Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2020-01-13 Thread Blackfiction

Mycenius wrote: 
> Just FWIW oddly enough I am having this issue myself with my new
> HS-453DX NAS running QLMS - it sometimes won't pick up new music copied
> locally to the NAS, but it then appears 1 or 2 days later (I run a
> scheduled scan for new & changed 4am every morning). I'm trying to
> eliminate a timing issue (as I have a TS-421 RAID 5 NAS as a file server
> holding my master library and that replicates any changes in the library
> down to the new HS-453DX Music NAS using QNAP's sync application about
> 11pm each evening), however I've verified the files are on the Music NAS
> well before the scheduled scan, and if I leave it it discovers them 1 or
> 2 scans later as noted. I also have my older Vortexbox build and older
> copy of library on it - and it had similar issues, except ones it didn't
> find it would never find unless you cleared and rescanned everything
> from scratch...
> Yes, files play ok and paths are ok as well. Only issue was increased
> scan times (>5 min more) per scan. I do not have any issue with
> discovery of new files except for 1 time when I did a custom scan
> (custom scan plugin) before doing a nor
> Again FWIW I have had a similar type of issue before with changing
> folder names (or even file names) - although have not had the specific
> deleting files repetition issue @Blackfiction refers to. In cases where
> I renamed folders or moved files to a newly created folder I would get
> the opposite - I'd have 2 entries in library as the orphaned entry would
> not get deleted - it seemed LMS didn't like it if the 'path' to the file
> for that entry vanished... if I straight out deleted files it would
> purge them from the library okay, but if I renamed the containing folder
> or otherwise 'broke' the path to the original file location it didn't
> always purge it from the library db. It also sometimes would then not
> pick up all the files in the new folder (or renamed folder) similar to
> the above. However a 'clear the db and rescan everything' would normally
> fix this (except for on a couple of occasions) - but this was on my
> Vortexbox a few years ago (2015?) so was when I was running the 7.6 or
> 7.7 official version and then the very first of the 7.9.x community
> enhanced versions - all on the latest version of Vortexbox at the time.
> However in these cases where they don't delete you can still see the
> entry in the GUI which isn't what @Blackfiction is experiencing as I
> understand (@Blackfiction - after the scan you could play the files form
> library and their paths were showing as the correct paths- correct?). It
> does seem there is some unusual situation that can occur that involves
> changes to network or drive paths that confuses LMS...
> Another test for @Blackfiction FWIW might be to rename the folder or
> such for a single album, then also rename a single file for that album
> (e.g. add 'test' to start of the file name) after the folder change and
> rescan - and see whether there are then 2 entries in the database for
> the artist/track - one in the old folder location with original name and
> one in the new folder location with the new file name?
> (FWIW I notice similar in MediaMonkey - if you delete files and rescan a
> drive or folder it only sometimes detects they are gone - often you have
> to manually delete them from the library).
> The other question for @Blackfiction is are you renaming a 'root'
> folder, or a subfolder of your root? i.e. the ones in red circle below
> (or upstream from them) - or just subfolders inside them. If you are
> doing the former are you adding it into the list below and removing the
> old one?
> 28960
> Alternatively when you renamed the folder in the options screen above -
> did you leave an old entry and put the new entry into the above screen
> for the first scan after doing it (assuming you changed a 'root' folder
> name)?

Files play ok and paths are ok as well. I renamed the root folder and
deleted the old one, just by typing/selecting the new one over the old

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2020-01-13 Thread Blackfiction

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Ok. I still think that it's your playlists causing trouble. What happens
> if you create a new folder, put just one album in there, set your music
> library to that new folder, and "Clear library and rescan everything"?

When I do a new full scan, everything appears ok. However, when I do a
scan to search for new folders/files, lms will delete all the files
everytime I do a scan. As I have renamed the folder to its old name,
everything is ok now. I am not very keen on changing the name of the
folders again. Although I do not know how to fix the issue, it works ok
now. I will leave it as is. Thanks for your help!

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2020-01-01 Thread Blackfiction

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Well that is similar to my issue with playlists where the path to the
> tracks had changed after the playlists had been saved. Did you ever set
> the scanner logging to info or debug? Maybe that would have identified
> the problem earlier by showing the path of the tracks.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Yes I did, but I thought that a 100% clean install would not raise the
issue. Apparently it is a weird issue to me. How would you
change the name of a LMS music folder? By stopping LMS, rename in
windows, set the new dir in LMS and do a new scan?

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2020-01-01 Thread Blackfiction

As a last resort, I changed the folder name of the non-classical
directory back to the folder name that it had before and now the issue
is gone...
Really strange that I can not change the folder name and do a rescan
without having the 'removing deleted files' line in every scan...

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2020-01-01 Thread Blackfiction

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Again, what happens if you scan the classical library only?

It said removing files again...
When I did a new scan thereafter to include everything it did not remove
any deleted files but the scan thereafter raised the issue again...
Maybe it is something with my file system (as I am using drive bender to
pool all my hdd's)...

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-31 Thread Blackfiction

slartibartfast wrote: 
> You can do it from the web gui or any control app from the context menu
> next to the playlist.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Ah, I do not use playlists, so there were none in the playlists menu

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-30 Thread Blackfiction

kidstypike wrote: 
> I think the reference to "cue" files in post#1 is somehow misleading, OP
> seems to have added "cue" to LMS/Settings/Advanced/File Types/? Perhaps
> OP could advise if this is so?
> 28871

in both fields I have 'cue'. Previously I did not have cue populated but
tried it to solve the issue

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-30 Thread Blackfiction

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I recently installed a new Pi system where the music path was different
> to my last installation. I found references on the server log to
> handling deleted files or similar. It turned out to be from obsolete
> entries in playlists due to the change in music path. I deleted the
> playlists and the problem was gone. Just an idea.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

How do I delete the playlists?

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-29 Thread Blackfiction

Matt Drown wrote: 
> I recently fought with genre's being cached even after updating files,
> or rescanning.  My solution to clean genre info, was to move the music
> files out of library directory temporarily, clean& rescan, validate that
> your library is empty from ui, move them back in, and clean
> YMMV, but it's a short test 
> Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

I can try this one. However, I did a clean install, deleted all cache
and pref folders. Nothing was in the library. Selected the music folders
and did a scan. Unfortunately, the issue is still there...

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-29 Thread Blackfiction

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Maybe another playlist (not m3u, not cue)? You could try and find
> whatever is causing this by scanning just a part of the library. If the
> problem occurs, just scan half of whatever you just scanned and so on.

What I see is that the scanner removes 25156 files from the classical
directory and then scans 25156 new files in the non classical directory.

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-28 Thread Blackfiction

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Did you also add cue files to the playlist file extensions?


Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-28 Thread Blackfiction

bpa wrote: 
> Deal with one problem at a time.
> Enable scanner logging - WebUI Settings/ Advanced/Logging scan.scanner
> to INFO
> Note start time.
> do a "clear library & rescan everything" 
> note time when scan finished.
> Look in scanner log (WebUI Setting/Information) between start and end
> time and see if any more info is provided about the deleted file issue.
> Perhaps you have a file/permission errors and the same file cannot be
> deleted and so causes the same error every time. Hopefully the log may
> show up more details so problem can be identified.

Ok, I have done several full and rescans but I still get the same
behaviour. I have added the start of the scanner log below. After the
last line I get a lot of 'handling deleted audio files...'


[19-12-28 13:41:39.4703] main::main (205) Starting Logitech Media Server
scanner (v7.9.2, 1576827350, Fri Dec 20 08:37:57 WEST 2019) perl
[19-12-28 13:41:39.5812] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2144) Warning:
Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
[19-12-28 13:41:45.0510] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (511) Starting
Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan scan
[19-12-28 13:41:45.0514] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (181)
Discovering audio files in S:\Music\Music - Classical
[19-12-28 13:41:45.0767] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:41:45.2018] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:41:50.0807] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:41:50.0850] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:41:55.1173] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:41:55.1219] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:00.3122] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:00.3166] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:05.3303] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:05.3349] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:10.3317] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:10.3361] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:15.3967] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:15.4012] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:20.3982] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:20.4026] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:25.4023] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905.05539||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:25.4067] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7270] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (439)
Notify to server: [
"progress:1577536905||importer||S:\\Music\\Music -
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7313] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::updateProgress (463)
Notify to server OK
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7317] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (193)
Start processing found tracks
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7320] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (201)
Connect do DB
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7322] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (204) Get
latest ID
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7327] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (226)
Delete temporary table if exists
[19-12-28 13:42:28.7329] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (229)
Re-build temporary table
[19-12-28 13:42:28.8252] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (278) Get
deleted tracks count
[19-12-28 13:42:28.9755] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (285) Get
new tracks count
[19-12-28 13:42:28.9759] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (290) Get
changed tracks count
[19-12-28 13:42:29.0047] 

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-28 Thread Blackfiction

Mycenius wrote: 
> Annoying. Sorry my help doesn’t go much past that I’m afraid...
> -Primary Hi-Fi:- VortexBox LMS with SOtM tX-USB; Cirrus ESS Sabre32 DAC
> (Oppo BDP-105D),Yamaha Aventage CX-A5000; Focal SM9
> monitors.-Secondary Hi-Fi:- Squeezebox Touch with Focal XS Book
> powered speakers.-Hi-Fi Peripherals:- iPad & iPhones with iPeng,
> Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 LE Headphones.

thanks. I am also getting this message;

Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2144) Warning: Trying to commit transactions
before DB is initialized!

Does anyone know what it means?

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

Blackfiction's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-28 Thread Blackfiction

Mycenius wrote: 
> FWIW I have often found you need to clear the library and rescan from
> scratch to get LMS to ‘forget’ files that have been removed - the db
> seems to ‘sometimes’ retain records of files that no longer exist. So
> you might be getting something similar where it’s ‘deleting’ the same
> files over and over... just my 2 cents - YMMV
> -Primary Hi-Fi:- VortexBox LMS with SOtM tX-USB; Cirrus ESS Sabre32 DAC
> (Oppo BDP-105D),Yamaha Aventage CX-A5000; Focal SM9
> monitors.-Secondary Hi-Fi:- Squeezebox Touch with Focal XS Book
> powered speakers.-Hi-Fi Peripherals:- iPad & iPhones with iPeng,
> Plantronics Backbeat Pro 2 LE Headphones.-Home Theatre
> Augmentation:- Oppo UDP-203 4K, Apple TV 4K, PS3 w/PlayTV; Focal SM6
> monitors (centre 1 x Twin6, rears 2 x Solo6), 2 Focal SM6 Sub6
> subwoofers.-Display:- Sony 55" 4K KD-55X8500C (Android)
> LED.-Accessories:- Tchernov Classic & Van den Hul interconnects;
> Blue Jeans & Ruleconnect Power, USB, HDMI & Digital Cables; Thor PS10
> Powerstation; Aurios & Vibrapod isolators.

Mmh, cleaning cache and a full rescan did not make a difference, I was
hoping that cleaning the cache would solve it.

Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] scanning / removing deleted files

2019-12-25 Thread Blackfiction

I am getting a lot of messages when scanning for new files, like

[19-12-25 14:34:50.5608] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::deleted (703)
Handling deleted cue sheet

I have added 'cue' to the files that do not need to be scanned. But
every scan takes several minutes just for 'removing deleted files'. Does
someone know how can I get rid of this?


Living: EtherRegen -> Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2
-> ATC SCM19 v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng, Material Skin & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] problems with 192khz files

2019-12-23 Thread Blackfiction

bpa wrote: 
> OK - my mistake about Touch.
> Just saying a name of a file doesn't help, the log says nothing about
> the file format.  Please indicate in post details of files - saves me
> time having to look in log file for a filename which may or may not be
> correct.
> So ultrarendu squeezelite player seems to have has told LMS it can play
> 192kHz natively as LMS does no transcoding.  
> So the problem seems to be in ultrarendu not LMS.
> You need to enable squeezelite logging - can you enable squeezelite
> logging on a ultrarendu ?

I do not think I can enable logging on the ultrarendu. However, the
Sonore team solved it via the squeezelite settings. For some reason my
DAC has issues with squeezelite and there was a need to adjust the
sample rate from auto to 32. Now everything is playing again. Thanks for
your help!

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] problems with 192khz files

2019-12-20 Thread Blackfiction

bpa wrote: 
> Both files are shown as being played directly.  If "emmylou" is a 192kHz
> file and it is sent ot a standard Touch (no EDO) then it will not play.
> The JSONRPC message is only related to UIs not audio playback - however
> the "request not dispatchable" usually means the client (i.e.UI) is no
> longer in communication with LMS. 
> At a guess the Touch has crashed trying to play the 192kHz file which if
> itis standard - it is capable.
> Q. Are players synced - I noticed a "Groups plugin " message  - when
> testing make sure there is only one player and no syncing or groups.
> Q. Did you restart LMS after removing C3PO ?
> Q. Are you sure you did not install EDO or other Applets into the Touch
> ?

Q1. I have done a clean install of LMS. No group or C3PO plugins. No
Q2. Yes, clean install.
Q3. The problem is not with the Touch but with the Ultrarendu

I have attached a new log that shows the playing of Ray Charles (ok) and
then Stan Getz (no sound). Any help greatly appreciated!


Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] problems with 192khz files

2019-12-20 Thread Blackfiction

bpa wrote: 
> For transcoding issues the only log setting needed is player.source set
> to INFO.
> The log shows just ONE file being played and it is sent directly to the
> player. No Trasncoding.
> Why not show what happens when playing a hires file ?  Note time at
> start oif test and time at end of test  - and copy all logs between
> those times.

Ok. I have added the log from the file that played ok and the one that
does not play.
The first file is playing ok (Ray Charles), the second one just gives me
silence (Emmylou Harris)...


Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] problems with 192khz files

2019-12-19 Thread Blackfiction

bpa wrote: 
> In standard setup - Touch is only capable of playing 96kHz unless your
> are using an extrernal DAC with EDO.  
> If you are using a standard Touch then your failure with 192kHz is LMS
> failing to trandcode 192kHz file to 96Khz. 
> Please only give log entries between start fo test and end of test with
> one file.  
> For an initial diagnosis, there is way too much old data making it very
> hard to find your tests and their failure. 
> That said, you seems to have lots of weird issues on your setup that
> need to be resolved.
> You seem to have installed the C3PO transcoding plugin - so I'm guessing
> this is source of your problems as it overtakes standard  LMS
> transcoding.
> I suggest either 
> * post your issues on the C3PO plugin thread
> or 
> * remove the plugin, use standard LMS and then re-test and repost.

Hi, I will try to give some more info. The sb touch is in the kitchen
and is fine, no problems. The squeezelite ultrarendu player is the one
who will not play the hires files. I have removed the C3PO plugin. I
used the plugin to test whether I was able to play a 192khz file
transcoded to 96khz to the ultranrendu, which works. After that I
deleted the C3PO plugin again. I have added the log where I play a 44khz
song ok and then I switch to a hires file and the silence starts...

I am not sure if my log settings are ok for you to detect the problem...


Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] problems with 192khz files

2019-12-19 Thread Blackfiction

Blackfiction wrote: 
> Hi,
> I hope someone can help me out. Lately I have some problems with playing
> hires (>24bit 96khz) files on my main system. I thought it was player
> hardware related but it is also not working in the kitchen with my SB
> Touch. There is no sound. Looking at the server log I see a lot of these
> messages;
> Slim::Player::Song::open (410) Error: Couldn't create command line for
> flc playback for [file:///S:/Music/
> Does anyone know what this error means and how I can solve it so
> everything will be just like it was?
> Thanks in advance

The SB Touch works fine but the squeezelite player (ultrarendu) does not
play anything above 24bit 96khz...
I have added some more log files (source/player) and I hope someone can
help me out...

|Filename: server.log (1).zip   |

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] problems with 192khz files

2019-12-18 Thread Blackfiction

I hope someone can help me out. Lately I have some problems with playing
hires (>24bit 96khz) files on my main system. I thought it was player
hardware related but it is also not working in the kitchen with my SB
Touch. There is no sound. Looking at the server log I see a lot of these

Slim::Player::Song::open (410) Error: Couldn't create command line for
flc playback for [file:///S:/Music/

Does anyone know what this error means and how I can solve it so
everything will be just like it was?

Thanks in advance

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS stops immediately after trying to start...

2019-10-11 Thread Blackfiction


LMS stops immediately after I try to start it. I thought it had
something to do with but everything should be working
again. I have attached the server log.
I hope someone can help me out...


|Filename:   |

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New option to allow for correct sorting

2019-03-17 Thread Blackfiction

dolodobendan wrote: 
> We'd need three more tags for that. WORK, RECORDING and something
> customizable, I use OCCASION. And menus would need to one to two more
> levels. With pop music it's 1. ARTIST / 2. ALBUM. Here you'd need 1.
> I use Custom Browse / Scan and Multi Library for this, but of course,
> native support would be great.
> iTunes now supports something like this, too. They use MOVEMENTTOTAL and
> MOVEMENTNAME to group several times to one work. Could even be tagged
> WORK, unsure about this right now.

I agree, support for OPUS, WORK and MOVEMENT would be great!

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New option to allow for correct sorting

2019-03-16 Thread Blackfiction

karlek wrote: 
> Okay. What would be your desired output and what is the output you get
> instead?
> By the way, I’d tag Bach IN COMPOSER not IN ARTIST.

Sure, I also use composer tag, but not all players use / show the
composer tag. 

I thought that LMS could not handle sorting of multiple artistsort tags.
My mistake...
I tagged via dbpoweramp which was not working, now that I tried with
mp3tag, it seems that LMS sorts multiple (album)artists just fine. What
a great piece of software! :D

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New option to allow for correct sorting

2019-03-15 Thread Blackfiction

karlek wrote: 
> I don’t understand what type of set you want to be sorted correct. But
> are you aware that besides ALBUMARTISTSORT there is ARTISTSORT ( and
> Maybe you can get where you want with one (or more) of these.

I do not think that will work for most classical albums. For example
take the following theoretical example:
Artist= js bach
Artistsort=bach, js
Albumartist=julia fischer
Albumartist=pablo casals

This way I think I can not use the albumartistsort tag as there are
multiple albumartists.

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] New option to allow for correct sorting

2019-03-15 Thread Blackfiction

I am wondering if it would be possible to make a plugin or to upload a
txt file or something so that LMS knows how to sort artists and
albumartists. For example, I have some albums where I have multiple
albumartists. I do not think I can use albumartistsort on those albums.
Consequently, some albumartists are not sorted. Therefore, I thought
that maybe we can feed LMS with a txt file where the sorting is stored
in a predefined way. A plugin could work as well. I do not have the
skills to do this, but maybe someone can?

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Regular freezes and other bugs

2018-12-13 Thread Blackfiction

Valky wrote: 
> I don't understand what's wrong with my LMS - even when I'm trying to
> open folder with 2 files (flacs) - it freezes for some time (more than 1
> minute). It's abnormal!

Is the OS up to date? When Microsoft rolls out updates, these get
installed automatically. Sometimes it is wise to do an extra reboot.
Maybe that can help.

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanning takes to solve?

2018-06-12 Thread Blackfiction

Blackfiction wrote: 
> I do not think so, but I have installed 7.9.2 and 7.9.1 to solve the
> issue. I will leave the playlist folder empty and I will exclude cue
> files. Let's see if that does the trick.

That did not work
But I have fixed it. I remembered that I renamed a folder; from
squeezebox to non-classical a while ago. I renamed the folder back to
squeezebox and I have scanning times <10 min. Strange...

Living: SB Touch -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19 v2
& Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 with LMS 7.9.1
Spare: 1 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 1 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanning takes to solve?

2018-06-12 Thread Blackfiction

mherger wrote: 
> It seems to be removing all .cue files, then trying to scan them as 
> playlists?!? Did you add any setting related to file formats or 
> something? Any customization you recently applied?
> -- 
> Michael

I do not think so, but I have installed 7.9.2 and 7.9.1 to solve the
issue. I will leave the playlist folder empty and I will exclude cue
files. Let's see if that does the trick.

Living: SB Touch -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19 v2
& Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 with LMS 7.9.1
Spare: 1 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 1 SB Radio

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanning takes to solve?

2018-06-11 Thread Blackfiction


I don't know what happened but scanning takes a very long time (+/- 35
to 45 min). I have about 1700 albums and previous scans took about 15
min or so. It does not matter if I do a complete rescan or scan new
files only. I have attached the log of the scanner. What I think is not
working correctly is that the scanner takes a long time at removing
files, but I did not remove any...
Can somebody help me out? I would like to have the 15 min scan times
that I had earlier. :)

I have attached the scan log.25165

|Filename:  |

Living: SB Touch -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19 v2
& Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 with LMS 7.9.1
Spare: 1 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 1 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] sort order Artist

2017-12-30 Thread Blackfiction

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi please search here for albumartist sort tag or artistsort tag to find
> the solution.

Thanks! One album had an albumartist sort tag that was not correct!
Now LSO is sorted under the L again!

Living: SB Touch -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19 v2
& Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 with LMS 7.9.1
Spare: 1 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 1 SB Radio

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] sort order Artist

2017-12-30 Thread Blackfiction


can someone give me a hint why LMS sorts "London Symphony Orchestra"
under the "R"? 
I have tagged London Symphony Orchestra as a Band and as Album Artist.


|Filename: LSO.jpg  |

Living: SB Touch -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19 v2
& Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 with LMS 7.9.1
Spare: 1 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 1 SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Feature request: Auto synchronization

2017-05-24 Thread Blackfiction

I would prefer the option to have for example 2 players in sync and have
them assigned a name. If I select that name both players will play sync.
So something of a presetup sync for certain zones that can be selected
for playing a song.

Living: SB Touch (edo app & sbooster upgrade) -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC ->
Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 with LMS 7.9

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