Re: MessageTag

2000-12-13 Thread Johan Compagner

I use it also for labels of the form like:

Username [] (english)
Gebruikersnaam [] (My language)

- Original Message - 
From: "David Winterfeldt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:28 PM
Subject: MessageTag

> I don't know if anyone has suggested this before, but
> does anyone else have a use for a message besides
> error messages?  There could be a message tag to show
> confirmation messages if a record is deleted or to
> show the status of something.
> David Winterfeldt
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: Why are there 2 ForwardTag classes (and someothers)?

2000-12-13 Thread Johan Compagner

> The tags listed in "struts.tld" (and implemented in the org.apache.struts.taglib 
>package) are
> the Struts 0.5 version of the tags, and are only kept for backwards compatibility.  
>New code
> should use the separate tag libraries.

and for complete backwards compatibility you can't point the old struts.tld to the new 
if struts.tld goes away, where does the ifAttributeMissing goes to?


Re: Re[2]: Locale access from within a bean?

2000-12-13 Thread Ned Seagoon

Thanks for that, Oleg, now here's my take on this.

I have created another tag called WriteNumberTag which contains lots of code 
stolen from WriteTag and MessageTag, and contains a mix of parameters from 
the pair of them.

Usage is like WriteTag, except that you *must* supply a property parameter. 

What will then happen is as well as calling getValue() on the mybankaccount 
bean, it will also call getValuenumberformat(). This returns a string which 
is a key into your application resources. The value of this key represents 
the format string which is passed into a DecimalFormat object. e.g.


The value returned from getValue() is then formatted with the resultant 
string. Note the getValue function could either return a primative (such as 
int) or a wrapper object (such as java.lang.Integer).

If the getValue function returns a wrapper object and that object is null, 
WriteNumberTag will take the format key you returned from 
getValuenumberformat() and append “_null” to the end and tries to look this 
up in the application resources, writing this value out if it exists. e.g,


If you don’t like the idea of providing a getXnumberformat() function, 
then a property in the tag called formatkey bypasses this and just uses this 
key. e.g.

That’s right, it’s a KEY, not a format. If I made it just a format string 
then it would just encourage you guys to write non internationalised stuff 

Obviously it tries to use the current session locale, but you can override 
this in the tag.

Properties supported through tag:

filter, name, property, scope – just like bean:write
locale, bundle – just like bean:message
formatkey – new, see above.

implementation notes:

The DecimalFormat objects are cached for speed (these things are probably 
going to be used a lot). The cache is a map keyed on 

Yes, I should really cache the DecimalFormatSymbols objects.

And yeah, the formatting is pants. I use VisualAge for Java which means I’m 
looking at one method at a time, not the whole file.

Anyways let me know what you think. Does anybody want to put this in the 
struts distribution?



Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

getter.access=IllegalAccessException accessing property {0} of bean {1}
getter.argument=IllegalArgumentException: {0}
getter.bean=No bean found for attribute key {0}
getter.invocation=InvocationTargetException accessing property {0} of bean 
{1}: {2} {0}
getter.method=No property getter method for property {0} of bean {1}
getter.parameter=No parameter {0} was included in this request
getter.resource=No resource {0} available in this application
getter.scope=Invalid bean scope {0} specified must specify a name attribute if the property attribute is 
messageTag.message=Missing message for key {0}
messageTag.resources=Missing resources attribute {0}
writeNumberTag.noformatter=Unable to retrieve DecimalFormat object for 
message key {0}









Re: Why are there 2 ForwardTag classes (and someothers)?

2000-12-13 Thread rbackhouse


I've just completed converting my apps to struts 1.0 from 0.5 and have a couple
of tags that I still have to use from the original struts.tld. I couldn't find
equivilent functionality in any of the new tlds for these tags. They are :


Are there any plans to make these tags (or equivilents) in the new tlds ?

Richard Backhouse
Oak Grove Software

>Johan Compagner wrote:
>> logic and in taglib have both classes that are almost exactly the same.
>> one difference: In logic package exceptions are first added as an attribute 
>of pageContext:
>> pageContext.setAttribute(Action.EXCEPTION_KEY, e, 
>The tags listed in "struts.tld" (and implemented in the 
>org.apache.struts.taglib package) are
>the Struts 0.5 version of the tags, and are only kept for backwards 
>compatibility.  New code
>should use the separate tag libraries.
>> and then the exception is thrown.
>>   throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("forward.forward", name, 
>> in taglib only the exception is thrown.
>The new tags have many additional features -- one of them being exposing any 
>exceptions that
>occur as a request attribute, so that you can access them in a JSP error 
>page.  No effort is
>being expended to update the old versions of these tags, because they are 
>being deprecated.
>> Why is this?
>> Johan Compagner

Re: Follow-Up: WebLogic 6.0 Beta and Struts

2000-12-13 Thread David Reynolds

I know that this may be too much detail for you, so I'll give the summary. This is
interesting because it shows:
1. Other people are wanting to use struts(apache jsp/taglib framework) with
WebLogic, and therefore probably in some serious apps/enterprises
2. The apache guys are on top of their game in finding out why it won't work
currently and recognizing that it is probably worth while to make changes so that it
will work

Both good signs for us if we decide to use it


"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> As promised, I followed up with the WebLogic representative (Mark Spotswood,
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) regarding the topic of WebLogic's 6.0 beta requiring
> serializable *servlet context* (i.e. application scope) attributes, as opposed
> to serializable *session* attributes.  This requirement prevents the Struts
> Example Application from running under the current beta, because it uses
> non-Serializable servlet context attributes for the message resources object, as
> well as for the pseudo-database used to represent the application data.
> We agreed that this restriction is indeed mandated by the WebLogic container,
> and *not* by the servlet API specification.  Mark ackowledged that his quoting
> the servlet spec commands about *session* attributes was somewhat confusing, and
> could have been mis-interpreted.
> Further, Mark explained the technical reason that WebLogic imposed this
> requirement (to enable automatic reloading of web applications when classes are
> changed).  Depending on how you build your web application class loader, this is
> not at all an unreasonable design choice.
> As a workaround, Mark recommended turning off the support for automatic
> reloading (which is on by default).  However, in subsequent testing he found
> that following this suggestion still doesn't remove the WebLogic requirement --
> so the Struts example application still won't run.  He has filed an issue with
> WebLogic support to address this in some future release of the 6.0 beta.  For
> the short term, however (until WebLogic issues an update or patch for this),
> Struts applications will not work under the WebLogic 6.0 beta.
> In summary, this particular issue has turned out to be a container-specific
> item.  However, it has highlighted the fact that Struts is being contemplated
> for use in large scale, distributed, application servers -- and that Struts
> should make every effort to use Serializable servlet context (application scope)
> attributes where possbile.  As a result of this, I'm undertaking a review of all
> the objects that the core Struts framework (as opposed to the example
> application) stores in servlet context attributes.  Most of them can be easily
> made Serializable -- the hard one is the MessageResources class, which utilizes
> Java's underlying support for resource bundles.  Unfortunately, these classes do
> *not* implement Serializable, so this class needs to be re-implemented.  Work to
> do this is in progress.
> Craig McClanahan

Actions with parameters

2000-12-13 Thread Till Nagel

Is there any possibility to map actions with different parameters?

Something like:



There would be two advantages:
The designers do not have to be aware of parameters. They just call some's.
If we want to change the logic (i.e. the parameters) we must only change it
at struts-config.xml instead of everywhere referring to this action.


Re: error messages with localized arguments

2000-12-13 Thread Till Nagel

Hi Oleg,

> P.S. But you can patch your code in one line and solve your
>  problem without my tag... 8))
> messages.getMessage(locale, "news.subtitle")));
Oops. Thanks.


Re: Idle timeout Handling

2000-12-13 Thread Pierre Métras

Hi Shiraz,

Have a look at the interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener.
If your classes implement it, they will be called on valueUnbound() when a
session timeout occurs.

Hope that solve your problem.

Pierre Métras

> I have just started working with the struts framework and like it a lot.
> I have a question about idletimeout handling. The only way i can handle it
> now is to do an idle timeout check at the start of perform method of my
> action classes.
> I cannot rely on getSession(false) check as i wont get a null session in
> case i have a
> session scoped form asscoiated with the mapping. I can check for some
> attribute say user
> profile that i bind to the session in the Authenticating action class.
> Is there someother way idle timeouts can be handled then doing it
> in almost every action class?
> Appreciate any response.
> Thanks,
> Shiraz

RE: Identifying calling page

2000-12-13 Thread Phillips, George H.

Thanks, Craig.  A straightforward solution so of course I looked right past
it. :-)

By the way, thanks also for all your work on this project.  Struts has been
my introduction to server-side Java, and it speaks volumes when a framework
is so logical and well-written that a former mainframe programmer can learn
from it and actually produce a working application from it...

> -Original Message-
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:38 PM
> Subject: Re: Identifying calling page
> "Phillips, George H." wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a couple of jsp pages (a menu and a browse) which 
> share the same
> > action class and action mapping .  This works fine except 
> for when errors
> > occur - I set up the error messages and return via:
> >
> > return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInputForm()));
> >
> > This works great when there's a one-to-one correspondance 
> between pages and
> > actions, but it returns me to the page listed in the action 
> mapping, which
> > in my case may or may not be the page which invoked the 
> action class.  The
> > obvious solution is a separate action mapping for each 
> page, but this
> > results in two mappings for every page listed on every menu 
> page.  This
> > could be a fairly sizable system and I'd like to avoid that 
> if I can.
> >
> > I couldn't find any titles in the archives addressing this and my
> > understanding of how the classes involved relate is 
> incomplete, so I guess
> > my question is - when sharing action mappings/classes is 
> there a way to
> > correctly identify which page invoked the action class so 
> that I can return
> > to it directly?
> >
> One approach that has been suggested in the past is to use 
> the HTTP "Referer"
> header to figure this out.  Unfortunately, if you follow the Struts
> recommendation to do forwarding (rather than redirecting), 
> this won't work -- as
> far as the browser is concerned, the referer will be the URL 
> of the previous
> *action* that was executed, not the *page* that was generated 
> in response to
> that action.
> The easiest way I can think of to do this would be to include 
> the actual name of
> the input page as a hidden field.  Hmm, that sounds like 
> something a custom tag
> could do for me ...
> >
> > George Phillips
> > University of Miami Information Technology
> > 1365 Memorial Drive Rm. 202-H
> > Coral Gables, FL  33146
> > Phone: 305-284-5143
> Craig McClanahan

Use of Actionmappings

2000-12-13 Thread De Smet Koen


As I see it now, in Struts, each form has 0 or 1 action. If you want to use
multiple buttons in one form, you have to add parameters to the action to
define what should be done by the action.

Is it possible to say in 1 form to connect 1 action to each button in stead
of using parameters?
Is it possible to use regular expressions?



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RE: Templating Mechanism

2000-12-13 Thread Alain Hubert

Will it be soon available in a struts release?


-Original Message-
From: David Geary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 6:47 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Struts dev
Subject: Re: Templating Mechanism

I just committed changes to the template:put tag and the template tld. The
works exactly like it did before, but now you can put direct content in the
of the put tag.

If the put tag has body content:

1. You can't have a content attribute. (the tag body is the content)
2. You can't specify direct='false'. (tag body content is printed directly)

The tag will throw an exception if either of those conditions are violated.


"Holloway, Kevin (DEH)" wrote:

> Hi,
> For a trial, we modified the template code so that a  tag
> NO "content" attribute took its content from the tag body.  A

> with a "content" attribute took its content by including the file named by
> the content attribute.  This did away with the "direct" attribute
> The only small issue was what if you had both content attribute and tag
> body.  An exception could be thrown.  We just ignore the body, making it
> clear in the documentation that this is what happens.
> We can send our code if that would help.
> Kevin Holloway
> Applications Architect
> Department for Environment and Heritage
> Government of South Australia
> -Original Message-
> From: Tan Siow Boon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 11:59 AM
> Subject: Re: Templating Mechanism
> Hi,
> We found the  tag extension provided by Oleg V Alexeev
> useful. Is there a plan to incorporate it into Struts 1.0 ?
> Regards, SiowBoon
> Oleg V Alexeev wrote:
> > Hello Andrew,
> >
> > Some time ago I write tag to extend template mechanism in this way.
> > Use it if you find it useful.
> >
> > This tag can be used like  tag except one feature - if
> > you omit content property in it, then body of this tag will be treated
> > as content. For example -
> >
> > 
> >  Some content
> > 
> >
> > Sourse you can find in attachment. This class - whole mirror of PutTag
> > except some strings of code.
> >
> > Strings to add to the struts-template.tld
> >
> > 
> > extput
> > org.apache.struts.taglib.template.ExtPutTag
> > JSP
> > 
> > name
> > true
> > true
> > 
> > 
> > content
> > false
> > true
> > 
> > 
> > direct
> > false
> > true
> > 
> > 
> >
> > Monday, November 13, 2000, 7:45:55 PM, you wrote:
> >
> > >> The template mechanism in the article is nearly identical to the one
> > >> Struts. See org.apache.struts.taglib.template.
> >
> > AB> I've been looking at the templating code, and
> > AB> have what I hope is a simple question.
> >
> > AB> When using direct="true" in the  tag,
> > AB> to place literal text into the template, the text must
> > AB> necessarily be very limited because it's contained in
> > AB> the value of the content attribute.  What I'd like to be
> > AB> able to do is something like:
> >
> > AB>   
> >
> > AB>   
> >
> > AB> 
> > AB>... page-specific navigation here 
> > AB> 
> >
> > AB> 
> > AB>... page body here...
> > AB> 
> >
> > AB>   
> >
> > AB> which seems similar to your examples, except that the
> > AB> contents of the navigation and pagebody sections are
> > AB> stated in line, instead of loaded from external files,
> > AB> which I'd rather not do because of how many tiny
> > AB> little documents that would end up creating.
> >
> > AB> Is this feasible?  If the tag lib doesn't already
> > AB> support this function (and I believe it doesn't),
> > AB> is it possible to implement, and is it contrary to
> > AB> the intent?  I'm not comfortable enough with
> > AB> taglib implementation to know if doing it this way
> > AB> would affect the evaluation of the page body in
> > AB> some undesirable way.
> >
> > AB> Andy Boyko   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >  Oleg   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

> >  Name:
> >ExtPutTag.javaType:
> application/x-unknown-content-type-java_auto_file
> >  Encoding: base64

Re: When locale negociation should occur?

2000-12-13 Thread Kare Nuorteva


These solutions force struts users to use struts controller servlet and
struts tag libraries. This isn't my case, I think this is a problem for
simple webapps, that use struts only for i18n (does such webapps
exist?:). What about my solution in struts-dev "i18n and "?

Kare 8^)

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> Pierre Métras wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The locale negociation to display localized messages occurs in the
> > ActionServlet. So, a Struts application will not display localized messages
> > before the first action.
> >
> > How can we negociate the locale desired by the user with the very first page
> > displayed?
> >
> > Do we need a  tag, so we can write an index.jsp page like the
> > following:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > But this is not good because we have a configuration flag in web.xml and a
> > tag for the first page...
> >
> > Or should each localizing tag check if the negociation has already occured,
> > instead of ActionServlet?
> >
> This is certainly one approach -- and would be especially useful if people tend
> to bookmark a page within your app rather than entering at the "front".
> For the latter sort of people, one other strategy would be to declare a "welcome
> page" for your application that actually invokes the controller servlet, so that
> you get locale negotiation even the first time.
> (I'm not sure every servlet 2.2 container supports a servlet as the welcome
> page, but it's required in 2.3.)
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
> > Pierre Métras

Kare Nuorteva, Software Engineer
Satama UK Ltd
mobile +44 7989 852 865

Re: MessageTag

2000-12-13 Thread David Winterfeldt

I'm sorry, I was a little too brief.  I meant a
message tag like the form errors tag.  So you can
build a list of messages in your action classes for
display on a page.  Possibly, the form errors tag
could be generalized to do this if there was the
option of specifying your own header and footer it
should use in the tag.

For example, upon successfully deleting a few records.
 Items deleted:
Record John Smith was deleted.
Record Joe Smith was deleted.

David Winterfeldt

--- "Craig R. McClanahan"
> David Winterfeldt wrote:
> > I don't know if anyone has suggested this before,
> but
> > does anyone else have a use for a message besides
> > error messages?  There could be a message tag to
> show
> > confirmation messages if a record is deleted or to
> > show the status of something.
> >
> You can certainly do that.
> In addition, the Struts example app uses the message
> tag for all prompts,
> labels, screen titles, and so on ... this gives you
> the benefit of an
> internationalized application without having to
> maintain a version of your page
> in every single language.
> >
> > David Winterfeldt
> >
> Craig McClanahan

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Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: Use of Actionmappings

2000-12-13 Thread Robert Leland

An alternative that many people have use is to use a hidden field
to store the button that was pressed. I called my hidden field
'StrutsCommand'. This is done using JavaScript and usually
the 'OnClick' event.

De Smet Koen wrote:

> Hi,
> As I see it now, in Struts, each form has 0 or 1 action. If you want to use
> multiple buttons in one form, you have to add parameters to the action to
> define what should be done by the action.
> Is it possible to say in 1 form to connect 1 action to each button in stead
> of using parameters?
> Is it possible to use regular expressions?
> Thanks,
> Koen
> The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely
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> Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not
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> Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
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> The Capital Markets Company.
> ***

Rob Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED] (+01-202-544-0533)

Re: Actions with parameters

2000-12-13 Thread Matthias Kerkhoff

Hi Till,

> Is there any possibility to map actions with different parameters?

Yes, see below.

> Something like:



You have to add a (bean)property to your Action (in your example
number). You can make the available to the action by (in 1.0) by


The rest is left up to your action (ie, what you do with the property).

> The designers do not have to be aware of parameters. They just call some
> If we want to change the logic (i.e. the parameters) we must only change it
> at struts-config.xml instead of everywhere referring to this action.

I think, that's exactly the reason why  exists :) BTW, the
property subelement is also valid for . See struts-config.dtd
for more explanations.

Matthias(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

Database connection pool bug

2000-12-13 Thread Howard Moore

There appears to still be a problem with the database connection pool when
used with the JDBC-ODBC bridge (build 20001209).

In the close() method of org.apache.struts.util.GenericConnection the


throws an UnsupportedOperationException rather than a SQLException (at least
when used with the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver). Since this is not
caught the method fails and the connection is not returned to the pool.

Howard Moore
Senior Software Engineer
Datapulse CTI
Tel : +44 (0)1491 418000
Fax : +44 (0)1491 411459

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Re[2]: MessageTag

2000-12-13 Thread Matthias Kerkhoff

Hi David,

> I'm sorry, I was a little too brief.  I meant a
> message tag like the form errors tag.  So you can
> build a list of messages in your action classes for
> display on a page.  Possibly, the form errors tag
> could be generalized to do this if there was the
> option of specifying your own header and footer it
> should use in the tag.

Yes, I would second that.

> For example, upon successfully deleting a few records.
>  Items deleted:
> Record John Smith was deleted.
> Record Joe Smith was deleted.
> etc.

As with many other classes in struts, the problem here is
that ActionError(s) has a very misleading name.

IMHO, a better name for ActionError would be PreparedMessage
(because its so similar to PreparedStatements...).

And, as you pointed out, basically an ActionError already has
everything you need. So, why not use a second
ActionErrors stored somewhere else in the session together
with the errors tag ?


usage of select tag when multiple is set

2000-12-13 Thread Andre Wittenburg


Is there a possibility to use the select tag with multiple="1" and let the
action class make the matching to a Collection in the form object?
Since yet it seems, that it is not possible to pass a collection of values
to the form object and let the action class make the reflection.

If I try... i
get the following error:
Mi Dez 13 18:24:24 GMT+01:00 2000:  action:
Populating bean properties from this request
Mi Dez 13 18:24:24 GMT+01:00 2000:  Root
cause of ServletException
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils.populate(,
Compiled Code)
at org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils.populate(,
Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
, Compiled Code)
weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextImpl.invokeServlet(ServletContextImp, Compiled Code)
weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextImpl.invokeServlet(ServletContextImp, Compiled Code)
weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextManager.invokeServlet(ServletContext, Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
at weblogic.socket.MuxableSocketHTTP.execute(,
Compiled Code)
at, Compiled

any suggestions???


Re[2]: Actions with parameters

2000-12-13 Thread Oleg V Alexeev

Hello Matthias,

Great! Month ago I search all docs for it...

Wednesday, December 13, 2000, 6:54:18 PM, you wrote:

MK> Hi Till,

>> Is there any possibility to map actions with different parameters?

MK> Yes, see below.

>> Something like:



MK> You have to add a (bean)property to your Action (in your example
MK> number). You can make the available to the action by (in 1.0) by


MK> The rest is left up to your action (ie, what you do with the property).

>> The designers do not have to be aware of parameters. They just call some
>> If we want to change the logic (i.e. the parameters) we must only change it
>> at struts-config.xml instead of everywhere referring to this action.

MK> I think, that's exactly the reason why  exists :) BTW, the
MK> property subelement is also valid for . See struts-config.dtd
MK> for more explanations.


Best regards,

Re: Actions with parameters

2000-12-13 Thread Till Nagel

Hi Matthias,

thanks so much. That's exact what I need.

> >   
I was close.. ;)


reset(..) in ActionForm

2000-12-13 Thread SHROM,BENJAMIN (HP-USA,ex1)


When does reset(..) in ActionForm being called ?

>From API: 
"This method is called before the properties are repopulated by the
controller servlet."

What are the cases when it happens?


Re: reset(..) in ActionForm

2000-12-13 Thread Ron Bolin


To me it looks like

doGet() and doPost() call
method ActionServlet.process() (process HTTP request) calls
which calls the formInstance.reset() method.

// Populate the bean properties of this ActionForm instance
if (debug >= 1)
log(" Populating bean properties from this request");
formInstance.reset(mapping, request);
//place the mapping's multipart request handler class
//into the request to be read by the BeanUtils.populate
//method in the event of a multipart request

//also pass the mapping through the request
BeanUtils.populate(formInstance, mapping.getPrefix(),
   mapping.getSuffix(), request);

"SHROM,BENJAMIN (HP-USA,ex1)" wrote:

> Hello,
> When does reset(..) in ActionForm being called ?
> >From API:
> "This method is called before the properties are repopulated by the
> controller servlet."
> What are the cases when it happens?
> Regards,
> Benjamin.


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adr;quoted-printable:;;20 Perimeter Summit Blvd=0D=0AMS 1110;Atlanta;Georgia;30319;US
fn:Ron Bolin

How to use struts form tags without ActionForms

2000-12-13 Thread Steven Peterson

Hi all:

I have developed a fairly involved database application using servlets
(pre-JSP) and am now retrofitting the user interface to JSP/Struts.  I
am not sure I see the use of ActionForms.  The documentation says that
the primary use of ActionForms is to maintain the information from the
user's request but there are many cases in which I would like to have
the jsp page talk directly to my existing business beans without
maintaining an ActionForm for every request.  How can I use struts tags
(e.g. struts:text)
to read/update existing business beans that don't implement the
ActionForm interface (but follow bean getter/setter conventions
nevertheless)?  Am I misunderstanding how ActionForms fit into an
overall design?

- Steve

Steven Peterson, President
Frontier Productions, Inc.
310 Wesley Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Tel: 919-942-1386
Fax: 919-933-2677

Dynamic form

2000-12-13 Thread Wong Kok Wai

What's the recommended way to implement a dynamic form
using Struts? Typical scenario: an address book for
email where the number of contacts varies. No problem
with renderering the form in the JSP but how do I
associate the "

Problem with daily binary distribution

2000-12-13 Thread Wong Kok Wai

The daily binary build seems to have stopped since
10th Dec. Same goes for the source distribution. I
cannot get the sources from CVS directly due to
firewall. Can the nightly build start again?

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