Re: New professional STRUTS website

2001-09-30 Thread Frederick N. Brier

Beautiful site!  I haven't been through it all yet, but a very impressive 
web application.  As Martin Cooper asked, I would also be interested in 
what aspects of Struts you found most useful, what you felt was missing, 
whether you did one large page or tiled, etc.  I am curious how you 
implemented shared functionality such as uploading of images or their 
editing.  Did you duplicate the actions, somehow parameterize your JSPs, 
etc? Thank you for sharing your site.

Frederick N. Brier

At 11:48 AM 9/29/2001, you wrote:

Please have a look at this new site developed to produce offline physcial 
product through an online web based application for Hallmark, Inc. by iXL, 
Inc.(NYC).  I would be happy to provide more detail into any questions 
anyone may have in terms of the STRUTS implimentation or other solutions 
for the build.  I have been reading this list for a long time and working 
on this project for a very long time hoping to expose STRUTS as a 
fantastic framework for implimenting proffessional MVC based web applications.

Adam S. Grohs

Nested set-property elements

2001-09-14 Thread Frederick N. Brier

I've read the several excellent messages describing deriving classes from 
ActionMapping and using the set-property element in struts-config.xml.  One 
in particular was:

What I would like to do is have a sequence of elements nested in the 
action element which in turn have a sequence of elements.  This should 
become a property of a type such as an ArrayList of an ArrayList in the 
derived ActionMapping class.  It appears that the set-property is limited 
to simple (name,value) pairs, although the set-property DTD definition 
does specify a id attribute.  Is that true?  Is what I am trying to do 
possible with set-property? Or am I actually going to have to modify the 
struts-config_1_1.dtd?  Are there any other alternatives?  Thank you.

Frederick N. Brier
Sr. Software Engineer
Multideck Corporation

Ultradev CTLX question

2001-09-11 Thread Frederick N. Brier

If you are in Dreamweaver Ultradev LiveData mode and make a change, then 
Ultradev tries to upload the JSP and directly invoke it on the server.  But 
an ActionForm does not exist, so you will end up with null reference 
exceptions trying to look up the Bean in the request attributes.  What you 
really want to do is have Ultradev invoke your Action class which then gets 
the data and creates your ActionForm.  Am I missing something here?  Is 
there a way to tell Ultradev about (and to use) the Action's forward name 
in the struts-config.xml file?  Thank you.

Frederick N. Brier
Sr. Software Engineer
Multideck Corporation

Classpath problem

2001-08-26 Thread Frederick N. Brier

Help me understand something.  commons-beanutils.jar, 
commons-collections.jar, commons-digester.jar, struts.jar are placed in my 
.war files WEB-INF/lib directory.  Everything is fine.  I additionally copy 
them into my JVM's classpath (in JBoss by copying them into the 
jboss/lib/ext directory) and my Action and Form classes generate 
java.lang.ClassNotFound exceptions.  Having them in just jboss/lib/ext and 
not the WEB-INF/lib also generates a java.lang.ClassNotFound 
exception.  Why?  Why does Struts care about where the .jar files are in 
the classpath?

My reason for wanting to do this was most of my .war files were going to be 
built on top of Struts.  There are also base utility classes that 
inherited from org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm and 
org.apache.struts.action.Action that most of my classes were going to 
inherit from.  They were going to go in a .jar file that were deployed to 
/jboss/lib/ext.  It didn't seem appropriate to have them all in each .war file.

Thank you.