Re: Workflow engine status

2003-07-10 Thread Alex McLintock
At 06:15 08/07/03 -0700, Kevin K wrote:
I was looking at Jakarta for a workflow engine and I
found this URL -
What I can't find is when this proposal was written
and if this workflow engine is included in the latest
release of Struts.
Sorry if this is a bit late but the people behind the Lenya software are 
investigating whether
they can use different workflow engines through some sort of standard API. 
Lenya has nothing to do with Struts but it may be of some help.

Lenya is an Apache Incubator project which is essentially an XML content 
management system
based upon Apache Cocoon.

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action form error messages

2003-02-28 Thread Alex McLintock
Hi folks,

I am using traditional action forms rather than DynaActionForms and when I 
get it slightly wrong (eg by missing out get/set methods) I get the 
following error

No getter method for property seriesnumber of bean 

Why is it telling me the problem is within the class 
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN and not within my ActionForm.



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Re: Struts extras for xslt -> html

2003-02-19 Thread Alex McLintock
At 09:25 19/02/03,  "Simon Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm having a bit of a problem accessing anything in directories on the same
level as WEB-INF/.

I believe this is banned by the servlet engine (Tomcat?) - otherwise you 
might have website users downloading your jar files, and config files, and 

Does it really have to be there? If it does then create a new servlet which 
reads and passes these on as files - but only after providing proper 
security checks.



Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby.
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Re: Use of DispatchAction class

2003-02-17 Thread Alex McLintock
At 10:59 17/02/03, shashi wrote:

I am new in the struts and working on a form in which i want to use the 
hidden fields in my Action class.
Please give me any idea regarding how i can implement the functionalty.


You may find Ted Husted's Artimus example useful. It has a form with hidden 
fields in it. I think it is the article editing form - you need the article 
id in a field - but it shouldn't be edited by the user - therefore it is 
put into a hidden field.

I can't remember the URL for the WAR file download off the top of my head. 
Either Ted can remind us, or you can do a google search.



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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Event Foo In US state blah

2003-02-17 Thread Alex McLintock
Is no one going to do a Struts event in the UK?

There is supposedly an "apache meetup" in London organised through but last one didn't have enough responders to be 


Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby.
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artimus data source issue

2003-02-16 Thread Alex McLintock
Hi folks,

I'm trying to extend the Artimus application so that it works with my 
existing old java code and my old database instead of the artimus one.

I'm trying to figure out the poolman config required for the Artimus struts 
sample app.

So lets go look for it h. There is one in 
artimus_1_1/WEB-INF/src/conf, one in artimus_1_1/WEB-INF/src/java and one 
in artimus_1_1/WEB-INF

Why so many?

I had to create the directory for the log file which eventually told me 
that even though I changed *all* these it still wasn't picking up my new 
data source

Is it because there is a *fourth* one in commons-scaffold.jar ???


Can't delete it, don't know how so I'll have to overwrite it with one 
of the others

Anyone know why there are so many poolman.xml files?

I can understand one "source" one and one "installed" one, but why four?

Alex McLintock

PS I am getting this error. I have changed jdbc-artimus to jdbc-metadata in 
every poolman.xml I could find.

java.sql.SQLException: No such datasource: jdbc-metadata. Check your 
poolman.xml config, and be sure you are using a valid dbname parameter (use 
dbname, not jndiName)
at com.codestudio.sql.PoolMan.findDataSource(
org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql.PoolmanAdaptor.getDataSource(Unknown Source)
org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql.ConnectionAdaptor.getConnection(Unknown Source)

And this is what I am *trying* to use.








Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby.
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] O'Reilly Struts Book Now Available

2002-11-24 Thread Alex McLintock
At 00:54 25/11/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just wanted to let everyone know that my Struts book published by 
O'Reilly is
now available and shipping. You can get it from Amazon, Bookpool, etc.

Chuck Cavaness
Author - Programming Jakarta Struts
ISBN: 0596003285

I have a copy of this and have been reading it for a few days for review on

So far I am impressed - it looks like a competant piece of work. It doesn't 
explain why Struts makes some things harder than they should be but that is 
hardly Chuck's fault.

If there are any questions about the book which you would like me to answer 
in my review then please give me a shout...

Alex McLintock

Openweb Analysts Ltd, London.
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URL encoding

2002-11-24 Thread Alex McLintock
I am trying to insert a struts value into a parameter in a URL. However I 
need to URL encode the value because else characters like " " will confuse 
Is there a "proper" way of doing this in Struts?

I am currently doing something like this

<%@ page import="" %>

But I am not happy about itI want as little java in the jsp template as 

Alex Mc

Openweb Analysts Ltd, London.
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Hanging Struts

2002-09-03 Thread Alex McLintock

Hi folks,

I have a simple Struts application which decides to hang and not serve 
pages after some time. It seems to be database related because the index 
pages which don't require the database still work, whereas the ones which 
require the database don't respond.

The database appears to be still working since other things can access it 
fine. A restart of tomcat fixes the problem - but that of course is hardly 
a permanent solution.

I am using a fairly recent version of struts, Tomcat 4.13b, a farily recent 
MySQL, RedHat 7.2, mm.jdbc driver,

I see on this mailing list that other people have had problems with hanging 
if left "overnight". I have tried to use a "refresh" setting in my 
struts-config.xml but that doesn;t seem to have cured the problem.


Openweb Analysts Ltd, London.
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