Re: [sqlite] retreving the column names for a query (PERL)

2006-03-23 Thread Scott Leighton
On Wednesday 22 March 2006 9:43 pm, Jim Dodgen wrote:
 for a query like

 select * from a join b on a.x = b.z

 anyone know how to get all the column names of the fields that would be
 returned from the query?

 I am using the DBD::SQLite PERL module

  This script shows you how to get the column info.


 use DBI();
  use strict;

  my $dbname = $ARGV[0] || die usage $0  dbname\n;

  my $dbh=DBI-connect(DBI:SQLite2:dbname=$dbname,

  my $sqlversion=$DBD::SQLite2::VERSION;
  my $dbiversion=$DBI::VERSION;

  print Running DBI $dbiversion and DBD::SQLite2 $sqlversion\n;

  my @tables = $dbh-tables();

  foreach my $table (@tables) {
 print \n\n--\nTable --$table 
 my $sth2 = $dbh-prepare(select * from $table limit 1) or die 

 my $fields = $sth2-{NUM_OF_FIELDS};
 print Number of columns = $fields\n;

 print Column Name Type  Precision  Scale  Nullable?
 print --    -  -  

 ### Iterate through all the fields and dump the field information
 for ( my $i = 0 ; $i  $fields ; $i++ ) {

my $name = $sth2-{NAME}-[$i];

### Describe the NULLABLE value
my $nullable = (No, Yes, Unknown)[ $sth2-{NULLABLE}-[$i] ];
### Tidy the other values, which some drivers don't provide
my $scale = $sth2-{SCALE}-[$i];
my $prec  = $sth2-{PRECISION}-[$i];
my $type  = $sth2-{TYPE}-[$i];

### Display the field information
printf %-30s %5d  %4d   %4d   %s\n,
$name, $type, $prec, $scale, $nullable;


Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit 
POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux x86_64
SuSE Linux 9.3 (x86-64)

Re: [sqlite] Erreur avec DBD::SQLite

2005-10-10 Thread Scott Leighton
On Monday 10 October 2005 6:03 am, Cyril Scetbon wrote:

 No error code is returned cause the script is blocked by the instruction

   Change that line to

   $dbh-do($req) or die $dbh-errstr;

   to get an error displayed.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux x86_64
SuSE Linux 9.3 (x86-64)

Re: [sqlite] Erreur avec DBD::SQLite

2005-10-10 Thread Scott Leighton
On Monday 10 October 2005 2:32 pm, Cyril Scetbon wrote:
 Scott Leighton wrote:
 On Monday 10 October 2005 6:03 am, Cyril Scetbon wrote:
 No error code is returned cause the script is blocked by the instruction
Change that line to
$dbh-do($req) or die $dbh-errstr;
to get an error displayed.

 I used it but no error is printed. What is weird is that it works on
 Linux with the same version of DBD but not on windows. Moreover windows
 is swapping.

 I noticed another error. When I try
 sqlite3 backup.db select * from logs where date not in (select date
 from logs order by date desc limit (select nlpurge from settings))
 I get Segmentation fault

Try checking the windows database for corruption.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux x86_64
SuSE Linux 9.3 (x86-64)

Re: [sqlite] solving the infamous, irritating database locked problem

2005-06-09 Thread Scott Leighton
On Thursday 09 June 2005 7:15 am, Puneet Kishor wrote:
 I've been a reading a lot on the database locked problem, but still
 need guidance trying to locate the source of my problem.

 environment: DBI/DBD::SQLite (latest versions) with SQLite3 (3.2.1) on
 Mac OS X (10.3.9).

 I am trying to update a table via the web. The UPDATE in question is
 the very first (and the only) DML statement. Yet, I get the database
 locked error.

 The sequence of commands is

 my $sql = UPDATE statement;
 my $sth = $dbh-prepare(qq{$sql});

 My question is: could I set some kind of trace that tells me what is
 going on with SQLite?

Try this

 my $sql = UPDATE statement;
 my $sth = $dbh-prepare(qq{$sql}) || die $dbh-errstr;

 $sth-execute || die $dbh-errstr;


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux x86_64

Re: [sqlite] LIKE returns all rows

2005-04-23 Thread Scott Leighton
On Saturday 23 April 2005 7:15 pm, steve wrote:
 Assume a database table named Good has a column named bob.
 The following command will return ALL rows in the table regardless of their


 Is this by design?  If so, is there a workaround for this other than
 attempting to name all columns in a table to be so unique as to never be

  Try  SELECT * FROM Good WHERE bob LIKE 'bob';


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux x86_64

Re: [sqlite] LIKE returns all rows

2005-04-23 Thread Scott Leighton
On Saturday 23 April 2005 7:15 pm, steve wrote:
 Assume a database table named Good has a column named bob.
 The following command will return ALL rows in the table regardless of their


 Is this by design?  If so, is there a workaround for this other than
 attempting to name all columns in a table to be so unique as to never be

 More to try

SELECT * from Good WHERE bob like 'bob';

SELECT * from Good WHERE 'bob' like 'bob';
SELECT * from Good WHERE 'bob' like bob;

 See the pattern? 

   Double quotes are used for column names, single quotes
for values.

   Your SELECT * from Good WHERE bob like bob;  is the
same as saying

SELECT * from Good WHERE 1 = 1;


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux x86_64

Re: [sqlite] Setting The Width Option

2004-12-07 Thread Scott Leighton
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 10:28 am, Jeff Flowers wrote:
 Is it possible to set the .width option when calling the sqlite
 frontend? I was surprised that there wasn't a options to do this,
 something like:

 sqlite3 -column -header -width '30 30 5 5' dbname

You didn't mention your OS, but I know on Linux you
can set whatever defaults you want in .sqliterc 
and the commandline utility uses them.

Not sure if this is also true on the Win platform tho.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.111.5-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] problems using DBD::Sqlite2

2004-10-07 Thread Scott Leighton
On Thursday 07 October 2004 5:11 pm, Freeman, Michael wrote:
 I put in a ticket, but I thought I'd also throw this question out to you
 guys. I'm having some problems with a script that is using sqlite. I'll
 cut and paste from the ticket:

 POE::Component::EasyDBI Got STDERR from child, which should never happen
 ( - errstr= ( 'no such table: trapdlog(1) at dbdimp.c line 412' ) [1
 items] at line 866 ) at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/POE/Component/ line 678.

 I keep getting these messages when I run my perl script with

 I created my database and table and its very simple

 I'm confused, what do the examples have to do with the code above?
In the examples you are using DBI, above you show an error from POE. They are 
two completely different interfaces.

 The examples run fine here, so I'd say you need to provide more
information regarding the real script giving you a problem.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.108-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] symbol conflict in v3 with v2 - using DBD::SQLite/2

2004-09-11 Thread Scott Leighton
On Saturday 11 September 2004 3:19 pm, Darren Duncan wrote:
 Just now I installed the newest versions of DBD::SQLite v1.05 (3.06)
 and DBD::SQLite2 v0.33 (2.8.15).  They both tested and installed with
 no problems, along with DBI v1.43 and Perl v5.8.5, all using GCC 3.3
 on Mac OS X 10.2.8.

 However, this SQLite v2 and SQLite v3 can not be used simultaneously
 as they have symbol conflicts. 

 I'm not seeing any such problem here. The following code works
perfectly with DBD::SQLite2 v0.33 and DBD::SQLite v1.05.

  use DBI;

  my $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:SQLite2:dbname=popfile2.db','','') || die 

  my $dbh1 = DBI-connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=popfile.db','','') || die 

  my $sth=$dbh-prepare('select * from words limit 5;') || die $dbh-errstr;
  $sth-execute() || die $dbh-errstr;
  while (my $row = $sth-fetchrow_arrayref) {
  print $row-[0] . \n;

  $sth=$dbh1-prepare('select * from words limit 5;') || die $dbh1-errstr;
  $sth-execute() || die $dbh1-errstr;
  while (my $row = $sth-fetchrow_arrayref) {
  print $row-[0] . \n;




  No errors, no problems.

 Matt, please publish a newer DBD::SQLite as soon as you can get the
 pair to pass the following simple test without errors: use
 DBD::SQLite2; use DBD::SQLite;; that's also a good test for any
 subsequent releases.

  You don't 'use' the DBD modules, you use DBI; and it handles loading
of the modules specified in the connect.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.108-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 -journal [SOLVED]

2004-08-25 Thread Scott Leighton
On Sunday 08 August 2004 8:32 pm, Scott Leighton wrote:

Solved! Just to close the loop on this for the benefit of any other
 DBD::SQLite users who may be trying to upgrade from v 0.31 to v 1.x.x.
 Watch out for cases where your former working code left unfinished SELECT
 statements since under SQLite v 3.x.x they will hold locks on the database
 causing subsequent SQL calls to fail.

In my case, the code had several instances where we knew there could
 only be one result to the query so we basically grabbed that result and
 moved on, e.g.,

$sth = $dbh-prepare($statement);
return $sth-fetchrow_arrayref;

This left the SELECT statement in a not finalized state and the dataset
 locked. Worked fine under SQLite 2.8.xx but it fails under 3.x.x. We had to
 change the code to,

$sth = $dbh-prepare($statement);
my $result= $sth-fetchrow_arrayref;
return $result;

to solve the problem by finalizing the SELECT so the lock came off the

 Hope that helps someone else from banging their head against the wall
 searching for the problem g. Again, a big thanks to D. Richard Hipp for
 pointing me in the right direction!

  Follow-up to this thread. The issue with DBD::SQLite 1.00 - 1.03 has been
resolved as of DBD::SQLite 1.04 so the above information is no longer

  If you are reading this in the archives, ignore this thread.  The 1.04 
version will act the same as the earlier SQLite 2 versions of DBD::SQLite 
( 0.3x versions).


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] Update in SQLite

2004-08-14 Thread Scott Leighton
On Saturday 14 August 2004 10:28 am, cai yuan wrote:
 I would like to test the SQLite in some linux embedded system.
 I read the limitation document and it says
 To change a table you have to delete it (saving its contents to a
 temporary table) and recreate it from scratch. (Stated in

 That limitation refers to altering the structure of a table,
not changing the data in a table.

 Does it mean when I use the 
 UPDATE ... SQL statement, the table will actually be deleted and
 recreated by SQLite automatically? Thanks!

  No, update is an SQL statement used to change values stored 
in a row or rows in the table. It works on the 'data' stored 
in the table, not the table structure itself.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] Compiling sqlite3.0.3 on dec-osf1 with gcc 3.04 failed

2004-08-08 Thread Scott Leighton
On Wednesday 04 August 2004 7:27 am, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
 Detlef Groth wrote:
  I could recently compile the sqlite2.x code without problems but now I
  can't compile the the 3.0.3 branch.
  The main problem is in:
  sqliteInt.h:129: parse error before uptr
  sqliteInt.h:129: warning: data definition has no type or storage class

 Try adding '-DUINTPTR_TYPE=u64' to the compiler command line.  Please let
 me know if that helps.

   The tarball for 3.03 doesn't include fixes for 64 bit. The OP needs to 
grab the latest CVS and compile it, it compiles clean on my AMD64
whereas 3.03 doesn't.

   I'm running into this same problem with DBD::SQLite, which grabs
the tarball. It would be nice if a new release would be issued soon.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

[sqlite] SQLite3 -journal

2004-08-08 Thread Scott Leighton

I have finally succeeded in getting DBD::SQLite v 1.02 compiled and installed 
on my AMD64 and have therefore started working with SQLite3. After reading 
the documentation about locking and concurrency here I am left with the impression that the 
life of the -journal file on disk should be relatively limited. IOW, once the 
transactions are committed, the -journal is deleted from disk.

I'm not seeing that here, the -journal file seems to sit there throughout the 
life of the program (in this case, a deamon that runs in the background). In 
fact, it remains on disk even after the program is terminated and only 
disappears after the program is restarted (only to come back again,
presumably after a change to the db). 

Is this the correct behavior or should I start looking for a problem with 
either the perl program itself or DBD::SQLite?


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 -journal

2004-08-08 Thread Scott Leighton
On Sunday 08 August 2004 3:42 pm, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

 You should start looking for problems.  The -journal file should be deleted
 the moment a transaction commits.  In fact, transaction commit is defined
 as the moment when the journal file is deleted.  If the journal is never
 deleted, then the commit never occurs.

  Thanks, I was afraid of that. Off to search for the cause.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 -journal

2004-08-08 Thread Scott Leighton
On Sunday 08 August 2004 3:53 pm, Scott Leighton wrote:
 On Sunday 08 August 2004 3:42 pm, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
  You should start looking for problems.  The -journal file should be
  deleted the moment a transaction commits.  In fact, transaction commit is
  defined as the moment when the journal file is deleted.  If the journal
  is never deleted, then the commit never occurs.

   Thanks, I was afraid of that. Off to search for the cause.

   OK, I've located my problem. I think I need a better understanding of
the 'locking'. Looks like my commits are failing due to earlier statements
remaining 'in progress'.

   What I don't understand is this 'database table is locked' stuff. This is a 
single process (no threads) accessing the database, what is locking it? A 
previous SQL statement that hasn't finished or something?

   The identical code worked fine with SQLite 2.8.x so the problem has to be 
something related to the change in locking in 3.x.x but I'm not seeing it.

   BTW, this is using the just release 3.04 version.

POPFile Engine v0.21.1 running
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::db commit failed: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in 
progress(1) at dbdimp.c line 540 
at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 1289.
DBD::SQLite::db begin_work failed: Already in a transaction 
at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 1260.
DBD::SQLite::db commit failed: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in 
progress(1) at dbdimp.c line 203 
at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 1289.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database table is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 
371 at /usr/local/bin/popfile/Classifier/ line 2916.
helphand:/var/log/popfile #

POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 -journal

2004-08-08 Thread Scott Leighton
On Sunday 08 August 2004 6:26 pm, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
 Scott Leighton wrote:

 Whenever you start a SELECT statement (by calling sqlite3_step()) but have
 not finalized that statement (using sqlite3_finalize() or sqlite3_reset())
 the statement is probably holding a lock on the table(s) that are being
 queried.  Other SELECT statements can read those tables, but no other
 statements can INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE those tables until after all the
 SELECTs have been finalized.

  Once again, thank-you! That makes complete sense and explains 
exactly what I am seeing. You are a lifesaver, I was really struggling with 
this, now I have a lead to solve it!


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.104-default x86_64

[sqlite] Re: Compile Help - conflicting types for `sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteIndex'

2004-07-27 Thread Scott Leighton
On Monday 26 July 2004 8:14 pm, you wrote:
 I'm trying to compile the latest cvs version of 3.0 on my
 AMD64 system and I'm running into this problem.

  Well, scratch that, my mistake. 

  Apparently I screwed up my local copy of CVS. I just blew 
it away and refreshed with a clean checkout and everything 
compiles clean.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.95-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] where is config.h?

2004-07-26 Thread Scott Leighton
On Monday 26 July 2004 6:09 pm, Dennis Volodomanov wrote:
 Hello all,

 I just downloaded the whole repository and tried to recompile (v3), but
 in sqliteInt.h there's a header include config.h and this file is not
 present anywhere :-(

 Am I missing something? I was able to compile fine before...



 It gets created during the .../sqlite/configure process.


 Software for animal shelters

POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.95-default x86_64

[sqlite] Compile Help - conflicting types for `sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteIndex'

2004-07-26 Thread Scott Leighton

I'm trying to compile the latest cvs version of 3.0 on my
AMD64 system and I'm running into this problem.

 gcc -g -O2 -DOS_UNIX=1 -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 -I. -I../sqlite/src -DNDEBUG 
-c ../sqlite/src/btree.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/btree.o
 gcc -g -O2 -DOS_UNIX=1 -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 -I. -I../sqlite/src -DNDEBUG 
-c ../sqlite/src/btree.c -o btree.o /dev/null 21
./libtool --mode=compile gcc -g -O2 -DOS_UNIX=1 -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 -I. 
-I../sqlite/src -DNDEBUG -c ../sqlite/src/build.c
 gcc -g -O2 -DOS_UNIX=1 -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 -I. -I../sqlite/src -DNDEBUG 
-c ../sqlite/src/build.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/build.o
../sqlite/src/build.c:219: error: conflicting types for 
../sqlite/src/sqliteInt.h:1278: error: previous declaration of 
make: *** [build.lo] Error 1

   I'm pretty clueless when it comes to compiles that bomb
out, can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.95-default x86_64

Re: [sqlite] first DBD::SQLite for SQLite 3.x released

2004-07-22 Thread Scott Leighton
On Thursday 22 July 2004 8:56 pm, Darren Duncan wrote:
 At 11:22 PM -0400 7/22/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scott Leighton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 OK, but what happens to existing sqlite databases we're already
   using with Perl?  From what I can see, if I update to the new
   DBD:SQLite, I'll end up with v 3.x even though all my existing
   db's are v 2.8. Will it auto-detect and upgrade them?
 And what of read-only databases (e.g. those databases which have been
  written to CD or DVD) and can't be upgraded?  Can they still be queried?

 The simplest answer for both of these is to use DBD::SQLite 0.31 for
 version 2 databases, and DBD::SQLite 1.0 for version 3 databases. 

  I don't see that as a viable option.

 you mean, use them both simultaneously, then that's more complicated,
 and I won't go into it now. -- Darren Duncan

  I think it will be a problem if they can't coexist somehow. Otherwise,
the poor user would have to locate and convert any SQLite databases
on their machine (and in their archives) before one could successfully
upgrade to the new DBD::SQLite without breaking things.


POPFile, the OpenSource EMail Classifier
Linux 2.6.5-7.95-default x86_64