RE: Struts1.1 and iPlanet Web Server 6.0 sp5

2003-08-30 Thread Bueno, Maurice
Interesting - what experiences do you have with the combo. Unfortunatly,
we're not in a posisiton to move away from iPlanet in the time frame of
this project that requires a struts like framework because part of the
preexisting application depends on the iPlanet search collections
facilities. Can you enumerate the problems you have seen or heard about.
FYI ... I have not experienced any problems with struts using WebLogic
so I was a little surprised at this issue - Isn't struts supposed to be
servlet 2.2 / jsp 1.1 compliant?

-Original Message-
From: Juan Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 4:07 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts1.1 and iPlanet Web Server 6.0 sp5

My recommendation would be that you start considering
a move away from iplanet if you are using struts
because number one, iplanet sucks, and number two it
doesn't like struts too much

--- Bueno, Maurice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble using the struts packaged war
 files with my
 installation of iPlanet Web Server 6.0 sp5. I'm
 receiving the following
 exception :
 [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26] info ( 1948):
 vs(https-mbueno)servlet 'jsp' class
 = 'org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet' loaded in
 = '/taglib'
 [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26] info ( 1948): jsp: init [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26] 
 info ( 1948): jsp: init [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26] failure ( 1948): 
 error: servlet service
 function had thrown ServletException
 jsp): javax.servlet.ServletException, stack: 












 , root cause: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException













 If anyone on this list has an insight to this
 problem I would be
 gratefull for a quick response. =20
  Thanks - new to struts on iPlanet,
  Maurice Bueno [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Struts Validator and Hidden Field

2003-08-30 Thread Wendy Smoak
Octavia wrote:
 I have tried to validate it as any other input field, but have not had any
 Any suggestions/ideas?  Thanks much!

You'll have to post some of your code before anyone will have any idea why
it's not working.

The Validator also logs copious amounts of info, you should be able to tell
if your rule is getting picked up from the XML file by looking in the logs.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM 

RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

2003-08-30 Thread Bill Chmura

Snif, snif...

I told myself I wouldn't cry, but look at me...

Well, I would like to thank my parents, my brother, the Jarakta project
and of course I could not have done this without the help of Andrew...

Thanks again...

   -Original Message-
   From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 11:28 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy
   I read your emails, and then I realized: you two joint-win 
   the Friday 
   Unsolicited Creative Kommunication award. You get a rosette 
   to tie to 
   your beanie hat, and then you can say you're F.U.C.K.'ed in 
   the head.
   On 08/29/2003 04:49 PM Andrew Hill wrote:
Any chance I'd get to ride in the corporate Battlesub?

-Original Message-
From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 29 August 2003 21:27
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

I am pretty sure this is one of those hiring for an evil 
   army jobs... 
Sure first they hit you with the its going to be so cool for you 
being an evil henchmen then your off in the middle of 
   nowhere with no 
girls anywhere execpt for the evil madmans henchnessess 
   and forget 
about them...

This has come work for our evil empire written all over it...

BISICP - Come on, that is an evil sounding as HYDRA, 

Pare, Kediri site - isolated sounding location, perfect 
   for nefarious 
evil scheme development

GPA 2.75 - we like em smart, but not smart enough to 
   figure out what 
is going on around them

Plantation and Plant research - Perfect cover story, no 
   one would 
suspect a thing.

I answered an ad like this, ended up doing cobol in the 
   arctic for 
some guy that was going to take over the world.  Turns 
   out he was only 
marginally evil, ended up scaring some eskimos.  Lousy 
   benefits.  If 
you want to work for seriously evil empire, join up with 

   -Original Message-
   From: David Stemm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:42 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: Vacancy
   Why would you need a recent photo for an application?
   - Original Message - 
   From: Indra Gunawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' 
   Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:27 PM
   Subject: FW: Vacancy
PT. BenihInti Subur Intani (BISI), Charoen Pokphand (CP) 
   group, is one 
of the Plantation and Plant Research export oriented 
   National company.
We are developing a web based application for supporting 
   our growing
We are now having a vacancy for System DEveloper position 
   for our Pare,
Kediri site.

We seek candidate with specific criterias as mentioned 
   below: 1. At 
least Bachelor degree in Computer science with GAP =2.75 
   2. Ability 
in JAVA and JSP is a must. 3. Fully understanding in 
   RDBMS concept.
4. ability in Oracle/MySQL is highly valued.

Full application include :
-CV or Resume
-Your Recent Photo or scanned Photo
-Copy of your certificates

Send your full application to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by postal service to
Attn : P.Suryanto, EDP
PO BOX 1261, Surabaya

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   struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
   Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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(Tiles) format message

2003-08-30 Thread Ray Madigan
I have a tile I use to build a html control that has to write a string.  I
use several message bundles within my application.  I pass the bundle into
the tile.

Is it legal to pass in the name of the bundle to the tile.
What happens is somehow the first bundle that is written to is used for all
calls into the tile.  It doesn't use the current bundle definition.  So,
throughout my application I have columns named ???x.yyy??? whatever the
of the column is because it couldn't find it in the bundle of the first

Any suggestions

tile:insert page='/com/mbresearch/main/tile/column.jsp'
  !-- The action target --
  tile:put name='target' value='/'/
  !-- The name of the Resource Bundle --
  tile:put name='bundle' value='APPLICATION'/
  !-- The name of the resource element to get from the bundle --
  tile:put name='column' value='name.column'/
  !-- The name of the sortBy field --
  tile:put name='sortBy' value='${form.sortBy}'/

Inside the tile I do

tile:importAttribute name='bundle'/
fmt:setLocale value='en'/
fmt:setBundle basename='${bundle}'/

tile:importAttribute name='target'/
tile:importAttribute name='column'/
tile:importAttribute name='sortBy'/

td class=column nowrap
c:url var='sortName' value='${target}'
c:param name='topic' value='sort'/
c:param name='sortBy' value='${sortBy}'/
c:param name='sortOrder' value='false'/

html-el:link href='${sortName}'

fmt:message key=${column}/

html:img page=/images/UArrow.jpg border=0 align=middle/

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Re: Suggestion of a java package hierarchy for a Struts project

2003-08-30 Thread Robert Leland
Jean-Michel Garnier wrote:

My company is going to use Struts for all its web applications and we have
defined a standard java package hierarchy. 

I submit the result of our work to the community so any company new to
Struts could use it. If you are currently using Struts, I am interested by
your feedback.
Toolkit project
The toolkit project is company framework which contains all the common
stuff. The package hierarchy of the toolkit project is organized arround the
3 tiers :
com.mycompany.toolkit.presentation.action : Struts action classes
com.mycompany.toolkit.presentation.form : Struts ActionForms : business model classes : Business Process 
com.mycompany.toolkit.integration.* : DAO (Data Access Object) classes
com.mycompany.toolkit.util : utilities classes

This is a very general question, that doesn't have much to do with 
It's a very -function-- oriented order. I would hate to maintain this on 
a large scale.
Why not group packages by the type of  objects they operate on ? 
Users/Admins/Order Processing.
It's possible that in a year you'll be using the code you write in 
several projects.
If its grouped by object then the entire user package can be picked up 
an modified.
Functional grouping requires you to take classes from each package ..

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Re: Remote Debugging facility

2003-08-30 Thread Jason Lea
Yes, I use it.  Version of Java is probably more importent than version 
of Tomcat.

I'm using Tomcat v4.1.24, Java 1.4.2, on Windows 2000.  Tomcat is 
installed as a service.

I use these settings:

-Xrs -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE 

not using -server
using -Xrs
different port 
different order for the runjdwp

Has any one successfully used the Remote Debugging facility of ECLIPSE
with TOMCAT 4.0.X ? I tried using it but am getting a message that says
Failed to connect to remote VM, Connection refused. Below is how I setup
TOMCAT  ECLIPSE for debugging.
Added the below statement to CATALINA.bat
SET CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
and started TOMCAT.
On the ECLIPSE configuration for Remote debugging I gave
Host : localhost
Port : 8000
Connection Type : Standard (Socket Attach).
Is there anything that I am missing ?

Sreekant G

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Jason Lea
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Support for optgroup ina select list

2003-08-30 Thread Richard Mixon
I've searched the documentation and mailing lists and find only a couple of
oblique references to the optgroup option for select lists. Is there any
way to support this directly or indirectly?

Thanks - Richard

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Re: form submit - nested property problem

2003-08-30 Thread Arron Bates
I think that the mix of original Struts tags and nested tags is getting you a
little confused. Using the nested:text tags and such inside a basic iterate
tag will yield no benefit, may as well use the plain logic and html tags.

Try this nested tag markup...

nested:root name=fagtypeform

  nested:iterate property=fags

nested:text property=fagDetail.navn /
nested:checkbox property=fagDetail.ekstraTekst /


/nested:root's much simpler. Don't have to worry about having indexed=true and
other such mess, the nested tags will work it out. Basically, when using the
nested tags, just use the nested tags and most of your worrys will be over.

All the best.


 On 08/28/2003 02:19 PM Heather Buch wrote:
  OK. I worked it out.
  It was necessary that the id in my iterate tag (and thus the page scope 
  bean referenced by html:checkbox) have the same name as the getters/setters in
  my form bean.
  In other words, if my form bean has: 
  setFag(int index, Fag whatever)
  my iterate tag has to look like this:
  logic:iterate name=fagtypeform property=fags id=fags indexId=ctr
  and not like this:
  logic:iterate name=fagtypeform property=fags id=mickeymouse
  That was it!
  Hi Adam,
  Thanks for the reply.
  I tried setting the form to request scope and doing this:
  public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { reset, Fags has  + _fags.size() +  elements ); 
  for(int i = 0; i  106; i++) {
  Fag myfag = new Fag();
  FagDTO myfagdetail = new FagDTO();
  But now, the form just submits blank fags.
  If I set my form to session scope and override reset, it keeps my list of
  fags intact, but does not change their properties according to the changes I
  make in the form one bit.
  I am wondering, with this jsp code:
   logic:iterate name=fagtypeform property=fags id=fager indexId=ctr 
  nested:text indexed=true name=fager property=fagDetail.navn /
  nested:checkbox indexed=true name=fager
  property=fagDetail.ekstraTekst /
  which (if any) of these methods from FagTypeForm is being called when I hit
  public void setFags(List fags) {
  _fags = fags;
  public void setFags(Fag[] fags) {
  for (int i = 0; i  fags.length; i++) {
  _fags.add(i, fags[i]);
  public void setFags(int n, Fag fag) {
  _fags.add(n, fag);
  And I am wondering, CAN I even update a member of a bean directly via a form?
  Or do need to set Strings in my ActionForm, and then use my Action to pull the
  Strings out of the ActionForm and then set them into the beans. But it seems
  like other people have updated beans directly from their ActionForm.
  I grew further confused when I read about The Wrinkle with Indexed Tags at Perhaps the name in
  my checkbox needs to refer to the form, instead of the page scope bean (the
  id from my iterate tag).
  Geez I am confused!
  Hi Heather,
  it sounds like you are not instantiating any nested beans to store the
  request parameters in. You should do this in your reset method.
  On 08/27/2003 08:31 PM Heather Buch wrote:
 I am trying to figure out what happens to the value of my nested checkbox when
 I submit my form.
 I have a bean:
 public class FagDTO {
 with setter/getter methods for a boolean:
 //for fagtypeform
 public void setEkstraTekst ( boolean ekstra_tekst ){ ekstra tekst to   + ekstra_tekst +   for   +
  _ekstra_tekst = ekstra_tekst;
 public boolean getEkstraTekst (){
 return _ekstra_tekst;
 I have an ActionForm with setters/getters which return a collection of  Fag
 beans (The above  FagDTO beans are nested one-to-one in the  Fag
beans. Fag
 means  class in Danish BTW):
 public class FagTypeForm extends ActionForm  {
  protected List _fags = new ArrayList();
 public void setFags(Fag[] fags) {
  for (int i = 0; i   fags.length; i++) { fag property   +
 fags[i].getFagDetail().getEkstraTekst() +   for fag   +
   _fags.add(i, fags[i]);
 public void setFags(int n, Fag fag) { fag at   + n);
  _fags.add(n, fag);
 public List getFags() {
  return _fags;
 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {

RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

2003-08-30 Thread Indra Gunawan
Well Bill,

Speaking about evil army or such things , the company is not doing all those
things . May be you have seen too many scary movies , so you get distracted
a little :) if you are not sure . May be they can hire you
for higher salary than you have right now :) 

-Original Message-
From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 9:27 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

I am pretty sure this is one of those hiring for an evil army jobs...
Sure first they hit you with the its going to be so cool for you being
an evil henchmen then your off in the middle of nowhere with no girls
anywhere execpt for the evil madmans henchnessess and forget about

This has come work for our evil empire written all over it...

BISICP - Come on, that is an evil sounding as HYDRA, CHAOS, or SPECTRE

Pare, Kediri site - isolated sounding location, perfect for nefarious
evil scheme development

GPA 2.75 - we like em smart, but not smart enough to figure out what is
going on around them

Plantation and Plant research - Perfect cover story, no one would
suspect a thing.

I answered an ad like this, ended up doing cobol in the arctic for some
guy that was going to take over the world.  Turns out he was only
marginally evil, ended up scaring some eskimos.  Lousy benefits.  If you
want to work for seriously evil empire, join up with corporate america!

   -Original Message-
   From: David Stemm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:42 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: Vacancy
   Why would you need a recent photo for an application?
   - Original Message - 
   From: Indra Gunawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:27 PM
   Subject: FW: Vacancy
PT. BenihInti Subur Intani (BISI), Charoen Pokphand (CP) 
   group, is one 
of the Plantation and Plant Research export oriented 
   National company.
We are developing a web based application for supporting 
   our growing
We are now having a vacancy for System DEveloper position 
   for our Pare,
Kediri site.

We seek candidate with specific criterias as mentioned 
   below: 1. At 
least Bachelor degree in Computer science with GAP =2.75 
   2. Ability 
in JAVA and JSP is a must. 3. Fully understanding in 
   RDBMS concept.
4. ability in Oracle/MySQL is highly valued.

Full application include :
-CV or Resume
-Your Recent Photo or scanned Photo
-Copy of your certificates

Send your full application to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by postal service to
Attn : P.Suryanto, EDP
PO BOX 1261, Surabaya

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[ANNOUNCE] Core J2EE Patterns -- Expanded and Updated in Second Edition

2003-08-30 Thread Ted Husted
From the Back Cover:

The authors do a great job describing useful patterns for application 
architectures. The section on refactoring is worth the price of the 
entire book! -- Craig McClanahan, Struts Founder and Specification Lead 
for JavaServer Faces

Developers often confuse learning the technology with learning to design 
with the technology. In this book, senior architects from the Sun Java 
Center share their cumulative design experience on Java 2 Platform, 
Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technology.

The primary focus of the book is on patterns, best practices, design 
strategies, and proven solutions using the key J2EE technologies 
including JavaServer Pages (JSP), Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), 
and Java Message Service (JMS) APIs. The J2EE Pattern Catalog with 21 
patterns and numerous strategies is presented to document and promote 
best practices for these technologies.

Core J2EE Patterns, Second Edition offers the following:

* J2EE Pattern Catalog with 21 patterns--fully revised and newly 
documented patterns providing proven solutions for enterprise applications
* Design strategies for the presentation tier, business tier, and 
integration tier
* Coverage of servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS, and Web Services
* J2EE technology bad practices
* Refactorings to improve existing designs using patterns
* Fully illustrated with UML diagrams
* Extensive sample code for patterns, strategies, and refactorings

Find links to Core J2EE Patterns and other great books in the Struts 
Resource section:

Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  -,
  Struts in Action -,
  JSP Site Design  -

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RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

2003-08-30 Thread Bill Chmura
Ah-Ha!  Not doing ALL those things?  So it IS doing some?  Hmm
Perhaps we should move this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   -Original Message-
   From: Indra Gunawan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 12:54 AM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   Subject: RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy
   Well Bill,
   Speaking about evil army or such things , the company is 
   not doing all those things . May be you have seen too many 
   scary movies , so you get distracted a little :) if you are not sure . May be 
   they can hire you for higher salary than you have right now :) 
   -Original Message-
   From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 9:27 PM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
   Subject: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy
   I am pretty sure this is one of those hiring for an evil 
   army jobs... Sure first they hit you with the its going to 
   be so cool for you being an evil henchmen then your off in 
   the middle of nowhere with no girls anywhere execpt for the 
   evil madmans henchnessess and forget about them...
   This has come work for our evil empire written all over it...
   BISICP - Come on, that is an evil sounding as HYDRA, CHAOS, 
   Pare, Kediri site - isolated sounding location, perfect for 
   nefarious evil scheme development
   GPA 2.75 - we like em smart, but not smart enough to figure 
   out what is going on around them
   Plantation and Plant research - Perfect cover story, no 
   one would suspect a thing.
   I answered an ad like this, ended up doing cobol in the 
   arctic for some guy that was going to take over the world.  
   Turns out he was only marginally evil, ended up scaring 
   some eskimos.  Lousy benefits.  If you want to work for 
   seriously evil empire, join up with corporate america!
  -Original Message-
  From: David Stemm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:42 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Vacancy
  Why would you need a recent photo for an application?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Indra Gunawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' 
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:27 PM
  Subject: FW: Vacancy
   PT. BenihInti Subur Intani (BISI), Charoen Pokphand (CP) 
  group, is one 
   of the Plantation and Plant Research export oriented 
  National company.
   We are developing a web based application for supporting 
  our growing
   We are now having a vacancy for System DEveloper position 
  for our Pare,
   Kediri site.
   We seek candidate with specific criterias as mentioned 
  below: 1. At 
   least Bachelor degree in Computer science with GAP =2.75 
  2. Ability 
   in JAVA and JSP is a must. 3. Fully understanding in 
  RDBMS concept.
   4. ability in Oracle/MySQL is highly valued.
   Full application include :
   -CV or Resume
   -Your Recent Photo or scanned Photo
   -Copy of your certificates
   Send your full application to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by postal service to
   Attn : P.Suryanto, EDP
   PO BOX 1261, Surabaya
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
   For additional commands, e-mail: 
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
  For additional commands, e-mail: 
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

2003-08-30 Thread Indra Gunawan
Come on Bill , wake up :)

-Original Message-
From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 2:05 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy

Ah-Ha!  Not doing ALL those things?  So it IS doing some?  Hmm
Perhaps we should move this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   -Original Message-
   From: Indra Gunawan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 12:54 AM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   Subject: RE: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy
   Well Bill,
   Speaking about evil army or such things , the company is 
   not doing all those things . May be you have seen too many 
   scary movies , so you get distracted a little :) if you are not sure . May be 
   they can hire you for higher salary than you have right now :) 
   -Original Message-
   From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 9:27 PM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
   Subject: [FRIDAY] RE: Vacancy
   I am pretty sure this is one of those hiring for an evil 
   army jobs... Sure first they hit you with the its going to 
   be so cool for you being an evil henchmen then your off in 
   the middle of nowhere with no girls anywhere execpt for the 
   evil madmans henchnessess and forget about them...
   This has come work for our evil empire written all over it...
   BISICP - Come on, that is an evil sounding as HYDRA, CHAOS, 
   Pare, Kediri site - isolated sounding location, perfect for 
   nefarious evil scheme development
   GPA 2.75 - we like em smart, but not smart enough to figure 
   out what is going on around them
   Plantation and Plant research - Perfect cover story, no 
   one would suspect a thing.
   I answered an ad like this, ended up doing cobol in the 
   arctic for some guy that was going to take over the world.  
   Turns out he was only marginally evil, ended up scaring 
   some eskimos.  Lousy benefits.  If you want to work for 
   seriously evil empire, join up with corporate america!
  -Original Message-
  From: David Stemm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:42 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Vacancy
  Why would you need a recent photo for an application?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Indra Gunawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' 
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:27 PM
  Subject: FW: Vacancy
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How can I construct STRUTS select options tag according to a parameter ?

2003-08-30 Thread Fumitada Hattori
Hi there.

How can I construct STRUTS select options tag according to a parameter ?

I got a jsp named example_1.jsp.
One accesses the page with a parameter like example_1.jsp?id=2 .
Now what I wanna do is that the example_1.jsp get the value of id
parameter and construct select options tag dynamically.

Like below...
String id = request.getParameter(id);
USBean us = (USBean)request.getServletContext().getAttribute(USBean);
StateBean state = us.getState(id);
ArrayList cities = state.getCities();

All Beans above are set in the application scope when tomcat starts.

I dont' know how to make us.getState(id) with STRUTS select options tag,
since USBean's getState( ) method requires a id parameter.

What I'm doing now is 
Using 1 more page ( ) right before 
the example_1.jsp.

One accesses the with the id parameter like and forward to example_1.jsp

In the, get a value of the id parameter and 
StateBean accroding to the value.
Set the StateBean in session scope like below.

String id = request.getParameter(id);
USBean us = (USBean)request.getServletContext().getAttribute(USBean);
StateBean state = us.getState(id);

then in example_1.jsp
html:select property=state 
html:options collection=cities property=id labelProperty=name /

I don't wanna do this anymore...since eveytime users accesses the , state bean is set in the session scope...
Isn't this too much work ???

Thanks in advance.

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RE: validating mapped properties

2003-08-30 Thread Gandle, Panchasheel
Hi Yusuf,

I had earlier posted for similar requirements but nobody replied and even I
check on some places on the net
about it, but it seems, there is nothing available.

so then I wrote some of the basic validators for mapped properties.
It seems to be working good.
let me know if you need it.

Is there anyone with same situation please post and let us know if there is
any existing thing?


-Original Message-
From: Yusuf Kör [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 1:05 PM
Subject: validating mapped properties


I have a dynamic form with groups of input fields (string fields, 
integer fields, double fields .etc.).
If I validate these fields with struts validator, then the Validator 
Class throws the Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Property 
'string' has no getter method.
Has somebody an idea what a did wrong or has somebody another solution 
for validating groups of  input fields? (The number and types of all the 
fields are dynamic)

Here is my example JSP:

html:form action=/

 html:text property=string(1000)   /
 html:text property=string(1001)  /
 html:text property=integer(1002)  /
 html:text property=decimal(1003)  /
 html:text property=integer(1004)  /
 html:text property=string(1005)   /


Here is my ActionForm:
private HashMap string = new HashMap();
private HashMap integer = new HashMap();
private HashMap decimal = new HashMap();

public void setString(String key, Object value) {
string.put(key, value);
public Object getString(String key) {
return string.get(key);
public void setInteger(String key, Object value) {
integer.put(key, value);
public Object getInteger(String key) {
return integer.get(key);
public void setDecimal(String key, Object value) {
decimal.put(key, value);
public Object getDecimal(String key) {
return decimal.get(key);

Thats part of my validate.xml

form name=UserAttributesForm

field property=integer depends=integer
arg0 key=integer /

field property=decimal depends=float
arg0 key=decimal /


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load data into form for editation

2003-08-30 Thread Jiri Chaloupka
what is the correct way to load data from db into form?
I have some form:
html:form action=/FinishRegister method=post focus=registerFull
 table border=0
 tdbean:message /:/td
 tdhtml:text property=fullname //td
 tdbean:message /:/td
 tdhtml:text property=mail //td
action class as:
public class LoadDataAction extends Action {
   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
   throws Exception, DatabaseException
   LoadDataService service = new LoadDataService();
   ComplRegisterDTO registerDTO = service.loadUser(request);
   ((DynaActionForm)form).set(registerFull, registerDTO);
   return (mapping.findForward(success));

Service class as:
public class LoadDataService {
   public ComplRegisterDTO loadUser(HttpServletRequest request) throws 
   ComplRegisterDTO userDataDTO = new ComplRegisterDTO();
   HttpSession session = request.getSession();
   User u = (User) session.getAttribute(user);
  return userDataDTO;

and struts-config file:
But there is some mistake.
What is the correct way to do it?
Thanks, Jiri

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Re: [OT] sslext java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError() failed- data has already been sent to client

2003-08-30 Thread Adam Hardy
It might sound like Microsoft Support Hotline, but you should upgrade to 
the full 1.1 release. Plus of interest would be the tomcat version.

On 08/29/2003 11:22 PM Robert Taylor wrote:
I'm using Struts1.1rc2 with sslext for Struts1.1rc2 and am seeing some
peculiar behavior
when an invalid path is requested.
What should happen is the RequestProcessor.processMapping() should recognize
there is no action mapping for the path, log a message, and send an 400
(Invalid Request) response
directly back to the client.
That's what is happening here.
10156: Aug 29, 2003 4:53:36 PM org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor
SEVERE: Invalid path /something was requested
But what happens is that SecureRequestProcess.preProcess() invokes
which logs the above error message, then returns null.
SecureRequestProcessor then returns true because
no mapping was found. Then RequestProcessor invokes its own processMapping()
which is when the
IllegalStateException is thrown because the response has already been
10156: Aug 29, 2003 4:53:36 PM org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor
SEVERE: Invalid path /something was requested
10156: ServletExec: caught exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException:
sendError() failed - data has already
 been sent to client
10156: java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError() failed - data has
already been sent to client
10156:  at com.newatlanta.servletexec.Response.sendError(
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
10156:  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
10156:  at
I'm assuming that this exception is trapped, because I get the expected page
back in the browser.
Should I be worried about this? One possible work around would be to check
to see if the
response has already been commited before attempting to write to it. I'm not
sure how that would
impact the rest of the logic in the RequestProcessor.

PS. I've created a test web app which duplicates the behavior described
above. If I remove
processorClass=org.apache.struts.action.SecureRequestProcessor/ from
then I don't see the exception stack trace.
BTW: Below is a snippet of code from RequestProcessor where the exception is
being thrown:
// No mapping can be found to process this request
log.error(getInternal().getMessage(processInvalid, path));
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST,   // = Here
getInternal().getMessage(processInvalid, path));

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struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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Re: load data into form for editation

2003-08-30 Thread Ross Sargant
Hi there,
   It looks to me like you need to include a form bean reference in your
action so that Struts will instantiate the (intially empty) form bean.This
means that

((DynaActionForm)form).set(registerFull, registerDTO);

actually has a form object to work with. Presumably you have a form bean
definition in your struts-config so just
reference it in the usual way in the action definition for /Register2.

Your second problem is that you need to copy the properties out of the DTO
into the action form, rather then setting the entire
DTO as a property of the action form. As it stands, your html tags won't
actually find any of the properties.
You may be able to use



 ComplRegisterDTO userDataDTO = new ComplRegisterDTO();
 HttpSession session = request.getSession();
 User u = (User) session.getAttribute(user);
return userDataDTO;

- Original Message - 
From: Jiri Chaloupka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: load data into form for editation

 what is the correct way to load data from db into form?

 I have some form:
 html:form action=/FinishRegister method=post focus=registerFull
   table border=0
   tdbean:message /:/td
   tdhtml:text property=fullname //td
   tdbean:message /:/td
   tdhtml:text property=mail //td

 action class as:
 public class LoadDataAction extends Action {

 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
  ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception, DatabaseException

 LoadDataService service = new LoadDataService();
 ComplRegisterDTO registerDTO = service.loadUser(request);

 ((DynaActionForm)form).set(registerFull, registerDTO);

 return (mapping.findForward(success));

 Service class as:
 public class LoadDataService {

 public ComplRegisterDTO loadUser(HttpServletRequest request) throws
 ComplRegisterDTO userDataDTO = new ComplRegisterDTO();
 HttpSession session = request.getSession();
 User u = (User) session.getAttribute(user);
return userDataDTO;

 and struts-config file:

 But there is some mistake.
 What is the correct way to do it?

 Thanks, Jiri

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Re: Repost: Validations in Action Form

2003-08-30 Thread Joe @ Team345
No, IMO you should not do what you outline. Rather, use the Struts 
Validator Framework to do validation. It took me a little bit to get 
the first required validation to work right. After that though you get 
used to it very fast. It is simple, extensible and your validations are 
not in code, but in XML files. I did find one limitation though. EVERY 
value I use on a form I represent as a String. Then I have the Action 
class validate. If validation proceeds then I do any necessary type 
conversion in the ValueObject.

So if I had a date field (call it startDate) in the form I would have 
accessor methods:

public String getStartDate()

public void setStartDate(String date)

and it my value object I would have accessors for any derived types I 
might need:

public java.util.Date getStartDateAsUtilDate()

public java.sql.Date getStartDateAsSQLDate()...

this way you know you can create the date objects from the string when 
you create your value objects because you have passed validation..


And it my Value

Adam Hardy wrote:

Hi Siriam,
there are no struts framework rules. There is the MVC framework which 
you should try to adhere to and not violate, which is why you are 
using struts, right?

There are areas in struts where the adherence to MVC design, or even 
OO design, is not 'optimal', caused by the interfaces between model 
and view, or view and control, or control and model.

It's the same with OO - there are people who say struts should 
incorporate action classes and form classes so that functionality is 
encapsulated with its related data.

Somewhere there has to be a compromise for the sake of productivity.

I've done what you outlined below. It works great having the 
validation checks in the value objects, especially for using nested 
beans. While it enhances OO design, it does decrease MVC seperation 
because you now have classes in your model (that's where you send the 
value objects I presume) where you can call View-layer validation. Not 
that you would, but it would niggle the purists.


On 08/29/2003 01:18 PM sriram wrote:

Can some please validate this?

My application uses Struts Action Form.
I am also using Value Objects.
I am not doing validations using validations.xml and 
validator-rules.xml. I'm performing simple validations on server side 
as follows:

Can some one please check the below code and tell me if what I am 
doing is correct?

In Action Form validate method, the code as follows:

= code in validate method of ActionForm ==

ActionErrors errs = new ActionErrors();
MyValues val = new MyValues();
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

= code in Value Object - MyValues =

public void setInputField(String val) {
if (val==null || val.length()==0) throw new 
IllegalArgumentException(Illegal null parameter passed to 
if (val!=null  val.length()100) // max length of this field is 100
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Illegal parameter value too long 
passed to setInputField,value=+val);
}// end of setInputField

With the above code, can I say that the validations are written in 
validate method of ActionForm? Someone mentioned that since I'm 
performing actual validations in MyValues, the validations are not 
being done in ActionForm, and so it does not follow Struts Framework 
rules. Is this true? Please clarify.

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Re: [OT] RE: What is Java Server faces ?

2003-08-30 Thread Micael
Come on, Mark.  This guy is not necessarily what you are assuming.  Maybe 
he just cannot tell what the difference and relations are between JSF and 
Struts.  That is not a trivial issue in some ways of interpreting 
this.  Boy, you are MEAN! LOL.

At 09:26 AM 8/29/2003 -0400, Mark Galbreath wrote:
yep, and can you write my code for me?

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Kyser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 9:02 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: What is Java Server faces ?
do you still have to do a web search if you don't actually
ask an inane question, but instead include the phrase
'I don't have the time to...'


On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 07:41  AM, Mark Galbreath wrote:

 Did you read the part about doing a web search before posting inane
 questions on mailing lists?

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 7:04 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: What is Java Server faces ?

 You sure thats the link Mark?
 I read through it but it all seems to be some nonsense about
 hackers , or hackers with questions or asking questions or something
 that? - I didnt see anything about JSF or even struts.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Galbreath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 29 August 2003 17:54
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: What is Java Server faces ?

 This should help:

 -Original Message-
 From: Madhu Nair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 3:52 AM

 What is java server faces technology? Is it similar to Struts ? Will
 that I learnt about Struts go waste?


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Re: How can I construct STRUTS select options tag according to aparameter ?

2003-08-30 Thread Ted Husted
The simplest thing would be to have the Action create a LabelValue bean 
collection from state and cities, and pass that collection instead.

A good practice is to use Actions to front any page that uses dynamic 
data. So, instead of linking to examnple_1.jsp, you would always link to 
a (or equivalent) that ensured whatever data you need exists.

The idea is that the Action does whatever is necessary to make the 
dynamic data easy to display. For a select control, the easiest format 
for the data is a collection of LabelValue beans, so that's the one the 
Action should prepare.

For something like States, you could also store the collection in 
application scope at start up, using a plug-in, so that the Action would 
not need to create it. See the MailReader sample application, bundled 
with Struts, for a working example of using a plugin to create a 
LabelValue collection.


Fumitada Hattori wrote:
Hi there.

How can I construct STRUTS select options tag according to a parameter ?

I got a jsp named example_1.jsp.
One accesses the page with a parameter like example_1.jsp?id=2 .
Now what I wanna do is that the example_1.jsp get the value of id
parameter and construct select options tag dynamically.
Like below...
String id = request.getParameter(id);
USBean us = (USBean)request.getServletContext().getAttribute(USBean);
StateBean state = us.getState(id);
ArrayList cities = state.getCities();
All Beans above are set in the application scope when tomcat starts.

I dont' know how to make us.getState(id) with STRUTS select options tag,
since USBean's getState( ) method requires a id parameter.
What I'm doing now is 
Using 1 more page ( ) right before 
the example_1.jsp.

One accesses the with the id parameter like and forward to example_1.jsp

In the, get a value of the id parameter and 
StateBean accroding to the value.
Set the StateBean in session scope like below.

String id = request.getParameter(id);
USBean us = (USBean)request.getServletContext().getAttribute(USBean);
StateBean state = us.getState(id);
then in example_1.jsp
html:select property=state 
html:options collection=cities property=id labelProperty=name /
I don't wanna do this anymore...since eveytime users accesses the , state bean is set in the session scope...
Isn't this too much work ???
Thanks in advance.

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Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  -,
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  JSP Site Design  -
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2003-08-30 Thread Ted Husted
Razi Ansari wrote:
IntelliJ IDEA is the way to go
+1. It costs money, but, then, so do I =:)

See also


Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  -,
  Struts in Action -,
  JSP Site Design  -
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Re: What's an ActionForm?

2003-08-30 Thread Ted Husted
When discussing patterns, like View Helper and Context, it's 
important to remember that these are *patterns* not architectural 
elements. In an implementation, a class will often use several patterns.

An ActionForm is both a Context and a View Helper. It's a Context when 
the Request Processor passes it to the Action, and a View Helper when 
the ActionServlet passes it back to the Server Page.

From a Core J2EE Patterns Catalog perspective, Struts is most like a 
Service to Worker. It combines several simpler patterns, like Front 
Controller, Application Controller, and View Helper. But in each case, 
more than one class is used to fulfill each of these roles. The 
ActionServlet and Request Processor serve as the Front Controller, the 
ActionMappings and Actions comprise an Application Controller, and the 
ActionForm and Server Page (with any associated taglibs or tools) act as 
the View Helper.

An ActionForm may represent *input* that a business object requires, but 
an ActionForm is not itself a business object. As it stands, Actions and 
ActionForms are coupled to Struts and the web layer and should not 
thought of as proper business classes.

For more about ActionForms generally, see



Yansheng Lin wrote:

In J2EE pattern catalog, where does an ActionForm Bean fit in?  I thought it was
a Business Object, but then what is a view helper and a context object?  A

Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  -,
  Struts in Action -,
  JSP Site Design  -
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getting at public static class constant field values in EL script

2003-08-30 Thread Adam Hardy
I am doing my error page and I want to test for the presence of an error 
collection, which struts puts in the request using a key string defined 
by org.apache.struts.Globals.ERROR_KEY

It is actually org.apache.struts.action.ERROR

I can't even work out how to do the simplest c:out/ tag to display the 
value of Globals.ERROR_KEY

I have been trying this:

c:out value=${org.apache.struts.Globals.ERROR_KEY} /

but it doesn't work presumably since it's trying to find an object 
called org.

Does anyone know?

struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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Re: getting at public static class constant field values in EL script

2003-08-30 Thread James Mitchell
You can take advantage of the Unstandard tags.

Here's a :

This doesn't directly answer your question, but I'm sure you are smart
enough to derive your answer from the following archived post on
taglib-users from July:

 I'm wondering if there is a way I could compare a scoped variable to a
 static constant variable that is in a class?

 For example in Const class I have some levels like:

 public static final int JVP_LEVEL = 3;

 It would be nice if in my JSP I could do (after the import up top)..

 c:if test=${myScopedVar == Const.JVP_LEVEL} /

 I know I could just do ..

 c:if test=${myScopedVar == 3} /

 But it is clearer in the code to use the Constant name. Is it possible
 to do this somehow?


Unsure if JSTL 1.1 will allow this, but using the Unstandard taglib you
can do:

un:bind var=bob type=your.package.Const field=JVP_LEVEL/
c:if test=$myScopedVar == $bob

(Henri Yandell)

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 12:35 PM
Subject: getting at public static class constant field values in EL script

 I am doing my error page and I want to test for the presence of an error
 collection, which struts puts in the request using a key string defined
 by org.apache.struts.Globals.ERROR_KEY

 It is actually org.apache.struts.action.ERROR

 I can't even work out how to do the simplest c:out/ tag to display the
 value of Globals.ERROR_KEY

 I have been trying this:

 c:out value=${org.apache.struts.Globals.ERROR_KEY} /

 but it doesn't work presumably since it's trying to find an object
 called org.

 Does anyone know?


 struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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RE: Struts1.1 and iPlanet Web Server 6.0 sp5

2003-08-30 Thread Juan Alvarado
At my last job we could not use struts 1.1 with
iplanet 6.xx because of classpath issues. This is
something that as of the time I left, it had not been

Apart from that, iplanet in general was not a very
reliable platform for us. Web consoles didn't work,
JSPs were not compiled when their time stamp had
changed, their support was worthless and in general it
just wasn't a great experience for us.

good luck with your project

--- Bueno, Maurice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Interesting - what experiences do you have with the
 combo. Unfortunatly,
 we're not in a posisiton to move away from iPlanet
 in the time frame of
 this project that requires a struts like framework
 because part of the
 preexisting application depends on the iPlanet
 search collections
 facilities. Can you enumerate the problems you have
 seen or heard about.
 FYI ... I have not experienced any problems with
 struts using WebLogic
 so I was a little surprised at this issue - Isn't
 struts supposed to be
 servlet 2.2 / jsp 1.1 compliant?
 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 4:07 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Struts1.1 and iPlanet Web Server 6.0
 My recommendation would be that you start
 a move away from iplanet if you are using struts
 because number one, iplanet sucks, and number two it
 doesn't like struts too much
 --- Bueno, Maurice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm having trouble using the struts packaged war
  files with my
  installation of iPlanet Web Server 6.0 sp5. I'm
  receiving the following
  exception :
  [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26] info ( 1948):
  vs(https-mbueno)servlet 'jsp' class
  = 'org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet' loaded in
  = '/taglib'
  [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26] info ( 1948): jsp: init
  info ( 1948): jsp: init [28/Aug/2003:10:23:26]
 failure ( 1948): 
  error: servlet service
  function had thrown ServletException
  jsp): javax.servlet.ServletException, stack: 












  , root cause: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException













  If anyone on this list has an insight to this
  problem I would be
  gratefull for a quick response. =20
   Thanks - new to struts on iPlanet,
   Maurice Bueno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [OT] sslext java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError() failed - data has already been sent to client

2003-08-30 Thread Robert Taylor
Adam, thanks for the reply but upgrading won't help in this case.
I've already looked at the source for the full 1.1 release and this
issue is not addressed.

Also, I'm not using Tomcat, I'm using ServletExec4.2 with the latest patch.
The servlet container has nothing to do with this problem.

It is fairly evident that the problem is that the response is being written
to after it has been committed. I've suggested a workaround and might
implement it.

I just wanted to know if this issue has been addressed.

I don't necessarily think it is the responsibility of the RequestProcessor
to check to see if the response has already been committed before writing to
but as more and more plugin's are added (TilesRequestProcessor,
SecureRequestProcessor, etc...)
it may become necessary to check for this condition.

If I'm missing something obvious, please let me know.


 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:45 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: [OT] sslext java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError()
 failed - data has already been sent to client

 It might sound like Microsoft Support Hotline, but you should upgrade to
 the full 1.1 release. Plus of interest would be the tomcat version.

 On 08/29/2003 11:22 PM Robert Taylor wrote:
  I'm using Struts1.1rc2 with sslext for Struts1.1rc2 and am seeing some
  peculiar behavior
  when an invalid path is requested.
  What should happen is the RequestProcessor.processMapping()
 should recognize
  there is no action mapping for the path, log a message, and send an 400
  (Invalid Request) response
  directly back to the client.
  That's what is happening here.
  10156: Aug 29, 2003 4:53:36 PM org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor
  SEVERE: Invalid path /something was requested
  But what happens is that SecureRequestProcess.preProcess() invokes
  which logs the above error message, then returns null.
  SecureRequestProcessor then returns true because
  no mapping was found. Then RequestProcessor invokes its own
  which is when the
  IllegalStateException is thrown because the response has already been
  10156: Aug 29, 2003 4:53:36 PM org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor
  SEVERE: Invalid path /something was requested
  10156: ServletExec: caught exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException:
  sendError() failed - data has already
   been sent to client
  10156: java.lang.IllegalStateException: sendError() failed - data has
  already been sent to client
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  10156:  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  10156:  at
  I'm assuming that this exception is trapped, because I get the
 expected page
  back in the browser.
  Should I be worried about this? One possible work around would
 be to check
  to see if the
  response has already been commited before attempting to write
 to it. I'm not
  sure how that would
  impact the rest of the logic in the RequestProcessor.
  PS. I've created a test web app which duplicates the behavior described
  above. If I remove
  processorClass=org.apache.struts.action.SecureRequestProcessor/ from
  then I don't see the exception stack trace.
  BTW: Below is a snippet of code from RequestProcessor where the
 exception is
  being thrown:
  // No mapping can be found to process this request
  log.error(getInternal().getMessage(processInvalid, path));
  response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST,   //
 = Here
  getInternal().getMessage(processInvalid, path));

Re: getting at public static class constant field values in EL script

2003-08-30 Thread David M. Karr
 Adam == Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Adam I am doing my error page and I want to test for the presence of an error
Adam collection, which struts puts in the request using a key string defined by
Adam org.apache.struts.Globals.ERROR_KEY

Adam It is actually org.apache.struts.action.ERROR

Adam I can't even work out how to do the simplest c:out/ tag to display the 
Adam of Globals.ERROR_KEY

Adam I have been trying this:
Adam c:out value=${org.apache.struts.Globals.ERROR_KEY} /

Adam but it doesn't work presumably since it's trying to find an object called 

First of all, questions like this are better posed in the taglibs-user list,
because that specifically focuses on the JSTL (and other taglibs).  Also, I'm
guessing you haven't read the JSTL specification.  Read it.  I think it's
possible you would have figured out some aspects of it from that document.

You're hitting two issues here.  The EL can only reference JavaBean properties,
and collection and map entries.  That's it.  It can't reference static
variables.  This particular point has been beaten over the head numerous times
in the taglibs-user list (and some here also).

Second, if you have a property that has periods in it, you have to reference it
with the array/map syntax, like this:


instead of:  ${}

Obviously, your biggest issue is the static variables.  Some people (me
included) have proposed the possibility of having a class at startup use
reflection to load the static variables of a class into a map that's stored in
one of the accesible scopes.

David M. Karr  ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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[OT] RE: getting at public static class constant field values in EL script

2003-08-30 Thread Mike Whittaker
Some people (me
included) have proposed the possibility of having a class at startup use
reflection to load the static variables of a class into a map
that's stored in
one of the accesible scopes.

Absolutely, you could have a class that you register other classes with,
these classes could then have their 'public static finals' reflected, or
even just ones beginning VIEWABLE_ or whatever, then these can be added as
ServletContext Attributes.  Alternatively JSTL could have had this obviously
pretty essential feature to start with!

Mike W

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[OT] jstl forEach problem

2003-08-30 Thread Johan
I have a JSTL question and the answers in the archives don't solve the 
problem. So maybe one of you run into the problem ones

I have an ArrayList containing Objects.
c:forEach var=document 
c:out value=${} /

This gives me the following error

[ServletException in:/pages/sessie.jsp] An error occurred while 
evaluating custom action attribute value with value 
${}: The . operator was supplied with an index 
value of type java.lang.String to be applied to a List or array, but 
that value cannot be converted to an integer. (null)'

In an other page with different objects in a ArrayList it works perfect.
When I run
c:forEach var=document 
c:out value=${document} /

I get as output

[(this Collection)]

even when document isn't a List or array.

Has anyone of you a pointer where to search for an answer to this problem



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Re: What is Java Server faces ?

2003-08-30 Thread Ted Husted
Since this has become a common question, sure to become commoner, we put 
a link on the front page. You can now see the link at the bottom of


Madhu Nair wrote:

What is java server faces technology? Is it similar to Struts ? Will all
that I learnt about Struts go waste?

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