[sqlite] How do I output multi-word strings without braces?

2009-11-10 Thread Walter Dnes
  Given the following code fragment...

set xname [db eval { select name from elements where e_mtid = $element }]
puts [format "Requested element ==> %s ==> %s" $element $xname]

  The "business rules" are such that I know I'll only get one row
returned.  I get output like so...

Requested element ==> abcdef ==> {FOO BAR}

  What I need is...

Requested element ==> abcdef ==> FOO BAR

  What do I need to do to get rid of the braces around the output name?
And no, that's not how the data looked in the tab-delimited file it was
imported from.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How do I output multi-word strings without braces?

2009-11-10 Thread Walter Dnes
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 03:06:08AM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote
> Given the following code fragment...
> set xname [db eval { select name from elements where e_mtid = $element }]
> puts [format "Requested element ==> %s ==> %s" $element $xname]

  Oops, I forgot to mention that this is the TCL interface to SQLite.
This is one of those "grey area" questions that could go to either TCL
or SQLite forums, because it's an interaction between the two of them.
I assume that some people here have dealt with this issue before.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Problems passing parameters between SQLite + TCL

2009-11-10 Thread Walter Dnes
  There's a lot more to this program, but I've cut it down to the bare
minimum that illustrates my problem.  I call a TCL script from the linux
commandline, and get an error message like so...

[waltdnes][~/SQLite] ./fragment 49.25 123 25
can't read "lat1": no such variable
while executing
"expr $lat1 / $radian "
(procedure "sql_distance" line 3)
invoked from within
"sql_distance 49.25 123 48.914 -123.7"
invoked from within
"db eval { select e_stnid, i_stnid, deci_lat, deci_long, elevation,
distance($lat_degrees, $long_degrees, deci_lat, deci_long) as dist
(file "./fragment" line 21)

  Here is the cut-down program...

set lat_degrees [expr [lindex $argv 0]]
set long_degrees [expr [lindex $argv 1]]
set radius  [expr [lindex $argv 2]]
load /usr/lib/sqlite-3.6.17/libtclsqlite3.so
sqlite3 db :memory:
# Note: GIS convention has longitude negative in the western hemisphere.
# But end-users will get annoyed at having to enter the minus sign all the
# time.  So the conversion is done internally in the distance() function.
proc sql_distance {lat1, long1, lat2, long2} {
  set radian [expr 180 / 3.1415926]
  set lat1 [expr $lat1 / $radian ]
  set long1 [expr $long1 / $radian * (-1) ]
  set lat2 [expr $lat2 / $radian ]
  set long2 [expr $long2 / $radian ]
  return [expr {
acos(sin($lat1) * sin($lat2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * cos($long2 - 
$long1)) * 6371}]}
db function distance sql_distance

db eval {attach 'climate.sqlite' as cl}
db eval { select e_stnid, i_stnid, deci_lat, deci_long, elevation,
distance($lat_degrees, $long_degrees, deci_lat, deci_long) as dist
  from cl.stations
  where dist <= $radius} {puts stdout "$e_stnid, $i_stnid, $deci_lat, 
$deci_long, $elevation, $dist"}
db close

  I'm trying to do a select on all sites within a given radius of a
given point. I'm using the "spherical cosine law" to calculate distance.
The "sql_distance 49.25 123 48.914 -123.7" error message
shows that I successfully passed the first 2 command line parameters and
the last 2 came from an entry in table cl.stations.

  Given that all 4 parameters hace been passed tothe distance()
function, why are they undefined in the proc?

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] any keyword

2009-11-11 Thread Walter Dnes
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 09:37:31AM +0100, Andrea Galeazzi wrote
> Probably sqlite doesn't support 'any' keyword as I write it in the 
> following query:
> SELECT G.id,name FROM Genre G
> WHERE G.id = ANY (SELECT S.genre_id FROM Song S)
> ORDER BY name ASC;

  Maybe I'm mis-understanding your query.  Can you use a subquery...

  SELECT G.id,name FROM Genre G
  WHERE G.id IN ( SELECT genre_id FROM Song )
  ORDER BY name ASC;

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [SOLVED] Problems passing parameters between SQLite + TCL

2009-11-11 Thread Walter Dnes
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 02:41:50AM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote

> proc sql_distance {lat1, long1, lat2, long2} {

  It seems that "the TCL way" to pass multiple parameters is...

  proc sql_distance {lat1  long1  lat2  long2} {

i.e. as a list without any commas.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Disk activity on Linux

2009-11-13 Thread Walter Dnes
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:24:58AM -0600, Bret Patterson wrote
> We're seeing a lot more disk activity than expected on Linux when
> using sqlite3. We've run this same series of test on windows and
> the disk IO is much lower, which is the opposite of what I really
> expected. Below is my scenario and perhaps someone can point out
> what I can do to fix this problem.

  Since it seems to be a linux issue, what are the mount settings for
the partitions?  This may seem obvious, so please don't take this as an
insult.  Here goes...

  - "noatime" (for all file systems) will reduce disk I/O and speed
things up

  - if using ReiserFS, use the "notail" option

  - the default is that all filesystems are mounted async, but check to
make sure

  Then there are the hard drives.  Use the hdparm utility to confirm
that DMA is turned on.  

  I assume the linux machine is a server, running in text mode, rather
than a resource-heavy GUI.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Problem passing SQLite field values to TCL function

2009-11-18 Thread Walter Dnes
  I start off passing a central latitude ($lat_degrees) and longitude
($long_degrees) and a radius ($radius) to a TCL script.  Using the
spherical cosine law to calculate distance, I want to select all sites
in a table within that given radius.  Here are 2 code fragments from the

sqlite3 db :memory:
# Note: GIS convention has longitude negative in the western hemisphere.
# But end-users will get annoyed at having to enter the minus sign all the
# time.  So the conversion is done internally in the distance() function.
proc sql_distance { lat1 long1 lat2 long2 } {
  set radian [expr 180 / 3.1415926]
  set lat1 [expr $lat1 / $radian ]
  set long1 [expr $long1 / $radian * (-1) ]
  set lat2 [expr $lat2 / $radian ]
  set long2 [expr $long2 / $radian ]
  return [expr {
acos(sin($lat1) * sin($lat2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * cos($long2 - 
$long1)) * 6371}]}
db function distance sql_distance


db eval { create table temp2 as
  select e_stnid, i_stnid, deci_lat, deci_long, elevation, stn_name,
distance( $lat_degrees, $long_degrees, deci_lat, deci_long) as dist
  from cl.stations
  where dist <= $radius}

  $lat_degrees and $long_degrees are defined
  deci_lat and deci_long are valid field names (type real) in table
stations in the attached database (alias "cl").  I get an error message
which tells me that deci_lat and deci_long are not defined.  I've run a
separate test to confirm that every row has non-null numbers in deci_lat
and deci_long.  So that's not the problem.  Here's the error message...

missing operand at _...@_
in expression " _...@_/ 57.295780490442965"
(parsing expression " / 57.295780490442965")
invoked from within
"expr $lat2 / $radian "
(procedure "sql_distance" line 5)
invoked from within
"sql_distance 49.25 123 {} {}"
invoked from within
"db eval { create table temp2 as
  select e_stnid, i_stnid, deci_lat, deci_long, elevation,
distance( $lat_degrees, $long..."
invoked from within
"if { $argc < 4 } {
  puts "Error: This query requires at least 4 parameters, namely"
  puts "Central Latitude, Central Longitude, Radius, and at least..."
(file "./tcltest.004" line 2

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Suggested user-defined-function example

2009-11-18 Thread Walter Dnes
  Whilst trying to get a TCL script to create a function in SQLite I ran
into problems and did a lot of Googling.  I got very tired of seeing the
same old same old...

proc sql_sqrt {x} {return [expr {sqrt($x)}]}
db function sqrt sql_sqrt

  It didn't help me because it used only one parameter.  It didn't say
anything about you
- *MUST NOT* have commas between parameters in the function definition
- *MUST* have commas between parameters when actually calling it

  I spent several hours figuring this out.  Here's a working example...

package require sqlite3
sqlite3 db :memory:
db eval {create table dual(x varchar(1))}
db eval {insert into dual values(' ')} 
proc sql_addnum { a b } { return [expr { $a + $b }] }
db function addnum sql_addnum 
db eval {select 'Hello world' as x from dual} {puts stdout "$x"}
db eval {select  999  as y from dual} {puts stdout "$y"}
db eval {select addnum(1, 2)  as z from dual} {puts stdout "$z"}
db close

  And the output is...

Hello world

  Use this code as an example, and it may save someone else some time
down the road.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite won't import 53,066,244 row 11 gigabyte CSV file

2009-11-27 Thread Walter Dnes
  I'm running SQLite 3.6.18 on Gentoo linux.  The filesystem is
Reiserfs, so 11 gigs should not be a problem.  Here's a screen scrape...

[d531][waltdnes][~/SQLite] ll dly04.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 11143911240 Nov 27 15:34 dly04.csv

[d531][waltdnes][~/SQLite] sqlite3 dlyxx.sqlite
SQLite version 3.6.18
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .mode csv dly04
sqlite> .import dly04.csv dly04
cannot open file: dly04.csv

  Am I making some glaring noob error here?  I've successfully imported,
and tested out smaller files using the same method.  The table dly04 has
already been created, and it's just a matter of importing from the CSV
file.  Is there a known maximum line-count or file-size?  If necessary,
I can run "split -l  dly04.csv", and import the separate
(smaller) pieces.

  Am I correct in assuming that multiple ".import" statements will
append to an existing table, rather than overwriting? (Yes, I am new to

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] [solved] SQLite won't import 53, 066, 244 row 11 gigabyte CSV file

2009-11-28 Thread Walter Dnes
  Thanks for the help.  I eventually got it working. And I'm working on
the next stage of my project.

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 06:31:03PM -0800, Roger Binns wrote

> Alternatively use split to make the input a series of files each
> less than 4GB in size.  Or use a 64 bit host.
> If using a file smaller than 4GB fixes the issue for you then please
> let me know and I'll add a ticket about large file support too.

  First, I tried...

[d531][waltdnes][~/SQLite] split -l 1800 dly04.csv
[d531][waltdnes][~/SQLite] ll xa*
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 378000 Nov 27 19:49 xaa
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 378000 Nov 27 19:52 xab
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 3583911240 Nov 27 19:54 xac

...and import failed with the same error.  Then I tried...

[d531][waltdnes][~/SQLite] split -l 900 dly04.csv
[d531][waltdnes][~/SQLite] ll xa*
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 189000 Nov 27 20:06 xaa
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 189000 Nov 27 20:07 xab
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 189000 Nov 27 20:09 xac
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 189000 Nov 27 20:10 xad
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 189000 Nov 27 20:12 xae
-rw-r--r-- 1 waltdnes users 1693911240 Nov 27 20:13 xaf

...and import worked.  So it appears that the maximum csv file is probably
around 2 gigabytes.

> You can recompile the shell setting the flags (-D or #define):

  I'm not a C programmer.  And I'd have to repeat the changes each time
there's an update in the Gentoo linux ebuild.  Even something minor like
3.6.17 ==> 3.6.18.  I've got 2 choices...

1) Pass your comments on to the Gentoo bugzilla, asking the Gentoo
SQLite ebuild maintainer to put in a patch with your suggested change.

2) If the patching is going to be done upstream (i.e. by the SQLite
people themselves) soon, then don't do anything.  The Gentoo version
will automatically inherit the large file support with the new version.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Not matching numbers in where clause

2009-12-06 Thread Walter Dnes
  As part of "pandemic planning" at work, I'm trying to duplicate some
Oracle functionality at home.  I'm running into a problem with the
"WHERE" clause that totally baffles me.  The problem surfaced in a TCL
program, but I can duplicate it from the sqlite3 command prompt, so I'll
use that in this email.  Here's the situation.  I've created a table
called dly04.  Here are the first few columns from the create statement.
Note the 2 columns "national_identifier varchar2(7), local_year integer".

sqlite> select * from sqlite_master where name = 'dly04';
table|dly04|dly04|1042384|CREATE TABLE dly04(i_stnid integer, 
national_identifier varchar2(7),
  local_year integer, local_month integer, local_day integer, etc, etc

  I then imported data from work as tab-delimited.  I can query with
"where" using a character field...

sqlite> select local_year, local_month, local_day from dly04 where 
(national_identifier = '615HMAK');

  The last few rows of the query output are...

 2009|  9| 21
 2009|  9| 22
 2009|  9| 23
 2009|  9| 24
 2009|  9| 25
 2009|  9| 26
 2009|  9| 27
 2009|  9| 28
 2009|  9| 29
 2009|  9| 30

  So I *KNOW* that there are rows with local_year = 2009.  But...

sqlite> select local_year, local_month, local_day from dly04 where (local_year 
= 2009);

...doesn't find any rows at all.  This should be a no-brainer that works
in any SQL-compliant implementation.  Neither do I get any rows with
alternatives like...

 = '2009'  or  == 2009  or  == '2009'

  I'm totally stumped.  I wonder if I'm doing something "the Oracle way"
that isn't 100% SQL-compliant.  One thing I've done is to create an index
like so...

index|d04_ndx_00|dly04|14555880|CREATE INDEX d04_ndx_00 on dly04
(national_identifier, local_year, local_month)

  Is that allowed, or would it screw things up?

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] How do I properly import numbers from CSV?

2009-12-06 Thread Walter Dnes
On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 08:15:46PM -0600, Jay A. Kreibich wrote
> On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 07:54:45PM -0500, Walter Dnes scratched on the wall:
> >   The last few rows of the query output are...
> > 
> >  2009|  9| 21
> >  2009|  9| 22
> >  2009|  9| 23
> >  2009|  9| 24
> >  2009|  9| 25
> >  2009|  9| 26
> >  2009|  9| 27
> >  2009|  9| 28
> >  2009|  9| 29
> >  2009|  9| 30
> > 
> >   So I *KNOW* that there are rows with local_year = 2009.  But...
>   No, there are rows with a TEXT value of ' 2009'.  Note the space.
>   Your other columns have leading whitespace as well.

sqlite> select local_year, local_day, local_month from dly.dly04 where 
((national_identifier = '615HMAK') and (local_year = ' 2009') and (local_month 
= '  9') and (local_day = ' 30'));

...gives the result...

 2009| 30|  9

  So you're right.  One correction to my previous post; I imported as
comma-delimited, i.e CSV.  I still don't understand why 2009, *WITHOUT
QUOTES* would be forced to text, i.e. ' 2009', when imported into a
field that is declared as integer in the create statement.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] [SOLVED] How do I properly import numbers from CSV?

2009-12-07 Thread Walter Dnes
On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 11:26:42PM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote

> I still don't understand why 2009, *WITHOUT QUOTES* would be forced
> to text, i.e. ' 2009', when imported into a field that is declared
> as integer in the create statement.

  There are actually 2 solutions...

1) Use tab-delimited if possible (not really CSV)

2) Get rid of leading/trailing spaces if you're using comma-separated
input.  E.g. this row results in text fields being imported...
   2231,615HMAK, 2005,  3, 28,  8.0, , -1.0, ,  3.5

...while this one results in mostly numeric fields being imported...
2231,615HMAK,2005,3,28,8.0, ,-1.0, ,3.5

  As an added bonus, the script that got rid of unnecessary spaces also
knocked down the 11,143,911,240 byte CSV file to "only" 5,382,671,854
bytes.  This allowed me to import the file in 3 sub-2-gigabyte pieces
versus 6 pieces that the original required.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite version 3.6.21

2009-12-13 Thread Walter Dnes
On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 02:41:23AM +0100, Andreas Schwab wrote

> It's still crashing due to undefined behaviour.
> $ ./sqlite3 :memory: 'create table test(integer)'
> Segmentation fault

Possibly a stupid question from a relative newbie; shouldn't that be...

sqlite3 :memory: 'create table test(fieldname integer)'

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Import feature requests

2009-12-13 Thread Walter Dnes
  The following might be options (compile time, config file, set manually;
I don't care), but they should be available...

1) import with strict typing.  If I create a table with 3 numeric (real.
integer, whatever) fields, then a CSV file containing...

   2.345,  42,  27.7

should import as 3 numbers, not as 3 character strings

2) import adjacent commas in a CSV file as NULL, not as a zero-length
string.  As for the argument that SQLite can't read my mind...

   a) if it can't read my mind, I need to be able to tell it what I want

   b) why would I want a "zero-length string" to behave any differently
  from NULL?

   c) why on earth would I want a "zero-length string" in an *INTEGER*
  or *REAL* field???  That is a totally insane default.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Import feature requests

2009-12-14 Thread Walter Dnes
On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 10:31:20PM -0800, Roger Binns wrote

> Hint:  If you feel the need to get aggressive and abusive when
> posting then you probably missed something!  If SQLite was useless,
> someone else would have noticed by now.

  I apologize for coming across that way; I din't intend to.  Let's just
say I'm rather frustrated with some defaults.  If I felt SQLite was
useless I wouldn't be using it.  I read about the "loose typing" during
import, in the docs.  It was only via "the hard way" that I found out
just *HOW* loose.

Walter Dnes 
sqlite-users mailing list