[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-10 Thread Gaetan de Menten

On 3/10/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well initial response to this post has been overwhelmingly low, but
 thats fine with me.   After trying to tackle this today, I realized
 that I actually didnt want to add a brand new query object and go
 through a painful deprecation procedure again and all that...and I
 also observed that the notion of a query being against a single entity
 is pretty important..things like get(), load() and all that dont make
 much sense for multiple entities.  Also, all the things Ive wanted to
 do are not actually that hard as we already have code to do most of

 So I did not add any new classes or modules, no new methods on
 session, I didnt go with my modified generative approach (its just
 like it always was) and changed absolutely nothing about Query thats
 already there (well one little thing i dont think anyone was using).
 But I added a whole lot of new methods to Query, essentially
 everything SelectResults was able to do.  I was concerned about having
 just too much crap on Query but i think it turned out fine.  Plus I
 added a little bit of hibernate-like capabilities to query multiple
 entities and extra columns too.

Well, this is just Great ! I also felt those methods belonged in the
core somehow. Thanks for all your work!

Gaëtan de Menten

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-10 Thread Arnar Birgisson

I like it all!


On 3/10/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well initial response to this post has been overwhelmingly low, but
 thats fine with me.   After trying to tackle this today, I realized
 that I actually didnt want to add a brand new query object and go
 through a painful deprecation procedure again and all that...and I
 also observed that the notion of a query being against a single entity
 is pretty important..things like get(), load() and all that dont make
 much sense for multiple entities.  Also, all the things Ive wanted to
 do are not actually that hard as we already have code to do most of

 So I did not add any new classes or modules, no new methods on
 session, I didnt go with my modified generative approach (its just
 like it always was) and changed absolutely nothing about Query thats
 already there (well one little thing i dont think anyone was using).
 But I added a whole lot of new methods to Query, essentially
 everything SelectResults was able to do.  I was concerned about having
 just too much crap on Query but i think it turned out fine.  Plus I
 added a little bit of hibernate-like capabilities to query multiple
 entities and extra columns too.

 So...with that, heres what Query can do now.

 First of all, the same stuff that youve always used is just like it
 always was:


 A couple of methods that Ive never liked because they are klunky, are
 still there anyway:


 As it stands, Query has two generative methods already (which also i
 had to fix a little bit since generative-ness would wipe out what
 was previously there).  these return for you a new Query with
 modifications to its state:


 So we add a lot of new generative methods taken from SelectResults,
 all of which return a brand new Query.  the things you add here will
 also take effect on subsequent calls to the regular select(), count(),
 select_by(), etc:

query.filter() - adds criterion
query.filter_by() - ditto
query.join() - joins to a property name, or a list
query.distinct() - applies DISTINCT
query[3:5]  - applies offset 3, limit 2

 like SelectResults, we have some executors -


 or just call query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), etc. to
 execute whatever has been built up.

 the aggregates, which take a Column (not sure how popular these are):

.. and others

 So a generative example, including join which im really excited
 about.  join can act either like join_to():

 q =
 print q.list()

 or like join_via (which is more deterministic), if you send a list:

 l = q.filter(orderitems.c.item_name=='item 4').join(['orders',

 and then, some brand new stuff - better support for querying more
 than one thing at a time.  the instances() method, which was able to
 take a list of *mappers, now returns the results the way the docs say
 they do, as a list of tuples, each tuple having an entry for each
 mapper.  additionally, when that option is used, the uniquing of the
 result is turned off - this so that the results you get back
 correspond to the rows that went in.  and, you can stick arbitrary
 columns, not just mappers, in the list too...it will just pull them
 from the row.

 in addition to the changes on instances(), you can add extra entities/
 columns to the compilation as well:

query.add_entity() - adds columns to the select criterion
query.add_column() - adds columns to the select criterion

 so what can we do with this ?  things like, query an entity and an
 aggregate function at the same time:

 q = sess.query(User)
 q = q.group_by([c for c in
 l = q.list()

 which will return for you a list of tuples:

 (user1, 3),
 (user2, 5),
 (user3, 0),

 note the label is needed right now for a function, it makes it
 possible for Query to target the column correctly.

 another one from the unit tests.  the users table has users 7, 8, 9
 in it.  the addresses table has addresses 1, 2, 3, 4.  user #7
 refereces address #1, user #8 references addresses 2, 3 and 4.

 (user7, user8, user9) = sess.query(User).select()
 (address1, address2, address3, address4) =

 q = sess.query(User)
 q = q.add_entity(Address).outerjoin('addresses')
 l = q.list()
 assert l == [
 (user7, address1),
 (user8, address2),

[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-09 Thread Glauco

Michael Bayer ha scritto:
 hey list -

 I continue to be troubled by the slightly fragmented nature of SA's
 Query object (and the cousin SelectResults).  When I work with
 Hibernate, I can see that their querying interface is a little more
 consistent than ours.  We have flags that are used for some things,
 generative methods for others.

 so id like to look into defining the next generation of query.  Id
 like it to have a quasi-generative approach, like Hibernates.  this
 means you can say:

q = q.where(something).order_by(somethingelse)

 but also, its the same as:


 so its really the same instance (this is not how SelectResults works
 at the moment).

 the whole business of using SelectResults, using SelectResultsExt, all
 that crap just to get a different API, id like to get rid of (i mean,
 itll stay there but you wont need it).  im sorry ive made you all type
 that much.

 This would be a rewrite of `Query`, and we'd leave the old one around
 in its usual place.  Im thinking we could put this newer `Query` on
 the session under the method name `select()`.

 Anyway, I put a wiki page over at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/QueryV4
 , with like 2 lines of code what it might look like.

 I would like folks to comment on it, and add use cases, sample code,
 things youd like to see.  note that Im looking mostly for the Python
 API, and maybe a little bit of the method of specifying criterion, but
 not really a whole new object-query layer (like building a new HQL, or
 using AST-parsing, etc. i still think thats something else entirely).

 Please think of something to add, particularly if you are working with
 polymorphic mappings, or youve had a lot to say in past iterations
 (i.e. like dmiller, dennis, etc).  I dont want to make a move on this
 until something definitely cool and widely useful has been worked
 out.  if we just have a vague notion of something, theres no
 point...while we can prototype it, if its a side thing then not enough
 people are going to use it (and therefore valid complaints wont be
 heard) unless we parade this thing down the main aisle.  this query
 would hopefully be the last one we write for the SA core (since we are
 running out of reasonable method names on session ;) ).


SA is a great Work, power and useful. Only think , probably is too much 
finalised  to oneTabel - OneMapper  prototyping

For example, my purpose now is to revisiting a lot of mapper created 
from different programmers over a huge DB  so it's very important for 
maintain mappers clear, univocity in these mappers.

I found different but not equal possibility in some operation for example:

- It's not too clear because not all the features of the Table object is 
not manteined in the Mapper.

  I've 3 mapper  Amapper - Bmapper - Cmapper

- Why, if i prefer to use Mapper instead of the Tbl direct qry, i must 
anyway always explicity  the join to other mapper, for retrieve all 
selected records, Amapper.select_by( BmapperColumnCondition ) retrieve 
always  select * from A where clause so if i'm searching  something 
from B i must redesign selection qry..
-  Why ( aa = Amapper,  is a mapper
   bb = Bmapper,  is a mapper;
   aa.Bmapper, is a Unit of Work)  this let me use 
Amapper.c.field == x but i cannot Use Amapper.Bmapper.c.field = y

take in mind my work of maintain this huge library so if i  must upgrade 
Cmapper i don't want to manipulate ALL mapper referring to it

I hope my explanation is clear, :-) Sorry for my poor English

  Glauco Uri - Programmatore
  Sfera Carta Software®  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Via Bazzanese,69  Casalecchio di Reno(BO) - Tel. 051591054 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-09 Thread Michael Bayer

youre looking for the mappers to express the relational concepts as
fully as Tables.  but thats what Tables are for, why not just use
them ?  SA's philosophy is very much about dont pretend theres no

On Mar 9, 5:16 am, Glauco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bayer ha scritto:

  hey list -

  I continue to be troubled by the slightly fragmented nature of SA's
  Query object (and the cousin SelectResults).  When I work with
  Hibernate, I can see that their querying interface is a little more
  consistent than ours.  We have flags that are used for some things,
  generative methods for others.

  so id like to look into defining the next generation of query.  Id
  like it to have a quasi-generative approach, like Hibernates.  this
  means you can say:

 q = q.where(something).order_by(somethingelse)

  but also, its the same as:


  so its really the same instance (this is not how SelectResults works
  at the moment).

  the whole business of using SelectResults, using SelectResultsExt, all
  that crap just to get a different API, id like to get rid of (i mean,
  itll stay there but you wont need it).  im sorry ive made you all type
  that much.

  This would be a rewrite of `Query`, and we'd leave the old one around
  in its usual place.  Im thinking we could put this newer `Query` on
  the session under the method name `select()`.

  Anyway, I put a wiki page over athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/QueryV4
  , with like 2 lines of code what it might look like.

  I would like folks to comment on it, and add use cases, sample code,
  things youd like to see.  note that Im looking mostly for the Python
  API, and maybe a little bit of the method of specifying criterion, but
  not really a whole new object-query layer (like building a new HQL, or
  using AST-parsing, etc. i still think thats something else entirely).

  Please think of something to add, particularly if you are working with
  polymorphic mappings, or youve had a lot to say in past iterations
  (i.e. like dmiller, dennis, etc).  I dont want to make a move on this
  until something definitely cool and widely useful has been worked
  out.  if we just have a vague notion of something, theres no
  point...while we can prototype it, if its a side thing then not enough
  people are going to use it (and therefore valid complaints wont be
  heard) unless we parade this thing down the main aisle.  this query
  would hopefully be the last one we write for the SA core (since we are
  running out of reasonable method names on session ;) ).

 SA is a great Work, power and useful. Only think , probably is too much
 finalised  to oneTabel - OneMapper  prototyping

 For example, my purpose now is to revisiting a lot of mapper created
 from different programmers over a huge DB  so it's very important for
 maintain mappers clear, univocity in these mappers.

 I found different but not equal possibility in some operation for example:

 - It's not too clear because not all the features of the Table object is
 not manteined in the Mapper.

   I've 3 mapper  Amapper - Bmapper - Cmapper

 - Why, if i prefer to use Mapper instead of the Tbl direct qry, i must
 anyway always explicity  the join to other mapper, for retrieve all
 selected records, Amapper.select_by( BmapperColumnCondition ) retrieve
 always  select * from A where clause so if i'm searching  something
 from B i must redesign selection qry..

 -  Why ( aa = Amapper,  is a mapper
bb = Bmapper,  is a mapper;
aa.Bmapper, is a Unit of Work)  this let me use
 Amapper.c.field == x but i cannot Use Amapper.Bmapper.c.field = y

 take in mind my work of maintain this huge library so if i  must upgrade
 Cmapper i don't want to manipulate ALL mapper referring to it

 I hope my explanation is clear, :-) Sorry for my poor English

   Glauco Uri - Programmatore

   Sfera Carta Software®  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Via Bazzanese,69  Casalecchio di Reno(BO) - Tel. 051591054

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 3/8/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hey list -

 I continue to be troubled by the slightly fragmented nature of SA's
 Query object (and the cousin SelectResults).  When I work with
 Hibernate, I can see that their querying interface is a little more
 consistent than ours.  We have flags that are used for some things,
 generative methods for others.

 so id like to look into defining the next generation of query.  Id
 like it to have a quasi-generative approach, like Hibernates.  this
 means you can say:

q = q.where(something).order_by(somethingelse)

 but also, its the same as:


 so its really the same instance (this is not how SelectResults works
 at the moment).

I like the select results way better.  That way you can make a base
query and then modify it easily; if you're modifying in place, and
you add another where clause, you can't easily re-use the pre-modified
version again.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-08 Thread Michael Bayer

On Mar 8, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 On 3/8/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hey list -

 I continue to be troubled by the slightly fragmented nature of SA's
 Query object (and the cousin SelectResults).  When I work with
 Hibernate, I can see that their querying interface is a little more
 consistent than ours.  We have flags that are used for some things,
 generative methods for others.

 so id like to look into defining the next generation of query.  Id
 like it to have a quasi-generative approach, like Hibernates.  this
 means you can say:

q = q.where(something).order_by(somethingelse)

 but also, its the same as:


 so its really the same instance (this is not how SelectResults works
 at the moment).

 I like the select results way better.  That way you can make a base
 query and then modify it easily; if you're modifying in place, and
 you add another where clause, you can't easily re-use the pre-modified
 version again.

how often do you have a base query hanging around, vs. doing brand  
new query object each time?  with the full generative way, if you  
are programatically building up your query, now you have to say:

if somecriterion:
 q = q.where(something)
if someother criterion:
 q = q.where(somethingelse)

q = q.order_by(something else)
q = q.options(foo)

ie you have to keep remembering to say q = q.etc, otherwise you are  
just throwing away your newly generated query objects.  this seems  
inconvenient to me.

id like to see what cases make you want to have a base query that is  
reused, and consider how that might not be needed either.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-08 Thread Jonathan Ellis

On 3/8/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how often do you have a base query hanging around, vs. doing brand
 new query object each time?  with the full generative way, if you
 are programatically building up your query, now you have to say:

 if somecriterion:
  q = q.where(something)
 if someother criterion:
  q = q.where(somethingelse)

 q = q.order_by(something else)
 q = q.options(foo)

 ie you have to keep remembering to say q = q.etc, otherwise you are
 just throwing away your newly generated query objects.  this seems
 inconvenient to me.

 id like to see what cases make you want to have a base query that is
 reused, and consider how that might not be needed either.

for instance, i have an application in charge of building zips for
users to download from a queue of requests.  the requests are
prioritized, but to prevent starvation of low priority requests, i
have another thread that just processes them in order of request time.

so i have the base query that's just a module-level variable, and the
main threadpool adds on the priority clause, while the other adds on
the request-time clause.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-08 Thread Michael Bayer

On Mar 8, 2007, at 11:49 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 for instance, i have an application in charge of building zips for
 users to download from a queue of requests.  the requests are
 prioritized, but to prevent starvation of low priority requests, i
 have another thread that just processes them in order of request time.

 so i have the base query that's just a module-level variable, and the
 main threadpool adds on the priority clause, while the other adds on
 the request-time clause.

well say you have your query

myquery = session.query(SomeClass).select(whatever)

your functions that want to build off of it without modifying can  
just say:

def dosomething():
 q = myquery.copy().where(something).where(somethingelse)

so if you do need a local query, you can get one.  i think this is  
the less common use case, so the extra typing should be associated  
there (and its not as much extra typing as the q= q.foo thing).

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