==
or self.adminstate

... and this works as expected: that is, I can query
device.curradminstate as a property instead of a method.

I'd like to create a Comparator so I can do something like the

Session.Query(Device).filter(Device.curradminstate == ACTIVE)

but I'm completely lost as to how to do this. I've tried creating a
class that returns a PropComparator but it hasn't worked (I get a
variety of errors; here's my latest attempt which has at least one
error in doit()):

class AdminStateComparator(PropComparator):
Compares admin states (case-insensitive)
def doit(self):
device = self.prop.parent.class_
Session.query(DeviceState.adminstate).filter(DeviceState.deviceid ==
or device.adminstate
sprop = property(doit)
def operate(self,op,other,**kwargs):
return op(self.sprop,other,**kwargs)

(hope the formatting came through - if not, assume appropriate
I have read the docs (several times!) but don't quite understand how
PropComparator is supposed to work, especially with multiple tables. I
got it working with transparent encryption/decryption (using
func.aes_encrypt) for another table, but that was within a single
table. In addition, I'm enough of a novice with SQL that I can't even
describe what I want to do that way - I'm hoping someone on the list
will be able to help regardless.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: multi-table comparators / properties - how?

2010-06-01 Thread SQLAlchemy User

On Jun 1, 3:31 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Jun 1, 2010, at 1:06 PM, SQLAlchemy User wrote:
  I have two tables (both declarative representations): the first,
  Device, describes devices (device ID, import time, other details), and
  the second, DeviceState, lists state changes for those devices (device
  ID, old state, new state, timestamp). The device table is imported
  daily and contains state information at the time the export is
  performed. The state changes come in to DeviceState as the devices
  change state.

  I have a property on Device as follows:

  def curradminstate(self):
  Session.query(DeviceState.adminstate).filter(DeviceState.deviceid ==
  or self.adminstate

  ... and this works as expected: that is, I can query
  device.curradminstate as a property instead of a method.

  I'd like to create a Comparator so I can do something like the

  Session.Query(Device).filter(Device.curradminstate == ACTIVE)

 you don't need a custom comparator here, you just want to map a column 
 attribute to a correlated subquery, such as that illustrated 
 you have an I want the max(related X) type of pattern which is fairly 
 common, I should get around to adding several examples for this to the wiki.

OK, I get the need for column_property, but the select is fairly
complex and involves unions of the containing class (and it hasn't
been defined yet). How do I get around this, and other questions

I think I got the SQL right (for a device with id = foo):

SELECT v1.adminstate
  (SELECT devices.adminstate, devices.processdate as insert_ts,
  FROM devices
  WHERE devices.deviceid = foo)
  (SELECT devicestates.adminstate, devicestates.insert_ts,
  FROM devicestates
  WHERE devicestates.deviceid = foo)) AS v1
ORDER BY v1.insert_ts DESC LIMIT 1;

So, three questions come to mind:
1) how do I create a select statement that references a label (I did
it using quotes - that is, select(['v1.adminstate'],...) but not sure
whether that's the most correct way, and I'm running into difficulties
later on in the order_by);
2) how do I reference Device from within the select statement that's a
column_property for Device; and
3) am I on the right track here or (more likely) am I off-base and
missing something simple (like func.max())?

Thanks again -


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