[sqlalchemy] how to delete record (special case)

2011-04-06 Thread farcat

I am experimenting with a pattern where records hold the table name
and record id of the next record in any other table, chaining records
in different tables. This works, but I can't figure out how to clean
op references to the next record in another table when I delete a
record (the pattern does not use foreign keys in the normal sense).
The code is:


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base,
declared_attr, DeclarativeMeta
Base = declarative_base()
reg = dict()
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)

class chainmeta(DeclarativeMeta):
class Base(object):
session = Session()
def __tablename__(cls):
return cls.__name__

id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
next_table = Column(String(64))
next_id = Column(Integer) #in table with name stored in

def __init__(self, data, next = None):
self.data = data
self.prev = None
self.next = next

def _getnext(self):
if self.next_table and self.next_id:

self.session.query(reg[self.next_table]).filter(self.next_id ==
else: return None

def _setnext(self, next):
if next:
if self.next:
self.next.prev = None
self.next_table = next.__tablename__
self.next_id = next.id
next.prev = self
elif self.next:
self.next.prev = None
self.next_table = None
self.next_id = None

def _delnext(self):
self.next.prev = None
self.next_table = None
self.next_id = None

next = property(_getnext, _setnext, _delnext)

def __repr__(self):
out = type:  + type(self).__name__ + [
for name in self.__dict__:
out += name + , 
out += ]
return out
def __new__(mcls, name, coltype):
return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, name, (chainmeta.Base,
Base),{data: Column(coltype, nullable = False)})
def __init__(cls, name, coltype):
reg[name] = cls
return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, name, (chainmeta.Base,
if __name__ == '__main__':
session = chainmeta.Base.session = Session()

Ni = chainmeta(Ni, Integer)
Nb = chainmeta(Nb, Boolean)
Nt = chainmeta(Nt, String(200))

ni1 = Ni(5)
ni2 = Ni(12)
nb1 = Nb(True)
nb2 = Nb(False)
nt1 = Nt(text in nt1)
nt2 = Nt(text in nt2)
ni1.next = ni2
ni2.next = nb1
nb1.next = nb2
nb2.next = nt1
nt1.next = nt2
nt2.next = ni1 #circular
n = ni1
count = 0
print nexts: .
while n and count  10:
print n.data
count += 1
n = n.next
n = ni1
count = 0
print prevs: .
while n and count  10:
print n.data
count += 1
n = n.prev
nts = session.query(Nt).all()
for nt in nts:
print nt.data
print +
print session.query(Ni).filter(Ni.next_id ==


This might seem to have no reasonable us case, but it is something I
want to use in a more complicated pattern later on. Basically the
question is, how can I remove a record and have no next or prev
pointing to it in other objects or records (without adding some sort
of external controller)?

Cheers, Lars

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[sqlalchemy] Re: when is object.id initialized

2011-04-06 Thread farcat
Thank you,

I now experiment with putting  session.add and session.flush in
object.__init__ ..

Are there any general disadvantages of that approach?

On Apr 3, 7:44 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 Integer primary key identifiers are generated by the database itself using a 
 variety of techniques which are all database-dependent.  This process occurs 
 when the session flushes.

 If you read the object relational tutorial starting 
 working down through the end 
 ofhttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/tutorial.html#adding-new-objectsyou will 
 see that this interaction is described.

 You can of course set .id to any value you'd like and that will be the value 
 used when the flush happens.

 On Apr 3, 2011, at 1:09 PM, farcat wrote:

  Hi all,

  I use a kind of dynamic reference from parent_table to other tables.
  For that parent_table uses columns table_name and a record_id. This
  makes it possible to have a reference from parent_table to any record
  in any table in the database. However, say that i want to reference a
  record of table_name, i need the record.id to initialize
  parent_table.record_id. However, when i create a record and
  session.add it to the database, record.id == None.

  I was wondering when and how record.id is initialized and how it can
  be forced.

  Cheers, Lars

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
  sqlalchemy group.
  To post to this group, send email to sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
  For more options, visit this group 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
sqlalchemy group.
To post to this group, send email to sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[sqlalchemy] Re: difficult error from Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

2011-04-03 Thread farcat

after a long day of experimentation ... I found a solution. This is
the new code (compare to old copied in above):


class tablemeta(DeclarativeMeta):

def __new__(mcls, typedef):
return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, str(typedef.name),
(BaseTable,Base), {})
def __init__(cls, typedef):
reg[cls.__name__] = cls
cls.links = linkmeta(typedef)
DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, typedef.name, (BaseTable,Base),
{}) #== FIRST
members = typedef.all()
cls.__setlinks(members) #== ADD RELATIONSHIPS

def __setlinks(cls, members):
for mem in members:
setattr(cls, _ + mem.name, relationship(cls.links,
uselist =
(mem.multiplicity != one),
backref =
primaryjoin =
and_(cls.links.parent_id == cls.id,
cls.links.member_name == mem.name)))
The problem seemed to be in the order of adding relationships. The
main difference is that now i call DeclarativeMeta.__init__ before
adding relationships. Even using a dict with relationship attributes
as last argument to __init__ did not work.( BTW cls.links is a table/
class used for references to records in dynamic other tables.)

Hope this helps someone in the future; the error messages can be very

On Apr 2, 2:59 pm, farcat gemer...@gmail.com wrote:

 I get the following error:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\SQLAtest\data.py, line
 29, in module
     I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
   File string, line 4, in __init__
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\state.py, line
 100, in initialize_instance
     fn(self, instance, args, kwargs)
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
 2413, in _event_on_init
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
 807, in compile
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
 837, in _post_configure_properties
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\interfaces.py,
 line 475, in init
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
 line 900, in do_init
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
 line 1157, in _determine_synchronize_pairs
     eq_pairs = self._sync_pairs_from_join(self.primaryjoin, True)
   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
 line 1141, in _sync_pairs_from_join
 sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine relationship
 direction for primaryjoin condition 'False AND False', on relationship
 F_Address_links.number. Ensure that the referencing Column objects
 have a ForeignKey present, or are otherwise part of a
 ForeignKeyConstraint on their parent Table, or specify the
 foreign_keys parameter to this relationship.

 Strange thing is that the line  I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
 is the first object/record I create and it works when I do not create
 any other classes. Also the class/table F_Address_links in the error
 message exists but no objects/records have been created yet. For
 example I do not understand how I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
 leads to a call to a method that does anything with F_Address_links
 or related class/table F_Address.

 Please help ... It might be related to the ForeignKey in the code I
 showed earlier in this thread, but I don't see how.

 On Apr 2, 11:56 am, farcat gemer...@gmail.com wrote:

  He Michael,

  You saved me again .. Thanks!

  On Apr 2, 2:09 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

   On Apr 1, 2011, at 2:52 PM, farcat wrote:

Hi Michael,

Still stuck, I don't mixin foreign keys or relationships. When is a
Column attached to a table in declarative?

   so you have a few things like:

class AtomBase(BaseBase):
   id =  Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

   where AtomBase does not appear to be a declarative class.  Its hard to 
   follow but it appears AtomBase is taking the path that mixins take in 
   declarative (indeed: __new__(mcls, name, (AtomBase, Base)).  This means 
   id will be copied for each actual declarative class generated from 

   Later you have:


   This is referencing an id column probably too early.   In all 
   likelihood It isn't being linked to a table, a copy of it is.   Use 
   ForeignKey(parent_table_name.id) instead so that the column is 

[sqlalchemy] when is object.id initialized

2011-04-03 Thread farcat
Hi all,

I use a kind of dynamic reference from parent_table to other tables.
For that parent_table uses columns table_name and a record_id. This
makes it possible to have a reference from parent_table to any record
in any table in the database. However, say that i want to reference a
record of table_name, i need the record.id to initialize
parent_table.record_id. However, when i create a record and
session.add it to the database, record.id == None.

I was wondering when and how record.id is initialized and how it can
be forced.

Cheers, Lars

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
sqlalchemy group.
To post to this group, send email to sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[sqlalchemy] Re: difficult error from Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

2011-04-03 Thread farcat
Hi Michael,

Could cls.links.member_name == mem.name have been the problem?
mem.name is just a string. cls and cls.links are classes/tables
(links is just an extra attribute in cls).

Regards, Lars

On Apr 3, 6:53 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Apr 3, 2011, at 11:50 AM, farcat wrote:

  The problem seemed to be in the order of adding relationships. The
  main difference is that now i call DeclarativeMeta.__init__ before
  adding relationships. Even using a dict with relationship attributes
  as last argument to __init__ did not work.( BTW cls.links is a table/
  class used for references to records in dynamic other tables.)

 The declarative metaclass itself receives relationship() objects and 
 initializes them just fine when used normally.      It appears like you were 
 creating a relationship() passing in non-SQL expression objects (i.e. not 
 Column objects or similar), so an expression like x==y would just be False. 

  On Apr 2, 2:59 pm, farcat gemer...@gmail.com wrote:

  I get the following error:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\SQLAtest\data.py, line
  29, in module
      I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
    File string, line 4, in __init__
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\state.py, line
  100, in initialize_instance
      fn(self, instance, args, kwargs)
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
  2413, in _event_on_init
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
  807, in compile
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
  837, in _post_configure_properties
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\interfaces.py,
  line 475, in init
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
  line 900, in do_init
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
  line 1157, in _determine_synchronize_pairs
      eq_pairs = self._sync_pairs_from_join(self.primaryjoin, True)
    File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
  line 1141, in _sync_pairs_from_join
  sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine relationship
  direction for primaryjoin condition 'False AND False', on relationship
  F_Address_links.number. Ensure that the referencing Column objects
  have a ForeignKey present, or are otherwise part of a
  ForeignKeyConstraint on their parent Table, or specify the
  foreign_keys parameter to this relationship.

  Strange thing is that the line  I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
  is the first object/record I create and it works when I do not create
  any other classes. Also the class/table F_Address_links in the error
  message exists but no objects/records have been created yet. For
  example I do not understand how I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
  leads to a call to a method that does anything with F_Address_links
  or related class/table F_Address.

  Please help ... It might be related to the ForeignKey in the code I
  showed earlier in this thread, but I don't see how.

  On Apr 2, 11:56 am, farcat gemer...@gmail.com wrote:

  He Michael,

  You saved me again .. Thanks!

  On Apr 2, 2:09 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

  On Apr 1, 2011, at 2:52 PM, farcat wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  Still stuck, I don't mixin foreign keys or relationships. When is a
  Column attached to a table in declarative?

  so you have a few things like:

  class AtomBase(BaseBase):
     id =  Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

  where AtomBase does not appear to be a declarative class.  Its hard to 
  follow but it appears AtomBase is taking the path that mixins take in 
  declarative (indeed: __new__(mcls, name, (AtomBase, Base)).  This 
  means id will be copied for each actual declarative class generated 
  from AtomBase.

  Later you have:


  This is referencing an id column probably too early.   In all 
  likelihood It isn't being linked to a table, a copy of it is.   Use 
  ForeignKey(parent_table_name.id) instead so that the column is 
  evaluated as late as possible.

  My code is:

  import datetime
  from datatypes import *
  from accessors import member_accessor, reference_accessor

  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
  from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr, DeclarativeMeta
  from sqlalchemy.types import Text, BigInteger, Float, Boolean, Date,
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

[sqlalchemy] Re: difficult error from Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

2011-04-02 Thread farcat
He Michael,

You saved me again .. Thanks!

On Apr 2, 2:09 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Apr 1, 2011, at 2:52 PM, farcat wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  Still stuck, I don't mixin foreign keys or relationships. When is a
  Column attached to a table in declarative?

 so you have a few things like:

  class AtomBase(BaseBase):
     id =  Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

 where AtomBase does not appear to be a declarative class.  Its hard to follow 
 but it appears AtomBase is taking the path that mixins take in declarative 
 (indeed: __new__(mcls, name, (AtomBase, Base)).  This means id will be 
 copied for each actual declarative class generated from AtomBase.

 Later you have:


 This is referencing an id column probably too early.   In all likelihood It 
 isn't being linked to a table, a copy of it is.   Use 
 ForeignKey(parent_table_name.id) instead so that the column is evaluated as 
 late as possible.

  My code is:

  import datetime
  from datatypes import *
  from accessors import member_accessor, reference_accessor

  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
  from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr, DeclarativeMeta
  from sqlalchemy.types import Text, BigInteger, Float, Boolean, Date,
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
  register = dict()

  class BaseBase(object):
     session = Session()
     def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         Base.__init__(self, **kwargs)
         print str(self) +  added to session  + str(self.session)
     def __repr__(self):
         out = type:  + type(self).__name__ + {
         for name, mem in self.__dict__:
             out += name + :  + str(mem) + , 
         out += }
         return out

  class AtomBase(BaseBase):
     id =  Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     atomic = True
  class atommeta(DeclarativeMeta):
     def __new__(mcls, name, coltype):
         return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, name, (AtomBase, Base),
  {name:Column(coltype, nullable = False)})
     def __init__(cls, name, coltype):
         register[name] = cls
         return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, name, (AtomBase, Base),
  class BaseLink(BaseBase):

     member_name = Column(String(64), primary_key = True) #Name of
  member of parent class
     member_table = Column(String(64), primary_key = True)  #Name of
  table in which value of member resides
     member_id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)          #record
  is in member_table, with previous column enables polymorphism
     def _getitem(self):
         t = register[self.member_table]
         return self.session.query(t).filter(self.member_id ==
     def _setitem(self, val):
         try: del self.item
         except AttributeError:   pass
         self.member_table = val.__tablename__
         self.member_id = val.id
     def _delitem(self):
         t = register[self.member_table]
         self.session.query(t).filter(t.id == self.member_id).delete()
     item = property(_getitem, _setitem, _delitem)
  class BaseTable(BaseBase):

     id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
     created_at = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now())
     atomic = False
  class linkmeta(DeclarativeMeta):
     def __new__(mcls, parent):
         return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, %s_links %
  parent.__name__, (BaseLink, Base),
                                        {parent_id: Column(Integer,
  ForeignKey(parent.id), primary_key=True)})
     def __init__(cls, parent):
         return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, %s_links %
  parent.__name__, (BaseLink, Base), {})
  class tablemeta(DeclarativeMeta):

     def __new__(mcls, typedef):
         out = DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, str(typedef.name),
  (BaseTable,Base), {})
         out.links = linkmeta(out) #== Creates class/table enables
  links to other tables
         members = typedef.all()
         for mem in members:
             if not mem.type.name in register:
             setattr(out, _ + mem.name, relationship(out.links,

[sqlalchemy] Re: difficult error from Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

2011-04-02 Thread farcat

I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\SQLAtest\data.py, line
29, in module
I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
  File string, line 4, in __init__
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\state.py, line
100, in initialize_instance
fn(self, instance, args, kwargs)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
2413, in _event_on_init
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
807, in compile
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
837, in _post_configure_properties
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\interfaces.py,
line 475, in init
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
line 900, in do_init
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
line 1157, in _determine_synchronize_pairs
eq_pairs = self._sync_pairs_from_join(self.primaryjoin, True)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
line 1141, in _sync_pairs_from_join
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine relationship
direction for primaryjoin condition 'False AND False', on relationship
F_Address_links.number. Ensure that the referencing Column objects
have a ForeignKey present, or are otherwise part of a
ForeignKeyConstraint on their parent Table, or specify the
foreign_keys parameter to this relationship.

Strange thing is that the line  I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
is the first object/record I create and it works when I do not create
any other classes. Also the class/table F_Address_links in the error
message exists but no objects/records have been created yet. For
example I do not understand how I1 = reg[integer](integer = 5321)
leads to a call to a method that does anything with F_Address_links
or related class/table F_Address.

Please help ... It might be related to the ForeignKey in the code I
showed earlier in this thread, but I don't see how.

On Apr 2, 11:56 am, farcat gemer...@gmail.com wrote:
 He Michael,

 You saved me again .. Thanks!

 On Apr 2, 2:09 am, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:

  On Apr 1, 2011, at 2:52 PM, farcat wrote:

   Hi Michael,

   Still stuck, I don't mixin foreign keys or relationships. When is a
   Column attached to a table in declarative?

  so you have a few things like:

   class AtomBase(BaseBase):
      id =  Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

  where AtomBase does not appear to be a declarative class.  Its hard to 
  follow but it appears AtomBase is taking the path that mixins take in 
  declarative (indeed: __new__(mcls, name, (AtomBase, Base)).  This means 
  id will be copied for each actual declarative class generated from 

  Later you have:


  This is referencing an id column probably too early.   In all likelihood 
  It isn't being linked to a table, a copy of it is.   Use 
  ForeignKey(parent_table_name.id) instead so that the column is evaluated 
  as late as possible.

   My code is:

   import datetime
   from datatypes import *
   from accessors import member_accessor, reference_accessor

   from sqlalchemy import *
   from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
   from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
   from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr, DeclarativeMeta
   from sqlalchemy.types import Text, BigInteger, Float, Boolean, Date,
   engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
   Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
   register = dict()

   class BaseBase(object):
      session = Session()
      def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__
      def __init__(self, **kwargs):
          Base.__init__(self, **kwargs)
          print str(self) +  added to session  + str(self.session)
      def __repr__(self):
          out = type:  + type(self).__name__ + {
          for name, mem in self.__dict__:
              out += name + :  + str(mem) + , 
          out += }
          return out

   class AtomBase(BaseBase):
      id =  Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
      atomic = True
   class atommeta(DeclarativeMeta):
      def __new__(mcls, name, coltype):
          return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, name, (AtomBase, Base),
   {name:Column(coltype, nullable = False)})
      def __init__(cls, name, coltype):

[sqlalchemy] Re: difficult error from Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

2011-04-01 Thread farcat
(boolean, Boolean)
atommeta(date, Date)
atommeta(time, Time)
typedefs = session.query(Type).filter(Type.atomic == False).all()
for typedef in typedefs:
for reg in register:
print reg
Base.metadata.create_all(engine) #== ERROR

Please help 

The typedefs variables describe classes and members, and are queried
from normal tables

On Mar 31, 5:33 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Mar 31, 2011, at 11:29 AM, farcat wrote:


  I am getting the following error after creating a number of classes
  through metaclasses:

   File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\dialects\sqlite
  \base.py, line 280, in visit_foreign_key_constraint
     if local_table.schema != remote_table.schema:
  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'schema'

  Before I paste in any code (would need quite a lot), can anyone point
  me in the right direction?

 There's a Column not attached to a Table somewhere.       Like, if you are 
 creating a copy of a column, giving that to a table, but then the original is 
 what you put in ForeignKey.

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[sqlalchemy] difficult error from Base.metadata.create_all(engine)

2011-03-31 Thread farcat

I am getting the following error after creating a number of classes
through metaclasses:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\SQLAtest\data.py, line
20, in module
createClasses(engine, session)
  File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\SQLAtest\src
\dataclasses.py, line 126, in createClasses
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\schema.py, line
2148, in create_all
bind.create(self, checkfirst=checkfirst, tables=tables)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
1698, in create
connection=connection, **kwargs)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
1740, in _run_visitor
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\visitors.py,
line 83, in traverse_single
return meth(obj, **kw)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\ddl.py, line
42, in visit_metadata
self.traverse_single(table, create_ok=True)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\visitors.py,
line 83, in traverse_single
return meth(obj, **kw)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\ddl.py, line
58, in visit_table
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
1191, in execute
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
1241, in _execute_ddl
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\expression.py,
line 1413, in compile
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
702, in compile
self.string = self.process(self.statement)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
715, in process
return obj._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\visitors.py,
line 54, in _compiler_dispatch
return getter(visitor)(self, **kw)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\compiler.py,
line 1160, in visit_create_table
const = self.create_table_constraints(table)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\compiler.py,
line 1178, in create_table_constraints
(self.process(constraint) for constraint in constraints
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\compiler.py,
line 1177, in genexpr
return , \n\t.join(p for p in
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\compiler.py,
line 1184, in genexpr
not getattr(constraint, 'use_alter', False)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line
715, in process
return obj._compiler_dispatch(self, **kwargs)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\visitors.py,
line 54, in _compiler_dispatch
return getter(visitor)(self, **kw)
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\dialects\sqlite
\base.py, line 280, in visit_foreign_key_constraint
if local_table.schema != remote_table.schema:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'schema'

Before I paste in any code (would need quite a lot), can anyone point
me in the right direction?

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[sqlalchemy] stuck on IntegrityError

2011-03-28 Thread farcat
Hi all,

I am stuck on an integrity error. The code worked before, but i cannot
figure out what changed so it does not anymore. It is possibly a dumn

 The code is:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

def trim(txt):
return txt

inheritance_table = Table('inheritance', Base.metadata,
Column('sub_name', String(50), ForeignKey('Type.name'),
Column('super_name', String(50), ForeignKey('Type.name'),

class Member(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Member'
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
multiplicity = Column(Enum(uni, list, set), nullable =
reference = Column(Boolean, nullable = False)
type_name = Column(String(50),ForeignKey('Type.name'), nullable =
of_type_name = Column(String(50),ForeignKey('Type.name'),
def __init__(self, name, type, multiplicity = uni, reference =
self.name = trim(name)
self.type = type
self.reference = reference
self.multiplicity = multiplicity
def __repr__(self):
return Member(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r) % (self.name,

class Type(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Type'
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
abstract = Column(Boolean, nullable = False)
atomic = Column(Boolean, nullable = False)
subtypes = relationship('Type',
secondaryjoin= name == inheritance_table.c.sub_name,
members = relationship('Member',
of_members = relationship(Member,
primaryjoin = Member.type_name == name,
backref= type)

def isSubOf(self, tp):
if self == tp:
return True
for typ in self.supertypes:
if typ.isSubOf(tp): return True
return False
def addSub(self, tp):
if tp.atomic:
raise Exception(type  + tp.name  +  cannot have
if self.isSubOf(tp):
raise Exception(adding subtype  + tp + creates cyclic
for mem in tp.members:
self.check(mem.name, mem.type)
def getAll(self):
out = set(self.members)
for typ in self.supertypes:
return out
def getAny(self, name):
temp = self.getAll()
for mem in temp:
if mem.name == name: return mem
return None
def hasAny(self, name):
return self.getAny(name) != None
def check(self, name, typ, reference):
if self.atomic:
raise Exception(atomic type  + self.name +  cannot be
if self.hasAny(name):
raise Exception(member name  + name + already exists in
this type or supertype)
elif typ.isSubOf(self) and not reference:
raise Exception(member type  + type.name +  equals this
type or subtype)
def add(self, name, type, multiplicity = one, reference =
self.check(name, type, reference)
self.members.append(Member(name, type, multiplicity,
def __init__(self, name, atomic = False, abstract = False):
self.name = name
self.atomic = atomic
self.abstract = abstract
def __repr__(self):
out = Type(%r): { % (self.name)
for mem in self.members:
out += str(mem) + , 
out += }
return out

if __name__ == __main__:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
c1 = Type(A)
c2 = Type(B)
c1.add(m11, c2)
session.commit() #== ERROR
except Exception, e:
print error:  + str(e)

and the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\test2\src\metadata.py,
line 119, in module
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
614, in commit
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
385, in commit
  File C:\python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\session.py, line
369, in _prepare_impl

[sqlalchemy] Re: stuck on IntegrityError

2011-03-28 Thread farcat
I don't know whether to laugh or cry ... thanks

On Mar 28, 6:25 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 your enum is set for uni, list, set and you're passing in one

 On Mar 28, 2011, at 6:35 AM, farcat wrote:

  Hi all,

  I am stuck on an integrity error. The code worked before, but i cannot
  figure out what changed so it does not anymore. It is possibly a dumn

  The code is:

  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
  from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
  from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker

  Base = declarative_base()

  def trim(txt):
     return txt

  inheritance_table = Table('inheritance', Base.metadata,
     Column('sub_name', String(50), ForeignKey('Type.name'),
     Column('super_name', String(50), ForeignKey('Type.name'),

  class Member(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'Member'
     name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
     multiplicity = Column(Enum(uni, list, set), nullable =
     reference = Column(Boolean, nullable = False)
     type_name = Column(String(50),ForeignKey('Type.name'), nullable =
     of_type_name = Column(String(50),ForeignKey('Type.name'),
     def __init__(self, name, type, multiplicity = uni, reference =
         self.name = trim(name)
         self.type = type
         self.reference = reference
         self.multiplicity = multiplicity
     def __repr__(self):
         return Member(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r) % (self.name,

  class Type(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'Type'
     name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
     abstract = Column(Boolean, nullable = False)
     atomic = Column(Boolean, nullable = False)
     subtypes = relationship('Type',
                 secondaryjoin= name == inheritance_table.c.sub_name,
     members = relationship('Member',
     of_members = relationship(Member,
                 primaryjoin = Member.type_name == name,
                 backref= type)

     def isSubOf(self, tp):
         if self == tp:
             return True
         for typ in self.supertypes:
             if typ.isSubOf(tp): return True
         return False
     def addSub(self, tp):
         if tp.atomic:
             raise Exception(type  + tp.name  +  cannot have
         if self.isSubOf(tp):
             raise Exception(adding subtype  + tp + creates cyclic
         for mem in tp.members:
             self.check(mem.name, mem.type)
     def getAll(self):
         out = set(self.members)
         for typ in self.supertypes:
         return out
     def getAny(self, name):
         temp = self.getAll()
         for mem in temp:
             if mem.name == name: return mem
         return None
     def hasAny(self, name):
         return self.getAny(name) != None
     def check(self, name, typ, reference):
         if self.atomic:
             raise Exception(atomic type  + self.name +  cannot be
         if self.hasAny(name):
             raise Exception(member name  + name + already exists in
  this type or supertype)
         elif typ.isSubOf(self) and not reference:
             raise Exception(member type  + type.name +  equals this
  type or subtype)
     def add(self, name, type, multiplicity = one, reference =
         self.check(name, type, reference)
         self.members.append(Member(name, type, multiplicity,
     def __init__(self, name, atomic = False, abstract = False):
         self.name = name
         self.atomic = atomic
         self.abstract = abstract
     def __repr__(self):
         out = Type(%r): { % (self.name)
         for mem in self.members:
             out += str(mem) + , 
         out += }
         return out

  if __name__ == __main__:
     engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
     Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
     session = Session()
         c1 = Type(A)
         c2 = Type(B)
         c1.add(m11, c2)
         session.commit() #== ERROR
     except Exception, e:
         print error:  + str(e)

  and the error:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\test2\src\metadata.py,
  line 119, in module

[sqlalchemy] Re: trouble with metaclass

2011-03-21 Thread farcat
Hi Chris,

The short answer is that I want to dynamically create classes/tables
and I want to implement multiple inheritance (simplified version: just
data and no overrides = no diamond problem), so I need some extra
work like a extra tables for polymorphism. I think it would be most
elegant to do this with metaclasses, but I am just experimenting until
now. I will look at the mixin classes chapter though; I have some more
challenges ... The long answer (when i get it to work) might come

Cheers, Lars

On Mar 20, 8:33 pm, Chris Withers ch...@simplistix.co.uk wrote:
 On 19/03/2011 10:27, farcat wrote:

  OK, dumb error, move Base.metadata.create_all(engine)  below table1 =
  tablemeta(table1)  and it works.

  This works when I create the columns via the temp dict in __new__ not
  when I do so in __init__ (it complains about missing __tabledata__),
  but why?

 I'd strongly suggest reading the section on Mixin classes rather than
 doing stuff with Metaclasses:


 If you *still* feel you need to use metaclasses after that, please let
 us know why! ;-)


 Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

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[sqlalchemy] Re: trouble with metaclass

2011-03-18 Thread farcat

(I am not a exactly a beginner in Python, just a bit rusty i
guess :-) )  I am working on a way to persist multiple inheritance and
polymorphism in a database, but I am a beginner with SQLalchemy.

Anyway I have a new problem for which i would like some help:

The following code gives an error:

class tablemeta(DeclarativeMeta):
def __new__(cls, name):
temp = dict()
temp[__tablename__] =  _ + name
temp[id] = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
temp[text] = Column(String(120))
return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(cls, name, (Base,), temp)
def __init__(cls, name):
return DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, name, (Base,),{})

if __name__ == __main__:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///tempDB.db', echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
table1 = tablemeta(table1)
row1 = table1(text = detextenzo)
row2 = table1(text = detextenzoennogeenbeetje)
list = session.query(table1).all()   #== ERROR
for l in list:
print str(l)

 File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\default.py,
line 299, in do_execute
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) no such table:
_table1 u'INSERT INTO _table1 (text) VALUES (?)' ('detextenzo',)

Seems an odd error, any ideas?

On Mar 17, 6:20 pm, Chris Withers ch...@simplistix.co.uk wrote:
 On 16/03/2011 21:01, farcat wrote:

  I have an error i cant figure out (likely a beginners error):

 Beginners should not be using metaclasses.

 What's your use case here?


 Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

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[sqlalchemy] trouble with metaclass

2011-03-16 Thread farcat
I have an error i cant figure out (likely a beginners error):

Base = declarative_base()

class tablemeta(DeclarativeMeta):
def __new__(mcls, name):
return DeclarativeMeta.__new__(mcls, name, (Base,), {})
def _init__(cls, name):
temp = dict()
temp[__tablename__] =  _ + name
temp[id] = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
temp[text] = Column(String(120))
DeclarativeMeta.__init__(cls, name, (Base,), temp)

if __name__ == __main__:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
table1 = tablemeta(table1) #= ERROR
row1 = table1(text = detextenzo)
row2 = table1(text = detextenzoennogeenbeetje)
list = session.query(table1).all()
for l in list:
print str(l)
print done

the error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\NetBeans\test\temp\src\temp.py, line 33, in
table1 = tablemeta(table1)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (2 given)

I do not understand what __init__ i am miscalling: I call
tablemeta.__init__ with 2 (1 implicit) as defined and
DeclarativeMeta.__init__ with 4 as defined?

please help ...

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[sqlalchemy] Re: overriding DeclarativeBase and descriptors

2011-03-07 Thread farcat
thanks, I will start experimenting ...

On Mar 5, 4:52 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Mar 5, 2011, at 10:43 AM, farcat wrote:


  I am trying to implement polymorphism and multiple inheritance by:

  - adding a column to the parent class/table indicating the table from
  which the (polymorphic) class attribute object can be queried
  - adding the attribute name and the parent id to the child table/class
  to be able to find the attribute object in this table

  Now i want to use a descriptor and/or override __getattr__/__setattr__/
  __getattribute__ to insert or get the correct (polymorphic) object
  from the correct table.

  What I was wondering was e.g. whether using a descriptor will inhibit
  SA from functioning correctly. Any tips to implement what i am trying
  to do would be very welcome.

 SQLAlchemy uses descriptors for all the mapped attributes and has several 
 avenues to augmenting them with your own descriptors.  __getattribute__ and 
 __setattr__ work as expected, as does __getattr__ although that only applies 
 to names that otherwise don't exist on the object.

 We encourage an extremely simple approach to descriptor access which is to 
 name the columns in one way, and the descriptor in another.    The synonym 
 construct does this as does the newer hybrid attribute approach. Set and 
 delete events can also be intercepted using the events module (new in 0.7 - 
 in 0.6 use AttributeExtension).

  Cheers, Lars

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[sqlalchemy] overriding DeclarativeBase and descriptors

2011-03-05 Thread farcat

I am trying to implement polymorphism and multiple inheritance by:

- adding a column to the parent class/table indicating the table from
which the (polymorphic) class attribute object can be queried
- adding the attribute name and the parent id to the child table/class
to be able to find the attribute object in this table

Now i want to use a descriptor and/or override __getattr__/__setattr__/
__getattribute__ to insert or get the correct (polymorphic) object
from the correct table.

What I was wondering was e.g. whether using a descriptor will inhibit
SA from functioning correctly. Any tips to implement what i am trying
to do would be very welcome.

Cheers, Lars

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[sqlalchemy] multiple inheritance simplified case

2011-03-01 Thread farcat

I have been reading the posts on implementing multiple inheritance in
SA. I have a question, for a slightly simpler method of MI, where
there is no overriding of attributes (and e.g. therefore no diamond
problem). This would mean that all underlying tables for classes could
contain columns for all attributes (including the inherited ones,
although these would also be attributes in the subclass). Hmm, ok,
example in code:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

class report(Base):
__tablename__ = reports
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
text = Column(String(1000), nullable = False)
def __init__(self, name, text):
self.name = name
self.text = text
def __repr__(self):
return report:  + self.name + :  + self.text

class approvable(Base):
__tablename__ = approvals
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
approval = Column(Boolean)
def __repr__(self):
return approved:  + self.approval

class approvable_report(approvable, report):
__tablename__ = approvable_reports
def __init__(self, name, text, appr):
self.name = name
self.text = text
self.approval = appr
def __repr__(self):
return report.__repr__(self) + approvable.__repr__(self)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)

if __name__ == __main__:
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

ar = approvable_report(repje, this is the text of the report,
ar2 = session.query(approvable_report).first()
print ar2

It would be fine if the approvable_reports table had all columns of
the superclasses (no overriding == no diamond problem), needing no
foreign keys (or am i missing something), as long as the multiple
inheritance relation in the python classes was maintained.  I get the

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\NetBeans\test\alchemy_test\src\alchemy.py,
line 31, in module
class approvable_report(approvable, report):
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\ext\declarative.py,
line 1167, in __init__
_as_declarative(cls, classname, cls.__dict__)
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\ext\declarative.py,
line 1099, in _as_declarative
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\util.py, line
260, in join_condition
between '%s' and '%s'.%s % (a.description, b.description, hint))
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Can't find any foreign key relationships
between 'approvals' and 'approvable_reports'.

Is there any way to get this to work? I don't see the need for a
foreign key relationship between sub and superclasses in this case.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: adjacency via table

2011-02-22 Thread farcat
thought i'd post the code I came up with for reference:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

Base = declarative_base()

def _create_inheritance(supertype, subtype):
return Inheritance(supertype, subtype)

inheritance_table = Table('inheritance', Base.metadata,
Column('sub_name', String(50), ForeignKey('types.name'),
Column('super_name', String(50), ForeignKey('types.name'),

class Type(Base):
__tablename__ = 'types'
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
abstract = Column(Boolean)
top = Column(Boolean)
subtypes = relationship('Type',
def hasSuper(self):
return self.supertypes.length  0
def hasSub(self):
return self.subtypes.length  0
def isAnySubOf(self, tp):
#to check for cyclic inheritance
if self == tp:
return True
for typ in self.supertypes:
if typ.isAnySubOf(tp):
return True
return False
def isAnySuperOf(self, tp):
return tp.isAnySubOf(self)
def addSub(self, tp):
#some types cannot have supertypes:
if not tp.top:
#to check for cyclic inheritance:
if not self.isAnySubOf(tp):
else: raise Exception(cyclic inheritance)
else: raise Exception(str(tp) +  cannot have supertype)
def addSuper(self, tp):
def __init__(self, name, top = False, abstract = False):
self.name = name
self.top = top
self.abstract = abstract
def __repr__(self):
return Type(%r) % (self.name)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)

if __name__ == __main__:
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
c1 = Type(A)
c2 = Type(B)
c3 = Type(C)
c3.addSub(c1) #= would be cyclic
print c1.subs
for c in c1.subtypes:
print   + str(c)
print c1.supers
for c in c1.supertypes:
print   +str(c)
print c2.subs
for c in c2.subtypes:
print   +  str(c)
print c2.supers
for c in c2.supertypes:
print   + str(c)
print c3.subs
for c in c3.subtypes:
print   + str(c)
print c3.supers
for c in c3.supertypes:
print   + str(c)
except Exception, e:
   print error:  + str(e)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: adjacency via table

2011-02-20 Thread farcat
Thank you,

Basically the multiple inheritance structure is a directional non-
cyclic graph (i looked at the graph example code in the distribution,
it uses methods to get next/previous nodes) . Members are basically
another name for attributes.

I understand the need for the primaryjoin now. However the many to
many adjacency combination (graph) keeps eluding me. I would like to
use the association class so i can use what i learned for the members
class (types have multiple members, members have one type). Some more

1) Is associationproxy the only way to create an attribute that skips
the inheritance table, where do I indicate the primaryjoin then?
2) I am getting very confused:

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[sqlalchemy] Re: adjacency via table

2011-02-20 Thread farcat
Thank you,
Basically the multiple inheritance structure is a directional non-
cyclic graph (i looked at the graph example code in the distribution,
it uses methods to get next/previous nodes, which could serve as a
workaround, but seems inelegant) . Members are basically another name
for attributes.
I understand the need for the primaryjoin now. However the many to
many adjacency combination (graph) keeps eluding me. I would like to
use the association class so i can use what i learned for the members
class (types have multiple members, members have one type). Some more
1) Is associationproxy the only way to create an attribute that skips
the inheritance table, where do I indicate the primaryjoin then?
2) Is the point of a relationship() to make items in one class/table
accessible through an attribute in another class?
3) I am confused about the error I am getting in:

Base = declarative_base()

def _create_inheritance(supertype, subtype):
return Inheritance(supertype, subtype)

class Inheritance(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Inheritance'
sub_name = Column(String(50), ForeignKey('Types.name'),
super_name = Column(String(50), ForeignKey('Types.name'),
def __init__(self, supertype, subtype):
self.supertype = supertype
self.subtype = subtype

class Types(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Types'
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
abstract = Column(Boolean)
subtypes = association_proxy('Inheritance', 'subtypes', creator
supertypes = association_proxy('Inheritance', 'supertypes',
creator = _create_inheritance)
def __init__(self, name, abstract = False):
self.name = name
self.abstract = abstract
def __repr__(self):
return Type(%r) % (self.name)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)

if __name__ == __main__:
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

c1 = Types(A)
c2 = Types(B)
c3 = Types(C)
c1.subtypes.append(c2)  #=ERROR

With the Error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\NetBeans\test\Alchemy\src\alchemy.py, line
63, in module
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\ext
\associationproxy.py, line 164, in __get__
self.scalar = self._target_is_scalar()
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\ext
\associationproxy.py, line 156, in _target_is_scalar
return not self._get_property().uselist
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\ext
\associationproxy.py, line 148, in _get_property
2011-02-20 16:12:12,595 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
933, in get_property
(self, key))
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Mapper 'Mapper|Types|Types' has no
property 'Inheritance'

What does this mean?

Actually I am getting confused in general about how to implement the
combination of many to many relationships on the same table. Please

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[sqlalchemy] Re: adjacency via table

2011-02-20 Thread farcat
Thank you, the many to many (following the pattern in the link above)
seems to work, now on to the association table (later ... )


BTW: in A - (one to many) B - C, does (seen from A) primaryjoin
refer to the relation between A and B and secondaryjoin to the
relation between B and C? Otherwise that might explain some of my

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[sqlalchemy] adjacency via table

2011-02-19 Thread farcat

I am trying to implement tables to store a basic multiple inheritance
scheme via SA. I am pretty new to SA and could use some help with the
following code:


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

Base = declarative_base()

def _create_inheritance(supertype, subtype):
return Inheritance(supertype, subtype)

class Inheritance(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Inheritance'
sub_name = Column(String(50), ForeignKey('Types.name'),
super_name = Column(String(50), ForeignKey('Types.name'),
def __init__(self, supertype, subtype):
self.supertype = supertype
self.subtype = subtype

class Types(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Types'
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
abstract = Column(Boolean)
subtypes = association_proxy('Inheritance', 'subtypes', creator =
supertypes = association_proxy('Inheritance', 'supertypes',
creator = _create_inheritance)
def __init__(self, name, abstract = False):
self.name = name
self.abstract = abstract
def __repr__(self):
return Type(%r) % (self.name)

class Members(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Members'
name = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
type_name = Column(String(50),ForeignKey('Types.name'))
type = relationship(Types, backref= of_members, uselist=False)
of_type_name = Column(String(50),ForeignKey('Types.name'),
of_type = relationship(Types, backref='members')
def __init__(self, name, tp):
self.name = name
self.type = tp
def __repr__(self):
return Member(%r, %r) % (self.name, type.name)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)

if __name__ == __main__:
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

c1 = Types(A) #= error below
c2 = Types(B)
c3 = Types(C)
c1.members.append(Members(m1, c2))

I have the following 2 questions:

1) did i get the relationship between Types and Inheritance right? I
want to be able to call supertypes and subtypes from any type
2) loose question: how does sqlalchemy handle type errors, e.g. when i
have an A.attr = Column(String),  a = A(), a.attr = 15? (i use sqlite
now, which accepts putting string in integer columns, but later i will
use another DB )
3) I get an error for the above code related to the Members class
which i don't understand, can anyone explain/help with a fix:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\NetBeans\test\Alchemy\src\alchemy.py, line
60, in module
c1 = Types(A)
  File string, line 4, in __init__
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\state.py, line
100, in initialize_instance
fn(self, instance, args, kwargs)
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
2413, in _event_on_init
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
807, in compile
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py, line
837, in _post_configure_properties
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\interfaces.py,
line 475, in init
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
line 899, in do_init
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\properties.py,
line 1028, in _determine_joins
% self)
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition
between parent/child tables on relationship Members.type.  Specify a
'primaryjoin' expression.  If 'secondary' is present, 'secondaryjoin'
is needed as well.

Any help and clarifications are welcome!

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[sqlalchemy] dynamic classes and tables

2011-02-08 Thread farcat
Hi everyone,

I am new to sqlalchemy and figuring out whether it is right for my
project. What I am looking for is the ability to change classes and
tables on the flight, with as much freedom as possible, potentially
having metaclasses figuring out the difference between versions and
updating the database accordingly. Additionally I would like to import
databases and automatically generate class definitions. Some code I

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

def Init(self, title=None, year=None):
self.title = title
self.year = year
def Repr(self):
return Movie(%r, %r, %r) % (self.title, self.year,

Movie = type(Movie, (Base,),{'__tablename__': movies,
id:Column(Integer, primary_key=True),
title: Column(String(255), nullable=False),
year: Column(Integer),
directed_by: Column(Integer,
director: relation(Director, backref='movies',
setattr(Movie, __init__, classmethod(Init))
setattr(Movie, __repr__, classmethod(Repr))

class Director(Base):
__tablename__ = 'directors'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(50), nullable=False, unique=True)

def __init__(self, name=None):
self.name = name

def __repr__(self):
return Director(%r) % (self.name)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///meta.db', echo=True)

if __name__ == __main__:
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

m1 = Movie(Star Trek, 2009)
m1.director = Director(JJ Abrams)

d2 = Director(George Lucas)
d2.movies = [Movie(Star Wars, 1977), Movie(THX 1138, 1971)]


alldata = session.query(Movie).all()
for somedata in alldata:
print somedata


with as error:

2011-02-08 21:50:47,553 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
PRAGMA table_info(directors)
2011-02-08 21:50:47,553 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents\Code\NetBeans\test\alchemy\src\alchemy.py, line
49, in module
m1.director = Director(JJ Abrams)
  File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\attributes.py,
line 158, in __set__
2011-02-08 21:50:47,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
PRAGMA table_info(movies)
2011-02-08 21:50:47,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
AttributeError: 'Movie' object has no attribute '_sa_instance_state'

Can anyone shed some light or explain the error message?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: dynamic classes and tables

2011-02-08 Thread farcat
Thank you, that works.

Is there any way to later add or remove attributes, using the
declarative system?

Cheers, Lars

On Feb 8, 10:46 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Feb 8, 2011, at 3:52 PM, farcat wrote:

  Hi everyone,

  I am new to sqlalchemy and figuring out whether it is right for my
  project. What I am looking for is the ability to change classes and
  tables on the flight, with as much freedom as possible, potentially
  having metaclasses figuring out the difference between versions and
  updating the database accordingly. Additionally I would like to import
  databases and automatically generate class definitions. Some code I

  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
  from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, sessionmaker

  Base = declarative_base()

  def Init(self, title=None, year=None):
     self.title = title
     self.year = year
  def Repr(self):
     return Movie(%r, %r, %r) % (self.title, self.year,

  Movie = type(Movie, (Base,),{'__tablename__': movies,
                     id:Column(Integer, primary_key=True),
                     title: Column(String(255), nullable=False),
                     year: Column(Integer),
                     directed_by: Column(Integer,
                     director: relation(Director, backref='movies',
  setattr(Movie, __init__, classmethod(Init))
  setattr(Movie, __repr__, classmethod(Repr))

  class Director(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'directors'

     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = Column(String(50), nullable=False, unique=True)

     def __init__(self, name=None):
         self.name = name

     def __repr__(self):
         return Director(%r) % (self.name)

  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///meta.db', echo=True)

  if __name__ == __main__:
     Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
     session = Session()

     m1 = Movie(Star Trek, 2009)
     m1.director = Director(JJ Abrams)

     d2 = Director(George Lucas)
     d2.movies = [Movie(Star Wars, 1977), Movie(THX 1138, 1971)]


     alldata = session.query(Movie).all()
     for somedata in alldata:
         print somedata


  with as error:

  2011-02-08 21:50:47,553 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
  PRAGMA table_info(directors)
  2011-02-08 21:50:47,553 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\Documents\Code\NetBeans\test\alchemy\src\alchemy.py, line
  49, in module
     m1.director = Director(JJ Abrams)
   File C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\attributes.py,
  line 158, in __set__
  2011-02-08 21:50:47,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
  PRAGMA table_info(movies)
  2011-02-08 21:50:47,555 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...ef0L
  AttributeError: 'Movie' object has no attribute '_sa_instance_state'

  Can anyone shed some light or explain the error message?

 your __init__ monkeypatch is interfering with SQLA's wrapping of this method.


 Movie = type(Movie, (Base,),{'__tablename__': movies,
                    id:Column(Integer, primary_key=True),
                    title: Column(String(255), nullable=False),
                    year: Column(Integer),
                    directed_by: Column(Integer,ForeignKey('directors.id')),
                    director: relation(Director, 


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  To post to this group, send email to sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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