A html:select problem

2001-11-03 Thread Jin-Ru Ong

Hi everyone,

I'm still trying ot get my head around the Struts framework, I've got very 
little experience working with JSPs and Javascript and so the whole learning 
process can be slightly overwhelming. Please bear with me.

I am trying to make a JSP page where there is a simple select box. As soon as 
the user selects an option I want it to do something, i.e load a page in 
another frame. 

html:form action=/getMenuItem method=GET

  html:select property=url
 html:option value=http://www.yahoo.com;Yahoo /html:option
 html:option value=http://www.google.com;Google/html:option


And in my struts-config.xml, the /getMenuItem refers to a MenuForm bean and a 
MenuAction class.

The MenuForm bean has:
getUrl() and setUrl() defined.

Now how do I trigger the MenuAction class to work at all? I got this to run 
and display a select box, but I can't seem to trigger the MenuAction class at 
all - I put a System.out.println( ) statement in its perform() method to see 
if it was run at all, and nothing happened.

I'm sorry this sounds trivial but its very frustrating for me!

Thanks for any help out there.


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Re: Validator design considerations

2001-11-03 Thread emmanuel.boudrant

I'm working ont it,

For validation, I suggest an external XML file based
on regular expression, in this case we are able to
generate and synchronise validator functions on client
and server size.


*Server size: (with project jakarta regexp)

public ActionErrors validate (ActionMapping
mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
ActionErrors errors=null;
// Get the action errors by checking this
instance and rules describe in
// form-rules.xml
try {
errors = ReValidator.actionErrors(this);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Check others errors. Errors cannot be
explain in form-rules.xml
// Return errors.
return  errors;

*Client side:

!-- Javascript validate function for check.do --
script language=javascript
function testField(field, regexp) {
 if ( field != null  field.value !=  
field.value != null) {
   var myRe = regexp.exec(field.value);
   if ( !myRe ) {
 return false;
   } else { 
 return true;
 return true;

function validate() {
var text=;
 if ( document.myForm.email.value ==  ||
document.myForm.email.value == null ) text +=
 else  if (
text += (email:[email invalide].\n)
 if ( text ==  ) return true;
 alert(Erreur de saisie:\n\n + text);
 return false;

*And XML File


regexp type=day   
regexp type=month 
value=[1-9]|0[1-9]|1[0-2] message=error.mois/
regexp type=year  
value=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] message=error.annee/
regexp type=date  
value=($day)-($month)-($year) message=error.date/
regexp type=email 
regexp type=intvalue=(^-?\d\d*$)
regexp type=minTwoLetter value=...*

form-bean type=com.cross.example.MyForm
  property name=id   regexp=$int
  property name=firstname   
regexp=$minTwoLetter notnull=true/
  property name=lastname
regexp=$minTwoLetter notnull=(firstname!=null)/
  property name=emailregexp=$email
  property name=birthday regexp=$date/


 --- Andrej Sobkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Hello All,
 I have a set of design considerations/suggestions
 for the Validation 
 Framework in Struts. Let me know if I'm totally
 missing the point.
 I like the whole Validator approach, in particular
 the XML configuration. I 
 believe that's the way to go, but I'd like to
 discuss a few points.
 DISCUSSION: The Validator is quite linked to
 Servlet's stuff 
 (HttpServletRequest) and to FormBean. If I got it
 right, currently the 
 Validator needs a set of parameters to be passed to
 the ValidatorAction, 
 including the bean to validate, the Field and some
 Servlet parameters.
 In a similar way, the validation process is linked
 to the FormBean 
 (validate() in FormBean class).
 Shouldn't they be separate?
 - The Action should take care of the HTTP stuff
 while the Validator should 
 only have knowledge of the bean and the
 corresponding fields to be 
 - The form bean itself is a special data holder
 and shouldn't be aware of 
 how its data is validated. Do you agree?
 I was thinking at something like the following
 * CONFIGURATION file (new DTD for struts-config.xml
 or separate file)
 !-- add validation on myForm's property
 'lastName' that will check via 
 a SizeValidator
  that the size of the field is between 1 and
 15 chars. If not, the 
 message will be
  returned in the ValidationException (I18N
 can be added easily) --
 validation property=lastName

 message=Last Name is mandatory and
 can't be longer than 15 
 chars /
 public interface IValidator(Object bean) {
   +validate() throws ValidationException;
 public class Action {
   +addValidator(IValidator val)
   +validators(): Iterator // returns an Iterator on
 all validators for the 
 // Validator that checks if text size is min and 
 max (for example).
 // It can be easily extended to check int min/max
 and so on.
 public class SizeValidator {
   ... // min/max
   public void validate(Object bean) throws
 ValidationException {
 Object value = 


2001-11-03 Thread Amitkumar J Malhotra

i know friends that this is totally offtrack and this is not the write place to
ask this questions but i am really stuck up and have no one to ask to
please could u help me out

i am working on  a file upload  example , and am copying the code as it is from
a book on servlets by dustin callaway
here is the code and the html file to pass on the file to the page
here is the html file
h4 align=centerfont color=#80uFile Upload Servlet/u/font/h4
   table border=0 width=84% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
  td width=51%

  form enctype=multipart/form-data action=UploadServlet method=post
  pfont color=#80Press the b browse/b button to select the
file to upload and then click  on the bUpload Button/b
  font color=#80

  input type=hidden name=directory value=temp/ 
  input type=hidden name=successPage value=success.html
  input type=hidden name=OverWrite value=false
  input type=hidden name=OverWritePage value=overwrite.html
  td width=50%
p align=centerfont color=#80
  input type=file name=filename value= maxlength=255 size=50
  input type=submit value=Upload


import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;

public class UploadServlet extends HttpServlet
 static final int MAX_SIZE =102400;
 String rootPath,successMessage;

 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
  rootPath = config.getInitParameter(RootPath);
  if (rootPath == null)
  successMessage = config.getInitParameter(SuccessMessage);
  if (successMessage == null)
   successMessage = File Upload Complete ;

 } // end of init() method

 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)

  ServletOutputStream out = null;
  DataInputStream in = null;
  FileOutputStream fileOut = null;

  } catch(IOException e)
   System.out.println(Error getting the output stream);
   System.out.println(Error description:+e);
   String contentType = request.getContentType();
   if (contentType != null 
contentType.indexOf(multipart/form-data) != -1)
in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());

int formDataLength = request.getContentLength();
if (formDataLength  MAX_SIZE)
 out.println(Sorry the file is too large to uploaad );
}  // end of if

byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
int bytesRead=0;
int totalBytesRead=0;
while (totalBytesRead  formDataLength)
 bytesRead =
 totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
}  // end of while

String file = new String(dataBytes);

dataBytes = null;
int lastIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf(=);
String boundary

String directory=;
if(file.indexOf(name =\Directory\)  0);
 directory =

 directory =
 if (directory.indexOf(..)0)
  out.println(Security Error: You cannot do this
}// end of if

String successPage=;



 successPage =
String overWrite;
 overWrite =

overWrite = 

RE: Using Struts with XSLT

2001-11-03 Thread Todd Fulton

Yeah, I did the rendering/presentation end for an entire application using
XSLT.  The application was a time tracking invoicing type app that we
delivered as an ASP (i.e. failed .com).  Spent 18 months with that stuff.
We were using the Sun xml processor and the Saxon xslt compiler.

It wasn't struts, but that shouldn't matter too much.  I can imagine
numerous ways one would eventually route the output through a XSL processor
using struts -- including the method you mentioned.

Some things I discovered.  #1, the performance definitely was not what I
could have wanted for the application.  All that xml/xsl handling added a
certain performance floor that simply could not be overcome.  We calculated
that the XSL rendering part of the application added somewhere between .5
and .75 seconds to all requests.  Granted, we were doing pretty heavy
rendering -- the xml objects were upwards of 30k or so.  And we were getting
somewhere around ~8000 page requests/hour.  #2, we had to staff and train a
cadre of XSL stylsheet designers.  This was tough, because there were not
(this was 1999/2000) alot of people with this kind of knowledge back then.
The stuff is not rocket science, but still not the easiest thing in the
world -- especially for interface designers.  #3, the XSL syntax at the time
was not standardized.  We moved between the Lotus XSL processor and Saxon
and had to do a complete rework of the interface layer.

This may sound like a bashing, but it's not.  The concept of XSL rendering
is absolutely amazing.  It gets one much close to that perfect separation of
data and presentation.  And things have progressed substantially since that
time.  HOWEVER, if I were to do it again, I would definitely limit the use
of the XSL to areas where it was necessary.  In the end, JSP is just easier.


-Original Message-
From: Jan Arendtsz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: Using Struts with XSLT

I would like to use Struts as my MVC framework but use XSLT for
rendering the final HTML/WML pages.  I thought that this would be
somewhat of a common approach but was surprised to find very little
information when searching through these archives.  Is this something
that Struts 1.1 will support?

The application that I'm hoping to building should eventually support
several UI devices as well as multiple languages and that's the reason
we would like to use XSLT.  However, we are also somewhat concerned
about some of the performance ramifications when using XSLT.

It seems that using Struts 1.0, I would have to do the following:
- Use the action object to call JavaBeans or EJBs to retrieve data from
the database either as XML text, Row sets (JDBC 2.0 extension), or
custom data objects (the optimal way would be not to use XML since it's
not as efficient), and store this data as a request attribute.  Once the
action object has forwarded to the corresponding view JSP or Servlet,
this data can be retrieved (since it has a request scope), converted to
a DOM object and transformed using a XSL stylesheet.  I was also hoping
to use the stylesheet template caching described in the book Java and
XSLT by Eric Burke
(http://oreilly.com/catalog/javaxslt/chapter/ch05.html) to improve
performance.  The JSP page used for the view will not contain any Struts
tags and therefore can be a servlet.

Variations to this could include the following:
- Using the Jakarta XSL tag lib within the JSP page to do the
transformation.  This could mean that I won't get some of the
performance benefits using stylesheet caching.
- Use filters (new to servlet 2.3 spec).  Don't know much about this,
especially on the performance side.

For those of you have worked on a similar application, do you have any
suggestions or best practices?  I'm trying to use both Struts (purely as
the Model 2) and XSLT together and this does not seem to be a common
practice.  I could drop one or the other if the solution is a good one.

Does anyone have thoughts or experience with other frameworks such as
Coccon, Turbine, and Barracuda?


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Re: How to use the radio tag inside logic:iterate tag

2001-11-03 Thread Alvin Kutttikkat Antony

Hello dave
  It sounds better.Thank u.

alvin kuttikkat antony
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/02/01 06:41pm 

See if this helps...




Alvin Kutttikkat Antony
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 11/02/2001 12:33:27

Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  How to use the radio tag inside logic:iterate tag

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Iterate, Resin And Tomcat

2001-11-03 Thread noam


I have the strangest problem with the Iterate tag, Resin and Tomcat.

I populate a news bean  from a database and store it in the request scope 

When I iterate over the beans in Tomcat, it's fine.

In resin, the iterate part is just skipped, as though the bean was empty.

Does anyone have an idea?



Re: Using Struts with XSLT

2001-11-03 Thread Ted Husted

The wall most people run into is that, AFAIK, you have to give up the
tag extensions to use XSL at runtime, which is an issue for many Struts

Another way to use XML in a Struts application is to use the Digester to
convert the XML into a JavaBean, and then pass that along in the
request. However, that would not help with your requirement to render
different markup for different devices. 

It may be possible to use the Tiles to create different styles of pages
for the different devices, but I really haven't looked at that myself. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463
-- http://www.husted.com/struts/

Jan Arendtsz wrote:
 I would like to use Struts as my MVC framework but use XSLT for
 rendering the final HTML/WML pages.  I thought that this would be
 somewhat of a common approach but was surprised to find very little
 information when searching through these archives.  Is this something
 that Struts 1.1 will support?
 The application that I'm hoping to building should eventually support
 several UI devices as well as multiple languages and that's the reason
 we would like to use XSLT.  However, we are also somewhat concerned
 about some of the performance ramifications when using XSLT.
 It seems that using Struts 1.0, I would have to do the following:
 - Use the action object to call JavaBeans or EJBs to retrieve data from
 the database either as XML text, Row sets (JDBC 2.0 extension), or
 custom data objects (the optimal way would be not to use XML since it's
 not as efficient), and store this data as a request attribute.  Once the
 action object has forwarded to the corresponding view JSP or Servlet,
 this data can be retrieved (since it has a request scope), converted to
 a DOM object and transformed using a XSL stylesheet.  I was also hoping
 to use the stylesheet template caching described in the book Java and
 XSLT by Eric Burke
 (http://oreilly.com/catalog/javaxslt/chapter/ch05.html) to improve
 performance.  The JSP page used for the view will not contain any Struts
 tags and therefore can be a servlet.
 Variations to this could include the following:
 - Using the Jakarta XSL tag lib within the JSP page to do the
 transformation.  This could mean that I won't get some of the
 performance benefits using stylesheet caching.
 - Use filters (new to servlet 2.3 spec).  Don't know much about this,
 especially on the performance side.
 For those of you have worked on a similar application, do you have any
 suggestions or best practices?  I'm trying to use both Struts (purely as
 the Model 2) and XSLT together and this does not seem to be a common
 practice.  I could drop one or the other if the solution is a good one.
 Does anyone have thoughts or experience with other frameworks such as
 Coccon, Turbine, and Barracuda?

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Re: struts with tiles

2001-11-03 Thread Ted Husted

It is not known when 1.1 will be released. 


It's easy to incorporate Tiles into your current project now, which is
what I would recommend.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463
-- http://www.husted.com/struts/

peter wrote:
 Does anybody know when the next version of struts (containing tiles) will be
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Re: struts / tiles / ApplicationResources problem

2001-11-03 Thread Ted Husted

Make sure that there is a setting in your web.xml for the Application



and that the ApplicationResources.properties file is on the
application's classpath. Anywhere under classes should do.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463
-- http://www.husted.com/struts/

peter wrote:
 Just installed tiles, which I'm running with struts1.0, and I get the
 following error when I try to load my .jsp file:
 A Servlet Exception Has Occurred Exception Report:
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key
  at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(Unknown
  at org.apache.jsp.fHome$jsp._jspService(fHome$jsp.java:188)
 I think the problem might be something to do with not being able to read my
 ApplicationResources.properties, but I cannot find a way to solve this
 problem yet.  If I remove all tags which reference the ApplicationResources
 the .jsp file loads ok.
 I've followed the instructions according to the installation file at:
 and I've place the .tld, and .jar files in the relevant directories, and
 modified my web.xml file with:
 Have I missed something out, or does someone know what the problem might be?
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Re: struts / tiles / ApplicationResources problem

2001-11-03 Thread peter

Thanks for your quick reply.  I already have the the setting in my web.xml
file for Application Resources, which is placed directly under the classes
directory.  The Application Resources worked fine before I sdded the tiles
stuff, like defining my action servlet of class ActionServlet in web.xml, as
opposed to ActionComponentServlet.



 Make sure that there is a setting in your web.xml for the Application



 and that the ApplicationResources.properties file is on the
 application's classpath. Anywhere under classes should do.

 -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
 -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
 -- Tel +1 716 737-3463
 -- http://www.husted.com/struts/

 peter wrote:
  Just installed tiles, which I'm running with struts1.0, and I get the
  following error when I try to load my .jsp file:
  A Servlet Exception Has Occurred Exception Report:
  javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key
   at org.apache.jsp.fHome$jsp._jspService(fHome$jsp.java:188)
  I think the problem might be something to do with not being able to read
  ApplicationResources.properties, but I cannot find a way to solve this
  problem yet.  If I remove all tags which reference the
  the .jsp file loads ok.
  I've followed the instructions according to the installation file at:
  and I've place the .tld, and .jar files in the relevant directories, and
  modified my web.xml file with:
  Have I missed something out, or does someone know what the problem might
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strust-example error?

2001-11-03 Thread Jae Chi


I'm a very newbie. I was trying to get strut-example
to work. After the index.jsp, it gives internal
server error for Register with the MailReader 

The error says Parsing error processing resource path

Would you be able to point me to the right direction.



Jae Chi

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Fw: redirection

2001-11-03 Thread Mailsweeper

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Kirkland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 4:01 AM
Subject: RE: redirection

 Whenever I write a struts application and try to do anything
  involving an action mapping, my browser is simply redirected to the
 corresponding *.do file! Can someone tell me whats wrong? Im using tomcat

 This is the example I have been following :

 however, I have tried several examples including pre-coded downloads and
 ones ive done myself all with the same problem.

 Ive rechecked the instructions for installing struts several times and
 cannot see a problem.

 Thanks for your help


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forward action - basic understanding

2001-11-03 Thread David Larson

I've seen examples where both...

return mapping.findForward(success);


return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

...redirect to the same location (and the new ActionForward appears to
always be used under user error type situations).  What's the difference
between these two (in re: to what they do behind the scenes) and what's the
rule on when to use one method vs. the other?



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