Re: [sqlite] Questions about analyze

2008-10-17 Thread Paul Smith
Clodo wrote:
 Many thanks, it's a good news that resolve my problem.

 But still remain a trick, i think the behaviour descripted in my 
 original feedback is strange.. i understand, if all fields have the 
 same value, an index on that have a zero height in computing the best 
 indexes to use, but not use index at all and do a full-table-scan, for 
 what i understand about sqlite, imho is strange...
If an index is useless for the query, then a full table scan will
generally be quicker than an indexed scan.

An indexed scan requires accessing two things (the index plus the data)
and also traversing the index which is more 'random access' than
sequentially scanning through the table.

If the analyse has analysed the right data, then letting it do the table
scan is probably the best thing. If it hasn't, then put the right data
in the table before doing the analyse...

(PostgreSQL does the same thing, if the index is useless, or the
database clustering is highly correlated with the index, then it won't
use the index at all).
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Listing duplicate entries

2008-04-28 Thread Paul Smith
flakpit wrote:
 Is there a way of querying the database to list all duplicate entries from a
 column in the same table?

 Something like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE last NOT UNIQUE

 fred, johnson
 roger, johnson

An unoptimised 'off the top of my head' solution would be:

select * from mytable where last in (select last from mytable group by 
last having count(last)  1);

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] delete rows but the database files still have the big size

2008-04-15 Thread Paul Smith
Joanne Pham wrote:
 Do I miss some commands here? I thought the database file size shoud get much 
 smaller after the delete operation but it isn't.
 Can you please help to let me know how to get the database file szie smaller.
 I have tried VACUUM but the file's size didn't change.
VACUUM should do it.

When you delete rows, the file size won't change (this is common with 
most database engines) as that would require a lot of extra work (ie all 
the bits at the end of the file which are still in use will need moving 
into all the gaps which are now unused). VACUUM does that for you, but 
requires exclusive access to the database. DELETE doesn't do it, or it 
would be really time consuming. DELETE just marks the gaps as unused, so 
they can be re-used later.

Did you make sure that nothing else was using the database before you 
ran VACUUM on it?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How to manage separate lists of ordered items?

2008-04-14 Thread Paul Smith
 If I have something like a real estate database where each customer
 can have an ordered list of houses they want to visit, is there a
 recommended way to design tables that just link to other tables to
 create the ordered list? I have a table of houses and a table of
 customers. My (probably incorrect) intuition is to create a separate
 table for each ordered list the customer wants. But looking at other
 databases, I see that people just create one big table for all
 customers like this:

 create table customer_list_map (
   customer_id references customers( id ),
   house_id references houses( id ),
   visit_order integer );

 Then they do the following to find an ordered, customer-specific house list:

 select * from customer_list_map where customer_id=some customer id
 order by visit_order

 I don't know anything about databases, but that seems inefficient and
 more work to maintain (e.g. if multiple lists per customer are later
 supported). Is there a better way to do stuff like this with SQLite?

One general rule about SQL work is that you don't create tables 
dynamically. So the 'customer_list_map' idea is the 'proper' way to do it.

Sometimes there are good reasons to create tables dynamically 
(especially temporary ones), but this requirement certainly isn't one of 
them, since the 'customer_list_map' is a good solution to the problem. 
There's a reason everyone else is doing it that way...

As long as you have an index on the customer_list_map on the 
'customer_id' column, and you have an index on the house list table on 
the 'house_id' column, then it should be quick.

If you are thinking of having multiple lists per customer, then just add 
a 'list_id' column to the customer_list_map table in anticipation. Then 
your select can select on that as well as the customer id.

You'll find that the 'customer_list_map' way works well, and is actually 
a lot simpler to handle in the long run than doing it your proposed way.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Rowid After Sorting

2008-03-17 Thread Paul Smith

But I need my rowid to be chaged as follows.

Rowid   Id  Name
1 4  aaa
2 3  bbb
3 2  xxx
4   1  zzz

You can't.

Rowid isn't an index of where the row appeared in the results, it's a 
'hidden' field in each row in the table. It just 'happens' that it's 
sequential by the order that rows were written to the table.

If you think of it as just being like any other field in the data, 
then it'll all make sense.

I suspect you're trying to use it for something it's not suitable 
for. The only thing you should really use it for (IMHO) is as a 
unique row identifier (hence the name). Some databases use a row 
'GUID' or 'OID' instead, but they're essentially the same.

Also, note that if you deleted the 'bbb' row from the table (for 
example), the results would come back as

14  aaa
32  xxx
4   1  zzz

So, rowid '2' would be missing.

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] which is faster, PHP or SQLite?

2008-02-18 Thread Paul Smith
At 16:25 18/02/2008, you wrote:
I am new to SQLite and databases, so I am stil learning how to
optimize their use...

I am working on a shopping cart type of feature, it is actually a
favorites feature for a system that displays images in multiple
galleries.  There is a SQLite table that contains the user_id,
gallery_id, and image_id.  When a index page is displayed, only a sub
set of the images in the gallery are displayed.  So the question is
what will be faster:

1: Doing a SELECT for each image on the favorites table to see if it 
is selected
2: Doing one SELECT to get all the images for the current gallery and
store that into a PHP array and then simply look in the PHP for each

My thought is option 2.  Is that correct?

My thought is that it would depend.

I'd guess that If you have 100 images, and you are wanting to show 
20, then (2) may be quicker, but if you have 1,000,000 images, then 
(1) would be quicker. (Assuming you have a usable index on the table).

Leaving aside possible database design considerations, it's generally 
best to let the database engine do the work if it can.

With SQLite, I'd qualify that to say that it's best to let SQLite do 
the work if the queries are simple enough that its optimiser will use 
indices to do the work. We have found that it can be quicker to do 
things partially in SQLite and partially in C++. When SQLite would 
have to do a sequential scan to get the result, it can be quicker to 
do, say, two indexed scans in SQLite and then operate on the two 
result sets (eg doing a union or intersect) to produce the final 
result set, but this is the exception rather than the rule (for us anyway).

Paul Smith

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Optimize a query

2007-04-17 Thread Paul Smith

At 16:46 17/04/2007, you wrote:

This is news to me. Why can't SQlite use more than one index?

Possibly because it's 'SQ *Lite*'?
The query optimiser in SQLite is a lot less powerful than in some 
other SQL databases - but then it's a fraction of the size as well...

Instead of having two indices on columns A and B, you need to 
consider having another index on both columns at once.

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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Re: [sqlite] Is this a valid syntax

2007-04-17 Thread Paul Smith

At 16:45 17/04/2007, Stef Mientki wrote:

I don't understand this behaviour,
is this too complex ?
or am I doing something wrong ?

I use the following syntax, and I get 7 records back,
(which is not correct in my opinion)

   WHERE (Koppel.K_App == PO.App)
 AND (Koppel.K_naam == 'MVE')
 AND (PO.ALL_answered == '0')

   WHERE (Koppel.K_App == PO.App)
 AND (Koppel.K_naam == 'MVE')
 AND (PO.ALL_answered != '0')

I don't know if this is the problem, but, for some reason you're 
mixing C/C++ syntax in with SQL there.

You don't use '==', you should just use '='
You don't use '!=', you should use ''

So, try
   WHERE (Koppel.K_App = PO.App)
 AND (Koppel.K_naam = 'MVE')
 AND (PO.ALL_answered  '0')

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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Re: [sqlite] Can anyone recommend some ISAM db to me?

2006-10-09 Thread Paul Smith

At 11:38 08/10/2006, you wrote:

Hi, all
After trying SQLite on my embedded platform, I feel that it's a 
little too complicated and time-consuming to my platform, especially 
the parsing.
So, could someone recommend several ISAM ones to me?(I'm a newbie of 

You could have a look at Codebase ( - whether it 
will work 'out of the box' on your platform or not I can't say, but 
it comes with source code, and is royalty free, and is quick. We 
dumped it for SQLite because we wanted the flexibility of SQL, but 
otherwise it's a decent DB engine supporting xBASE database files.

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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Re: [sqlite] Best way to compare two databases

2006-09-04 Thread Paul Smith

At 16:48 04/09/2006, you wrote:

Hi all:

 I have developed a program that uses a sqlite database.
 Until now the users downloaded an entire new version  of the
database weekly from the FTP server.
 But now the database is too big (about 500.000 records) and i want
to make a database actualization system.
 So, what is the best way  (having the old database and the new one)
to obtain a file with the differences. Something like this:

Hmm, I don't think I'd do it that way. If you do that, then you need 
to have a copy of the old  new database to compare.

One way around it is to have a 'journal' table which just contains 
all the SQL queries which have been actioned (you have to take care 
if you use transactions) along with an incrementing serial number. 
Then, the user's software can say 'I have all journal entries up to 
252376', and then you can just given them all the journal entries 
after that number, and they can run the SQL on their end. which will give.

You can make your routine which modifies the database just keep a 
copy of the SQL used whenever the action succeeds, and store that in 
the Journal table.

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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Re: [sqlite] Index usage

2006-06-20 Thread Paul Smith

At 14:25 20/06/2006, Mikey C wrote:


I just wanted to ask for confirmation that my understanding on how the query
optimiser works is correct.

SQLite only uses one index for each table in a FROM?


What if tables are joined?  Does an index get used for each joined table?

No, just one index for the query. (It tries to pick the best one)

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

Re: [sqlite] speed of ORDER BY clause?

2006-06-14 Thread Paul Smith

At 16:56 14/06/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm finding that ORDER BY is surprisingly slow, and it makes me wonder if 
I'm doing something wrong.  Here's the situation:

I need to select a large set of records out of a table, sort them by one 
column, and then get just a subset of the sorted list.  (For example, I 
might want records 40-60 ordered by date, which is a completely different 
set than records 40-60 ordered by user ID.)  I start with the full list of 
record IDs I want, and a query something like this:

 SELECT fields FROM table WHERE recID IN (record IDs ORDER BY dateFld

I have a unique index on recID, and an index on dateFld.

Try making another index on both fields at once. SQLite can only use one 
index at a time for each query.

CREATE INDEX table_recdate ON table (recID, dateFld);

See if that makes any difference.

When my record IDs list is about 13000 items, the ORDER BY takes about 10 
seconds (i.e., the query takes 10 seconds longer than the same query 
without the ORDER BY clause).  Yet if I remove the ORDER BY, grab all the 
dateFld values into my own array, and sort it myself, the sort takes about 
2 seconds.

This has left me with the weird result that it's actually *faster* for me 
to query the database twice: first to get the unordered list of all 
records and their dates, which I then sort myself, and then query again to 
get just the subset of records I really want.

(That's what we do in some cases, eg if we have to do some sorts of joins 
it's quicker to get all the data and merge it in memory, rather than use 
the DB)

Am I missing something here?  If my own code can sort these dates in 2 
seconds, why does sqlite take 10?  And why did indexing the dateFld not 
make any difference (i.e., it took about 10 seconds before I added the 
index too)?

SQLite hasn't got as powerful an optimiser as some DBs such as MySQL etc 
(but then it is a tiny fraction of the size, so what do you expect). Some 
DBs also automatically create indices as they decide they're necessary - 
SQLite doesn't, you need to do it yourself.

This means you need to think about things a bit more yourself. The 
'EXPLAIN' command is your friend - learn how to use it at least a bit if 
performance is an issue - you can usually see where there are plain loops 
(which go around all records) or indexed loops (which are much quicker). 
Usually careful creation of the suitable indices helps a lot.

Read - this gives some details of 
the limited optimisations that SQLite can do, so you can try to take 
advantage of them

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

RE: [sqlite] How dangerous is PRAGMA Synchronous OFF?

2005-11-17 Thread Paul Smith

At 00:54 17/11/2005, Preston Z wrote:
If the power never goes out and no programs ever crash on you system then 
Synchronous = OFF is for you, but the rest of the world might still want 
it ON. Really it sounds like the thing you need to worry about most is the 
unexpected termination of your program. If you aren't worried about that...

I'm pretty sure that even with Synchronous=off, a program crash won't cause 
a problem. It's only OS crashes or power failures that are a problem.

From the docs:
With synchronous OFF (0), SQLite continues without pausing as soon as it 
has handed data off to the operating system. If the application running 
SQLite crashes, the data will be safe, but the database might become 
corrupted if the operating system crashes or the computer loses power 
before that data has been written to the disk surface. On the other hand, 
some operations are as much as 50 or more times faster with synchronous OFF.

So, if you have a UPS (with ordered shutdown software!) and are happy with 
the OS reliability, I'd consider using synchronous off as long as I kept 
regular backups, and didn't care if very recent data was lost. (But this is 
really the case with most DBs - even with 'synchronous normal' there is a 
small risk that the database could be corrupted)

The bottom line is how important is the speed VS Data?
As for detecting a corrupt database, it won't tell you on opening it that 
it is corrupt... it will even execute statements till it hits a piece of 
the db that is corrupt (at least the corruption that i have seen, which 
was from a bad disk, so might not be the same).

What has happened here with data corruption has generally been that the 
program has started OK, then crashed later on. (At least, I'm guessing it 
was database corruption because the crash happened in the SQLite DLL, and 
restoring a backup DB file stopped the crashing)

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

Re: [sqlite] Multi-threading.

2005-07-27 Thread Paul Smith

At 03:21 27/07/2005, Mrs. Brisby wrote:

On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 09:48 -0500, Jay Sprenkle wrote:
 The theory has been proposed that threads aren't better than separate
 processes, or application implemented context switching. Does anyone
 have an experiment that will prove the point either way? It will have
 to be OS specific though, since I'm sure not all thread
 implementations are equal.

This page might be interesting..

It shows (pretty conclusively), that 'one process per task' is not the way 
to go if you want any sort of performance.

One thread per task is very good
One thread for many tasks is slightly better, with the benefit growing as 
more threads are created (up to 300-500 tasks there's not a massive 
difference, by the time you get to 1000 tasks there's a 35% benefit to 
using one thread for many tasks.

Of course, this assumes a well designed architecture...

But, one process per task is very poor in comparison to the other ways (on 
all the platforms they tested) handling only about 5% of load of the 'one 
thread for many tasks' architecture.

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

Re: [sqlite] Insert all rows from old table into new table but in sorted order

2005-06-30 Thread Paul Smith

I can insert all rows of existing table into new table having same columns
using query :

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE

But I want all rows of NEWTABLE sorted by field No,

So I used query

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc

But it is not giving me sorted output as new table?

Can you tell me where I am wrong ???

You can't do that.

The 'Insert' may (I'm not sure..) insert the data into 'NEWTABLE' in the 
right order , but then, when you do an unordered query on 'NEWTABLE', the 
results are returned in an undefined order - not necessarily in the order 
they were inserted into the table

You should do the sorting when you read 'NEWTABLE'

So, instead of

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc
select * from NEWTABLE


Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE
select * from NEWTABLE order by no desc

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

RE: [sqlite] Insert all rows from old table into new table but in sorted order

2005-06-30 Thread Paul Smith

At 12:52 30/06/2005, you wrote:

you misinterpreted my problem,
I want to add all rows of old table into new table but with sorted order
I don't want to fire another query (select * from newtable order by desc no
) to give sorted rows, I want to insert all rows in sorted order into new

But why?

It doesn't matter what order the rows are stored in the table. What matters 
is what order you get them from the table. That's why you do the sorting 
when you do the query, whenever and whatever the query is.

There may be implementation dependent ways to do what you want (eg Richard 
says that what you're doing should work in current versions of SQLite), but 
also, these ARE implementation dependent, so, if the underlying engine 
changes (eg you use a newer version of SQLite, or you switch to MySQL or 
something), it'll all fall over in unpredictable ways if you depend on this 
implementation dependent behaviour.

Good programming practice dictates that you DON'T rely on implementation 
dependent behaviour. If SQLite had an *explicit* way of requesting that 
'order by'd inserts are honoured, and that an unordered query returns by 
rowid, and that the rowid can never overflow (like other DBs have clustered 
indices which are an explicit mechanism), then you may be able to do it, as 
it would fail in a definite way if you tried to use this implementation 
dependent behaviour when it wasn't available. But relying on implicit 
implementation dependent behaviour (eg like expecting a perl hash to be 
interated through in alphabetic order) is asking for trouble down the line, 
and shouldn't get through any internal code reviews. (IMHO)

SQLite can handle sorting on an index very quickly. So, if you'll often 
want to sort by 'no', just make an index on the 'no' column, and do 'order 
by no desc' in all your queries requiring that ordering. You'll be glad you 
did it that way in the future!

-Original Message-
From: Paul Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Insert all rows from old table into new table but in
sorted order

I can insert all rows of existing table into new table having same columns
using query :

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE

But I want all rows of NEWTABLE sorted by field No,

So I used query

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc

But it is not giving me sorted output as new table?

Can you tell me where I am wrong ???

You can't do that.

The 'Insert' may (I'm not sure..) insert the data into 'NEWTABLE' in the
right order , but then, when you do an unordered query on 'NEWTABLE', the
results are returned in an undefined order - not necessarily in the order
they were inserted into the table

You should do the sorting when you read 'NEWTABLE'

So, instead of

Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE order by no desc
select * from NEWTABLE


Insert into NEWTABLE select * from OLDTABLE
select * from NEWTABLE order by no desc

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

Re: [sqlite] download db - security question

2005-01-24 Thread Paul Smith
At 06:54 24/01/2005, you wrote:
I was wondering if someone can just download off my webpage the sqlite 
 And if they can is there a way to block this type of download throw apache?
Don't put the SQLite database in an apache web site directory..
This is easily done if you run your own web server or with some of the 
better web hosting companies, but with a basic 'home page' hosting service, 
it might not be possible.

If you can only upload to a single directory structure which contains your 
website, but you can modify the .htaccess file freely, then there are a few 

1) Prevent access to the database directory
Put the database in its own directory
Make a .htaccess file in that directory. Add the following line to it:
deny from all
2) Redirect access to the database
Add to your .htaccess file in the folder where the database lives:
Redirect mydatabase.db
This will make Apache redirect any attempts to download 'mydatabase.db' to 
the page ''

(Test these two options before you rely on them!)
If you can't modify .htaccess (or only modify it in a limited way) , then 
you'll be stuck with 'hiding' the database (eg have it so it could be 
downloaded from

(note that the file extension doesn't need to be .db) Yes, this is security 
by obscurity, which isn't great, but it'll be reasonably effective, as long 
as the path to your database isn't shown in the downloadable website page 
source anywhere...

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

[sqlite] Is it possible to 'fix' a malformed database

2004-10-11 Thread Paul Smith
If I do pragma integrity_check on a database I get:
*** in database main ***
On page 8 cell 0: invalid page number 1581
On page 8 at right child: invalid page number 1582
On page 7 cell 0: invalid page number 593
On page 7 cell 1: invalid page number 594
On page 7 cell 2: invalid page number 1171
On page 7 at right child: invalid page number 1712
On page 5 cell 0: invalid page number 372
On page 5 cell 0: invalid page number 551
On page 5 cell 1: invalid page number 737
On page 5 cell 1: invalid page number 552
On page 5 cell 2: invalid page number 1103
On page 5 cell 2: invalid page number 1014
On page 5 cell 3: invalid page number 1466
On page 5 cell 3: invalid page number 1465
On page 5 at right child: invalid page number 1830
Page 9 is never used
Page 10 is never used
Page 11 is never used
Page 12 is never used
Page 13 is never used
Page 14 is never used
Page 15 is never used
Page 16 is never used
Page 17 is never used
Page 18 is never used
Page 19 is never used
Page 20 is never used
Page 21 is never used
Page 22 is never used
Page 23 is never used
Page 24 is never used
Page 25 is never used
Page 26 is never used
Page 27 is never used
Page 28 is never used
Page 29 is never used
Page 30 is never used
Page 31 is never used
Page 32 is never used
SQL error: database disk image is malformed
Is there any way to fix this (even if some data is lost), or does it just 
need throwing away and restoring from backup?
(Any ideas what could have caused these types of errors?)

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

Re: [sqlite] Apostrophes in strings

2004-08-07 Thread Paul Smith

Apply the php-function sqlite_escape_string on all the string data you 
insert/update to the database. That should to the trick.
Thanks, it just makes a '' from ' instead of \' as with MySQL. Reminds me 
a bit of Visual Basic...
It's the standard SQL way of escaping a ' character (MySQL (and some 
others) are incorrect to use \' - those need escaping of the \ character as 
well, which isn't necessary with the proper SQL method)
PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

Re: [sqlite] Problems adding a new column

2004-05-26 Thread Paul Smith
At 14:03 26/05/2004, Tito Ciuro wrote:
I would like to add a new column to an existing table on-the-fly. I've 
followed the code found on SQLite's website: and modified it slightly to the following:

Adding table 'address' to the database...
VARCHAR(255),Country VARCHAR(255),Last VARCHAR(255));

add data to the 'address' table
Adding one more column to 'address'...
VARCHAR(255),Country VARCHAR(255),Last VARCHAR(255),SSN VARCHAR(255));
- INSERT INTO address_backup SELECT ROWID,First,Last,Country FROM 

The problem I've found is that SQLite reports the following error when 
INSERT INTO is executed:

table address_backup has 5 columns but 4 values were supplied
I understand that the source table 'address' contains 4 columns and 
destination table 'address_backup' has 5, so I would have to copy the 
source data while ignoring the newly created column in the destination table?
Shouldn't the INSERT be
INSERT INTO address_backup (ROWID, First, Country, Last) SELET * from Address
PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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Re: [sqlite] vers 3.0 concurrency issues

2004-05-07 Thread Paul Smith
At 17:22 06/05/2004, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Thomas, Basil wrote:
 I am no technical expert but...could not page locking at least be 
 by the pager module to increase concurrency(very naive...but better 
than file

Page-level locking will not help.  For one thing, we cannot do both page-level
locking and reader/writer locks on win95/98/ME.  Presumably, reader/writer
locks are more desirable than page locks and we are not yet ready to
abandon win95/98/ME.  (You can do both on unix and winNT/2K/XP.)
But more importantly, locking is less than half the problem.  The hard
part is not locking but recovering from a program crash or OS crash or
power failure.  If we didn't have to deal with crashes and power failures,
doing page-level or row-level locking would be (relatively) easy.
In version 3.0, you will be able to ATTACH multiple databases and update
them all at once (and atomicially).  Then if you put each of your tables
in a separate database file and ATTACH them as needed, the end result
will be something very like table-level locking.  Without a central
server process to coordinate things, getting any more concurrency
than that is not a viable option, as far as I can determine.
Given that (IMHO) most concurrency problems seem to be centred around a 
single application with multiple threads, might it not be possible for that 
application to 'register' with SQLite in order to implement table locks.

So, my app says to SQLite 'register lock manager'
Then SQLite says to my lock manager function:
- lock database xyz.db for writing
- lock table aa for writing
- lock table bb for writing
- unlock table bb
- unlock table aa
- unlock database xyz.db
The application should put a file lock on the database when it gets the 
'lock database' callback, so that other applications sharing the file can't 
write to it, but if another thread in the same application also does a 
'lock database xyz.db', then it would just increment a reference count, not 
try to lock it again.
Similarly for the tables. The application could do all the hard work in 
this case.

If there was no callback registered, SQLite would act like it does now, 
with file level locks

PaulVPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway

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[sqlite] SQLite version 3.0

2004-04-08 Thread Paul Smith
I've looked at the proposed changes for SQLite V3, and, whilst it all looks 
reasonable, it does absolutely nothing for me...

The things I'd like would be more at the 'lower' levels of the database.

I'd like to see the query engine be able to use multiple indices if 
appropriate, rather than just one as it can currently do.
(It might be possible then to extend this to a simple query optimiser or 
automatic index generation etc at a later stage - possibly as a 
plug-in-able system based on the 'explain' output of the parser)

I'd also like to see the facility for writing our own locking system to be 
used by SQLite.

For instance, SQLite could have callbacks for 'table locks', 'row locks', 
'page locks' or whatever. If the callback isn't implemented in the 
application they could equate to file locks as they do now, but having the 
callbacks would allow the application to put a file lock on the database to 
stop other programs interfering, then implement its own table/row/page lock 
as appropriate if it would help. This would help concurrency within a 
single (multithreaded) application or server, whilst still allowing the 
current system for simple usage.

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Re: [sqlite] Command-line SQLite

2003-11-28 Thread Paul Smith
At 15:20 28/11/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm attempting to use the command-line SQLite to test the speed of certain 
selects and how writing them in different fashions affects speed

OK, can anyone explain (no pun intended!) what I should be looking for in 
what information explain returns? Are there any timing numbers in there 
I can look at?
I always look for the use of indices, and loops and things

create temp table xx (name varchar(30), title varchar(30));
create temp index xx_y on xx(name);
sqlite explain select * from xx where name=fred;
addr  opcodep1  p2  p3
    --  --  
0 ColumnName0   0   name
1 ColumnName1   0   title
2 Integer   1   0
3 OpenRead  0   3   xx
4 Integer   1   0
5 OpenRead  1   4   xx_y
6 String0   0   fred
7 MakeKey   1   0   t
8 MemStore  0   0
9 MoveTo1   18
10MemLoad   0   0
11IdxGT 1   18
12IdxRecno  1   0
13MoveTo0   0
14Column0   0
15Column0   1
16Callback  2   0
17Next  1   10
18Close 0   0
19Close 1   0
20Halt  0   0
This shows (step 5) that the index is being opened, steps 6-9 (I think) 
that a lookup on the index for 'fred' is being perfomed,
then step 11 checks if the current index value is bigger than 'fred', and 
jumps to step 18 if so
12-13 moves to the next index record
steps 14-15 get the data
step 17 moves to the next record in the index at step 10

So, this will iterate through the index 'xx_y' from 'fred' until the value 
of the index  'fred'. (ie not much looping)

(I think)


sqlite explain select * from xx where title=fred;
addr  opcodep1  p2  p3
    --  --  ---
0 ColumnName0   0   name
1 ColumnName1   0   title
2 Integer   1   0
3 OpenRead  0   3   xx
4 Rewind0   12
5 Column0   1
6 String0   0   fred
7 StrNe 1   11
8 Column0   0
9 Column0   1
10Callback  2   0
11Next  0   5
12Close 0   0
13Halt  0   0
This doesn't open the index.
5-7 compares column 1 ('title') with the text 'fred', if it isn't that it 
jumps to step 11
8-9 gives the data
11 goes to the next record at step 5

So, this will iterate through the entire database looking for 'fred' 
(potentially lots of looping)

(Note I'm not entirely sure what everything means, but this is what I've 
surmised over time)

In general, in a loop, index operations are good, things like 'strne', 'ne' 
etc aren't as good because they probably operate more often.

You can't have timing information, because, the 'explain' doesn't look at 
the actual data available, so, if you just look at timing, my unindexed 
query above would probably look to be quicker, but in a large data set, the 
indexed query would actually probably be a lot quicker, because it'd have 
to go around the loop less times, even though the index operations 
themselves might well be slower than the plain comparisons.

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Re: [sqlite] Improving concurrency in SQLite

2003-11-23 Thread Paul Smith
Looking at the feedback paper, I wonder whether, possibly, things are being 
made more complicated than necessary.

In most (if not all) of the situations I've seen people mention where 
concurrency is a problem (and in our own similar situation), it looks as if 
the problem is all in 'single application, multiple threads'

In this case, some of the problems which SQLite are struggling to solve 
will never happen, eg, file locks are actually unnecessary, and the section 
1.3 becomes less of an issue (SQLite could actually work like a 
client-server database and treat the journal as a recovery mechanism only)

I wonder if there couldn't be a case for 'formalising' this behaviour. So, 
you could specify that an *application* wants exclusive access to a 
particular SQLite database. So, once the DB is opened, a file lock is put 
on it, until the application closes.

So, the application could call a different API at startup to grab ownership 
of a DB file, and set up the finer grained lock tables that might be 
necessary, and then each thread could call something like sqlite_open, with 
a reference to a handle created by this first API call.

So, in effect, SQLite would gain a lot of the advantages of 'client-server' 
(ie single application, therefore more flexible locking facilities, easier 
fair queuing etc ) without the extra complexities involved (eg 
inter-process/network communications facilities)

Yes, this wouldn't solve issues where there are multiple processes 
accessing a DB, but those could use the current facilities. The above 
changes could also be a staging post on the way to a full client/server 
version of SQLite

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