Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2019-12-29 Thread Evan_E

Why that soon? There've been times when I've been two or three software
versions behind, sometimes because of hardware (an unsupported iMac that
still functioned perfectly), other times because of software. Once
security updates are no longer provided, it's probably wise to run some
sort of anti-virus, but every time a new MacOS comes out I always ask
"Is there any new feature here I actually need?" 

Currently I'm still on 10.13 because I didn't seen anything particularly
compelling for me in 10.14; I've got copies of the Mojave and Catalina
installers stored locally here, but right now everything I use my Mac
for continues to work, so I don't see much of a reason to upgrade other
just because it's more convenient for Apple.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2019-10-02 Thread Evan_E

I've searched the forum for terms like "iTunes", "MacOS", and
"Catalina", but can't seem to find anything about this - as of the
forthcoming release of MacOS 10.15 "Catalina", Apple's going to be
dispensing with iTunes, replacing it with a "Music" app modeled after
the one in iOS. 

Has anyone been trying this out in the beta of Catalina? Does it mess
with the way LMS has been interacting with iTunes for years (scanning
files organized by iTunes, and reading iTunes playlists)? I've been
using iTunes as a way to rip and organize my library of music for a
decade or so, then using LMS to serve it to various Squeezebox devices
around the house, and if that's all going to break with OS 10.15 I may
have to think long and hard about having a separate iTunes & LMS server.
Or I might finally bite the bullet and switch to a Sonos system, but
that's major chunk of change, esp. given the number of Squeezeboxen I

Thanks in advance for anyone who can share their experiences.

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