[sqlite] incorrect where clause does not throw error

2009-05-09 Thread Stefan Finzel
Porting an application to sqlite3.6.13 on Linux i made a mistake 
creating a illegal query on a character field:

select * from Test where Remark = NULL

select * from Test where Remark  NULL

I was confused as there were neither data nor an error. Shouldn't this 
cause at least an error message?

With the correct queries

select * from Test where Remark is NULL

select * from Test where Remark not NULL

everything is fine

Stefan G. R. Finzel, Dipl. Phys. (Univ.)
  Ochsenkopfstr. 5, D-95478 Kemnath, +49 (0)9642 704448
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] no download link to tclsqlite-3_3_0.zip

2006-01-13 Thread Stefan Finzel


there is no link on the SQLite download page for *Precompiled Binaries 
For Windows to download tclsqlite-3_3_0.zip (sqlitedll with TCL bindings).

Please can anyone provide the community / me with **tclsqlite-3_3_0.zip 
as ** I have no access to a Microsoft OS/Compiler?




  Stefan G. R. Finzel, Dipl. Phys. (Univ.)
   Ochsenkopfstr. 5, D-95478 Kemnath, 09642/704448

Re: [sqlite] Re: philosophy behind public domain?

2005-06-05 Thread Stefan Finzel

As a german citizen I'll try you explain my understanding of my 
countries law. The basic concept should be similar within central Europe 
(Austria, France, Italy, Spain ... but not Great Britain) as most 
countries laws evolved from the Roman law . Sorry i am not a lawyer, 
just a programmer concerned with this question while living from his 
work but also giving parts of this work back to the community.

We have two different parts. One is called  'Urheberrecht' (right of 
author) and the other Entscheidungs- and/or Verwertungsrecht (right 
to decide  of usage and right to use) .

First one just handles the mental ownership of  a piece of work. This 
can not be  given to another party.  In many cases this is worth nothing 
as is just bundles your name with your work. Very often this right is 
incorrectly translated as Copyright even in European countries.

Second one handles the commercial and economical aspects. Of cause this 
is something total different. If you get paid for your work,  you 
sometimes loose this rights  to your  customer or employer immediatly.
If you still have this rights by your own  you are able to  
give/license/sell them like  every material thing.

As I unterstand  the american way the customer or employer get the 
unrestricted usage rights under almost all circumstances. Additionally 
the author seems to have no right to be mentioned at all.

Do not worry in casse an author tells you he gives you the right to use, 
to decide how to use AND(!!!) the right to modify it. You have all 
neccessary rights, except to remove the authors name (if it was there 
before!!!). Although this is just for the authors reputation/prestige 
even big companies have been accuessed to put back the name, to pay for 
unauthorized removal or stop usage immediatly.
Once again note, in Germany the right to modify code does not include 
removing the authors name.

Now most germans seems to accept the common GPL and BSD like copyrights. 
But I have problems understanding  many  restrictions/variatons of 
proprietary copyrights and just do not accept and use them.
In cases german citizens accepted a foreign license model ot contribute 
software, it would be nearly impossible to involve a German court 
whether for license nor for warranty aspects.

Stefan Finzel

D. Richard Hipp wrote:

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 21:01 +0200, Andreas Rottmann wrote:

There is
no such thing as disclaiming copyright in Europe (or at least
Germany and Austria).


This would be a problem for any citizen of Germany or Austria
that wanted to contribute code to the SQLite project.  I cannot
see that this would ever be a problem for an SQLite users.

Can citizens of Germany and Austria assign their copyright interest
to third parties?  If so, then if you want to contribute code to
SQLite, just assign the copyright to me and I will then dedicate
the code to the public domain, which I can do since I am not a
citizen of Austria or Germany.  If citizens of Germany and Austria
are not allowed to assign copyright, then you will not be allowed
to contribute code to SQLite regardless of what license SQLite uses.
Either way, the fact that SQLite has been dedicated to the public
domain seems unimportant.

Re: [sqlite] 50MB Size Limit?

2005-04-11 Thread Stefan Finzel
What about the os shells limit? Look at commands limit/ulimit/unlimit
G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 12:05 -0400, Jonathan Zdziarski wrote:

D. Richard Hipp wrote:

Are you sure your users are not, in fact, filling up their disk

nope, plenty of free space on the drives. The 50MB limit seems to be 
very exact as well...exactly 51,200,000 bytes. I'm stumped too.


Re: [sqlite] NULL representation/empty value in query results?

2005-03-23 Thread Stefan Finzel
Yeah! I've missed the default option. But is this SQL standard?
And it does not seem to work for me at all. I still can't differ empty 
and NULL;

create table deftest (k integer primary key,
 i integer default 'NULL',
 s char default 'NULL');
sqlite insert into deftest (i, s) values (NULL,'');
sqlite select * from deftest;
So we are able to create empty values and NULL by an INSERT. Why 
shouldn't we a simple way to get it back by an SELECT too?
AlthoughTcl itself has no NULL value it would be nice to define a string 
that is given back by sqlite itself in cases where NULL values exist.

I am still hoping there is something usable and/or configurable like
PRAGMA null_string='NULL';
PRAGMA null_string='NAN';
which can be set before executing a select statement.
Kurt Welgehausen wrote:
Is there a way to change the NULL representation ... ?

No. Tcl has no null value. Usually this is not a problem,
but if you really need to distinguish between a missing
value and an empty string, you can use default values.
sqlite create table deftest (k integer primary key,
  ...   i integer default '?',
  ...   s char default '??');
sqlite insert into deftest (i) values (11);
sqlite insert into deftest (i, s) values (22, '');
sqlite select * from deftest;
k   i   s 
--  --  --
1   11  ??
2   22


Re: [sqlite] NULL representation/empty value in query results?

2005-03-23 Thread Stefan Finzel
Hello Jay,
Yes, that is the expected behaviour. But that is not my problem.
Within sqlite console there is a a command
.nullvalue NULL
All I want is to know how I can set and use this mechanismen from my Tcl 
interpreter too.

Of cause it would be possible to misuse the default setting to get the 
required NULL. But there are plenty thousands of lines of codes and 
backups of dynamic tables containing NULLs all over the world. And some 
of them just need to differ NULL and empty value while iterating of 
datas containing NULLs in several columns. To get really paranoic there 
are even columns containing NULL and the string 'NULL'.

Now this seems to be the last step porting from mSQL to SQLite. For my 
code it is no problem to use the default option, it could be done in a 
few minutes. But nor the world wide code base neither the backups can't 
be changed. And so far, we already used a mechanismen setting the NULL 
string and it worked well for more than ten years and therefore is 

Ok , can this be done regularly or do I have to make a customized 
version of SQLite?


Re: [sqlite] NULL representation/empty value in query results?

2005-03-23 Thread Stefan Finzel
Although Tcl does not know NULL at all, sqlite does. From my current 
unterstanding there are five different  fundamental internal datatypes. 
One of them is  SQLITE_NULL. But SQLITE_NULL is not used at all while 
iterating over the results of

dbcmd eval SELECT ...
From my current unterstanding the result of the query is still a C 
array during this iteration within DbObjCmd and than gets converted to 
Tcl objects. So it should be simple to extend to use SQLITE_NULL  and 
return a predefined value e.g. if a special PRAGMA is set.  In the 
moment i am to tired to figure out of whether there is an already usable 
relation to  combine it with the sqlite shells .nullvalue command.

It's the first time i've looked in the sqlite code base. Maybe i am wrong.
Is there any experience?

[sqlite] How to do NULL Handling in SELECT Statement?

2005-03-22 Thread Stefan Finzel
what is the correct way to query for NULL-values? I use  SQLite version 

create table t1(a int, b char);
insert into t1 values(1, '2');
insert into t1 values(3,NULL);
insert into t1 values(NULL,'4');
select * from t1  where b=NULL;
-- this gives no result at all
select * from t1  where b='';
-- this also gives no result
select * from t1  where b'';
-- this gives the expected result (but i wanted the reverse data set)
-- so i tried
select * from t1  where not b'';
-- and still i get not the result i was looking for.

Re: [sqlite] thoughts on a web-based front end to sqlite3 db?

2005-03-07 Thread Stefan Finzel
Tcl is really fine for web interfaces. Porting an almost 10 year old web 
application to sqlite2 and sqlite3 was a charme. It is supporting Linux, 
SunOS,Windows and maybe HP-UX so far.  If you are interested in an 
generic example using SQLite 3.1.3 (but also supporting 2.1.16) look at 
http://softguard.dyndns.org:8015  or https://softguard.dyndns.org:8016  
user is 'testIt' (uppercase i) password is '$4SBS' for unlimited access. 
Please clean up any changes you make after testing.

As SQLite needs no further administration creating databases and tables 
on the fly is as simple as using the command line. You only need a 
standard tcl distribution, tclhttpd3.5.1 and sqlite/tclsqlite itself to 
run it.

PS.: This site is only for demonstration and in work. 
Internationalization does only support English and German. Also cloning 
and copying records does not work so far. The API is still limited and 
mostly directed to msql2/3.

Andrew Piskorski wrote:
On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 04:22:50PM -0500, Eli Burke wrote:

I qualify as opinionated, so:  Tcl.  The fact that Dr. Hipp supports
Tcl directly for SQLite is yet another bonus.

running apache although I'm open to alternatives. The app itself uses

AOLserver.  Among other things, it goes very nicely with Tcl.

Re: [sqlite] how to get result of eval as list of lists?

2005-01-23 Thread Stefan Finzel
Kurt Welgehausen wrote:
proc lpartition {recsize data} {
 set ret {}
 set datalen [llength $data]
 for {set i 0; set j [expr {$recsize-1}]} \
 {$i  $datalen} {incr i $recsize; incr j $recsize} {
   lappend ret [lrange $data $i $j]
 set ret}
So is there another way to determine the number of columns/or results of 
a query to calculate recsize?
A query can be quite complicate like combined SELECTs or something like 
{SELECT*,rowid from...}

db eval {SELECT*,rowid from t1} data {set columns $data(*); lappend 
records }]
set recsize [llength ${columns}]
set recordslist [lpartition ${recsize} ${records}]

This still requires the eval script and has the drawback duplicating the 
used memory.

There seems to be only two simple and fast solutions for me.
- First one is creating another db subcommand (e.g.: db evallist ...}
- Second one would be easier (but slower?) creating another element (a 
pedant to data(*)) holding exactly one row of the result array

 data(*)= a b rowid
 data(a)= 3
 data(b)= howdy!
 data(rowid)= 3
 data(typeof:a) = text
 data(typeof:b) = text
 data(typeof:rowid) = INTEGER
 data(_)  = {3 howdy! 3}