Re: [sqlite] Appropriate uses for SQLite

2007-02-05 Thread Chris Hanson

On Feb 2, 2007, at 8:59 AM, Clark Christensen wrote:

FWIW, I'm not convinced Samba has locking working correctly.  Using  
a very recent Samba version, I managed to corrupt a SQLite database  
last fall by (I think) doing simultaneous writes from the Linux host  
box, and my WinXP client box (via a SMB drive map).  I'm guessing  
the XP writes started first.  It seems unlikely it would have  
happened had the Linux host started first.

This is a situation where you really need all file locking managed by  
the operating system, or you need to access the file only via a single  
mechanism (e.g. only via SMB, even on the Linux host box from which  
the SMB mount is exported).

If you have clients accessing a file via different remote mechanisms,  
these mechanisms *may not* share an underlying locking infrastructure,  
which can easily lead to corruption.  Only if they are *guaranteed to*  
share an underlying locking infrastructure is it safe to access a file  
that requires any sort of locking via multiple different remote  
mechanisms.  This is a general issue with any shared-access remote  
filesystem and any operating system, not something specific to SQLite,  
NFS, SMB, Windows, or Linux.

  -- Chris

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Re: [sqlite] Re: Unicode Help

2006-12-07 Thread Chris Hanson

On Dec 5, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Igor Tandetnik wrote:

Da Martian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So if I look at a name with umlaughts in the database via sqlite3.exe
I get:

Städt. Klinikum Neunkirchen gGmbH
  an "a" with two dots on top

"A with umlaut" is represented as two bytes in UTF-8.

This is a huge simplification.  At a bare minimum, 'ä' can be  
represented as either one or two Unicode code points -- one code point  
represented 'ä' or one representing 'a' and one representing the '¨'  
combining mark.  How *that* is represented in the UTF-8 encoding of  
Unicode is another issue, that depends on the exact values of the code  
points involved.

The particular example of 'ä' be represented as two bytes in UTF-8 in  
both cases (I don't know offhand) but that's not something that can be  

  -- Chris

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Re: [sqlite] Q about new SQLite API

2006-11-07 Thread Chris Hanson

On Nov 7, 2006, at 5:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

QUESTION 1: sqlite3_prepare_v2 is the merely the working name
for the new function.  What should the official name be?

What about introducing an options mechanism in place of a second  
prepare mechanism?  Do you foresee any situations where a developer  
may want to use both the existing and the enhanced prepare/step  
mechanism on the same database handle?

Here's a rough cut at what I'd expect an options mechanism to look like.

  /* in sqlite3.h */
  struct sqlite3_options {
  int option;
  void *parameter;

  #define SQLITE3_OPTION_ENHANCED_PREPARE 1 /* enhanced prepare/step  
behavior */

  /* in user code */

  struct sqlite3_options options = {
  (void *) 1 /* turn the option on */

  err = sqlite3_set_options(&db, 1, &options);

  /* After this point the new prepare and step behavior is in force  
for the
 database handle db.  The option could be turned off if  
necessary, but

 it always applies to all operations on the database handle db. */

QUESTION 3: Suppose there is a schema change and the SQL
statement is automatically reprepared. But the schema change
is such that the SQL is no longer valid.  (Perhaps one of the
tables mentioned in a SELECT statement was dropped.) What
error code should sqlite3_step() return in that case?

I think SQLITE_SCHEMA would not be unreasonable, especially since it  
would represent a much more significant situation than SQLITE_SCHEMA  
as returned by sqlite3_prepare used to.

  -- Chris

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Re: [sqlite] Wish to store a C structure in sqlite column

2006-09-23 Thread Chris Hanson

On Sep 21, 2006, at 7:18 AM, Narendran wrote:

 as far as my knowledge SQLITE allows me to declare the column types
suppoted by the programming languare or say i am using blob . My  

is i wish to store a structure in the SQLite column.

Instead of storing the structure in a single column, create a  
separate table to represent the structure, and then use a column to  
reference a row in that table via a foreign key.

Given the extremely lightweight nature of the structure that you  
later posted:

 typedef  struct ethernetcard1
  char port[10];
  char ipaddress[20];
  char mask[20];
  int bandwidth;

as well as the fact that sooner or later you're likely to want to  
query on it, you may as well just store it as real data rather than  
as a BLOB:

ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,-- SQLite does this implicitly as ROWID

Of course, you might also want to encode your IP address and netmask  
into network-byte-order integers rather than store them as strings,  
but I think the above gives you an idea of what I mean.  And if  
"port" refers to a physical port name (such as "en1") you might even  
want to have a separate table for ports, and have the port column  
just contain a foreign key referencing that table...

If you start to decompose your use of SQLite in this fashion, you'll  
actually be using the database *as* a database, and you'll be much  
better able to leverage it to do new and interesting things in the  

  -- Chris

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Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Chris Hanson

On Nov 2, 2005, at 7:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Am I alone in thinking that a division operator that does
different things depending on the declared datatype of a
column is an abomination?

I don't think you're alone.  I do think you're wrong.

By declaring column a as INTEGER, and column b as REAL, I am  
*explicitly* asking for SQLite to treat the values I put in a as  
INTEGERs and in b as REALs.  If I declare column a as NUMERIC, or  
without a type, I would expect your proposed behavior.  And of course  
if I ask for a value as a particular type - whether through the  
SQLite API or using a cast expression - I expect it to be treated as  
that type.

I like to think of this as a "have my cake and eat it too" approach:  
The typing can be as static or as dynamic as I need it to be for a  
particular application, and I have a full set of tools for making  
that determination.  The database isn't preventing me from doing what  
I need in *either* direction.

To give you an analogy, Objective-C is a dynamic object-oriented  
extension to C that's modeled on Smalltalk.  All message dispatch is  
dynamic and happens at runtime; however, users can declare variables  
that point to objects using either an "id" type that means "any kind  
of object" or by explicitly specifying a class.  If you do specify a  
class, the compiler will do what type checking it can and warn you if  
it notices something out of the ordinary (or give you an error for a  
type/class it's never encountered before).  This lets you avoid  
extensive compile-time type checking when you don't want it, but also  
obtain extensive compile-time type checking when you do want it.

This is the kind of behavior I think would be very valuable in  
SQLite.  If I specify a particular affinity, SQLite should adhere to  
it, because I probably had a reason for specifying it.  But if I  
*didn't* specify an affinity, I probably had a reason for *that  
too*.  They are both valuable options, and I think it would be very  
valuable for SQLite to let me choose rather than force them one way  
(always require affinity, e.g. the SQL standard way) or the other  
(never enforce affinity, e.g. the proposed SQLite way).

Does anybody have a real-world example where any of this
will actually make a difference, or is this really just an
academic argument?

It could lead to cascading inaccuracy in situations where developers  
do expect, plan for, or rely upon traditional integer truncation  

One area where this may be the case is in graphics: Many developers  
are used to working in whole-pixel units with integer truncation on  
division, and performing more exact calculations as part of SELECT  
statements may actually give erroneous results.  Particularly if they  
declared columns as having type INTEGER and expect those columns to  
have such affinity.

An example of this might be in locating images that can be trivially  
scaled (e.g. by sampling every second pixel) to fit a particular  
display area.  The desired-area calculation could occur in the  
SELECT, and the proposed SQLite behavior could weed out images that  
would actually fit (e.g. (x/2 < u) is false in SQLite but true in C).

I think behaving differently from the SQL standard in this situation  
-- if an affinity is specified -- would be seen as a bug in SQLite.

  -- Chris