Re: Keith Manison

2004-09-17 Thread Vickie-Marie Ward
Good to hear that you are okay, Keith!  You will stay
in our prayers and thoughts as you do your work at
reconstruction.  I assume that your locos came through
it okay, too, then!

Also, good to hear that the Reshews are okay.

Any reports on the Ramada Inn at Diamondhead?


Keith Manison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Clarke and list,

We are back on line, although links to the outside
world remain tenuous.
When IVAN went over Grand Cayman it snapped th fiber
optic cable from
Florida, and cut us off. We are now going through an
old earthstation and
some individual satellite links.

IVAN passed about 30 miles south of Jamaica, so most
of the damage is
along the south coast. You may have seen the CNN
coverage of an area
called Portland Cottage, which is probably the hardest
hit. The north
coast fared much better, and overall, I don't think
the damage is quite as
great as hurricame Gilbert in 1988. However, it's
still pretty bad. I'm
involved in getting relief supplies to some isolated
areas at the moment,
and then will be working on reconstruction projects.

Grand Cayman is much worse. There seems to have been
little CNN coverage
on Cayman, but it's a total disaster. We sent a ton of
food and water
yesterday on the first Air Jamaica flight in. But the
whole island will
need rebuilding. There is no electricity anywhere, and
he reports coming
out are very scanty.

I'm OK. Just exhuasted from non-stop pre and post
hurricane preperation
and work. We will get through this and if IVAN doesn't
knock down the
Ramada at Diamondhead I'll see you all there.



Vickie-Marie Ward 

Re: DH

2004-09-15 Thread Vickie-Marie Ward
In addition to the Reshews and the Ramada bunch, has
anyone heard any news about Keith Manison from
Jamaica?  He's been in my prayers, too.
Vickie-Marie Parker Ward
Sacramento, California /Ashland, Oregon / 
Kapa'a, Kauai, Hawaii

Vickie-Marie Ward 

Re: Test Message

2004-08-19 Thread Vickie-Marie Ward
Aloha! You came in fine here, Jim!  Vickie-Marie

--- James OHearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all
> I'm having some difficulty responding to messages so
> I'm sending this message to try to resolve my
> problem.
> Jim O'Hearn

Vickie-Marie Ward 

Re: summer steamup

2004-07-25 Thread Vickie-Marie Ward
The Steam-Up was really special this year since I had
missed the last two.  It was wonderful to see so many
old and dear friends.  I was absolutely amazed at the
first class set up with nine available tracks!  WOW! 
And the thirteen Shay event was phenomenol!  

My husband, Glen, is thrilled to finally have his own
loco and everyone was tremendously helpful in getting
him started with it's care and feeding. I may have
created a monster by letting him get started with "my"
hobby though.  Our remodeling project has just been
readjusted, again.  He's already talking to LLagas
Creek about the track he now wants to add to the
refurbished deck in Ashland! 
Oh, and Steve, thanks,again,for the pizza!  And Sonny,
please give Jaime our best! And Dave, I will be
sending you some Steam-Up photos shortly.

Love & Aloha,

Vickie-Marie Parker Ward

Steve Shyvers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Just got
home from the Summer Steamup in Sacramento: Fantastic!
thanks to the organizers for a relaxed, convivial, and
steam-full event.



> as with yesterday's batch, i'll clean these up next
week, adding 
> captions and the like.
> enjoy.
> \dmc

Vickie-Marie Ward 

Re: Computers & Wicks

2004-05-09 Thread Vickie-Marie Ward
Thanks for the kind words.  I really like your son's idea, Gary.  We 
are planning to reconfigure and/or replace the hard drive on my old 
CPU eventually.  Gaobot went right past my Norton and I had the full 
bells and whistles program.  Well, I like my new Pentium 4 better 
than the Celeron, anyway.  If only I could figure out how to get this 
thing off of HTML so I could send directly to the list!

Dave, also lost in my adventure was all reference to the West Coast 
Steam-Up registration information.  Would you mind terribly if I ask 
you to mention the address, yet again?  My husband visited Clark 
Lord's Steam-Up in LV and had a great time even without a loco. 
(Thanks for your hospitality, Clark!)  I'm going to have to change 
his ownership status so he can keep his hands off of my collection! 
Taking him to the West Coast Steam-Up will give him a better idea of 

Also, does anyone know of any gauge one live steamers in Hawaii?  I'm 
familiar with several excursion steam trains, but no steam-ups or 
small scale sites.

Vickie-Marie Ward 

My computer's hard drive was destroyed ...

2004-05-07 Thread Vickie-Marie Ward
Aloha y'all!  

My computer's hard drive was destroyed by a combination of the Trojan 
virus and the Gaobot worm about a month or so ago.  It has taken that 
long to figure it out, order a new CPU from Dell and get it installed 
with all of the latest appropriate firewall and anti-virus software 
and such.  Meantime, I hear that the Trojan virus was bantying around 
my e-mail address, as well as all of the e-mail addresses in my 
address book, and, probably, introducing the virus with it!  My 
apologies for any inconvenience and my assurance that I really wasn't 
behind it!  To put it mildly, I'm not amused.

One of the outcomes of this whole ordeal is that my new software is 
far more restrictive in what it will accept in the way of spam 
(yippee!) as well as attachments.  Therefore, a lot of the 
attachments that I receive are destroyed before the e-mail reaches me 
and all of the "old" ones that I had on the previous computer have 
been lost.  So I may be asking some of you for re-sends or I may be 
unaware of what you might have sent me.  I took a pretty big hit, so 
I'm not inclined to loosen up the standards at this time.  I think 
you can guess how I'm feeling towards hackers right about now...

I hope this finds you, yours and your computer all happy and well. 
And, once again, please accept my apologies.

Vickie-Marie Parker Ward 

Vickie-Marie Ward