[sqlite] System.Data.SQLite Release

2011-08-31 Thread Patrick Earl
Just wondering when the next release of System.Data.SQLite will be
available.  There's a bug, that was already reported and fixed, in the
current release that badly breaks NHibernate / ActiveRecord.

Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] System.Data.SQLite Reserved Words Bug

2011-07-10 Thread Patrick Earl
Thanks for fixing that so quickly.  Looking forward to a new release.

Patrick Earl

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Joe Mistachkin sql...@mistachkin.com wrote:

 Patrick Earl wrote:

 System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException was unhandled
   Message=Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified
 culture or the neutral culture.  Make sure
 System.Data.SQLite.SR.resources was correctly embedded or linked
 into assembly System.Data.SQLite at compile time, or that all the
 satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

 This issue appears to be caused by an incorrect resource name in the
 mixed-mode assembly compiled with VS 2010.  The following line in the
 project file SQLite.Interop.2010.vcxproj is incorrect:


 It should read:


 This issue has been fixed in:


 Thanks for pointing out this problem.

 Joe Mistachkin

 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] System.Data.SQLite Reserved Words Bug

2011-07-09 Thread Patrick Earl
First I wanted to say that I was so excited to see the 1.0.74 release
with .NET 4, zip files, and SQLite 3.7.7.  I've been waiting for .NET
4 support for a long while.  Thanks so much. :)

Unfortunately, I was unable to upgrade from 1.0.66 because of the
following problem.

Using this code produces the following exception:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SQLite;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(Data Source=test.db);

System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException was unhandled
  Message=Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified
culture or the neutral culture.  Make sure
System.Data.SQLite.SR.resources was correctly embedded or linked
into assembly System.Data.SQLite at compile time, or that all the
satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
culture, Dictionary`2 localResourceSets, Boolean tryParents, Boolean
createIfNotExists, StackCrawlMark stackMark)
   at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo
requestedCulture, Boolean createIfNotExists, Boolean tryParents,
StackCrawlMark stackMark)
   at System.Resources.ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo
culture, Boolean createIfNotExists, Boolean tryParents)
   at System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(String name,
CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Data.SQLite.SR.get_Keywords() in
c:\dev\sqlite\dotnet\System.Data.SQLite\SR.Designer.cs:line 87
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Schema_ReservedWords()
in c:\dev\sqlite\dotnet\System.Data.SQLite\SQLiteConnection.cs:line
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.GetSchema(String
collectionName, String[] restrictionValues) in
c:\dev\sqlite\dotnet\System.Data.SQLite\SQLiteConnection.cs:line 1223
   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.GetSchema(String
collectionName) in
c:\dev\sqlite\dotnet\System.Data.SQLite\SQLiteConnection.cs:line 1176
   at ConsoleApplication4.Program.Main(String[] args) in
c:\temp\projects\ConsoleApplication4\Program.cs:line 15
   at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(RuntimeAssembly assembly,
String[] args)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext
executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Thanks for your help with this.

  Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Roger Binns rog...@rogerbinns.com wrote:
 It does seem to me that this specific example is wrong.  Selects return
 zero or more rows yet the equality wants exactly one value.  I would expect
 an error rather an implied LIMIT 1 should there be anything other than
 exactly one row.  In some cases you'd only know by executing that subquery
 how many rows it returns, rather than at prepare time.

This is my general feeling as well, but I'm ignoring this since I'm
okay with erroneous queries generating ambiguous results.

 So, in summary, the problem has been with us for 6 years and nobody has
 cared.  And fixing it reduces the battery life on your cellphone by some
 small amount.  Are you *sure* this is something that needs to change?

 I think it is important to correct, especially as there is no workaround.

The fact that there is no straight-forward work-around is the most
problematic part.  One possible work-around would be to build a
tokenizer that re-extracts all the SQLite parameters so their values
can be verified.  Another possibility is to completely ignore missing
named parameters, leading to the inability to detect errors for the
user.  Understanding the query would be more of a leap, so I don't
think it's a reasonable solution to attempt to remove the extra

From these, the best solution seems to be re-tokenizing the sql in
the provider.  Is there another work-around?  It seems that
implementing this at the database level would be the most efficient
approach.  Obviously re-tokenizing all the SQL would be expensive.

Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
So, to move forward on this bug a decision needs to be made at what
level it will be handled.

1.  At the SQLite level.
2.  At the provider level (ex. System.Data.SQLite, Python providers, etc.)
3.  At the user level (ex. NHibernate, Entity Framework, User
Applications, etc.)

Doing it in #3 would involve figuring out which parameters would be
removed and not including those, a very difficult option.
Doing it in #2 would involve adding something that does manual
parameter parsing and validation (such as the parameter tokenizer).
Doing it in #1 would involve things that I don't understand, though it
would simultaneously correct the problems with all providers mentioned
on this thread.

I'm not clear on who is maintaining System.Data.SQLite, but I would
certainly be happy to see some progress towards the resolution of this
issue.  Since I don't believe #3 is a feasible option (nor even the
correct place to abstract away the SQLite oddity), the solution should
be #1 or #2.

For #2 there is a performance hit on every query performed using such
a provider (.NET, Python, etc.).  The queries need to be parsed by the
provider to determine validity.  If the SQLite syntax changes, these
providers need to be updated.

For #1, it sounds like there is a minor performance penalty, but
perhaps it can be implemented in a way where the effects are minimal.
#1 has the advantage that it may be possible to avoid any sort of
significant performance hit unless an optimized parameter is
encountered.  #2 doesn't have this luxury since it doesn't know when a
parameter might be optimized out.

What would the SQLite team suggest to help progress the fix for this?

If it's at the System.Data.SQLite level, I would be willing to help
contribute a fix.  If that were the case, I would hope that the SQLite
syntax could be parsed by a regex for performance reasons.

Patrick Earl

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Stephan Beal sgb...@googlemail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Patrick Earl pate...@patearl.net wrote:

 From these, the best solution seems to be re-tokenizing the sql in
 the provider.  Is there another work-around?  It seems that
 implementing this at the database level would be the most efficient
 approach.  Obviously re-tokenizing all the SQL would be expensive.

 Actually... if you just want to tokenize the SQL for the parameters, as
 opposed to checking the validity of the SQL itself, it is not all that
 difficult to do. i recently did just that to add named parameter support to
 the MySQL back-end of a db access abstraction API. MySQLv5 doesn't support
 named parameters natively, so i wrote a relatively simple tokenizer which
 can fish them out and another routine which converts named parameters to
 question marks so that we can feed the data to mysql (but can also remember
 enough info to map the named param positions to qmark positions):


 Search that file for:


 The code for those functions is public domain and should be generic enough
 to extract for your own use (almost without modification - i think only the
 return code symbols would need to be replaced). The docs are in the header


 That code has worked for me very well so far, and i haven't yet had any
 mis-parsing except on code which was itself not legal SQL (i.e. it doesn't
 seem to create any new problems where there isn't already a problem).

 - stephan beal
 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
That's awesome.  Thanks so much. :)
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Two Requests for System.Data.SQLite

2011-06-01 Thread Patrick Earl
1.  Please release a zipped version of the x86 and x64 binaries so we
don't have to install the package, copy the files, then uninstall it.
2.  Please release a version built against .NET 4 so the legacy
runtime flag can be avoided.

Thanks for considering these things.  They would certainly make my life easier.

 Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-05-31 Thread Patrick Earl
The generated limit parameter does have a value of 1, so it's a valid
query.  It's SQLite that has taken this valid query with a valid
parameter value of 1 and has exposed its internal implementation
details by removing it and causing additional work-arounds in
parameter binding.  It's possible the work-arounds aren't major... I
haven't had time to look at the picture in depth.

 Patrick Earl

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Jan Hudec b...@ucw.cz wrote:
 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 08:00:40 -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
 On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Patrick Earl pate...@patearl.net wrote:
  SELECT this_.studentId as studentId143_0_,
      this_.Name as Name143_0_,
      this_.address_city as address3_143_0_,
      this_.address_state as address4_143_0_,
      this_.preferredCourseCode as preferre5_143_0_
  FROM Student this_
  WHERE this_.Name = (
      SELECT this_0_.Name as y0_
      FROM Student this_0_
      WHERE this_0_.studentId = @p0
      ORDER BY this_0_.Name
      asc limit @p1)

 The LIMIT in a scalar subquery is always ignored.  A scalar subquery
 operates with a LIMIT of 1 regardless of any LIMIT that you might specify.

 It's quite obvious that any other limit in a scalar subquery does not make
 sense, not only in SQLite, but in any SQL database, since only one value will
 ever be used. Which leads me to wonder what causes it to be generated (you
 don't want to tell me the weird names are invented manually, right?) and
  - it should have not generated the limit, or
  - it should have used in instead of = (thus making it list query which
   can meaningfuly have limit).

                                                 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec b...@ucw.cz
 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-05-31 Thread Patrick Earl
I just had an amusing realization... if SQLite itself won't change,
then the problem falls on the shoulders of System.Data.SQLite, which
is incidentally also handled by this mailing list.  It's ultimately
this code that is causing the problem because of the case mentioned

private void BindParameter(int index, SQLiteParameter param)
  if (param == null)
throw new SQLiteException((int)SQLiteErrorCode.Error,
Insufficient parameters supplied to the command);

This exception is being thrown because SQLite is eating one of the
parameters as Richard mentioned.

I haven't analyzed the consequences of changing or disabling the check
in some way.  If somebody beats me to it, I'd be happy about that too.

 Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Bug in sqlite3_bind_parameter_name

2011-05-30 Thread Patrick Earl

I have the following query:

SELECT this_.studentId as studentId143_0_, this_.Name as Name143_0_,
this_.address_city as address3_143_0_, this_.address_state as
address4_143_0_, this_.preferredCourseCode as preferre5_143_0_ FROM
Student this_ WHERE this_.Name = (SELECT this_0_.Name as y0_ FROM
Student this_0_ WHERE this_0_.studentId = @p0 ORDER BY this_0_.Name
asc limit @p1)

sqlite3_bind_parameter_count returns 2.

sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(1) returns @p0
sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(2) returns , not @p1

Perhaps this is related to being a limit in a subquery.

Though nobody may care, this is currently preventing the NHibernate
test suite from passing.

Appreciate your help with this. :)

 Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Lack of decimal support

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl
Base-10 numbers are frequently used in financial calculations because
of their exact nature.  SQLite forces us to store decimal numbers as
text to ensure precision is not lost.  Unfortunately, this prevents
even simple operations such as retrieving all rows where an employee's
salary is greater than '100' (coded as a string since decimal types
are stored as strings).

I would like to encourage the developers to consider adding support
for base-10 numbers.  This is clearly a very pertinent issue, as even
this month there was another thread regarding decimal support.

Thanks for your consideration.

   Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite NHibernate

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl

I'm a committer for NHibernate who has been working on improving the
support for SQLite.  I've been able to get most of the over 3000 tests
passing on SQLite.  Kudos to Richard and the team for producing such
an impressive little database.  I wanted to share with you the main
limitations I found on this journey in the hopes that some day they
will no longer be limitations.  They are ordered by my view on their

1.  Support for a base-10 numeric data type.
2.  Support for altering tables (especially the removal or addition of
foreign keys).  Granted, tables can be updated by turning off foreign
key constraints, copying all data, manually checking foreign key
consistency, and then turning on foreign key constraints again.  Not
having the ability to alter tables ultimately leads to a great of
complexity in any system that has to deal with updating database
3.  FULL OUTER JOIN support.  There are work-arounds, but implementing
those as part of NHibernate proved quite complicated, so I opted to
wait unless there seems to be extreme demand for it.
4.  Some sort of locate function to get the index of substring within
another string.  I couldn't even find any way to emulate this (aside
from user defined functions).
5.  Support for operations like = all (subquery), = some
(subquery), and = any (subquery).
6.  Better support for distributed transactions.  I don't pretend to
be an expert here, but it seems plausible that SQLite could
participate in a transaction across multiple databases.  Perhaps
implementing two phase commit would help with this.

Thanks for your consideration.

Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Lack of decimal support

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl
I've found the decimal numbers to be most generally useful in narrow
ranges.  For reference, here are a couple notes on how other databases
implement them:

MSSQL stores up to 38 digits in 17 bytes, with a specific precision.

PostgreSQL is more flexible and supports up to 1000 digits.


In order to get a jump on the implementation, I would suggest that it
might be possible to use C routines from the PostgreSQL project or
some appropriately licensed library.  Perhaps an author from a numeric
library would be willing to donate their work to the SQLite project.

 Patrick Earl

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Simon Slavin slav...@bigfraud.org wrote:

 On 27 Mar 2011, at 2:39am, Patrick Earl wrote:

 Base-10 numbers are frequently used in financial calculations because
 of their exact nature.  SQLite forces us to store decimal numbers as
 text to ensure precision is not lost.  Unfortunately, this prevents
 even simple operations such as retrieving all rows where an employee's
 salary is greater than '100' (coded as a string since decimal types
 are stored as strings).

 I would like to encourage the developers to consider adding support
 for base-10 numbers.  This is clearly a very pertinent issue, as even
 this month there was another thread regarding decimal support.

 Intersting idea.  You will need to develop your own C routines to do 
 calculations with decimals.  Do you feel they should be implemented at a 
 fixed length or would you want to be able to use decimal strings of arbitrary 
 lengths ?

 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Lack of decimal support

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl
That is true, but then when you are formulating generic queries within
a place such as an ORM like NHibernate, you would need to figure out
when to translate the user's 100 into 1.  As well, if you
multiplied numbers, you'd need to re-scale the result.  For example,
(1 * 1) would be (100 * 100 = 1), which is 1 * 1 = 100. :(  If one
wanted to get excessively complicated, they could implement a series
of user functions that perform decimal operations using strings and
then reformulate queries to replace + with decimal_add(x,y).  That
said, it'd be so much nicer if there was just native support for
base-10 numbers. :)

   Patrick Earl

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 8:15 PM, BareFeetWare list@barefeetware.com wrote:
 On 27/03/2011, at 12:39 PM, Patrick Earl wrote:

 Base-10 numbers are frequently used in financial calculations because
 of their exact nature.  SQLite forces us to store decimal numbers as
 text to ensure precision is not lost.  Unfortunately, this prevents
 even simple operations such as retrieving all rows where an employee's
 salary is greater than '100' (coded as a string since decimal types
 are stored as strings).

 Can you store all money amounts as integers, as the cents value? That is 
 exact, searchable etc.


 iPhone/iPad/iPod and Mac software development, specialising in databases
 Comparison of SQLite GUI tools:

 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Lack of decimal support

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl
You're right, it doesn't make sens to multiply dollars, but if you're
in a context where you don't have significant understanding of the
user's query, how do you determine if 1.05 is $1.05 or 105%?

I understand that one can custom-code everything for SQLite and get
reasonable results in some cases, but please understand that I'm
looking for solutions that don't require the framework to understand
the user's intentions any more than I want to work with base-10
numbers up to a certain precision/scale.

  Patrick Earl

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Gerry Snyder mesmerizer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do money values really get multiplied together?

 What is the meaning of square cents as a unit?


 On 3/26/11, Patrick Earl pate...@patearl.net wrote:
 That is true, but then when you are formulating generic queries within
 a place such as an ORM like NHibernate, you would need to figure out
 when to translate the user's 100 into 1.  As well, if you
 multiplied numbers, you'd need to re-scale the result.  For example,
 (1 * 1) would be (100 * 100 = 1), which is 1 * 1 = 100. :(  If one
 wanted to get excessively complicated, they could implement a series
 of user functions that perform decimal operations using strings and
 then reformulate queries to replace + with decimal_add(x,y).  That
 said, it'd be so much nicer if there was just native support for
 base-10 numbers. :)

        Patrick Earl

 On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 8:15 PM, BareFeetWare list@barefeetware.com
 On 27/03/2011, at 12:39 PM, Patrick Earl wrote:

 Base-10 numbers are frequently used in financial calculations because
 of their exact nature.  SQLite forces us to store decimal numbers as
 text to ensure precision is not lost.  Unfortunately, this prevents
 even simple operations such as retrieving all rows where an employee's
 salary is greater than '100' (coded as a string since decimal types
 are stored as strings).

 Can you store all money amounts as integers, as the cents value? That is
 exact, searchable etc.


 iPhone/iPad/iPod and Mac software development, specialising in databases
 Comparison of SQLite GUI tools:

 sqlite-users mailing list

 sqlite-users mailing list

 Sent from my mobile device
 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Lack of decimal support

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl
If you use a view to return a double, you've lost the exact value you
were trying to save by storing the decimal as a text value.  If you
continue to work with it as an integer, it's exact, but that requires
continual awareness of the number of decimal places at any point in
time.  In essence, you have to build significant numeric
infrastructure into your program to emulate the missing numeric
infrastructure in SQLite.

Patrick Earl

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:52 PM, BareFeetWare list@barefeetware.com wrote:
 On 27/03/2011, at 2:09 PM, Patrick Earl wrote:

 if you're in a context where you don't have significant understanding of the 
 user's query, how do you determine if 1.05 is $1.05 or 105%?

 Can you give us a bit more background and an example of this?

 How is the interface for the query represented to the user and what can they 
 enter there to create a query?

 You can probably do this fairly easily via views which display data in a 
 particular format for the user to see or create a query.


 iPhone/iPad/iPod and Mac software development, specialising in databases
 Comparison of SQLite GUI tools:

 sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Lack of decimal support

2011-03-26 Thread Patrick Earl
On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Darren Duncan dar...@darrenduncan.net wrote:
 You could store your exact precision numbers as a pair of integers 
 a numerator/denominator ratio and then have math operators that work on these
 pairs like they were one number.  You would then know at the end how to move 
 radix point since that was kept track of along with the number. -- Darren 

If you did this, you wouldn't be able to compare numbers in the
database without resorting to division.  If you just specified how
many fixed decimal places there were, you could zero-pad strings if
you only needed to perform comparison operations.  Obviously you'd
need to create custom operations, as you suggest, for other math

If SQLite can't decide on a base-10 format itself, perhaps the answer
lies in enhancing the API to allow for custom type storage and

 Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Foreign constraints and table recreation

2010-05-11 Thread Patrick Earl
Okay, I tried the strategy discussed previously but I'm still having
problems.  Either I'm not seeing something, or there's a bug in the
foreign constraint support.  Take a look at the following two
execution snippets:

sqlite commit transaction;
sqlite begin transaction;
sqlite DROP TABLE ParkingLotLevel;
sqlite DROP TABLE Car;
sqlite DROP TABLE ParkingLot;
sqlite Commit transaction;
Error: foreign key constraint failed

And now, we switch Car and ParkingLotLevel...

sqlite commit transaction;
sqlite begin transaction;
sqlite DROP TABLE Car;
sqlite DROP TABLE ParkingLotLevel;
sqlite DROP TABLE ParkingLot;
sqlite Commit transaction;

No error!  Since the constraints are deferred, the order of the table
drops shouldn't matter, but it clearly does.

I've included a full failing example at the following link.  Beware
that it's quite long and full of boring automated code.  The
interesting part is right at the end and corresponds with what I wrote


This problem (or some variation thereof) has been making me crazy for
the past three days.  So nice to finally have a reasonable looking
test case. :)

Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Foreign constraints and table recreation

2010-05-10 Thread Patrick Earl
Greetings all.

I've been having much trouble with foreign constraints and updating
the table schema.  I used to just recreate the table and rename, but
now that I wish to enable foreign keys on my connections, it seems
that I can no longer do this.  The following statements produce a
foreign constraint violation, which seems to contradict the current
documentation, which says that dropping the table with deferred
constraints will only produce a violation if not corrected by the end
of the transaction.

PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;

INSERT INTO ParkingLot (Id) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO Car (Id, ParkingLotId) VALUES (2, 1);

INSERT INTO ParkingLotTemp (Id) SELECT Id FROM ParkingLot;
DROP TABLE ParkingLot;
ALTER TABLE ParkingLotTemp RENAME TO ParkingLot;

Even though at the end of the transaction you can select and find the
appropriate rows in the car and parking lot tables, committing the
transaction causes a foreign constraint violation.

I used to be able to do all my DDL inside of transactions to ensure
sanity was preserved, but I can't figure out how to make that work any
longer.  It seems I'd have to drop out of a transaction, turn off the
foreign keys, do the DDL, then turn the foreign keys back on.

I'm not sure if the above behavior was by design or not, but it's not
even ideal using deferred constraints and drop/rename to put the table
back.  The following potential features may also help contribute to a

1.  Allow ALTER TABLE to add/remove foreign constraints.
2.  Allow foreign constraints to be deferred for the duration of a
transaction.  (ie. SET CONSTRAINTS)
3.  Allow foreign keys to be disabled / enabled within transactions
using pragma.
4.  Allow tables to be renamed without causing foreign references to
that table to rename.  You could then rename your original table,
create a new one in its place, and put all the original data back.

In any case, I'm looking forward to some sort of improvement to the
situation.  Maybe I'm missing something, but I've spent my weekend
banging my head against this one.

Best regards,

Patrick Earl
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Foreign constraints and table recreation

2010-05-10 Thread Patrick Earl
Thanks Simon.  I believe you're correct in that I can recreate all
dependant tables.  I had attempted this trick earlier, but was doing
so in the context of immediate mode constraints, and that made the
re-insertion of data and dropping of tables exceptionally complicated
in some cases (such as circular references between tables).

So to summarize, the strategy for modifying a table with foreign
constraints enabled is to:

1.  Find all direct and indirect dependants of the table being modified.
2.  Create temporary tables for all of these.
3.  Copy the data from the main tables into these temporary tables.
3a.  If no circular dependencies, do a topological sort on the tables
to get the correct insertion order.
3b.  If circular dependencies, either use deferred constraints or come
up with a sophisticated algorithm to reinsert the original data (needs
to take into account not null columns with circular references
4.  Drop all the original tables, again with similar steps to 3a and 3b.
5.  Rename all the temporary tables to their original names.

I will try this algorithm today and report back if I fail.   Since I
don't have time to imagine an algorithm to delete/insert/update rows
in an order that doesn't break constraints, I've ended up using
deferred constraints (undesirable in my case) just to support table
modification.  It would be great if the kind of complexity above was
somehow encapsulated in the database engine, instead of having users
work around it with non-trivial steps.  As a side note, the above
algorithm isn't likely to be particularly performant on databases with
significant data present.  In the general case of multiple individual
modifications to tables (such as in the context of a database change
manangement framework), the amount of work being done by the DB to
modify the table is quite time consuming.

Thanks for your help with this.

   Patrick Earl

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 5:18 AM, Simon Slavin slav...@bigfraud.org wrote:

 On 10 May 2010, at 7:34am, Patrick Earl wrote:

    PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;

    CREATE TABLE Car (Id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ParkingLotId int
    INSERT INTO ParkingLot (Id) VALUES (1);
    INSERT INTO Car (Id, ParkingLotId) VALUES (2, 1);

    INSERT INTO ParkingLotTemp (Id) SELECT Id FROM ParkingLot;
    DROP TABLE ParkingLot;
    ALTER TABLE ParkingLotTemp RENAME TO ParkingLot;

 Even though at the end of the transaction you can select and find the
 appropriate rows in the car and parking lot tables, committing the
 transaction causes a foreign constraint violation.

 I'm not sure how you expected this to work.  You declare ParkingLot as a 
 parent table of Car, but then you DROP TABLE ParkingLot, leaving Car an 
 orphan.  The only legitimate way to do this is to DROP TABLE Car first, or to 
 remove the foreign key constraint from it (which SQLite doesn't let you do).  
 The fact that you rename another table 'ParkingLot' later has nothing to do 
 with your constraint: the constraint is linked to the table, not to the 
 table's name.

 If you're going to make a temporary copy of ParkingLot, then make a temporary 
 copy of Car too:

   CREATE TABLE CarTemp (Id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ParkingLotId int

 Then you can drop both original tables and rename both 'temp' tables.  
 However, I don't see why you're doing any of this rather than just adding and 
 removing rows from each table as you need.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Foreign constraints and table recreation

2010-05-10 Thread Patrick Earl
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Simon Slavin slav...@bigfraud.org wrote:

 It should not be possible to have circular dependencies.  Because you somehow 
 got the data in in the first place, and /that/ wouldn't have been possible 
 had you had circular dependencies.  Part of normalising your data structure 
 includes making sure that you haven't duplicated data.

I meant foreign keys that cause tables to have circular relationships.
 For example, a customer might have a list of credit cards (the credit
cards table has a customer id) and the customer has a default credit
card (the customer table has a credit card id).  I realize you could
make a third table to store the default credit card relationship,
but as you observed, I'm looking at the general case.

 I do note that you appear to be trying to solve an extremely general case, as 
 if you, the programmer, have no idea why your schema is the way it is.  I 
 have to warn you that if you're going to solve the general case, you are 
 going to run into situations which are not solvable without considering 
 individual rows of a table.

Indeed, hence why it's so complicated without using deferred
constraints.  Unfortunately, enabling deferred constraints leads to
later detection of errors during typical development.  With immediate
constraints, even using null in fields temporarily might not solve the
issue, since there may be not-null constraints to deal with.  In any
case, suffice to say that it is indeed quite complicated.  Getting
back to one of the points that started this conversation, the complex
nature of operations needed to transactionally modify tables with
foreign key integrity preservation suggests to me that this would be
something the database engine could provide a helping hand with.  It
wouldn't necessarily need to be full support for alter table, other
options presented previously would also help.

 But this gets back to an earlier point of mine: why go through any of this 
 performance at all ?  Why do you need to create temporary copies of databases 
 only to originally delete and replace the originals ?

The simplified example I provided had no changes to the tables, but in
the real scenario, at least one of the tables will need some sort of

Thanks for the detailed replies.  I appreciate your insight.

Patrick Earl
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