[sqlite] Ticket 1224: config.h

2005-05-09 Thread Christian Smith
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Christian Smith wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
>>On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 17:49 +0100, Christian Smith wrote:
>>> Just created ticket #1224 to remove config.h from build, but there appears
>>> to be no way to attach a patch to the ticket itself. Have I missed
>>> something?
>>There is an "[Attach]" hyperlink at the top of the screen.
>Worst thing is I've attached things before to other tickets. D'oh.
>Patch is attached to ticket. I've done a Solaris 32-bit to Solaris 64-bit
>target build, and come out with a "working" sqlite3 binary, but as yet
>I've not run the regression tests due to lack of installed TCL libraries,
>but I have bumped into the alignment problem I seem to remember running
>into before. I've built with 32-bit gcc 3.3.2, using the -m64 flag to
>generate a 64-bit binary. The callback trace (debugging symbols don't
>appear to work with gdb or Sun Forte 6)
> [snip trace]
>Same trace as that 64-bit problem you worked on last October, check in
>Do you have any other alignment/size assumptions, other than the ones
>fixed above? Or this could just be a bug in gcc perhaps? I can retry the
>build using the Sun compiler to generate the 64-bit binaries.

Checkin 2455 (http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/chngview?cn=2455) appears to
have fixed this issue as well with a 32->64bit cross built SPARC binary.

>Either way, I still think it's worth removing config.h from the build to
>help with general cross building.

Still think so. Has anyone tried the patch? Comments? Patch attached to
ticket, and is public domain.



/ \

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-09 Thread basil thomas
> What's the objection to reading your SQL source out of the database and
> preparing it at program startup?

I have no objection to reading the sql on startup as that is what we are
currently doing. I just want all data access code inside of the database
instead of my source code. Does anyone else think that SQLite should have
stored procedures?? My assumption is that if you are creating views and
triggers, why not also create stored procedures aswell. Nearly every other
database that has triggers (embedded library or not) has stored procedures
aswell. Anyway, as I have pointed out before, I obviously can do without as
we are simulating stored procedures by puting them in resource files from
one large xml file that can be edited external to the source code. We do not
want out data access layer tied too much to SQLite and would prefer to have
all access code in the database itself so our data access layer can
accomadate (lesser obviously) databases on the market with little change
to the code. We can usually work with SQL Server code independant of the
application by using stored procedures as our sole access point into he
database. SQLite is definitely extremely fast and we have no plans of
abandoning due to lack of stored procedures but definitely would  be nice to

[sqlite] Can I bind a sql parameter to a filed name?

2005-05-09 Thread liigo
when i use this code:
(Omit some code...such as sqite3_stmt)
sqlite3_prepare("select * from table1 where $fieldname = $fieldvalue")
sqlite3_bind_text("$fieldname", "id"); //the "id" is a field of table1,  
this line maybe got error.
sqlite3_bind_int("$fieldvalue", 5);

I wonder if these code get the SQL:
  1.   select * from table1 where id = 5  //this is what i want
  2.   select * from table1 where 'id' = 5//this is what i don't want!

Another question:
I use sqlite static lib in my applictiaon, and How I can get the debug  
info that comes from sqlite3DebugPrintf() or other?

thanks, liigo

Re: [sqlite] Multiuser SQLITE_LOCKED error syncronization idea

2005-05-09 Thread Ara.T.Howard
On Mon, 9 May 2005, Helmut Tschemernjak wrote:
sqlite3 3.2.1 gives SQLITE_LOCKED errors if one process updates the database
and another accesses it. Most retries will fail if the other processes is
working e.g. many inserts.
Here is my idea:
Keep a list of up to 32 pid_t of waiting processes in the database file.
After one statement is completed send a SIG_USR1 message of the first
process in the list and shift out the first PID and add yourself to the end
of this list any wait for some time e.g. (20ms).
The second process receives a signal and can start using the DB and will
automatically wakeup the next client PID. The same could be done on Windows
using events.
This means there would be no polling/retry required to access the DB from a
second process on the same machine.
Are there any other workarounds?  I will try the sqlite3_busy_handler
the pids will grow stale and you'll end up sending a signal to some random
proecess.  other issue is that the pid may not be on the same host - we store
alot of config info in nfs mounted sqlite dbs.  the are however, very
occasionally updated by a process that locks the whole db first.  in this case
the pid hold the lock is almost never on the same machine.
| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting
| that they pass away. --aitken roshi

[sqlite] Multiuser SQLITE_LOCKED error syncronization idea

2005-05-09 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak
sqlite3 3.2.1 gives SQLITE_LOCKED errors if one process updates the 
database and another accesses it. Most retries will fail if the other 
processes is working e.g. many inserts.

Here is my idea:
Keep a list of up to 32 pid_t of waiting processes in the database file. 
After one statement is completed send a SIG_USR1 message of the first 
process in the list and shift out the first PID and add yourself to the 
end of this list any wait for some time e.g. (20ms).

The second process receives a signal and can start using the DB and will 
automatically wakeup the next client PID. The same could be done on 
Windows using events.

This means there would be no polling/retry required to access the DB 
from a second process on the same machine.

Are there any other workarounds?
I will try the sqlite3_busy_handler
best regards
Helmut Tschemernjak

[sqlite] enum return type idea for sqlite3 functions

2005-05-09 Thread Helmut Tschemernjak
I like to recommend to use an enum for the return code of all sqlite3 
functions., E.g.:

typedef enum {
SQLITE_OK   = 0,/* Successful result */
SQLITE_ERROR= 1,/* SQL error or missing database */
SQLITE_INTERNAL = 2,/* An internal logic error in SQLite */
} sqlite3_retcode;
sqlite3_retcode sqlite3_open(
const char *filename,   /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
  sqlite3 **ppDb  /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
The benefit would be that the return value would be displayed in the 

best regards
Helmut Tschemernjak

Re: [sqlite] Data tipe

2005-05-09 Thread Martin Engelschalk
Sombra schrieb:
There is any Datatypes for Data (year, moth,day ) in version 2.8.16 of 


No, there isn't.
you can save a time_t or even a COleDateTime::m_dt in the database.

Re: [sqlite] view and column naming problem in sqlite3

2005-05-09 Thread David M. Cook
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 08:20:14AM -0700, David M. Cook wrote:

> CREATE VIEW flat_recording_view as select r.recording_id, c.composer_name,

> SQL error: no such column: composer_name
> Aliasing the column names in the view using the 'as' syntax didn't help.

I guess I mistyped my query, aliasing does work to clear up the problem.
Also putting the column name in quotes as "c.composer_name" worked.

Dave Cook

[sqlite] Data tipe

2005-05-09 Thread Sombra
There is any Datatypes for Data (year, moth,day ) in version 2.8.16 of 


[sqlite] view and column naming problem in sqlite3

2005-05-09 Thread David M. Cook
I have a view

CREATE VIEW flat_recording_view as select r.recording_id, c.composer_name,
w.title, r.description, l.label_name, d.catalog_no from composer c join work
w on (c.composer_id=w.composer_id) join recording r on (w.work_id=r.work_id)
join disc d on (r.disc_id=d.disc_id) join label l on (l.label_id=d.label_id);

and I want to use this for queries like:

select * from flat_recording_view where composer_name like 'haydn%';

This has always worked fine with sqlite 2.8, but with the sqlite3 that comes
with Tiger (/usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.8.6.dylib and sqlite utility 3.1.3) I get:

SQL error: no such column: composer_name

Aliasing the column names in the view using the 'as' syntax didn't help.

Any other info that I could supply that might help here?

Dave Cook

Re: [sqlite] Merging databases

2005-05-09 Thread Jay Sprenkle
> Trivial. Don't use sqlite's "integer primary key", but instead globally
> unique identifiers.
> http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html

Nice link, thanks!

> Has good hints on where to get your globally unique identifiers.
> Or translate the original keys to globally unique identifiers within a
> transaction before loading into your master database.

Works fine if you don't have any overlap between products on the two
systems. You might get the same product twice, each with a different
global unique number.

Re: [sqlite] SQL to renumber values in a column?

2005-05-09 Thread Jay Sprenkle
On 5/8/05, Brown, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's not what I want, though. I want to UPDATE the actual values in the
> order_number column so they end up as 1, 2, 3  instead of 1, 3, 4.
> So I want the result of a "select * from table order by order_number" to
> give me:
> a, 1
> c, 2
> d, 3

Use a counter in whatever language you're retreieving the result set in.
It's lots simpler.

[sqlite] avoiding triggers within triggers ?

2005-05-09 Thread Gabor Szabo
While playing around with the extension of the order_number question Dave posted
I got stuck at some point.
I have 3 triggers on a table for INSER/DELETE and UPDATE.
all 3 of them do further UPDATEs on the same table.

How can I make sure that these UPDATEs won't fire the UPDATE trigger again ?
Can I temporaily disable triggers or can I recognize when a they were
fired by statements
withing triggers ? Maybe I should use RAISE(IGNORE); but I don't know WHEN ?

Here is the full example:
CREATE TABLE players (
 name   VARCHAR(10),
CREATE TRIGGER keep_in_order_delete AFTER DELETE ON players
 UPDATE players SET ord = ord-1 WHERE ord > old.ord;

CREATE TRIGGER keep_in_order_insert BEFORE INSERT ON players
 UPDATE players SET ord = ord+1 WHERE ord >= new.ord;

CREATE TRIGGER keep_in_order_move BEFORE UPDATE OF ord ON players
   UPDATE players SET ord = ord + 1 WHERE old.ord > new.ord AND ord <
old.ord AND ord >= new.ord;
   UPDATE players SET ord = ord - 1 WHERE old.ord < new.ord AND ord >
old.ord AND ord <= new.ord;

SELECT "Add players";
INSERT INTO players VALUES("a", 1);
INSERT INTO players VALUES("b", 2);
INSERT INTO players VALUES("c", 3);
INSERT INTO players VALUES("d", 4);
INSERT INTO players VALUES("e", 5);
SELECT * FROM players;
SELECT "Delete player in 2nd place:";
DELETE FROM players WHERE ord = 2;
SELECT * FROM players;

SELECT "Insert player in 2nd place:";
INSERT INTO players VALUES("x", 2);
SELECT * FROM players;

DROP TABLE players;

[sqlite] Kexi 0.9 beta 1 released

2005-05-09 Thread Jarosław Staniek
For original announcement with links see
== Kexi 0.9 beta 1 Announcement ==
Kexi Team Ships Beta Release of Major Enhancements to Free Integrated Database
May 9, 2005 (The INTERNET). The Kexi Team today announced the immediate
availability of Kexi 0.9 beta 1, codenamed "Shorthorn", the newest stable
release of the integrated environment for managing data.

(since 0.1 beta 5 version)
* Database forms are now officially supported
* Many improvements in handling server databases
* For users' convenience, Tabular Data View's behaviour is similar to
Form Data View's behaviour
* Data and project migration from existing data sources (SQLite, MySQL,
* (Read only) import of Microsoft Access MDB file import available as
optional plugin.
* Tens of overall improvements and hundreds of bug fixes
See also Detailed information on changes and Screenshots.

Kexi and its libraries are available free of charge under flexible Open Source
license (LGPL). It can be obtained as [archive] Linux/Unix source code

See also Download section on Kexi web site.

More information
How to compile Kexi. To learn how to compile Kexi, see this document.
Support. Kexi users are invited to report bugs and wishes. This can be done by
using the KDE Bug Tracking System.
Unsupported features. Updated list of unsupported features and known problems
is also available.

New Developers On the Board! Three new proffesional software developers joined
the Kexi Project:
* Martin Ellis who contributed with updated MySQL driver, KexiDB
improvements and MDB (MS Access databases) support. The latter feature is
highly expected by many users.
* Sebastian Sauer who contributed with excellent, well designed Scripting
Module (KROSS) together with Python language bindings for KROSS. These
features are planned as the subject of Kexi 1.0 release.
* Christian Nitschkowski who contributed with various forms' graphics
effects, KInitiator (to be included in 1.0) and helper dialogs.
Jobs. "Ask not what Kexi can do for you, ask what you can do for Kexi". Kexi
Team is looking for developers, and package maintainers (vide supported Linux
distributions). Translators, testers, end-user and development documentation
writers, and any other forms of support are also welcome. Contact the Team for
more information.
Multiplatform Availability. Kexi on Linux (e.g. Debian) is available for many
architectures, including 64-bit Intel/AMD and Apple PowerPC.
Features in progress. Scripting using Python language; CSV and Clipboard data

Kexi is developed by Kexi Team - an international group of independent
developers, with assistance and workforce coming from the OpenOffice Polska

About Kexi
Kexi is an integrated environment for managing data. It can be used for
creating database schemas; inserting data; performing queries, and processing
data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All
database objects - tables, queries and forms - are stored in the database,
making it easy to share databases.
As Kexi is a real member of the K Desktop Environment and KOffice projects, it
integrates fluently into both on Linux/Unix. It is designed to be fully usable
also without running KDE Desktop on Linux/Unix, MS Windows and Mac OS X 
Kexi is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for MS Access,
Filemaker and Oracle Forms. Its development is motivated by the lack of Rapid
Application Development (RAD) tools for database systems that are sufficiently
powerful, inexpensive, open standards driven and portable across many OSes and
hardware platforms.
== End of the Announcement ==
regards / pozdrawiam,
 Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska / Kexi Team
 http://www.openoffice.com.pl  |  http://www.kexi-project.org
 KDElibs/Windows: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDElibs+for+win32

Re: [sqlite] SQL to renumber values in a column?

2005-05-09 Thread Gabor Szabo
On 5/9/05, Brown, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The question I have is: If a row gets deleted, how do I sequentially reorder
> the remaining
> rows? For example:
> Start with this:
> a, 1
> b, 2
> c, 3
> d, 4
> now delete the row with 'b':
> a, 1
> c, 3
> d, 4
> I'm trying to figure out how to write an update statement which will reorder
> this back to:
> a, 1
> c, 2
> d, 3

I think this trigger will do it on table playlist

CREATE TRIGGER keep_in_order_delete AFTER DELETE ON playlist
   UPDATE playlist SET ord = ord-1 WHERE ord > old.ord;

Full example:

 name   VARCHAR(10),
SELECT datetime('now');
CREATE TRIGGER keep_in_order_delete AFTER DELETE ON x
   UPDATE x SET ord = ord-1 WHERE ord > old.ord;
SELECT datetime('now');


Gabor Szabo