Re: When Oh When Do We Validate?

2000-11-30 Thread Jean-Baptiste Nizet

Pierre Métras wrote:

 Hi Craig,

  Pierre Métras wrote:
   As my design seems to be the *bad* one, I think I will have to change my
   code (explode my actions in struts-config.xml to create action
   /doSomethingInit and /doSomethingValid, and attach an "input" value only
   /doSomethingValid, change all my JSP forms with these URL, and in the
   suppress the now unused "action" parameter...). And Craig will have to
   rollback the CVS :,-(
  I'm not convinced that it would need to be rolled back -- or at least not
  Independent of the actions versus sub-actions question on application
  organization, you also pointed out a real problem -- in the Struts 1.0
 code as
  it was before this change, consider the following scenario:
  * You declare your action to require a form bean
  * Your form bean wants to do validation
  * You forget to define an "input" parameter
in the action mapping
  * Struts never calls your validate() method
  * Your action method gets called, probably
assuming that validation was successful,
and relies on incorrect assumptions.

 That's what happened to me. My database was corrupted because I thought that
 the ActionForms information was valid when I forgot to add the "input"
 attribute to the action.

  This seems like a Bad Thing for a framework to allow when the developer
  forgets to update a configuration file :-(.

I'm not sure this is so bad. Struts is used here as a part of a full J2EE based
application, and J2EE applications are based, in every tier, on configuration
files or deployment descriptors. For instance, you define the transactional
behavior, the database mappings etc. of EJBs in a deployment descriptor. I thus
think that everyone now understands that these deployment descriptors or
configuration files are a critical part of the application, and that as much
care should be taken in defining these files that in the coding of the classes
(if not even more).
I'm thus in favor of keeping the current behavior, where the form is not
validated if the input element is not defined. It's just a matter of form
reusability and declarative programming vs classical programming.
Now, I wouldn't be too much against the reverse situation, where you would have
to specify something in the config file if you want your form NOT to be
validated. The best thing to do, IMHO, is to make the presence of a
"validateForm" element (true or false) mandatory as soon as a formAttribute is
defined. That way, you have the complete declarative control on the validation,
and you can't make errors, since the application won't deploy if you forget to
specify the element. Of course, you could still set it to false instead of true,
but that would be your entire responsibility, and would have the same
consequences as inadvertently returning null in your validate method.

What do you think?


  As the code sits right this minute, processValdiate() performs the
  steps, where a "true" return says "go ahead and call the action".
  (A) If there is no form bean, simply return true
  (B) If the request was cancelled, simply return true
   (higher level logic will skip the call to the action)
  (C) Call the validate() method.  If it returns no errors,
   simply return true
  -- from here on you know an error occurred --
  (D) If this is a multipart request, roll it back
  (E) Was an input form defined?  If not, throw
   an error 500 (internal server error) to document
   the mis-configuration problem.
  (F) Do a RequestDispatcher.forward() to the input form,
   and return false.
  From what it sounds like, there are particular concerns about step (C) --
  validate() is always called -- and step (E) -- multipart requests are
  back on validation errors.  I don't really have a problem with either one
  them, but others might.
  Can we come to agreement on what the recommended sequence of steps should

 In fact, I would move the question on another view. Should the action tag
 be a descriptive or behavioral tag? Do we want to put in it information to
 define the Struts application (which classes are used, where to redirect
 errors, etc.) or must we tend to put into it relations between application
 In my opinion, the first situation is encountered presently: we define in
 the tag the different files/classes related to that action. Tha's no more
 than grouping. The problem occurs when we decide to deduce a behavior from
 it: if the "input" attribute is not present, it infers that the programmer
 doesn't want to have validation...

 To justify this, I can imagine numerous use cases where one need or not
 validation, or even partial validation (depending on the mapping). My
 present conviction is that the validation is context dependant, and that the
 most flexible place to take the decision to validate or not is in the
 validate method itself, when the programmer can 

book ideas

2000-11-30 Thread Lacerda, Wellington (AFIS)

Hi Everybody,

I'm (already) working in a book in JSP and Tag Libraries development for New
Riders Publishing.
The idea of the book is:

- An introduction on Servlets and JSP
- Deep in Tag coding
- Design and Architectural issues (major challenges when designing web apps
with Servlets, JSP, Pet Shop Model 2 approach, Struts Model 2 approach, the
role of tags in process encapsulation and reuse, how tags affect system
design and how the Servlet/JSP architecture responds to that, etc.). EJBs
are treated as subsidiary (calm down!) since it's too broad a subject and
very well covered in many other books.
- Deep in Struts (a couple of chapters to discuss the model, the usage
scenarios and of course the taglibs)
- Jakarta Taglibs (a broad coverage)
- Commercial taglibs (the commercial case)
- Appendixes on TOMCAT (I focus in TOMCAT), MySQL, Caucho Resin and Jrun
(examples are provided also on these), jBoss
- Many, many, MANY examples on everything.

Questions are:

1. What do you think of this coverage ?

2. What would you like to see on paper ? My sources on the design issues are
a number of articles (for instance that one from Jason Hunter questioning
JSP), some reference books and the lists (not to mention experience, of

3. On the side of Struts, what do you like to see there ? What do you think
is not yet said or well said about Struts ? 

4. And on the design issues on Servlet/JSP architecture(s) ?

Thank you all for your attention on this,

Wellington Silva


Re: book ideas

2000-11-30 Thread Wong Kok Wai

This is what I prefer:
1) no reprint of the JSP/servlet JavaDoc to make the
book 50% thicker
2) more description on Struts would be very helpful as
the current docs are rather outdated, like
3) the Java Pet Shop developers are considering
migration to use Struts too, the current Pet Shop
model may be obsolete by the time the book is
4) include WebLogic and I think there will be many

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Re: book ideas

2000-11-30 Thread Jim Richards

I'd prefer (and this is personal preference only) more on the development of
models and application frameworks then actual introduction code.

Coverage of PostgreSQL as well (it has transaction, which are quite
crucial to the EJBs, otherwise you get MySQL's serialised table locking
which is not great).

Use of EJBs through the MVC framework. Where to use session
beans (both types) and when to use entity beans (ie. should
entity beans be attached to the session object (no, not really)
but only accessed through the session beans, and the session beans
return ordinary Java Beans to the servlet.

Security context in relation to attaching a profile to the 
whole application.

Not a reprint of the documentation that comes with any of the main
downloads, as this just duplicates content and kills more trees.

Other EJB/J2EE containers (eg. Enhydra/Jonas).

Wait till Tomcat 4.0 is stable and Struts 1.0, otherwise you'll
have major dead space in the book.

(Although a paper book will always be somewhat out of date)

If you focus on frameworks/ideas/concepts rather then deep
examples you'll find the book lasts a lot longer, which is
why Knuth's books are still valid resources today but my
Java 1.0 Beta2 books are wasted space.

At 10:59 AM 30/11/00 +0100, you wrote:
Hi Everybody,

I'm (already) working in a book in JSP and Tag Libraries development for New
Riders Publishing.
The idea of the book is:

- An introduction on Servlets and JSP
- Deep in Tag coding
- Design and Architectural issues (major challenges when designing web apps
with Servlets, JSP, Pet Shop Model 2 approach, Struts Model 2 approach, the
role of tags in process encapsulation and reuse, how tags affect system
design and how the Servlet/JSP architecture responds to that, etc.). EJBs
are treated as subsidiary (calm down!) since it's too broad a subject and
very well covered in many other books.
- Deep in Struts (a couple of chapters to discuss the model, the usage
scenarios and of course the taglibs)
- Jakarta Taglibs (a broad coverage)
- Commercial taglibs (the commercial case)
- Appendixes on TOMCAT (I focus in TOMCAT), MySQL, Caucho Resin and Jrun
(examples are provided also on these), jBoss
- Many, many, MANY examples on everything.

Questions are:

1. What do you think of this coverage ?

2. What would you like to see on paper ? My sources on the design issues are
a number of articles (for instance that one from Jason Hunter questioning
JSP), some reference books and the lists (not to mention experience, of

3. On the side of Struts, what do you like to see there ? What do you think
is not yet said or well said about Struts ? 

4. And on the design issues on Servlet/JSP architecture(s) ?

Thank you all for your attention on this,

Wellington Silva

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
for small to medium web sites written in Perl and using XML

Q: How to dynamically initialize form:select ?

2000-11-30 Thread Michael Gerdau

Hi !

I'm slowly becoming familiar with struts.

I'm now faced with the following problem:
I have a form in the middle of my application which among other
things sports a dynamically populated form:select.

From what I've read in the documentation I'm supposed to read the
appropriate information upon Logon (or while navigating along the
pages) and store in beans added as attributes to the session/request.

While this certainly works I'm not yet fully convinced I'll like
this for two reasons.
1) While the user moves along the dynamic info might change without
   it actually being used. This imposes IMO unnecessary load on the
   underlying DB which could and should be avoided.
2) For convenience and useability reasons the user can navigate the
   pages through some menus realized in JavaScript. While clicking
   his way through the decisiontree there is no interaction with the
   Servlet Engine.
   Eventually the user will come to a point where a full blown
   ActionForm/Action part is required which now need initialization
   according to the navigation done prior.

Is there a way to achieve this other than creating some general
helper-beans that solve this ?

Or in other words: does struts allow for some convenient means
to initialize a page upon creation ?  Some kind of PreAction ?

Thank you,

Re: How to dynamically initialize form:select ?

2000-11-30 Thread Pierre Métras

Hi Michael,

 Or in other words: does struts allow for some convenient means
 to initialize a page upon creation ?  Some kind of PreAction ?

I add a similar problem and requested for such a feature.

Now, in Struts 1.0, you can use the ActionForm.reset(mapping, request) to
fill your form with some values, before auto-population by Struts. Based on
the request parameters or the mapping, you can detect if it's a first time
initialization and do what you want. What can be disturbing is that Struts
always comes after you and replaces your values with the request parameters
values, but you shouldn't be concerned when you want initialization.

If you're using version 0.5, bad luck! I did the move to 1.0 for that

Pierre Métras

AW: Preprocessing for a jsp

2000-11-30 Thread Andre Wittenburg

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Pierre Métras [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet am:  Donnerstag, 30. November 2000 17:51
 Betreff:  Re: Preprocessing for a jsp
 Hi Andre,
  Looks like i made some wrong configuration in the xml-files, because i
  a java.lang.ClassCastException when the servlet is called.
 We need a little more information to help, because a Cast exception can
 occurs almost everywhere...
 Which version of Struts are you using? And give us an extract of your
 configuration file, with the stack dump.
 Pierre Métras
[Andre Wittenburg]  
First of all, thanks for the quick reply.
By the time I use the nightly build from 2000-11-26. The extract from
and web.xml follows.


  forward name="success" path="/dummy/Second.jsp"/
  forward name="failure" path="/dummy/index.jsp"/




Re: does struts examples work on NT platform?

2000-11-30 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Cherie Yoon wrote:


 My apology if there was same question on the list, but I couldn't find
 archive from the struts home page.
 I got the examples working on Linux platform, but I can't on NT.

 I tried  both struts-examples.war and struts-test.war, but they are not
 (i tested with both Struts0.5 and 10/20/2000 build with Tomcat 3.1)

 When I click any link on struts-test/index.jsp or try any JSP page under
 struts-examples, it give me same error msg

Tomcat 3.1 has a very large number of bugs -- update to Tomcat 3.2 (final
release occurred last night).

Craig McClanahan

Stable 1.0 and deployment ....

2000-11-30 Thread Allton Paul

Sorry to bug, but is there a planned release date for a milestone 1.0

Just made the decision to go with Struts and I've been playing with v0.5.
I'm looking to use it in a production environment so I'm not keen on using
unstable releases ... but I also dont want to use 0.5 if there are going to
be major changes  

In a nutshell should I deploy with 0.5 now, or is 1.0 immenient?

Finally, currently it seems that for each deployed application you need to
have struts.jar and all the taglibraries, is it possible to have one
instance of for container.  Presumably the .jar can just be added to the
classpath, but how do I share the taglib's  (I'm using Tomcat)

Cheers ...


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Re: Stable 1.0 and deployment ....

2000-11-30 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Allton Paul wrote:

 Sorry to bug, but is there a planned release date for a milestone 1.0

 Just made the decision to go with Struts and I've been playing with v0.5.
 I'm looking to use it in a production environment so I'm not keen on using
 unstable releases ... but I also dont want to use 0.5 if there are going to
 be major changes 

 In a nutshell should I deploy with 0.5 now, or is 1.0 immenient?

It is relatively imminent ... but I had to spend a very large amount of November
picking up the pieces and getting Tomcat 3.2 out the door (final release was
last night).  :-(

There have been very substantial changes between 0.5 and the current code base.
I would expect relatively few incompatible changes from the current code to
final release, although there will probably need to be some as we implement the
remaining suggestions and features.

Personally, I would base new development on the current code.

 Finally, currently it seems that for each deployed application you need to
 have struts.jar and all the taglibraries, is it possible to have one
 instance of for container.  Presumably the .jar can just be added to the
 classpath, but how do I share the taglib's  (I'm using Tomcat)

Yes, you need struts.jar and the tag library descriptors in each web app.

It would be technically feasible to share the struts.jar file by putting it on
the classpath, but that would break the Digester module -- it would no longer be
able to see user classes that really were in WEB-INF/clasess or WEB-INF/lib.

There is no mechanism to share TLDs across web apps.  The whole idea is that a
web app should be a self-contained component that can be installed on any
servlet container, and it will "just work".  Although this ideal is not
completely met yet (primarily due to buggy servlet containers), it is pretty
close to the case.

 Cheers ...


Craig McClanahan

Re: Preprocessing for a jsp

2000-11-30 Thread Pierre Métras

Hi Andre,

It seems there's no problem with your configuration files. Could you post
the top of your exception trace?

Pierre Métras

RE: struts in weblogic?

2000-11-30 Thread Jeff Klein

Thanks to all who replied.  After much toiling, I got the example working
under weblogic.  As Anshum indicated, SP6 was necessary.  However, SP5 may
have worked as well, according to an article that I read.

I also used the weblogic classloader "hack" descibed at: 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Sharda, Anshum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: struts in weblogic?

Download and install Service Pack for WL5.1.  That should get rid of this

- Anshum
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 2:24 PM
 Subject: struts in weblogic?
 Hi All,
 I am trying to get Struts up and running inside of a version 
 5.1 weblogic
 container.  It seems that I am close, because some of the 
 tags work (like
 the link tag).  However, any tag that depends on the presence 
 of a resource
 bundle (such as the message tag) fails with the following stack trace:
 Wed Nov 29 10:54:07 PST 2000:E 
 ServletContext-struts-example Servlet
 with Exception
 javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag 
 at jsp_servlet._index._jspService(
 at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
 at, Compiled
 Wed Nov 29 10:54:08 PST 2000:E 
 ServletContext-struts-example root cause
 of ServletException
 at jsp_servlet._index._jspService(
 at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
 at, Compiled
 I looked at the source code for and it fails 
 at the point
 where it is trying to get a "bundle" object (instance of 
 out of the PageContext application scope.  
   // Acquire the resources object containing our messages
   MessageResources resources = (MessageResources)
 If I'm not mistaken, the MessageResources object should 
 contain name/value
 pairs from  I have that file 
 in its default
 .  I have not seen any FileNotFoundException's so I think it 
 is finding it
 OK.  However, the MessageResources object is either not 
 getting created, or
 is not making it into the application scope.  Is there 
 something I need to
 configure in to insure that the application is
 initializing properly?
 By the way, this is the "struts-example" application that 
 came with the
 struts binary distribution.  It works fine under my tomcat 
 installation but
 we use weblogic in production.
 Any suggestions would be helpful.
 PS  does anyone know if there are any other lists/websites 
 that may have
 searchable FAQ's about struts?

Struts+Weblogic=Problems but this time it looks like it's Struts

2000-11-30 Thread Matthew Heaton

I've been trying to get Struts to work on weblogic for many days with little
success because of the failures of Weblogic's part.  Finally tried to deploy
and use it on Weblogic 6.0 Beta 2 and noticed some interesting behavior.  It
deployed fine but when I tried to run the example application I started
getting errors saying that Weblogic could not deserialize the context
attribute (see exact errors at end of mail)  It appears that Weblogic
requires any object that you use as a context attribute on a JSP page must
be serializable.  I went through some of the Struts source and it's trying
to use objects which aren't serializable as JSP page context attributes.
This looks like it may be a shortcoming in the JSP spec because it makes
sense that to support to failover of sessions you would need to be able to
serialize the attributes since the attributes of a PageContext may have the
scope of an entire session.  This is a bug that probably will show up on
many different App Servers that support the failover of Sessions not just
Weblogic and should probably be addressed in Struts even though it hasn't
been directly addressed by the JSP 1.1 or 1.2 specs

Nov 30, 2000 1:19:37 PM PST Error HTTP
[WebAppServletContext(6802820,struts-example)] Could not deserialize
context attribute
at jsp_servlet._index._jspService(
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(


Re: Struts+Weblogic=Problems but this time it looks like it's Struts

2000-11-30 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Matthew Heaton wrote:

 The example application itself doesn't put non Serializable objects into the
 Http session but all throughout the struts code non Serializable objects are
 placed in the PageContext with a scopes of Application, Page, or Request.
 It appears that Weblogic 6.0 beta may be handling these as if they were
 placed with a Session context and disallowing non serializable objects.
 Whatever is going on it also appears WL is enforcing this rule in non when
 distributable is not set.

Yep.  Looking more closely at the error message, it is complaining about a
non-Serializable *context* attribute, not a *session* attribute.  I, like
others, jumped to the wrong conclusion there.

The spec provides no prohibitions on this -- only a warning that you cannot use
a context attribute to share information globally in your application (the way
that the example app does with its pseudo-database) in a distributed

Is there by chance some WebLogic specific configuration property you have set
that makes it think this (or maybe all) applications should be treated as



using tags within tag parameter field ?

2000-11-30 Thread Jim Newsham

I apologize as this is a generic jsp question and not specific to struts, but
hopefully this is a simple one (at least, I give a struts example below).  Is
it possible to use a tag as an rtexprvalue within another tag's parameter
field?  For example (assuming 'mytag' can take a rtexprvalue for parameter

tag:mytag param="tag:anothertag param=\"hello\"/"/

As a struts example, here are two versions to show a dynamic list of simple
menu items (there's a java.util.Collection attribute named "menu" attached to
the request; it's a collection of beans with properties 'href' and 'text'),
which differ only on the second line.  The first version is quite ugly but
works.  The second version is what I'd like to use, but this doesn't work --
causes a compile exception.  I'm assuming the answer to my question is "no",
but does this mean I'm stuck with version 1, or is there a better way?

ver 1:
logic:iterate id="menuitem" collection="%=request.getAttribute(\"menu\")%"
  form:link href="%=((com.hotu.intra.MenuItem)
bean:write name="menuitem" property="text"/

ver 2:
logic:iterate id="menuitem" collection="%=request.getAttribute(\"menu\")%"
  form:link href="bean:write name=\"menuitem\" property=\"href\"/"
bean:write name="menuitem" property="text"/

compile exception:
/home/newsham/work/intranet/main.jsp:30: ')' expected.
  _jspTag3.setHref("bean:write name="menuitem" property="href"/");
1 error /home/newsham/work/intranet/main.jsp:30:
')' expected.
  _jspTag3.setHref("bean:write name="menuitem" property="href"/");
1 error


Jim Newsham

Re: using tags within tag parameter field ?

2000-11-30 Thread Pierre Métras

Hi Jim,

 I apologize as this is a generic jsp question and not specific to struts,
 hopefully this is a simple one (at least, I give a struts example below).
 it possible to use a tag as an rtexprvalue within another tag's parameter
 field?  For example (assuming 'mytag' can take a rtexprvalue for parameter

 tag:mytag param="tag:anothertag param=\"hello\"/"/

No. You can't use tags into tag attributes.

But with a little effort, you can rewrite your tag to support a syntax like:
tag:anothertag param="hello"/

Else, you're stuck with ver.1 for now.

Pierre Métras