AW: [squid-users] Re: Squid as Protocol changer

2004-05-18 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank
We can't use SSH because the "extreme" old system isn't able to support it.
Extremly bad I know !

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Adam Aube [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004 02:49
Betreff: [squid-users] Re: Squid as Protocol changer

Maurer Roland MKG-Bank wrote:

> We want to use http over internet to look on an "telnet" UNIX host in our
> firm.

Squid does not support this. However, you can setup Squid's acls to permit
the CONNECT method over port 23, then use a tool that tunnels through
proxies using the CONNECT method to connect.

Search Google for "tunnel proy CONNECT" for more info.

I have to ask, though - why not just use SSH?


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[squid-users] Squid as Protocol changer

2004-05-17 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank

has anybody an idea to realize following situation.

We want to use http over internet to look on an "telnet" UNIX host in our

Therefore we want use a squid as reverse proxy and protocol changer.

Has anybody an idea if and how it works?

Thanks for help

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[squid-users] Virus problem

2004-02-09 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank

we have a problem in the interaction between squid and the "parent" proxy
finjan Surfing gate. The Surfing gate scans the http data for virus. The
detection and the blocking of "test" viruses ( works fine.

The Squid proxy seems to try a second (direct) way the into the internet and
load the blocked HTML Webpages directly into the cache.

How must I configure the squid, so it will allways use the "parent proxy" ?

R. Maurer

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[squid-users] Download Time - Out with large files

2003-12-11 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank

I get timeouts from the clients by downloading large files (greater than 25

Do naybody Know which parameter I must turn, to 

- get a longer Timeperiode to wait.

- bypass the cache for a non - caching download.

R. Maurer

[squid-users] ldap_auth

2003-12-04 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank
Hey, I have a problem wirth the ldap_auth

We have two locations build up in the ldap tree




To authenticate ONE location it is easy..

/usr/sbin/squid_ldap_auth -b "ou=People,dc=location1,dc=firm,dc=de" -s "sub"
-h -u "uid"

This is LDAP search works. But I can't authenticate anyone from location2.

How can I do this ?

When I cut the base to "dc=firm,dc=de" the LDAP search/bind is incorrect


This doesn't works !

How can I authenticate both ?

Roland Maurer
MKG Bank

AW: AW: [squid-users] squid_ldap_group

2003-11-20 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank

Thanks it works, but now I have a new problem.

The squid is running and I remove someone out of the group and add someone

This changes are not acvtice since I start the squid new.

Are these informations cached ? Or do the squid read the group once at the
start ?

Roland Maurer 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Henrik Nordstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. November 2003 13:42
An: Maurer Roland MKG-Bank
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Henrik Nordstrom'
Betreff: Re: AW: [squid-users] squid_ldap_group

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Maurer Roland MKG-Bank wrote:

> First question 
> When I try the squid_ldap_group in the command line, the programm is
> for input.
> Where can I find the form fpor the input
>   ??? 

login group

> Most times the LDAP is not contacted and the programs tells me, that the
> answer is "ERR" 

Only if you did not give correct input.

> I build up the call like
> squid_ldap_group -b "ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -f
> "(&(objectClass=univentionGroup)(cn=internet*))" -F "(uid=%u)" -B
> "ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -h

The group filter does not look correct.. there should be a %g in there 
somewhere for referencing the requested group name and a %u for the user 
login or DN (depending on if -F is used or not).

> Where do I check if the user is in the group ?

This is the job of the -f filter. The -f filter searches the LDAP 
directory for a matching group object where the user is listed as member.

Before this the -F filter is responsible for translating the login entered
in the browser into a DN suitable for LDAP group membership lookup. This
option is usually identical to the -f flag of squid_ldap_auth so both 
programs locate the user in the same manner.


AW: [squid-users] squid_ldap_group

2003-11-20 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank

I am sorry, but I don't understand your advise

First question 
When I try the squid_ldap_group in the command line, the programm is waiting
for input.

Where can I find the form fpor the input


Most times the LDAP is not contacted and the programs tells me, that the
answer is "ERR" 

Second question

I build up the call like

squid_ldap_group -b "ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -f
"(&(objectClass=univentionGroup)(cn=internet*))" -F "(uid=%u)" -B
"ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -h

Nothing happens on the LDAP only the ERR is shown!

How do I have to structure the input ?
Where do I check if the user is in the group ?

R. Maurer
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Henrik Nordstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. November 2003 18:10
An: Maurer Roland MKG-Bank
Betreff: Re: [squid-users] squid_ldap_group

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Maurer Roland MKG-Bank wrote:

> uniqueMember: uid=rma,ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de
> uniqueMember: uid=test,ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de
> The query in the squid _ldap_group is 
> squid_ldap_group -b "ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -f
> "(&(objectClass=univentionGroup)(cn=internet*)(uniqueMember=uid=%u))" -h

You probably need to use the user search mode of the helper (-F flag) to
first locate the users DN, then match this to the group. The uniqueMember 
attribute is using full DN values.

> In the question I just want to select a "uid" out of the group.

You might be able to do so by searching for "uid=%u,*", but if the group 
is large then first looking up the users DN is quite likely a lot faster 
for the LDAP server to process..


[squid-users] squid_ldap_group

2003-11-19 Thread Maurer Roland MKG-Bank
I want to get an external ACL via squid_ldap_group.

But I can not select an uniqueMember out of a Group. Whre is my error ?

This is the LDAP Group 

# internetzugriff, Groups,
dn: cn=internetzugriff,ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: univentionGroup
cn: internetzugriff
gidNumber: 7789
uniqueMember: uid=rma,ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de
uniqueMember: uid=test,ou=People,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de

The query in the squid _ldap_group is 

squid_ldap_group -b "ou=Groups,dc=floersheim,dc=myfirm,dc=de" -f
"(&(objectClass=univentionGroup)(cn=internet*)(uniqueMember=uid=%u))" -h

In the question I just want to select a "uid" out of the group. In the
Commandline I send 

test internetzugriff 

to the LDAP, but I just get ERR as an answer.

Roland Maurer