Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Logitech Media Server 8.3.0 released

2022-11-04 Thread sodface

This is awesome! Thanks!!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Is it time to get rid of the Video & Photos scanner?

2022-02-22 Thread sodface

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Can we remove Video/Photo scanner support?

- Yes, I never use this feature. 
- NO! I use LMS to stream videos and photos to my TV and/or other
  streaming clients. 
- What's the media scanner? Should I try it? 
- I don't care.

I messed around with the Andy Grundman UPnP/DLNA Media Interface plugin
awhile back:

For playing DVD rips to my Roku, which I assume would no longer work
without video scanning? I wouldn't be heart broken since I don't think
I've actually watched a full movie using it but it worked kinda nice in
my testing and meant I didn't need to install and configure another
piece of software on my server.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Standing Ovation

2022-02-19 Thread sodface

Clapping in progress here in Charleston SC.

Thank you

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Best linux distro to install Logitech Media Server?

2022-02-19 Thread sodface

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results, please visit

Question: What Linux distro is best for LMS?

- Ubuntu server 
- ARCH Linux 
- FreeBSD 
- Debian 
- None of the above, see comment

Yatsushiro wrote: 
> Using Sodfaces' repo, installed on a Dell/Wyse 3040. Impressed so far...

Thanks for weighing in, have you had any issues with plugins?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Best linux distro to install Logitech Media Server?

2022-02-19 Thread sodface

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What Linux distro is best for LMS?

- Ubuntu server 
- ARCH Linux 
- FreeBSD 
- Debian 
- None of the above, see comment

mherger wrote: 
> > Alpine Linux!
> Are there no problems using plugins which require helper binaries (eg. 
> Spotty, or Philippe's bridge plugins)?

I probably shouldn't recommend Alpine so much (I guess I'm a fanboy?)
without having tested everything, but I haven't had any problems. I
don't use many plugins but I do use Spotty and it works fine, perhaps
because it is statically linked?


  server:~$ file 
 ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, 
BuildID[sha1]=bdc070f8e0b0872acd0ca34c2e82876513b0ec48, stripped

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Best linux distro to install Logitech Media Server?

2022-02-19 Thread sodface

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What Linux distro is best for LMS?

- Ubuntu server 
- ARCH Linux 
- FreeBSD 
- Debian 
- None of the above, see comment

Alpine Linux!



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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-15 Thread sodface

ralphy wrote: 
> Are you using any settings in the depends block of their openrc init.d
> scripts to control the startup order?

No. Based on the boot messages, LMS starts first, followed by ntpd and
then squeezelite. Jivelite is started after auto login via
.config/bspwm/bspwmrc. I haven't really had a chance to look at it but
I'm wondering if it's an LMS delay due to failed DNS lookups at start
(no network). The LMS log shows a couple attempts to reach github for
the lms-plugin-repository and then multiple failed tries to resolve

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-14 Thread sodface

ralphy wrote: 
> Are you using bonding?  I've noticed that sometimes it takes a longer
> time to connect via ssh to my aopen with it enabled?

Sort of, I'm not doing any network config at all at boot time currently.
My thought for this car project was:

- Start the car, aopen boots, no boot time network interface
configuration, LMS (with local media), squeezelite, and jivelite should
function normally on
- For external connectivity, boot as above but then enable phone
hotspot, have an app launcher on the aopen run a network config script
- Much less frequently, I may want to dismount the aopen and bring it
inside, in which case I may also want to connect to ethernet instead of

The bond interface was to account for the last use case -  but so far,
the aopen hasn't left my desk and I've only been using the ethernet
port. I haven't tested swapping back and forth between wifi and ethernet
yet. That said, the bond interface with ethernet connectivity works well
and I haven't noticed any ssh delay?

The bond commands I'm using I put into a script, though this will need a
lot of work to be robust in production!


  ip link add bond0 type bond
  ip link set bond0 type bond miimon 100 mode active-backup
  ip link set eth0 master bond0
  ip link set mlan0 master bond0
  ip link set bond0 up
  udhcpc -i bond0
  rc-service lms restart

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-13 Thread sodface

Ralphy, thanks! That's working BUT (and I hate to complain) there's a
delay of about 7-8 seconds on boot between when the jivelite UI is
displayed and when the squeezelite player is automatically selected. I
wasn't seeing this delay when I did my hack patch above. After boot and
first load, if I exit and then restart jivelite, the player is there
basically immediately. I'm not sure what the difference is between first
boot and a restart of jivelite, possibly nothing to do with jivelite but
something else at boot time is causing the delay? Anyway, for a more
"normal" use case where you wouldn't reboot often, this fix would be
great, but for this project, this will be in my car so it will be power
cycling often and I need to keep the time from power on to player
available as short as possible.

I'll look at it some more and see if I can better understand where the
delay is coming from.

Also, I posted an old APKBUILD file in another thread and for this patch
testing I updated it and I believe corrected the SPDX license identifier
to "BSD-3-Clause". Do you concur? Sorry for having it at Public-Domain
originally, I had copied an existing APKBUILD for something else as a
starting point and never corrected it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-10 Thread sodface

Thanks Ralphy! I also successfully used a linux "dummy" interface
(dummy0) but it didn't work any better than just using so no
point really. Discovery didn't work with it, I think, at least on linux,
it seems not having a gateway defined causes discovery issues even for
local interfaces.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-09 Thread sodface

I did a little more testing tonight and it seems I was completely
over-nuking it with the above netns setup. Just explicitly using for LMS, squeezelite and jivelite (via the above edit to
SlimDiscoveryApplet.lua using works fine. I can boot up with
only the loopback up and it all works well. I am specifying a bogus mac
for squeezelite using the -m option as I had an issue with two player
entries with the same name and I think that could potentially happen
again if interfaces are coming and going and squeezelite grabs different
macs, depending on which interfaces are up at the time.

I've got a little more testing to do with the eth0/mlan0 bond but I
think I'm over this little hump. The only ugly thing is the
SlimDiscoveryApplet.lua hack job but I think I'll live with it and move

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-08 Thread sodface

Probably posting a bit prematurely, but, I have a very, very, minimally
tested solution that seems to be working. I think the network piece is
overly complicated so I'll be trying to simplify that as much as
possible. Basically the goal is to have the wifi interface (mlan0) and
the ethernet interface (eth0) as members of a bond interface (bond0)
with bond0 configured for dhcp. LMS will run on a separate virtual
interface of some kind that's always up, or maybe the loopback, like I said, I need to continue to test to arrive at the
simplest solution.

I think the main issue in my testing so far has been that LMS and
squeezelite support specifying ip addresses to bind or connect to,
respectively, whereas jivelite seems to rely solely on discovery, which
falls on it's face if there are no interfaces up or gateway defined. The
patch below, while a bit hacky, doesn't involve recompiling anything and
allows you to skip discovery and specify a server address.


  --- usr/share/jive/applets/SlimDiscovery/SlimDiscoveryApplet.lua
  +++ /usr/share/jive/applets/SlimDiscovery/SlimDiscoveryApplet.lua
  @@ -229,10 +229,10 @@
  function _discover(self)
-- Broadcast SqueezeCenter discovery
  - for i, address in pairs(self.poll) do
  - log:debug("sending slim discovery to ", address)
  - self.socket:send(_slimDiscoverySource, address, PORT)
  - end
  + -- for i, address in pairs(self.poll) do
  + --  log:debug("sending slim discovery to ", address)
  + --  self.socket:send(_slimDiscoverySource, address, PORT)
  + -- end
-- Discover players via wireless scanning
  @@ -253,6 +253,9 @@
  + jeeplms = SlimServer(jnt, "jeep-lms", "jeep-lms")
  + self:_serverUpdateAddress(jeeplms, "", 9000, "jeep-lms")
-- Remove SqueezeCenters that have not been seen for a while

|Filename: IMG_20220208_201052829.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-07 Thread sodface

RobbH wrote: 
> Have you seen this current thread?
> The links in some of the replies there might be helpful.

Thanks for the reply, I did actually see that one this morning, plus a
couple of older threads which are similar but not identical to my use
case. Some are picoreplayer specific (I'm not using a Pi in this case)
and/or the solutions aren't really ideal for me I don't think, eg.
adding a switch, or turning on hostapd for hotspot mode, setting static
ips on the physical interfaces etc. I'll keep looking at it, I was doing
a lot of skimming so I may have missed some important details in those

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS / Squeezelite / Jivelite - with no active interfaces?

2022-02-06 Thread sodface

I feel like this question must have been asked before, probably more
than once, but I can't seem to come up with a good search result. The
short version is that I have a device with a touchscreen running LMS,
squeezelite, and jivelite. It needs to be able to operate normally with
no network interfaces up. And I don't mean just no internet, I mean all
interfaces down.

I've dicked around with it most of the weekend and so far the only
working solution I've had is to assign a static IP to an interface
(eth0), manually bring it up and then add a default route (which isn't
reachable because there's no physical link). In this config, all 3
pieces of software worked as expected, even find_servers immediately
found the locally running LMS.

The problem is that I don't really want it like this, The physical
interface(s) need to be able to change state, eg. up/down, connected to
my home wifi or wired lan, connected to my phone hotspot, etc. all via
DHCP. LMS, jivelite and squeezelite need to be unaffected by anything
happening on the outbound interface(s).

When I don't have a manually configured static IP and gateway (with no
ethernet cable connected) LMS starts but is really slow to respond in
the browser. Squeezelite won't autodiscover,  I have to specify a
connection IP. Jivelite starts but doesn't connect to a server, even
when I manually add a remote library using the local static ip or, it won't connect. As soon as I put a static IP on an
interface, set it to up, AND add a default gateway IP, everything starts
working, even if nothing external is reachable due to the cable being

I setup a working separate network namespace (this is on linux) thinking
I'd just run LMS/squeezelite/jivelite all in a separate net namespace
and that would solve everything, even it adds complexity to the setup. I
got it all working but it's acting just like it was when all interfaces
were down and unconfigured.

Can anyone provide any hints or forum links for standalone disconnected

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] 200Hz by Supertramp?

2021-05-29 Thread sodface

CJS wrote: 
> Looking at the names of those jpg files, I suspect that these files were
> created by Windows Media Player under Windows XP or Windows 7. Windows
> Media Player was notorious for creating artwork mess in the My Music
> folders, for example by replacing high resolution cover art with low
> resolution cover art without asking. See 'this article'
> (
> If you delete those jpg files I don't expect them to come back, assuming
> that you don't use Windows Media Player anymore for managing your Music
> library.

Thanks for the info and link, and you are correct, I don't use WMP (or
Windows) anymore and I don't really remember every using it much when I
was on Windows - and never to manage the library, That said, I just
deleted 172 more files of the form "AlbumArt_*".

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] 200Hz by Supertramp?

2021-05-29 Thread sodface

CJS wrote: 
> LMS does not create artwork itself. It displays artwork that is embedded
> in audio files, and if an audio file does not have embedded artwork it
> displays artwork that is located in the folder, for example in a hidden
> folder.jpg file. I suggest that you check if there are one or more
> (hidden) picture files in your Misc folder. If not you can use a program
> like "mp3tag" to add or remove embedded artwork from audio files.


  sodco:/mnt/music/Misc$ ls -a | grep -i folder
  sodco:/mnt/music/Misc$ ls -a | grep -i jpg

I deleted all those .jpg's, and also deleted the artwork.db file (not
sure if this was necessary) and restarted LMS. Seems to have done the
trick. Thanks.

The two that have ...FBF} in the filename are two different sizes of the
Supertramp image. The other ones are different images.

|Filename: Screenshot_2021-05-29 Logitech Media Server(5).png   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] 200Hz by Supertramp?

2021-05-29 Thread sodface

Thanks for the replies gents, I should have provided more info in my
first post - I made the 200Hz tone wav file in Audacity and then copied
it into a folder on the LMS server that I've creatively named "Misc."
There's 311 audio files in the root of this folder, mostly old stuff
that I'd be embarrassed to provide a full listing of!

There are two files that have Supertramp in the filename:


  Supertramp - Goodbye Stranger.mp3
  Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home.mp3

It seems many of the tracks in that folder get the same Supertramp
artwork but some don't. See below.

|Filename: supertramp_info.png  |

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] 200Hz by Supertramp?

2021-05-28 Thread sodface

I was goofing around last night testing the output voltage from the
3.5mm analog port on the Aopen Chromebase Mini and created a 200Hz test
tone wav file to use for the voltage check. It got Supertramp cover art,
which seems a bit strange.

|Filename: Screenshot_2021-05-28 Logitech Media Server.png  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS over Wifi?

2021-05-04 Thread sodface

@Paul, interesting data point. My brother doesn't and won't have any
radios but I have 3 and just had to cycle power on one this morning as
it had lost wifi connection. I'm in an apartment and bathed in RF.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS over Wifi?

2021-05-04 Thread sodface

Thanks all for the input, I'll push for a wired LMS with WiFi clients.
Might mean the server can't double as a player but no big deal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS over Wifi?

2021-05-04 Thread sodface

Thanks Michael!

>> Would the LMS machine only be connected over WiFi? Or storage to the

All clients and LMS would be over WiFi, LMS storage would be local SSD.

>> How many clients?

Probably 4, including a player local to the LMS server.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS over Wifi?

2021-05-04 Thread sodface

I haven't done my due diligence and done a search on this, but what's
the consensus on having LMS on Wifi rather than ethernet? I've always
run my server (and everything else I can where practical) on gigabit
ethernet and I think it's generally considered best practice for LMS but
as wifi speeds have increased, is running over Wifi less of an issue
now? Anybody doing it with great success? I may be reinstalling LMS and
players at my brother's soon and running LMS on wifi there might be give
me some better options with gear placement.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-18 Thread sodface

d6jg wrote: 
> I run LMS for music and Plex for films on the same machine with all data
> on a NAS. 
> The LMS upnp/dlna implementation isn’t great and I think I’m right in
> saying there has been zero development on it for years. It is also known
> to flood your network from time to time.
> I’d rethink if I was you.

Noted, and I appreciate the feedback.  We'll see how it goes, I'm not
completely against another solution.  To be honest though, If I went
another direction it would probably be just a different dlna server,
like minidlna or something that's in the Alpine repos.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-18 Thread sodface

d6jg wrote: 
> Why don’t you want to use Plex?

No really good reason.  I'm sure it's fine software.  I just like to
keep things as simple as possible and I know I'm going to run LMS
regardless so if I can use that to stream an occasional old movie to my
roku, that's all I need.  That I make it complicated by getting under
the hood and fiddling is beside the point ;)

Plus, every time someone anywhere on the internet asks "How do I get
[insert program name that's not Plex here] to do XY or Z?"  the first
answer is usually:

"Why don't you just use Plex?"

Which reflexively just makes me not want to use Plex.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-16 Thread sodface

Michael (or anyone!)

This is working fine and I could just leave it, but, using imageproxy to
point directly to a folder.jpg local to each movie folder is working for
folder browsing as pictured above, but when I click to enter the folder
the .mp4 movie file itself displays a generic icon.  Of the 12 DVDs or
so I've converted so far only one of them has magically given me a frame
from the movie as an icon for the .mp4.  I've used the exact same
HandBrakecli command for each movie.

The LMS help for album art says:

> Technical details
> For each place in the skin that references a cover art image, the
> Squeezebox software performs the following search:
> Search in the current music directory for (in order):
> cover.jpg, cover.gif
> folder.jpg, folder.gif
> album.jpg, album.gif 
> The Logitech Media Server will use the first image file located in this
> search.

I'm a little confused if that only applies to music files, music
directories, or if that applies to videos as well.  Since I have one
video that works, that tells me LMS found an embedded image in that one.
But it doesn't seem to pick up the folder.jpg.

The one that works seems to be returning a .png:


  [20-05-16 10:07:16.6999] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (83) Artwork 
request: video/90f759b6/cover_160x160_m.png
  [20-05-16 10:07:16.7015] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (68)   from cache: png 
(30743 bytes for video/90f759b6/cover_160x160_m.png)

The ones that don't:


  [20-05-16 09:52:17.9626] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (83) Artwork 
request: video/f47b3173/cover_160x160_m.png
  [20-05-16 09:52:17.9665] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (123)   Resize 
specification: 160x160_m.png
  [20-05-16 09:52:17.9671] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (289)   No cover 
found, translated to html/images/icon_video_160x160_m.png
  [20-05-16 09:52:17.9685] Slim::Web::Graphics::_cached (68)   from cache: png 
(12002 bytes for html/images/icon_video_160x160_m.png)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-15 Thread sodface

Roku Media Player hasn't been updated in ages, then I started messing
around with this and they pushed an update!  Not sure it's an
improvement exactly but it looks different and nav is laid out
differently also.  Check it out if you haven't recently.

I made another small change so it jumps straight into folder browse mode
after you select video, so the clicks to get to the screen below are:

Roku Home -> Roku Media Player -> LMS server -> Music | Pictures | Video
(select Video)

I thought about hiding the Music and Pictures entries too, since I
probably will never use them but left them for now.  Maybe I'll just
rearrange them so Video is first.  Working great!  (I'm dating myself
with my movie selection though...)

|Filename: RMP_Video_LMS.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-12 Thread sodface

mherger wrote: 
> Then this is the "mediadirs" preference. That's a list (you can have 
> more than one folder). So you'd have to somehow extract the correct 
> folder name from the preference.
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks!  I'll keep messing with it but even if I have to keep the hard
coded part it will still work for me.  LMS never disappoints!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-12 Thread sodface

mherger wrote: 
> > I've tested it on the Roku and on VLC on my Android phone.
> The[color=blue]
> What is /srv/video-test? Is this the absolute path on your disk? Is it 
> the path you set in the preferences? Where does it come from?

Yes, that's the absolute path on disk, the path I'm using as a media
folder for just videos, as seen in LMS settings under the Basic Tab,
Media Folders.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Video Folder Artwork with UPnP/DLNA Media Interface Plugin

2020-05-12 Thread sodface

LMS with Andy Grundman UPnP/DLNA plugin seems to work very well with my
Roku.  I'm not sure why I haven't tried it before now.  I'm trying to
tweak it so when browsing by video folder, the default folder icon in
the Roku Media Player app is replaced with movie artwork.  For the sake
of a simple setup, I'd like to just have a video folder and then a bunch
of sub-folders, one movie or series per sub-folder and a folder.jpg file
in the sub-folder to use as the folder icon in the Roku interface.

I did a small edit to Slim/Plugin/UPnP/MediaServer/
and added the upnp:albumArtURI as seen below, using imageproxy to fetch
and resize the folder.jpg file.  Hacky, but it's working just fine. 
I've tested it on the Roku and on VLC on my Android phone. The
${foldername} bit below works but I've got the rest of the path hard
coded (/srv/video-test/).  Is there some other variable or combination I
can use to represent the full path so I can get rid of the hard coded
part of the path?

Or a better approach altogether?  And no, I don't want to use Plex.


  if ( $type eq 'folder' ) {
  my $fid = $flag eq 'BrowseMetadata' ? $id : '/vf/' . xmlEscape($item->{id});
  my $foldername = xmlEscape($item->{filename}); 
  $xml .= qq{}
  . 'object.container.storageFolder'
  . '' . $foldername . ''  
  . ''
  . ''
  . '';   

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Fedora 31 aarch64 on Pi 3 B+

2019-12-05 Thread sodface

I guess I got it working.  I built a chroot environment on my laptop for
qemu emulation thinking the build would go quicker, wow, it was
sloowww, much quicker compiling directly on the pi.

I don't know if everthing is really working correctly quite yet but
squeezeboxserver starts:


[root@pi3bplus init.d]# ./squeezeboxserver start
  Starting Squeezebox Server: [19-12-06 02:06:07.3611] main::init (387) 
Starting Logitech Media Server (v7.9.2, 1575296326, Mon Dec  2 15:42:10 CET 
2019) perl 5.030001 - aarch64-linux-thread-multi
  dirsFor: Didn't find a match request: [videos]
  dirsFor: Didn't find a match request: [pictures]
  [  OK  ]

I got the web interface up and played some music to the local client. 
More testing tomorrow.

I basically had to build the modules one by one and correct any errors
as I went.  I found another post by you Roland0 that got me by the
failing image tests, basically put a "0" at the end of a line in for the Image::Scale module build.  We'll see how it goes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Fedora 31 aarch64 on Pi 3 B+

2019-12-05 Thread sodface

Yatsushiro wrote: 
> Is it important that your brothers server runs on Fedora?
> If not, have you considered running PcP as an LMS server, or Ubuntu
> server? I run the latter on a Pi4, no issues, great performance.

Hi Yatsushiro, no, not especially important but I run it on my server
and laptops and I like it generally so I wanted to try it on a pi since
I haven't previously.  It was going well initially so I didn't want to
give up on it at the first hiccup. As always though, you gotta pick your
battles.  I might go with something else in the interest of time.

Roland0 wrote: 
> The build script extract all sources every time it's run. You have to
> untar icu4c-58_2-src.tgz, make your changes, and tar it again to the
> same name.
Ah! I thought something like that was going on.  I would have figured it
out eventually but the brute force sed solution worked well enough last
night when I was tired and starting to get irritated.

Roland0 wrote: 
> Unless the build script finishes successfully, there's no point in
> proceding as LMS can't run without the modules.
Well it did finish at least building I thought, it was just some of the
tests that were failing and since I haven't done it before I didn't know
if some test failures were acceptable or not.  It built something since
several of the module failure to load errors went away after I moved the
5.30 directory into position:

The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat 
HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name


The following modules failed to load: XML::Parser::Expat JSON::XS YAML::XS 

But I'm being argumentative, I understand what you are saying and agree.

Roland0 wrote: 
> If you can't get the modules to build, you can compile a supported perl
> version, install it to e.g. /opt/perl-5.28.2 and change LMS' *.pl
> scripts to use /opt/perl-5.28.2/bin/perl instead of /usr/bin/perl
> See this page for additional info. 
I'd actually already found your posts on this!  I'm contemplating what
direction to go here.  Just go with something that should work out of
the box, or be stubborn and start again, following your guide.  There
are reasons I wanted to roll my own rather than using pCP, none of them
are very good reasons and I have a high opinion of pCP so I'm not sure
which way to go at this point.

Thank you for the post, you are always very helpful!

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Fedora 31 aarch64 on Pi 3 B+

2019-12-04 Thread sodface

Made great progress last night in a couple hours installing Fedora 31
aarch64 on a Pi 3 B+, did some post install config, added some extra
packages, tested squeezelite with my existing LMS server and sorted out
the hiss from the analog audio out, basically this stuff:


  image write command line used:
  arm-image-installer --image=Fedora-Minimal-31-1.9.aarch64.raw.xz 
--target=rpi3 --media=/dev/mmcblk0 --selinux=OFF --resizefs
  systemctl disable firewalld
  installed cockpit, squeezelite, rpmfusion repos, pulseaudio, alsa-utils
  Changed /boot/efi/config.txt to fix audio hiss from analog out:
  was: audio_pwm_mode=0
  now: audio_pwm_mode=2

I'm setting this up as a server for my brother and I left the server
install for tonight, which is when everything went south.  I had good
luck 'following this post'
when I last installed LMS on my x86 Fedora server and I thought it was
going to work on the pi but no, LMS doesn't start.  I first had to
install chkconfig to get the systemd-sysv-install command which I guess
does a conversion over to a systemd unit file, anyway, it seems that
perl 5.30.1 is too new so I'm currently trying to rebuild the perl
modules with the script from the slimserver-vendor/CPAN

Not really sure if this is right path to go down.  The build keeps
failing on an include of xlocale.h in digitlst.cpp and from what I can
gather, xlocale.h has been removed from Fedora for a while.  I manually
changed it to just locale.h and restarted then it failed again
with the same error.  Hmmm, I thought maybe I didn't save it so I did it
again, double checked the edit, and boom failed again.  So I guess that
file is getting downloaded or extracted from somewhere every time and
clobbering my edit.  Ran:


watch -n 1 sed -i 's/xlocale/locale/' 

To update the damn file every 1 second which is just silliness but it
seems to have worked and the build is still chugging away as I type
this.  I don't really expect success.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Alarm didn't go off!

2019-03-03 Thread sodface

I've been waking to "Hard Rain and Thunder" on my bedside SB radio
reliably (mostly) for years.  When I get the disco treatment I usually
find my wifi icon has gone red and the radio needs a reboot to reconnect
to the network.

This seems to be the file:


Maybe replacing it with something less ghastly would work. Sorry, I know
this has nothing to do with the OP.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Case Sensitive Player MAC with wget but Not HTTP?

2018-11-23 Thread sodface

fragfutter wrote: 
> It's unencrypted http, so you can sniff it using tcpdump or Wireshark.

I've used wireshark multiple times in the past, I'm no expert but I'm
not unfamiliar with it either.  I installed it on my Windows LMS server
and I'm now more confused.  The GET url strings for the cover art coming
from the clients match the case of what I'm using in the client,
regardless of browser.  So it looks like I'm wrong to accuse the browser
of silently changing my url strings to lower case.

I can still duplicate the issue with Opera though.  I see the GET
strings come into the server with same character case used in the
client, upper or lower, but sometimes the server returns the default
icon file (type PNG) and other times, at least with Opera, it returns
the cover art (type JPEG).  Chrome requests always result in the server
returning the expected image, for all upper case MAC in the request it
returns default icon (type PNG) and for lower case MAC it returns the
cover art (type JPEG).

There must be some cache thing or something going on that I'm not
understanding.  I installed the same version of Opera that I'm using on
my client laptop on the LMS server and it seems to work ok which is
confusing too - displaying either the default icon or the cover art
depending on the case of the request string.

I hate it when I get wrapped around the axle on something like this.  I
need to just use lower case query strings and move on!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Case Sensitive Player MAC with wget but Not HTTP?

2018-11-22 Thread sodface

I looked at this again briefly this morning because it's been bugging me
a little.  There's a recent similar report here:!msg/chrome/bjSLuj5DpE8/ONuFHk7wBwAJ

My chrome was a bit out of date so I updated and that fixed the issue.

I updated Opera also but it looks like it's still broken.  I cleared the
browser image cache and also tried holding down control while doing a
page refresh but I still get the correct cover art whether I use upper
of lower case characters in the player mac.

For completeness, I should probably figure out if there's a logging
option I can enable on LMS for these queries so I can see the actual
request strings that the server sees.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Case Sensitive Player MAC with wget but Not HTTP?

2018-11-19 Thread sodface

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi sodface,
> FYI:
> 1. piCorePlayer MAC address routines always convert MAC addresses to
> lower case. It was done that long ago I can't remember exactly why.
> 2. piCorePlayer mostly uses BusyBox wget. On the odd occasion, we
> install the full GNU wget (wget.tcz). Changes to BusyBox wget has caused
> us issues in the past.
> regards
> Greg

Thanks Greg.  I guess so long as the client and server are always using
or converting to all lowercase then it would never be an issue.  I just
find it odd behavior that Chrome and Opera would both silently change a
requested url to lower case when characters after the domain name
portion of the url are allowed to be mixed case, and you won't get the
page you are requesting if there's a mismatch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Case Sensitive Player MAC with wget but Not HTTP?

2018-11-19 Thread sodface

Thanks for the replies, I believe the browser is to blame.  Chrome and
Opera both retrieve the correct cover art with upper or lower case mac
in the request url.  I didn't think to try it last night or before
posting this thread, but I just tried Internet Explorer and it works the
same way as wget - upper case mac gets me a default icon and lower case
mac gets me the correct cover art.

So it the case of Chrome and Opera (shared code?) it looks like the
browser is rewriting the requested url to all lowercase?

Here's a similar question with someone complaining about his server
logging hits to all lower case urls when the correct url is upper or
mixed case:

With the answer being blamed on many things, but not the browser.  I
haven't researched it, but if upper or mixed case urls are allowed, the
browser shouldn't be rewriting request urls to lower case.  It may be
bad practice to use urls with upper case characters but the browser
should respect the link or whatever the user types into the url bar.

In this case it looks to me like LMS is operating correctly and it was
Chrome and Opera that derailed me yesterday doing my testing as I didn't
catch the case change between wget and the browser immediately and I
couldn't figure out why wget kept pulling the wrong cover art.  The mac
displayed by ifconfig is all upper case, so that was the easiest thing
to get and paste into the wget url.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Case Sensitive Player MAC in via wget but Not HTTP?

2018-11-18 Thread sodface

Maybe this is known, but in case not, I can use this url in a browser to
display the correct cover art (notice mac is all caps):


But if I wget from the command line the same url it gets a default icon
cover art, notice the file size difference between the two requests with
the only change being the case of the mac address:


  root@pi3-LMS:/home/tc# wget -O cover
  Connecting to (
 30980   0:00:00 ETA
  root@pi3-LMS:/home/tc#  wget -O cover
  Connecting to (
   126k  0:00:00 ETA

The all lower case mac gets the correct cover art.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS CLI Subscribe to Single Playlist Events

2018-11-13 Thread sodface

Using the LMS CLI, is it possible to subscribe to specific playlist
events like, playlist newsong, playlist pause, etc. rather than all
playlist events?  I don't see an example of it in the documentation and
I haven't come up with much searching the forum either.

I've tried variations of:

subscribe playlist newsong
subscribe playlist%20newsong
subscribe playlist:newsong
subscribe playlist[newsong]

Etc. just fishing around trying to find a working combination but the
command either doesn't do anything at all or it just gives me all
playlist events.

Also, is there a difference in the "pause" event and the "playlist
pause" event other than what the CLI returns when the event occurs?  In
other words, when you press pause on a player is that always a pause
event *and* a playlist pause event?

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