Re: [sqlite] What is so slow on dropping tables?

2011-06-01 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 05/31/2011 12:18 PM, Jan Hudec wrote:
>  - Is there any way to speed it up? 

Another way (somewhat hinted at by Nico) is that you can create these tables
in separate databases and use attach to bring them in.  To drop a table you
can just detach and then delete the database file (at a later point if
necessary).  If the new database is going to be the approximately the same
size as the old one then you can overwrite the database header to cause the
database to be empty but already the allocated size so the operating system
won't have to go through a free then allocate cycle for the file blocks.

This will also allow you to do hot swapping if that is important to you.
You can build up the new tables/databases separately and then when ready to
use them do a detach/attach which should be very quick.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Big difference in performance between Python and gcc

2011-06-01 Thread Alessandro Marzocchi
I made some preliminary tests for an application storing big
chunks of data in a sqlite database. I did firsts tests with python
and they gave me quite impressive results. I then tried to make the
same test using C. I expected to get execution times to be the same of
those of python. However I was surprised as the performance got a lot
worse, with execution times being more than 3 times more. I tried
everything I could think of and also peeked at python module's source
but i couldn't find any way to get C program performance to match
python's one. Any suggestion of what could i be doing wrong? I include
both python and C source code's. The only thing that this program does
is creating a database, making a table where a pair of integer maps
8192-bytes blobs and writing 100k rows in it. Any suggestions of what
I could be doing wrong?

Note: These are the results i get for Windows/MinGW environment. I
have no Linux box at hand at the moment.
-- Python results
bash-3.1$ python --version
Python 2.7rc2
bash-3.1$ time python

sys 0m0.015s

-- C results
bash-3.1$ gcc --version
gcc.exe (GCC) 4.5.0
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
bash-3.1$ gcc -O2 test.c sqlite/sqlite3.c && time ./a.exe

sys 0m0.015s

-- Python script
conn = sqlite3.connect('test1.sqlite')
c.executescript('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS values_log(acquisition
INTEGER,chunk INTEGER, acq_data BLOB);
  ''' )

def f():
  with conn:
for i in range(0,10):
  conn.execute("INSERT INTO values_log VALUES (?,?,?)",(1,i,data))
  if not i%1: print i
print ret

--- C source
#include "sqlite3.7.6.3/sqlite3.h"
sqlite3* db;
char* db_err;

int main(int argc,const char *argv)
  int ret;
  sqlite3_stmt *db_stm;
  sqlite3_open("testDB.sql", &db);
  if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_exec(db, "create table if not exists
'helloworld' (acq integer, chunk integer, data blob);"
acq_index ON helloworld(acq,chunk);"
  , NULL, 0, &db_err)))
fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_exec() [%d]",ret);
return -1;

  if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;", NULL,
0, &db_err)))
fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_exec() [%d]",ret);
return -1;

  if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_exec(db, "begin transaction;", NULL, 0, &db_err)))
fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_exec() [%d]",ret);
return -1;
"INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (?,?,?)",
fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in prepare() [%d]",ret);
return -1;

  int i;
  char data[1024*8+1];

if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_int(db_stm, 1, 1)))
  fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in bind()");
  return -1;
if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_int(db_stm, 2, i)))
  fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in bind()");
  return -1;
//if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_blob(db_stm, 3, data,-1,
if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_blob(db_stm, 3, data,8192,
  fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in bind_blob() [%d] ok=%d",ret,SQLITE_OK);
  return -1;
  fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_step() [%d]",ret);
  return -1;
  fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_reset() [%d]",ret);
  return -1;
  if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_exec(db, "commit;", NULL, 0, &db_err)))
fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_exec() [%d]",ret);
return -1;

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Big difference in performance between Python and gcc

2011-06-01 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 06/01/2011 12:25 AM, Alessandro Marzocchi wrote:
>  The only thing that this program does
> is creating a database, making a table where a pair of integer maps
> 8192-bytes blobs and writing 100k rows in it. Any suggestions of what
> I could be doing wrong?

A major difference I see is that you are storing strings in the Python
version but blobs in the C version.  Additionally the contents are different
between the two being all '0' for the C while '01234567' for the Python.  To
make them identical use buffer() around the Python string which will then
cause it to be treated as blob at the SQLite level.

Another difference is that your timing does not include program startup for
Python but does for C.  Finally the databases have different file names.
I'll bet that virus scanners and backup software are interfering to some
degree during startup and operation.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What is so slow on dropping tables?

2011-06-01 Thread Drake Wilson
Quoth Roger Binns , on 2011-06-01 00:21:44 -0700:
> On 05/31/2011 12:18 PM, Jan Hudec wrote:
> >  - Is there any way to speed it up? 
> Another way (somewhat hinted at by Nico) is that you can create these tables
> in separate databases and use attach to bring them in.  To drop a table you
> can just detach and then delete the database file (at a later point if
> necessary).  If the new database is going to be the approximately the same
> size as the old one then you can overwrite the database header to cause the
> database to be empty but already the allocated size so the operating system
> won't have to go through a free then allocate cycle for the file blocks.

This is a reasonable suggestion, but watch out for the limit on the
number of attached databases.  You cannot reliably have more than 30
of them on a custom compiled SQLite3 (for 32-bit integers; the doc is
silent re int64 type) and the default is a compile-time limit of 10.
Whether this is a problem depends on your data and application

   ---> Drake Wilson
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What is so slow on dropping tables?

2011-06-01 Thread Jean-Christophe Deschamps

>Quoth Roger Binns , on 2011-06-01 00:21:44 -0700:
> > On 05/31/2011 12:18 PM, Jan Hudec wrote:
> > >  - Is there any way to speed it up?
> >
> > Another way (somewhat hinted at by Nico) is that you can create 
> these tables
> > in separate databases and use attach to bring them in.  To drop a 
> table you
> > can just detach and then delete the database file (at a later point if
> > necessary).  If the new database is going to be the approximately 
> the same
> > size as the old one then you can overwrite the database header to 
> cause the
> > database to be empty but already the allocated size so the 
> operating system
> > won't have to go through a free then allocate cycle for the file 
> blocks.
>This is a reasonable suggestion, but watch out for the limit on the
>number of attached databases.  You cannot reliably have more than 30
>of them on a custom compiled SQLite3 (for 32-bit integers; the doc is
>silent re int64 type) and the default is a compile-time limit of 10.
>Whether this is a problem depends on your data and application

Also no foreign key to/from attached DBs, which may be a stronger 

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Big difference in performance between Python and gcc

2011-06-01 Thread Alessandro Marzocchi
Hi Roger,
  thank for your answer. I tried to modify programs to match your
suggestion, performances improved but are still far from pyhon's ones.
(Sorry if this message starts a different thread but i had forwards of
single messages disabled so i could not reply to the original post)

 C modified source and timing -
bash-3.1$ diff test.c testold.c
<   sqlite3_open("test1.sqlite", &db);
>   sqlite3_open("testDB.sql", &db);
<   for(i=0;i<1024*8;i++)data[i]='0'+i%10;
>   for(i=0;i<1024*8;i++)data[i]='0';
< if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_text(db_stm, 3, data,-1,
> //if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_text(db_stm, 3, data,-1,
< //if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_blob(db_stm, 3, data,8192,
> if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_blob(db_stm, 3, data,8192,

bash-3.1$ gcc -O2 test.c sqlite/sqlite3.c && time ./a.exe

sys 0m0.015s

 Python's timing (another run, i'm looking at time tool statistic
not at timeit module so they include also startup times)
bash-3.1$ time python

sys 0m0.000s

 Trying the other way round (making python's code same as old C code)
bash-3.1$ diff
< conn = sqlite3.connect('testDB.sql')
> conn = sqlite3.connect('test1.sqlite')
<   data=buffer(""*1024)
>   data="01234567"*1024
bash-3.1$ time python
sys 0m0.015s
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS4 reserved characters

2011-06-01 Thread Dan Kennedy
On 06/01/2011 06:30 AM, Mohd Radzi Ibrahim wrote:
> Hi,
> I was searching for any reference to reserved characters used in FTS4, but 
> failed to find any.
> I have problem with query with - ftstable match 'width 5" '
> But it's ok with - ftstable match 'width 5'
> to fix this, I replaces every double-qoute in query with empty space.
> My question, is there any other characters that has special meaning in FTS 
> match query?

Those mentioned in the query syntax here:

The query parser is probably confusing the unmatched '"' character
for the start of a quoted phrase. I guess you also have to watch
out for '-', '*' and ':'. Also the uppercase keywords AND, OR, NOT
and NEAR.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What is so slow on dropping tables?

2011-06-01 Thread Dan Kennedy
On 06/01/2011 02:18 AM, Jan Hudec wrote:
> Hellow folks,
> At $work we have an application that processes *huge* (tens of millions of
> rows in some of the larger tables, sometimes over 30GiB file size). This
> application changes and when it does, it drops some tables and calculates
> them again. What is somewhat surprising is that dropping the tables itself
> takes quite long (order of minutes) time.
>   - What is the reason it might take that long? I didn't expect removing the
> table entry in sqlite_master and adding it's pages to the free list to
> take that long.
>   - Is there any way to speed it up? The application works in big tasks, each
> of which opens a transaction and creates one or few tables, dropping any
> old versions of those tables first. So could perhaps moving the drops out
> of the transaction help? It would be correct, once the table is found
> obsolete, it would be found obsolete after rollback and retry again, but
> it would take quite a bit of refactoring, so I'd only do it if it's likely
> to help significantly.

If you have foreign-keys enabled (and one or more FK's that involve
the table being dropped), that can slow things down. If this is
the case, try using the pragma to disable FKs before running the
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Substring (LIKE "%key%") searches, would FTS3 with suffix-tree tokenizer be the fast way?

2011-06-01 Thread Fedor Tyurin
Were you able to solve the problem? What solution have to chosen?


I'd appreciate any suggestions on good ways to do this, I'm neither an SQL
sqlite expert, so I might be thinking about it all wrong.
I have something like a (read-only) address book/rolodex, with interactive
searching. As users type into the search box, I need to first know for each
section how many rows match the substring typed so far. I only display the
rows that are visible on screen.
I have two queries:
(A) I count the rows in a letter group.
If they typed "e":
select substr(name,1,1), count(*) from my_table where name like '%e%'
group by substr(name,1,1);
This is too slow, ~3sec, with 2500 rows, and we want to have 1 rows.
Worse, when they type "es", the search is as slow after they type "s" as
they typed "e", even though the "es" rows are a sub-set of the rows that
matched "e".
FTS3 only searches full terms/words by default, but I think if I built a
tokenizer that returned all the suffix trees for a name:
"fu bar" => [ "r", "ar", "bar", " bar", "u bar", "fu bar"]
That I could do rewrite query (A) like this:
select substr(name,1,1), count(*) from my_table where name match 'e*'
group by substr(name,1,1);
Is this a reasonable approach? Is there a better way? Has somebody
else done this?

(B) I access specific rows within a letter group.
For visible rows, I fetch them by offset into a letter group, so row 4 in
"g" section of names containing "e" would be:
select * from my_table where name like "g%" and name like "%e%" order
by name limit 1 offset 4;
The performance for this is OK, right now, I think it's because the first
can use the index, so the linear scan is over only a few hundred rows. Or it
could be that the on-screen display of each row is slower than the DB
search. I
think it might become a problem, though.
I'm not sure how I would rewrite this to use FTS3 if it turns out to be to
for a larger DB, maybe a tokenizer that puts the first letter of the name as
the first letter of every suffix?
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Biggest number in an INTEGER field

2011-06-01 Thread Ian Hardingham
Guys, an an SQLite3 INTEGER field what is the maximum number that fits 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Biggest number in an INTEGER field

2011-06-01 Thread Nick Shaw
> Guys, an an SQLite3 INTEGER field what is the maximum number that fits

According to, it is

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Syncing databases on different servers

2011-06-01 Thread Ian Hardingham
Hey guys,

First of all, I'm aware that SQLite is not a good choice for concurrency 
over several machines.

I do not need instant syncing of SQLite databases, however I do have a 
table stored on server X which I would like to gradually send changes of 
to various other servers connected by TCP.

In the first instance, I'd be quite happy to send rows with ids which do 
not exist in the other servers' tables, and not worry about changes to rows.

Does anyone have any advice on this matter?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Syncing databases on different servers

2011-06-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik
Ian Hardingham  wrote:
> I do not need instant syncing of SQLite databases, however I do have a
> table stored on server X which I would like to gradually send changes of
> to various other servers connected by TCP.

Perhaps you could use something like rsync to synchronize at the file level.
Igor Tandetnik

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Michael Stephenson
I don't see anywhere a "sqlCmd.Execute()" or whatever the method is to
execute the command.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Don Ireland
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:21 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

Ooh.  I don't know what happened to that message it was sent as paragraphs.
It's kinda hard to read now.

Don Ireland

-Original Message-
From: Don Ireland 
To: SQLite 
Sent: Tue, 31 May 2011 10:18 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Using Visual Studio C++, the
following code DOES create the DB file. But the table doesn't get created
and I'm stumped as to why it won't create the table. SQLiteConnection conn;
conn.ConnectionString = "Data
Source=D:\Users\Don\Downloads\CashBoxPrefs.dat"; conn.Open(); SQLiteCommand
sqlCmd(%conn); sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs
(SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT,
SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0
TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2 TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4
TEXT);"; But if I run following at the SQLite3.exe from the command line, it
DOES create the file and the table. sqlite3 Cashboxprefs.dat sqlite> CREATE
TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs (SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey
TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT, SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval
int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0 TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2
TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Syncing databases on different servers

2011-06-01 Thread Alexey Pechnikov

2011/6/1 Ian Hardingham :
> Hey guys,
> First of all, I'm aware that SQLite is not a good choice for concurrency
> over several machines.
> I do not need instant syncing of SQLite databases, however I do have a
> table stored on server X which I would like to gradually send changes of
> to various other servers connected by TCP.
> In the first instance, I'd be quite happy to send rows with ids which do
> not exist in the other servers' tables, and not worry about changes to rows.
> Does anyone have any advice on this matter?
> Thanks,
> Ian
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.
sqlite-users mailing list


2011-06-01 Thread Ian Hardingham
Hey guys, thanks for all the help so far today.

 From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not 
update the same row in a table more than once?  What are the exact 
limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Pavel Ivanov
>  From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not
> update the same row in a table more than once?

You can update it as many times as you need.

> What are the exact limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?

Do not update a table if there is some select statement currently
active and using it. Active means you made at least one call to
sqlite3_step and last call to sqlite3_step returned SQLITE_ROW.


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Ian Hardingham  wrote:
> Hey guys, thanks for all the help so far today.
>  From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not
> update the same row in a table more than once?  What are the exact
> limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?
> Thanks,
> Ian
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Error (LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) at building sqlite project for pocket pc

2011-06-01 Thread hmas


Thank you for reading my post.

I have downloaded the following archive:
It contains:
- shell.c
- sqlite3.c
- sqlite3.h
- sqlite3ext.h

My OS is "Windows Vista".
With "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0", I created a new "Project":
"File -> New -> Project"
I chose:
"Visual C++", "Smart Device"
"Win32 Smart Device Project"

I gave it a name: "sqlite6".
I selected the SDK: "Pocket PC 2003".
I chose "Application type": "Static Library".
I unchecked the additional option (which was checked): "Precompiled header".

In the "Header Files" section of the project, I added the existing items:
- sqlite3.h
- sqlite3ext.h

In the "Source files" section of the project, I added the existing item:
- sqlite3.c

When I choose "Build sqlite6", I get the following error:

Error   1   error C2065: 'LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK' : undeclared identifier
c:\sqlite\sqlite-amalgamation-3070603\sqlite3.c 32390   

Can you tell me what to do to solve that issue?

Best regards,
View this message in context:
Sent from the SQLite mailing list archive at

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Syncing databases on different servers

2011-06-01 Thread Gary_Gabriel
Hi Ian,

> I do not need instant syncing of SQLite databases, however I do have
>  a table stored on server X which I would like to gradually send 
> changes of to various other servers connected by TCP.
> In the first instance, I'd be quite happy to send rows with ids which
>  do not exist in the other servers' tables, and not worry about 
> changes to rows

Here are two methods that you may consider, they are suitable to send
new rows or sync entry value changes.

1) The first is a standard logging method. To make an example of a schema:
- There are three tables: SearchIndex, ThreadSession and
ThreadIndex. Each table has three indexing columns or fields. Indexing
in this case means if the entry value changes, then the new information
in this row should be synced with the server. There are other columns 
but their content is further desciption relative to the indexing columns 
in the table.
- INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE triggers monitor the 3 indexing columns
in each table using the LIKE operator. A change in the entry value of
the indexing fields fires the trigger which inserts a record in a
logging table with the table name and Integer Primary Key. Joining the
data table with the log table generates the row containing the current
- Use the generated row to sync the dbs.
- This method has been heavily exercised and tested over consider time
and proves to be reliable. Using the LIKE operator in this scenario has
not been detrimental to performance and accurate.

2) Method 2 uses temporary tables to hold the queried values in a user
session. The same tables as in 1) are used in this example. One 
temporary table holds the query result rows for each table. So for the 
tables SearchIndex, ThreadSession and ThreadIndex there are also
SearchIndex_temp, ThreadSession_temp and ThreadIndex_temp. In addition
one column flags changes based on the same criteria as 1). If the
contents of one of the three indexing columns or fields in the temp
tables changes, then the temp row is flagged.
- In the three tables DELETE the rows that have not changed and are not
flagged and what remains can be used to sync the changes.

- Gary Gabriel

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Error (LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) at building sqlite project for pocket pc

2011-06-01 Thread hmas

Me again...

Here is what I've read:
FYI, Compiling for Pocket PC 2003 stopped to work since version 3.7.1
and 3.7.2. So using for now until it gets fixed.

My SQlite version is

An answer was:
There have been several posts on this issue just this week, and suggested
but I couldn't find what workarounds the author was talking about.

So, I was wondering if the problem mentionned above was fixed or not... and
what I have to do.

Thank you and all the best,

hmas wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for reading my post.
> I have downloaded the following archive:
> It contains:
> - shell.c
> - sqlite3.c
> - sqlite3.h
> - sqlite3ext.h
> My OS is "Windows Vista".
> With "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0", I created a new
> "Project":
> "File -> New -> Project"
> I chose:
> "Visual C++", "Smart Device"
> "Win32 Smart Device Project"
> I gave it a name: "sqlite6".
> I selected the SDK: "Pocket PC 2003".
> I chose "Application type": "Static Library".
> I unchecked the additional option (which was checked): "Precompiled
> header".
> In the "Header Files" section of the project, I added the existing items:
> - sqlite3.h
> - sqlite3ext.h
> In the "Source files" section of the project, I added the existing item:
> - sqlite3.c
> When I choose "Build sqlite6", I get the following error:
> =
> Error 1   error C2065: 'LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK' : undeclared identifier
> c:\sqlite\sqlite-amalgamation-3070603\sqlite3.c   32390   
> =
> Can you tell me what to do to solve that issue?
> Best regards,
> --
> hmas

View this message in context:
Sent from the SQLite mailing list archive at

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Kevin Benson
Check to see if escaping combined with double quotes works for you:

SQLiteConnection conn;
 conn.ConnectionString = "Data
 SQLiteCommand sqlCmd(%conn);
 sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs (\"SyncEnabled\"
bool , \"SyncWatchPort\" int , \"SyncLoginKey\" TEXT , \"SyncAccessKey\"
TEXT , \"SyncLogFile\" TEXT , \"SyncLogClearInterval\" int ,
\"GenLatestBook\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_0\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_1\" TEXT ,
\"GenBookMRU_2\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_3\" TEXT , \"GenBookMRU_4\" TEXT);";

 sqlite3 Cashboxprefs.dat
 sqlite> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs ("SyncEnabled" bool ,
"SyncWatchPort" int , "SyncLoginKey" TEXT , "SyncAccessKey" TEXT ,
"SyncLogFile" TEXT , "SyncLogClearInterval" int , "GenLatestBook" TEXT ,
"GenBookMRU_0" TEXT , "GenBookMRU_1" TEXT , "GenBookMRU_2" TEXT ,
"GenBookMRU_3" TEXT , "GenBookMRU_4" TEXT);
K e V i N

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Don Ireland  wrote:

> I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Using Visual Studio C++, the
> following code DOES create the DB file. But the table doesn't get created
> and I'm stumped as to why it won't create the table. SQLiteConnection conn;
> conn.ConnectionString = "Data
> Source=D:\Users\Don\Downloads\CashBoxPrefs.dat"; conn.Open(); SQLiteCommand
> sqlCmd(%conn); sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs
> (SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT,
> SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0
> TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2 TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4
> TEXT);"; But if I run following at the SQLite3.exe from the command line, it
> DOES create the file and the table. sqlite3 Cashboxprefs.dat sqlite> CREATE
> TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs (SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey
> TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT, SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval
> int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0 TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2
> TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Stephan Beal
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Don Ireland  wrote:

> GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);

i might be very wrong here, but i SEEM to remember that having a semicolon
on the end of a line sent to sqlite3_exec() (or similar) doesn't work. i
might, however, be mis-remembering from a session with the MySQL or ocilib
(Oracle) APIs.

- stephan beal
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Richard Hipp
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Stephan Beal  wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Don Ireland  wrote:
> > GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);
> >
> i might be very wrong here, but i SEEM to remember that having a semicolon
> on the end of a line sent to sqlite3_exec() (or similar) doesn't work. i
> might, however, be mis-remembering from a session with the MySQL or ocilib
> (Oracle) APIs.

I think you are probably remembering a MySQL or Oracle episode.  SQLite is
very tolerant of semicolons in sqlite3_exec().  You can put multiple
semicolons before and/or after the SQL statement and it should still work.

> --
> - stephan beal
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Roger Binns  wrote:
> It does seem to me that this specific example is "wrong".  Selects return
> zero or more rows yet the equality wants exactly one value.  I would expect
> an error rather an implied "LIMIT 1" should there be anything other than
> exactly one row.  In some cases you'd only know by executing that subquery
> how many rows it returns, rather than at prepare time.

This is my general feeling as well, but I'm ignoring this since I'm
okay with erroneous queries generating ambiguous results.

>>> So, in summary, the "problem" has been with us for 6 years and nobody has
>>> cared.  And "fixing" it reduces the battery life on your cellphone by some
>>> small amount.  Are you *sure* this is something that needs to change?
> I think it is important to correct, especially as there is no workaround.

The fact that there is no straight-forward work-around is the most
problematic part.  One possible work-around would be to build a
tokenizer that re-extracts all the SQLite parameters so their values
can be verified.  Another possibility is to completely ignore missing
named parameters, leading to the inability to detect errors for the
user.  Understanding the query would be more of a leap, so I don't
think it's a reasonable solution to attempt to remove the "extra"

>From these, the "best" solution seems to be re-tokenizing the sql in
the provider.  Is there another work-around?  It seems that
implementing this at the database level would be the most efficient
approach.  Obviously re-tokenizing all the SQL would be expensive.

Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Stephan Beal
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Patrick Earl  wrote:

> From these, the "best" solution seems to be re-tokenizing the sql in
> the provider.  Is there another work-around?  It seems that
> implementing this at the database level would be the most efficient
> approach.  Obviously re-tokenizing all the SQL would be expensive.

Actually... if you just want to tokenize the SQL for the parameters, as
opposed to checking the validity of the SQL itself, it is not all that
difficult to do. i recently did just that to add named parameter support to
the MySQL back-end of a db access abstraction API. MySQLv5 doesn't support
named parameters natively, so i wrote a relatively simple tokenizer which
can fish them out and another routine which converts named parameters to
question marks so that we can feed the data to mysql (but can also remember
enough info to map the named param positions to qmark positions):

Search that file for:


The code for those functions is public domain and should be generic enough
to extract for your own use (almost without modification - i think only the
return code symbols would need to be replaced). The docs are in the header

That code has worked for me very well so far, and i haven't yet had any
mis-parsing except on code which was itself not legal SQL (i.e. it doesn't
seem to create any new problems where there isn't already a problem).

- stephan beal
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Support for .Net CE 3.5

2011-06-01 Thread Jeff Hoffman
I am programming for Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and would like to use SQLite.

I see this message on the "Features" page:

Supports the Full and Compact .NET Framework, and native C/C++ development.
100% binary compatible with the original sqlite3.dll.
Compact framework not currently not included. We hope to have this feature
included again soon.

Can anyone tell me the latest version of System.Data.SQLite that supports
.Net CE 3.5?   Any other advice would be welcome too!


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Syncing databases on different servers

2011-06-01 Thread Alexey Pechnikov
See undo extension:

And history extension:

And versioning extension:

2011/6/1 Gary_Gabriel :
> Hi Ian,
>> I do not need instant syncing of SQLite databases, however I do have
>>  a table stored on server X which I would like to gradually send
>> changes of to various other servers connected by TCP.
>> In the first instance, I'd be quite happy to send rows with ids which
>>  do not exist in the other servers' tables, and not worry about
>> changes to rows
> Here are two methods that you may consider, they are suitable to send
> new rows or sync entry value changes.
> 1) The first is a standard logging method. To make an example of a schema:
> - There are three tables: SearchIndex, ThreadSession and
> ThreadIndex. Each table has three indexing columns or fields. Indexing
> in this case means if the entry value changes, then the new information
> in this row should be synced with the server. There are other columns
> but their content is further desciption relative to the indexing columns
> in the table.
> - INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE triggers monitor the 3 indexing columns
> in each table using the LIKE operator. A change in the entry value of
> the indexing fields fires the trigger which inserts a record in a
> logging table with the table name and Integer Primary Key. Joining the
> data table with the log table generates the row containing the current
> values.
> - Use the generated row to sync the dbs.
> - This method has been heavily exercised and tested over consider time
> and proves to be reliable. Using the LIKE operator in this scenario has
> not been detrimental to performance and accurate.
> 2) Method 2 uses temporary tables to hold the queried values in a user
> session. The same tables as in 1) are used in this example. One
> temporary table holds the query result rows for each table. So for the
> tables SearchIndex, ThreadSession and ThreadIndex there are also
> SearchIndex_temp, ThreadSession_temp and ThreadIndex_temp. In addition
> one column flags changes based on the same criteria as 1). If the
> contents of one of the three indexing columns or fields in the temp
> tables changes, then the temp row is flagged.
> - In the three tables DELETE the rows that have not changed and are not
> flagged and what remains can be used to sync the changes.
> - Gary Gabriel
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What is so slow on dropping tables?

2011-06-01 Thread Jan Hudec
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 16:44:13 -0500, Nico Williams wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Simon Slavin  wrote:
> > Split the DROP into two stages:
> >
> > DELETE FROM myTable;
> > DROP TABLE myTable;
> >
> > Which one takes all the time ?  If it's the second one, then perhaps just 
> > delete all the records.  Filling the table back up again with new rows 
> > obviously already takes considerable time so adding extra time may not be 
> > as inconvenient.

The first one alone takes more time than the drop alone did before (already
tried some time ago).

> That's gonna have the same problem: in order to find out what pages to
> add to the free list the engine will have to traverse the interior
> nodes of the table's b-tree.
> You could rename the table and then delete from ... order by rowid asc
> limit 1000, to delete 1000 rows at a time.  Add in incremental
> autovacuum and that might do the trick.

The autovacuum would just add more work reshuffling the data around. And
it's not that the pages are going to be unused long.

> You could also re-create the DB in a new file then use the filesystem
> to delete the old file -- the filesystem will have to do the same work
> to free filesystem blocks -more or less-, but it will do it in the
> asynchronously, in the background.

I am deleting one table, but there are many, many others in the file that
I need. Though I already thought about having each table in it's own file and
attach the ones I need (the number of attached databases is limited, but
I don't think single statement ever uses more than 6 or 7 tables, so it could
be doable. Except it would be a lot of work to do it.

> Personally I recommend Roger's VIEW approach to schema changes to
> minimize data re-write overhead.

Well, besides there being many tables that are written from code (though the
data still come from the database, some complex transformations are involved)
the main reason is, that when table X changes, I need to rebuild that table
and the tables that depend on it, but not the tables it depends on. If it
depended on views instead, I would have to reread them. And each join
involved does make the query a bit slower (especially when joining huge
tables like each query would if I used views) it would quickly become

 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Jan Hudec
On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 12:21:15 -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Stephan Beal  wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Don Ireland  wrote:
> >
> > > GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);
> > >
> >
> > i might be very wrong here, but i SEEM to remember that having a semicolon
> > on the end of a line sent to sqlite3_exec() (or similar) doesn't work. i
> > might, however, be mis-remembering from a session with the MySQL or ocilib
> > (Oracle) APIs.
> >
> I think you are probably remembering a MySQL or Oracle episode.  SQLite is
> very tolerant of semicolons in sqlite3_exec().  You can put multiple
> semicolons before and/or after the SQL statement and it should still work.

More than that. sqlite3_exec will happily accept *multiple* statements
separated with semicolons and execute *all* of them. In contrast to
sqlite3_prepare(_v2), which will prepare only the first one (but still accept
the string).

 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Big difference in performance between Python and gcc

2011-06-01 Thread Jan Hudec
On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 09:25:04 +0200, Alessandro Marzocchi wrote:
> However I was surprised as the performance got a lot
> worse, with execution times being more than 3 times more. I tried
> everything I could think of and also peeked at python module's source
> but i couldn't find any way to get C program performance to match
> python's one.

Are you linking against existing sqlite library or compiling it yourself?i

If the later, make sure you enabled all optimizations and disabled assertions
in sqlite. Your flags when compiling sqlite source should include -O3 (most
optimizations) and -DNDEBUG (to turn off assertions). These tend to make huge
effect on sqlite performance.

 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Jan Hudec
On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 10:17:02 -0400, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
> >  From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not
> > update the same row in a table more than once?
> You can update it as many times as you need.
> > What are the exact limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?
> Do not update a table if there is some select statement currently

Actually insert, update and delete are OK. Drop and alter table are
a problem.

> active and using it. Active means you made at least one call to
> sqlite3_step and last call to sqlite3_step returned SQLITE_ROW.

 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Error (LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) at building sqlite project for pocket pc

2011-06-01 Thread Jan Hudec
On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 09:13:30 -0700, hmas wrote:
> Here is what I've read:
> =
> FYI, Compiling for Pocket PC 2003 stopped to work since version 3.7.1
> and 3.7.2. So using for now until it gets fixed.
> =
> (
> My SQlite version is
> An answer was:
> =
> There have been several posts on this issue just this week, and suggested
> workarounds.
> =
> but I couldn't find what workarounds the author was talking about.

The workaround is to disable the write-ahead log by defining SQLITE_OMIT_WAL

Hm, wouldn't adding

#ifdef _WIN32_WCE

somewhere be in order? It's not like it was possible to get WAL wokring on
WinCE given limitations of it's file locking.

 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Simon Slavin

On 1 Jun 2011, at 7:12pm, Jan Hudec wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 10:17:02 -0400, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>>>  From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not
>>> update the same row in a table more than once?
>> You can update it as many times as you need.
>>>  What are the exact limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?
>> Do not update a table if there is some select statement currently
> Actually insert, update and delete are OK. Drop and alter table are
> a problem.

Pavel is right.  He left out some details to make things simple.

Suppose you do a SELECT ... WHERE ... that returns ten rows.  You retrieve 
three rows, then make a change that would mean you should have retrieved eleven 
rows, not ten.  You can't predict what SQLite will do without knowing the 
internal workings of SQLite, right ?  So don't do that.  The same is true even 
if the only thing you change is values to be returned.  Does SQLite copy the 
all values when you execute the SELECT, or row-by-row as you step through the 
results ?  Again, you don't know unless you know the internal workings of 
SQLite.  So don't do that.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What is so slow on dropping tables?

2011-06-01 Thread Nico Williams
On Jun 1, 2011 1:46 PM, "Jan Hudec"  wrote:
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 16:44:13 -0500, Nico Williams wrote:
> > On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Simon Slavin 
> > > Split the DROP into two stages:
> > >
> > > DELETE FROM myTable;
> > > DROP TABLE myTable;
> > >
> > > Which one takes all the time ?  If it's the second one, then perhaps
just delete all the records.  Filling the table back up again with new rows
obviously already takes considerable time so adding extra time may not be as
> The first one alone takes more time than the drop alone did before
> tried some time ago).

Delete might require visiting all the leaf nodes as well (even when doing a
delete with no WHERE clause).

> > That's gonna have the same problem: in order to find out what pages to
> > add to the free list the engine will have to traverse the interior
> > nodes of the table's b-tree.
> >
> > You could rename the table and then delete from ... order by rowid asc
> > limit 1000, to delete 1000 rows at a time.  Add in incremental
> > autovacuum and that might do the trick.
> The autovacuum would just add more work reshuffling the data around. And
> it's not that the pages are going to be unused long.

But you've not tried it, right?  You don't need the autovacuum unless you're
concerned about storage consumption anyways.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Robert Myers
On 6/1/2011 1:23 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 1 Jun 2011, at 7:12pm, Jan Hudec wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 10:17:02 -0400, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
  From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not
 update the same row in a table more than once?
>>> You can update it as many times as you need.
  What are the exact limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?
>>> Do not update a table if there is some select statement currently
>> Actually insert, update and delete are OK. Drop and alter table are
>> a problem.
> Pavel is right.  He left out some details to make things simple.
> Suppose you do a SELECT ... WHERE ... that returns ten rows.  You retrieve 
> three rows, then make a change that would mean you should have retrieved 
> eleven rows, not ten.  You can't predict what SQLite will do without knowing 
> the internal workings of SQLite, right ?  So don't do that.  The same is true 
> even if the only thing you change is values to be returned.  Does SQLite copy 
> the all values when you execute the SELECT, or row-by-row as you step through 
> the results ?  Again, you don't know unless you know the internal workings of 
> SQLite.  So don't do that.
> Simon.
> ___

Actually, you do know what SQLite does without knowing the internals. It
claims to be serializable and ACID
(, therefore it's fine.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Pavel Ivanov
> Actually, you do know what SQLite does without knowing the internals. It
> claims to be serializable and ACID
> (, therefore it's fine.

"Serializable" there means that once transaction is started statements
won't see any data committed in other transactions. But it doesn't
impose any restrictions on how statements should behave within the
same transaction. And in SQLite it's pretty unpredictable and so even
SQLite's documentation prohibits updating some table while select
statement on it is active (I can find a link on for you
when I have some spare time).


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Robert Myers  wrote:
> On 6/1/2011 1:23 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> On 1 Jun 2011, at 7:12pm, Jan Hudec wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 10:17:02 -0400, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>  From within a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block, should I not
> update the same row in a table more than once?
 You can update it as many times as you need.

>  What are the exact limitations on what I can do during a Transaction?
 Do not update a table if there is some select statement currently
>>> Actually insert, update and delete are OK. Drop and alter table are
>>> a problem.
>> Pavel is right.  He left out some details to make things simple.
>> Suppose you do a SELECT ... WHERE ... that returns ten rows.  You retrieve 
>> three rows, then make a change that would mean you should have retrieved 
>> eleven rows, not ten.  You can't predict what SQLite will do without knowing 
>> the internal workings of SQLite, right ?  So don't do that.  The same is 
>> true even if the only thing you change is values to be returned.  Does 
>> SQLite copy the all values when you execute the SELECT, or row-by-row as you 
>> step through the results ?  Again, you don't know unless you know the 
>> internal workings of SQLite.  So don't do that.
>> Simon.
>> ___
> Actually, you do know what SQLite does without knowing the internals. It
> claims to be serializable and ACID
> (, therefore it's fine.
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Robert Myers
On 6/1/2011 1:47 PM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>> Actually, you do know what SQLite does without knowing the internals. It
>> claims to be serializable and ACID
>> (, therefore it's fine.
> "Serializable" there means that once transaction is started statements
> won't see any data committed in other transactions. But it doesn't
> impose any restrictions on how statements should behave within the
> same transaction. And in SQLite it's pretty unpredictable and so even
> SQLite's documentation prohibits updating some table while select
> statement on it is active (I can find a link on for you
> when I have some spare time).
What about the I of ACID? The select should have an implicit transaction
around it.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Pavel Ivanov
> What about the I of ACID? The select should have an implicit transaction
> around it.

No, it shouldn't. It can be a part of some other transaction. I in
ACID means Isolation of transactions, not Isolation of select
statements. Otherwise there would be no way for select statement to
read uncommitted data in the same transaction.


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Robert Myers  wrote:
> On 6/1/2011 1:47 PM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>>> Actually, you do know what SQLite does without knowing the internals. It
>>> claims to be serializable and ACID
>>> (, therefore it's fine.
>> "Serializable" there means that once transaction is started statements
>> won't see any data committed in other transactions. But it doesn't
>> impose any restrictions on how statements should behave within the
>> same transaction. And in SQLite it's pretty unpredictable and so even
>> SQLite's documentation prohibits updating some table while select
>> statement on it is active (I can find a link on for you
>> when I have some spare time).
> What about the I of ACID? The select should have an implicit transaction
> around it.
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Error (LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) at building sqlite project for pocket pc

2011-06-01 Thread hmas

Thank you for your answer.

Actually, I managed to make it work by selecting "Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket
PC SDK" instead of "Pocket PC 2003" for the SDK in the procedure described
in my first post.

All the best,
View this message in context:
Sent from the SQLite mailing list archive at

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] TRANSACTIONs

2011-06-01 Thread Simon Slavin

On 1 Jun 2011, at 7:57pm, Robert Myers wrote:

> What about the I of ACID? The select should have an implicit transaction
> around it.

That would violate the SQL standard which says you can SELECT data which you 
haven't committed yet.

Actually the bit of ACID you want for SELECT is really the 'A': Atomic.  A 
SELECT should really be a single operation which gathers all the data and 
stores it somewhere.  The problems with this are when the SELECT gathers a lot 
of data: first you get one command taking a long time, which can make your GUI 
jerky, and second you have to store the result set, so you need as much spare 
memory as the entire result set takes up.  Which can be gigabytes.

So the solution is to implement SELECT atomically in your programming.  Don't 
do any other SQL commands until you've done the last _step().

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Big difference in performance between Python and gcc

2011-06-01 Thread Dominique Pellé
Alessandro Marzocchi wrote:

> Hello,
>    I made some preliminary tests for an application storing big
> chunks of data in a sqlite database. I did firsts tests with python
> and they gave me quite impressive results. I then tried to make the
> same test using C. I expected to get execution times to be the same of
> those of python. However I was surprised as the performance got a lot
> worse, with execution times being more than 3 times more.


>  if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
>    "INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (?,?,?)",
>    -1,
>    &db_stm,
>    NULL
>  )))

Since you're going to always insert 1 in the first
column, why not use:

INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (1,?,?)

>  {
>    fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in prepare() [%d]",ret);
>    return -1;
>  };
>  int i;
>  char data[1024*8+1];
>  for(i=0;i<1024*8;i++)data[i]='0';
>  data[1024*8]='\0';

Since the data column also does not change,
you could bind it only once before entering
the for loop (rather than binding it at each loop

>  for(i=0;i<10;i++)
>  {
>    if(!(i%1))printf("%d\n",i);
>    if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_int(db_stm, 1, 1)))
>    {
>      fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in bind()");
>      return -1;
>    }

Above bind is useless if you used:
INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (1,?,?)

>    if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_int(db_stm, 2, i)))
>    {
>      fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in bind()");
>      return -1;
>    }
>    //if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_blob(db_stm, 3, data,-1,
>    if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_bind_blob(db_stm, 3, data,8192,
>    {
>      fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in bind_blob() [%d] ok=%d",ret,SQLITE_OK);
>      return -1;
>    }

above bind to blob can be moved outside the loop.

>    ret=sqlite3_step(db_stm);
>    if(ret!=SQLITE_DONE)
>    {
>      fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_step() [%d]",ret);
>      return -1;
>    }
>    if(SQLITE_OK!=(ret=sqlite3_reset(db_stm)))
>    {
>      fprintf(stderr,"sqlite error in sqlite3_reset() [%d]",ret);
>      return -1;
>    }
>    sqlite3_clear_bindings(db_stm);

Calling sqlite3_clear_binding(...) at each iteration
is not needed in your example.  In fact, you should
not call it at all if you decide to move the bind to the blob
outside the loop.

That should make it faster.

-- Dominique
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Jim Mellander
Hopefully someone can help me with this

I have a table with IP addresses and timestamps - I want to update the
table when the new timestamp is later than the old one

$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.7.4
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE ip_timestamps (ip text unique, timestamp date);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ip_index on ip_timestamps (ip ASC);
CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after update on ip_timestamps when
NEW.timestamp < OLD.timestamp BEGIN update ip_timestamps set timestamp
= OLD.timestamp; END;

I'm adding/updating records with statements like:

INSERT OR REPLACE into ip_timestamps VALUES ( "" , 1306932777 );

The goal is to keep the latest timestamp in the database (the older
timestamp could occur later in the input than the newer timestamp),
but the trigger doesn't seem to be working - I assume the trigger is
flawed.  Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Michael Stephenson
NEW.timestamp < OLD.timestamp

(less than)?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jim Mellander
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 3:31 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

Hopefully someone can help me with this

I have a table with IP addresses and timestamps - I want to update the table
when the new timestamp is later than the old one

$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.7.4
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE ip_timestamps (ip text unique, timestamp date); CREATE UNIQUE
INDEX ip_index on ip_timestamps (ip ASC); CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after
update on ip_timestamps when NEW.timestamp < OLD.timestamp BEGIN update
ip_timestamps set timestamp = OLD.timestamp; END;

I'm adding/updating records with statements like:

INSERT OR REPLACE into ip_timestamps VALUES ( "" , 1306932777

The goal is to keep the latest timestamp in the database (the older
timestamp could occur later in the input than the newer timestamp), but the
trigger doesn't seem to be working - I assume the trigger is flawed.  Any

Thanks in advance.
sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Big difference in performance between Python and gcc

2011-06-01 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 06/01/2011 12:25 PM, Dominique Pellé wrote:
> [Various optimisations]

While those are all valid, they don't address the underlying issue which is
C code taking five times longer than Python code for the same SQLite
operations.  In addition that same "redundant" code is executed behind the
scenes in Python so it is fair for these comparisons/benchmark.

Other things having been ruled out, it looks like Jan's suggestion of
compilation options and code is likely the cause.


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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Pavel Ivanov
> CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after update on ip_timestamps when

This means that your trigger fires after each UPDATE statement. But

> I'm adding/updating records with statements like:
> INSERT OR REPLACE into ip_timestamps VALUES ( "" , 1306932777 );

you do INSERT statements, so your trigger is never executed. Don't be
confused: REPLACE means that if needed the old row is deleted and new
is inserted. Row is never updated and UPDATE triggers are never
executed (I'm not sure about DELETE and INSERT triggers though).


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Jim Mellander  wrote:
> Hopefully someone can help me with this
> I have a table with IP addresses and timestamps - I want to update the
> table when the new timestamp is later than the old one
> $ sqlite3 test.db
> SQLite version 3.7.4
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
> sqlite> .schema
> CREATE TABLE ip_timestamps (ip text unique, timestamp date);
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ip_index on ip_timestamps (ip ASC);
> CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after update on ip_timestamps when
> NEW.timestamp < OLD.timestamp BEGIN update ip_timestamps set timestamp
> = OLD.timestamp; END;
> I'm adding/updating records with statements like:
> INSERT OR REPLACE into ip_timestamps VALUES ( "" , 1306932777 );
> The goal is to keep the latest timestamp in the database (the older
> timestamp could occur later in the input than the newer timestamp),
> but the trigger doesn't seem to be working - I assume the trigger is
> flawed.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik
On 6/1/2011 3:31 PM, Jim Mellander wrote:
> CREATE TABLE ip_timestamps (ip text unique, timestamp date);
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ip_index on ip_timestamps (ip ASC);
> CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after update on ip_timestamps when
> NEW.timestamp<  OLD.timestamp BEGIN update ip_timestamps set timestamp
> = OLD.timestamp; END;

This updates all rows, not just the one on which the trigger was fired. 
Is this intentional? You might want something lile

update ip_timestamps set timestamp = OLD.timestamp where rowid = NEW.rowid;

Igor Tandetnik

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Jim Mellander
I appreciate the help - I'm new at using triggers.  What I want to
accomplish is:

1. insert if the ip isn't already in the database
2. update the timestamp if the new timestamp after the current
timestamp in the database

what would be the proper trigger to accomplish this task?

Thanks in advance

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Igor Tandetnik  wrote:
> On 6/1/2011 3:31 PM, Jim Mellander wrote:
>> CREATE TABLE ip_timestamps (ip text unique, timestamp date);
>> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ip_index on ip_timestamps (ip ASC);
>> CREATE TRIGGER ts_update after update on ip_timestamps when
>> NEW.timestamp<  OLD.timestamp BEGIN update ip_timestamps set timestamp
>> = OLD.timestamp; END;
> This updates all rows, not just the one on which the trigger was fired.
> Is this intentional? You might want something lile
> update ip_timestamps set timestamp = OLD.timestamp where rowid = NEW.rowid;
> --
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik
On 6/1/2011 5:23 PM, Jim Mellander wrote:
> I appreciate the help - I'm new at using triggers.  What I want to
> accomplish is:
> 1. insert if the ip isn't already in the database
> 2. update the timestamp if the new timestamp after the current
> timestamp in the database

Something like this, perhaps:

insert or replace into ip_timestamps values(:ip,
   max(:timestamp, coalesce((select timestamp from ip_timestamps where 
ip = :ip), 0))

No trigger needed.
Igor Tandetnik

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger help needed

2011-06-01 Thread Jim Mellander
Thanks - and with a little reading of the manpages, understandable too

Appreciate it.

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Igor Tandetnik  wrote:
> On 6/1/2011 5:23 PM, Jim Mellander wrote:
>> I appreciate the help - I'm new at using triggers.  What I want to
>> accomplish is:
>> 1. insert if the ip isn't already in the database
>> 2. update the timestamp if the new timestamp after the current
>> timestamp in the database
> Something like this, perhaps:
> insert or replace into ip_timestamps values(:ip,
>   max(:timestamp, coalesce((select timestamp from ip_timestamps where
> ip = :ip), 0))
> );
> No trigger needed.
> --
> Igor Tandetnik
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Don Ireland
I'm hoping someone can help me with this.

Using Visual Studio C++, the following code DOES create the DB file.  
But the table doesn't get created and I'm stumped as to why it won't 
create the table.

 SQLiteConnection conn;
 conn.ConnectionString = "Data 
 SQLiteCommand sqlCmd(%conn);
 sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs 
(SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort int,SyncLoginKey TEXT,SyncAccessKey 
TEXT, SyncLogFile TEXT, SyncLogClearInterval int,GenLatestBook TEXT, 
GenBookMRU_0 TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2 TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 
TEXT, GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);";

But if I run following at the SQLite3.exe from the command line, it DOES 
create the file and the table.
sqlite3 Cashboxprefs.dat
sqlite> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prefs (SyncEnabled bool,SyncWatchPort 
int,SyncLoginKey TEXT,SyncAccessKey TEXT, SyncLogFile TEXT, 
SyncLogClearInterval int,GenLatestBook TEXT, GenBookMRU_0 
TEXT,GenBookMRU_1 TEXT, GenBookMRU_2 TEXT, GenBookMRU_3 TEXT, 
GenBookMRU_4 TEXT);
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Create DB file and then Create Table - Table FAILS.

2011-06-01 Thread Simon Slavin

On 2 Jun 2011, at 1:06am, Don Ireland wrote:

> Using Visual Studio C++, the following code DOES create the DB file.  
> But the table doesn't get created and I'm stumped as to why it won't 
> create the table.

Aren't you meant to do something like

SQLiteCommand SQLiteCommand = new SQLiteCommand();

? I can't find any documentation for using that library with C++.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
So, to move forward on this bug a decision needs to be made at what
level it will be handled.

1.  At the SQLite level.
2.  At the provider level (ex. System.Data.SQLite, Python providers, etc.)
3.  At the user level (ex. NHibernate, Entity Framework, User
Applications, etc.)

Doing it in #3 would involve figuring out which parameters would be
removed and not including those, a very difficult option.
Doing it in #2 would involve adding something that does manual
parameter parsing and validation (such as the parameter tokenizer).
Doing it in #1 would involve things that I don't understand, though it
would simultaneously correct the problems with all providers mentioned
on this thread.

I'm not clear on who is maintaining System.Data.SQLite, but I would
certainly be happy to see some progress towards the resolution of this
issue.  Since I don't believe #3 is a feasible option (nor even the
correct place to abstract away the SQLite oddity), the solution should
be #1 or #2.

For #2 there is a performance hit on every query performed using such
a provider (.NET, Python, etc.).  The queries need to be parsed by the
provider to determine validity.  If the SQLite syntax changes, these
providers need to be updated.

For #1, it sounds like there is a minor performance penalty, but
perhaps it can be implemented in a way where the effects are minimal.
#1 has the advantage that it may be possible to avoid any sort of
significant performance hit unless an "optimized" parameter is
encountered.  #2 doesn't have this luxury since it doesn't know when a
parameter might be optimized out.

What would the SQLite team suggest to help progress the fix for this?

If it's at the System.Data.SQLite level, I would be willing to help
contribute a fix.  If that were the case, I would hope that the SQLite
syntax could be parsed by a regex for performance reasons.

Patrick Earl

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Stephan Beal  wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Patrick Earl  wrote:
>> From these, the "best" solution seems to be re-tokenizing the sql in
>> the provider.  Is there another work-around?  It seems that
>> implementing this at the database level would be the most efficient
>> approach.  Obviously re-tokenizing all the SQL would be expensive.
> Actually... if you just want to tokenize the SQL for the parameters, as
> opposed to checking the validity of the SQL itself, it is not all that
> difficult to do. i recently did just that to add named parameter support to
> the MySQL back-end of a db access abstraction API. MySQLv5 doesn't support
> named parameters natively, so i wrote a relatively simple tokenizer which
> can fish them out and another routine which converts named parameters to
> question marks so that we can feed the data to mysql (but can also remember
> enough info to map the named param positions to qmark positions):
> Search that file for:
> cpdo_find_next_named_param
> cpdo_named_params_to_qmarks
> The code for those functions is public domain and should be generic enough
> to extract for your own use (almost without modification - i think only the
> return code symbols would need to be replaced). The docs are in the header
> file:
> That code has worked for me very well so far, and i haven't yet had any
> mis-parsing except on code which was itself not legal SQL (i.e. it doesn't
> seem to create any new problems where there isn't already a problem).
> --
> - stephan beal
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 06/01/2011 06:42 PM, Patrick Earl wrote:
> So, to move forward on this bug a decision needs to be made at what
> level it will be handled.
> 1.  At the SQLite level.

That is exactly what the team did.  See the timeline:

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
That's awesome.  Thanks so much. :)
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Two Requests for System.Data.SQLite

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
1.  Please release a zipped version of the x86 and x64 binaries so we
don't have to install the package, copy the files, then uninstall it.
2.  Please release a version built against .NET 4 so the legacy
runtime flag can be avoided.

Thanks for considering these things.  They would certainly make my life easier.

 Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list