Re: [sqlite] Storing monetary values and calculations

2007-08-30 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi John

If sourcecode for that type (DECIMAL) is available for public, please let us
know the link and we can explore it for SQLite.


John Stanton wrote:
> That is an interesting way to store money.  We developed a fixed point 
> arithmetic library of arbitrary precision using the algorithms described 
> by Knuth in his semi-numerical algorithms volume and using standard 
> DECIMAL(n,m) definition.  Rounding is precise using an algorithm which 
> does not drift and intermediate.  Finally the numbers are stored in 
> display format, right justified and with leading spaces and signs so 
> that they can be displayed in HTML pages or printed output without 
> reformating.
> ...
> ...
> ...

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Re: [sqlite] Looking for a cryptographic library

2007-08-26 Thread RohitPatel9999

Please look at the following link, for few easy-to-use free simple
code-packages (two or three) for Encryption and Decryption.

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Re: [sqlite] Storing monetary values and calculations

2007-08-26 Thread RohitPatel9999

While doing currency math, a useful money class at following link, may be
used as a a reference.
Yet Another C++ Money Class (by Adolfo Di Mare), The C Users Journal, Vol.10
No.4, pp [58-64], April 1992

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Re: [sqlite] Storing monetary values and calculations

2007-08-24 Thread RohitPatel9999

Some applications/tools are using Integers to Store money/currency values.
Similar built-in implementation for such Currency/Money Data Types is
available in MS SQL Server and also in Visual Basic For Applications.

In such data types, data is stored as integer only (no decimal point is
stored). Some fix number of last digits say 2/3/4 are assumed for decimal

SQLite does not have built-in currence/money data type. But integer can be
used to store monetory values in similar way and handle related calculations
using similar concept. Will need you to handle decimal portion (fix number
of digits) properly while storing/retrieving as well as in calculations.

Hope this helps.


Reference Info from MSDN Library

Microsoft SQL Server 2000
-> money and smallmoney data types

Monetary data - represents positive or negative amounts of money. In
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, monetary data is stored using the money and
smallmoney data types. Monetary data can be stored to an accuracy of four
decimal places. Use the money data type to store values in the range from
-922,337,203,685,477.5808 through +922,337,203,685,477.5807 (requires 8
bytes to store a value). Use the smallmoney data type to store values in the
range from -214,748.3648 through 214,748.3647 (requires 4 bytes to store a
value). If a greater number of decimal places are required, use the decimal
data type instead.

Visual Basic For Applications
-> Currency Data Type

Currency variables are stored as 64-bit (8-byte) numbers in an integer
format, scaled by 10,000 to give a fixed-point number with 15 digits to the
left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right. This representation
provides a range of -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807.
The type-declaration character for Currency is the at sign (@). The Currency
data type is useful for calculations involving money and for fixed-point
calculations in which accuracy is particularly important.

Mikey C wrote:
> Hi there,
> Currently I am using a SQLite 3.x database that stores and calculates
> currency values using the column type NUMERIC (which I believe has a FLOAT
> affinity).
> However this leads to errors in storing values values in floating point
> representation.
> I guess there is no planned support for direct fixed point types, so what
> is the best approach?
> Store the monetary values in an INTEGER column and multiply all values up
> by 100 to store in pence/cents?
> Any advice?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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[sqlite] RE: Question regarding INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (zero value in column) ?

2007-07-12 Thread RohitPatel9999


I have a Question regarding INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (zero value in column) ?

Example table => create table {id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT};

Is it ever possible that value 0 (zero) will be inserted in a column
declared as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (and not as AUTOINCREMENT) ? Inserts are
always with NULL value for that column. (i.e zero is never inserted
implicitly in that column)

PS. I did refer to SQLite FAQ regarding this.

Thanks for any idea/hint.
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[sqlite] RE: How do I know what DBs I have attached?

2007-03-09 Thread RohitPatel9999

Command Syntax => ATTACH [DATABASE] database-filename AS database-name

If it is possible, keep database-name unique for perticular
database-filename i.e. when issuing attach database command, everytime it
should be same for perticular database-filename. So no need to track, just
try to attach db file which is already attached with same unique
database-name will give that error.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: [sqlite] import operation - primary key need to be automatically generated by SQLite (not from csv file)

2007-03-08 Thread RohitPatel9999

Friends, for value of fist column in csv, any of the following do not work
(e.g.   '', null, 'null' )


Table is
Create table t1
 name TEXT

No workaround to import null value from csv file for INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ?

Thanks for helping.

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Re: [sqlite] import operation - primary key need to be automatically generated by SQLite (not from csv file)

2007-03-07 Thread RohitPatel9999

csv file is generated by a program. Program generatin csv do not know the
existing id values from database table.

Program can keep  id  blank or '' or null or some suitable value in csv
file, which SQLite import should understand to generate next id
automatically by SQLite itself to use it as primary key. 

But then for first column what to write in csv file ? 

Any of the following do not work.

/* sample records from csv file data.csv */ 

Thanks for helping.
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[sqlite] import operation - primary key need to be automatically generated by SQLite (not from csv file)

2007-03-06 Thread RohitPatel9999

/* SQLite 3.3.8 (Windows) used */

/* table t1 */
/* only two columns are given because other columns are irrelevant here */
create table t1 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);

/* few sample records from csv file data.csv */

/* import statement */
.import imp3.csv t1

I must have proper primary key valures in csv file. 
And when table already has records, and importing more from csv file, I need
to edit primary key valures again to avoid error. (It becomes cumbersome
when csv file has thousands of records)

How to achieve import operation - primary key values should be automatically
incremented by SQLite and not to be used from csv file ?

I truly appreciate any help.
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Re: [sqlite] Extra functions - New Project?

2006-10-18 Thread RohitPatel9999


When are you planning to put code of your SQL functions for SQLite ?

I may try to use it in my app.


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Re: [sqlite] DOUBLE / REAL column affinity, any difference ?

2006-09-30 Thread RohitPatel9999

Please ignore Q1 and Q2. I already found answer to Q1 and Q2.

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[sqlite] DOUBLE / REAL column affinity, any difference ?

2006-09-30 Thread RohitPatel9999


create table t1
  c1   REAL,
  c2   DOUBLE

In above table,

Q1. What will be column affinity of column c1 ? NUMERIC ?

Q2. What will be column affinity of column c2 ? NUMERIC ?

Q3. If I use DOUBLE in place of REAL, will there be any consequence /
performance penalty 

Note: I am using SQLite 3.3.4 (Win32).

I truly appreciate any guidance/hint.
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[sqlite] record size limit ???

2006-09-28 Thread RohitPatel9999


Q1. Need to know if there is maximum limit for record size ? 

Q2. What are the consequence of using such large record size ? I may need
large record size in two-three tables.

In two or three of my tables, I may need to have 64 columns or more and
maximum record size may reach to approx. 2 MB. for some records if user
fills data fully in all columns. I am using column types INTEGER, REAL, TEXT
only (as shown in sample table below). Not using BLOB in any column of
table. (SQLite 3.3.4, Win32)


/* CREATE Statement for sample table */
/* Note: VARCHAR will be TEXT in SQlite. VARCHAR and size is just used so it
may work for other databases. */

create table customers (
dts REAL,   /* Date Time Stamp (When record updated lastly) 
useridwml INTEGER,  /* id of user who modified last (this record) */
szname VARCHAR(32), /* Customer Name */
blockstatus INTEGER,/* Locked or Not */
bactivestatus INTEGER,  /* Active or Not */
bvisibilitystatus INTEGER,  /* Visible or Not */
obal REAL,  /* Opening Balance */
obalcr INTEGER, /* Cr or Dr Balance */
dtobal REAL,/* Date (of Opening Balance) */
szdesc VARCHAR(32), /* Description / Note / Comment */
szsalu VARCHAR(10), /* Salutation -> Mr./Ms./.. */
szfnm VARCHAR(20),  /* First Name */
szmnm VARCHAR(20),  /* Middle Name */
lnm VARCHAR(20),/* Last Name */
/* Bill_To Address */
sza1 VARCHAR(32),   /* Address Line 1 */
sza2 VARCHAR(32),   /* Address Line 2 */ 
sza3 VARCHAR(32),   /* Address Line 3 */
sza4 VARCHAR(32),   /* Address Line 4 */
szcity VARCHAR(20), /* City */
szzip VARCHAR(12),  /* Zip / Postal Code */
szstate VARCHAR(20),/* State / Province */
szcntry VARCHAR(20),/* Country / Region */
/* Ship_To Address */
sz2a1 VARCHAR(32),  /* Address Line 1 */
sz2a2 VARCHAR(32),  /* Address Line 2 */ 
sz2a3 VARCHAR(32),  /* Address Line 3 */
sz2a4 VARCHAR(32),  /* Address Line 4 */
sz2city VARCHAR(20),/* City */
sz2zip VARCHAR(12), /* Zip / Postal Code */
sz2state VARCHAR(20),   /* State / Province */
sz2cntry VARCHAR(20),   /* Country / Region */
szfullnmcontact VARCHAR(32),/* Name of primary contact person */
szph1 VARCHAR(20),  /* Phone Number 1 */
szph2 VARCHAR(20),  /* Phone Number 2 */
szfax1 VARCHAR(20), /* Fax Number 1 */
szemail1 VARCHAR(32),   /* Email Address 1 */
szwww1 VARCHAR(32), /* WebSite Address 1 */
/* Additional Info */
ltypid INTEGER, 
ltermsid INTEGER,   
dcrlmt REAL,
lpricelvlid INTEGER,
lnum INTEGER,   
szresalenum VARCHAR(20),
bdoc1 INTEGER,  
bdoc2 INTEGER,  
bdoc3 INTEGER,  
szrep VARCHAR(20), 
lprefcorrtypid INTEGER,
lTaxCode INTEGR, 
szit VARCHAR(20),
szvat1 VARCHAR(20),
szvat2 VARCHAR(20),
szst VARCHAR(20),
szst VARCHAR(20),
srt VARCHAR(20),
szcex VARCHAR(20),
szlic VARCHAR(20),
szudcf1 VARCHAR(20),
szudcf2 VARCHAR(20),
szudcf3 VARCHAR(20)

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Re: [sqlite] Using SQLite on networked drive

2006-09-25 Thread RohitPatel9999


It is not safe to use SQLite on networked drive because of file locking
problems and how OS caching takes place. Please refer answers by DRH above
as well as in other question-answers.

Different OS have different file locking and caching mechanism. 

Probably Windows 2000 might have suitable one to what SQLite database needs.

That is why I asked about if any one has idea/experience of sharing SQLite
database by multi-users while file is on Windows 2000 (in perticular).

Regarding sharing MS Access database file: 

You should not keep database file on Windows 95 / 98 / (ME) file share but
keep it on Windows NT/2000.

In some MSDN articles, microsoft recommends about sharing MS Access database
- Do not keep database file on Windows 95 / 98 / (ME) file share
- Store the database file and that you share the database file on a Windows
NT server or on Windows 2000 server with opportunistic locking disabled. 

Please refer (Knowlegde Base Articles) 
-> How to keep a Jet 4.0 database in top working condition.
-> How To Synchronize Writes and Reads with the Jet OLE DB Provider and ADO
-> How To Synchronizing Reads and Writes Between Two DAO Processes 
Especially refere to topic, "Issues to consider when you share a Microsoft
Jet database"


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Re: [sqlite] Using SQLite on networked drive

2006-09-25 Thread RohitPatel9999

I have read articles and understood that it is not safe to access SQLite
database file on network drive. (on all windows). 

But what about Windows 2000 (Server) ???  i.e. If SQLite (3.3.4 or 3.3.6)
database file resides on disk drive of Windows 2000 Server, then is it safe
to access that SQLite database via network ?

Any thoughts...Any one's experience ?

Thanks for any help. 
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Re: [sqlite] How to maintain EXCLUSIVE access to database continuously ?

2006-09-24 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thanks for alternative ideas.

In my app, user need Exclusive mode occassionally. But when uses Exclusive
mode, user may enter/import some data or may change permissions for other
users, or some report generation. User may use Exclusive mode for few
minutes to may be 1-2 hours. That time no other user should be able to
access the database. 

I tried to use extra file (non-database file, same filename) to maintain
exclusive access. When that extra file is present/locked, other user can not
access that database (company).

But I think, there must be some way/trick to maintain EXCLUSIVE access to
database continuously (need to COMMIT data in-between) ? i.e. to maintain
EXCLUSIVE access, and still commiting data in-between ? 


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Re: [sqlite] How to maintain EXCLUSIVE access to database continuously ?

2006-09-24 Thread RohitPatel9999

Some additional info

User (Client App) connects to middle-tier application-server and then user
may access any one company in normal or exclusive mode. Only
application-server communicates with database. If user wants exclusive
access, Application-Server needs to maintain that exclusive access to
database for that user.

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[sqlite] How to maintain EXCLUSIVE access to database continuously ?

2006-09-24 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi SQLite experts/users

In my multi-user app (Win32, SQLite3.3.4), one database file for each
company (accounts).  User can access company accounts in two modes, normal
mode and exclusive mode. In exclusive mode, only one user will have access,
no other user should be able to access that company database.

I know that BEGIN EXCLUSIVE allows such access. User may enter info even in
exclusive mode. 
But when user enters and saves some info, I need to COMMIT and again need to
issue BEGIN EXCLUSIVE (because I can't wait till last for commiting). Before
issuing BEGIN EXCLUSIVE again, in-between, if other user gets access to
database, then first user (with exclusive mode) will not be able to maintain
his/her exclusive access.

How to maintain EXCLUSIVE access to database continuously (need to COMMIT
data in-between) ?
i.e. is there any way to maintain EXCLUSIVE access, and still commiting data
in-between ?

Thanks for any guidance.

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Re: [sqlite] concurent writes and locks

2006-08-11 Thread RohitPatel9999

>> You can avoid the deadlock by having the mixed reader/writer start its 
>> transaction with BEGIN IMMEDIATE.
>> Igor Tandetnik 

Will BEGIN IMMEDIATE surely avoid deadlock ? or BEGIN EXCLUSIVE is better ?
i.e. in such cases, what advantage BEGIN IMMEDIATE gives over BEGIN


Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> eric-5PSWdYX/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I have two threads heavily writing to the db. Hence, I get some
>> SQLITE_BUSY return values.
>> If I get it from sqlite3_step(), I wait a few ms and call
>> sqlite3_step() again etc. This happens in one thread, thread A.
>> The other thread (thread B) however, is calling the registered busy
>> handler while executing a commit with an sqlite3_exec() call. And
>> this is not going away either. even if I let thread A wait forever
>> (so don't do anything there) thread B is getting SQLITE_BUSY (in
>> commit with sqlite3_exec()). Both threads are not progressing any
>> more...
> It appears you are getting into a deadlock situation. A deadlock is 
> possible in SQLite in the presence of two writers, where at least one of 
> them peforms a SELECT first before issuing a modifying statement. In 
> this situation, the following scenario may occur:
> - thread A begins reading and acquires SHARED lock
> - thread B wants to write, acquires PENDING lock and waits for readers 
> to clear.
> - thread A now also wants to write and tries to promote to RESERVED 
> lock.
> At this point, the two threads wait for each other and neither can 
> proceed. The only way out of this deadlock is for one thread to roll 
> back its transaction and start from the beginning. No amount of waiting 
> will help.
> You can avoid the deadlock by having the mixed reader/writer start its 
> transaction with BEGIN IMMEDIATE.
> Igor Tandetnik 

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Re: [sqlite] Multiple SELECTs (and single SELECT) and TRANSACTION ?

2006-08-11 Thread RohitPatel9999

Many thanks for helping.

While using SQLite dll Version 3.3.4 on Windows
- Multiple threads/processes access SQLite database, 
- Each thread does some SELECTs, INSERTs or UPDATEs. 

If for some single SELECT (where user input is used in SQL statement, so to
avoid SQL injection),
sqlite3_prepare()/sqlite3_bind_()/sqlite3_step()/sqlite3_finalize() are
then in that case
Q1. Which one is preferable -> BEGIN TRANSACTION  or  BEGIN IMMEDIATE ? 

Q2. In the sample code below, if I remove two statements containing "BEGIN
TRANSACTION;" and "COMMIT TRANSACTION;"   then for how long lock will be
acquired i.e. at which point of time lock will be acquired and which point
of time lock will be released ? 

Please throw some light on that.


/* Sample code */
sqlite3* pDB;
sqlite3_stmt* pStmt;
char* szError = 0;
char* szTail = 0;
if( sqlite3_open("test.db", &pDB) != SQLITE_OK )
  printf("Couldn't open the database.\n"); 

string name;
/* get from user input */
name = "ABCD"; // for testing

nRet = sqlite3_exec(pDB, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", 0, 0, &szError); 

const char* szSQL = "SELECT id, name, birthdate FROM table1 WHERE name = ?;"
nRet = sqlite3_bind_text(mpVM, nParam, szValue, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

if( sqlite3_prepare(pDB, szSQL, -1, &pStmt, &szTail) != SQLITE_OK )
  throw "sqlite3_prepare Failed";

if ( sqlite3_step(pStmt) == SQLITE_DONE )
  int i=0;
  int empid = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, ++i); 
  string name = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, ++i); 
  double birthdate = sqlite3_column_double(pStmt, ++i);

  /* print something */
  std::cout << id << "-" << name << "-" << birthdate << endl; 

nRet = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);

nRet = sqlite3_exec(pDB, "COMMIT TRANSACTION;", 0, 0, &szError);

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Re: [sqlite] Recovery tool ?

2006-08-09 Thread RohitPatel9999

Once I experienced a problem during testing where multi-threaded Win32
Application (using SQLite 3.3.4) was running (in development environment)
and due to power-failure, rollback journal file was OK but disk bad-sector
damaged the sqlite db-file. 

When I restarted App, db could not be opened (data file was probably
corrupted), So I tried to copy db-file to another place and it could not
copy (due to disk bad-sector). (I guess, at the time of power-failure, my
app may be writing to db-file (after rollback generation) exactly that same
moment of power failure, which caused bad sector in disk db-file and db-file
got corrupted, so could not be rolled back while opened for the next time).

I needed to get copy of db-file from previous night backup. (As hardware
failure (bad-sector), does not left us many choices).


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Re: [sqlite] Multiple SELECTs (and single SELECT) and TRANSACTION ?

2006-08-09 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thanks for clearing doubt.

Now question is...

While using SQLite dll Version 3.3.4 on Windows 
- Multiple threads/processes access SQLite database, 
- Each thread does some SELECTs, INSERTs or UPDATEs. 

Wrapping all read-only SELECEs with BEGIN TRANSACTION 
and using BEGIN EXCLUSIVE to wrap all UPDATEs or INSERTs (including their
related SELECTs),

Are their possibilities of writer starvation ? 
And if yes, what is the preferable solution ? (I mean what is the better
approach to handle that)

Thanks again.

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Re: [sqlite] Re: Multiple SELECTs (and single SELECT) and TRANSACTION ?

2006-08-08 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thanks for the answer and clarification.

> BEGIN IMMEDIATE blocks writers, not readers.

I think, BEGIN IMMEDIATE surely blocks writers. 
And also blocks new reader(s) if any new reader tries to do BEGIN IMMEDIATE. 

Is this correct ?

Ref: Quote from SQLite Document
"After a BEGIN IMMEDIATE, you are guaranteed that no other thread or process
will be able to write to the database or do a BEGIN IMMEDIATE or BEGIN

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Re: [sqlite] Re: Multiple SELECTs (and single SELECT) and TRANSACTION ?

2006-08-08 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thanks a lot for the answers. 

Still I have a doubt (and a question).

Quote from SQLite Document (

"After a BEGIN IMMEDIATE, you are guaranteed that no other thread or process
will be able to write to the database or do a BEGIN IMMEDIATE or BEGIN

As I understand, it means after issuing BEGIN IMMIDIATE for read-only
SELECT(s), no other process can do BEGIN IMMIDIATE even if its for read-only
purpose. Even new reader will be blocked if it tries to do BEGIN IMMEDIATE. 

So if I use BEGIN IMMEDIATE for multiple SELECTs, no other reader
thread/process can do BEGIN IMMEDIATE even if it has read-only SELECTs

If this is correct, for multiple SELECT statements (read-only, no plan to

Which one is preferable -> BEGIN TRANSACTION  or  BEGIN IMMEDIATE ? 

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[sqlite] Multiple SELECTs (and single SELECT) and TRANSACTION ?

2006-08-08 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi All,

While using SQLite dll Version 3.3.4 on Windows
- Multiple threads/processes access SQLite database, 
- Each thread does some SELECTs, INSERTs or UPDATEs.

Scenario 1 
If action of some user needs to execute multiple SELECT statements
(read-only, no plan to write), it needs to start explicit transaction to get
consistent reads across read-only multiple statements.

Q1. Which one is preferable -> BEGIN TRANSACTION  or  BEGIN IMMEDIATE ?

Q2. What is preferable After Multiple SELECT statements gets over -> COMMIT
or ROLLBACK ? (note: no change is made since only SELECTs)

Scenario 2
If action of some user needs to execute only single SELECT statement
(read-only, no plan to write)...

As what I understand, there is no point in wrapping such single SELECT in

Q3. What is preferable, whether to start explicit transaction or not for
single SELECT ?

I truly appreciate any help/guidance.

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[sqlite] RE: UNICODE Support

2006-08-03 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi Dennis Volodomanov

I am using SQLite 3.3.4. 

My Win32 Application needs international language support (Chinese,
I need my Win32 Application to build such that, 
MBCS defined for Windows 98/ME and
UNICODE (and _UNICODE) defined for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP.

Can you help me by giving some sample code which inserts/selects/updates
SQLite db (UTF-8) ?

Also if you can help me with some guidelines from your experience regarding
using SQLite db (UTF-8) for international languages ?

Thank you for any help.

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Re: [sqlite] INT and INTEGER are not same, behaves differently (for PRIMARY KEY) ?

2006-07-17 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thanks for the information.

Reason I asked this was -> In my application, I need to use datatypes in
create-table-statements such that same statements can work with different
databases (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server).

I was refering the book -> SQL in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, By Kevin E.
Kline, (Publisher - O'Reilly), Chapter 2 (Topic, 2.3 SQL2003 and
Platform-Specific Datatypes). This book has given comparative information in
tabular form regarding available data types in SQL2003 standards, DB2,
MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server)

As per info in that book,
INT is available in all (SQL2003 standards, DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL
and SQL Server)

INTEGER is available in all (SQL2003 standards, DB2, MySQL, Oracle,
PostgreSQL and SQL Server)

REAL is not available in PostgreSQL. (But available in SQL2003 standards,
DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server)

DOUBLE, DECIMAL, FLOAT and NUMBER are available in all (SQL2003 standards,
DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server)

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[sqlite] INT and INTEGER are not same, behaves differently (for PRIMARY KEY) ?

2006-07-12 Thread RohitPatel9999

INT and INTEGER behaves differently (for PRIMARY KEY) !!!
(SQLite 3.3.4)

create table t1 ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY );
create table t2 ( id INT PRIMARY KEY );

insert into t1 values(NULL);
insert into t1 values(NULL);
insert into t2 values(NULL);
insert into t2 values(NULL);

/* insert into t1 values('a'); fails */
insert into t2 values('a');

select rowid, id, (id IS NULL) from t1;
select rowid, id, (id IS NULL) from t2;

My observations:

if null is inserted for id column in table t1, it contains 1, 2 
if null is inserted for id column in table t2, it contains null values

if text is inserted for id column in table t1, it fails
if text is inserted for id column in table t2, it allows to insert text

Is it advisable not to use INT but use INTEGER for PRIMARY KEY ??

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Re: [sqlite] id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY vs PRIMARY KEY (id) ???

2006-07-12 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thank you very much for clearing my doubt.
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[sqlite] id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY vs PRIMARY KEY (id) ???

2006-07-11 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi SQLite users,

In SQLite3 (3.3.4),

Will both of the following statements create same tables ? 
'id' column will be internally same or different ?

create table t1 
  name CHAR(20)

create table t1
  name CHAR(20),

What I mean is, 
-> Following Both are equivalent or not ?




Thanks for any help or clarification. 

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[sqlite] Storage class and Affinity for BOOL/BOOLEAN, NUMBER, FLOAT, DOUBLE ?

2006-07-11 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi SQLite Gurus,

I have gone through online documentation of SQLite3 data types.

I need to know (in SQLite 3.3.4), what will be the internal storage class
and Column Affinity for columns defined in a table with BOOL/BOOLEAN,

  bActive   BOOL,
  bVisible  BOOLEAN,
  number1   NUMBER,
  number2   FLOAT,
  number2   DOUBLE

Thanks for any help or clarification.

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Re: [sqlite] SQLite Vs VistaDB - Comparison ???

2006-07-10 Thread RohitPatel9999

> Process A wants to modify the database, so it flock()s 
> the rows it needs to changes and starts changing them. 
> But half way in the middle of the change, somebody sends 
> process A a SIGKILL and it dies.  The OS automatically 
> releases the flocks as process A dies, leaving the 
> database half-way updated and in an inconsistent state, 
> with no locks. 

When Process A is being killed and OS automatically 
releases the flocks, will rollback journal be present or not ? 

I think, in this situation, hot journal will be left when 
Process A is killed.

> Process B comes along and opens the database, see the 
> inconsistent state, and reports database corruption. 

If Process B finds a rollback can use 
that to rollback database and bring it to consistent state.


Curiously thinking on this...

What if a new SYSTEM-LOCK-MGMT-TABLE is added in SQLite database 
managed by itself for locking management ? (Surely, it is not an easy 
task to manage SYSTEM-LOCK-MGMT-TABLE..!!! )

Assuming that, if there is one an added SYSTEM-LOCK-TABLE in 
SQLite database managed by itself for locking management.

Then when Process A wants to modify the database and it flock()s 
the rows it needs to changes, it should add corresponding 
info as record in SYSTEM-LOCK-TABLE for that...

When somebody sends process A a SIGKILL and it dies, OS 
will automatically release flocks as process A dies. Process
B (any other process accessing database) can find necessary
locking related info from SYSTEM-LOCK-TABLE, as well as hot journal 
and so Process B can bring database back to consistent state.


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Re: [sqlite] Preferred way to copy/flush new memory db to disk db ?

2006-06-28 Thread RohitPatel9999

My requirements are 
> database file must be removed from disk if any error while
> creating/copying tables, records or 
> indices 
> other application or other instance of same app must not be able to access
> the database, till 
> database is not ready with necessary minimum tables and records. 

So to avoid other app accessing, I thought of creating memory db.
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Re: [sqlite] Which is most appropriate encoding ?

2006-06-28 Thread RohitPatel9999

> FWIW, if Windows is your only target, UTF-16 is the best choice for 
> you, because wchar_t is in UTF-16 on Windows and you can avoid some 
> string conversion in this case, while still be able to enable the 
> stuff for other OSes as soon as there is a need for it. 
> Alexei Alexandrov 

I think wchar_t will not work on Windows 98. (I do not want to use MS
Unicode layer on Windows98).
I need my app to work on Windows 98 also. 


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Re: [sqlite] Dumping Memory-DB to File

2006-06-25 Thread RohitPatel9999


I need some help on this.

I need to create a new SQLite database with all necessary tables, records
and indices.
Database file must be removed from disk if any error while creating/copying
tables, records or indices.
Other application or other instance of same app must not be able to access
the database, till database is not ready with necessary minimum tables and

Question is:
  How to maintain exclusive access to disk db file till creation/copying
from memory db is finished ?


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[sqlite] Preferred way to copy/flush new memory db to disk db ?

2006-06-25 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi SQLite users,

1. What is the preferred way to copy/flush new memory db to disk db ? (all
tables, indices, records from memoryDB to diskDB)
2. Should I create indices first in memory db or directly in disk db ?
3. How to maintain exclusive access to disk db file till creation/copying
from memory db is finished ?

My requirement is (Win32 App, Windows 98/NT/2000/XP) :
- create a new SQLite database with all necessary tables, records and
- initial database must contain necessary tables, records and indices
- or database file must be removed from disk if any error while
creating/copying tables, records or indices
- other application or other instance of same app must not be able to access
the database, till database is not ready with necessary minimum tables and

Intial database will have about 30+ tables, very few records in each of
these tables, one or two indices on some tables.

/ My sample c-program is given below /

I truly appreciate any help, ideas, alternatives...

What I am doing is:
1. create a new database in memory
2. create necessary tables in memory db and insert necessary records
3. attach disk db to the memory db
4. copy tables and records from memory db to disk db using CREATE TABLE ...
5. create necessary indices in disk db
6. detach disk db from memory db

/ My sample c-program is given below /
/ Error checking is omitted for brevity /

#include "sqlite3.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  /* create a new database in memory */
  sqlite3 *db1; 
  sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db1); 

  /* create necessary tables in memory db and insert necessary records */
  sqlite3_exec(db1,"CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT);", 0, 0, 0); 
  sqlite3_exec(db1,"INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('aa');", 0, 0, 0); 
  sqlite3_exec(db1,"INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('bb');", 0, 0, 0); 

  sqlite3_exec(db1,"CREATE TABLE t2(a TEXT, b REAL);", 0, 0, 0); 
  sqlite3_exec(db1,"INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('cc', 11.11);", 0, 0, 0); 
  sqlite3_exec(db1,"INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('dd', 22.22);", 0, 0, 0); 

  /* attach disk db (disk.db3) to the memory db */
  sqlite3_exec(db1, "ATTACH 'disk.db3' AS disk_db;" , 0, 0, 0); 

  /* copy tables and records from memory db to disk db using CREATE TABLE
... AS SELECT */
  sqlite3_exec(db1, "CREATE TABLE disk_db.t1 AS SELECT * FROM t1;" , 0, 0,

  sqlite3_exec(db1, "CREATE TABLE disk_db.t2 AS SELECT * FROM t2;" , 0, 0,

  /* create necessary indices in disk db */

  /* detach disk db from memory db */
  sqlite3_exec(db1, "DETACH 'disk.db3' AS disk_db;" , 0, 0, 0); 


  /* if any errors while creating/copying tables or records */
  /* then delete disk.db3 */

  /* loop for processing user comands */

  return 0; 

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Re: [sqlite] Locking

2006-06-16 Thread RohitPatel9999

FoxPro supports row level locking. Ofcourse FoxPro creates one file for each
table. There must be some way to implement row level locking. Probable by
locking region in a file or somehow.

Just thinking MS could have implemented row level locking in


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Re: [sqlite] Row Locking

2006-06-16 Thread RohitPatel9999

FoxPro has Row Level locking. There must be some way with which it must have
been implemented.

Just MS would have implemented row level locking ???

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[sqlite] SQLite Vs VistaDB - Comparison ???

2006-06-16 Thread RohitPatel9999


I was just comparing embedded SQL database engines (SQLite Vs VistaDB) for
my knowledge. Itmight be of help for someone. 

In case, someone might be interested to know and/or add more feature

HomePage :
More Features :,,
SQLite is a free open-source embedded SQL database engine (for multiple
Cost? : Free Version (with no encryption feature, No password protection)
Encryption?: Encryption extension is Commercial, need to purchase license
Platforms? : For multiple platforms
Source Code Available? : Yes, for free version (No Encryption)
Size? : Small 250 KB footprint 
Single-file database format, database files can be freely shared between
machines with different byte orders. 
Multiple threads/processes can have the same database open at the same time
Supports concurrancy 
Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) even after
system crashes and power failures
Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed.
SQL? : SQLite Implements most of SQL92 (standard SQL language). But does
omit some features and added a few features of its own. 
CSV and text file import and export
UTF-8, UTF-16 Support
Supports C/C++, PHP, Pearl, tcl, Python and many other languages through C
or through own wrappers, .NET port available, WindowsCE port available.
More Features :,,

HomePage :
More Features :
VistaDB is a commercial embedded SQL database engine (only for .NET and
Cost? : Need to purchase license, then Royalty free distribution 
Encryption?: Secure Blowfish encryption and password protection 
Platforms? : For Different Window Versions
Source Code Available? : No
Size? : Small 500KB footprint for Embedded Editions
Single-file database format 
Single and Multi-User support 
Supports concurrancy 
SQL? : Easy-to-use full featured RDBMS, provides industry support for SQL-92
and powerful Direct Data Access
Fast performance 
No deadlocks - Snapshot Isolation level Transaction Processing 
Row and Table-level locking 
Automatic Storage Recycling 
XML Import and Export 
Automatic data synchronization 
In-memory databases and tables 
Write-behind data caching 
International support 
Supports C#, VB.NET, Delphi, C++Builder, VB and classic ASP 
More Features :

Please put forward your views, ideas, thoughts, comparisons (if any) ??? I
might have missed many points of comparison/similarity.


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[sqlite] Two instances of app access same db, one instance hangs or killed

2006-06-16 Thread RohitPatel9999

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *
Multiple instances of application can be started at the same time *
* For example two instances of application are running *
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= An
Win32 Application runs on Windows 98/XP/2000
It uses SQLite 3.3.5 compiled with -DTHREADSAFE=1 
App Creates/opens two SQLite databases one by one. (DB files are not on
Checks in each database if necessary tables exist, if not creates necessary
tables in each database. 
Then in loop, application accepts user commands/requests and processes
User screens allow to Add/View/Modify/Delete records.
User screens allow to get some lists/records based on queries and
Application uses db1 and db2 as and when needed.
* Multiple instances of application can be started at the same time
* For example two instances of application are running *
Two instances of app are running. While each app is inside loop, if one app
instance hangs or killed or user terminates abruptly (Presses
Ctrl+Alt+Delete and kills the app), each database file will be in a
consistant state (SQLite is crash prrof and power-failure proof. Might leave
some rollback journal).

1. If app instance is executing some transaction, so it might have locked
database(s) and if that app instance is being killed or hanged, will that
database will remain in locked state or lock will be released ?

2. Pointers to opened databases (db1, db2) in killed app will be consuming
resources, what will happen to them ?

2. How safe it is to continue using those databases by other app instance(s)

3. What precautions must be taken care of ? (to avoid database corruption,
to maintain consistant database and for better performance and to avoid any

/* app code snippent just to describe the logic */
int rc;
sqlite3* db1; 
sqlite3* db2; 
rc = sqlite3_open("C:\file1.db", &db1); 
if(rc) {
  printf("Cannot open file1.db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db1)); 
rc = sqlite3_open("C:\file2.db", &db2); 
if(rc) {
  printf("Cannot open file2.db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db2)); 
/* code to check if necessary tables exist in db1, if not create tables,
indexes etc.*/
/* code to check if necessary tables exist in db2, if not create tables,
indexes etc.*/
bool bExit = false;
do {  /* loop for processing user commands */
  /* User screens allow to Add/View/Modify/Delete records */
  /* User screens allow to get some lists/records based on queries and
calculations */
  /* Uses db1 and db2 as necessary */
  if(...user chose to exit...)
  bExit = true;
} while (bExit != true);

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Re: [sqlite] Avoiding Fragmentation of SQLite database file ???

2006-06-14 Thread RohitPatel9999

> SQLite seeks to keep its database file size minimized. 
> I think that SQLite should by default continue to follow 
> its current strategy of minimizing file size.  But I 
> am not adverse to adding a PRAGMA that will put the 
> database into a different "preallocation" mode where 
> the database size increases by larger chunks.  At the 
> time of each size inceased, the additional unused space 
> can simply be added to the freelist.  There are a few 
> unused bytes in the database file header that can be 
> used to record the fact that the "preallocation" pragma 
> is in force, so no file format change of any kind is 
> required - older versions of SQLite would continue to 
> be able to read and write newer databases. 

> This is something we may look into over the next 
> few months 
> -- 
> D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

That looks promising. Because SQLite is very good to manage freelists, so
such type of preallocation will require to add some more chunk to freelist
in SQLite DB file.

And app developers who can estimate how SQLite DB file size will be
increasing will be able to reduce fragmentation to get improved SQLite
performance. (In many cases, end-users of app may not have even idea which
database their app is using, where and how app is storing data. So app
developers may use such feature for performance improvement)


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Re: [sqlite] Avoiding Fragmentation of SQLite database file ???

2006-06-14 Thread RohitPatel9999

Thanks for prompt reply. 

Agreed. SQLite needs zero-configuration. 

But applications using multiple SQLite database files for read and write,
makes those files with many-many fragments in disk. Which definitely
degrades database file read/write performance tremendously. 

Any solution to that (which does not force end-user of app to manage sqlite
file fragments or to defragment disk) ? 

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Re: [sqlite] Avoiding Fragmentation of SQLite database file ???

2006-06-14 Thread RohitPatel9999

I know and have used deframentation apps. Thats good. But why to force
end-users to defragment their disk. 

SQLite manages free-space in file very-well (after deleting records). So I
also created one template database file with optimum number of records, then
deleted records and copied that file while creating new company db file. 

But like some other Databases, if SQLite does provide any way to set
auto-increment for database file by some fixed percentage (say 20%, 40%
etc.) such that everytime database file reaches some threashould size it
automatically add free space, that will reduce file defragmentation.

What are your thoughts on that ?


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[sqlite] Avoiding Fragmentation of SQLite database file ???

2006-06-13 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi SQLiteUsers

Developing MFC Application (Small Business Accounting Application)
(developed using Visual Studio) 
- App will run on Windows 98/2000 
- App uses SQLite database files for storage of data
- It will have one database for each company accounts/info. So if accounts
of 10 companies, then info will be in 10 different SQLite DB files. 
- All Database files on same disk.
- User of App may create more company file for accounts of another company.
- User of App may open any existing company file and enter/modify
transactions through different GUI screens.
- User closes file and may open another company file and enter/modify
transactions through different GUI screens.

After using such application, all used SQLite DB files gets fragmented.

How to avoid such fragmentation ?

Is there any feature, to pre-allocate disk-space to SQLite database file so
that initially some free space will be allocated to new file ? 
Is there any feature, so that when database file gets filled, everytime
automatically increment file size by say 25% or 40% of size ?

FYI: Such pre-allocation of space and automatic incrementing file size is
provided for Database files in SQLServer, Oracle etc.

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[sqlite] Which is most appropriate encoding ?

2006-06-13 Thread RohitPatel9999

Hi SQLiteUsers,

Need some guidance.

While developing Win32/MFC Application (with Visual C++ 6.0) 
- Application uses SQLite DB for it's data storage
- Application must run on most windows (Windows 98, ME, NT, XP, 2000)
- User should be able to copy Database from one PC to another PC (one PC may
be running Windows 98 and another one Windows 2000 or XP)

In this case, which encoding should be used for SQLite database ?
Default encoding, UTF-8 or UTF-16  

Thanks for any suggestion. 

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