Re: [sqlite] Database Diagram

2011-12-06 Thread python
> I like navicat lite generally, though the lite version does not have 
> diagramming. Their commercial edition does have this and they have 30 day 
> free trials, so I'd probably check that out first and see if it does what you 
> need. Mac users seem to universally adore sql editor (Puneet just suggested 
> this too) and the price seems good, but most of us are stuck with Windows or 
> Linux, so that might not be an option. 

Thanks Sean!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database Diagram

2011-12-06 Thread python
Hi Sean,

> That said, having looked at tens of free options and seen the average 
> quality, I would strongly recommend paying a few hundred bucks for a 
> professional product if I needed this functionality.

Do you have any recommendations on commercial database diagram products?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Select

2010-12-10 Thread python
>> A user who has rated movie 1 twice
>> and has not rated movie 10,
>> would show up in your result..

> I vote that all future discussion on this list be in the form of Haiku.

Brilliant :) +1

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Reading a text file and insert to sqlite tables

2010-12-09 Thread python

> convert your text file to .csv format, and use the SQLite command-line tool 
> to make a table out of it.

Will this technique work with multi-line fields (fields with newlines)
or blobs?

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] EXTERNAL:Re: How to select an entry that appears <=ntimes and only show n times if it appears more than n times?

2010-07-02 Thread python
Another +1 on the "awestruck"!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Database logic in TRIGGER and CONFLICT, or in software ?

2009-06-15 Thread python

Every system that uses a database must deal with this problem, and there
are no real easy answers. But here are a few deeper points to consider

Beautifully written!!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Slow Transaction Speed?

2009-05-27 Thread python
Dr. Hipp,

> Your OS and filesystem configuration have a big impact too. I've notice, for 
> example, that transactions are really slow on RieserFS on Linux compared to 
> Ext3.

In your experience, which Linux file system(s) provide the high
performance platform for SQLite?

Which Linux file systems do you recommend avoiding for SQLite use?

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Working with very large data sets from a single process/batch perspective

2009-02-27 Thread python
This is a continuation of the "SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)"
thread with a request to learn how others are using SQLite with
very large data sets. The context of this post is processing
large data sets from a single process perspective, eg. this
question is being asked from a batch data processing vs.
multi-user perspective.
1. In browsing the archives, it seems that one technique is to
split or partition large data sets into separate SQLite databases
that can be loaded and indexed independently of one another
(possibly via separate processes on the same box or on separate
boxes). It appears that some people have written their own
front-ends to manage how records are inserted and/or read from a
collection of SQLite databases.
2. Another technique appears to be to run SQLite on boxes with
lots of memory and then configure SQLite to make optimal use of
available memory.
Are there other techniques that one should consider and/or what
techniques should one avoid?
Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)

2009-02-27 Thread python

Thank you for your reply and for sharing your success with SQLite. I'm
excited by your results (60x faster). On an informal basis, we've been
going back and re-benchmarking some of our old, 'traditional'
(Oracle/Informatica) ETL/DW projects and we now believe the majority of
these systems could be simplified and made faster by using alternative
techniques based on in-memory data processing (definitely) and/or SQLite
(we still need to test). 

Your approach of splitting large data sets sounds similar to what other
SQLite users with large data sets seem to be doing. At a high level,
this sounds like how one would partition data using Oracle? I'm going to
start a new thread on this topic.

> With your hardware I think 100Gb dataset is not limit.

Good news. I'm looking forward to verifying this over the next month or

Best regards,
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)

2009-02-27 Thread python

Thanks for your reply. I'm new to SQLite, but have used a similar list
of databases (with an emphasis on server vs. client side databases)
professionally for years. My background is designing and building
enterprise BI, ETL, and data warehouse systems using databases like
Oracle, DB2, SQL Server and ETL tools like Informatica, Ab Initio, BO
Data Integrator, etc.

My goal is to be able to offer our customers cost effective, high
performance alternatives to traditional commercial ETL solutions. We
recently re-implemented a mid-sized Oracle/Informatica based ETL system
in Python using in memory data structures (dicts) and improved the
performance by a factor of 20x. We're now looking to expand this
approach to SQLite for environments where the volume of data is greater
than available memory.

> When you talk about performance comparisons your question really needs to be 
> squared up to what the database is used for. Are you on a server, 
> workstation, or embedded? How large in the database? How are the internal 
> algos of the database engine lined up? What is the memory footprint? How did 
> you configure what is configurable in the database?

I'm interested in exploring whether or not SQLite can be used as an ETL
tool with large data sets (~80+ Gb). In this context, SQLite would be
run on 64-bit Intel servers with lots of RAM (16-64 Gb). The data would
be stored/processed on server local SCSI drives vs. located on a SAN.
File access would be via a single process per SQLite database. The
interface language would most likely be Python.

> The reality is I BET and I would love to know myself Sqlite is just as fast 
> on inserts to the same hard drive as oracle.

I would love to see such a benchmark as well.

> Are you some kind of political Oracle covering biggot?

LOL. No. I try to be as database agnostic as possible.

> Or, do you want another chance to post something that states you are trying 
> to find the best data storage solution to deliver sincere value to your 
> client in terms of a database choice?

Subtle point here ... I'm not looking for a long term data storage
solution - I'm exploring the possibility of using SQLite as a way to
validate, transform, and pre-aggregate raw data that would in turn be
exported to raw text files and imported (in final form) to a customer's
data warehouse.

> Sometimes that choice is Sqlite, but in some cases it is Oracle instead.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)

2009-02-23 Thread python
P Kishor,

>> Most computers these days are multi-core. ..

> One of things easy to overlook is that SQLite is not a PC-exclusive
software. About 10 million copies of SQLite run on iPhone. Who knows
how many run on other handhelds, embedded platforms, Vxworks, the
like. SQLite used to fit on a floppy and probably still does.

Good point!

I lost my perspective on SQLite's intended audience.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)

2009-02-23 Thread python
Hi Billy,

>> Are there any plans to enhance SQLite to support some of Oracle's
>> parallel processing or partitioning capabilities?

> I realized that you're asking Richard, and not the peanut gallery, but 
> I figured I might as well ask out of curiosity: why do you want to 
> see these features in SQLite?

Most computers these days are multi-core. Oracle has done some excellent
work adding support for parallel processing of many database activities.
It would be great to see SQLite be able to exploit the extra processing
power of multiple cores. This is not a request for handling multiple
simultaneous transactions - it is a request to have single transactions
be processed across multiple cores.

Oracle also supports a rich mix of partitioning features. Partitioning
allows one to divide a table and/or index into logical subsets that
allow additional query optimizations. Partitioning is also useful for
quickly dropping a logical subset of data, eg. if you've partitioned
data by month, you can quickly drop your oldest month of data by
dropping its partition vs. performing a massive number of individual
deletes, followed by a vacuum. Finally, partitions can also support
parallelization tasks such as loading large data sets (each partition
can be loaded and optionally indexed independently of others) and for
building partial result sets for SQL selects (each partition can be
queried independently of other partitions).

Another interesting Oracle feature is compression. Oracle's compression
techniques not only compress data, but also speed up many types of

Thinking-out-loud: I wonder if some of Oracle's parallelization and
partitioning features could be emulated by creating a physical SQLite
database for each logical partition; loading large logical tables
quickly by using a separate process to load each 'partition specific'
SQLite database, and then creating a high-level code library to
translate a high-level SQL commands (insert, update, delete, select)
into multiple, 'partition specific' SQLite commands that get executed in
parallel. In the case of parallel selects, the intermediate results
would be cached to partition specific SQLite databases and then unioned
together by a master controlling process to create a logical cursor for

Is anyone using similar techniques with very large SQLite

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] question on creating/populating table with varchar/clob data types

2009-02-23 Thread python
Dr. Hipp,

> The story goes like this: ...

Great story!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)

2009-02-23 Thread python
Dr. Hipp and others,

Thank you for your replies to my question.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite vs. Oracle (parallelized)

2009-02-23 Thread python
Dr. Hipp,

When you say "SQLite is way faster than Oracle in a single-user
applications" do you mean that SQLite can be faster than Oracle even
when Oracle's parallel processing features are being used? For example
Oracle's support for parallelization can speed up table loading from an
external data source, certain SQL selects, and certain indexing

Are there any plans to enhance SQLite to support some of Oracle's
parallel processing or partitioning capabilities?

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Any advantage to pre-sorting data before loading and indexing it?

2009-02-17 Thread python
Stefan and Michael,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Any advantage to pre-sorting data before loading and indexing it?

2009-02-17 Thread python
Is there any advantage to having data pre-sorted (in index order)
before loading it into SQLite and indexing it? Or does indexing
work best if the index values are randomly ordered at data load
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Open SQLite database without storing database on disk?

2008-11-08 Thread python

> You could, I suppose, implement a VFS on top of a block of memory. See 

Great suggestion.

An idea for a future release of SQLite might be a memory based VFS that
would allow "small" SQLite databases to be manipulated entirely in
memory. SQLite databases could be loaded or saved to string-like

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Open SQLite database without storing database on disk?

2008-11-08 Thread python
Is it possible to open a SQLite database without physically storing the
SQLite database file on disk?

Background: Customer has application that generates SQLite databases
with proprietary pricing information. They would like their users to
download these databases from their SSL secured website and open them
(readonly in memory) without ever storing an image of the physical
SQLite file on disk. Our application downloads these database files
directly to memory where they are currently stored as a binary string.

The only solution I can think of is to download raw text files to memory
and parse these strings to fill an in memory database. Sounds like a lot
of unnecessary extra work on both ends (server and client) to replace
what is essentially the ability to open an in memory SQLite database
from an image stored in a string vs. disk.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Can SQLite take advantage of multiple CPU's and/or multiple cores?

2008-09-18 Thread python
Can SQLite take advantage of multiple CPU's and/or multiple
Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Difference in performance between 32 and 64 bit versions of SQLite?

2008-09-01 Thread python
Does anyone have any benchmarks to share that compare common SQLite
operations running under a 32 and 64 bit versions of SQLite? This
question is OS neutral so please feel to share your experience with 32
and 64 bit versions of Windows or Linux.

Background: Will 64 bit versions of SQLite buy us any significant
difference in performance? I may have a chance to get our department 64
bit AMD workstations with 8G, but I need to justify the extra cost
against a reasonable guess at what the performance improvement may be
against an equivalent 32 bit AMD 4G workstation. These workstations will
be processing very large text based log files (> 16G each). We will be
using Python 2.52 as our SQLite scripting tool.

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-05-04 Thread python

> You can try "SQLite Studio"

Thank you, 

PS: For those following this thread, SQLite Studio is now (as of May 3
2008) a free product with GPL license.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended SQLite utilities

2008-05-02 Thread python

> I started a tabulated comparison of various SQLite GUI applications for Mac:

Wow! Your list is quite comprehensive. Thanks!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended pragmas for new SQLite users to focus on

2008-05-01 Thread python
Hi Donald,

>> I think you're right for general purpose applications. But if you have ETL 
>> or data conversion/analysis applications that can be re-run after a failure 
>> (using source content), this type of pragma sounds like a reasonable choice.

> I very much agree with your statement -- I turn it off sometimes myself to 
> good effect. But the webpage will be read by all sorts of users, and
there was not a mention of the conditions under which this would be wise
or foolhardy. A newbie might well turn off synchronous inappropriately,
take an application to production, then lose all her data. It just seems
(to me at least) quite unfriendly not to include a warning when
suggesting synchronous=OFF.

My original question was very general - we are looking at using SQLite
in many different scenarios - some like the traditional 'always on'
application and some which are more backoffice type batch operations.

I agree with concerns about not providing usage context to the
discussion of pragmas. I'll make sure I provide this context in future
pragma discussions.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-05-01 Thread python
> I use Firefox and I installed the SQLite add-in. I really like it!
Thanks Jeff!
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-05-01 Thread python
Thanks Kees!

> I played with a few other frontends, but always find myself back in 
> Sqlite3Explorer.

> ... find a way to start FireFox with this add-on opening the database I'm 
> interested in from a shell script, or associate my preferred sqlite3 filename 
> extension (.db3) with it.

I've been looking for the same. I'll post back to this list if I find a

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-05-01 Thread python
Thanks Robert!

> tkSQLite at

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended pragmas for new SQLite users to focus on

2008-04-30 Thread python

> Am I right in that the article above promotes the use of "PRAGMA 
> synchronous=OFF" without even a TRACE of warning that this may result in
irretrievable database corruption? Isn't that a bit reckless?

I think you're right for general purpose applications. But if you have
ETL or data conversion/analysis applications that can be re-run after a
failure (using source content), this type of pragma sounds like a
reasonable choice.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended pragmas for new SQLite users to focus on

2008-04-30 Thread python
> But my advice stands. Set things up and see how things work. If you want/need 
> better performance, start tweaking. But there is a good chance that the 
> performance "out of the box" will be fine.

Thanks Gerry!

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended pragmas for new SQLite users to focus on

2008-04-30 Thread python
Hi Gerry,

> Much care and thought have gone into setting up the default behaviors in 
> SQLite.
> My advice would be not to use any pragmas initially. 

That may be the safe solution, but my impression was that SQLite
defaults to conservative settings that may not apply to many of today's
high RAM workstations.

Since I asked my question, I came across the following article that
suggests 4 common pragma opportunities for optimization. The article is
from 2006 so I don't know if its advice still applies to the current
version of SQLite.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-04-30 Thread python
Hi Dennis,

> On Windows I like SQLiteSpy from 

> For cross platform  use (Mac, Windows, and Linux) you may be interested 
> in the SQLite Manager add-on for Firefox at 

Thanks for your recommendations. I've been plodding through all the
choices and SQLiteSpy looks like the best so far.

The SQLite Manager FireFox add-on is new to me. I'll check it out.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-04-29 Thread python
P Kishor,

> I have started liking Malcolm Hardie Company's SQL Editor (an inexpensive, 
> ERD diagramming tool that can read and write SQLite databases, among other 
> db)... not really a db front-end, but a utility nonetheless.

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-04-29 Thread python
P Kishor,


Oops, that's embarrassing!

Do you have a favorite on this page that you would recommend?

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Recommended (Windows/Linux) SQLite utilities

2008-04-29 Thread python
Looking for recommendations for 3rd party SQLite utilities for browsing,
maintaining, importing/exporting and repairing SQLite database files.

My primary development environments are Windows and Linux although I'm
open to Mac only products as well.

My 'google' research on this topic follows my signature.

Thank you,

SQLite utilites found via google: sqlite (utilities|utility)
The following products are listed in reverse order of price.

SQLite Analyzer, $100

Need a tool that would manage SQLite databases quickly and easily?
SQLite Analyzer is the best Internet has to offer. This tool is a
comprehensive SQLite database processor that allows editing or modifying
SQLite tables visually without any risk of losing data. There are no
table size restrictions! Add tree-like database structure display,
syntax highlighting, instant script generation.

SQLite Analyzer is the best Internet has to offer. This tool is a
comprehensive SQLite database processor that allows editing or modifying
SQLite tables visually without any risk of losing data. There are no
table size restrictions. Add tree-like database structure display,
syntax highlighting, instant script generation to understand why
professionals choose SQLite Analyzer.


SQLite Maestro, $100

SQLite Maestro is the premier SQLite admin tool designed to meet the
requirements of SQLite users and to make the work with the databases
simpler and more comfortable. SQLite Maestro allows you to create, edit,
copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as tables, views,
build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, view and edit
data including BLOBs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data
to/from most popular file formats, and use a lot of other admin tools
designed for the easiest and most efficient work with SQLite databases.

SQLite Maestro allows you to build diagrams based on SQLite data. This
exclusive feature represents numeric data from a table or a query result
as a diagram with a possibility of customizing its appearance in various
ways. You can also easy export the diagram to the following formats:
BMP, Windows metafile, PDF, JPEG, PNG and more.


SQLite Data Wizard, $100

SQLite Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your
data. It provides you with a number of easy-to-use tools for performing
the required data manipulation easily and quickly.

* ASP.NET Generator: create a full set of ASP.NET scripts in a few mouse
* PHP Generator: get high-quality web applications without manual coding
* Data Pump: transfer any ADO-compatible database to SQLite
* Data export to as many as 14 file formats including Excel, RTF and
* Data import from Excel, CSV, text files and more
* Flexible Task Scheduler
* The Agent application to execute tasks in background mode


SQLite Code Factory, $80

SQLite Code Factory is a premier SQLite GUI tool aimed at the SQL
queries and scripts development. Key features include:

* Visual Query Builder
* Handy SQL Editor with code folding and syntax highlighting
* Simultaneous executing of several queries with multi-threading
* Data management: viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering
* Data export to as many as 14 file formats including Excel, RTF and
* Data import from Excel, CSV, text files and more
* Powerful BLOB Viewer/Editor

The application also provides you with a powerful set of tools to edit
and execute SQL scripts, build visual diagrams for numeric data,
customize user interface according to your needs and much more.


SQLite3 Database Manager, $60

Win32 application to manage SQLite3 database. Development tool for
managing all database objects:

* Tables
* Views
* Indexes
* Triggers
* SQL builder
* Export schema and data to InterBASE, Firebird and other databases.


SQLiteManager, $50

SQLiteManager is a "next generation" GUI database manager for sqlite
databases, it combines an incredible easy to use interface with blazing
speed and advanced features.

SQLiteManager allows you to open and work with sqlite 2.x, sqlite 3.x,
in memory databases and REALSQL Server databases. It allows you to
create and browse tables, views, triggers and indexes. It enables you to
insert, delete and updates records in a very intuitive way and it
supports you arbitrary SQL commands.

SQLiteManager's report generation system is flexible enough to let you
generate reports in just about any format you can imagine (report
generation can actually be used to export data in just about any format
you need). You create the report templates using a report template
language and t

[sqlite] Recommended pragmas for new SQLite users to focus on

2008-04-29 Thread python
I'm new to SQLite and have been reading the archives for background.

Are there a common set of pragmas that a new developer should master and
if so which ones do you recommend I focus on?

Is there a 'best practice' standard set of pragmas that apply to most
applications? (I'm thinking PRAGMA TEMP_STORE = MEMORY and possibly

BTW: I'm interfacing to SQLite via Python 2.5 on Windows and Linux
systems with lots of RAM.

Thank you,

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Status of SQLite's full-text search (and Python 2.5 support?)

2008-04-20 Thread python
P Kishor,

> I have no idea how I conveyed that impression. I think FTS3 is really 
> wonderful, and have implemented it in my own personal website. I firmly 
> believe in the "Why file when you can full-text search" doctrine.

Excellent! Thanks for the follow-up. You answered my questions. And put
my mind at ease.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Status of SQLite's full-text search (and Python 2.5 support?)

2008-04-20 Thread python
>>  Is SQLite's full text ready for production use yet?

> as ready as it will be. FTS 1/2 are deprecated. 

You don't sound too thrilled :) Are there any limitations that one
should be aware of?

Thank you,

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Status of SQLite's full-text search (and Python 2.5 support?)

2008-04-20 Thread python
I'm trying to figure out the status of SQLite's support for full-text

It appears that full-text support was provisionally added to SQLite in
late 2006 via an extension module. It sounds like this early version was
experimental only.

After more googling it appears that there are two add-on modules for
full text search: FTS1 and FTS2.

Is SQLite's full text ready for production use yet?

I'm also wondering where I can find out if the version of SQLite that
ships as part of Python 2.5 includes automatic support for full text

Thank you,
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Inserting python data structues into database

2006-06-01 Thread Python newsgroup


What is the most efficient way to enter python binary data such as lists or
dictionaries in to sqlite? Has anyone had any experiences with this? We will
be inserting a list of lists of integers into our database.
For example:

Any suggestions will be appreciated
