[sqlite] Academic journals for SQLite

2006-03-12 Thread john.newby
Hi, I sent this request yesterday from my other address but wasn't sure if
anyone had received it as my other email address didn't receive it but both
address are still receiving other peoples questions.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any journals I could use for my University
dissertation on SQLite.

Many thanks.


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RE: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required!!!!

2005-12-14 Thread john.newby
Hi Clay, thanks for this, I've found it on the net and will certainly have a
look at the features it provides, as for purchasing it, I don't have two
pennies to rub together at the moment but should be able to get enough
information regarding the product without purchasing it though.

Thanks again for your time and comments.


-Original Message-
From: Clay Dowling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 December 2005 15:29
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required


There's a package often found in the discount aisles of computer stores
called My Database.  My father (who doesn't pretend to know anything about
databases or programming) uses it for his business and personal uses.  The
tool looked absolutely brilliant from the perspective of making it easy for
a non-database person to store their data in a logical way.  You might want
to examine that project as well.

Simple Content Management

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RE: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required!!!!

2005-12-14 Thread john.newby
Hi Marc, yes you were clear in your post, I know that you came to my defence
and if it wasn't for yours and Juan's comments this thread would most
certainly have died a death by now but I am continually receiving excellent
comments from people.

I would like to thank you personally aswell Marc, your comments have been
invaluable to the direction in which my project has taken over the past few

I am currently looking at GUIs to other SQL databases apart from SQLite,
namely MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS Access(this is my non-open-source,
non-cross-platform database that I will evaluate).  Thank you for suggesting
Toad, it is a GUI to MySQL which is one I am investigation so will come in

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all again and any other
suggestions/comments would be gratefully appreciated.



-Original Message-
From: m christensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 December 2005 18:02
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required

I hope I was clear in my post.
'I' didn't see your post as asking US to do YOUR homework.

What you are doing is needs analysis and by definition requires 'help' 
or input from others. This is not doing YOUR work for you.

On the other hand needs analysis is much more complex than just asking users
what they want.

Most of the time they simply don't know.

Sometimes, and much lest often than some arrogant developers think, they are
wrong about what they really need.

Sometimes you need to stir the pot some to get people thinking.

Sometimes need to show them potential options to get them thinking.

Go back and look at the thread.
It was about to die out until Juan called you a cheat and I 'defended' 
you by saying you just didn't know what you were doing.. ;-).
(Sorry Juan, I know you didn't say 'cheat', that's MY emphasis...)

Very often the process of getting user input is just like this.
Sometimes we spend more time trying to engage the users in a dialog and
playing politics that actual technical analysis.

It goes with the job, those skills are just as important in the real world
as the technical analysis.

Looking at existing or similar products is also more than just an exercise.
You need to USE them.
Figure out What Works, What Sucks and Why and learn from man-years of other
peoples work AND mistakes.
I'd suggest you look at OTHER database GUI interfaces as well.
I'd highly suggest you look as a tool called 'TOAD'. There are versions for
Oracle, SQL Server and I think one of the open-source databases.
Steal ideas, concepts and copy 'what works' that is how the industry works,
and why not.
Is is 'Stealing' to start with work done by Newton or Pascal rather then
reinvent the wheel???

IF it were me, and IF there is a requirement (or suggestion) that you build
something that doesn't exist.
I'd finish your analysis of existing GUIs.
DOCUMENT, in your paper What you did and why.

Which of the following do you think would get high marks and which one tags
you as a slacker...

I was assigned a project to build a GUI for SQLite, but there was one, so I
did X instead.


Initial needs analysis shows 5 existing GUI interfaces for SQLite. They are
A, B, C, D, E. (With REAL details, authors, vendors, etc...) These products
range in price from free for products A, C & D to $129.95 for product B.
They run under the following operating systems...
They have the following common and distinct features...
They appear to have a following or market penetration of X
Analysis shows the market/need/niche for a GUI for SQLite to be less than
initially expected.
Investigation and analysis related to the initial product direction DID
however turn up several needs/gaps/potential product niches that warranted
further investigation.
Further investigation showed a real need for a GUI reporting tool to enable
developers and end-users to quickly and accurately develop enterprise class
reports and logs from embedded applications. I decided to provide a library
and framework to allow an integrated or stand-alone reporting tool for
SQLite databases.

Even IF there is a 'rule' you need to write something unique and had to
switch because a similar tool exists, I would make no mention of the fact. I
WOULD talk about 'the product', needs, demand, market and existing products
instead. It shows you are looking at this from a real-world perspective
rather than 'a class assignment'. Then again some profs. 
think university IS the real-world... ;-).

I classify this a the difference between a student vs. a professional, a
coder vs. an application developer.

Just like in the real world, I'd keep your supervisor 'in the loop' if you
need to change direction, I'd also talk to him in terms as shown above for
the reasoning behind the switch and get 'sign-off'.

I'd also let him know it took 'a lot of searching, but you found some GUIs
already exist', sounds better than 'there are like a hundred already, what

RE: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required!!!!

2005-12-14 Thread john.newby
Hi Gerry, thanks for you comments and words of luck, I will certainly need

Keep all your comments coming people.

Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: Gerry Snyder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 December 2005 18:07
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required

Robert L Cochran wrote:

>  It's better to learn something new than to sit in a lawn chair 
> swatting flies!

This thread has been interesting to follow, since one of my main uses for
computers is finding projects to work on in a futile but enjoyable attempt
to keep my brain from ossifying. The latest has been writing a GUI for
sqlite in Tcl/Tk.

It started when in my musings with sqlite I realized I couldn't remember the
names of my tables and the fields in them, and always had to have two
instances of the CLI program and/or Tcl open; one for the work at hand and
one to show the structure of the file. So the first need was for a window to
show that.

Of course it had to be able to open an existing file or create a new one.

Since my understanding of my needs kept growing so did my data tables, and I
added a complete Alter Table function. This is one of the biggest hunks of
the script. A much smaller one is used to add a new table.

Several of my tables have optional fields at the end, not always supplied by
the input source, so I wrote an Import function, with user-defined
delimiters, which has the option of rejecting or padding input lines which
have an insufficient number of fields.

As I did things in various directories I kept losing little Tcl routines I
used for various functions, so I added the capability to store them in and
execute them from the database. [puts] and [gets] were redefioned to work in
the Tk environment. There are also windows for executing single lines of SQL
or Tcl.

When I got tired of the data displays not being aligned I started using
tktable. This allowed spreadsheet-like editing of data--before that I had
used stand-alone editing windows.

When I decided to bite the bullet and make the move from SQLite2 to
SQLite3 I added a conversion function (bidirectional).

About the only other thing it does, and very poorly at that, is a Help
function, which currently merely lists a text file.

I wrote my own because I hate using a tool that does _almost_ everything I
want, but needs help from another program or two to finish the task. 
So, my job has been much easier than Mr. Newby's. I had the luxury of
creating things as needed, no need to implement the desire of others, and,
at least most of the time, doing it on my own schedule.

Good luck Mr. Newby, and have fun. SQLite is a wonderful environment, and
this list is a great resource.


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RE: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required!!!!

2005-12-13 Thread john.newby
No, It's OK, I value every piece of feedback, whether it be good or bad,
that way I can learn from my mistakes and try and do better in the future.

Keep all your feedback coming, you are all being a great help.

I thank you all for your time and patience.


-Original Message-
From: John Stanton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 December 2005 15:15
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required

Give him a break!  He is working smart, not hard.

"Who cares whether the cat is black or white when you want to catch mice"  -
Deng Xiaoping.

m christensen wrote:
> I wouldn't be THIS hard on him, BUT...
> juan perez wrote:
>> So in a nutshell you are asking the community to do your homework. 
>> What a shame.
>> Start by analyzing the sqlite3 command line interface, make a GUI 
>> that replicates that (and more, heck its a GUI), contribute it to the 
>> sqlite project, THEN talk about your dissertation.
>> jp.
> But, I'd presume the intent here is 'Experience' a software 
> development process.
> Design and build in a vacuum and see what the users think after it's 
> done, as suggested above, is an all too common and WRONG approach 
> I don't think you are INTENDING to 'ask us to do your homework' but I 
> don't think you have yet done the work you need to do before asking 
> opinions. Final project or real-world-work the issues are the same.
> Mr. Newby you appear to have failed to do basic research into your 
> market or users needs.
> First assess the need for your project.
> It would appear you are under the assumption there are no GUI tools 
> for sqlite.
> A Google search like "sqlite GUI" shows otherwise.
> I DO think your general approach of asking people what they need or 
> want is a good one and could be quite enlightening although probably 
> not entirely along the lines you probably first expected.
> Do your research, figure out what YOU think the requirements and 
> options are.
> Ask some direct and possibly leading questions but be open to answers 
> that may not be what you expect.
> General open-ended questions may very well not spur any real discussion.
> They often indicate you have not done your homework so-to-speak.
> This applies even more in the 'Real World'.
> I also see such questions in the real world as in indication of a  
> lack of  commitment to the proposed project.
> In short if YOU don't have the commitment to do your part FIRST why 
> should I spend a lot of time and effort on a response you may or may 
> not even look at before you flitter off to something else.
> Just like in the real world some people may support your pet project, 
> some may be hostile, some couldn't care less and some people think you 
> 'shouldn't bother them with the details or questions'.
> You will need to learn to deal with this too, it's part of the job.
> Let's say you take this advice and look at "SQLite Analyzer"
> You then come back to this group with an intelligent question such as...
> "I noticed SQLite Analyzer has a drag-and-drop qry builder. Is this a 
> Feature anybody here would actually use?"
> Due to the fact most people here are developers I'd ASSume the answer 
> would be a resounding "NO. If you can't write a SQL Qry, you'd 
> probably be better off using Access or something..."
> Then someone may chip in "You know I have no need, but the end users 
> for my app sure COULD use a nice PDF-Generating  GUI Report Builder 
> with a drag-and-drop Qry Builder..."
> I'd sure Hope the intent of your project is NOT 'Write a PROGRAM to do 
> X' but to truly 'Learn how to develop an application from inception 
> thru needs analysis to development, debugging, and final release and 
> to provide a usable tool.'
> This may not be an answer to the questions you thought you asked, but 
> IMHO it does provide "other information 'I' feel would help YOU on 
> YOUR journey"
> Marc
>> John Stanton wrote:
>>> john.newby wrote:
>>>> Hi, I am doing my final year project/dissertation on "Creating a 
>>>> GUI to SQLite"
>>>> I am after help for my analysis phase and would like any 
>>>> comments/help from members or if you could put me in the right 
>>>> direction as to where I could find out this information.
>>>> I would like information regar

[sqlite] Final Year Project/Dissertation help required!!!!

2005-12-11 Thread john.newby
Hi, I am doing my final year project/dissertation on "Creating a GUI to

I am after help for my analysis phase and would like any comments/help from
members or if you could put me in the right direction as to where I could
find out this information.

I would like information regarding SQLite for the following if at all

Why users use SQLite instead of other SQL databases?
Would a GUI detract users from using SQLite?

Regarding a GUI to SQLite:-

What features a GUI MUST have?
What features you would LIKE a GUI to have?
What features you would NOT LIKE to have?

Any help on these questions or any other information you may feel would help
me on my journey would be greatfully appreciated.

You can contact me at my University email address on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Many thanks for your help.


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