Form Bean scope

2002-04-24 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

I must be missing something here...I have a form bean and an action. When the
action is invoked, the bean gets instantiated and I see it's validate method get 
called. So far, so good. When the action method ends and forwards to the actual JSP 
page that will display the form, the form bean gets re-instantiated, losing all the 
changes that I made to it in the action method. It seems like it should all be in the 
same request, since the action forward happens at the server side, not back at the 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Accessing form bean from inside a custom tag, take 2

2002-04-22 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

(I tried to post this to the list yesterday, but I don't think it made
it - it is not in the list archive. Sorry if this shows up twice.)

Is there any way to access the form bean from within the
doStartTag/doAfterBody functions of a custom tag?


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RE: Accessing form bean from inside a custom tag, take 2

2002-04-22 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Christian -
Those were the first two things I tried. In each case, I get a null
returned from getAttribute. I even tried
pageContext.findAttribute(beanName) and it also returned null. I am
pretty sure I have things configured correctly:
In struts-config.xml I define a form bean named fileXferBean. In the
action mapping that will lead to the page with the custom tag, I specify
fileXferBean for the name attribute. I see the bean get instantiated,
but it is just not there when I try to get it from the doStartTag
function (using ...getAttribute(fileXferBean)).

I know I should be able to do this - what am I missing?

Thanks again, 

Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

-Original Message-
From: Christian Bouessay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 8:53 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Accessing form bean from inside a custom tag, take 2

Form-bean is stored in request/session.
And in a custom tag, you can access the property pageContext.

Why not using a code like :

MyFormBean form = (MyFormBean)pageContext.getAttribute(myFormBeanName,


MyFormBean form = (MyFormBean)pageContext.getAttribute(myFormBeanName,

Don't know if it answer your question :-)
C. Bouessay

Bryan P. Glennon wrote:
 (I tried to post this to the list yesterday, but I don't think it made

 it - it is not in the list archive. Sorry if this shows up twice.)
 Is there any way to access the form bean from within the 
 doStartTag/doAfterBody functions of a custom tag?
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JSP Include and tag lib declarations

2002-04-03 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

I'm seeing some strange (or maybe intended) behavior with taglibs and
included files. Here's what I do:

%@ taglib prefix=bean uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld %
%@ taglib prefix=html uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld %

Normal JSP/HTML stuff...

html:form  action=/ style=margin-botton:0m 

jsp:include page=/Common/foo1.jsp/
!-- Page specific rows go here --
jsp:include page=/Common/foo2.jsp/
!-- More page specific rows here --


More standard jsp/html

(foo1 and foo2 just contain table rows but do use the struts bean tag.)

The problem is with the two include files. In foo1 I can omit the %@
taglib lines and it works fine. If I omit them from foo2, its contents
fail to display. Both foo1 and foo2 are well-formed, consisting only of
matching TR/TR and TD/TD elements. Both use the struts bean tag.

Any info is appreciated.


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struts-config and include

2002-03-19 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Is there a way to include another XML file within the struts-config
file? I have tried using entity references but they always fail (null
pointer exception when struts-config is being parsed.) The file is
getting a big large and I want to split it into several smaller ones.
Any ideas?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
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RE: struts-config and include

2002-03-19 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Steve -
I tried that, having done it successfully in ant. I get the
following exceptions, however, when I try it in structs-config:

avax.servlet.ServletException: Parsing error processing resource path
- Root Cause -

The XML is valid (according to Turbo XML):
!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration
!ENTITY incl1 SYSTEM incl1.xml

Based on other threads I've seen here, I might be SOL. Any ideas?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

-Original Message-
From: Steve Wilkinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 6:25 PM
To: Struts user
Subject: Re: struts-config and include

This tells you how to do an XML document include inside another XML
document.  I believe you could do this with the struts-config.xml?  It
under Tips and Tricks.


- Original Message -
From: Bryan P. Glennon
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: struts-config and include

Is there a way to include another XML file within the struts-config
file? I have tried using entity references but they always fail (null
pointer exception when struts-config is being parsed.) The file is
getting a big large and I want to split it into several smaller ones.
Any ideas?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Holding on to request data

2002-03-15 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Hi -

I need to keep a request around during a page display. What I am doing
goes like this:

- User clicks on a button
- Request gets passed to various struts Action classes where
various things happen
- Request then gets passed to a jsp page. This jsp page is a
frameset containing two frames. The 
second frame needs to refresh itself (I do this with a meta tag). This
is basically an action in progress 
stage, where a status message is displayed in the lower frame. Once the
action is done, the message 
gets replaced with actual data, and the auto refreshes stop.

Problem is, once control goes back to the browser to display the jsp,
the request is lost. Unfortunately,
it contains data that needs to be passed  back for the refresh action.
Right now I am pulling out the 
individual parameters and attributes and building the URL for the
refresh with them. This is ugly, 
since every time info is added to the request, it has to be manually
added to the refresh URL. Is 
there an easy way to have the jsp page just pass the original request on
to the refresh URL?

I don't want to put the request info in session scope, since it is not
really session information. 

One limitation - I can't use JavaScript here. One of the project
requirements is no client-side code.


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
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Action mappings and request parameters

2002-03-03 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Hi -
I can't seem to specify more that one request parameter in my action
mapping entries in the struts-config.xml file. I want to do something
like this:

 forward name=errNoCurrentObject
 forward name=errNoCurrentServer
 forward name=errNoSuchProcess

When my app loads, however, I get a load exception:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Next character must be ; terminating
reference to entity reason.

I have tried escaping the ampersand, but no joy there either. Is
there a way to do this? Or a better approach?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
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Form bean and class instance question

2002-01-29 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

I must be missing something... 

I have a class, Foo, whose data I want to display in a form. I have
defined an action (NavigateAction) that is invoked when the user makes a
selection which will move him/her to the page to disply Foo. This action
locates the correct instance of Foo and puts it in a session attribute.
I also have a form bean (FooBean) that is associated with the FooAction.
This action populates FooBean from information in the Foo object. Right
now, I have pretty much duplicated the public interface from Foo in
FooBean. It seems like there must be a better way to do this. Anyone
care to enlighten me?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
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ActionError problem

2002-01-29 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Sorry to keep bugging this list, but you have all been so helpful...

I am getting an HTTP error 500 (internal server error) sometime after
the validate method in my form bean returns. I see all of my logging
messages, and there is one entry in the errors list. I see no indication
of problems in any of the tomcat or application logs. The validate
method looks like this:

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

cat.debug(errors created);

Object o = request.getSession().getAttribute(currentObject);

o = null;  // Force error for testing...

if(o == null) {
   new ActionError(error.noCurrentObject));
cat.debug(Returning error with  + errors.size() + 

return errors;

Any ideas?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: ActionError problem

2002-01-29 Thread Bryan P. Glennon


I do need to get the session object from the request, so that I can
insure that an object has been set for the operation. It seems to make
no difference if I use it or not - I tried just creating/populating the
ActionErrors object and doing nothing else, and I got the same


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

-Original Message-
From: Brown, Alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:13 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: ActionError problem

Does this approach work for you?
Make sure your messages are filled in
( etc.
You should have no need to play with Request, the GET/SET methods should
be populated.


public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
 HttpServletRequest request) {
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
try {
if (this.group_name == null) {
errors.add(group_name, new
return errors;
catch (Exception e) {
errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new
return errors;

-Original Message-
From: Bryan P. Glennon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:09 PM
Subject: ActionError problem

Sorry to keep bugging this list, but you have all been so helpful...

I am getting an HTTP error 500 (internal server error) sometime after
the validate method in my form bean returns. I see all of my logging
messages, and there is one entry in the errors list. I see no indication
of problems in any of the tomcat or application logs. The validate
method looks like this:

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

cat.debug(errors created);

Object o = request.getSession().getAttribute(currentObject);

o = null;  // Force error for testing...

if(o == null) {
   new ActionError(error.noCurrentObject));
cat.debug(Returning error with  + errors.size() + 

return errors;

Any ideas?


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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ActionForm and request parameters

2002-01-24 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Morning -
Is there anyway to get access to the request parameters in an
ActionForm bean? I need one of the parameters to do a lookup so that I
can correctly populate the form. 

Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: ActionForm and request parameters

2002-01-24 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

But what about the initial display? In order to populate the fields so
that the initial getXXX() calls will display the correct data, I need to
use a request parameter as a lookup key.


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

-Original Message-
From: Martin Farrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:39 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: ActionForm and request parameters


You can just use the get set methods within a form, and use the validate
method to control what variables are filled in when. alternatively use
the action.perform method to check what parameters should be collected


-Original Message-
From: Bryan P. Glennon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 24 January 2002 17:41
Subject: ActionForm and request parameters

Morning -
Is there anyway to get access to the request parameters in an
ActionForm bean? I need one of the parameters to do a lookup so that I
can correctly populate the form. 

Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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RE: ActionForm and request parameters

2002-01-24 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

I feel like I am being really dense here...I must be missing something.
I understand that an action is executed after a submit (or am I wrong
here as well?). So what I want to do is this:

page1.jsp  // This has a link to page2.jsp?parm=X

I have a form bean for page2 that should populate the form
before it is displayed. I need to use the parm value to do this
properly. So where do I place an action that will have access both to
the parameter and to the form bean?

Thanks again for all the help.

Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

-Original Message-
From: Brian Holzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: RE: ActionForm and request parameters

If you are doing an initial display, are you not loading the form values
from within an Action?  If so, request parameters are easily accessed as
the request is one of the parameters to your perform() method by using
the request.getParameter( paramName );


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/24/02 11:54am 
But what about the initial display? In order to populate the fields so
that the initial getXXX() calls will display the correct data, I need to
use a request parameter as a lookup key.


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

-Original Message-
From: Martin Farrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:39 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: ActionForm and request parameters


You can just use the get set methods within a form, and use the validate
method to control what variables are filled in when. alternatively use
the action.perform method to check what parameters should be collected


-Original Message-
From: Bryan P. Glennon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 24 January 2002 17:41
Subject: ActionForm and request parameters

Morning -
Is there anyway to get access to the request parameters in an
ActionForm bean? I need one of the parameters to do a lookup so that I
can correctly populate the form. 

Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Includes and processing time

2002-01-23 Thread Bryan P. Glennon

Hi -
This is really more of a JSP question, but since it involves struts
tags I figured I'd give it a shot here. I have a page which contains a
form built using the html:form taglib. Based on the users selection from
that form, I go off and do some processing and redirect the user back to
the same page. During the processing, an attribute gets set to indicate
which detail information to include. I try to include this detail page
(which is also an html:form form) by doing a jsp:include.  Basically,
the page looks like this:

Navigation form

Static stuff here

jsp:include page=%=detailPage% /

My problem is that the tags in the included page never get
processed. So, is there anyway I can make this work?

Sorry again for the OT post.


Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
BPG Consulting, Inc. (
Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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