Re: FW: Struts help

2004-03-19 Thread gvanmatre
I think the your problem might be relative paths.  If you are using the base tag 
html:base /, your relative path will start from context-root/jsp.

If your css file is included in your page using a relative path, your css file must be 
in the /jsp directory.

LINK rel=stylesheet href=style.css type=text/css

In WSAD, you can locate your jsp's in folder under the WebContent and assign other 
url mappings in your web deployment descriptor, like /Test1.jsp where they acually 
live in WebContent/jsp/.  In WSAD, this mapping will effect the value of the 
html:base tag, where in tomcat, the mapping doesn't seem to have the same effect.  
We are using tiles and ended up just placing our layouts in the base WebContent 
folder so that we have the option of using tomcat if we don't want to wait 5 minutes 
for WAS to load :-)

The virtual host mapping in WAS has to do with the domain name as it relates to the 
webserver plugin.  You can use the virutal host name to channel a request to a 
specific WAS server or cluster of WAS servers.  For example, you might not have an 
internal verses external network but you have applications you want to make avaliable 
internally only.  You could create a domain name like www.acme.internal, register it 
with your internal DNS.  Then install your application to this virtual host mapping 
www.acme.internal:80.  The default virtual host mapping is *:80.

I think your error is related to how WSAD handles url mapping to jsp resources as it 
relates to the html:base / tag.

 I am using struts with WSAD for creating my web application.
 I have a jsp page which intern calls a css file and displays images 
 when I call my jsp: , test1.jsp, the 
 page displays fine and I can see the i,ages and the css file also takes 
 Now, I added an action mapping, updateAction in my struts config file
 action name=update path=/update scope=request 
 forward name=success path=/jsp/Test1.jsp
 Here, when I added the action mapping, I am forwarding to the same 
 page, test1.jsp after a success. ie, my form is getting submitted and I
 coming to the same page. 
 But when the same page gets displayed again, the images are not getting 
 displayed and its not recognising the css file.
 My console gives the following errors:
 [3/19/04 9:16:40:408 CST] 154a763c OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet 
 Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web 
 group /images/logo.gif has not been defined
 Why is this happening ?
 Do I need to add anything so that the images and css files are 
 recognised from an action link ?
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RE: why are form beans required for html:form?

2004-01-16 Thread gvanmatre

At 11:29 PM -0500 1/15/04, Ted Husted wrote:
My only comment is that it seems we're throwing a lot of technology  at
 a problem that could be solved by putting an empty DynaActionForm  in
 the Struts config, and just referring to that. Perhaps something  like:

 form-bean  name=buttonForm
type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaForm /

That doesn't solve the problem if you want to use html:input tags  when
you haven't created the form-beans yet.  That's kind of a corner  case,
but we are gradually getting non-developers who can write JSPs  and tags
ok but haven't yet learned struts-config syntax.  Eventually  I hope
that they will, and then this might not be so important.

From the writ, page 172? My favorite romance novel :)

form-bean  name=buttonForm type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaForm
   form-property name=value type=java.util.TreeMap /

html:text propety='value(key)'/
bean:write name=buttonForm property='value(key)' /

I still prefer to err on the side of permissiveness -- a blank form
rather than a stack trace.


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RE: why are form beans required for html:form?

2004-01-15 Thread gvanmatre
I think this is a great idea.  We often use buttons on the form for
navigation between inquiry/dispaly pages which requires that we use a
default formbean.  Maybe you could add the attributre to the action noded
of the struts config file instead of making it a custom tag attribute?
This would allow you to let the request processor do the check and
instantiate a base/dummy action form.  Then you wouldn't have to refactor
the tag libraries?  I suppose this might sound like a kluge.

Gary VanMatre

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:09 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: why are form beans required for html:form?

At 8:59 PM -0700 1/14/04, Richard Hightower wrote:
how about another attribute, i.e.,

html:form checkFormBean=false ...

The checkFormBean defaults to true so it is backwards compatible with

I like the idea that html:form checks for the form bean. It makes it
to debug the way it is.
However, I can see when you would not want that

Well, I'm figuring that if you actually NEED the form bean, then
something else would throw an exception; presumably the first input  tag
which isn't backed by some explicitly named bean.

I'd probably leave out the parameter in preference of error checking  at
the right spot.  I think what Ted was getting at in his email was  that
other tags might not be doing good error checking because
they've always deferred to html:form -- and yes, it would be bad to
remove the check and then start having NPEs thrown that might be much
harder to debug.


Joe Germuska
   Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them
the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and
nobody thinks of complaining.
 -- Jef Raskin

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RE: Struts 2.0 Ideas (was Re: Struts 2.0 Discussion Forum)

2003-12-19 Thread gvanmatre
We have a solution for dynamic page content that is component based.  I
wouldn’t say that it stands up to JSF but it’s similar in concept.  The
content of the page is defined using xml metadata.

However, I suppose that you could argue, why not use JSF?  I would be
interested in hearing what advantage you would have using struts with JSF
when JSF handles both the view layer and controller?

Consider the following DTD and XML snippet:

!ELEMENT display-element (attribute*, set-property*)
!ATTLIST display-element
displayElementId CDATA #REQUIRED
type %DisplayElementType; #IMPLIED
modelClassname CDATA #IMPLIED
useContainerNaming %Boolean; #IMPLIED

!ELEMENT set-property (#PCDATA)
!ATTLIST set-property

!ELEMENT attribute (set-property*)
!ATTLIST attribute
displayName CDATA #IMPLIED
displayElementId CDATA #REQUIRED
requiredField %Boolean; #IMPLIED
useContainerNaming %Boolean; #IMPLIED

This is an example of building a change password page.  The
changePasswdForm is the root component.

!-- The crudForm definition serves as a base layout for an add or
 update page --

display-element displayElementId=crudForm 
!-- will always be placed on the bottom of the form, sequence=99 --
   attribute displayElementId=Message
  displayName=message.required.legend sequence=99/

!-- The changePasswdForm definition only allows you to change your
 password. It inherits the required message legend from
 the crudForm --

display-element displayElementId=changePasswdForm extends=crudForm 

  !-- include the user password fields also used by the addUserWidget --
  attribute displayElementId=userPasswdWidget sequence=1/

  !-- The rest of the user information is cached in the html form
 allowing the update handler to be reused for the change password
 page --
  attribute attName=cmManagerId displayElementId=Text sequence=10
set-property name=isHidden value=true/

  attribute attName=cmFname displayElementId=Text sequence=11
set-property name=isHidden value=true/

  attribute attName=cmMname displayElementId=Text sequence=12
 set-property name=isHidden value=true/

  attribute attName=cmLname displayElementId=Text sequence=13
 set-property name=isHidden value=true/


!-- The userPasswordWidget is included by the userAddWidget and
 The changePasswdForm. --
display-element displayElementId=userPasswdWidget

   attribute attName=cuPassword displayElementId=Text
  displayName=cuPassword.display sequence=1
  set-property name=size value=15/
  set-property name=maxlength value=15/
  set-property name=isPassword value=true/

   attribute attName=retypePassword displayElementId=Text
  displayName=retypePassword.display sequence=2

  set-property name=size value=15/
  set-property name=maxlength value=15/
  set-property name=isPassword value=true/


 At 3:47 PM + 12/19/03, PILGRIM, Peter, FM wrote:
Having spoken with Don Brown, I can see the benefits now
of the BeanWrapper and the [Xml]BeanFactory in Spring. Creating
a graph of objects from an XML file is pretty handy for certain
situations. I can see the light of the joke. Objects just
Spring into life from literal paper.

I guess the decision here will be political. Can we just take
or borrow the org.springframework.beans.* of your framework?

 The thing that looks attractive to me in Spring is the ability to  make
 a graph of objects more complicated than a tree.  It would be  possible
 to do this in Digester, without necessarily even writing  custom rule

 As for PicoContainer, if someone could just show me how you write an
 external configuration file that wires together objects through their
 constructors, I might buy it, but it just doesn't seem to match up.  As
 soon as you had one new collaborator that you hadn't planned for,  you'd
 have to rewrite some java code somewhere, wouldn't you?

 That's another facet of Spring that appeals to me -- it's orientation
 towards JavaBean conventions -- but we can achieve that with
 homegrown processes using (or at least inspired by) Digester if we're
 reluctant to pile on Spring.

 If Spring uses an Apache license, then politics or not we can use the
 code just about anyway we like, but I don't know that we need to read
 the Spring code to achieve the few things that seem most useful to  me.
 I still haven't found the time to really dig into the various
 microkernel/IoC type frameworks yet, so I hope I'm not just blowing

Re: Struts 2.0 Ideas (was Re: Struts 2.0 Discussion Forum)

2003-12-19 Thread gvanmatre
-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 11:00 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: Struts 2.0 Ideas (was Re: Struts 2.0 Discussion Forum)


 We have a solution for dynamic page content that is component based.
 wouldn't say that it stands up to JSF but it's similar in concept.
 content of the page is defined using xml metadata.

 However, I suppose that you could argue, why not use JSF?  I would be
 interested in hearing what advantage you would have using struts with
 when JSF handles both the view layer and controller?

Fair question.  In the long run, we (Struts) are definitely going to
have to compete with this combination.

The easiest way is to focus on features that are not present in JSF --
one approach would be to build on top of the JSF controller

Besides the UI components, there are some very useful foundational
things there (such as managed beans, which generalize the way that
Struts auto-creates form beans on demand, fine-grained navigation
rules, and the ability to programmatically evaluate EL-ish
expressions, including the ability to plug in new evaluators for the
. operator) that would be nice to use in a controller tier.

I have been struggling to correlate the notion of a struts formbean with a
jsf UI component.  Under struts, a single action can be associated with
only one formbean.  If the form is a composition of many components,
should each component have its own formbean?  It sounds as each jsf
component would pull values on its own behalf from the request parameters
thru a converter.

To achieve visual component reuse, it sounds like jsf introduces the
notion of a client id.  We have used an underscore as our component
delimiter because the beanutils handles the . for nested components.

It seems that if you had a single form bean to map to a graph of UI
components, the form bean might get kind of ugly.

   form-bean name=AboutForm type=com.rustts.action.DynaRusttsForm 



It would be nice if the behavior of the formbean to an aciton could also
be associated with a UI component.

It sounds like the struts chains will be similar to the jsf component
tree?  Could a chain command be associated with a individual formbean and
a command be corrolated to a UI component?

 Consider the following DTD and XML snippet:

 !ELEMENT display-element (attribute*, set-property*)
 !ATTLIST display-element
   displayElementId CDATA #REQUIRED
   type %DisplayElementType; #IMPLIED
   extends CDATA #IMPLIED
   modelClassname CDATA #IMPLIED
   useContainerNaming %Boolean; #IMPLIED

 !ELEMENT set-property (#PCDATA)
 !ATTLIST set-property

 !ELEMENT attribute (set-property*)
 !ATTLIST attribute
   displayName CDATA #IMPLIED
   displayElementId CDATA #REQUIRED
   requiredField %Boolean; #IMPLIED
   sequence CDATA #REQUIRED
   useContainerNaming %Boolean; #IMPLIED

 This is an example of building a change password page.  The
 changePasswdForm is the root component.

 !-- The crudForm definition serves as a base layout for an add or
  update page --

 display-element displayElementId=crudForm 
 !-- will always be placed on the bottom of the form, sequence=99 --
attribute displayElementId=Message
   displayName=message.required.legend sequence=99/

 !-- The changePasswdForm definition only allows you to change your
  password. It inherits the required message legend from
  the crudForm --

 display-element displayElementId=changePasswdForm

   !-- include the user password fields also used by the addUserWidget
   attribute displayElementId=userPasswdWidget sequence=1/

   !-- The rest of the user information is cached in the html form
  allowing the update handler to be reused for the change password
 page --
   attribute attName=cmManagerId displayElementId=Text
 set-property name=isHidden value=true/

   attribute attName=cmFname displayElementId=Text sequence=11
 set-property name=isHidden value=true/

   attribute attName=cmMname displayElementId=Text sequence=12
  set-property name=isHidden value=true/

   attribute attName=cmLname displayElementId=Text sequence=13
  set-property name=isHidden value=true/


 !-- The 

Re: Context attributes (was: Struts 2.0 Discussion Forum)

2003-12-17 Thread gvanmatre

I like the idea of making the parameters/arguments passed between
actions declarative verses programmatic.  This makes it very easy to
define interfaces between pages.  The following code shows our
solution using the extendibility of struts metadata but it would be
slick if it was a feature of the baseline.

In the event that the forward is not a redirect, we just stage the data
in request scope for the target page in a Map collection.  This allows
data to be staged in the formbean that was not in the request
parameters. The target action just uses the populate method of beanutils
to move corresponding from the map cached in the request to the target
formbean.  A redirect is easy because the request processor does the
dirty work.  It would be fun if this kind processing could be moved up
in the framework.

Maybe both options of encoding arguments (declarative, programmatic)
could complement each other and both redirect and forward could have
similar behavior?





set-property property=pageId
value=viewResultsetIPage /

forward name=quit path=/ redirect=true

 !-- values pulled from the from bean that interface
  the target page --

 set-property property=arg0 value=year /
 set-property property=arg1 value=month /


// action execute method stages the form and request.  You might have //
parameters in the form bean not in the request.

if (mapping instanceof IRusttsActionMapping) {
   ((IRusttsActionMapping) mapping).setState(form, request);

package com.rustts.action;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

 * @author Gary VanMatre
 * Extended the base action mapping to add custom properties
 * use the set-property element in the XML mapping to associate
 * a page with an action.
public class RusttsActionMapping
extends ActionMapping
implements IRusttsActionMapping {

private String pageId = null;

// make sure that these values will not be persisted in a
// distributed deployment.  I believe that struts caches it's
// metadata in application scope which is not replicated (only
private transient ActionForm form = null;
private transient HttpServletRequest request = null;

 * Returns the pageId.
 * @return String
public String getPageId() {
return pageId;

 * Sets the pageId.
 * @param pageId The pageId to set
public void setPageId(String pageId) {
this.pageId = pageId;

 * This method's purpose is to stage date for the custom action
forward class codeRusttsForwardAction/code.
 * The reference should be effective only for the dialog
duration of a method call.
 * The method is invoked by @see
com.rustts.action.RusttsDispatchAction#execute(ActionMapping, ActonForm,
HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
public void setState(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest
request) {
this.form = form;
this.request = request;

 * This method has been overridden to initiate the propagation
 * of arguments on an action forward.
 * If the mapping class realizes interface
 * codeIRusttsForwardAction/action, the specified properties
 * in the struts configuration file will be pulled from the form bean
 * staged for the next page.
 * The method of staging depends on if the action forward is a redirect.
public ActionForward findForward(String name) {

ActionForward forward = super.findForward(name);
if ((forward != null)
 (forward instanceof IRusttsForwardAction)
 (request != null)
 (form != null)) {
forward =
forward).stageForward(form, request);

return forward;


protected void finalize() {
pageId = null;
form = null;
request = null;


package com.rustts.action;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
