RE: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-03-06 Thread RAP

Hi Vincent,

Any further news on Struts unit testing with J2EEUnit? Would you post a
I would like to see J2EEUnit in action testing the example that ships with

Thanks for your time,


 -Original Message-
 From: Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 20 February 2001 09:45
 Subject: Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework


 Great idea ! :)

 I am the author of J2EEUnit ( and I'm
 committed to help you implement this suite of tests. I have already been
 implementing such a suite of tests for J2EEUnit itself and thus I
 know very
 well how to integrate it with Ant (actually I already have the build.xml
 that starts J2EEUnit tests). I have successfully created a build.xml file
 that run the tests on several servlet engines : Tomcat 3.1.1,
 Tomcat 3.2.1,
 Tomcat 4.0, Resin 1.2, Resin 1.3, Orion 1.4, WebLogic 5.1 ...
 That may be a
 good idea for Struts to run its unit tests on several Servlet
 engines. It is
 very easy to do ! I also have an Ant task that let you start any servlet
 engine in another thread, waits until it is finished starting and run the
 unit tests (it is still in CVS for the moment but I'll release a new 0.7
 version this coming week end).

 Let me know where I can help. Also if you have any trouble to use J2EEUnit
 on any subject feel free to contact me and I'll help.

 Note: You should use the 0.7 version as much as possible as in
 the previous
 version it was not possible to test any method that wrote in the Servlet
 output stream. It now works fine in version 0.7 (in CVS).

 Vincent Massol.

 - Original Message -
 From: "Rob Leland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 7:36 PM
 Subject: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

I would like to add some additional Unit tests to the struts
These would be tests for struts itself, not end user code.
My thoughts are that as struts evolves and new functionality
is added we want to verify that other functionality is not
broken, as code is changed and refactored.
I am proposing using JUnit 3.5 ( and
J2EEUnit ( I am going to force
myself to do this in an upcoming project at work, and believe it
makes sense to do it in struts also.
I am targeting the 1.1 release time period. If Unit
testing is approved, some small set of tests may make it into
the struts 1.0 release, again assuming people here vote for its
My initial thoughts for providing testing is to start with the
private methods of struts starting with the
 struts.action package,
then later develop tests for the public methods of struts.action.
I didn't want to start another package until I finished the majority
of the private methods, only because I would need to debug
my unit tests, and only by developing tests for some of the private
methods the public could I do this.
Then other packages would follow :
In about that order, only because that would be a usefull order for me
in the project I am working on. Infact, I only have plans to do
  struts.upload, and
struts.util, and doubt I would have the time to produce tests for the
  other packages.
Thoughts ?

Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-24 Thread Vincent Massol

I am now looking at Struts in order to write the test suite (I have only
looked at build.bat and build.xml so
far ...) and I have notice the following details that may need to be
corrected/improved :

1- In build.bat, the CP variable does not define an XML parser.
%ANT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar and %ANT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar should be added. Or,
is that voluntarily because you want to leave the choice to the developer to
choose his one jaxp compliant parser ? Personnaly, I prefer to force it to a
choice that will always work. I prefer to leave my CLASSPATH always empty
because otherwise it creates lots of problems when you switch from one
project to another ...

2- In build.bat, the CP variable adds %ANT_HOME%\lib\ant.jar (and
optional.jar) but in the jakarta-ant distribution that I got using CVS, the
ant.jar and optional.jar are generated and put in dist\lib.

3- Is that an Apache choice not to bundle the needed external jars within
your own project ? I would tend to prefer to bundle ant
jars and servletapi jars for Struts because (a) they are only used to build
struts, not for runtime and (b)otherwise the building of struts will fail or
succeed depending on the state of these other projects, thus you might get
lots of posts on the mailing list from persons trying to build Struts but
failing just because they have a bad version of Ant for instance (I speak
from experience as for J2EEUnit I tried several Ant release and I can tell
you they were not all working, far from that, and I had to struggle to find
the good one. At least I know that the one I bundle is going to work with no
problem and from time to time I upgrade it. In other words I certify my app
to work with such version. However if the enn developer want to use a
newer/older version, he is free to try it ...). Thoughts ? (Sorry if this
way of doing it has already been discussed at length ... :( )

4- build.xml need more comments, better formatting and some minor additional
refactorings (to my opinion). Am I allowed to do that ?

5- What do you think about creating a build directory where you put the
files that are needed to run the build of struts. They would be : build.xml,
build.bat, all Ant jars (that's only if you agree with point 3 of course ...
:) ), maybe some other batch files to help start other targets from Windows.
The output of the build will go in a directory named out/ for example (I
have always found the name build/ for the output to be confusing. It means
"a build" but also "to build" ...)

6- If you agree on point 3, creating a lib directory at the top level to put
the servletapi jar would be a good idea. Also I need to put the j2eeunit +
junit jars. Putting them in lib/ would be a good idea I think.

7- Why do you have a conf/ directory under src ? Wouldn't you prefer it to
at the top level (or is it a Jakarta requirement) ? Something like :

  |_ out (generated by the build script)
  |_ build
  |_ conf
  |_ doc
  |_ src
|_ example
|_ share
|_ test
  |_ web

8- I'd like to use the src/test/ directory to put the struts unit tests.
What is the already existing test directory ? Was it done for that purpose ?

9- I'd like to create a test/ subdirectory un conf/ where I'll put all the
configuration files needed for the struts unit tests. Is that ok?

10- The strategy I have followed with J2EEUnit for it's tests was to run the
tests in the out/ directory, i.e. not deploy to the servlet engine install
directory. I like to control the files that I generate. By being located
under out/, they (a) are easy to clean up, (b) do not affect any other
webapp running on my system, (c) I can use the setting I want for my servlet
engine for the tests without affecting the main config of my servlet engine.
I would suggest the following directory hierarchy :

  |_ out
|_ tests
  |_ tomcat-3.2
|_ conf
|_ webapps
|_ work
  |_ tomcat-4.0
|_ ...
  |_ resin-1.2
|_ ...
  |_ ...
  |_ conf
|_ test
  |_ tomcat
|_ testserver-3.2.xml
|_ testserver-4.0.xml

11- Does Struts support only one servlet api at a time (like the 2.2 one) or
is it your plan to support several, like 2.2 and 2.3 ?

Please feel free to discard anything that I have said that does not fit your
plan. I understand that I am new here ... However, I just wanted to let you
know my thoughts in case I bring forward something that can improve Struts.

Tell me what you think of these and tell me how I have to proceed for
building the test suite ? Do I
change the files and send the to you by email ? What can I apply from the
above mentionned points ? Is there a CVS branch that I
should work on instead of the main one ?


Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-24 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Vincent Massol wrote:

 I am now looking at Struts in order to write the test suite (I have only
 looked at build.bat and build.xml so
 far ...) and I have notice the following details that may need to be
 corrected/improved :

Hello Vincent,

Sorry for the slow response ... I was really focused yesterday on getting the
beta out.  Now we can start planning next steps.

 1- In build.bat, the CP variable does not define an XML parser.
 %ANT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar and %ANT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar should be added. Or,
 is that voluntarily because you want to leave the choice to the developer to
 choose his one jaxp compliant parser ? Personnaly, I prefer to force it to a
 choice that will always work. I prefer to leave my CLASSPATH always empty
 because otherwise it creates lots of problems when you switch from one
 project to another ...

My preference has always been to allow people to choose their own tools -- such
as their own version of Ant, their own XML parser, their own servlet API
version, and so on -- rather than force these decisions.  After all, Struts will
be used in applications that have all manner of dependencies on different
versions of these things.

On Ant in particular, I would actually prefer us to run Ant via
"$ANT_HOME/bin/ant" (Unix) or "%ANT_HOME%\bin\ant.bat" (Windows).  That way, we
can let Ant itself worry about the changing directory structures required by
different versions of Ant.  In addition, modern versions of "ant" and "ant.bat"
let you define system properties via "~/.antrc" (Unix) or "%HOME%\antrc_pre.bat"
and "%HOME%\antrc_post.bat" (Windows).

 2- In build.bat, the CP variable adds %ANT_HOME%\lib\ant.jar (and
 optional.jar) but in the jakarta-ant distribution that I got using CVS, the
 ant.jar and optional.jar are generated and put in dist\lib.

Switching to $ANT_HOME/bin/ant will take care of this kind of thing.

 3- Is that an Apache choice not to bundle the needed external jars within
 your own project ?

Different Apache subprojects do it differently -- this is my choice (and I'm
probably in the minority here).  I use quite a few open source projects, and the
number of copies of ant.jar and xerces.jar on my hard drive is pretty

 I would tend to prefer to bundle ant
 jars and servletapi jars for Struts because (a) they are only used to build
 struts, not for runtime and (b)otherwise the building of struts will fail or
 succeed depending on the state of these other projects, thus you might get
 lots of posts on the mailing list from persons trying to build Struts but
 failing just because they have a bad version of Ant for instance (I speak
 from experience as for J2EEUnit I tried several Ant release and I can tell
 you they were not all working, far from that, and I had to struggle to find
 the good one. At least I know that the one I bundle is going to work with no
 problem and from time to time I upgrade it. In other words I certify my app
 to work with such version. However if the enn developer want to use a
 newer/older version, he is free to try it ...). Thoughts ? (Sorry if this
 way of doing it has already been discussed at length ... :( )

It hasn't been discussed on STRUTS-DEV, so it's probably worth talking about.

How do folks feel about this?  Was the pain of having to download the
prerequisite packages worth the ability to use whatever versions you preferred?

 4- build.xml need more comments, better formatting and some minor additional
 refactorings (to my opinion). Am I allowed to do that ?

Yes.  Once we agree on a path, any of the docs or build scripts are fair game,
along with the code :-).

 5- What do you think about creating a build directory where you put the
 files that are needed to run the build of struts. They would be : build.xml,
 build.bat, all Ant jars (that's only if you agree with point 3 of course ...
 :) ), maybe some other batch files to help start other targets from Windows.
 The output of the build will go in a directory named out/ for example (I
 have always found the name build/ for the output to be confusing. It means
 "a build" but also "to build" ...)

I personally prefer the build.xml and associated scripts to be in the top-level
directory so you do not have to go hunting for them.

Currently, the 'build" directory is an *output* of the Struts build process,
rather than an input.  We'd have to change that (for example, some subprojects
use "target" for their destinations).  In your scenario below, it looks like
this should be changed to "out".

 6- If you agree on point 3, creating a lib directory at the top level to put
 the servletapi jar would be a good idea.

Which version?

Right now, Struts requires only servlet 2.2 / JSP 1.1 APIs, but my daily work on
Tomcat 4.0 requires me to use the servlet 2.3 / JSP 1.2 servlet.jar file.  This
is the kind of problem you run into by forcing a choice on the developer :-).

 . Also I need to put the j2eeunit +
 junit jars. Putting them in lib/ would be a good idea I 

Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-22 Thread Rob Leland

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
 Rob Leland has volunteered to take the lead on this, but I don't know if
 anything specific has happened yet.

Not only am I willing to Lead but to follow, since Vince obviously
has MUCH more experience with J2EEUnit testing than me.
I have a handle on JUnit, but not J2EEUnit , ... Yet :).

Nothing has been put in place, I have started looking at the action
classes had hoped to get a few tests in by version 1.0, with the bulk 
of the tests for version 1.1.

So Vince what would you propose for directory structures, organizing
tests ?
It looked like you had some good suggestions yesterday.


Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-22 Thread Vincent Massol

Give me until tomorrow and I'll come up with a structure, organization, and
some tests proposals ... :)

- Original Message -
From: "Rob Leland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

 "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
  Rob Leland has volunteered to take the lead on this, but I don't know if
  anything specific has happened yet.

 Not only am I willing to Lead but to follow, since Vince obviously
 has MUCH more experience with J2EEUnit testing than me.
 I have a handle on JUnit, but not J2EEUnit , ... Yet :).

 Nothing has been put in place, I have started looking at the action
 classes had hoped to get a few tests in by version 1.0, with the bulk
 of the tests for version 1.1.

 So Vince what would you propose for directory structures, organizing
 tests ?
 It looked like you had some good suggestions yesterday.


Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-20 Thread Vincent Massol


Great idea ! :)

I am the author of J2EEUnit ( and I'm
committed to help you implement this suite of tests. I have already been
implementing such a suite of tests for J2EEUnit itself and thus I know very
well how to integrate it with Ant (actually I already have the build.xml
that starts J2EEUnit tests). I have successfully created a build.xml file
that run the tests on several servlet engines : Tomcat 3.1.1, Tomcat 3.2.1,
Tomcat 4.0, Resin 1.2, Resin 1.3, Orion 1.4, WebLogic 5.1 ... That may be a
good idea for Struts to run its unit tests on several Servlet engines. It is
very easy to do ! I also have an Ant task that let you start any servlet
engine in another thread, waits until it is finished starting and run the
unit tests (it is still in CVS for the moment but I'll release a new 0.7
version this coming week end).

Let me know where I can help. Also if you have any trouble to use J2EEUnit
on any subject feel free to contact me and I'll help.

Note: You should use the 0.7 version as much as possible as in the previous
version it was not possible to test any method that wrote in the Servlet
output stream. It now works fine in version 0.7 (in CVS).

Vincent Massol.

- Original Message -
From: "Rob Leland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 7:36 PM
Subject: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

   I would like to add some additional Unit tests to the struts
   These would be tests for struts itself, not end user code.
   My thoughts are that as struts evolves and new functionality
   is added we want to verify that other functionality is not
   broken, as code is changed and refactored.

   I am proposing using JUnit 3.5 ( and
   J2EEUnit ( I am going to force
   myself to do this in an upcoming project at work, and believe it
   makes sense to do it in struts also.

   I am targeting the 1.1 release time period. If Unit
   testing is approved, some small set of tests may make it into
   the struts 1.0 release, again assuming people here vote for its

   My initial thoughts for providing testing is to start with the
   private methods of struts starting with the
struts.action package,
   then later develop tests for the public methods of struts.action.
   I didn't want to start another package until I finished the majority
   of the private methods, only because I would need to debug
   my unit tests, and only by developing tests for some of the private
   methods the public could I do this.

   Then other packages would follow :

   In about that order, only because that would be a usefull order for me
   in the project I am working on. Infact, I only have plans to do
 struts.upload, and
   struts.util, and doubt I would have the time to produce tests for the
 other packages.

   Thoughts ?


Re: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-20 Thread Rob Leland

On the contact info for testing could you change the
contact email address 


That way I can sort out email easier.


RE: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework

2001-02-19 Thread Colin Sampaleanu


We are already using the ant 'junit' task in some of our project, and it
works really well. One thing we have found is that our tests really end up
being split into two kinds: unit, and integration. We classify as 'unit'
those tests which can run on the code as compiled in place in the build
directory. These tests typically stress some smaller piece of code, often
simulating some of the interfaces the code normally interacts with. We
classify as integration those tests which require something to be deployed
into a running server somewhere. While this can and should be automated, it
is a different level of testing... Both kinds of tests are very useful...

 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Leland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: February 19, 2001 1:37 PM
 Subject: PROPOSAL - Testing Framework
   I would like to add some additional Unit tests to the struts
   These would be tests for struts itself, not end user code.
   My thoughts are that as struts evolves and new functionality
   is added we want to verify that other functionality is not
   broken, as code is changed and refactored.
   I am proposing using JUnit 3.5 ( and
   J2EEUnit ( I am going to force
   myself to do this in an upcoming project at work, and believe it
   makes sense to do it in struts also.
   I am targeting the 1.1 release time period. If Unit
   testing is approved, some small set of tests may make it into
   the struts 1.0 release, again assuming people here vote for its
   My initial thoughts for providing testing is to start with the
   private methods of struts starting with the 
struts.action package,
   then later develop tests for the public methods of struts.action.
   I didn't want to start another package until I finished the majority
   of the private methods, only because I would need to debug 
   my unit tests, and only by developing tests for some of the private
   methods the public could I do this.
   Then other packages would follow :
   In about that order, only because that would be a usefull 
 order for me
   in the project I am working on. Infact, I only have plans to do
 struts.upload, and
   struts.util, and doubt I would have the time to produce 
 tests for the
 other packages.
   Thoughts ?