[squid-users] SMP Workers and SNMP

2013-08-02 Thread Peter Retief
I have six workers, and I am trying to monitor the performance of squid
using SNMP.

I get the following type of error quite frequently:

snmpHandleUdp: FD 18 recvfrom: (11) Resource temporarily unavailable

After some Google searching, I gathered that each worker should be on its
own SNMP port, so I modified squid.conf as follows:

if ${process_number} = 1 
snmp_port 161
if ${process_number} = 2 
snmp_port 163
if ${process_number} = 3 
snmp_port 164
if ${process_number} = 4 
snmp_port 165
if ${process_number} = 5 
snmp_port 166
if ${process_number} = 6 
snmp_port 167
acl snmppublic snmp_community x
acl zabbix src xx.xx.xx.xx
snmp_access allow snmppublic zabbix
snmp_access allow snmppublic localhost
snmp_access deny all


Yet I am still getting the errors.  Any advice?


RE: [squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-28 Thread Peter Retief
> Amos:
> Squid starts with 16K of which 100 are reserved FD. When it changes that
the 16K limit is still the total, but the reserved is raised to make N
sockets reserved/unavailable.
> So 16384 - 15394 = 990 FD safe to use after adjustments caused by the

>> Peter:
>>I would have deduced that
>> there was some internal limit of 100 (not 1000) FD's, and that squid 
>> was re-adjusting to the maximum currently allowed (16K)?

> Amos:
> Yes, that is correct. However it is the "reserved" limit being raised.
> Reserved is the number of FD which are configured as available but
determined to be unusable. For example this can be though of as the cordon
on a danger zone for FD - if Squid strays into using
> those number of sockets again it can expect errors. Raising that count
reduces Squid operational FD resources by the amount raised.
> Squid may still try to use some of them under peak load conditions, but
will do so only if there is no other way to free up the safe in-use FD.
> Due to that case for emergency usage, when Squid sets the reserved limit
it does not set it exactly on the FD number which got error'd. It sets is
2-3% into the "safe" FD count. So rounding 990 up that > slight amount we
get the 1024 which is a highly suspicious value.

I have managed to raise the per-process limit from 16K to 64K, and this is
reflected in the mgr:info statistics.  However, if I understand your login
above, this is unlikely to be of benefit - I have to find where Ubuntu is
setting some limit of 1024?  Am I correct?  Is this a socket limit, rather
than a generic file descriptor limit?

RE: [squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-27 Thread Peter Retief
> Eliezer:
> I would assume that you setup your WCCP correctly.
> DO you use them in tunnel or route mode?
> in route mode you can easily get into a complex situation that you have a
routing endless loop(until X TTL).

I think the wccp2 is set up correctly - I am using tunnel mode.  Here is the
output from one of the two routers diverting traffic to squid:

#sh ip wccp
Global WCCP information:
Router information:
Router Identifier:   x.x.x.x
Protocol Version:2.0

Service Identifier: web-cache
Number of Cache Engines: 1
Number of routers:   2
Total Packets Redirected:11017412
Redirect access-list:WCCP
Total Packets Denied Redirect:   24349434
Total Packets Unassigned:36794
Group access-list:   -none-
Total Messages Denied to Group:  0
Total Authentication failures:   0

RE: [squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-27 Thread Peter Retief
>> Peter:
>> Do you mean you've patched the source code, and if so, how do I get 
>> that patch?  Do I have to move from the stable trunk?

> Amos:
> Sorry yes that is what I meant and it can now be found here:
> It should apply on the stable 3.3 easily, although I have not tested that.
> NP: if you rebuild please go with the 3.3.8 security update release.

I have patched the file as documented, and recompiled with the 3.3.8 branch

>> Peter:
>> The first log occurences are:
>> 2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| Attempt to open socket for EUI retrieval
>> (24) Too many open files
>> 2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many 
>> open files
>> 2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| Reserved FD adjusted from 100 to 15394 due 
>> to failures

> Amos:
> So this worker #2 got errors after reaching about 990 open FD (16K -
15394). Ouch.

> Note that all these socket opening operations are failing with the "Too
many open files" error the OS sends back when limiting Squid to 990 or so
FD. This has confirmed that Squid is not mis-calculating > where its limit
is, but something in the OS is actually causing it to limit the worker. The
first one to hit was a socket, but also a disk file access is getting them
soon after so it is likely the global OS limit
> rather than a particular FD type limit. That 990 usable FD is also
suspiciously close to 1024 with a few % held spare for emergency use (as
Squid does when calculating its reservation value).

Amos, I don't understand how you deduced the 990 open FD from the error
messages above ( "adjusted from 100 to 15394")?  I would have deduced that
there was some internal limit of 100 (not 1000) FD's, and that squid was
re-adjusting to the maximum currently allowed (16K)?  Where is my logic
wrong, or what other information led to your conclusion?  It is important
for me to understand, as I think I have addressed the maximum file

/etc/security/limits.conf includes:
#   - Increase file descriptor limits for Squid
*   softnofile  65536
*   hardnofile  65536
rootsoftnofile  65536
roothardnofile  65536

/etc/pam.d/common-session* includes:
# Squid requires this change to increase limit of file descriptors
session requiredpam_limits.so

After a reboot, if I login as root or squid, "ulimit -Sn" gives 65536

I included the following options to my squid ./configure script:
./configure  \
  --prefix=/usr \
  --localstatedir=/var \
  --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/squid \
  --srcdir=. \
  --datadir=${prefix}/share/squid \
  --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
  --with-default-user=proxy \
  --with-logdir=/var/log \
  --with-pidfile=/var/run/squid.pid \
  --enable-snmp \
  --enable-storeio=aufs,ufs \
  --enable-async-io \
  --with-maxfd=65536 \
  --with-filedescriptors=65536 \
  --enable-linux-netfilter \

Here is the output of mgr:info a short while after starting up again:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: squid/3.3.8
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:16:09 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Expires: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:16:09 GMT
Last-Modified: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:16:09 GMT
Connection: close

Squid Object Cache: Version 3.3.8
Start Time: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:14:31 GMT
Current Time:   Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:16:09 GMT
Connection information for squid:
Number of clients accessing cache:  20
Number of HTTP requests received:   1772
Number of ICP messages received:0
Number of ICP messages sent:0
Number of queued ICP replies:   0
Number of HTCP messages received:   0
Number of HTCP messages sent:   0
Request failure ratio:   0.00
Average HTTP requests per minute since start:   1078.8
Average ICP messages per minute since start:0.0
Select loop called: 598022 times, 1.093 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
Hits as % of all requests:  5min: 1.6%, 60min: 1.6%
Hits as % of bytes sent:5min: 0.2%, 60min: 0.2%
Memory hits as % of hit requests:   5min: 37.0%, 60min: 37.0%
Disk hits as % of hit requests: 5min: 27.8%, 60min: 27.8%
Storage Swap size:  72074368 KB
Storage Swap capacity:   2.9% used, 97.1% free
Storage Mem size:   8640 KB
Storage Mem capacity:3.3% used, 96.7% free
Mean Object Size:   22.30 KB
Requests given to unlinkd:  0
Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min60 min:
HTTP Requests (All):   0.47928  0.47928
Cache Misses:  0.48649  0.48649
Cache Hits:0.02796  0.02796
Near Hits: 0.0  0.0
Not-Modified Replies:  0.0  0.0
DNS Lookups:   0.16304  0.16304
ICP Queries:   0.0  0.0
Resource usage for squid:
UP Time:98.5

RE: [squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-25 Thread Peter Retief
>> Peter:
>> The first log occurences are:
>> 2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| Attempt to open socket for EUI retrieval
>> (24) Too many open files
>> 2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many 
>> open files
>> 2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| Reserved FD adjusted from 100 to 15394 due 
>> to failures

> Amos:
> So this worker #2 got errors after reaching about 990 open FD (16K -
15394). Ouch.
> Note that all these socket opening operations are failing with the "Too
many open files" error the OS sends back when limiting Squid to 990 or so
FD. This has confirmed that Squid is not mis-calculating > where its limit
is, but something in the OS is actually causing it to limit the worker. The
first one to hit was a socket, but also a disk file access is getting them
soon after so it is likely the global OS limit
> rather than a particular FD type limit. That 990 usable FD is also
suspiciously close to 1024 with a few % held spare for emergency use (as
Squid does when calculating its reservation value).

Amos, any ideas where I should look to see where Ubuntu is restricting the
file descriptors?  I though "ulimit -Sn" and "ulimit -Hn" would tell me how
many descriptors any child process should get?

RE: [squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-24 Thread Peter Retief
>> To handle the load I have 6 workers, each allocated its own physical 
>> disk (noatime).
>> I have set "ulimit -Sn 16384" and "ulimit -Hn 16384", by setting 
>> /etc/security/limits.conf as follows:
>> #   - Increase file descriptor limits for Squid
>> *   softnofile  16384
>> *   hardnofile  16384
>> The squid is set to run as user "squid".  If I login as root, then "su 
>> squid", the ulimits are set correctly.  For root, however, the ulimits 
>> keep reverting to 1024.
>> squidclient mgr:info gives:
>>   Maximum number of file descriptors:   98304
>>  Largest file desc currently in use:   18824
>>   Number of file desc currently in use: 1974

> Amos replied:

>That biggest-FD value is too high for workers that only have 16K available
Do you mean 
>I've just fixed the calculation there (was adding together the values for
each biggest-FD instead of comparing with max())

Do you mean you've patched the source code, and if so, how do I get that
patch?  Do I have to move from the stable trunk?

>Note that if one of the workers is reaching the limit of available FD, then
you will get that message from that worker while the others run fine with
less FD consumed.
>Can you display the entire and exact cache.log line which that error
message is contained in please?

The first log occurences are:
2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| Attempt to open socket for EUI retrieval failed:
(24) Too many open files
2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| Reserved FD adjusted from 100 to 15394 due to
2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| '/share/squid/errors/en-za/ERR_CONNECT_FAIL': (24)
Too many open files
2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| WARNING: Error Pages Missing Language: en-za
2013/07/23 08:26:13 kid2| WARNING! Your cache is running out of

Then later:
2013/07/23 10:00:11 kid2| WARNING! Your cache is running out of
2013/07/23 10:00:27 kid2| WARNING! Your cache is running out of

After that, the errors become prolific

Thanks for the help.


RE: [squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-24 Thread Peter Retief

On 07/25/2013 09:25 AM, Peter Retief wrote:
>> I have changed the limits in /etc/security/limits.h to 65K, and I have 
>> confirmed that the ulimits for root and squid are now 65K, but 
>> squidclient mgr:info still reports a maximum of 16K per worker.
>Ubutnu ???
>try to add into the init.d script the ulimit commands in order to force
squid running instance\ running sequences to 65k.

>IT worked for me and it should work for you..
>Do a restart but first make sure to run an example process with the squid
-f command on another port to get that I am right...

I did reboot after raising the limits, and then before starting squid,
checked ulimit -Sn and ulimit -Hn for both the root user and squid user.
Then after starting squid (running from squid -s, not init script yet), I
did a squidclient mgr:infor and saw 16K per process (actually I saw the
total of 98K for 6 workers, as per Amos's comment on the incorrect
calculation in squidclient, if I interpreted his comment correctly).

[squid-users] Too many open files

2013-07-24 Thread Peter Retief

I am struggling with the following error: comm_open: socket failure: (24)
Too many open files

This happens after squid has been running for many hours.  I have a Xeon
server with 12 cores, 64Gb Ram and 8 x 1Tb disks.  The first two are in a
RAID-1, and the balance are managed as aufs caches.

The system is running 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 and squid 3.3.6 compiled from

I am running transparent proxy from two Cisco 7600 routers using wccp2.  The
purpose is to proxy international bandwidth ( 3 x 155Mbps links).

To handle the load I have 6 workers, each allocated its own physical disk

I have set "ulimit -Sn 16384" and "ulimit -Hn 16384", by setting
/etc/security/limits.conf as follows:

#   - Increase file descriptor limits for Squid
*   softnofile  16384
*   hardnofile  16384

The squid is set to run as user "squid".  If I login as root, then "su
squid", the ulimits are set correctly.  For root, however, the ulimits keep
reverting to 1024.

squidclient mgr:info gives:

 Maximum number of file descriptors:   98304
Largest file desc currently in use:   18824
 Number of file desc currently in use: 1974

 Each worker should have 16K file descriptors - hence the 98K total

 I have seen the Largest file descriptor currently in use get up to 26K
after some while.

max_filedescriptors is not set in squid.conf

In spite of the above settings, I eventually get the "Too many open files"
messages in the cache.log, and performance deteriorates badly until the load
is reduced.

I have now set /etc/security/limits.conf as follows:

#   - Increase file descriptor limits for Squid
*   softnofile  65536
*   hardnofile  65536
rootsoftnofile  65536
roothardnofile  65536

Now both root and squid users have ulimits of 65536,

Is there anything else I could be doing to prevent this error?
