Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"
Mystery solved. I thought it was the Various album that was causing the problem but it wasn't. It turns out that it's an album in Vorbis format with imbedded tags. I don't see all those tags in LMS, in Tag&Rename, or in mp3tag. I'm not sure how to actually view or edit those tags but I think a simpler solution will be to convert those files to mp3 and then retag. Scardeville's Profile: View this thread: ___ Squeezecenter mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"
Thanks all. I decided to start from basics so I stripped all the Stivell albums out of my music folders and rescanned. And, lo! another album showed up in the Various folder. Interestingly, this album doesn't have Artist names tagged - they all just say "Various" and the artist names are in the filename and title. I tried mp3tag as you suggested and it shows no mysterious imbedded tags. But when I removed this Various album from the folder, put the Stivell files back in and rescanned Alan Stivell sorts correctly under "A". So, problem solved but I'm still kind of mystified as to why. How is LMS getting a tag out of that Various album? I think my best bet is to strip all tags from it and retag it by hand. Scardeville's Profile: View this thread: ___ Squeezecenter mailing list
Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"
Apesbrain wrote: > As a workaround you could add an ARTISTSORT tag. I thought about that but I was trying to figure out why if I could. I'd rather fix it than cover it up. Scardeville's Profile: View this thread: ___ Squeezecenter mailing list
[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Artist Name Sorting Anomaly: "Alan"
This is a strange bug that has bothered me for many years but I never bothered trying to sort it out until now. In my over 6,000 albums I have only one artist whose name is "Alan" and that is "Alan Stivell", the Celtic harpist. I am sorting non-Classical genre by artists' first names so Alan Stivell should come out as an A. But it sorts as an S, as if "Alan" is an article. So I tried clearing the "Articles to Ignore When Sorting" window (which had The, Le, Los, La, etc, but certainly NOT Alan. But when LMS completed a fresh sort Alan Stivell is still under S. Any thoughts on why? How to fix? I'm using Tag&Rename to tag mp3s. I have 11 Stivell albums plus two tracks in a compilation album. I don't have any Albumartist tag on these files. I've cleared and reset the Artist tag. There are no other name tags (e.g. Composer) that could be messing this up. Any suggestions? Scardeville's Profile: View this thread: ___ Squeezecenter mailing list