Re: [sqlite] Problem with sqlite3_exec

2014-03-17 Thread khaloud1987
Thank you Kees Nuyt

It solves the problem. 

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with sqlite3_exec

2014-03-15 Thread Kees Nuyt
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 07:56:57 -0700 (PDT), khaloud1987

> the problem arises when I am trying to erase lines and I have a power failure
> so that it deletes rows but sometimes I have a line that is deleted from the
> first table and not from the second.
> (yes i have a table with this name table2 and i can't read the return value
> when it fails caused by the power failure)

So, after a power failure, you want both deletes to have succeeded, or
none at all. That behaviour is called atomicity (the A in ACID), and the
way to obtain that is to wrap the statements in a transaction.


Groet, Cordialement, Pozdrawiam, Regards,

Kees Nuyt

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with sqlite3_exec

2014-03-14 Thread khaloud1987
the problem arises when I am trying to erase lines and I have a power failure
so that it deletes rows but sometimes I have a line that is deleted from the
first table and not from the second.
(yes i have a table with this name table2 and i can't read the return value
when it fails caused by the power failure)

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with sqlite3_exec

2014-03-13 Thread Igor Tandetnik

On 3/13/2014 6:33 AM, khaloud1987 wrote:

I have a problem with sqlite3_exec that the first delete execute
suuccesfully but the second delete (table2) does not.
  My qustion is : sqlite_exec can return a value different with  SQLITE_OK
and it works ok

What value does the second call return? What does sqlite3_errmsg return 
when sqlite3_exec fails? What does table2 macro expand to, and do you 
actually have a table with that name?

Igor Tandetnik

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Problem with sqlite3_exec

2014-03-13 Thread khaloud1987

I have a problem with sqlite3_exec that the first delete execute
suuccesfully but the second delete (table2) does not.
 My qustion is : sqlite_exec can return a value different with  SQLITE_OK
and it works ok 

this is my code:

snprintf(query,q_size,"DELETE FROM " table1 " where record = %d", id);
  retval = sqlite3_exec(handle,query,0,0,0);
  if ( retval != SQLITE_OK ) 
 TRACE_ERROR("Error in sql query: %s", query);
  snprintf(query,q_size,"DELETE FROM " table2 " where record_id = %d", id);
  retval = sqlite3_exec(handle,query,0,0,0); 

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] problem with sqlite3_exec() and select sql statemant

2008-10-14 Thread John Stanton
Use the correct SQL delimiter for a literal - single quotes, e.g. 

Hari wrote:
> Hi as i am new to sqlite.
> I have problem when i am using sqlite3_exec() function with select
> as i am using sqlite3_open() to opening database
> then creating table and inserting some information using sqlite3_exec()
> and 'create table' and 'insert into'
> then again if i use sqlite3_exec() with select like
> my sql statement is : select * from my_table where
> Primarykey=""
> where primary key and its related information is not already
> in my table but it is returning
> SQLITE_OK...even it must be return some error as that primary key is not
> in my table.
> .how should i get the error...when using select and if primary key will
> not be there ..after creating table with using sqlite3_exec() function +
> select sql statemant.
> Thanks in advance for any ideas
> Harioum
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] problem with sqlite3_exec() and select sql statemant

2008-10-14 Thread Martin.Engelschalk
Hello Hariom,

- use single quotes around text constants: select * from my_table where 
- use sqlite3_prepare and sqlite3_step to select data. First call 
sqlite3_prepare for your statement and then sqlite3_step in al loop 
until it returns SQLITE_DONE
- It is not an error if a select statement returns no rows because of a 
where clause. In this case, the first call to sqlite3_stepreturns 


Hari schrieb:
> Hi as i am new to sqlite.
> I have problem when i am using sqlite3_exec() function with select
> as i am using sqlite3_open() to opening database
> then creating table and inserting some information using sqlite3_exec()
> and 'create table' and 'insert into'
> then again if i use sqlite3_exec() with select like
> my sql statement is : select * from my_table where
> Primarykey=""
> where primary key and its related information is not already
> in my table but it is returning
> SQLITE_OK...even it must be return some error as that primary key is not
> in my table.
> .how should i get the error...when using select and if primary key will
> not be there ..after creating table with using sqlite3_exec() function +
> select sql statemant.
> Thanks in advance for any ideas
> Harioum
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list


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sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] problem with sqlite3_exec() and select sql statemant

2008-10-14 Thread Hari
Hi as i am new to sqlite.
I have problem when i am using sqlite3_exec() function with select
as i am using sqlite3_open() to opening database
then creating table and inserting some information using sqlite3_exec()
and 'create table' and 'insert into'
then again if i use sqlite3_exec() with select like
my sql statement is : select * from my_table where
where primary key and its related information is not already
in my table but it is returning
SQLITE_OK...even it must be return some error as that primary key is not
in my table.
.how should i get the error...when using select and if primary key will
not be there ..after creating table with using sqlite3_exec() function +
select sql statemant.

Thanks in advance for any ideas
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] problem with sqlite3_exec method

2006-08-12 Thread Py Olivier

I'm sorry but even after looking in the archives I haven't found any help on 
this subject :
I'm testing a very simple C program that uses SQLite.
The sqlite3_open method works fine and the database opens normaly, but then I 
get an error coming from the sqlite3_exec method :
sqlite3_exec(db, "select * from tbl1" , callback, 0, &zErrMsg)
The error is : SQL error: unsupported file format.
The same SQL query works fine on the same database file with the command-line 
sqlite3 program.

What am I missing here ?
Thank you for your help...