[sqlalchemy] Re: API that allows me to do additional database operations just before insert execution for SQL Expression

2011-05-03 Thread bool
Thanks Mike for your views. Basically I wanted to execute the
statement explicitly along with the other updates I wanted to do in a
transaction and return None.

So I am basically stuck with my use-case.

I want to do some additional updates whenever an insert is done by the
user. And these updates along with the original insert should be in a
transaction as either all these should be successfull or none.

What is the best way to do this then?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: API that allows me to do additional database operations just before insert execution for SQL Expression

2011-05-02 Thread bool


   Can anyone suggest a solution to the last two posts I made?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: API that allows me to do additional database operations just before insert execution for SQL Expression

2011-04-28 Thread bool

Also based on certain conditions I would not like to execute the
insert at all...

So is there a way to just return from execute method of MyProxy class
with out actually executing the insert statement?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: API that allows me to do additional database operations just before insert execution for SQL Expression

2011-04-27 Thread bool

I want to some updates before doing any insert. So I needed the

Now the issue I am facing is that I need all these updates and the
current insert to be in a transaction. That is either all should be
successful or none.

How is that possible with a connection proxy (something like below)?

class MyProxy(ConnectionProxy):
def execute(self, conn, execute, clauseelement, *multiparams,

 if isinstance(clauseelement, Insert):
  trans = self.connection.begin()
# Do some updates
# Execute the current insert also

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[sqlalchemy] API that allows me to do additional database operations just before insert execution for SQL Expression

2011-04-19 Thread bool
Is there any API that allows me do some processing (I want to do
additional updates based on the insert statement) just before
executing an insert statement using SQL Expression?

I dont want to do this during compile time (@Compiles(Insert)) as I
will be doing some database updates and this is not desirable for
every compilation e.g., just a simple print should not do this
additional processing.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to find columns being updated/inserted given a Update/Insert object

2011-04-18 Thread bool
Thanks Michael.

But this wont probably work if I want to find the columns within
I have a use-case for the below. Can you help

def contextual_insert(insert, compiler, **kw):
print insert.compile().params-
This will gointo infinite loop.
return compiler.visit_insert(insert, **kw)

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[sqlalchemy] How to find columns being updated/inserted given a Update/Insert object

2011-04-15 Thread bool
Given an Update(or Insert) object how can I find the columns being
updated (or Inserted).
I dont find any function that gives these?

t = Table(abc, MetaData(conn), Column(x, String), Column(y,
u = t.update().values(x='a')

# Now I want to get list of columns being updated (i.e., x)  given u
(i.e., Update object)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Context based execution

2011-04-15 Thread bool

  Thanks a lot. Can someone answer this question also

 def contextual_select_thing(select, compiler, **kw):

This method gets registered with Select. But How/When does this
registration automatically happen?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Context based execution

2011-04-14 Thread bool

Thanks Michael Trier.

Michael Bayer,

Can you help me with the other two questions I asked ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Context based execution

2011-04-13 Thread bool
 def contextual_select_thing(select, compiler, **kw):

This method gets registered with Select. But How/When does this
registration automatically happen?

 The caveat however for update/insert/delete when used with the ORM is that 
 the mapper caches its compilation of these constructs

Why does mapper cache for update/insert/delete and can you confirm it
does not do this for select and I can safely use this approach for
select with ORM?

 The idiomatic way to modify the insert/update/delete construct within a 
 flush is to use MapperExtension before_insert/before_update/before_delete to 
 modify the mapped object's state right before it's flushed.

Is there a recipe/code which I can quickly refer to get started on
before_insert and also how to modify a insert statement in

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Context based execution

2011-04-01 Thread bool
Thanks Michael. I will try your suggestion.

But I would like the date context to be applied while executing and
not actually modify the select statement to support the use-case where
I have a select statement and would the same select to be executed in
different date contexts.

t1 = table('t1', column('a'), column('b'), column('c'))

s = select([t1])

With DateContext(b = 12)
conn.execute(s) This would actually execute
select a, b, c from t1 where b = 12

With DateContext(b = 13)
conn.execute(s)   -- This would actually execute
select a, b, c from t1 where b = 13

Also I have these questions

1. Can we acheive the same thing if user uses sessions to query

  With DateContext(b = 12):
   result = session.query(MyObj)--- b =12 condtion should
be automatically applied here.

2. Can we acheive the same thing with updates/inserts and not just
with selects

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[sqlalchemy] Context based execution

2011-03-31 Thread bool

I want to set some context and would like sqlalchemy to respect that
context. For Eg., I want to set a context where all my select queries
should have an additional condition t.c.from_date  20110301 if the
table has a column named from_date.

with fromDateContext(from_date = 20110301):

   s1 = select([t, t1])

   s2 = select([t])

   u1 = t.update.where(a = '1')

So in the above examples I would like to append the additional
condtion t.c.from_date  20110301 for all select/update queries with
in the context before executing them.

Is this possible ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unable to create a view that has where condition

2011-02-25 Thread bool
 Shouldn't these formats be handled properly? Or am I missing

I think this is a limitation of sqlite if I am not wrong...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unable to create a view that has where condition

2011-02-24 Thread bool
Using literal_column does not give any error, but the condition
actually does not work and produces wrong results for me. For example,
in the below program I inserted a record with value of date column 'd'
as '20110210'. And a view with a condition d  '20110310' still
outputs this record.

Let me know if I am missing something.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.sql import *
from dateutil import parser

conn = create_engine(sqlite:u/my.db).connect()

t = Table(x, MetaData(conn), Column(z, String), Column(d,
ins = t.insert().values(z='a', d=parser.parse('20110210'))
s = select([t])
print s
result = conn.execute(s)
for row in result:
print row

s = select([t], t.c.d  literal_column('20110310'))
print s
conn.execute(CREATE TEMP VIEW myview AS %s % s.compile(conn));

v = Table(myview, MetaData(conn), autoload=True)

result_view = conn.execute(select([v]))
for row in result_view:
print row

SELECT x.z, x.d
(u'a', datetime.date(2011, 2, 10))

SELECT x.z, x.d
WHERE x.d  '20110310'
(u'a', datetime.date(2011, 2, 10))

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unable to create a view that has where condition

2011-02-24 Thread bool
Here is the output after 'echo=True' is put.

I see that date values are getting stored as '-mm-dd' format in
sqlite (atleast that is what is getting printed using echo=True).

And when I use 'mmdd' format in my view creation it produces wrong
results. However if I use '-mm-dd' I seem to get correct results.

Shouldn't these formats be handled properly? Or am I missing

[20110225 11:09:11:127 base.py:945 INFO] PRAGMA table_info(y)
[20110225 11:09:11:128 base.py:946 INFO] ()
[20110225 11:09:11:141 base.py:945 INFO]

[20110225 11:09:11:141 base.py:946 INFO] ()
[20110225 11:09:11:149 base.py:745 INFO] COMMIT
[20110225 11:09:11:150 base.py:945 INFO] INSERT INTO y (z, d) VALUES
(?, ?)
[20110225 11:09:11:150 base.py:946 INFO] ['a', '2011-02-10']
[20110225 11:09:11:154 base.py:745 INFO] COMMIT
[20110225 11:09:11:158 base.py:945 INFO] SELECT y.z, y.d
[20110225 11:09:11:158 base.py:946 INFO] []
(u'a', datetime.date(2011, 2, 10))
[20110225 11:09:11:161 base.py:945 INFO] CREATE TEMP VIEW myview AS
SELECT y.z, y.d
WHERE y.d  '20110310'
[20110225 11:09:11:161 base.py:946 INFO] ()
[20110225 11:09:11:161 base.py:745 INFO] COMMIT
[20110225 11:09:11:162 base.py:945 INFO] PRAGMA table_info(myview)
[20110225 11:09:11:162 base.py:946 INFO] ()
[20110225 11:09:11:163 base.py:945 INFO] PRAGMA
[20110225 11:09:11:163 base.py:946 INFO] ()
[20110225 11:09:11:163 base.py:945 INFO] PRAGMA index_list(myview)
[20110225 11:09:11:163 base.py:946 INFO] ()
[20110225 11:09:11:163 base.py:945 INFO] SELECT myview.z, myview.d
FROM myview
[20110225 11:09:11:163 base.py:946 INFO] []
(u'a', datetime.date(2011, 2, 10))

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[sqlalchemy] Unable to create a view that has where condition

2011-02-23 Thread bool
I am unable to create a view if I put a where condition See below for
error. However I am able to create a view if I do not have a where
condition. Any idea why this restriction is posed by Sql Alchemy?

mySelect = select([table], table.c.vt_start == '20101211')
engine.execute(CREATE TEMP VIEW myview AS %s %

Stack Trace:

engine.execute(CREATE TEMP VIEW myview AS %s %
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 824, in execute
return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params)
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 888, in _execute_text
return self.__execute_context(context)
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 896, in __execute_context
self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement,
context.parameters[0], context=context)
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 950, in _cursor_execute
self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, statement, parameters, cursor,
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 931, in _handle_dbapi_exception
raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) parameters are not
allowed in views 'CREATE TEMP VIEW myview AS SELECT eee.z,
eee.tt_start, eee.tt_end, eee.vt_start, eee.vt_end \nFROM eee \nWHERE
eee.vt_start = ?' ()

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[sqlalchemy] Unable to select on Table subclass

2011-02-22 Thread bool
I wrote a simple subclass of Table

class MyTable(Table):

def __init__(self, name, metadata, *args, **kwargs):

super(MyTable, self).__init__(name, metadata, *args, **kwargs)

def select(self, whereclause=None):
return super(BitemporalTable, self).select(self.c.z  1)

select(t) where t is an object of MyTable is giving this error. What
is the solution...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File t.py, line 16, in module
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/
expression.py, line 246, in select
s = Select(columns, whereclause=whereclause, from_obj=from_obj,
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/sql/
expression.py, line 3239, in __init__
[_literal_as_column(c) for c in columns]
TypeError: 'MyTable' object is not iterable

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unable to select on Table subclass

2011-02-22 Thread bool
  def select(self, whereclause=None):
return super(MyTable, self).select(self.c.z  1)

You can ignore this method. This error comes with out this method

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[sqlalchemy] Re: rollback not working

2011-01-24 Thread bool
Thanks a lot for bearing with me.

 explicit execution - uses a Connection, but will autocommit 
conn = engine.connect()
conn.execute(insert into table (a, b, c) values (1, 2, 3))

I still want a clarification about the above case. When we use
explicit execution like the above, will each conn.execute() statement
be in a transaction or not?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: rollback not working

2011-01-21 Thread bool

I am not an expert in these concepts, so just trying to make sure I
understand what you said.

1. If I use connection.execute(), then then every sql statements is
not put in its own transactions.
2. But If I use connection-less execution like table.execute or
engine.execute() then every statement is put in its own transaction.

Can you confirm if the above understanding is correct.

Also what is the DBAPI that you generally refer to ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: rollback not working

2011-01-19 Thread bool

If I dont use autocommit:True option, it seems the driver will be in a
chained transaction mode and results in every single statement
(including selects) being run in a new transaction. This is not
desirable either.

Is there a way out ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: rollback not working

2011-01-18 Thread bool
I have put a self contained script that can probably reproduce this
for you. I think that the argument  'connect_args': {'autocommit' :
True } is causing the transactions to not work properly. Is this
expected and if so can you explain the reason. Thanks in advance.

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.sql import *

def main():

Main body of the script.

meta= MetaData()
kwargs = {
'echo' : True,
'module_name' : 'pyodbc',
'connect_args': {'autocommit' : True },
engine = create_engine(mssql://login:password@/database?
driver=FreeTDSdsn=DBDEV, **kwargs)
connection = engine.connect()
meta.bind = engine

table = Table(bbb, meta, Column('id', Integer,
primary_key=True), Column('name', String),
Column('tt_start', Date, primary_key=True),
Column('tt_end', Date, primary_key=True),
Column('vt_start', Date, primary_key=True),
Column('vt_end', Date, primary_key=True))

for row in connection.execute(select([table])):
print row

trans = connection.begin()
ins = table.insert().values(id=122, name='k',
tt_start='20100101', tt_end='20100101', vt_start='20100101',

ins = table.insert().values(id=121, name='k')
for row in connection.execute(select([table])):
print row

if __name__ == __main__:

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[sqlalchemy] Return Custom Date objects instead of python inbuilt datetime.datetime objects

2011-01-12 Thread bool
Sql alchemy returns datetime.datetime objects upon querying a datetime
column. We have our own custom datetime classes and I would like Sql
alchemy to understand or return these custom datetime objects instead
of datetime.datetime objects.  I would also like sql alchemy to
understand our custom datetime objects while constructing the query.

How can I teach sql alchemy to do all these?

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[sqlalchemy] SQLalchemy Date type creates Datetime column

2011-01-12 Thread bool
I am using sqlalchemy 0.5 with mssql server 2008.

I see that when I want to create a 'Date' type column,  sql alchemy
creates a datetime column instead? Is this a bug in sql alchemy?

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[sqlalchemy] rollback not working

2011-01-12 Thread bool
rollback is not working for me. I wrote a small test script that
inserts two rows, with the second row creating a violation. Upon
throwing exception, I would expect no rows to be inserted due to
rollback, but I find that the first insert is persisted. The
surprising thing is that the echo output clearly says that sqlalchemy
has rollbacked the transaction. Please help.


trans = connection.begin()
ins = table.insert().values(id=122, name='k',
tt_start='20100101', tt_end='20100101',
ins = table.insert().values(id=121, name='k')


[20110112 19:15:51:203 base.py:723 INFO] BEGIN
INSERT INTO bbb (id, name, tt_start, tt_end, vt_start, vt_end) VALUES
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[20110112 19:15:51:205 base.py:945 INFO] INSERT INTO bbb (id, name,
tt_start, tt_end, vt_start, vt_end) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[20110112 19:15:51:205 base.py:946 INFO] [122, 'k', '20100101',
'20100101', '20100101', '20100101']
[20110112 19:15:51:502 base.py:945 INFO] INSERT INTO bbb (id, name)
VALUES (?, ?)
[20110112 19:15:51:502 base.py:946 INFO] [121, 'k']
[20110112 19:15:51:531 base.py:733 INFO] ROLLBACK
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File test_trans.py, line 48, in module
  File test_trans.py, line 39, in main
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 824, in execute
return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params)
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 874, in _execute_clauseelement
return self.__execute_context(context)
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 896, in __execute_context
self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement,
context.parameters[0], context=context)
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 950, in _cursor_execute
self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, statement, parameters, cursor,
  File /prod/tools/infra/SQLAlchemy-0.5.5-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/
base.py, line 931, in _handle_dbapi_exception
raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) ('23000', [23000]
[FreeTDS][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column
'tt_start', table 'IAM_Equities.dbo.bbb'; column does not allow nulls.
INSERT fails. (515) (SQLExecDirectW)) u'INSERT INTO bbb (id, name)
VALUES (?, ?)' [121, 'k']

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[sqlalchemy] Re: rollback not working

2011-01-12 Thread bool

FYI I am using sqlserver 2008 and sqlalchemy 0.5

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