[sqlite] Variables in statements

2015-09-08 Thread James K. Lowden
On Thu, 03 Sep 2015 16:44:50 +
Peter Haworth  wrote:

> The statement I'm using is:
> SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myKey IN (:1)
> If the value I supply to be used as :1 is a single integer, the SELECT
> finds the correct rows.  If the value is a comma separated list of
> integers, e.g 1,2 the SELECT statement does not return any rows and no
> error is returned.  

If you think about the SQLite C interface that Livecode must be
using, you'll see why lists don't work in this context.  The data in
your list are conveyed to SQLite as a pointer to the list data.  The
caller indicates how that pointer is to interpreted through the bind
function used.  (http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html)  Livecode
must bind the parameter as one of those scalar types, probably
integer.  SQLite then interprets the data as (say) an integer whose
bytes are the ASCII encoding of the characters 

'1'  ','  '2'  ',' [...]

which is probably a very big number, and one that does not match any
myKey values.  Hence no row returns and no error produced.  

> I suspect this is a Livecode problem

If Livecode has a way to prevent passing a "list" type as an integer
parameter then, yes, I'd say so.  If not, they'd have to call it a
pibcak problem and say, "well, don't do that".  :-)  


[sqlite] Variables in statements

2015-09-03 Thread Peter Haworth
I use a high level language to write my db applications (Livecode).  It
permits the use of replacement opertaors in sql statements, e.g. "SELECT *
FROM myTable WHERE myKey=:1".  I guess that's a standard way of doing
things in SQLite.

I'm having some issues with this and not sure whether it's a SQLite or
Livecode problem.

The statement I'm using is:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myKey IN (:1)

If the value I supply to be used as :1 is a single integer, the SELECT
finds the correct rows.  If the value is a comma separated list of
integers, e.g 1,2 the SELECT statement does not return any rows and no
error is returned.  If I recode the SELECT to specify 1,2 instead of :1,
the correct rows are returned.

Should the :1 form work when a list is supplied as its value?

Similarly with a statement like this.

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myText LIKE :1

I've tried various ways of implementing that with the following LIKE clause
and :1 values:

LIKE :1 - '%abc%'
LIKE :1 - %abc%
LIKE ':1' - %abc%
LIKE '%:1%' - abc

None of the above return any rows, but if I issue:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myText LIKE '%abc%'

... the correct rows are returned.

I suspect this is a Livecode problem but wanted to check if what I am
trying to do is syntactically correct before reporting it as a bug.


[sqlite] Variables in statements

2015-09-03 Thread Richard Hipp
On 9/3/15, Peter Haworth  wrote:
> SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myKey IN (:1)
> If the value I supply to be used as :1 is a single integer, the SELECT
> finds the correct rows.  If the value is a comma separated list of
> integers, e.g 1,2 the SELECT statement does not return any rows and no
> error is returned.  If I recode the SELECT to specify 1,2 instead of :1,
> the correct rows are returned.
> Should the :1 form work when a list is supplied as its value?

No.  Variables only work for single values, not lists.

> Similarly with a statement like this.
> SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myText LIKE :1
> I've tried various ways of implementing that with the following LIKE clause
> and :1 values:
> LIKE :1 - '%abc%'
> LIKE :1 - %abc%
> LIKE ':1' - %abc%
> LIKE '%:1%' - abc
> None of the above return any rows, but if I issue:
> SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myText LIKE '%abc%'
> ... the correct rows are returned.
> I suspect this is a Livecode problem but wanted to check if what I am
> trying to do is syntactically correct before reporting it as a bug.

I concur.  This latter seems like a livecode problem.  Similar things
work in SQLite.  See
https://www.sqlite.org/src/artifact/0f0ee61?ln=295 for example.  The
example uses $like instead of :1, but they both work the same.

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org