[sqlalchemy] Inexplicable NoResultFound error

2015-08-29 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I have a script that's basically been running unmodified for years. In it, it 
performs an SQLAlchemy query that does a simple join between two tables:

platePointing = 

Suddenly, I'm getting a NoResultFound error on this. I've double checked the 
values in the database; the row - a single matching row - is in fact there. I 
turned on echo to output the raw SQL queries. I copied and pasted the query 
that SQLAchemy generated into the database, and sure enough it finds the row. 
The same script/query finds the appropriate row for some values but no others.

Since the raw SQL query generated by the line above finds the row but it fails 
in the script, I'm at a loss on how to proceed to debug this. Any suggestions 
would be appreciated!


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Self-join and autoload

2014-03-28 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

On Mar 28, 2014, at 6:40 AM, Simon King si...@simonking.org.uk wrote:

 The alternative is to define the children relationship after the
 class has been defined:
 class PhotoObj(Base):
__tablename__ = 'photoobj'
__table_args__ = {'autoload':True, 'schema':'sdssphoto'}
 PhotoObj.children = relationship(PhotoObj, backref=backref('parent',

Yes, that works perfectly. Odd - that was one of my permutations at one point! 
I must have had something else going on.



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[sqlalchemy] Self-join and autoload

2014-03-27 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I'm trying to configure a table with autoload but can't quite get the syntax to 
set up a self-relationship. This is my abbreviated) schema:

CREATE TABLE sdssphoto.photoobj
  pk bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('photoobj_pk_seq'::regclass),
  parent_photoobj_pk bigint
 CONSTRAINT photoobj_pk PRIMARY KEY (pk),
   CONSTRAINT parent_fk FOREIGN KEY (parent_photoobj_pk)
  REFERENCES sdssphoto.photoobj (pk) MATCH SIMPLE

and my code:

class PhotoObj(Base):

__tablename__ = 'photoobj'
__table_args__ = {'autoload':True, 'schema':'sdssphoto'}

children = relationship('PhotoObj', backref=backref('parent', 

The error I get is NameError: name 'PhotoObj' is not defined. I've tried many 
iterations, but can't quite seem to get this right. Any suggestions would be 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Foreign key reflection error?

2011-11-04 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Thanks Mike for the comments. Before I answer the questions you asked, I want 
to note I found a workaround without making any changes to the database-- I 
just reversed the tables in the definition. At first I was using:

Survey.bossSpectrumHeaders = relationship(BOSSSpectrumHeader, backref=survey)

Changing this to the following worked:

BOSSSpectrumHeader.survey = relationship(Survey, backref=bossSpectrumHeaders)

I'm not really sure how to interpret that.

On Nov 3, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 two things I notice, first why using extend_existing - suggests theres more 
 going on here.

I'm not wholly sure why that is in place; my colleague wrote that part.

 Also are you certain the foreign key from boss.spectrum_header points to the 
 platedb.schema table and not another schema table elsewhere ?

Yes, that table name is unique across all schemas.

 Yet another thing, when you reflect the foreign key from spectrum_header, it 
 may not be coming back with platedb as the schema since you appear to be 
 referring to the remote table using the implicit search path.  SQLAlchemy may 
 not be matching that up like you expect.  There was an issue regarding this 
 which was fixed in 0.7.3, another user relying upon a long search path.

I do have a long search path.

 Do you get different results using 0.7.2 ?

No, the first thing I did when I got this error was upgrade to 0.7.3.

 can you try defining your foreign key constraints in PG consistently with 
 regards to how you're using schemas in your model ?  (i.e. either the FK is 
 to platedb.schema in PG, or remove the platedb schema from Survey).

I was reading the descriptions from PGAdmin3 - apparently they drop the schema 
in the display when the table is on the search path. There's nothing that I can 
do to further put the table in the schema, as it were.

I hope that knowing that reversing the order works helps to point to the 


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[sqlalchemy] Foreign key reflection error?

2011-11-03 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I'm getting the following error with SQLAlchemy 0.7.3:

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition between 
parent/child tables on relationship Survey.bossSpectrumHeaders.  Specify a 
'primaryjoin' expression.  If 'secondary' is present, 'secondaryjoin' is needed 
as well.

I am relating two tables named Survey and BOSSSpectrumHeader. The former is 
in a schema called platedb and the latter in another schema called boss. 
The latter table has numerous foreign keys from the platedb schema, but and 
each fail if I comment out the previous one. The search path is platedb, 
shared, boss, photofield, twomass, public. The python code is:

class BOSSSpectrumHeader(Base):
__tablename__ = 'spectrum_header'
__table_args__ = {'autoload' : True, 'schema' : 'boss', 'extend_existing' : 

class Survey(Base):
__tablename__ = 'survey'
__table_args__ = {'autoload' : True, 'schema' : 'platedb'}

Survey.bossSpectrumHeaders = relationship(BOSSSpectrumHeader, backref=survey)

Finally, the SQL definitions of the tables are pasted below. Is there something 
I am missing? Why is the foreign key not being retrieved via reflection? 
Virtually everything else (including cross-schema relationships) is working 

Thanks for any help!



CREATE TABLE boss.spectrum_header
  pk integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('spectrum_header_pk_seq'::regclass),
  survey_pk integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT boss_spectrum_header_pk PRIMARY KEY (pk ),
  CONSTRAINT survey_fk FOREIGN KEY (survey_pk)

  pk serial NOT NULL,
  label text,
  CONSTRAINT survey_pk PRIMARY KEY (pk ),
  CONSTRAINT survey_label_uniq UNIQUE (label )

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Exclusive SELECT?

2011-06-01 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave
Hi M,

Thanks very much for your help. Adding .with_lockmode('update') to my 
session.query statement worked like a charm!

Now I just need to figure out how to catch exceptions that occur in the work 
unit in the thread, but that's a topic for another list...


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[sqlalchemy] Exclusive SELECT?

2011-05-31 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I'm working on a script using SQLAlchemy against a PostgreSQL database and 
using Python's multiprocessing. The pattern is for each thread to:

- start a transaction (session.begin())
- retrieve the next row in table X that has not yet been processed
- set a being_processed flag in the row so no other query will return it
- close the transaction (session.commit())

The rest of the thread then performs the work, saves the results back, and 
cleans up. This is all working well except for one thing - multiple threads are 
retrieving the same row. My first solution was to pull the work above into the 
main thread, but this won't work as I'd like to run this same script on 
*multiple* machines - the database needs to be the gatekeeper.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can make a database-wide exclusive 
transaction through SQLAlchemy (or otherwise!)? I'm using SQLAlchemy 0.6.7.


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[sqlalchemy] In-memory sqlite database to blob?

2011-03-04 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I'd like to write a script that creates an in-memory SQLite database via 
SQLAlchemy, but when I've finished with it I'd like to upload it as a file to a 
server, preferably without ever creating a temporary file on the client side. 
Is this possible?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] In-memory sqlite database to blob?

2011-03-04 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Thanks for the pointers. I'l probably just write it to a file initially to keep 
it simple!


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[sqlalchemy] searching for new objects not yet in database

2010-11-12 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I just want to check on something. Let's say I've got a script that's 
populating a database and will commit the transaction at the end. It looks for 
a particular object (let's call it A), and if NoResultFound it creates a new 
object and does a session.add(A).

What if in a later iteration the script (before commit), I look up A again. The 
query seems to not find the object in the database (of course), but not the 
session either. The 'solution' is to keep track of new objects of that type I 
create and look in that list before attempting to create a new one. This 
doesn't seem elegant. Ideally I would have thought that a session.query()... 
would have found the object newly added into the session. Am I missing 
something or is there a more elegant way to handle this?

In this case, I'm ok creating a nested session and saving the object directly 
to the database so it's available for future queries. What's the best practice 
method to do this?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] searching for new objects not yet in database

2010-11-12 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave
Thanks for the quick reply!

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:41 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 mm, right there that's not the default behavior.  If you did an add(A), the 
 next query() you do will autoflush.  A is now in the database within the 
 scope of the current transaction, so query() will find it.

Yes, I have autoflush=False. A typical script for me is to load a batch of 
files into our database. If there is any problem with processing any of the 
files, I want the commit to fail - I don't want a partial import. I'd rather 
fix the problem and do another batch import (because I don't want to write a 
bunch of code checking how much was written and where to pick up from). I 
definitely don't want a query() to be a write operation.

Or is this a case where a nested transaction would be appropriate?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Using the declarative base across projects

2010-07-20 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Just wanted to say thanks to those who helped me with this. Simon's solution 
was exactly what I was looking for (though I have to admit I don't exactly 
understand *how* it works!). But that's no longer an SQLAlchemy question...


On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:49 AM, King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:

 In general, you don't need a database connection just to define your
 tables and mappers. The 'bind' parameter to DeclarativeBase is optional,
 and only necessary if you are using autoloading. So one solution to your
 problem would be not to use autoloading, and bind to a database at the
 Session level rather than the Mapper level. That would be the usual way
 to use the same set of classes against multiple databases.
 If you really need to use autoloading, you could move all your class
 definitions into a function that accepts a database engine as a
 parameter. For example:
 # ModelClasses.py
 class Namespace(object):
   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
 def initdb(connection_string):
   engine = create_engine(connection_string)
   Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
   class Table1(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'table1'
   __table_args__ = {'autoload': True}
   return Namespace(Base=Base,
   # or, you could be lazy:
   # return Namespace(**locals())
 # MainScript1.py
 import ModelClasses
 db = ModelClasses.initdb(my_connection_string)
 # access db.Table1, db.Base etc.
 Hope that helps,

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[sqlalchemy] Lazy load on a column basis?

2010-07-20 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Is lazy loading supported on a column by column basis, or only through 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Unknown Issue Causing Extremely Slow Query

2010-07-19 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

On Jul 19, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 so its going to be doing that somewhat inefficient isinstance(list) thing 
 you see below, this appears to be how it handles arrays of arbitrary numbers 
 of dimensions. This could be optimized if the ARRAY type accepted some clues 
 as to how many dimensions are present.

There is a function in postgresql called array_dims that returns the array 
dimensions - could this be of some use? It could query the database dynamically 
to get the number of values.

  Seems a little suspicious that the slowdown would be 8000% though.

We have four columns in that table of type numeric[]. So that query returns 
1000 rows x 4 numeric[] columns of 4634 values in each array. (I work with 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Unknown Issue Causing Extremely Slow Query

2010-07-19 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave
Hi Michael,

Assuming I understood you correctly, I tried the code below. The result was the 
same (the query took 486 seconds). Since I autoload everything, I first adjust 
the column types to the class you defined. Did I misunderstand something?

Thanks again for your help.



from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
from sqlalchemy.types import Numeric


class ARRAY(postgresql.ARRAY):
  def bind_processor(self, dialect):
  return None

  def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
  return None

for c in Spectrum.__table__.get_children():
if type(c) is Column:
if c.name in [values, inv_var, and_mask, or_mask]: # 
numeric[] columns
c.type = ARRAY(Numeric)
print c.name

spPlateFilename = spPlate-3586-55181.fits
spectra = session.query(Spectrum).join(SpectrumHeader).\
filter(SpectrumHeader.filename == spPlateFilename).all()

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Unknown Issue Causing Extremely Slow Query

2010-07-19 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Pasted below is a profile of the earlier code posted. I did update it with your 
new definition of ARRAY Michael, but that only shaved off 18 seconds (down to 
468s total) when run without the profiler.

The large number of __new__ calls roughly tracks with the number of numeric 
values coming back from the database - 1000 rows x 4 columns x 4634 per array, 
or 18,536,000 new objects. It looks like Conor's suggestion that the bottleneck 
is the str-to-Decimal conversion is correct. (This would explain why our 
initial imports were taking an extremely long time as well...).

I intend to use lazy loading on these columns, but before that I'm certainly 
open to any suggestions to cut the time down significantly! We'll also look 
into psycopg2's Decimal class.

If the type in the database is numeric[], how can I retrieve it as a string?

Thanks again for the help!


Mon Jul 19 20:29:16 2010prof_stats

 194856576 function calls (194856471 primitive calls) in 538.608 CPU 

   Ordered by: cumulative time
   List reduced from 460 to 20 due to restriction 20

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
11.9681.968  538.608  538.608 string:1(module)
10.0000.000  536.430  536.430 ./examples/db_test.py:56(main)
10.0360.036  536.414  536.414 
 10010.0010.000  530.8940.530 
10.0000.000  529.213  529.213 
10.0000.000  529.211  529.211 
1   31.366   31.366  529.211  529.211 {method 'fetchall' of 
'psycopg2._psycopg.cursor' objects}
 18538000  124.7840.000  497.8450.000 
 18551033  290.3530.000  290.3530.000 {built-in method __new__ of type 
object at 0xf6360}
 18538021   45.5680.000   45.5680.000 {built-in method match}
 74152000   17.2190.000   17.2190.000 {built-in method group}
 185386309.9080.0009.9080.000 {isinstance}
 185380006.3560.0006.3560.000 {method 'lstrip' of 'str' objects}

Time spent within each function
Mon Jul 19 20:29:16 2010prof_stats

 194856576 function calls (194856471 primitive calls) in 538.608 CPU 

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 460 to 20 due to restriction 20

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 18551033  290.3530.000  290.3530.000 {built-in method __new__ of type 
object at 0xf6360}
 18538000  124.7840.000  497.8450.000 
 18538021   45.5680.000   45.5680.000 {built-in method match}
1   31.366   31.366  529.211  529.211 {method 'fetchall' of 
'psycopg2._psycopg.cursor' objects}
 74152000   17.2190.000   17.2190.000 {built-in method group}
 185386309.9080.0009.9080.000 {isinstance}
 185380006.3560.0006.3560.000 {method 'lstrip' of 'str' objects}
15.4825.4825.4825.482 {method 'execute' of 
'psycopg2._psycopg.cursor' objects}
 185380162.8520.0002.8520.000 {method 'strip' of 'str' objects}
11.9681.968  538.608  538.608 string:1(module)
  92701451.4870.0001.4870.000 {len}

[sqlalchemy] Using the declarative base across projects

2010-07-07 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

I have a question that I can't find a satisfactory answer to. Apologies in 
advance if it's more of a Python question, but it's possible that there is a SA 

I have a project that defines a database connection and classes based on 
database tables. A script that uses these classes would start with:

import project.DatabaseConnection as db # create_engine() and metadata defined 
import project.ModelClasses

In ModelClasses, I define all of the table classes using:

Base = declarative_base(bind=db.engine)

class Table1(Base):
__tablename__ = 'table1'
__table_args__ = {'autoload' : True} # requires metadata to work

This is fine. I have a second project that also defines a different set of 
tables that I want to use, so the main script would then:

import project2.ModelClasses # a different set of tables

If it's not clear how the db parameter (the database connection) was defined 
in ModelClasses, well, that's my problem. I can't pass a parameter to an import 
statement of course. The DatabaseConnection class defines the engine and 
metadata, and now I need to use these objects to generate my base class. How 
can I pass this object around? Should I be using a different model?

The python way seems to be to create a config class, but 
project2.ModelClasses won't know anything about it if it's defined in the first 
project. As to the reason why there are two separate projects, consider the 
case where one set of tables is one logical group, and the second is a 
replicated copy from another server. I can't merge all of these projects since 
they really are independent units, but sometimes I will link them (as above).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Using the declarative base across projects

2010-07-07 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave
Hi Lance,

Thanks for your comments.

On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:28 PM, Lance Edgar wrote:

 Why not just do this in project2 ?
 import project.DatabaseConnection as db
 Base = declarative_base(bind=db.engine)
 # ... etc.

The DatabaseConnection class contains the particulars of the connection (i.e. 
host, username, password) which can be different. I don't want to create 
dependencies between the projects, I just want to reuse the class definitions. 
I want to create the DatabaseConnection once and pass it into the definition 
of the classes.

Another approach I tried was to make ModelClasses an object and define the 
classes in a method there (so I could just pass the Base class to it), but the 
class definitions were in the wrong namespace.

 The python way seems to be to create a config class, but 
 project2.ModelClasses won't know anything about it if it's defined in the 
 first project. As to the reason why there are two separate projects, 
 consider the case where one set of tables is one logical group, and the 
 second is a replicated copy from another server. I can't merge all of these 
 projects since they really are independent units, but sometimes I will 
 link them (as above).
 I don't understand why project2 wouldn't know anything about it if defined 
 in (first) project.  All it needs to do is import the connection info from 
 the project (as in above example).  If the database configuration really 
 transcends both project and project2 though, then yes it probably could be 
 wrapped in a config module of some sort in another project; depending on the 
 scope that may be a bit overkill.  If you can consider either project or 
 project2 to be slightly more default than the other then the db config 
 could stay there I'd think.

This is a bit tricky to explain. Imagine I have one database, and I create a 
project (1) to work with that database (connections, table class definitions, 
etc.). That is standalone (to me). I have another completely separate database 
(2) on another host where I do the same thing. Using replication I then create 
a read-only copy of database 1 in database 2, and join some of the tables. 
Project 2 needs to generate the classes, but use SA's Base class that is 
dynamically generated. Since it's dynamic, I have to create it at run time... 
but now I can't pass that to the definition of project 1's classes. It's that 
communication that I'm struggling with.


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[sqlalchemy] Sessions, threads, TurboGears best practice?

2009-10-19 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I'm hoping someone can help me with properly configuring a session/ 
transactions for multiple uses as I haven't been able to get it quite  

I've created a python module to contain my model classes and a  
connection class. This module wil be imported by both single-use  
scripts (run, then quit), long-running background scripts (run  
passively while waiting for a new event), and imported into a  
TurboGears app. I'm using PostgreSQL 8.4, SQLAlchemy 0.5.5, and  
TurboGears 2.0.

After getting different types of transaction errors, e.g.

 InternalError: (InternalError) current transaction is aborted,  
 commands ignored until end of transaction block

 InvalidRequestError:  Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is  
 rolled back

 A transaction is already begun.  Use subtransactions=True 
 sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: A transaction is already begun.  
 Use subtransactions=True to allow subtransactions.

I settled on this in my db connection module, which is called by all  
my scripts:

class MyDatabase:

def __init__(self, database_connection_string=None):

self.database_connection_string = database_connection_string
self.engine = create_engine(self.database_connection_string,  
self.metadata = MetaData()
self.metadata.bind = self.engine

db # singleton
except NameError:
db = MyDatabase()
engine = db.engine
metadata = db.metadata
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, autocommit=True,  

Then in each script I import this module, create a new session:

session = Session()

and query like this:

if session.autocommit:
do stuff that modifies the db, i.e. not just select statements

I was hoping this is fairly bullet-proof, but unfortunately my  
TurboGears app still hangs (with no error messages) after running for  
some period of time, though I think it hangs when multiple queries hit  
the database at the same time. I'm suspecting some kind of deadlock,  
but that's just a guess.

I'm at a loss as to where the problem lies, but I wanted to check with  
the experts here that I'm using SA appropriately. Any help/suggestions  
greatly appreciated.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Defining custom types

2009-10-15 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Hi Michael,

Thanks for clarifying that for me. For anyone interested, this is what  
I ended up with:

from sqlalchemy import String

sa_major_version = sqlalchemy.__version__[0:3]
if sa_major_version == 0.5:
from sqlalchemy.databases import postgres
postgres.ischema_names['fibertype'] = String
elif sa_major_version == 0.6:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as pg
pg.ischema_names['fibertype'] = String


On 15 Oct 2009, at 16:06, Michael Bayer wrote:

 thatsanicehatyouh...@mac.com wrote:


 On 12 Oct 2009, at 21:04, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Oct 12, 2009, at 4:26 PM, thatsanicehatyouh...@mac.com wrote:


 I have a custom type defined in my postgresql database, and this is
 giving me the warning:

 packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py:1265: SAWarning: Did not  
 type 'fibertype' of column 'fiber_type'
 self.dialect.reflecttable(conn, table, include_columns)

 From an earlier email from Michael (13 September 2009), I saw  
 that I
 can do something like this:

 sa_major_version = sqlalchemy.__version__[0:3]

 if sa_major_version == 0.5:
from sqlalchemy.databases import postgres
postgres.ischema_names['fiber_type'] = fibertype
 elif sa_major_version == 0.6:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as pg
pg.ischema_names['fiber_type'] = fibertype

 But of course fibertype needs to be defined. How can I define  
 The definition in the database is simply:

 CREATE TYPE fibertype AS ENUM (

 what happens if you put fibertype: FiberType in the dictionary as
 well ?  all its doing is looking in there for something to use.

 I'm not sure what you mean here. I take this to mean:

 postgres.ischema_names['fibertype'] = FiberType

 but in either case, the value of the dictionary here is undefined.
 That's the thing I'm unsure of how it's to be defined. Do you mean
 that it should simply be any value, e.g.

 postgres.ischema_names['fibertype'] = FiberType

 ah no it should be either a default type like String or a custom  
 type like
 a TypeEngine or TypeDecorator subclass of your design.

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[sqlalchemy] Defining custom types

2009-10-12 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I have a custom type defined in my postgresql database, and this is  
giving me the warning:

packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py:1265: SAWarning: Did not recognize  
type 'fibertype' of column 'fiber_type'
   self.dialect.reflecttable(conn, table, include_columns)

 From an earlier email from Michael (13 September 2009), I saw that I  
can do something like this:

sa_major_version = sqlalchemy.__version__[0:3]

if sa_major_version == 0.5:
from sqlalchemy.databases import postgres
postgres.ischema_names['fiber_type'] = fibertype
elif sa_major_version == 0.6:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as pg
pg.ischema_names['fiber_type'] = fibertype

But of course fibertype needs to be defined. How can I define this?  
The definition in the database is simply:



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Remove need for session in method?

2009-09-28 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Hi Tomasz,

Thanks for your help - that solved the problem.

On 26 Sep 2009, at 10:20, Tomasz Jezierski - Tefnet wrote:

[...code snipped...]

 First... why don't you define this method with class definition? I  
 use reflection but I think that it is possible...

It's a chicken-and-the-egg problem. I can't use the other classes  
(that I include in the join statement, for example), until they are  
defined, but as many tables are interrelated, that's not possible to  
do up front. Unless there is a way to do it that I'm missing.

 Second... you could probably convert it to column_property

I'm not sure how I would do that...

 And back to your question..
 1. you can have globally accessed session (like it is done in Pylons  

Not a bad idea, but the class is being used by many scripts as well as  
a TurboGears app, so I can't make that assumption.

 2. you can get session for instance using

This is exactly the method I was looking for and have used. I expected  
it to be in the Base class and didn't think to look in Session.

 3. You can have session-aware class

Thanks for that link. Unfortunately, my eyes kind of glazed over when  
I tried to go through it...


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[sqlalchemy] Custom attribute in table class

2009-08-27 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I'm trying to create a custom/derived attribute on a table class. This  
is what I have defined:

class Plate(Base):
__tablename__ = 'plate'
__table_args__ = {'autoload' : True}

class Design(Base):
__tablename__ = 'design'
__table_args__ = {'autoload' : True}

class Pointing(Base):
__tablename__ = 'design'
__table_args__ = {'autoload' : True}

I then map these together:

Plate.design= relation(Design, primaryjoin=Plate.design_pk ==  
Design.pk, backref=plate)
Design.pointings = relation(Pointing,
primaryjoin=Design.pk == 

(So a plate has one design, and a design can have multiple pointings.  
Sorry for the jargon.)

All of this works. I'd like to be able to write a convenience method  
to access data in plugging directly from plate, for example,  
instead of doing:


I'd like to be able to say:


How can I create this attribute? I've tried something like:

Plate.ra = column_property(Plate.__table__.design.pointings 

but I get:

AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'design'

For extra credit, is it possible to write a method on Plate that I can  
use like this?

plugging_no = 0

It's easy to do these things in the Plate class definition, but at the  
time I define it the other classes/tables are not defined (nor the  


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Deleting multiple objects

2009-08-20 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

On 19 Aug 2009, at 18:32, Mike Conley wrote:

 The delete method of query supports bulk deletes.
 In your case it might be something like


 Any query can be used; there are probably more elegant ways to take  
 advantage of the relation 'users' also.

 Make sure you read the documentation for Query.delete() to  
 understand the impact of the 'synchronize_session' keyword

Thanks for the tip - I wasn't aware of query's delete method. Still,  
it strikes me as a bit inefficient to look up objects that I already  
have at hand. (Even if the engine has to look them up due to lazy  
loading, *I* have them at hand.) Ah well.


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[sqlalchemy] Deleting multiple objects

2009-08-19 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I have several objects from a relation that I'd like to delete. To me,  
this would be a natural syntax:


to delete all of the user objects. I get this error when doing this:

 raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance)
sqlalchemy.orm.exc.UnmappedInstanceError: Class  
'sqlalchemy.orm.collections.InstrumentedList' is not mapped

Took me a while to figure out that delete() didn't work like that. I  
use this instead:

[session.delete(x) for x in office.users]

Can session.delete() be made to work as above (or at the very least  
produce a better error message)?


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[sqlalchemy] join + filter

2009-08-03 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I'm circling around an answer for a problem but am not quite getting  
it. I have two tables: Plugging and Cartridge. Plugging has a to-one  
relation to Cartridge, and the inverse relation is to-many. Cartridge  
has a field called number and plugging has a field called active.  
I want to build a query to retrieve a single plugging, and this works  
for me:

plugging, cart = session.query(Plugging,  
Cartridge).filter(Cartridge.number ==  
cartNo).filter(Plugging.cartridge_pk ==  
Cartridge.pk).filter(Plugging.active == True).one()

This seems overly complicated - I shouldn't need to specify the  
primary keys (pk) since the foreign keys are already defined (I'm  
using autoload with postgresql). My first attempt at a query was this:

plugging = session.query(Plugging).filter(Plugging.cartridge.number ==  

...but that turned out to be too optimistic (ignore for the moment  
that I left out the active filter). What is the best practice for  
simplifying the first query?


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[sqlalchemy] Query with fields from different tables

2009-06-22 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I am doing a search across two tables for matching records, and I'm  
not quite sure how to work with the results of the query. For example:

matches = session.query(TableA).from_statement(SELECT tableA.id,  
tableB.id FROM tableA, tableB WHERE etc)

To me this doesn't really fit the model. The query(TableA) part  
isn't right since I'm not returning rows of TableA. Is there a way I  
can create arbitrary queries like this?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Testing the state of an object in a session.

2009-05-04 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Hi Michael,

On 1 May 2009, at 20:50, Michael Bayer wrote:

 obj in session.new
 obj in session.dirty
 obj in session

Cheers for that. I was actually on the right page in the documentation  
when I was looking for that.


A modest suggestion - it might be useful to mention these methods  
right below the paragraph there where the terms transient,  
pending, etc. are introduced.

Thanks again,


 On May 1, 2009, at 6:55 PM, thatsanicehatyouh...@mac.com wrote:

 Given a session object, is there a way to test if an object in the
 session is pending (or for that matter, transient, persistent, or

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[sqlalchemy] Testing the state of an object in a session.

2009-05-01 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


Given a session object, is there a way to test if an object in the  
session is pending (or for that matter, transient, persistent, or  



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Auto-generating class definitions

2009-04-22 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave

Hi Huy,

Thanks for your comments!

On 22 Apr 2009, at 05:33, huy wrote:

 I guess it depends if you are going the standard SA table/mapping way
 or the sqlalchemy.ext.declarative way

So this is a good question to ask. As I'm just starting out with SA, I  
have no legacy code to update, and thus have started with the 0.5.x  
version where the documentation recommends using the declarative way.  
I don't know how this differs from the old way (besides which base  
class to use). What is the difference, and should I be using that?

 - I want to use reflection whenever possible.
 Not sure exactly which reflection you want here but my experience with
 a database of about 30+ tables, it's so much faster for development
 to have a static SA table definitions file then to have it reflect on
 every server reload.

Of course - I want to generate static definitions in a single file,  
and then import that file from my python scripts. What I'm trying to  
avoid is when I make modifications to my db schema that I don't have  
to tune the class/table definitions by hand in this file.

 - I want to create a second python script that will contain one class
 definition for each in the first file. For example, let's say I  
 have a
 table called plate. The first file will contain the full definition
 for a class called Plate_. The second file might contain:

 class Plate(Plate_): pass

 The second definition is a subclass of the first where I can put
 custom logic (if I need any) for each class. This is the class I will
 use in my scripts. I will then import this file from the many scripts
 I need to write that use this database.

 Just wondering why you need both ? (unless you are going the
 sqlalchemy.ext.declarative way.)

Let's say here the Plate class represents the table plate in the  
database. I want to write some custom logic into the Plate class, for  
example a method is_finished. This is not a field in the table, but  
a calculation that could depend on both data from the db and external  
information passed to it at runtime. The problem comes when I want to  
regenerate the static db definitions - my custom (non-database)  
definitions would be overwritten. By keeping them separate, I can  
regenerate the static definitions any time.

I'm not sure of the meaning of your second remark about using the  
declarative method? How does this change things in what I'm trying to  

 If you are using the standard table/mapping, your model classes don't
 have to extend explicitly an SA base class.
 Also, SA can work with a simple class definition like

 class Plate(object):

 and it auto injects everything itself, when you do the mapping. It's
 not like java where you generate
 setters and getters for every database column.

That's definitely nice. The WebObjects code that was generated did  
create all of the setters and getters (which I see I don't need), but  
also defined all the relationships between the objects. I think this  
was the part that the latest autocode was missing. Then my subclass of  
that object would contain my custom logic.

I'm a little unclear about that object definition above - how does  
this declaration talk to SA?

 I think it's good to do some things manually when you first start out.
 Heck, it's not really that much code.  I guess you come from WO which
 generated pretty much everything.

Is that a bad thing? :) If a program can do it, I don't want to!

My mindset is that I'd really prefer to be able to get up and running  
very quickly to be able to do the most common stuff, and only have to  
dig into the specifics when I need to optimise or do something  
unusual. I've been doing DBI programming in Perl for a long time, but  
this just thinly wrapped SQL. SA is really promising to remove the  
tedious SQL coding, but I think it can be made a bit easier (much like  
Elixir has done).

Thanks again for taking to the time respond to my questions (and if  
you've got this far, reading through all this!). I appreciate the  
help. I will take a closer look at autocode to see if it can't do what  
I need with minimal patching.



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[sqlalchemy] Auto-generating class definitions

2009-04-21 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I'm trying to set up database access using SQLAlchemy, and wanted to  
get some advice from the experts on how to proceed. I'm using  
PostgreSQL as my database (shouldn't be important, I know) and will  
specify foreign keys in the database. I do not want to create or  
modify database tables via python - I will use other tools for that.  
This is what I'd like to do:

- Have a script that will connect to the database, read the schema,  
and generate a single file. This will be a python script that  
generates the definitions of all the classes, relationships, etc.

- I want to use reflection whenever possible.

- I want this output file to be considered read only such that when I  
modify the database, I can rerun the script and regenerate it with the  

- I want to create a second python script that will contain one class  
definition for each in the first file. For example, let's say I have a  
table called plate. The first file will contain the full definition  
for a class called Plate_. The second file might contain:

class Plate(Plate_): pass

The second definition is a subclass of the first where I can put  
custom logic (if I need any) for each class. This is the class I will  
use in my scripts. I will then import this file from the many scripts  
I need to write that use this database.

(If anyone here has used WebObjects they'll know what I'm trying to do  

I've looked at Elixir, SQLSoup, and sqlautocode. I don't think any of  
these do quite what I'm trying to do here. I've only started to play  
with SQLAlchemy, and I'm a little frustrated at how much code I need  
to write to start using it, code that can certainly (and should) be  

I'd appreciate any advice on how best to approach this. Also, please  
let me know if I'm missing something from existing tools.



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[sqlalchemy] Mapping and reflection question

2009-04-15 Thread thatsanicehatyouhave


I have a question about SQLAlchemy (well, I have a lot of questions,  
but I'll try to space them out a bit!). I'm very new to it (and  
python) but not databases and ORMs.

I like that I can use reflection to define tables, and I really want  
to use that since I don't want to update python classes when I modify  
a table. I am defining my table like this:

metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine
platesTable = Table('plate', metadata, autoload=True)

Next, I want to map my plate table to a lookup table:

surveyTable = Table('survey', metadata)
x = sql.join(platesTable, surveyTable, platesTable.c.survey_pk ==  
mapper(??plate class??, x, properties={'pk':[platesTable.c.survey_pk,  

The problem is that I don't know what to put in for the plate class  
since I used reflection and haven't defined one. Does this mean that I  
have to define the class by hand and can't have it done automatically?  
Can the autoload figure these relationships out?

Thanks in advance for any help!



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