Re: Fire!!!!!  Burned

2003-11-04 Thread Norman S. Briskman
My prayers are with you both.

- Original Message -
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Fire!  Burned

 To all you wonderful friends,
 Today will be probably one of the heaviest days in Jackie an my life as we
will be having our first chance to return to our house. Jackie is still
holding out hope that it might still be there, but not me. They interviewed
one of my neighbors digging thru his rubble yesterday on channel 7 and so
many others have told me different. I am scared for her and myself for the
shock of what we will face. I will hold her dearly and attempt to be the
total support that I need to be for her. I ask for all your prayers for this
 There will be no electricity where we will be staying for quite some time.
My friend, who has graciously allowed us to stay her cabin is out of the
burn zone, but still dark. This means that I will be out of touch on the
internet for quite awhile. My home phone voice mail still works and that
number is (909)336-2715 and the number where we will be staying is
 It is going to be a physical and mentally tough time for us. It is snowing
up there and the high is going to be in the forties. Because the electricity
will be out, heat will not function and we will have to rely on the
 Jackie and I are both strong Geminis and we will survive. After all that
makes four people to rely on. Pray for our strength, that is the best thing
you can do for us today.
 Thank You,
 Bob, Jackie,  Ms. Daysee

Re: BPE boiler mods?

2003-09-01 Thread Norman S. Briskman
Try allowing more air to be drawn in at the burner.

- Original Message -
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: BPE boiler mods?

 Has anyone modified the vertical Midwest boiler as used in the Basic
 Engine?  I have made some changes with mixed results and am soliciting
 advice to see if I am on the right track.  The first change was to replace
 the brass chimney with a 'type L' copper tube of the same diameter.  The
 second was to add a 'dry-pipe separator' inside the boiler and the third
 (which I am sure is the culprit) is the addition of a superheater.

 The superheater is made from 1/8 copper tubing and connects about 3/4 of
 the way up the chimney, the section inside has been annealed and twisted
 into a very loose spiral of about 3-1/2 turns in 5 inches. At the bottom
 the chimney it makes a gradual 90 degree bend and projects out one of the
 holes in the lower shroud surrounding the fuel 'pot'.

 The problem I am having is in keeping the fire burning, caused I assume by
 the placement of the superheater in the chimney restricting the draft. The
 inner diameter of the chimney is just under 9/16, although I guessed that
 the loose spiral would allow enough draft I seem to be in error.  I
 think bringing the end of the 1/8 superheater pipe out one of the 7
 holes would cause it?  I even tried using the exhaust from the motor as a
 'blower' to help induce the draft without any luck!

 I will replace the spiral superheater pipe with a simple straight pipe
 with making a new exit hole to see if  this fixes the problem, am I on the
 right track?

 Kindest Regards,


Re: thermometer range

2003-07-21 Thread Norman S. Briskman

The strip heater element is a resistance wire woven into a cloth like flat
weave. It comes in various lengths with one closed end and the other with an
electrical cord and a 110v plug. You will have to make a board about 6 wide
by the length of the strip. The board can be a base of  1/2 plywood 6 x
length. Add two 1/2 plywood strips
2 5/8 x length on the base board. this will leave a channel
3/4 wide. Form a piece of heat resistant material such as 1/16 asbestos
sheet over the top. Lay the strip heater in the channel and you are in
business. Avoid letting the heater be above the channel. Do not make touch
contact with the plastic.

New Jersey

 strip heater.  This appears to consist of a heat tape approx 1/2 wide
 a max temp range of around 300F, and a plug.  Does anyone know if this
 of tape can be bought in rolls or something I can cut to length?




2003-04-03 Thread Norman S. Briskman
It's this weekend

Subject: RE: ECLSTS

 thanks for the directions, but what are the dates of the show??


Re: New Steamer

2002-07-23 Thread Norman S. Briskman

Sulpher Springs Steam Models has them
a goodal valve to replace the filler cap though. That way you can get
 run times. 


Re: Dee frames

2002-07-18 Thread Norman S. Briskman

- Original Message -
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: Dee frames


 The Dee is an English engine that some G1MRA guys designed about a 18
 ago and published a great book about building it.  It's a great beginner
 engine, gauge 1, that about 2 dozen of us in the US are building.  Here's
 link to the G1MRA site and another link to the Dee book on the G1MRA site.
 Being the G1MRA rep for the US I can get you the books without currency
 conversion issues.



Re: Tender Hand Pump

2002-06-12 Thread Norman S. Briskman

It will slosh side to side as well as rock the boat.

 to back pumps.  I find that the water in the boiler sloshes around when 
 using these pumps.
 Thanks Robb


Re: Pop Valves

2002-06-07 Thread Norman S. Briskman


Please send a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




Re: Butane valve leak

2002-05-10 Thread Norman S. Briskman

 Why can't a tire valve core be used where propane is involved/filled?
 Arthur, Mexico City

William (Bill) Morewood designed a  propane system for his Raritan. Joe
Tanski has the drawings It utilizes the valves from bicycle tires. I believe
they are Shraeder valves. I have it in use on a Kozo Pennsy A3. It works.



Re: bronze assay

2002-04-27 Thread Norman S. Briskman

What is the reaction of stainless steel to copper?



Cylinder drain

2002-04-27 Thread Norman S. Briskman

What is available, or can be made, in the way of cylinder drain cocks for G1
engines? Open to all ideas. Thanks



Re: Help needed on the new Project Engine Website

2001-12-23 Thread Norman S Briskman

Nicely done. Thank you.

 I have put together a website (  )


Re: Keith's Health

2001-12-23 Thread Norman S Briskman

Wishing you a quick and early recovery

- Original Message - 
 car accident yesterday and Keith has a broken right shoulder.  

Re: Decal service

2001-11-25 Thread Norman S Briskman


I'm constructing the Kerr Stuart Brazil, G1. Do you have any suggestion or
drawings for an axle pump.

- Original Message -

 fitted an engine driven feed pump geared off the Graham engine and the
 level and presrure keeps up with the steam demand of the Graham with cold
 being fed in via the pump.




Re: BAGRS Project Locomotive

2001-10-25 Thread Norman S Briskman


Thanks. Now I understand this list format. And, thanks to others for yor

- Original Message -

 HI Norm
 Your message did come up - we never receive our own messages
 Cheers Ferd  have failed to properly set up my e-mail

Re: BAGRS Project Locomotive

2001-10-24 Thread Norman S Briskman

This is a test

Re: BAGRS Project Locomotive

2001-10-24 Thread Norman S Briskman


The test was to see if my own message would come up. In as much as did not I
have failed to properly set up my e-mail configuration. Back to the
bookfor dummies.
- Original Message -
 Testy response for Norman


Re: G1

2001-10-21 Thread Norman S Briskman

I have been following along the the G1 e-mailing lately and am impressed
with knowledgable dialog. Perhaps some opinions may keep me from going

I downloaded the Keith Bucklitch drawing for the Brazil and have it under
construction. What say you?



2001-10-05 Thread Norman S Briskman

I'm constructing the Brazil from the Keith Bucklitch drawings. Can this
burner be adapted to it?

Thank you.

New Jersey
 Made the alcohol burner from the SITG articles with my own tank from
 sheet.  The capacity is about 50cc, last run was 20 minutes without
 refueling and then the water ran out.  I have a Visio file of the tank if
 anyone wants it.
 Steve Ciambrone
 Sr. Test Engineer
 L-3 Ocean Systems

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