Re: should I use struts

2003-06-07 Thread Dan Tran
How complex is complex?

Struts is here to solve complex problem unless the problem is so complex
that struts cannot solve ;-)

- Original Message - 
From: Hariharan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 9:18 PM
Subject: should I use struts

 Hello guys,

 I am new to struts, I have a small doubt should I consider srtuts
 for any complex j2ee projects..

 or is there any major problem in using srtuts for complex j2ee based


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Define tag cannot set a null value' error

2003-06-07 Thread Mick Knutson
I need help with a Define tag cannot set a null value' error I get.
I have a state and country that _is_ null, when the user first comes into 
this form for the first time. I do validate this when they submit the form, 
but I don't get that far.
Can someone please help me with this?

Here is the 2 relevant items from my registration.jsp:

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/statetag.tld prefix=states %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/cntrtag.tld prefix=countries %
bean:define id=state name=registrationForm property=state /
bean:define id=country name=registrationForm property=country /
   tdbean:message key=form.state//td
   logic:present name=registrationForm property=state
   states:state name=state default='%= (String)state %' /
   logic:notPresent name=registrationForm property=state
   states:state name=state /
   logic:present name=registrationForm property=country
   countries:country  name=country default='%= 
(String)country %' /
   logic:notPresent name=registrationForm property=country
   countries:country  name=country /


ServletException in:/WEB-INF/default/body/registration.jsp] Define tag 
cannot set a null value' javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Define tag cannot 
set a null value at 
org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.DefineTag.doEndTag( at 
org.apache.jsp.registration$jsp._jspService(registration$ at 
org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( at 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Dispatcher.dispatch( at 
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Dispatcher.include( at 
at org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtil.doInclude( at 
org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doInclude( at 
at org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doEndTag( at 
org.apache.jsp.default$jsp._jspService(default$ at 
org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( at 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Dispatcher.dispatch( at 
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Dispatcher.forward( at 
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process( 
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( at 

[OT] DIR Structure for deploying my code on JBoss

2003-06-07 Thread Mick Knutson
I currenlty have my whole struts application in 2 jars and a war inside my 
ear. This is all done via ant. This is quite time consuming at times as it 
can take me as much as 15 minutes between compiles before I can test my 
code. So, I want to modify my ant so it will just deploy the sode itself, 
and not jar/war my files and LIB's. But, as I went strait for the EAR route 
when I started, I do not know the DIR struture I would add all the files to.
I do know about my WEB-INF, WEB-INF/lib, WEB-INF/classes, but what about my 
EJB's, and my libs that are shared bewteen the EJB's and the struts stuff?

Mick Knutson
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Re: should I use struts

2003-06-07 Thread Rick Reumann
On Sat, Jun 07,'03 (10:09 AM GMT-0400), Mark wrote: 

 I would NEVER use srtuts for ANY project... 

You only use Flash:)


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RE: should I use struts

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Galbreath
and LISP!

-Original Message-
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: should I use struts

On Sat, Jun 07,'03 (10:09 AM GMT-0400), Mark wrote: 

 I would NEVER use srtuts for ANY project...

You only use Flash:)


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RE: redirect users after x-minutes?

2003-06-07 Thread Hue Holleran
I'm not sure I understand - but I think this may be more of a 'limitation'
with HTML rather than particularly with tiles. A page composed of tiles is
still just 1 complete HTML page. If you want to redirect any part of it I
think you will need to consider using frames or iframes that has its own
'src' property that can be set.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mick Knutson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 07 June 2003 05:59
 Subject: redirect users after x-minutes?

 How do I add a redirect, in a single tile instead of the layout? I have
 several different body tiles, and I want to add a redirect there
 in some of
 them. But it will then effect the whole page.

 Mick Knutson

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Re: newbiew Q: how to do redirect instead of forward

2003-06-07 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Here is one example of a back button solution I plan to implment.

Try it.


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Steve Raeburn wrote:


Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 22:32:04 -0700
From: Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: newbiew Q: how to do redirect instead of forward

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've also been known to create web applications that open the app in a new
window without these things -- it doesn't stop the advanced user who knows
the keyboard shortcuts from trying to screw things up, but it sure cuts
down on the unsophisticated users who think a web application is supposed
to be browsable the same way that a web site is :-).

G! Craig, *you're* the one who's been doing that to me all this time.

I hope you don't try to stop users viewing the page source by disabling the
right mouse click. ;-)

Show me the back button on an app built with Swing, or even with something
like MFC, and I will relent :-).
If users complain that they need the back button, that's a pretty good
clue that you have not defined enough useful navigation controls inside
your application window.  But that's a usability issue, not a
technological issue.



Vic Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor,
Advanced a href =baseBeans.comStruts Training/a and project recovery in North 
Open Source a href =baseBeans.comContent Management/a  basicPortal sofware
Best practicea href =baseBeans.comStruts Support/a v.1.1 helper ScafflodingXPress

Direct access problem

2003-06-07 Thread otsuka
When a user directly access to a JSP page which belongs to
a Struts module, module switching is not processed and Struts
links (html:link) in that page do not work correctly because
action path specified in an action or forward attribute of
html:link tag is module relative.

How do you deal with this problem?


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Re: adding / creating new collection elements in a form

2003-06-07 Thread Rob
Perhaps I was not making myself clear when I first posted this.

I know how to write the javascript, I know how to use struts
nested/logic tags.  What I was looking for when I posted was
a solution whereby I could add new elements to a collection
in a form.  Not update existing elements, thus increasing the
size of a collection based on properties from fields that
were added by client side scripting.

I've not been able to find a solution to this within the mailing
list.  But I would like to the following.
I have a page with a collection of fields which are populated by
a form (via it's collection).  I also have a button which would
allow the addition of a new row. (hopefully)
 Name  Descrip
[ xy ][ foo   ]
[ ab ][ bar   ]

(1) I would like to have the add button add a new pair of text
input fields each time it is clicked. (2) I would like it if
clicking add did not make a request to the server this being the
case it suggests some kind of client side javascript adding the
new fields.
The problems of course with this are the following.

(1) client side code won't be able to utilise the struts tags
and as such I won't know what values to set the appropriate
input text element attributes to.
(2) It is highly likely that even if I solved problem (1) that
it would result in a IndexOutOfBounds exception, or just not
bother with the properties from the new fields.
Has anyone else solved this?  Does struts have a mechanism for
dealing with this?  I'm fully aware of nested/logic tags but
if they are the way I can't see how.
Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!


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RE: Problem Statement for some standard e-Biz requirements

2003-06-07 Thread J, Sadhasivam (Cognizant)
I have been posting my problem and work through for the past 5 days and not 
even a single mail stating 
this is good or bad. so I am again banging with my implemented code. 
This is just a positive approach to improve struts in a more comprehensive 
framework. I haven't done much in this code,
it follows a standard approach as like ActionServlet..

Files:  explanation

ActionHook  Standard Interface to trigger Hooked methods
ActionHookMapping   similar tool like ActionMapping
ActionHookServlet   Child class for ActionServlet which does 
hooking to a doPost and doGet
ServiceThread   If the hook needs to be implemented in threaded 

hook-struts-config.xml  configuration XML for action Hooks

ChannelHook  WebTrendsHook These are just a sample implementation tested 
class for this rule.

Some of the behaviors can be implemented through tags also. But my 
idea is not that. 
The Subjective Goal is Doing an asynchronous job for a defined request.
Let me know if there is any problem in that. 

Things to be done.
1. Authentication --can be used a standard authentication
2. Parameter passing through the hook-struts-config.xml and usuage
3. Implement more comprehensive ServiceThread Class rather than 
ordinary thread reaper class
4. Implement rich Cache behviour to this.

1. Depends upon the context and usauge Thread Hook might give some 

Please find the war file for further testing ( This was tested under resin 
environment ).   

Hope Ted , criag or other senior person in apache foundation spend some time 
to replay this mail 
both positive or negative. 
if it is negative  i can stop my spaming and 
if it is positive think about further.

Still waiting for the 

Tnx and Regards

-Original Message-
From: J, Sadhasivam (Cognizant) 
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 7:09 PM
Subject: Problem Statement for some standard e-Biz requirmentsf


Problem Statement
As per my understanding towards the struts that it doesn't have the 
Trigger kind of mechanism to solve 
some of the  typical e-Biz scnerios or standard requirments for example

1. Log all the URIs with some custom format and give to some other 
This has to happen irrespective of regular flow.

2. Standard channel behaviour in portal. Like Yahoo shows weather/ads 
etc to a User or User group. etc.

Such kind of requirement is very common and not been taken in struts i 

I have come up with an approach to cater these problems. 
I did a proof of concept also and i would like to know is its really a 
good approach 
or is there any othere standard way to implement this in Struts.

Hope apache/open source foundation people spent some time to give me 
an indication whether this approach is correct or not.

Approach Taken
Shall call this phenomenon as Hooking

Step 0: Write a Standard Interface to perform this Hooking 
public interface ActionHook
public void prePerform(  HttpServletRequest request );

Step 1: addition of XML Nodes in struts-config.xml
Since these problems are pertainting to the problem space and
 it should be configured at the runtime to pick up these data.

action-hook  name=org.apache.hook.ActionHook 
action-hook  name=org.apache.hook.ChannelHook 

Step 2: Load ActionHook Object through digester.
Configured classes are loaded by HookRuleBase and HookRule 
classes as a standard way from apache.

Step 3: Changes in the 

Problem Statement for some standard e-Biz requirements

2003-06-07 Thread J, Sadhasivam (Cognizant)

I have been posting my problem and work through for the past 5 days and not 
even a single mail stating 
this is good or bad. so I am again banging with my implemented code. 
This is just a positive approach to improve struts in a more comprehensive 
framework. I haven't done much in this code,
it follows a standard approach as like ActionServlet..

Files:  explanation

ActionHook  Standard Interface to trigger Hooked methods
ActionHookMapping   similar tool like ActionMapping
ActionHookServlet   Child class for ActionServlet which does 
hooking to a doPost and doGet
ServiceThread   If the hook needs to be implemented in threaded 

hook-struts-config.xml  configuration XML for action Hooks

ChannelHook  WebTrendsHook These are just a sample implementation tested 
class for this rule.

Some of the behaviors can be implemented through tags also. But my 
idea is not that. 
The Subjective Goal is Doing an asynchronous job for a defined request.
Let me know if there is any problem in that. 

Things to be done.
1. Authentication --can be used a standard authentication
2. Parameter passing through the hook-struts-config.xml and usuage
3. Implement more comprehensive ServiceThread Class rather than 
ordinary thread reaper class
4. Implement rich Cache behviour to this.

1. Depends upon the context and usauge Thread Hook might give some 

Please find the war file for further testing ( This was tested under resin 
environment ).   

Hope Ted , criag or other senior person in apache foundation spend some time 
to replay this mail 
both positive or negative. 
if it is negative  i can stop my spaming and 
if it is positive think about further.

Still waiting for the 

Tnx and Regards

-Original Message-
From: J, Sadhasivam (Cognizant) 
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 7:09 PM
Subject: Problem Statement for some standard e-Biz requirmentsf


Problem Statement
As per my understanding towards the struts that it doesn't have the 
Trigger kind of mechanism to solve 
some of the  typical e-Biz scnerios or standard requirments for example

1. Log all the URIs with some custom format and give to some other 
This has to happen irrespective of regular flow.

2. Standard channel behaviour in portal. Like Yahoo shows weather/ads 
etc to a User or User group. etc.

Such kind of requirement is very common and not been taken in struts i 

I have come up with an approach to cater these problems. 
I did a proof of concept also and i would like to know is its really a 
good approach 
or is there any othere standard way to implement this in Struts.

Hope apache/open source foundation people spent some time to give me 
an indication whether this approach is correct or not.

Approach Taken
Shall call this phenomenon as Hooking

Step 0: Write a Standard Interface to perform this Hooking 
public interface ActionHook
public void prePerform(  HttpServletRequest request );

Step 1: addition of XML Nodes in struts-config.xml
Since these problems are pertainting to the problem space and
 it should be configured at the runtime to pick up these data.

action-hook  name=org.apache.hook.ActionHook 
action-hook  name=org.apache.hook.ChannelHook 

Step 2: Load ActionHook Object through digester.
Configured classes are loaded by HookRuleBase and HookRule 
classes as a standard way from apache.

Step 3: Changes in the 

Re: adding / creating new collection elements in a form

2003-06-07 Thread Dan Tran
I just implemented myself, so let me throw a shot at this.

In my case, I make my action derived from LookupDispatchAction
which can handle multiple button submission handlers.
One of the button is called something like addRow. When you hit this
addRow button, struts will repopolate what ever on your screen and dispatch
to your addRow handler where you can add new empty row to your collection
and forward back to your screen.

regarding your out of index problem, I would suggest to use common
ListUtils.lazyList.  Here is an example a lazy collection in a my form

private List gradeViews =  ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(), new

//there is no direct setXXX, call getXXX first and populate the object
// lazy list takes care all dynamic allocation
public StudentGradeView getGradeView(int index) {return
(StudentGradeView) gradeViews.get(index); }
public void removeAllGradeView() { this.gradeViews.clear(); }
public List getGradeViews() { return this.gradeViews;}

Please look up GenericFactory in the maling list, I dont want to repost it

If you dont know LookupDispatchAction yet, learn it.  It has the magic that
I cant live without

Good luck!!!


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: adding / creating new collection elements in a form

 Perhaps I was not making myself clear when I first posted this.

 I know how to write the javascript, I know how to use struts
 nested/logic tags.  What I was looking for when I posted was
 a solution whereby I could add new elements to a collection
 in a form.  Not update existing elements, thus increasing the
 size of a collection based on properties from fields that
 were added by client side scripting.

  I've not been able to find a solution to this within the mailing
  list.  But I would like to the following.
  I have a page with a collection of fields which are populated by
  a form (via it's collection).  I also have a button which would
  allow the addition of a new row. (hopefully)
   Name  Descrip
  [ xy ][ foo   ]
  [ ab ][ bar   ]
  (1) I would like to have the add button add a new pair of text
  input fields each time it is clicked. (2) I would like it if
  clicking add did not make a request to the server this being the
  case it suggests some kind of client side javascript adding the
  new fields.
  The problems of course with this are the following.
  (1) client side code won't be able to utilise the struts tags
  and as such I won't know what values to set the appropriate
  input text element attributes to.
  (2) It is highly likely that even if I solved problem (1) that
  it would result in a IndexOutOfBounds exception, or just not
  bother with the properties from the new fields.
  Has anyone else solved this?  Does struts have a mechanism for
  dealing with this?  I'm fully aware of nested/logic tags but
  if they are the way I can't see how.
  Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!
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Re: Subclassing ActionServlet

2003-06-07 Thread Jim Collins

Thanks for replying. I made doubly sure that I called super.init(config) in
the init method (I read the Servlets book by Jason Hunter three years ago
and he beat it into me like a mantra). I will check my code to make sure I
have not introduced any subtle bugs since I subclassed ActionServlet.


- Original Message -
From: Kevin Robair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Subclassing ActionServlet

 I just did the same thing, but had no problems. Here
 is what I did:

 public class ExtendedActionServlet extends

 /** Initializes the servlet.
 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws



 Make sure you call super.init(config) , I bet that is
 your problem.


 --- Jim Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have just modified an  application where I now
  subclass ActionServlet. The
  problem is my JSP's that use resources now throws an
  exception about not
  being able to find the key. Are there any issues
  with subclassing
  ActionServlet that I should be aware of.
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Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Lowe
If you take an example of a traditional action form, the same would 
happen with that.

If you've populated the form in the referring action then you should 
have an insight into how action forms and actions work together.

The form bean should always be there, but know it won't self populate 
just like a standard action form.

You can scope the form to session or repopulate as part of the action 
invoked via the form submission.

cheers mark

On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 07:35 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

hmm, I thought the topic was designed to catch attention
- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:40 PM
Subject: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

I have an ArrayList as a element of an DyanActionForm.  The list 
elements of another bean that has properties as strings.

I can populate the DynaActionForm  in my action and have the JSP to 
it .

The question here is does DynaActionForm has the intelligent to 
itself after the form is submited back to the server?

I tried but the ArrayList always come back emtpy..

Any suggestion?


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RE: newbiew Q: how to do redirect instead of forward

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Galbreath
hey man, discuss this real-time at 6667!  If you need a
client, get it at


-Original Message-
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: newbiew Q: how to do redirect instead of forward

Here is one example of a back button solution I plan to implment.

Try it.


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Steve Raeburn wrote:


Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 22:32:04 -0700
From: Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: newbiew Q: how to do redirect instead of forward

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've also been known to create web applications that open the app in 
a new window without these things -- it doesn't stop the advanced 
user who knows the keyboard shortcuts from trying to screw things up, 
but it sure cuts down on the unsophisticated users who think a web 
application is supposed to be browsable the same way that a web site 
is :-).

G! Craig, *you're* the one who's been doing that to me all this 

I hope you don't try to stop users viewing the page source by 
disabling the right mouse click. ;-)

Show me the back button on an app built with Swing, or even with 
something like MFC, and I will relent :-).

If users complain that they need the back button, that's a pretty good 
clue that you have not defined enough useful navigation controls inside 
your application window.  But that's a usability issue, not a 
technological issue.




Vic Cekvenich,
Struts Instructor,

Advanced a href =baseBeans.comStruts Training/a and project recovery
in North East. Open Source a href =baseBeans.comContent Management/a
basicPortal sofware Best practicea href =baseBeans.comStruts Support/a
v.1.1 helper ScafflodingXPress

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Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

2003-06-07 Thread TopBid987654321
Am I missing something here? Tomcat keeps on giving me the following 
exception about my JDBC connection driver not being loaded when I try to establish a 
datasource connection to a mysql database in struts :

Initializing application data source org.apache.struts.action.DATA_SOURCE
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcc
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

My struts-config.xml looks like this :

!---  other parameters --
!---  other parameters --

!-- == Data Source Configuration === 

data-source  type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set-property property=autoCommit
set-property property=description
value=MyProject Database Datasource Connection/
set-property property=driverClassName
set-property property=maxCount
set-property property=minCount
set-property property=password
set-property property=url
set-property property=user

!---  other parameters --
!---  other parameters --


Info: This driver , com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, does establish connection to this 
same database with no exception when I use it in a normal java class.

Can someone tell me or atleast point me to where I can find further 
help/information. I could not find anything at  and also in this list's archives.



Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

2003-06-07 Thread Dan Tran
Hi Mark, thanks for reply. I knew it is a popular topic
but at the time, I was not able to think of good search key for looking into
the archive.

Until I tumbled on a old post regarding lazyList. and the
answer is there just like you have explained ;-)  I hope Struts 1.2 will
incorporate the patch submit by Goodwin to solve this scenario since I know
lots of people have to create their own form bean to handle dynamic

Thanks and thanks ;-)


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

 If you take an example of a traditional action form, the same would
 happen with that.

 If you've populated the form in the referring action then you should
 have an insight into how action forms and actions work together.

 The form bean should always be there, but know it won't self populate
 just like a standard action form.

 You can scope the form to session or repopulate as part of the action
 invoked via the form submission.

 cheers mark

 On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 07:35 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

  hmm, I thought the topic was designed to catch attention
  - Original Message -
  From: Dan Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:40 PM
  Subject: How Smart is DynaActionForm?
  I have an ArrayList as a element of an DyanActionForm.  The list
  elements of another bean that has properties as strings.
  I can populate the DynaActionForm  in my action and have the JSP to
  it .
  The question here is does DynaActionForm has the intelligent to
  itself after the form is submited back to the server?
  I tried but the ArrayList always come back emtpy..
  Any suggestion?
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RE: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Galbreath
do you have your jdbc driver in your classpath?

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 1:59 PM
Subject: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

Am I missing something here? Tomcat keeps on giving me the following 
exception about my JDBC connection driver not being loaded when I try to
establish a 
datasource connection to a mysql database in struts :

Initializing application data source org.apache.struts.action.DATA_SOURCE
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcc
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

My struts-config.xml looks like this :

!---  other parameters --
!---  other parameters --

!-- == Data Source Configuration

data-source  type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set-property property=autoCommit
set-property property=description
value=MyProject Database Datasource Connection/
set-property property=driverClassName
set-property property=maxCount
set-property property=minCount
set-property property=password
set-property property=url
set-property property=user

!---  other parameters --
!---  other parameters --


Info: This driver , com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, does establish connection to this

same database with no exception when I use it in a normal java class.

Can someone tell me or atleast point me to where I can find further 
help/information. I could not find anything at  and also in this list's



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how to submit Unicode text in Struts/JSP?

2003-06-07 Thread Dimitar Georgievski

I'm trying to submit Unicode encoded to a search engine through a web client
developed is Struts.

Each JSP page of the Web client sets the page encoding using the following
HTML statement:
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

After the submission, in the Action servlet, I compare the request with what
I would expect to receive as a submission:

It goes like this:

  String request2 = new String(\u017Eivot);

  if (request2.equals(_request)){
   System.out.println(request OK);

They are not the same and I don't know why. When request2 is submitted
directly to the search engine there is result received back.

How to submit successfully Unicode text to the server?

I'm using
 J2SE 1.4.1
 JBoss 3.0.4
 Tomcat 4.1.x



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Re: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

2003-06-07 Thread Dimitar Georgievski
I would put the JAR files of the JDBC driver in the lib folder of the
application. It works in my case.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Galbreath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource

do you have your jdbc driver in your classpath?

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 1:59 PM
Subject: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

Am I missing something here? Tomcat keeps on giving me the following
exception about my JDBC connection driver not being loaded when I try to
establish a
datasource connection to a mysql database in struts :

Initializing application data source org.apache.struts.action.DATA_SOURCE
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcc
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

My struts-config.xml looks like this :

!---  other parameters --
!---  other parameters --

!-- == Data Source Configuration

data-source  type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
set-property property=autoCommit
set-property property=description
value=MyProject Database Datasource Connection/
set-property property=driverClassName
set-property property=maxCount
set-property property=minCount
set-property property=password
set-property property=url
set-property property=user

!---  other parameters --
!---  other parameters --


Info: This driver , com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, does establish connection to this

same database with no exception when I use it in a normal java class.

Can someone tell me or atleast point me to where I can find further
help/information. I could not find anything at  and also in this list's



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Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Lowe
 I'm still not beard-sporting on these types of issues...  but... 
wouldn't that  start to  cloud the demarcation between model and 

On Saturday, Jun 7, 2003, at 19:02 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

Hi Mark, thanks for reply. I knew it is a popular topic
but at the time, I was not able to think of good search key for 
looking into
the archive.

Until I tumbled on a old post regarding lazyList. and the
answer is there just like you have explained ;-)  I hope Struts 1.2 
incorporate the patch submit by Goodwin to solve this scenario since I 
lots of people have to create their own form bean to handle dynamic

Thanks and thanks ;-)


- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

If you take an example of a traditional action form, the same would
happen with that.
If you've populated the form in the referring action then you should
have an insight into how action forms and actions work together.
The form bean should always be there, but know it won't self populate
just like a standard action form.
You can scope the form to session or repopulate as part of the action
invoked via the form submission.
cheers mark

On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 07:35 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

hmm, I thought the topic was designed to catch attention
- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:40 PM
Subject: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

I have an ArrayList as a element of an DyanActionForm.  The list
elements of another bean that has properties as strings.
I can populate the DynaActionForm  in my action and have the JSP to
it .
The question here is does DynaActionForm has the intelligent to
itself after the form is submited back to the server?
I tried but the ArrayList always come back emtpy..

Any suggestion?


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Re: How to access methods define in Action Form

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Lowe
If you've mapped you form bean to an associated action then the form 
will be in an available scope in your jsp page..

You dont need the useBean tag. You just need to make sure you've a form 
bean (dyna or otherwise) an action servlet, and that they be mapped in 

cheers mark

On Friday, Jun 6, 2003, at 14:42 Europe/London, Sashi Ravipati wrote:

I am newbie so bear with my questions..

How can I access the set and get methods in the JSP page.

if i use jsp:Usebean  the values are returned as null.


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Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

2003-06-07 Thread Dan Tran

I think Brandon Goodin proposed a batch to enhance DyanActionForm  to
automaticly pupolating dyanamic list with a known element type

It has nothting to do controller and model.  Just an enhancement to the

Am I wrong?


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

   I'm still not beard-sporting on these types of issues...  but...
 wouldn't that  start to  cloud the demarcation between model and

 On Saturday, Jun 7, 2003, at 19:02 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

  Hi Mark, thanks for reply. I knew it is a popular topic
  but at the time, I was not able to think of good search key for
  looking into
  the archive.
  Until I tumbled on a old post regarding lazyList. and the
  answer is there just like you have explained ;-)  I hope Struts 1.2
  incorporate the patch submit by Goodwin to solve this scenario since I
  lots of people have to create their own form bean to handle dynamic
  Thanks and thanks ;-)
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:52 AM
  Subject: Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?
  If you take an example of a traditional action form, the same would
  happen with that.
  If you've populated the form in the referring action then you should
  have an insight into how action forms and actions work together.
  The form bean should always be there, but know it won't self populate
  just like a standard action form.
  You can scope the form to session or repopulate as part of the action
  invoked via the form submission.
  cheers mark
  On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 07:35 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:
  hmm, I thought the topic was designed to catch attention
  - Original Message -
  From: Dan Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:40 PM
  Subject: How Smart is DynaActionForm?
  I have an ArrayList as a element of an DyanActionForm.  The list
  elements of another bean that has properties as strings.
  I can populate the DynaActionForm  in my action and have the JSP to
  it .
  The question here is does DynaActionForm has the intelligent to
  itself after the form is submited back to the server?
  I tried but the ArrayList always come back emtpy..
  Any suggestion?
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Re: how to submit Unicode text in Struts/JSP?

2003-06-07 Thread Dan Tran

I heard Struts 1.2 may incorporate this in the future.


- Original Message - 
From: Dimitar Georgievski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:41 AM
Subject: how to submit Unicode text in Struts/JSP?


 I'm trying to submit Unicode encoded to a search engine through a web
 developed is Struts.

 Each JSP page of the Web client sets the page encoding using the following
 HTML statement:
  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

 After the submission, in the Action servlet, I compare the request with
 I would expect to receive as a submission:

 It goes like this:

   String request2 = new String(\u017Eivot);

   if (request2.equals(_request)){
System.out.println(request OK);

 They are not the same and I don't know why. When request2 is submitted
 directly to the search engine there is result received back.

 How to submit successfully Unicode text to the server?

 I'm using
  J2SE 1.4.1
  JBoss 3.0.4
  Tomcat 4.1.x



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Re: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

2003-06-07 Thread TopBid987654321
Yes, I have my JDBC driver both in my application's as well as in Tomcat's 

RE: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

2003-06-07 Thread Brandon Goodin
If you have it in the $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib, then remove it from you
web-app. It is redundant. Also, are you using the Struts Datasource config
or Tomcat JNDI?

Brandon Goodin

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource

Yes, I have my JDBC driver both in my application's as well as in Tomcat's

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Re: Newbie Q: Cannot load JDBC driver class using Datasource Connection

2003-06-07 Thread TopBid987654321
Thanks Brandon , Dimitar, Mark 

It's working now : After putting the JDBC driver jar in 
$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib and referencing it in Tomcat's classpath, it's working!

Re: how to submit Unicode text in Struts/JSP?

2003-06-07 Thread Dimitar Georgievski

that solved the problem. I wasn't aware the application needs a filter to
set the content type.

thanks a lot,


- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: how to submit Unicode text in Struts/JSP?

 I heard Struts 1.2 may incorporate this in the future.


 - Original Message -
 From: Dimitar Georgievski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:41 AM
 Subject: how to submit Unicode text in Struts/JSP?

  I'm trying to submit Unicode encoded to a search engine through a web
  developed is Struts.
  Each JSP page of the Web client sets the page encoding using the
  HTML statement:
   meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8
  After the submission, in the Action servlet, I compare the request with
  I would expect to receive as a submission:
  It goes like this:
String request2 = new String(\u017Eivot);
if (request2.equals(_request)){
 System.out.println(request OK);
  They are not the same and I don't know why. When request2 is submitted
  directly to the search engine there is result received back.
  How to submit successfully Unicode text to the server?
  I'm using
   J2SE 1.4.1
   JBoss 3.0.4
   Tomcat 4.1.x
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Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

2003-06-07 Thread Mark Lowe

Lets find out...

I suppose having some way of mapping a bean to form property in struts  
xml could be handy.

Although I start getting confused when i think of this in terms of non  
dyna action forms... Populating the ArrayList in the form bean I  
believe could compromise MVC, at least as struts implements it  
(feedback on this stuff would be appreciated from any beard-sporters)..  
But the idea of mapping stuff to a form property in the  
form-property.. tag and thus moving it out of the html:select or  
options tags in the jsp page does have an appeal. Could be  like the  
controlerClass or Url attributes in tiles.

I'll go read the proposal and think a little more...


On Saturday, Jun 7, 2003, at 19:43 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:


I think Brandon Goodin proposed a batch to enhance DyanActionForm  to
automaticly pupolating dyanamic list with a known element type
It has nothting to do controller and model.  Just an enhancement to the
Am I wrong?


- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

  I'm still not beard-sporting on these types of issues...  but...
wouldn't that  start to  cloud the demarcation between model and
On Saturday, Jun 7, 2003, at 19:02 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

Hi Mark, thanks for reply. I knew it is a popular topic
but at the time, I was not able to think of good search key for
looking into
the archive.
Until I tumbled on a old post regarding lazyList. and the
answer is there just like you have explained ;-)  I hope Struts 1.2
incorporate the patch submit by Goodwin to solve this scenario since  
lots of people have to create their own form bean to handle dynamic

Thanks and thanks ;-)


- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

If you take an example of a traditional action form, the same would
happen with that.
If you've populated the form in the referring action then you should
have an insight into how action forms and actions work together.
The form bean should always be there, but know it won't self  
just like a standard action form.

You can scope the form to session or repopulate as part of the  
invoked via the form submission.

cheers mark

On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 07:35 Europe/London, Dan Tran wrote:

hmm, I thought the topic was designed to catch attention
- Original Message -
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 2:40 PM
Subject: How Smart is DynaActionForm?

I have an ArrayList as a element of an DyanActionForm.  The list
elements of another bean that has properties as strings.
I can populate the DynaActionForm  in my action and have the JSP to
it .
The question here is does DynaActionForm has the intelligent to
itself after the form is submited back to the server?
I tried but the ArrayList always come back emtpy..

Any suggestion?


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Re: What's next for Struts?

2003-06-07 Thread Ted Husted
Bill Johnson wrote:
Ted, you're one of the better known Struts people
right?  What do you think of JSF?  
I need to ship things now, and JSF isn't final yet. I've strolled 
through the tutorial, and parts of it look interesting. But I'm not 
going to study it carefully until 1.0 ships.

I'm also not a JSP tag guy, and so that part of the framework is 
irrelevant to me. Though, I'm thinking that any presentation system, 
including Velocity, should be able to hookup with them-there server-side 
UI objects. But, I'm leaving tomorrow's development for tomorrow =:)


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html:form target attribute problem

2003-06-07 Thread Swaminathan Gurumoorthy
I am using target attribute in html:form to display the results of a serachform in 
an inline frame
html:form method=post action=/myAction target=myFrame 

In the validate method of the form bean I validate the search form. If the validate 
method  has no actionerrors the results are displayed correctly in the result frame. 
That's fine. 
But the problem is if my validate method returns actionerrors, it is not displayed 
back on the parent page. Instead I get a error on the result frame saying Page not 
found. I think this is because the target of html:form attribute is redirecting the 
output to the target frame .
How will I display any errors on the parent search page instead of getting 404 message 
on the target result frame?

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JSP, Java and constant values best practise question

2003-06-07 Thread Gene Campbell
Hello all,

Suppose an action.execute method adds an Object to the
application cache


The key value should probably be specified as a
constant value to provide a level of indirection. 
(Suppose constants are stored in a java interface, and
THE_KEY='objectKey'.)  So, we'd have 

setAttribute( IConstants.THE_KEY, someObject );

Now, in the jsp file, the forward from this action, a
bit of JSTL is written to dump someObject.toString(). 
Here's a bit of code that will work.

c:out value=${applicationScope.objectKey} /

Problem here is that THE_KEY is used in the Java
classes side, but the actual value is used on the jsp
side.  If the constant changed, the controller has now
lost touch with the view.  

I can't seem to figure out how to use
IConstants.THE_KEY in the jsp file too.

Another question might be, who cares about the
indirection.  Why's 'THE_KEY' any better than
'objectKey' anyway?  And, it is unlikely that
constants will ever change, so there no great find and
replace effort from which to protect yourself.  Once
you've done the integration testing, and it works,

(Don't worry, I'm not wasting my employers time.  I'm
unemployed right now.)

Thoughts?  Thanks - gene

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How to specify the FormBean in an iterate tags name property?

2003-06-07 Thread Mike Whittaker

How do I specify the FormBean in the iterate name property?

I have DynaActionForm, with a List property (myList),
I populate it in my Action with a bunch of beans that have a get  setTag()

This is in my html:form

logic:iterate id=cols indexId=ctr name=
html:checkbox name=cols property='%= myList[+ctr+].tag %'
value=ON /

How do I specify the FormBean in the iterate name property?

Or why else do I get this exception:
at java.util.Hashtable.get(
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(
Mike W

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Validator and Tiles

2003-06-07 Thread Marco Tedone
Hi, I've been through the mailing archive without success. I remember had
being used the Validator succesfully in a past; then my web developer
started to use javascript to perform the checks so we didn't put attention
to Validator any more. Now I'm using tiles for my site and would like to use
validator, as I am not a javascript expert. It seems to me that Validator
and tiles have some difficulties working together; is that correct?

It seems to me to have made all the setup correctly but when I submit the
form, nothing happens. I've also read that someone else had the same problem
with tiles + Validator working together.

If this is not the case, could I proceede to post to the mailing list my



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Re: Validator and Tiles

2003-06-07 Thread David Graham
I use Tiles and Validator together with no problems.  You should never use 
Javascript as your sole form of validation, it's merely a convenience for 
the client.  Did you subclass ValidatorForm?  I've forgotten to do that once 
or twice and wondered why no validation was happening.


From: Marco Tedone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts-user-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Validator and Tiles
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 01:47:52 +0100
Hi, I've been through the mailing archive without success. I remember had
being used the Validator succesfully in a past; then my web developer
started to use javascript to perform the checks so we didn't put attention
to Validator any more. Now I'm using tiles for my site and would like to 
validator, as I am not a javascript expert. It seems to me that Validator
and tiles have some difficulties working together; is that correct?

It seems to me to have made all the setup correctly but when I submit the
form, nothing happens. I've also read that someone else had the same 
with tiles + Validator working together.

If this is not the case, could I proceede to post to the mailing list my


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