[sqlalchemy] Re: order_by() and count()

2010-02-08 Thread gsandorx
I got it:

>> from sqlalchemy.sql import func

>> stmt = session.query(Prod.store_id, 
>> func.count('*').label('prod_count')).group_by(Prod.store_id).subquery()
>> obj_q = session.query(Store, stmt.c.prod_count).outerjoin(



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[sqlalchemy] order_by() and count()

2010-02-04 Thread gsandorx
i have a typical one to many relationship between two tables:

Table_A: contains, for example, "Stores" (id, store_name)
Table_B: contains products, "Prod",  and which store the products
belong to: (id, name, store_id)

I need to create a query where i get all "Store" objects ordered by
the number of products, e.g:

store_3   34 (amount of products)
store_1   23 (ditto)
store_2   18 (ditto)

any idea?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Multiple table query ?

2009-12-22 Thread gsandorx
Hi Mariano, I tried your code and it worked great. Now I have to look
a way of linking the "union" query with a mapper to obtain a rather
elaborate object than a raw tuple, I mean, when you execute:
q = session.query(Computer).all()
you get Computer objects, but when you execute the "union" query you
get tuples.
When looking at the resulting tuples, I noticed that those tuples that
represent Computer objects contains a field equal to "None" due to the
extra column added in the query. I guess that field could be used
somehow to distinguish between Computer-like tuples and
CompSetComputer-like ones. I'm telling you this b/c I would like to
know if there is a mechanism to link a method to a mapper. This way,
the method would process the "union" query, and would create a list of
Computer and CompSetComputer objects. Do I make myself clear?
Thanks for your help,

PS: this is the code I tried. I made some modifications, but it's the
same as yours.


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, Integer, String,
MetaData, select, union_all, schema
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import null

# Engine & Session
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False) # set to True
if you want to activate logging
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

# Current session
session = Session()

# Metadata & Tables & Mappers
metadata = MetaData()

# Tables
comp_table = Table('comp', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String),
Column('description', String),
Column('ip', String),
# This table has many-to-many relation with the rules table,
# so I don't have a rule_id here, instead I have
# a table rule_computers_table to store rule_ids and computer_ids,
# you know :)
# I included it in my messy-model to specify a relation but it is not
# actually present in the table definition. I appologize.
# That's why I'm including my code, to clarify my situation.

compset_comp_table = Table('compset_comp', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String),
Column('description', String),
Column('ip', String),
Column('compset_id', Integer),  # This is actually a ForeinKey to the
Computer_set table

# (...)

# Classes
class Computer(object): pass
class CompSetComputer(object): pass

# Mappers
mapper(Computer, comp_table)
mapper(CompSetComputer, compset_comp_table)

# Create the tables

# Testing...

# Insert
c = Computer()
c.name = "comp-1"
c.ip = ""
c.description = "test comp 1"

c = Computer()
c.name = "comp-2"
c.ip = ""
c.description = "test comp 2"

csc = CompSetComputer()
csc.name = "csc-1"
csc.ip = ""
csc.description = "test compset-comp 1"
csc.compset_id = "12"

csc = CompSetComputer()
csc.name = "csc-2"
csc.ip = "101.202.303.404"   # invalid ip address, i know, it's just
for testing :)
csc.description = "test compset-comp 2"
csc.compset_id = "91"


# Multi-select
q1 = session.query(Computer.id, Computer.name, Computer.description,
Computer.ip, null())
q2 = session.query(CompSetComputer.id, CompSetComputer.name,
q = q2.union(q1)
print 80*"-",
print q
print 80*"-"
for x in q:
print x

# Clean up



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Multiple table query ?

2009-12-21 Thread gsandorx
Uff, sorry, the word-wrap destroyed my schema :(



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[sqlalchemy] Multiple table query ?

2009-12-21 Thread gsandorx
I'm working in a pylons application and I have a DB which has the
following structure (I haven't depicted the many-to-many tables
between, for instance, a computer and a rule for the sake of

 -   --
| computers |   | computer_sets |   | 
computer_sets_computers |
id  id  <--\
namename \  
description description   \ 
rule_id ---|rule_id --\\
ip  | \ \   
|  \ 
\  computer_set_id
|   \
|     \
|   | rules | \
|   \
|-->id  <---\

There are some points to highlight:
1) A computer_set is only a container of computer_set_computer
entities. However, a computer_set_computer is almost identical to a
computer entity, with only one difference: a computer entity can be in
a rule alone while a computer_set_computer cannot be in a rule; it is
considered to be in a rule only as part of a computer_set
2) I have created classes for each of these entities: Computer,
ComputerSet, ComputerSet_Computer, Rule

However, I have to do the following:  I need to be able to query my DB
for both Computer and ComputerSet_Computer objects. I mean, I need to
display the list of those computers no matter whether or not they
belong to a ComputerSet (though when iterating through those objects,
I need to know the type of the object). Furthermore, I need to get a
Query object to be able to apply slices (to control pagination :) and
gain performance.

I have tried using UNION and UNION_ALL between the computer and
computer_set_computer tables, but I get errors because the tables
don't contain the same number of columns.

Thanks for your time,


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