Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy lock-up when logging to a database

2018-02-23 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 10:31:30 PM UTC+1, Mike Bayer wrote:
> or have your logger look for that "log_only" token in the logger name 
> and skip on that, that's more future-proof. 

Yes, using a specific logger for the engine seems to work. :-)

I had looked for something like this, but didn't find it. I found 
, but didn't see anything there on engine-specific logging names, so I 
thought it wasn't possible. (The `logging_name` argument for 
`create_engine` _is_ documented though.)

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy lock-up when logging to a database

2018-02-21 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
Thanks for the quick reply!

On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 6:44:33 PM UTC+1, Mike Bayer wrote:
> I can come up with other things that can break based on the idea that 
> you're doing a full connection + execute sequence within the log 
> handler deep within that engine's own processes, such as, it can cause 
> connection pool exhaustion when you're working with the last 
> connection available, then your logger has no connection, it goes to 
> get one and...hang.  I can reproduce this with your script (set 
> pool_size=1, max_overflow=0, set up logging and run an execute() so it 
> actually logs, and it hangs for 30 seconds until the timeout and 
> crashes, see stack trace below), so your approach is not safe in any 
> case. 

Thanks for the clarification.

> It would be a lot simpler and robust if your log handler just used its 
> own Engine (make a new one from the engine.url you already have).

Good idea.

> That way you can lose all that re-entrant mutex stuff too. 

The mutex stuff is there because in the actual code SQLAlchemy logging is 
switched on and I want to prevent that SQLAlchemy tries to log the insert 
statement in `_emit`. I didn't think of this when I posted the original 
question, so I could have left out the mutex stuff for the sake of the 
example code.

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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[sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy lock-up when logging to a database

2018-02-21 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
In our project we recently ran into the problem that SQLAlchemy would
block when creating a connection for logging to a database.


Oracle server 11.2
cx_Oracle 6.1
SQLAlchemy 1.2.3

The example code for `` is:

Example script to demonstrate a lock-up when trying to create a second
connection _while_ creating a first connection.

Do _not_ modify the program to create the table and attempt to block
in the same run. In this case, the lockup won't happen. Instead run
the program first with ` make_table` (unless the
table already exists), then with ` block`.

import datetime
import logging
import os
import sys
import threading

import sqlalchemy

# Set connect string (starting with `oracle+cx_oracle://`) in environment.
# I don't know if the problem also occurs with other dialects.

# Schema and engine set-up.
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()

log_table = sqlalchemy.Table(
  "log2", metadata,
  sqlalchemy.Column("id", sqlalchemy.Integer,
  sqlalchemy.Column("level_name", sqlalchemy.Unicode(1000)),
  sqlalchemy.Column("message", sqlalchemy.Unicode(1000),

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(CONNECT_STRING)

# --

def make_table():
log_table.create(engine, checkfirst=True)

class DatabaseHandler(logging.Handler):
Handler for logging to Oracle database

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Keep a reference to the engine for the log database.
self._engine = engine
# Make sure that at least one connection has been retrieved from the
# engine before database logging is set up.
# with self._engine.connect() as _connection:
# pass
# For preventing that the logging `INSERT` statement is also logged.
thread_local = threading.local()
thread_local.emit_lock = threading.Lock()
self._emit_lock = thread_local.emit_lock

def _emit(self, record):
Emit the log record.
# Some code causes a log message being an empty string. This wouldn't be
# a problem, but Oracle implicitly converts this to `NULL`, which in
# turn causes an `IntegrityError` when the log record is about to be
# written to the database. Therefore, in this case set the message to a
# sensible (non-empty) string.
message = record.msg
if not message:
message = "(no log message)"
message = message % record.args
insert = log_table.insert()
insert = insert.values(
   # According to the documentation
   # the `created` attribute is filled from `time.time()`, which
   # uses local time. Therefore, use `utcfromtimestamp` to get
   # an UTC timestamp.
# Run `INSERT` in a transaction. See
with self._engine.begin() as connection:

def emit(self, record):
Emit the log record.

Make sure that emitting the log record isn't invoked recursively, i. e.
when SQLAlchemy itself would log something while inserting the log
record into the database.
is_acquired = self._emit_lock.acquire(blocking=False)
if not is_acquired:
# An "outer" call of `emit` acquired the lock before. Since we don't
# want any recursive calls, return immediately.
# Don't use a `with` statement here because this would try to acquire
# the lock. See

def block():
logger = logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy")
# Blocks.
# For this to "work", this must be the first connection created for th

Re: [sqlalchemy] Inserting Chinese characters in Oracle database

2018-01-16 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
Hi Mike,

thanks again!

On 2018-01-15 23:17, Mike Bayer wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 3:18 PM, Stefan Schwarzer
>  wrote:
>> On 2018-01-12 16:33, Mike Bayer wrote:> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 7:14 AM, 
>> Stefan Schwarzer
>>>  wrote:
> the issue you refer to with Anthony refers to a new use case for the
> cx_Oracle DBAPI, where we use setinputsizes() again and use a
> different datatype for strings.   So that would need to be added to
> SQLAlchemy's cx_Oracle dialect as an option, which can either be on a
> per-datatype basis or engine-wide (engine-wide is easier to implement
> and use however I'm not sure which is more appropriate).
> You can probably get this to work right now doing this:
> from import _OracleString
> class NCHAR(_OracleNVarChar):
> def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
> return cx_Oracle.NCHAR
> and then add cx_Oracle.NCHAR to the dialect._include_setinputsizes list.

The following works for me:

import sqlalchemy.types
import as cx_oracle_dialect

class OracleNVarChar(cx_oracle_dialect._OracleNVarChar):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return cx_Oracle.NCHAR

cx_oracle_dialect.OracleDialect_cx_oracle.colspecs[sqlalchemy.types.Unicode] = 

metadata = sa.MetaData()

test_table = sa.Table("utf8_test", metadata, sa.Column("text", sa.Unicode(20)))

connect_string = "oracle+cx_oracle://..."
engine = sa.create_engine(connect_string, echo='debug')

Changes to your version:

- Changed import. I wasn't sure whether your import or
  the base class was wrong.

- Added assignment to `colspecs` dictionary

> I've proposed a few ways we might be able to add this API here:

I added a comment to this ticket.

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Inserting Chinese characters in Oracle database

2018-01-15 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
On 2018-01-12 16:33, Mike Bayer wrote:> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 7:14 AM, Stefan 
>  wrote:
> In SQLAlchemy 1.1 series and earlier, you can specify
> exclude_setinputsizes=() to have STRING be part of the automatic
> setinputsizes call.  In SQLAlchemy 1.2 these features were all removed
> as there was never any reason to pass most datatypes to setinputsizes.
>   in 1.2 you can still say
> engine.dialect._include_setinputsizes.add(cx_Oracle.STRING) to re-add
> it, but this should not be necessary (my test works with or without
> it).
> Also which version of Python you're using matters, however I get a
> round trip under both pythons.
> To round trip it, do this - note I had to expand the size of the
> VARCHAR to fit your string, it was giving me a "data too large" error
> before, so that might be a clue:
> [...]

I tried your example and got the same mismatch between
original and actual value as before. Also your workaround
that I tried for SQLAlchemy 1.2 didn't work for me. I
haven't tried the workaround for SQLAlchemy 1.1.15. As
described below, I (partially) found out why the workaround
for version 1.2 didn't work.

Since your code worked for you, but not for me, I concluded
that probably the setup of your database is different from
"mine" (I don't control the server). I searched for
information on encodings in Oracle and found this document:

So far I had assumed that if I use `NVARCHAR2`, the column
data would be "unicode" and the Oracle driver would do all
the necessary conversions.

However, with `SELECT * FROM V$NLS_PARAMETERS` I got


What are the values for your database?

As far as I understand the above Oracle document, the first
encoding, `NLS_CHARACTERSET`, is used for the names of SQL
entity names like table and column names, and also for
columns defined with `VARCHAR2`, `CLOB` etc. (character data
types without the `N` prefix). The second encoding,
etc. (character data types with the `N` prefix).

According to the document, Oracle nowadays recommends
`AL32UTF8` for the database encoding and not using
`NVARCHAR2` etc. for columns because `AL32UTF8` for
`VARCHAR2` can generally encode unicode.

I assume that I won't be able to have the above database
encodings changed. In this case, what do you recommend when
using the database with SQLAlchemy? As far as I understand,
if I use `VARCHAR` or `VARCHAR2` (as other tables in the
database so far), I won't be able to store anything that
doesn't belong in CP1252. If I use `NVARCHAR2`, I _should_
be able to use Chinese characters.

Why not? I changed your suggested code for SQLAlchemy 1.2
to include


but still inserting the Chinese characters failed.

With some debugging, I noticed that in
before the call to `cursor.setinputsizes`, the `text` column
has a corresponding `cx_Oracle.STRING` in the `inputsizes`
dictionary. However, the type of `text` (an `NVARCHAR2`
column) should be `cx_Oracle.NCHAR`. This is also what I get
in the cursor description after the `SELECT` invocation
before the `cursor.setinputsizes` in my working pure-cx_Oracle
example in my original posting. If I change `cx_Oracle.STRING`
to `cx_Oracle.NCHAR` in
`DefaultExecutionContext.set_input_sizes` in the debugger,
the Chinese characters appear in the database as expected.

See also

If you don't have a suspicion why the wrong type for
the `NVARCHAR2` column is used, I could try to do more
debugging and hopefully find out why.

What do you think?

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable 
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Inserting Chinese characters in Oracle database

2018-01-12 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
Mike, many thanks for your feedback!

On 2018-01-12 16:33, Mike Bayer wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 7:14 AM, Stefan Schwarzer
>  wrote:
>> I have trouble inserting Chinese characters into an Oracle database with
>> SQLAlchemy (and to some extent with cx_Oracle). I don't specifically need
>> Chinese characters but I used them in a unit test to see if my code
>> (hopefully) can handle "any" unicode characters.
> I can't reproduce your result, I'm not using any SQL tool I am instead
> just getting the same data back and asserting it matches.

I'm doing the same in the unit test. I saw different characters
from what I had supposedly inserted and checked with the SQL tool
to get a clue whether the insert or the select was the problem.

> Per the
> author of  cx_Oracle the setinputsizes call is no longer needed in
> most cases in the 6.x series, but also in the 1.x series, the
> autosetinputsizes call for UNICODE and STRING was omitted because I
> still got poorer results.   Round-tripping of unicode characters is
> widely tested with cx_Oracle / SQLAlchemy.
> In SQLAlchemy 1.1 series and earlier, you can specify
> exclude_setinputsizes=() to have STRING be part of the automatic
> setinputsizes call.

At the moment, I'm using SQLAlchemy 1.1.15 at the moment due to
the fractional-second problem (described in my other mail), but
would like to switch to SQLAlchemy 1.2.x when the fractional-second
problem is fixed there.

> In SQLAlchemy 1.2 these features were all removed
> as there was never any reason to pass most datatypes to setinputsizes.
>   in 1.2 you can still say
> engine.dialect._include_setinputsizes.add(cx_Oracle.STRING) to re-add
> it, but this should not be necessary (my test works with or without
> it).
> Also which version of Python you're using matters, however I get a
> round trip under both pythons.

Sorry, I forgot to mention this. The Python version was 3.6.3,
if I remember correctly.

> To round trip it, do this - note I had to expand the size of the
> VARCHAR to fit your string, it was giving me a "data too large" error
> before, so that might be a clue:

I'll try your script next week when I have access to the database

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable 
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[sqlalchemy] Inserting Chinese characters in Oracle database

2018-01-12 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
I have trouble inserting Chinese characters into an Oracle database with 
SQLAlchemy (and to some extent with cx_Oracle). I don't specifically need 
Chinese characters but I used them in a unit test to see if my code 
(hopefully) can handle "any" unicode characters.

The setup:

- SQLAlchemy 1.1.15 and 1.2
- Oracle database 11.2
- cx_Oracle 6.1
- environment variable set from the shell ( export 
NLS_LANG="German_Germany.UTF8" ) and in the code

Database table:


1) SQLAlchemy, version 1.1.15 and 1.2

import os
os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = "German_Germany.UTF8"

import sqlalchemy as sa

metadata = sa.MetaData()

test_table = sa.Table("utf8_test", metadata, sa.Column("text", 

def test(host, port, service_name, user, password):
connect_string = 
"oracle+cx_oracle://{}:{}@{}:{}/?service_name={}".format(user, password, 
host, port, service_name)
engine = sa.engine.create_engine(connect_string, encoding="utf8")
insert = test_table.insert().values(text="\u7535\u8111")
with engine.connect() as connection:

if __name__ == "__main__":
db_config = ...
test(, db_config.port, db_config.service_name, 
db_config.user, db_config.password)

When this code is executed, it inserts something into the database, but it 
shows up as two upside-down question marks when viewed with Oracle SQL 
Developer. This doesn't seem to be an encoding/rendering problem in SQL 
Developer (see below for code snippet 3).

2) cx_Oracle, without `Cursor.setinputsizes`

import os
os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = "German_Germany.UTF8"

import cx_Oracle

def test(host, port, service_name, user, password):
dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, service_name=service_name)
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user, password, dsn=dsn, encoding="utf8", 
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("INSERT INTO UTF8_TEST (TEXT) VALUES (:t)", {"t": 

if __name__ == "__main__":
db_config = ...
test(, db_config.port, db_config.service_name, 
db_config.user, db_config.password)

This code has the same effect as the SQLAlchemy code above.

3) cx_Oracle with `Cursor.setinputsizes`

import os
os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = "German_Germany.UTF8"

import cx_Oracle

def test(host, port, service_name, user, password):
dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, service_name=service_name)
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user, password, dsn=dsn, encoding="utf8", 
cur = conn.cursor()

*# Using `setinputsizes` makes the difference.cur.execute("SELECT 
TEXT FROM UTF8_TEST")description = cur.description# `t` is name of 
bind parameter below.cur.setinputsizes(t=description[0][1])*
cur.execute("INSERT INTO UTF8_TEST (TEXT) VALUES (:t)", {"t": 

if __name__ == "__main__":
db_config = ...
test(, db_config.port, db_config.service_name, 
db_config.user, db_config.password)

With the `setinputsizes` call, the Chinese characters appear in Oracle SQL 
Developer as they should.

In case it matters, I tried to use some German special characters (the 
string "äß") and this works for all three variants. These two characters 
are encoded in UTF-8 to one byte each whereas the Chinese characters are 
encoded to several bytes each.

Should the above code for SQLAlchemy work as-is and insert the Chinese 
charaters (I expected it)?

Is there a workaround for now to have SQLAlchemy insert the correct 
characters? For example, is there a way to tell SQLAlchemy to use 
`Cursor.setinputsizes` for inserts? (I assume this would apply to updates, 

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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[sqlalchemy] Regression for sub-second precision when inserting timestamps into Oracle database

2018-01-08 Thread Stefan Schwarzer

I've run into a problem that's present in SQLAlchemy 1.2, but not 1.1.15 
when run against an Oracle 11.2 database using cx_Oracle 6.1.

When creating the table `TIMESTAMP_TEST` with


and running the following code

import datetime
import sys

import sqlalchemy as sa

def test(user, password, host, port, database_name):
# Setup
metadata = sa.MetaData()
connect_string = "oracle+cx_oracle://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}".format(user, 
password, host, port, database_name)
engine = sa.create_engine(connect_string)
timestamp_table = sa.Table("timestamp_test", metadata, sa.Column("ts", 
# Insert
insert = timestamp_table.insert().values(
print("insert:", insert)
print("insert params:", insert.compile().params)
with engine.connect() as connection:

# Get database connection details.
test(user, password, host, port, database_name)

fractional seconds *aren't* present in the inserted timestamp when the code 
runs with SQLAlchemy 1.2. The fractional seconds *are* present when the 
code runs against SQLAlchemy 1.1.15. In both cases the version of cx_Oracle 
is 6.1. The behavior is the same when using `` 
instead of `sa.TIMESTAMP`.

Possibly this is to do with the changes described here:

The documentation says that the `cursor.setinputsizes` calls were removed.

states that `cursor.setinputsizes` must be used to be able to insert 
timestamps with sub-second precision into an Oracle database database with 
cx_Oracle. Now, this article is pretty old, so I don't know how relevant 
this still is.

Related tickets are possibly

"Related" in the sense that they describe or refer to what presumably must 
be done to get the sub-second precision upon insertion. Then again, these 
tickets are old, but I wanted to mention them in case they help.

Best regards,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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