Stuts with OJB how to return Object to html:form tag

2003-08-10 Thread ross
Hi All,

Have an issue with populating a form from a POJO (Bean like with getters /
setters) returned from OJB

Have setup Struts with ObjectRelationalBridge

Using DynaValidatorForm for validation

Passing objects into DB without issue.

Was hoping to pass the object back to the same form that I am using to
collect input.

Do I need to convert POJO into an ActionForm so it can be seen as a bean by
the form tag??  Can I use the DynaValidatorForm??  Can I pass anthing else
back to the form tag other than an ActionForm?

I imagine there is a simple solution but its eluding me for the moment.


Ross Rotherham

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RE: accessing Attribute of a parent-tile-definition

2003-08-10 Thread Reinhard
Bad luck. I didn't succeed with the suggestion of Cal.

I searched the archive for the cited posting. I found it, but it does not fit 
my needs. I tried anything like Cal's suggestion, but it did not work for me.

I have no Jsp-file where I import a tile and for so I have no place to put the 
My tiles reside in XML-files and I use defintion names as action target.
The jsp-file where I need the attribute is a component and the base 
tile-definition has no jsp-file.

Following the documentation, the  statement has no scope attribute, 
but the  has such an attribute. So I added a scope-attribute 
to the 
The result is a SAXParseException saying attribute "scope" must be declared 
for element type "definition".

Remember my situation:

Now in page main.jsp I can access attribute "baseAttribute".
But in header.jsp as well as body.jsp I got the error: attribute 
"baseAttribute" not found in context.
Also I tried to extend the base definition with a "dummy.jsp", just containing 
the , but I could not access the attribute in i.e. 
In the body.jsp I tried the access with  and with 

So I have no more idea, what to try.

Anybody out there, who could help me?

Thank you for any help.

kind regards


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RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

2003-08-10 Thread Bailey, Shane C.

If I knew then I would be selling you some awesome piece of software that
solved all your problems, now wouldn't I?

I'm trying state my opinion and learn (from replies).

About the only thing in that statement that I know is verifiably screwed up
is that Ant has no $var and I apologized and rectified what I meant in one
of my recent posts.

"Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?"

-Original Message-
From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 2:53 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

Bailey, Shane C. wrote:

> Scriptlets are more powerful (you can do ANYTHING Java can do), faster, is
> standard (it is the Java language you know) and if you are going to spend
> time learning a new language (${var} == "pooPoo") then you would be better
> off learning Java (assuming you don't already know it) cause then you
> do scriptlets and middle tier coding and more whereas if you use your time
> learning JSTL all you will know is JSTL.  
> Believe me, JSTL will be easy to replace if someone comes out with an
> alternative.  I am a programmer but I understand the importance of having
> the tags be similar to HTML tags and not like tags containing scriptlets.
> If it makes you happy $var is a legal Java variable name so you could just
> write scriptlets with $var and no one would realize you weren't writing
> :)
> Why do you think Ant is so popular??? It got rid of all the $var UNIX
> like crap and made it more like tags should be!!!

What the crap are you talking about.


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Dynamic multimedia content with Struts...

2003-08-10 Thread Todor Sergueev Petkov
Hello everybody : is it possible with struts tag libraries to
retrive dynamically for example pictures from a database and place them
on the jsp page on the fly

And also another question : I would like a user to be able to select
from a page certain file names ( dynamicaly generated ) and
then to press a download button -> I want to fetch the requested files
from a database, pack them in one unique zip file and push this to the
Has any of you done something similar... And if not do you think it is


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Re: LookupDispatchAction error

2003-08-10 Thread OFlaherty, Colm
My thanks go to both Wendy and Shane on this one.  I found a third way to get around 
it, which is closest to my original intent: 

I pointed the global forward to the jsp page called test.jsp (instead of directly at 
the action!).  The jsp page then links correctly to the action using , once 
I have something like the following in the jsp: 

"et Voilà", it works!

-Original Message-
From:   Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   06 August 2003 17:26
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject:RE: LookupDispatchAction error

Yes, you can do it without the ".do" and it is safer to do so.
You can even do this which is nice:


Note the /test? instead of / 

I remember looking at the source code before and the URL comes in in pieces so that 
the query string is separate from the path and so struts automatically puts on the 
filter (.do or whatever it may be).

-Original Message-
From:   Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:07 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject:RE: LookupDispatchAction error

Sorry, solution #1 should read:
Not sure if you need the .do part but I do and that can be bad if you change the 
extension later.  So if you can do it with just action="/test" then I suggest to do 
it.  I will look at mine now to see if I can change it.

-Original Message-
From:   Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:01 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject:RE: LookupDispatchAction error

I think you could do it a couple different ways...


struts config:

I've done similar so either way should work.

-Original Message-
From:   OFlaherty, Colm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, August 06, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject:LookupDispatchAction error

I am getting the following error on , which I can't figure out:
HTTP ERROR: 500 Request[/test] does not contain handler parameter named

I am following a couple of decent examples using the LookupDispatchAction class (pages 
128 -130 in "Programming Jakarta Struts" by Chuck Cavaness). My config is basically 
the same as what he has, but I have a couple of minor differences, which I don't think 
should be causing any issues, but maybe someone can put me right: 
The JSP link that gives me the error is the following: 

My action mappings section has the following action:


I also have a section for the testForm: 


My /pages/test.jsp uses a template, which points at /pages/testcontent.jsp, which 
contains the following: 

As u would expect, the "insert.label" key is contained in the properties file (as well 
as the "test.maintain.label"  from the initial link)

test.maintain.label=Maintain Tests

My TestUpdateAction class has the following hierarchy and methods

BaseUpdateAction (methods: getKeyMethodMap (),getKeyMethodMap (params), insert 
(params), update (params), delete ()
(Maps "insert.label" to "insert")

My TestForm was generated using Xdoclet from the source code, and has a 
protected "updateMethod" string variable, with a getter and setter.
TestForm is inherited from ActionForm

The kind of thing that I'm thinking might be causing the issue include: 
1.  The hierarchy of TestUpdateAction
2.  The fact that /pages/testcontent.jsp is not referenced directly, but via the 
following lines in /pages/test.jsp: 

3.  The calling link does NOT in a Form.  Its entire contents looks like this: 

<%@ include file="/tags/taglibs.jsp" %>

Can anyone see anything I'm missing, or anything that I'm just doing incorrectly?  
Any help is much appreciated.

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RE: [FRIDAY] [JOKE] Here is an old one

2003-08-10 Thread PREETAM Balijepalli
so u both are completing last answer

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 1:09 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [FRIDAY] [JOKE] Here is an old one

The way I remember that joke, the word wasn't "Mating" ;)

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist

> -Original Message-
> From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 2:24 PM
> Subject: [FRIDAY] [JOKE] Here is an old one
> Can anyone name the book the following joke appeared in?  
> I have cleaned it up a little (the punch line) and I am typing it from
> memory so it isn't exactly like the book.
> There once was a native American Chief who named everybody in 
> his tribe.
> One of the young boys who was a
> member of the tribe asked one day...
> Boy: How do you come up with all of the names of each member 
> of the tribe?
> Chief: At the moment of birth I look to our surroundings and 
> see what is
> happening in nature and that is how I know.
>  For instance, if the weather is violent and restless 
> the name I
> give may be "Thunder-Cloud".
>  If the animals are at play the name may be "Running-Deer"
> So why do you ask, Two-Dogs-Mating???
> :-)

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redirecting problem

2003-08-10 Thread harm
Hi all,

In my struts application I need to check if some information is still 
valid. If not then I need to redirect the user to some other page.
The page I need to send the user to is not static. So I need to calculate 
to which page the user needs to be redirected.

In my Action class I would like to do the checking. And redirect the user 
to the correct page.
I cannot use something like this:

return (mapping.findForward("overview"));

because the redirection page is dynamic.

Any ideas on how to achieve this?

Thanks a lot,

Harm de Laat
The Netherlands

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Re: initializing ActionForm from a session bean

2003-08-10 Thread David Thielen
I'm a moron - I found the overloaded method with HttpServletRequest.

So, is the way to tie to a session bean to do a

thanks - dave

- Original Message - 
From: "David Thielen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts-Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: initializing ActionForm from a session bean


If I want to initialize an ActionForm from a session bean, what's the
correct way.

Looking at it it seems to me that I want to tie the session bean to the
session. However, reset passes a ServletRequest instead of a
HttpServletRequest so there is no way to get the session to do a

Am I missing something?

thanks - dave

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RE: Avoiding jsessionid appending in a redirect

2003-08-10 Thread Hue Holleran
Hi Chris,

I posted a response to this recently:

> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Boulter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 06 August 2003 19:27
> Subject: Avoiding jsessionid appending in a redirect
> Hi,
> Is there a way to insist that a jsessionid _doesn't_ get appended when
> returning a redirect from an Action? In my case, I'm redirecting to an
> external (non-Java) system and the jsessionid is causing the
> external system
> problems.
> I have
> return new ActionForward("http://some.external.url/options";, true)
> at the end of my execute() method in the Action. This is exactly
> the URL to
> which I want to redirect, but by the time the HTTP response is seen by the
> browser, it has a jsessionid on the end:
> HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
> Set-Cookie: .
> Location: http://some.external.url/options;
> I'm using SunONE v6 web server. I've tried adding this to web-apps.xml:
> but it makes no difference. Interestingly, I can't reproduce the problem
> with TomCat (3.3.1a), although I'm not able to engineer exactly the same
> environment using TomCat.
> One theory I have is that Struts (or SunONE?) is interpreting my
> redirect as
> the first request to a webapp and, since it doesn't know whether cookies
> will be accepted, it is using URL rewriting 'just in case'.
> Many thanks,
> Chris
> -
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RE: Is this a bug with struts config file?

2003-08-10 Thread Richard J. Duncan
My experience is the same as yours. That while the ".do" can be omitted
in the action definition, it may not be omitted in the forward. FWIW, I
think this is proper behavior. Certainly if you html:link to the forward
your html pages will be do-less. Also, you can change to another scheme
(e.g., "/action/login") simply by modifying the structs-config.

-Original Message-
From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 6:00 PM
Subject: Is this a bug with struts config file?


Short version:

I would think that I could do this then 
and Struts

would know to add the .do for me.  When a  is
rendered it does not

have the .do on it.  I have to make it  


Is that a bug?


Since Struts determines extensions on the fly (at Servlet startup based
URL pattern in web.xml)

it just seems defeating that you would have to hard code an extension
anywhere in the system.



Longer version: 

In my crusade to wipe out all hard coded ".do" extensions in the app for
future upgradability

(for instance all my links are like this 
instead of "" 


I found that (unless something is not right) the global-forwardS don't
as I would expect.

It implies in the struts config dtd that if contextRelative not true
the path is module relative.


It seems minor but if I need to change the extension to ".go" or

say, because if a hacker doesn't know you are using Struts because the
extension is ".poo" then

it may help the system.  But in order to make the change I would have to
into all my many

struts config files and globally replace ".do".  Not too bad if I am
it but when someone else

in the group with less experience does it then it could be a pain.

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Re: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in request?

2003-08-10 Thread Ted Husted
When you forward from one action to another, Struts treats it just like 
a new request from the client. If a parameter was used to populate an 
ActionForm from one action, that same parameter will be used to populate 
every other action in the chain that uses the same ActionForm in the 
same scope.

Chaining actions together is generally frowned upon. The primary reason 
is that it indicates that the actions are becoming an API unto 
themselves. This is often a bad idea since the intelligence you are 
putting into these various action is trapped within Struts and the web 
layer and cannot be reused.

The recommended approach is to look at the underlying operations these 
actions are performing, and refactor those operations into a facade or 
set of business objects that all the actions can share. Then, instead of 
chaining actions, have a single action call whatever methods it needs on 
the facade, or instantiate and execute whatever business objects are 
needed. That way you can do whatever you need to do from any action.

The underlying idea is that each Struts action should represent a single 
use case scenario. The scenario requires certain input (the ActionForm) 
and results in certain output (the ActionForward). Interally, the Action 
class should focus on selecting the appropriate business classes, 
handing these external classes whatever input they need, and deciding 
what to next.

Chaining an action often indicates that a business operation is embedded 
in an action. Business operations should be refactored out of the 
presentation tier, and into a business layer that you can control 
without the help of the HTTP protocol.

Of course, your mileage may vary. If you must chain actions (), 
a simple solution is to add a "read-only" switch to the properties you 
want to set and share between actions. Then have the setter check the 
readonly property before changing the value.

if !(readonly) this.value = value;

Of course, this doesn't work with DynaActionForms. The next best thing 
is to add a helper bean to the context and have your actions prefer that 
to the ActionForm property. Something like

String id = fetchHelperId(request);
if (null==id) {
id = myForm.getId();
(which could be reduced to processHelperId(request,form)).

Incidentally, the reason you have to create a new ActionForward is that 
these are shared by all the clients and all the requests. If you change 
the ActionForward instance returned by findForward, you are changing it 
for the rest of the application as well. (Hence, the freezing.)

So, if you must add parameters to an ActionForward (), a new 
instance must be created and returned by the Actions. (Which is why we 
return the ActionForward and not just the ActionForward name.)


Adam Hardy wrote:
I have two actions chained together. They both take the same formbean. 
The first is and the second, which sectionInsert 
forwards to on success, is receives the properties of a Section in the request 
parameters, including id=0 where it is 0 because it does not exist in 
the DB yet. So it inserts the new Section into the DB and returns the 
new id, which is needed by sectionEdit to put into the html for the edit 

I originally thought I could save the new id to the formbean and this 
would get passed on, but sectionEdit instantiates its own formbean and 
fills it with the request parameters - include id=0.

Is there an intuitive way of passing on the new id?

I already use as a first action by calling it with an id 
on a querystring, where the formbean picks it up. I would like to use a 
method that is easy for both these situations.

I'd appreciate any inspiration.
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Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  - ,
  Struts in Action - ,
  JSP Site Design  - .

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RE: Is this a bug with struts config file?

2003-08-10 Thread Rohit Aeron
I don't think you need to put .do.
Actually in the web.xml file you have following code 


here you can configure as you want you can configure *.yup also & it works.


-Original Message-
From: Aguirre Carlos Federico [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: Is this a bug with struts config file?


the ".do" in forwards to actions is necessary because when you make a
forward, the request is processed again by application server,  if you not
add .do in forwards  to struts actions then the application server do not
map the request to action servlet of struts.

"Richard J. Duncan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> My experience is the same as yours. That while the ".do" can be omitted
> in the action definition, it may not be omitted in the forward. FWIW, I
> think this is proper behavior. Certainly if you html:link to the forward
> your html pages will be do-less. Also, you can change to another scheme
> (e.g., "/action/login") simply by modifying the structs-config.
> -Original Message-
> From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 6:00 PM
> Subject: Is this a bug with struts config file?
> Short version:
> I would think that I could do this then  path="/home"/>
> and Struts
> would know to add the .do for me.  When a  is
> rendered it does not
> have the .do on it.  I have to make it  path="/"/>
> Is that a bug?
> Since Struts determines extensions on the fly (at Servlet startup based
> on
> URL pattern in web.xml)
> it just seems defeating that you would have to hard code an extension
> anywhere in the system.
> Longer version:
> In my crusade to wipe out all hard coded ".do" extensions in the app for
> future upgradability
> (for instance all my links are like this 
> instead of ""
> I found that (unless something is not right) the global-forwardS don't
> act
> as I would expect.
> It implies in the struts config dtd that if contextRelative not true
> then
> the path is module relative.
> It seems minor but if I need to change the extension to ".go" or
> something
> else,
> say, because if a hacker doesn't know you are using Struts because the
> extension is ".poo" then
> it may help the system.  But in order to make the change I would have to
> go
> into all my many
> struts config files and globally replace ".do".  Not too bad if I am
> doing
> it but when someone else
> in the group with less experience does it then it could be a pain.

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RE: Location of JSPs for TILES

2003-08-10 Thread Cameron Hickey
Thanks for the response Marty,

I am using Tomcat 4.1.24, and have no problem generally putting these
files into the /jsp folder, its only when I put them into the /jsp/prop
folder that there are problems.

Where can I find out what the rules are for folders to hold JSPs for
either struts, or tiles?  Does Tomcat implement this reserved folder
concept for WEB-INF/jsp ?


-Original Message-
From: Jones, Marty B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 7:25 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Location of JSPs for TILES

I think that the /jsp folder that you are specifying is a reserved
for some jsp containers.  We use /WEB-INF/pages/...

Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Cameron Hickey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 11:23 AM
Subject: Location of JSPs for TILES

I am having some problems getting TILES to work properly when I put my
JSPs into folders.  The error I get is:

Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp
file: null

Which I assume means that it cannot find the JSP file I have specified
in my tiles-defs.xml.  

If I have my files here:


and this in the tiles-defs.xml



Then everything works fine.

BUT, if I put the same file a level deeper:


with def:

then I get the error.

Any idea why this would be happening?

Are there limits to how deep or where the templates should be located
for use with TILES?  Is there a way to configure this?

Thanks for any assistance

Cameron Hickey

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2003-08-10 Thread Erez Efrati

I am trying to figure out the code in
in order to write one of my own.
Can someone explain what the purpose of the following lines of code in
all of the validateXXX() in Struts:

validateIntRange (...) {

if (isString(bean)) {
value = (String) bean;

Is this really necessary?


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Re: Returning values from a BasicDynaBean in jsp

2003-08-10 Thread Kris Schneider
I guess my previous example wasn't clearly formatted, but it certainly wasn't
supposed to illustrate executing a query from a JSP. Here's a modified example:

Java (e.g. an action):
import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result;
import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.ResultSupport;
ResultSet rs = ...;
Result result = ResultSupport.toResult(rs);
request.setAttribute("result", result);




Quoting jack beany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >From: Kris Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Didn't like the JSTL Result suggestion, I guess ;-). As a JavaBean,
> Well personally I have no preference, just want something that works 
> efficiently and cleanly :)
> The example you have had the query in the jsp, wheras I'm trying to stay 
> away from anything like that, and keep it MVC2 as possible!  Using the 
> lovely new RowSetDynaClass I've been trying to do something that really 
> should be very simple, but I guess it's just not a very mature technology 
> yet :-/
> >BasicDynaBean only exposes two properties: "dynaClass" and "class" (both 
> >are
> >read-only). So, that's all JSTL can get out of a BasicDynaBean instance. 
> >The
> >Struts tags, on the other hand, leverage BeanUtils/PropertyUtils so
> they're
> >perfectly capable of dealing with DynaBean properties. This is the Struts
> >equivalent to your JSTL snippet, but it'll actually work if "person" is a 
> >DynaBean:
> >
> >
> Well that worked just lovely.  It's not going to be incredibly efficient 
> when I want to return 10 columns per row I'm sure, but nevermind!  Perhaps 
> in 1.2 (due sometime in 2006 ;) we'll get a map property to query.
> Thanks Kris!
> J

Kris Schneider 

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RE: Actions Best Practice

2003-08-10 Thread Erez Efrati
The only thing you cannot do is having a mixture of this solution
(having the action-mapping parameter set to the 'init' or else) and the
one of DispatchAction class that keeps all the operation under the same
roof (class).


-Original Message-
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 3:00 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Actions Best Practice

That's not necessary. In the action mapping, you can specify the action 
parameter with parameter="init" or parameter="send".

Erez Efrati wrote:
> Taking your advice, it means that I would have two different action
> mappings, one for the init step and the second for the actual action
> (send).
> But then I will have to write something like 
>  which is a bit
> strange to write again the "init", and it is needed cause the
> needs this 'action' parameter to distinguish
> between the two. Hmm.. 
> Erez
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 11:43 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Actions Best Practice
> Erez Efrati wrote:
>>One of the problem I found with 'action=init' method, is that the
>>validation is activated automatically for both cases (both init &
> send),
>>and fails of course on the 'init' cause no field is yet in the form.
> So
>>I was forced to configure 'validate=false' and call it manually in the
>>Action code.
> Option B would be compacter. You can write two action mappings in 
> struts-config to distinguish the calls, where one has no validation
> the other does.
> I know some people don't like having extra action mappings in their 
> struts-config, but I believe that is what they are there for.
> Adam
> -
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Re: JSTL and Struts-el

2003-08-10 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Sun, 10 Aug 2003, Marco Tedone wrote:

> Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 23:33:14 +0100
> From: Marco Tedone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: JSTL and Struts-el
> Are you telling me that ${} it's enough for Struts-el to look
> for a customer bean stored in any scope and process a getName() method? If
> so, that's great.

Yep.  Thos is also true for JSTL tags in general (and EL expressions
throughout JSP 2.0).

> Would it be a good approach to have taglibs, jstl and struts from their
> respective bundles? I downloaded taglibs (complete version, nightly build)
> and I suppose there is something similar for JSTL. This way we are
> guaranteed to run always the last versions.

Well, JSTL is just *one* of the Jakarta Taglibs libraries.  If that is the
only one you're going to use, you don't need all of them.

> For stuff, mainly in my project I'll need to present bean information and to
> cycle through collections, more or less what an enterprise application is
> made of, isn't it? One risks to get bored :))
> Good night,
> Marco


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Re: [APPLICATION SCOPE] -How and Where to store in app scope

2003-08-10 Thread Thomas Cornet
IMHO, the best thing to do is to create a Plugin, where you'll store all 
what you need to. The plugin init method is executed once while the servlet 
container loads the webapp.


At 16:40 05/08/2003, you wrote:
Hello everybody,
I have some objects that I would like to store in application scope. I
am useing Strust 1.1.
I have the following question:

1. Where (in which Struts class) is the most convinient place to make
2. How can I store the objects at startup and than not have to do a
   every time to see if the objects are there or not?
Thanks, Todor

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RE: Tiles related question

2003-08-10 Thread JavaXML Developer
I know that. But i am looking for a simple example or tutorial particularly for tiles. 
If anyone knows, let me know.

"Bailey, Shane C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You are practically there; you know Java and XML and that's all you need to
know with Tiles.
Check out the post by Cedric, I believe he wrote Tiles.

-Original Message-
From: JavaXML Developer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: Tiles related question

I am new to tiles and want to learn it quickly. Is there any tutorial ,
sample program anywhere including introduction to tiles?


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Re: JSTL and Struts-el

2003-08-10 Thread Marco Tedone
Are you telling me that ${} it's enough for Struts-el to look
for a customer bean stored in any scope and process a getName() method? If
so, that's great.

Would it be a good approach to have taglibs, jstl and struts from their
respective bundles? I downloaded taglibs (complete version, nightly build)
and I suppose there is something similar for JSTL. This way we are
guaranteed to run always the last versions.

For stuff, mainly in my project I'll need to present bean information and to
cycle through collections, more or less what an enterprise application is
made of, isn't it? One risks to get bored :))

Good night,

- Original Message - 
From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: JSTL and Struts-el

> On Sun, 10 Aug 2003, Marco Tedone wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 22:36:01 +0100
> > From: Marco Tedone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: JSTL and Struts-el
> >
> > That's sounds great Craig, thanks. I can guess that you will define what
> > customer is and where to get it somewhere, presumibly a configuration
> In a Struts app, it tends to get stored as a request or session attribute
> by the execution of an Action (and note that you don't care which scope it
> is in an EL expression :-).  Other ways to get it there include things
> like , or Java code that calls request.setAttribute() or
> session.setAttribute().
> > Now, to know all this stuff, where shall I look at? Is there any
> > documentation available, does it come with the Struts distribution? (I
> > realized that I was still in 1.1-rc1 :))
> >
> Well, that depends on which "stuff" you want to know :-).
> For JSTL, I'd start by reading the JSTL Specification:
> This page also contains pointers to numerous articles and books that
> include coverage of JSTL.  Of the three books, I've only read Shawn's (and
> it's quite good), but I have no doubt based on previous experience that
> Hans and David did an excellent job as well.
> The JSTL jar files (jstl.jar and standard.jar) are included with Struts-EL
> (in "contrib/struts-el/lib") but I would suggest going and getting the
> 1.0.3 standalone release as well -- pick "Taglibs" then "Standard" at:
> This implementation comes with lots of examples of using each of the tags.
> The struts-el library itself is included with the Struts 1.1 final
> release, in the "contrib/struts-el" subdirectory, along with a small
> webapp containing examples of each tag in use.
> You might also want to keep your eyes open for articles about JSP 2.0 (and
> download Tomcat 5 if you're interested in playing with it).  Allowing EL
> expressions to be used everywhere in a JSP 2.0 page is one of the big
> usability improvements in this version -- but there are lots more too.
> > Marco
> Craig
> -
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Re: single checkbox - still use html:multibox?

2003-08-10 Thread David Thielen
thank you very very much - dave

- Original Message - 
From: "Yansheng Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: single checkbox - still use html:multibox?

> Oh I meant taglib api ref, not the javadoc ref. here is the link:
> The detail warning msg:
> WARNING: In order to correctly recognize unchecked checkboxes, the
> bean associated with this form must include a statement setting the
> corresponding boolean property to false in the reset() method.
> -Original Message-
> From: David Thielen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: August 7, 2003 12:26 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: single checkbox - still use html:multibox?
> Thanks - the book I have didn't list it so of course I assumed it didn't
> exist.
> Any idea what the something special is? The javadocs don't list anything.
> thanks - dave
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Yansheng Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 12:19 PM
> Subject: RE: single checkbox - still use html:multibox?
> Um,  ?  Please read the api carefully if you want to use
> tag.  There is something you have to do in your form's reset()...
> -Original Message-
> From: David Thielen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: August 7, 2003 11:33 AM
> To: Struts-Users
> Subject: single checkbox - still use html:multibox?
> Hi;
> If I have a single checkbox on my page, should I still use multibox? And
> not,
> what do I use?
> thanks - dave
> -
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Apache Tomcat web servers

2003-08-10 Thread yan
Thanks for the advice Hue, you have given me a lot to go on there - much

Do actually support Apache/Tomcat?  I couldn't quite see a
reference to it under their products on there site.

I have been considering or

Anybody know about them who can comment as to their suitability?

Thanks again

KickStartESolutions - Intelligent Web Services

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Validator real time expression vars

2003-08-10 Thread Erez Efrati
Is there a way to use vars in validation.xml  that are not
constants in a way that the javascript will use these values?


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RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

2003-08-10 Thread Bailey, Shane C.

Scriptlets are more powerful (you can do ANYTHING Java can do), faster, is a
standard (it is the Java language you know) and if you are going to spend
time learning a new language (${var} == "pooPoo") then you would be better
off learning Java (assuming you don't already know it) cause then you could
do scriptlets and middle tier coding and more whereas if you use your time
learning JSTL all you will know is JSTL.  

Believe me, JSTL will be easy to replace if someone comes out with an
alternative.  I am a programmer but I understand the importance of having
the tags be similar to HTML tags and not like tags containing scriptlets.

If it makes you happy $var is a legal Java variable name so you could just
write scriptlets with $var and no one would realize you weren't writing JSTL


Why do you think Ant is so popular??? It got rid of all the $var UNIX script
like crap and made it more like tags should be!!!

Bottom line is, yes, Struts tags aren't the best but JSTL is not much better
and will probably be replaced with something not so ugly in the future.

Just my .02 sense.

I like it how some people don't get disturbed by questions about connecting
to a database with JDBC to the Struts user list but get mad if you post a
differing opinion about the crappy way some tags were written that
interfaces with Struts code.  What an ACE!

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:28 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

--- David Thielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi;
> For the logic and I18N taglibs - what do you recommend - using the
> struts taglibs or the JSTL taglibs?

Definitely JSTL.  They're more powerful, easier to use, potentially
faster, and a Java standard.


> thanks - dave

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Re: JSTL and Struts-el

2003-08-10 Thread Marco Tedone
Sorry Mark, could you please rewrite this email trying to be understandable
for an EOFL?

Thank you very much :)

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Lowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: JSTL and Struts-el

> Has this "easier to use" premiss been run past any folks with good
> markup skills, but aren't programmers as such? Seems to me the only
> folks who are saying this is "easier" lean more toward the programming
> end of the spectrum than formatting folks.  Um the burden of using
> "expert groups".
> On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 05:34 PM, David Graham wrote:
> >
> > --- Marco Tedone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> it's quite a long time that I am not monitoring the struts-user list
> >> any
> >> more...Last time was about three months ago. One of my project's new
> >> entry
> >> asked me why don't we use JSTL and Struts-el instead of taglibs and
> >> Struts
> >> tags...Well, last time I posted on this list I asked Craig if the time
> >> was
> >> mature for JSTL and I've been suggested that it would be better to
> >> wait
> >> as
> >> JSTL were in their beta-release.
> >>
> >> Two questions:
> >>
> >> 1) Is now the time to use JSTL? Could we continue to use Struts tags
> >> without
> >> for it loosing in performance?
> >
> > Yes, JSTL is now finalized and you can/should use it in your apps.  The
> > JSTL tags will perform much faster than Struts' tags because containers
> > can optimize the generated code for JSTL.  You'll also gain improved
> > development performance as the JSTL tags are more powerful and easier
> > to
> > use.
> >
> >>
> >> 2) WHAT IS IT Strus-el?
> >
> > Struts-EL is a Struts taglib that allows you to use powerful JSTL
> > Expression Language (EL) statements for the attribute values.
> >
> > David
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Thank you for any reply,
> >>
> >> Marco
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -
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> >>
> >
> >
> > __
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> > Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
> >
> >
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RE: Apache Tomcat web servers

2003-08-10 Thread Hue Holleran
Hi Adam,

> thanks for the comprehensive run-down on hosting. Perhaps you should get
> the company put on

Yes, maybe - although they're not dedicated tomcat hosting.

> By the way Hue, you neglected to state one very important fact - how
> much the package at memset costs! Guess I'll have to check out the link ;)

The package we use from memset cost us about £350 for 12 months hosting
(there's 25% off for 12 months in advance) - which I think is a 96MB server
with 6GB disk on a contended 1.5Mbps connection and Debian Linux - it has
performed flawlessly. This works-out at about £30/month. This includes 2 ip
addresses, unlimited domains, unlimited services: DNS, TC, Apache,
PostgreSQL/MySQL, multiple JVMs, MX/POP3/IMAP services etc. etc.

> Maybe you can clear up something else for me - with full root access to
> a virtual server? What is virtual about it? Are you still sharing
> hardware with other customers?

Yes - you do share hardware with other customers as memset use User Mode
Linux, UML - see the following links for anyone not familiar with this
amazing technology: (for the community homepage) (great link from one who practices what he
preaches! - also offers hosting services) (sf project and very good links,

As you might expect from Linux - UML is a very advanced, groundbreaking and
seems an extremely stable and robust technology. It basically allows Linux
to host multiple hosts on a slightly-patched hosting server. Each UML
(virtual server) is totally self-contained and runs a full-blown version of
Linux (with again, only a slightly patched kernel). Almost any Linux package
can be installed on a UML without modification and to all intents and
purposes behaves _exactly_ like a normal server. We have not seen any
situations where any other UML has dominated the host and caused us to run
slowly; also never had a server 'fail' and need hard re-booting; never had a
situation where the virtual server has behaved any differently to a "normal"

For us it works very well - we like flexibility of a dedicated server and we
host several domains and we think we understand Debian Linux pretty well. We
use it for email (qmail) with IMAP/SSL, Apache with mod_ssl (for SSL mode)
and for multiple virtual hosts and Tomcat hosting under each domain and
PostgreSQL for database storage. We could not now envisage going back to
dedicated TC hosting only!

> Just as a caveat, I was talking online to a guy who ran tomcat online
> with unlimited traffic, and he got hacked somehow - he said he had
> unwittingly left some exploit in RedHat open - the cracker got in and
> used the bandwidth solid for 18 hours before he discovered it. Cost him
> 2 grand - eek!

Eeek - yes, very scarey. At least with these types of packages the bandwidth
is unmetered so it wouldn't actually cost you any more money!!!  Ok,
seriously though - yes, this is a big concern, but there are loads of
resources for securing Linux servers and even great tools to test for common
vulnerabilities, common exploits and common ports that should not be open!

But, when I discovered our previous hosting company was running a very
outdated TC installation - at least this way we are in control of the server
configuration. We use long, complex passwords; _all_ maintenance traffic to
and from the server is encrypted: Webmin/SSL, IMAP/SSL, SCP for FTP-type
activities (over ssh); ssh for shell; all services not needed are disabled;
PostgreSQL will only communicate with processes on the local server; Tomcat
runs under a JSM ... the list goes on!  We've tried pretty hard to be
careful - who knows, hopefully we've made it difficult enough that someone
will not waste effort trying to get in. I sleep more comfortably during the
day - knowing we're in control of our server!

Hope that bit more info helps,


> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 August 2003 17:16
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Apache Tomcat web servers
> Hi Hue,
> thanks for the comprehensive run-down on hosting. Perhaps you should get
> the company put on
> for the record. Actually it's a shame that there are no comments about
> the current hosting companies on that list.
> By the way Hue, you neglected to state one very important fact - how
> much the package at memset costs! Guess I'll have to check out the link ;)
> Maybe you can clear up something else for me - with full root access to
> a virtual server? What is virtual about it? Are you still sharing
> hardware with other customers?
> Just as a caveat, I was talking online to a guy who ran tomcat online
> with unlimited traffic, and he got hacked somehow - he said he had
> unwittingly left some exploit in RedHat open - the cracker got in and
> used t

Apache Tomcat web servers

2003-08-10 Thread yan

I am trying to find a Web host for my JSP applications, but I am finding it very 
difficult locating a suitable host.  

Anyone know of any good Web hosting vendors who support MySQl, Apache server and the 
Apache Tomcat servlet container?  I prefer a UK based host as this is where I reside.

I have had a response to an enquiry from a hosting company called 'Houxou '.  This is 
what they have replied:

"Assuming Tomcat is "well-behaved", I would have no problem running on our servers, 
but would need to investigate how happy it is to co-exist with two competitors on the 
same machine:

Apache server pages; and 
Sun's Chilisoft ASP"

I am not sure what they mean

Any advice would be gratefully received


KickStartESolutions - Intelligent Web Services

Re: [OFF TOPIC] JavaScript + tag question

2003-08-10 Thread Mark Lowe -'

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Re: Apache Tomcat web servers

2003-08-10 Thread Adam Hardy
Hi Hue,
thanks for the comprehensive run-down on hosting. Perhaps you should get 
the company put on

for the record. Actually it's a shame that there are no comments about 
the current hosting companies on that list.

By the way Hue, you neglected to state one very important fact - how 
much the package at memset costs! Guess I'll have to check out the link ;)

Maybe you can clear up something else for me - with full root access to 
a virtual server? What is virtual about it? Are you still sharing 
hardware with other customers?

Just as a caveat, I was talking online to a guy who ran tomcat online 
with unlimited traffic, and he got hacked somehow - he said he had 
unwittingly left some exploit in RedHat open - the cracker got in and 
used the bandwidth solid for 18 hours before he discovered it. Cost him 
2 grand - eek!


Hue Holleran wrote:
Hi yan,

I would be inclined to keep-away from ISPs who do not have good and
*extensively* proven experience with JSP and only go with those who are
specifically recommended to you for JSP. I fell-out with a UK-based ISP
(servers hosted in the US/Canada) in the last 6 months after
failure-after-failure with Tomcat - although they apparently supported
tomcat. They felt I was being "unreasonable" if I complained that TC was
down frequently as they claimed their servers were still "up" and serving
static content - so this was fine in their mind - the simple website in
question was finally offline for at least 2 weeks.
We were being blamed for apparent errors in the pages although the website
had not been changed and had worked flawlessly for 3 months prior to this
outtage ... and also worked without changes on a fresh download of Tomcat
and on every configuration of ours: Windows and Debian Linux with IBM, BEA
and Sun's JDKs 1.3-1.4 and under a JSM and without a JSM!
We did attempt to get a refund as we'd paid for 12 months hosting in
advance - but they refused and unless we wanted to get legal they would not
pay up - in the end we transferred to another ISP (easy to do as our DNS is
located elsewhere and enabled us to do this). A *costly* lesson.
The lessons we learned are:

1) Always keep control of DNS records - and allows easily and quickly moving
from a poorly-performing ISP. Ours are with "" - not cheap but
their DNS appears to be very solid and all DNS can be configured online and
DNS costs are included in the domain registration costs. There are plenty of
other options for other DNS providers, though.
2) Never go with an ISP for technologies they "seem" to support - only ever
go with a technology from an ISP if they specialise in this and really know
what they're doing. Recommendations seem to be the key, here -
recommendations for kgbinternet seem to crop-up a lot - I haven't personally
read a bad word about them yet.
3) For JSP specifically - always consider what _could_ go wrong with hosting
and what implications sharing with other sites could have. For instance a
private JVM is a really good idea - from a security, performance and
reliability viewpoint. Also, consider what effect other services running on
the same server could have - for instance we lost tomcat once as, unknown to
us - the server was also being used for users just playing about with
tomcat - another user had deleted their "jserv" directory and this caused
tomcat to fail to start - taking our site with it. We also had problems
wanting to change some settings for the JSM - in order to run Struts/Tiles -
this was finally done - but grudgingly only by the above ISP.
4) Consider what version of Tomcat (or other container) you'd like to be
running and ask whether this is the version they run and how proactive are
they at installing security updates and fixes. When we first investigated
the version running with our ISP it was Tomcat 3.2 beta 4(!) - even though
3.3a Final and 4.1.x was also suitable for production. From the Tomcat bug
database there appeared to be some very serious security problems with the
version they were running: source disclosure, web.xml disclosure etc.!
Our Choice
After trying 4 different shared hosting providers we now use - who supply a very competitively-priced complete
virtual Linux server - with unlimited bandwidth and full root access and
control panel to remotely reboot the server, if necessary. There are more
options here:
The option we have provides Debian (they also do RH) Linux, 2 IP Addresses,
shared but unlimited 1.5Mbps connection. Ok, admittedly the downside is that
if you're not familiar with Linux then you may have a stiff learning curve -
but they have excellent and very helpful tech support staff and if you're
running Debian "apt-get install tomcat" gets you a fully-running Tomcat 3.x
installation - JVM, J

A Relevant Observation

2003-08-10 Thread Mark Galbreath
Check out the June issue of "Java Developer's Journal" (vol. 8, issue 6),
page 8.  I agree 100 percent with Joseph Ottinger.  Things have gotten
entirely out of hand. -> content:editorial -> vol. 8, issue 6


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Re: problem with bean:write and capitalization of attribute name

2003-08-10 Thread David Graham
This is standard JavaBean behavior.  Regardless, I encourage you to use
lastName instead because lName is rather ugly and confusing.


--- Wes Rood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an object as follows
> public class Contact {
> ...
> private String lName;  // the contact's last name
> private String fax; // the contact's fax number
> ...
> public String getLName() {
> return lName;
> }
> public String getFax() {
> return fax;
> }
> ...
> }
> Then I use  to go through a list of Contact objects and 
> attempt to access the lName and the fax attributes.  I observe the 
> following behavior:
>correctly displays the value of the 
> "fax" attribute
> while:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property 
> contacts[0].Fax of bean ...
> Apparently it is uppercasing the "f" in "fax" to call getFax(), but when
> the "F" is already in caps, it doesn't see the attribute.  This is fine,
> but then I tried accessing the "lName" property:
>   causes 
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property 
> contacts[0].lName of bean ...
> while:
>  correctly displays the value of the 
> "lName" attribute
> I also rewrote the jsp logic using  and  and 
> the same thing happened.
> What is going on here?  It appears that the "N" in the lName property is
> affecting how the "L" is handled.  Any ideas?
> -
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RE: Actions Best Practice

2003-08-10 Thread Erez Efrati
You're right it is a good option.

-Original Message-
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 3:00 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Actions Best Practice

That's not necessary. In the action mapping, you can specify the action 
parameter with parameter="init" or parameter="send".

Erez Efrati wrote:
> Taking your advice, it means that I would have two different action
> mappings, one for the init step and the second for the actual action
> (send).
> But then I will have to write something like 
>  which is a bit
> strange to write again the "init", and it is needed cause the
> needs this 'action' parameter to distinguish
> between the two. Hmm.. 
> Erez
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 11:43 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Actions Best Practice
> Erez Efrati wrote:
>>One of the problem I found with 'action=init' method, is that the
>>validation is activated automatically for both cases (both init &
> send),
>>and fails of course on the 'init' cause no field is yet in the form.
> So
>>I was forced to configure 'validate=false' and call it manually in the
>>Action code.
> Option B would be compacter. You can write two action mappings in 
> struts-config to distinguish the calls, where one has no validation
> the other does.
> I know some people don't like having extra action mappings in their 
> struts-config, but I believe that is what they are there for.
> Adam
> -
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RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

2003-08-10 Thread David Graham
--- "Bailey, Shane C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't get me wrong, I think scriptlets are ugly and shouldn't be used
> but
> like I said JSTL is not da bomb and if already know Struts tags I
> wouldn't
> go rewriting my code to JSTL until I have seen what JSF and any new
> technology near by has in store.

JSF is not a replacement for JSTL.  They complement each other.

> I'm just saying all the reasons listed do not necessarily mean a whole
> lot
> since scriptlets can fit nearly everything said about JSTL but yet
> everybody
> agrees not to use scriptlets.  I am just giving another opinion.

The question had nothing to do with scriptlets.  It was about using JSTL
or Struts tags.  I'm not going to participate in another JSTL debate.  The
tags speak for themselves.


> -Original Message-
> From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:21 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?
> Scriptlets are more powerful (you can do ANYTHING Java can do), faster,
> is a
> standard (it is the Java language you know) and if you are going to
> spend
> time learning a new language (${var} == "pooPoo") then you would be
> better
> off learning Java (assuming you don't already know it) cause then you
> could
> do scriptlets and middle tier coding and more whereas if you use your
> time
> learning JSTL all you will know is JSTL.  
> Believe me, JSTL will be easy to replace if someone comes out with an
> alternative.  I am a programmer but I understand the importance of
> having
> the tags be similar to HTML tags and not like tags containing
> scriptlets.
> If it makes you happy $var is a legal Java variable name so you could
> just
> write scriptlets with $var and no one would realize you weren't writing
> :)
> Why do you think Ant is so popular??? It got rid of all the $var UNIX
> script
> like crap and made it more like tags should be!!!
> Bottom line is, yes, Struts tags aren't the best but JSTL is not much
> better
> and will probably be replaced with something not so ugly in the future.
> Just my .02 sense.
> I like it how some people don't get disturbed by questions about
> connecting
> to a database with JDBC to the Struts user list but get mad if you post
> a
> differing opinion about the crappy way some tags were written that
> interfaces with Struts code.  What an ACE!
> -Original Message-
> From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:28 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: JSTL ot struts taglibs?
> --- David Thielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi;
> > 
> > For the logic and I18N taglibs - what do you recommend - using the
> > struts taglibs or the JSTL taglibs?
> Definitely JSTL.  They're more powerful, easier to use, potentially
> faster, and a Java standard.
> David
> > 
> > thanks - dave
> __
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RE: Apache Tomcat web servers

2003-08-10 Thread Hue Holleran
Hi yan,

I would be inclined to keep-away from ISPs who do not have good and
*extensively* proven experience with JSP and only go with those who are
specifically recommended to you for JSP. I fell-out with a UK-based ISP
(servers hosted in the US/Canada) in the last 6 months after
failure-after-failure with Tomcat - although they apparently supported
tomcat. They felt I was being "unreasonable" if I complained that TC was
down frequently as they claimed their servers were still "up" and serving
static content - so this was fine in their mind - the simple website in
question was finally offline for at least 2 weeks.

We were being blamed for apparent errors in the pages although the website
had not been changed and had worked flawlessly for 3 months prior to this
outtage ... and also worked without changes on a fresh download of Tomcat
and on every configuration of ours: Windows and Debian Linux with IBM, BEA
and Sun's JDKs 1.3-1.4 and under a JSM and without a JSM!

We did attempt to get a refund as we'd paid for 12 months hosting in
advance - but they refused and unless we wanted to get legal they would not
pay up - in the end we transferred to another ISP (easy to do as our DNS is
located elsewhere and enabled us to do this). A *costly* lesson.

The lessons we learned are:

1) Always keep control of DNS records - and allows easily and quickly moving
from a poorly-performing ISP. Ours are with "" - not cheap but
their DNS appears to be very solid and all DNS can be configured online and
DNS costs are included in the domain registration costs. There are plenty of
other options for other DNS providers, though.

2) Never go with an ISP for technologies they "seem" to support - only ever
go with a technology from an ISP if they specialise in this and really know
what they're doing. Recommendations seem to be the key, here -
recommendations for kgbinternet seem to crop-up a lot - I haven't personally
read a bad word about them yet.

3) For JSP specifically - always consider what _could_ go wrong with hosting
and what implications sharing with other sites could have. For instance a
private JVM is a really good idea - from a security, performance and
reliability viewpoint. Also, consider what effect other services running on
the same server could have - for instance we lost tomcat once as, unknown to
us - the server was also being used for users just playing about with
tomcat - another user had deleted their "jserv" directory and this caused
tomcat to fail to start - taking our site with it. We also had problems
wanting to change some settings for the JSM - in order to run Struts/Tiles -
this was finally done - but grudgingly only by the above ISP.

4) Consider what version of Tomcat (or other container) you'd like to be
running and ask whether this is the version they run and how proactive are
they at installing security updates and fixes. When we first investigated
the version running with our ISP it was Tomcat 3.2 beta 4(!) - even though
3.3a Final and 4.1.x was also suitable for production. From the Tomcat bug
database there appeared to be some very serious security problems with the
version they were running: source disclosure, web.xml disclosure etc.!

Our Choice

After trying 4 different shared hosting providers we now use - who supply a very competitively-priced complete
virtual Linux server - with unlimited bandwidth and full root access and
control panel to remotely reboot the server, if necessary. There are more
options here:

The option we have provides Debian (they also do RH) Linux, 2 IP Addresses,
shared but unlimited 1.5Mbps connection. Ok, admittedly the downside is that
if you're not familiar with Linux then you may have a stiff learning curve -
but they have excellent and very helpful tech support staff and if you're
running Debian "apt-get install tomcat" gets you a fully-running Tomcat 3.x
installation - JVM, JSM (Java Security Manager enabled) all correctly setup!

The real advantage is that this allows hosting of multiple domains; full
root access; ability to host email if you need it; ability to choose JVM;
ability to run apache to front tomcat if you want; ability to run own
SSL-enabled service if needed; basically pretty much anything that you can
figure-out how to do it!

The obvious real downside is that with power comes responsibility and the
responsibility is with you to ensure you don't leave the server wide-open to
attack; leave an open mail relay; leave a host that can be commandeered in
an attack etc. etc. But starting with modest objectives and building from
there can get you the service you need without great cost and with full
control - and if you're unsure there are plenty of resources from where help
can be sought.

Hope the above helps,


> -Original Message-
> From: yan

RE: [FRIDAY] Impossible requirements & customer expectation management [WAS: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in request?]

2003-08-10 Thread Paananen, Tero
> My have to explain the consequences in 
> layman's terms (no
> "geek talk", and yes, I am a computer geek).  If you can, instead of
> explaining why the software won't work given the requirement, and a
> real-life example that the customer can relate to and understand...for
> example, it's like trying to tie my shoes when I'm not allowed to have
> shoe-laces (I wouldn't use that one).  A good analogy can 
> sometimes go alot further that a brilliant explanation.

Nope. I prefer something like:

I can do it my way. It'll cost you $1 and I can do it
in 15 minutes.

I can do it your way. It'll cost you $1000, will take
a week and it still won't work the way you want.

What should I do?

I usually get to do what I want to do...


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RE: Internationalizing 100's of pages of text

2003-08-10 Thread Gary Kephart

> Is there a reason you don't want to put the content into a database?

The content writers are remote, so I would have to create web access to a database. 
Too much work. Plus, I don't think that the content lends itself to databases.


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RE: Update button on a form

2003-08-10 Thread Wendy Smoak
David Thielen wrote:
> I have a form with a submit, reset, and update button. How do I handle
> of the update button (go to a different action)?

How is submit different from update?  And reset depends on how you do it...
A typical reset button on a form is client-side, it just puts the form back
the way it was when that page loaded.

LookupDispatchAction is good for this... Instead of (or in addition to) the
execute method, you would have methods for (as an example) create, update,
delete, (or whatever the submit buttons on your form are called).  The
getKeyMethodMap() method maps the text on the buttons to the method.

So in one action, you can handle all the things that need to be done on that

As far as going to a different action, a form generally posts to it's own
action, but once the code there is executed you can forward wherever you
want.  Either use mapping.findForward() to look up one of the forwards in
struts-config.xml or instantiate your own ActionForward object and return

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM 

RE: simple JSTL question

2003-08-10 Thread Erez Efrati
Thanks Yan,

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yann Cיbron
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: simple JSTL question

> 1) How do I subscribe to the JSTL mailing list? (I rather ask simple
> dumb questions than stay with dumb answers :)

there's no stupid questions ;-)


> 2) What is the latest version of JSTL that I should use? Currently I
> using the JSTL and Struts-el in combination.

V1.0.3, see


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RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in request?

2003-08-10 Thread Andrew Hill
hah. Thats nothing!
Wait till you try coding it without hidden variables AND standing upside
down in a hammock while playing bagpipes at the same time.
Using .net
On a 486
with no monitor

...ah Friday is that BEER I can smell?

hmmm I know
how about tacking it on as a query parameter to the forms action url...?

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 8 August 2003 19:13
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in

That's ridiculous.  If that were true, then just give up and go home.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist

> -Original Message-
> From: ansuman_behera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 2:51 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in
> request?
> what if there is a restriction that the developers should not be
> using hidden variables? what do you do in this case?
> -Original Message-
> From: Rohit Aeron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:54 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in
> request?
> Try putting up id as a hidden variable...
> Eg:
> it would work
> regards
> Rohit
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 2:56 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in request?
> I have two actions chained together. They both take the same formbean.
> The first is and the second, which sectionInsert
> forwards to on success, is
> receives the properties of a Section in the request
> parameters, including id=0 where it is 0 because it does not exist in
> the DB yet. So it inserts the new Section into the DB and returns the
> new id, which is needed by sectionEdit to put into the html for the edit
> page.
> I originally thought I could save the new id to the formbean and this
> would get passed on, but sectionEdit instantiates its own formbean and
> fills it with the request parameters - include id=0.
> Is there an intuitive way of passing on the new id?
> I already use as a first action by calling it with an id
> on a querystring, where the formbean picks it up. I would like to use a
> method that is easy for both these situations.
> I'd appreciate any inspiration.
> Adam
> -
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RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

2003-08-10 Thread Bailey, Shane C.

Another debate.  Your debate was to make me feel like I was doing something
wrong by posting my opinion.  There was no debate.

The tags do speak for themselves and if you think that $var which Java
allows but is NEVER used is acceptable syntax for a tag then that speaks
volumes as well.

Never said, "JSF will replace JSTL".  I just said let's see what that
technology and others has in store in the near future.  Java didn't have
every API and package when it first came out so, like I said, we will see
what JSF has to offer in the near future.  I'm just hoping it is some
replacement for those step backwards tags.

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:51 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

--- "Bailey, Shane C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't get me wrong, I think scriptlets are ugly and shouldn't be used
> but
> like I said JSTL is not da bomb and if already know Struts tags I
> wouldn't
> go rewriting my code to JSTL until I have seen what JSF and any new
> technology near by has in store.

JSF is not a replacement for JSTL.  They complement each other.

> I'm just saying all the reasons listed do not necessarily mean a whole
> lot
> since scriptlets can fit nearly everything said about JSTL but yet
> everybody
> agrees not to use scriptlets.  I am just giving another opinion.

The question had nothing to do with scriptlets.  It was about using JSTL
or Struts tags.  I'm not going to participate in another JSTL debate.  The
tags speak for themselves.


> -Original Message-
> From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:21 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?
> Scriptlets are more powerful (you can do ANYTHING Java can do), faster,
> is a
> standard (it is the Java language you know) and if you are going to
> spend
> time learning a new language (${var} == "pooPoo") then you would be
> better
> off learning Java (assuming you don't already know it) cause then you
> could
> do scriptlets and middle tier coding and more whereas if you use your
> time
> learning JSTL all you will know is JSTL.  
> Believe me, JSTL will be easy to replace if someone comes out with an
> alternative.  I am a programmer but I understand the importance of
> having
> the tags be similar to HTML tags and not like tags containing
> scriptlets.
> If it makes you happy $var is a legal Java variable name so you could
> just
> write scriptlets with $var and no one would realize you weren't writing
> :)
> Why do you think Ant is so popular??? It got rid of all the $var UNIX
> script
> like crap and made it more like tags should be!!!
> Bottom line is, yes, Struts tags aren't the best but JSTL is not much
> better
> and will probably be replaced with something not so ugly in the future.
> Just my .02 sense.
> I like it how some people don't get disturbed by questions about
> connecting
> to a database with JDBC to the Struts user list but get mad if you post
> a
> differing opinion about the crappy way some tags were written that
> interfaces with Struts code.  What an ACE!
> -Original Message-
> From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:28 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: JSTL ot struts taglibs?
> --- David Thielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi;
> > 
> > For the logic and I18N taglibs - what do you recommend - using the
> > struts taglibs or the JSTL taglibs?
> Definitely JSTL.  They're more powerful, easier to use, potentially
> faster, and a Java standard.
> David
> > 
> > thanks - dave
> __
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Re: Returning values from a BasicDynaBean in jsp

2003-08-10 Thread Kris Schneider
Didn't like the JSTL Result suggestion, I guess ;-). As a JavaBean,
BasicDynaBean only exposes two properties: "dynaClass" and "class" (both are
read-only). So, that's all JSTL can get out of a BasicDynaBean instance. The
Struts tags, on the other hand, leverage BeanUtils/PropertyUtils so they're
perfectly capable of dealing with DynaBean properties. This is the Struts
equivalent to your JSTL snippet, but it'll actually work if "person" is a DynaBean:

Quoting jack beany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Short and simple this time,
> What's best practice on displaying (in either jstl or struts) values from 
> within a BasicDynaBean?
> Ideally want a working version of 
> RowSetDynaClass is one of the best things in struts but has to be one of the
> worst documented.
> Thanks!

Kris Schneider 

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Re: struts help required urgent

2003-08-10 Thread Nagendra Kumar O V S

  u will need a request parameter for executing  a method on a 
  dispatch action class(not request attribute). so u can forward ur control 
  something like this
  return new 
  and next_action is a forward defined in the config file 
  -- nagi
  ---Original Message---
  From: Struts Users Mailing 
  Date: Friday, August 
  08, 2003 04:09:08 PM
  Subject: struts help 
  required urgent
   Hi,I want to set an attribute in the request in an 
  action class and forward the same request to another action class, the 
  other Action class extends DispatchAction class, And I do not have any 
  execute method in the class, I am clubbing several actions in the class 
  and using different methods. How can I configure my struts-config.xml file 
  so that my previous action class can forward the request to the any method 
  of the new class which extends DispatchAction class.Thanks in 
  advanceRegardsTarunDISCLAIMER:This message 
  contains privileged and confidential information and is intended only for 
  the individual named.If you are not the intended recipient you should not 
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Extending Tiles Role Attribute

2003-08-10 Thread Terry Brick
I really need to ability to specify multiple roles in
my tiles tags (using the "role" attribute) like we can
with Actions.  I did a quick text search on the struts
source and it looks like maybe it's using Strut's
RequestProcessor.  In case anyone has done this, I'm
just hoping someone can point be to the right
direction so I can quickly implement something.  Any
Thank you

Struts 1.1

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RE: Model and Business in Struts

2003-08-10 Thread Andrew Hill
Heres one to look at:
(Expresso from jcorporate. (Its opensource))

Havent tried it myself. If you use it, be sure to share your experiences
with the list :-)

-Original Message-
From: Mehdi Bizhani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 6 August 2003 15:16
Subject: Model and Business in Struts


Please introduce me a Struts-compatible and complete framework
for the business part and model part of an Sruts application
that it can also handle the security issue. My application is


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Re: How to configure commons-logging on JDK1.4

2003-08-10 Thread Kris Schneider
If you're happy with Jdk14Logger instead of SimpleLog, that's fine. But I just
verified that you *can* get SimpleLog to work with JDK1.4. As I said, make sure is in WEB-INF/classes, *not* a subdirectory. 

Quoting Koni Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks Kris
> I read an article at (section Logging, 
> point 5). There he says explicit:
> -
> 5. Finally, if none of the above is valid and the application is not 
> running on JRE 1.4 and above, the application uses a built-in SimpleLog, 
> which writes everything to System.err.
> -
> Because my application runs on JRE 1.4, it uses automatic the 
> Jdk14Logger. I cannot use SimpleLog on JDK 1.4! Therefore I will use 
> Jdk14Logger and not Log4J.
> Thank you, Koni
> Kris Schneider wrote:
> > Try actually putting it in WEB-INF/classes, not WEB-INF/classes/myclass.
> > 
> > Quoting Koni Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > 
> >>Yes, my file is in the CLASSPATH 
> >>(WEB-INF/classes/myclass/
> >>
> >>I would like to use org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog.
> >>
> >>What do I have to write in the file?
> >>How do I tell my application to use the file?
> >>
> >>Any further help with examples would be appreciated.
> >>Thanx, Koni
> >>
> >>
> >>Kris Schneider wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Is the file located in your app's
> >>
> >>WEB-INF/classes dir?
> >>
> >>>Quoting Koni Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> No answer until now! It looks like nobody is using commons-logging!
> Very frustrating to be the only one using it...
> Is there really no useful example or documentation?
> Cheers and enjoy the Friday Beer.
> Koni
>  Original Message 
> Subject: How to configure commons-logging on JDK1.4
> Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 10:11:58 +0200
> From: Koni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello
> I'm using Struts 1.1 with commons-logging. My
> >>
> >>''
> >>
> file is in the CLASSPATH and has the following 2 entries:
> org.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog
> org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.LogonAction=info
> When I run my application the Log should use the 'SimpleLog', as
> defined
> in ''. BUT it uses the default logger for my 
> environment
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger
> How can I configure logging to use 'SimpleLog'?? Any examples??
> Thanks
> Koni

Kris Schneider 

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RE: Cancel Button Not Working in 1.1

2003-08-10 Thread Mark Galbreath

Doesn't work for me, either.

-Original Message-
From: Bradley M. Handy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 1:40 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Cancel Button Not Working in 1.1

Please post the tag you're using to render the cancel button on the page.


-Original Message-
From: Natalie D Rassmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 1:07 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Cancel Button Not Working in 1.1


I am trying to use the cancel button in Struts 1.1.  It is not working

The isCancelled(request) is always returnning false

Can anyone help me?


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Re: Application Design Document -- Struts Studio - Independent opinion

2003-08-10 Thread Alen Ribic
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- Original Message -
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 8:47 AM
Subject: Application Design Document -- Struts Studio - Independent opinion

> Hi
> What should I do.
> I would like to subscribe to struts mailing list.
> -- Forwarded by Thaung Sein/CO/HIC on 06/08/2003 16:46
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> cc:
> Subject:Re: Application Design Document -- Struts Studio - Independent
> Thaung is something wrong with your emails ? I only see your disclaimer.
> >
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[OT] TLD question

2003-08-10 Thread Andy Kriger
I downloaded the JSTL from Sun. In the tld directory there are 2 TLDs for
each taglib.

Example: c.tld and c-rt.tld

Do I need to copy both of these to my WEB-INF dir?
Do I need to reference both of these in the JSP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> directive?


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RE: force precompilation of JSPs

2003-08-10 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX


-Original Message-
From: Ionel Gardais [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 2:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: force precompilation of JSPs


I am experiencing a slow down when I access a JSP page for the first 
time after I deploy e web app.
Is there a way to force precompilation of these files as soon as the web 
app is deployed ?


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Re: How to configure commons-logging on JDK1.4

2003-08-10 Thread Reinhard
The answer to your problem is: 

at the homepage of commons-logging (where you'll find the online doc) and you 
don't need to join the mailing-list of commons ;-)

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single checkbox - still use html:multibox?

2003-08-10 Thread David Thielen

If I have a single checkbox on my page, should I still use multibox? And if not, what 
do I use?

thanks - dave

RE: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]

2003-08-10 Thread Andrew Hill
Its interesting to note that one of the major struts development tools
(Camino) was developed here in Singapore (by Scioworks Technologies). Id
imagine that once the recession is over and companies start to spend on IT
projects again we will see even more adoption adoption of struts in the

Of course Id imagine that lack of an IT budget in the current economic
climate was once of the things that has driven many to struts and other open
source solutions, but having now seen the benefit they will probably stick
with it.

-Original Message-
From: Mohan Radhakrishnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 6 August 2003 12:40
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]

I have to agree with that. Here in our part of the world ( India and
Singapore(hearsay) ) there is a groundswell of Struts popularity. I myself
introduced it in two companies. Though initially there was a slight murmur
from the management about the learning curve, it gradually picked up. I am
using Struts with OC4J.


-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 5:20 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]

That doesn't surprise me.

IMO, the Jakarta Struts framework has become the de facto standard for web
based application development on the J2EE platform.  With more and more
companies (and government agencies) web-enabling their applications, I think
you'll see a steady increase in traffic here.  I still cling to the hope
that by being a "Struts Evangelist" somehow I helped us (even if only a
little) get where we are today.

Another off topic note - With the increased need for professional Struts
Training, I decided to begin offering Struts Training Classes for beginner
through advanced users.  This would be outside the scope of my involvement
with Struts-Atlanta.

Struts-Atlanta is (and always will be) FREE.  The training classes/packages
would not be free and probably not be cheap (costs for instructors and
classrooms are not cheap).  As I said, I haven't formalized the packages
yet, but more info on this will follow.  Email me privately if you (or your
company) are interested.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist

> -Original Message-
> From: message message [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 7:24 AM
> Subject: RE: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]
> I have noticed that this list alone has more postings then the
> all the Sun mailing postings put together  ?
> Why do you think that is the case  ?
> >From: "James Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]
> >Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 07:11:37 -0400
> >
> >When I'm in a hurry to get through my inbox, I rely on 2
> industry standard
> >categories/criteria for sorting...
> >
> >[BEER]
> >[OTHER]
> >
> >
> >;)
> >
> >--
> >James Mitchell
> >Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist
> >
> >770-822-3359
> >AIM:jmitchtx
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: message message [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 7:07 AM
> > > Subject: RE: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > What is the criteria of the list ?
> > >
> > >
> > > >From: "James Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List"
> > > >To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Subject: RE: [OT] - [TOPIC]  - [VOTE]
> > > >Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 06:20:51 -0400
> > > >
> > > >-1
> > > >
> > > >We tried this a long time ago.  Fact is, it would be impossible to
> > > >categorize discussions by any label.  Especially when you
> consider how
> > > >topics can vary from one area to another or could be a mix
> of more than
> >a
> > > >few that you listed.
> > > >
> > > >Your best bet is to just go through what you can and delete the rest.
> > > >There
> > > >is a massive amount of knowledge transfer being spread among the
> >threads
> > > >here (and other lists), so it is up to you to get what you
> need or save
> > > >what
> > > >you might need in the future.  I have a technique where I
> save (what I
> > > >consider) important discussions in subfolders within my mail
> > > client.  That
> > > >makes for quicker searches among relevant messages.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >James Mitchell
> > > >Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist
> > > >
> > > >770-822-3359
> > > >AIM:jmitchtx
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > From: Puneet Agarwal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 1:08 AM
> > > > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Subject: [OT] - [TOPIC] - 

RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

2003-08-10 Thread Bailey, Shane C.

Going by this statement that you replied to and didn't correct anything
about it:

> there's a good chance that (in the future) containers 
> will have their own optimized versions of the JSTL-tags, there are 
> already some
> implemented in TC5.x

It doesn't sound like the optimization is totally there and everywhere.  

Anyway, I'm not saying that scriptlets are the way to go if you reread all
my posts.  I am saying the guys who were assigned to write the JSTL tags (at
least the logic ones) really dropped the ball by appearing to not know their
intended audience (UI specialist which are used to HTML like tags and not
${var} ==).

More of a philosophical disagreement than anything.

I'm sure I'll end up using JSTL but I am hoping for a little better
implementation of some of the tags.  That's all.


-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 4:32 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

> If they aren't faster in performance then something is wrong.  All the
> rendering practically has to do is put the code as is into the Servlet
> which
> is a Java class.  No interpretation.  I haven't looked at the source but
> I
> am sure the optimization for rendering code for Scriptlets vs JSTL has
> to be
> there.  

Don't be so sure.  Because the JSTL is standard, containers can optimize
the java code generated from JSTL tags.  This means a  tag can be
converted into a real Java if statement instead of creating tag instances
and invoking the tag's lifecyle.  My understanding is that the Jasper JSP
compiler (comes with Tomcat) actually generates faster Java code if you
*don't* use scriptlets at all.  Resin and Tomcat both optimize JSTL tag

So, with the JSTL we get the best of both worlds:  Fast page rendering and
standardized, powerful and easy to use markup tags.


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Re: Percieved Performance Issues using MVC

2003-08-10 Thread David Graham
To maintain a separation of your data layer and presentation you could
wrap an Iterator implementation around your ResultSet.  That allows you to
change the persistence mechanism without any other code changing.


--- "Ortega, Carlos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a client that requires very large reports to be rendered
> dynamically in various formats, HTML, PDF, XML, etc. Various clients
> have complained about system performance. The database has already been
> optimized and the delegate class responsible for managing the dataset is
> very efficient. It's just a large complicated query with a very large
> result set.
> I believe part of the problem is "Perceived Performance". The SQL query
> executes and returns a cursor relatively fast. I've found that
> processing the result set that takes more than 90% of the response-time.
> While the delegate class processes the result-set and updates the Model,
> the user is made to wait.
> I've been forced to break away from a pure MVC implementation in order
> to satisfy the performance needs of my client. I now employ a servlet
> that opens a cursor and transforms the results in real-time. I realize
> the query does not complete any faster using this method; however, users
> see results in their browsers almost immediately; thus, perceived
> performance is much better.
> Question: Is there a method under the MVC design pattern to accommodate
> perceived performance?
> Best Regards,
> Carlos Ortega
> Senior Consultant
> Enterprise Information Systems, Inc.

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RE: New Bie: How to apply styles to submit buttons created with s truts tags

2003-08-10 Thread sriram
You define a style class in your style sheet. Include the .css file in your .jsp 
(using  tag).
Use the required style class in 
I have done it this way and it worked.

-Original Message-
From: Seshadhri Srinivasan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 11:12 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: New Bie: How to apply styles to submit buttons created with s truts tags

I have a few submit buttons to which I wish to apply a style. I tried the following 
but I could not get the desired blue coloured buttons. 


Please suggest what I should do to get blue coloured buttons.

I also have the following *.css file with me.

.edit {
.edit {
.edita {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff1e6 } .edit1 {
.edit1a {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fee2cd } .edit2 {
.edit2a {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fed3b4 } .edit3 {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f6fbff } .edit3a {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eaf3fb } .edit3b {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d7e9f7 } .edit4 {
.text1 {
FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #0788de; FONT-FAMILY: Arial
.text2 {
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #00; FONT-FAMILY: Arial } .text3 
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #f16917; FONT-FAMILY: Arial } .text4 
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #127fc9; FONT-FAMILY: Arial } 
.logintext {
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3898d8; FONT-FAMILY: Arial } .table 
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; WIDTH: 72px; COLOR: #ff;
FONT-FAMILY: Arial; HEIGHT: 17px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #98c8e8; TEXT-ALIGN: center } 
buttons2 {
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; WIDTH: 72px; COLOR: #0384dc;
FONT-FAMILY: Arial; HEIGHT: 17px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1cecd; TEXT-ALIGN: center } 
.buttons1 {
center }

Seshadhri Srinivasan

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Re: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]

2003-08-10 Thread rajendra . x . yadav

Yes, it's a big company in India and other places also. One of the leading
services company in India.. right Puneet ?



  "Puneet Agarwal" 

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Struts Users Mailing List" 

   Subject:  Re: [OT] - [TOPIC] - [VOTE]   

  05/08/2003 09:24 


  Please respond to

  "Struts Users

  Mailing List"


 : Check-it-out guys its a billion dollar company...!!!

Puneet Agarwal

Tata Consultancy Services,
C-56, Phase - II, NOIDA 201305 (India)
Phone: +91-120-2461001, 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 (Ext. 1031)
FAX              : +91-120-246 1521

Struts ... Action ... Struts in Action ... Action in Struts ...

"Brian Lee"


   Subject: Re: [OT] - [TOPIC]
- [VOTE]
08/05/03 06:59


Please respond

to "Struts

Users Mailing


Isn't "Tata Consultancy Services" an odd name for an IT biz. It sounds like
a cosmetic surgeon's office or something.


>From: "Puneet Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [OT] - [TOPIC]  - [VOTE]
>Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 10:37:44 +0530
>Puneet Agarwal
>Tata Consultancy Services,
>C-56, Phase - II, NOIDA 201305 (India)
>Struts ... Action ... Struts in Action ... Action in Struts ...
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Re: Tiles status and feature suggestion WAS accessing Attribute of a parent-tile-definition

2003-08-10 Thread Reinhard
 > o  Firstly, Tiles assumes that a page is composed of multiple content areas
> where you have one piece of content to an area.  This is true for a
> simplistic site 

Not at all. If you use Tiles-controllers, you can dynamically create your 
component-content and insert it in your layout using the attribute-name in 
your tiles-definition. In your Tiles-controller you have all freedom to 
create a dynamic content.

I do it this way and it works well (having many controllers in one logical 

cheers Reinhard 

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RE: JSTL ot struts taglibs?

2003-08-10 Thread David Graham
> If they aren't faster in performance then something is wrong.  All the
> rendering practically has to do is put the code as is into the Servlet
> which
> is a Java class.  No interpretation.  I haven't looked at the source but
> I
> am sure the optimization for rendering code for Scriptlets vs JSTL has
> to be
> there.  

Don't be so sure.  Because the JSTL is standard, containers can optimize
the java code generated from JSTL tags.  This means a  tag can be
converted into a real Java if statement instead of creating tag instances
and invoking the tag's lifecyle.  My understanding is that the Jasper JSP
compiler (comes with Tomcat) actually generates faster Java code if you
*don't* use scriptlets at all.  Resin and Tomcat both optimize JSTL tag

So, with the JSTL we get the best of both worlds:  Fast page rendering and
standardized, powerful and easy to use markup tags.


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RE: [FRIDAY] Impossible requirements & customer expectation management [WAS: methodto get new Id to next action when old Id is in request?]

2003-08-10 Thread Nicholas L Mohler

My have to explain the consequences in layman's terms (no
"geek talk", and yes, I am a computer geek).  If you can, instead of
explaining why the software won't work given the requirement, and a
real-life example that the customer can relate to and understand...for
example, it's like trying to tie my shoes when I'm not allowed to have
shoe-laces (I wouldn't use that one).  A good analogy can sometimes go a
lot further that a brilliant explanation.



  "Andrew Hill"

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Struts Users Mailing List" 

   Subject:  RE: [FRIDAY] Impossible 
requirements & customer expectation management [WAS:  
  08/08/2003 07:28 AM   method to get new Id to next 
action when old Id is in request?]
  Please respond to

  "Struts Users Mailing




So what does one do when one has requirements that are (for all practical
purposes) impossible?

How does one actually go about convincing a Customer/PHB/VIP that its
impossible without them thinking one is incompetent and making excuses?

-Original Message-
From: ansuman_behera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 8 August 2003 19:20
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [FRIDAY] method to get new Id to next action when old Id is
in request?

no offence meant James but I've had past experience when the so called
architects and designer of my client have asked me not to use hidden

they would not listen to anything, they would not discuss about and hence
question. Obviously you do understand that the answer given by you is
something I cannot tell to my customers but thanks for answering anyway.


-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 4:43 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in

That's ridiculous.  If that were true, then just give up and go home.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist

> -Original Message-
> From: ansuman_behera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 2:51 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in
> request?
> what if there is a restriction that the developers should not be
> using hidden variables? what do you do in this case?
> -Original Message-
> From: Rohit Aeron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:54 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in
> request?
> Try putting up id as a hidden variable...
> Eg:
> it would work
> regards
> Rohit
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 2:56 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: method to get new Id to next action when old Id is in request?
> I have two actions chained together. They both take the same formbean.
> The first is and the second, which sectionInsert
> forwards to on success, is
> receives the properties of a Section in the request
> parameters, including id=0 where it is 0 because it does not exist in
> the DB yet. So it inserts the new Section into the DB and returns the
> new id, which is needed by sectionEdit to put into the html for the edit
> page.
> I originally thought I could save the new id to the formbean and this
> would get passed on, but sectionEdit instantiates its own formbean and
> fills it with the request parameters - include id=0.
> Is there an intuitive way of passing on the new id?
> I already use as a first action by cal

html:file question

2003-08-10 Thread Daniel Massie
Is it possible to apply a style to the button of the html:file tag?


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Re: how to pass a jsp variable to a javascript function

2003-08-10 Thread Adam Hardy
Hi Julie,
what do you get as a result of that iterate? It looks correct. Do you 
have javascript errors?

Hi All,

Can anyone suggest how to pass a jsp variable to a javascript function 
correctly? It is in a nested:iterate block that has an indexId="tmpIndex". 
 what I would like to do is to have the 'y<%=tmpIndex%>' variable pass 
into my JavaScript function.It seems like the server side <%=tmpIndex%> 
variable can not be translated into the client side script function.

Here is my code:

var y<%=tmpIndex%>=<%=tmpIndex%>;
any suggestions? Very Appreciated. Julie = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = == = = = = = = = == = = = = = == = = = = This transmittal and any attachments may contain confidential, privileged or sensitive information and is solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal and any such attachments in error and any review, dissemination, distribution or copying thereof is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmittal and any attachments in error please notify the sender and immediately destroy the message and all its attachments. Any opinions herein expressed may be those of the author and not necessarily of Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd (the "Bank"). The Bank accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information herein contained. = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = == = = = = = = = == = = = = = == = = = = - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Validator

2003-08-10 Thread Yansheng Lin

I don't see it in my validation-rules.xml.  Which version are you using?

-Original Message-
From: Erez Efrati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 6, 2003 3:33 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Validator

I am trying to figure out the code in
in order to write one of my own.
Can someone explain what the purpose of the following lines of code in
all of the validateXXX() in Struts:

validateIntRange (...) {

if (isString(bean)) {
value = (String) bean;

Is this really necessary?


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