Re: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

2003-03-17 Thread Arthur S. Cohen
Dear Chuck,

You can impress the hell out of a guy.  I owe you $10.00 for that
formaldehyde course.  My specialty is mechanics.
Thank you for sending the information.  This e-mail I will not erase.

Arthur-Mexico City


RE: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

2003-03-17 Thread Chuck Walters
Oxidation of primary alcohols produces aldehydes.  Methyl alcohol will react
with hot copper(II) oxide to form formaldehyde.  This reaction is especially
interesting because of the changes that can be observed in the copper(II)
oxide.  Specifically the copper(II) oxide is converted to metallic copper
which is then returned to copper(II) oxide and the process repeats as long
as the copper(II) oxide/ copper metal remain hot.  Which is why our wick
tubes don't disintegrate.  The problem is that this reaction will only take
place in the presence of a strong oxidizing agent such as chromic anhydride,
CrO3 , in sulfuric acid; potassium dichromate in sulfuric acid; and
potassium permanganate, non of which are present.  The upshot is that if
this reaction is taking place, the amounts of formaldehyde produced should
be at the trace level.  However, safety always dictates to run engines in
well vetillated spaces.

H   C-OH  +  CuO -> H C=O  +  Cu  +  HOH
H   H

 Methanol   +  Copper (II) Oxide  -> Formaldehyde  + Copper  +  Water

My Best,


Charles W. Walters
Twin Lakes Railway CEO

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Harry Wade
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 10:01 AM
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
Subject: Re: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

At 02:32 AM 3/17/03 EST, you wrote:
>Alcohol fired flames applied to copper produces a formaldehyde gas

To the List Chemists,
How does this happen?  It seems to me that some copper would have to be
consumed for this to occur, but them I'm no chemist.  And maybe this
explains why certain alcohol-fired locomotive drivers I know (who shall
remain nameless) appear to be pickled most of the time.  :-)



Re: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

2003-03-17 Thread Harry Wade
At 02:32 AM 3/17/03 EST, you wrote:
>Alcohol fired flames applied to copper produces a formaldehyde gas

To the List Chemists,
How does this happen?  It seems to me that some copper would have to be
consumed for this to occur, but them I'm no chemist.  And maybe this
explains why certain alcohol-fired locomotive drivers I know (who shall
remain nameless) appear to be pickled most of the time.  :-)


Re: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

2003-03-17 Thread Harry Wade
At 02:32 AM 3/17/03 EST, you wrote:
>"Its pungent odor will be objectionable if operated in an 
>unventilated room. but NO Live Steam equipment should be fired in a closed 
>area without adequate ventilation first provided.  Editor"

This disclaimer was probably added because the elder Mr. Shattock (Vic)
had his well-known (at one time) 1/2" scale live steam layout in his
basement. The younger Mr Shattock (Ken) has appeared on the Net in the last
few months hawking this burner plan (see below).

This is a posting that appeared on the Steam in the Garden discussion board:

>>From Dick Moger:  "You still haven't answered my question though Ken
How stable is the flame?  is it subject to blowing out?  This has been the
downfall of most of the designs that use vaporisation.  Wicks are
definitely back-level technology and we've been promised their demise for
quite some time now!"

>>Response from Ken Shattock:   Mr.Moger, Sir:  My grandfather's
vaporizing-type denatured alcohol burner is essentially a very shallow
rectangular pan that lies flat within the entire firebox area and is air
tight.  The alcohol is fed by gravity from the locomotive tender to the
firebox by means of a flexible rubber hose.. During the firing up process,
a "torch" made by taking a stiff piece of wire and wrapping it around a
piece of asbestos wool is made. The torch is dipped in alcohol and then
lit.  It is inserted thru the firebox door and laid inside on top of the
burner plate to pre-heat it.  During this time, artificial blower draft of
somekind is provided for at the stack.  When you think it is pre-heated
sufficiently-- you open a needle valve a little and watch inside the
firebox and notice if blue flame starts to appear around the size # 60 "jet
holes" that are spaced over the burner surface. As the burner appears to be
lighting ok, you can turn on more fuel and the entire firebox will be
filled with very hot flame. By adjusting your loco's blower valve and with
proper setting of the needle valve, you will have more fire than you need..
Once operating the engine, you may re-adjust the fire for optimum
performance. To directly answer your very "worrisome" question:-- the
burner will NOT blow out on you no matter what, when properly constructed.
This burner is the result of much trial and error and many discarded
pieces. The final form was designed by my grandfather, Victor Shattock, who
was born in Culmstock, Devonshire, England. The final design has been in
use over 80+ years and "seems to do the business".  You MUST use a GOOD
GRADE of alcohol however--a poor grade will raise a terrible stink.  My
grandfather was also noted (worldwide) for having a complete railroad
empire in the basement of his Oakland, California home for some thirty one
years.  All the locomotives and rolling stock were 2 1/2" gauge (Gauge-3)
and burned alcohol.  We never had any problems using these burners inside
the basement when operating the trains for visitors and the general public.
 I lived in that house for fourteen years and can attest to that!!  Being
in the UK-I'm sure you are a dyed-in-the-wool (wick-type burner operator)--
take a moment in time and try something more reliable--you can't go wrong!
Contact me direct at my E-Mail shown (any of you guys) and I'll send you
info on how to order the drawings. Very inexpensive!"<<

Re: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

2003-03-17 Thread Jeff Runge
Thanks Bob, that looks like a good project.
Jeff  in NC

Re: alcohol vs butane vs white gas/Ken Shattock Burner

2003-03-16 Thread Cgnr
OK!  I found the article by Ken about his grandfather Victor.  The burner is 
the same as Clark's shay.  This is why I had brought his engine into this 
discussion.  Here is a scan of the main drawings on the burner:
This article is written by Ken, but I am surprised he can sell it; as what I 
have is a copy from Live Steam magazine March 1976.
Here is an interesting footnote, tho, that appears from the editor:
"For the uninitiated, the "poison gas plant" reference harks back to LBSC, 
the British designer of small locomotives.  Alcohol fired flames applied to 
copper produces a formaldehyde gas which, as many substances, can be lethal 
in adequate dosage.  Its pungent odor will be objectionable if operated in an 
unventilated room. but NO Live Steam equipment should be fired in a closed 
area without adequate ventilation first provided.  Editor"
Oh now my finger are tired from all that typing!  I thought the poison gas 
part was interesting and have never that.