[Tiles] Insert URL Restrictions?

2004-01-16 Thread James Watkin
From the Tiles documentation, the insert page URL restrictions aren't 
clear to me. For example, with the JSTL  tag, one can import 
content from:
  1. the same web context
  2. another context in the same web container
  3. anywhere in the world via a URL (this is what I need)

Tiles API Guide:
"The page attribute is any valid URL pointing to a resource inside the 
current site."
"The Tiles body can be a simple JSP page, a Struts action or any URI 
pointing to a resource inside the current web site."

Which of the numbered items above can be specified as a source of content 
with Tiles?

Thank you.

- Jim

James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Re: Best Practice for data source access

2004-01-12 Thread James Watkin
On this list, I recall a debate regarding whether or not it's best to cache 
a javax.sql.DataSource. Some thought that caching the DataSource would 
allow your code to run faster. Others claimed, on Tomcat at least, that 
there is no observable performance penalty when getting a DataSource and 
that by not caching the DataSource and getting it whenever you get your 
Connection, your code will be more robust in the event your database server 
should be restarted while your application is running.

Although I haven't tested these claims, I'm getting my javax.sql.DataSource 
every time I get a Connection (with Connection and PreparedStatement 
pooling on Tomcat): connection = getDataSource().getConnection();. I'm not 
sure if this answers your question.

- Jim

At 11:32 AM 1/12/2004 -0500, you wrote:
What is the best practice for establishing a data source connection using
I am using the DAO pattern for database access but where is the best
location for placing the code that initializes the data source?
I am using connection pooling.
I am moving a Struts application into a Portlet.
The core servlet is com.ibm.wps.portlets.struts.WpsStrutsPortlet.
James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Re: Struts Pitfalls..

2003-05-29 Thread James Watkin
There are many Java-based web application frameworks. Which framework 
should you use? Who will give you the unbiased advice you're looking for? 
Things to include in your evaluation: source code availability and support 
from books, forums, and tools.

From Sun Java BluePrints Enterprise Guidelines, "Designing Enterprise 
Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition" ISBN: 02017879:

Page 93, Section 4.3:
"The BluePrints recommended best practice is to choose an existing, proven 
Web-tier application framework for a J2EE application rather than designing 
and building a custom framework layer."

Page 114, Section 4.4.5:
"Struts has a great deal of mindshare, and can be considered an 
industrial-strength framework suitable for large applications."


- Jim

At 12:43 PM 5/27/2003 +0530, you wrote:
Hello Gurus,

For the prototype of our project we have chosen
Struts (as proof of model2 concept & technology).
I was googling to find any pitfalls or downside of Struts
framework or any failure (or success) story. I was looking
for any inheret performace issue or limitation. However
Struts being ralatively new framework, I found none.
Can anybody will provide any related links?

Thanks in advance
James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Re: c:out output problem

2003-03-25 Thread James Watkin
I was able to duplicate your problem. The solution:



- Jim

At 08:47 PM 3/24/2003 -0500, you wrote:
The following jsp:

Where ${list} is a Bean with a getHeaders() that returns a Collection 
which, in this case, is an ArrayList of Strings.

The ${list} object is used elsewhere and works perfectly so I know it is 
being properly set.

The above outputs:


(There suppose to be two headers.)

Any ideas?



Adam Sherman
Tritus CG Inc.
+1 (613) 797-6819
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James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Re: Datasource

2003-03-25 Thread James Watkin
See the following message for Craig McClanahan's take on this.

http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=594323

- Jim

At 10:28 PM 3/24/2003 -0500, you wrote:
I've read the literature and nothing seems definitive.  Apparently we can
declare a data source by:
1.  Declaring it in struts-config;

2.  Declaring it in the container app;

3.  Declaring it in the source code;

4.  Declaring it in the deployment descriptor;

5.  Declaring it in the EJB deployment descriptor.

Is it just me or is this a pile of this?


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James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Re: Size Limitation When Using logic:iterate on Object[][]?

2003-03-21 Thread James Watkin
Regarding the problem that I posted earlier, I've discovered that if I replace:

with the following tag from the JSTL Core:


the problem goes away.

It's funny though how  works through most of the 

- Jim

At 09:16 PM 3/20/2003 -0800, you wrote:
The following example works on small sets of data. But it fails on a 
dataset of about 570 rows and 12 columns. When it fails, the resulting 
page appears in the browser but the the content stops in mid row after 
about 475 rows.

The servlet throws the following exception when it fails:
StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet.service() for servlet action threw 
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find bean column in scope null

"tableData" is a two dimensional array (Object[][]) stored in request scope.

If you vary the specified text in the example, you can change the row of 
failure. In some cases, making that text longer actually allowed me to 
print more rows.

Vary the length of this text to affect the row of failure.

Why does it work on some datasets but not larger ones? Am I exceeding a 
size limitation? Am I misusing the logic:iterate tag?

Struts 1.0.2
Tomcat 4.1.18
Windows 2000 Professional
Thank you.

- Jim

James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835
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James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Size Limitation When Using logic:iterate on Object[][]?

2003-03-20 Thread James Watkin
The following example works on small sets of data. But it fails on a 
dataset of about 570 rows and 12 columns. When it fails, the resulting page 
appears in the browser but the the content stops in mid row after about 475 

The servlet throws the following exception when it fails:
StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet.service() for servlet action threw 
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find bean column in scope null

"tableData" is a two dimensional array (Object[][]) stored in request scope.

If you vary the specified text in the example, you can change the row of 
failure. In some cases, making that text longer actually allowed me to 
print more rows.

Vary the length of this text to affect the row of failure.

Why does it work on some datasets but not larger ones? Am I exceeding a 
size limitation? Am I misusing the logic:iterate tag?

Struts 1.0.2
Tomcat 4.1.18
Windows 2000 Professional
Thank you.

- Jim

James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Searching the Struts Mail List Archive

2003-03-18 Thread James Watkin
I'd like to give some constructive feedback on the two different interfaces 
to the Struts Mail List Archive.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/



The second interface seems to give more relevant search results. Have 
others found this to be true?

- Jim

James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Re: Struts1.1 message resources ???en_CA.version???

2003-03-13 Thread James Watkin
Would you agree though with the following exceptions taken from the Tomcat 

"Install Your JDBC Driver

Use of the JDBC Data Sources JNDI Resource Factory requires that you make 
an appropriate JDBC driver available to both Tomcat internal classes and to 
your web application. This is most easily accomplished by installing the 
driver's JAR file(s) into the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory, which 
makes the driver available both to the resource factory and to your 

"DBCP uses the Jakarta-Commons Database Connection Pool. It relies on 
number of Jakarta-Commons componenets:
Jakarta-Commons DBCP 1.0
Jakarta-Commons Collections 2.0
Jakarta-Commons Pool 1.0
These jar files along with your the jar file for your JDBC driver should be 
installed in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.
NOTE:Third Party drivers should be in jarfiles, not zipfiles. Tomcat only 
adds $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar to the classpath.

NOTE: Do not install these jarfiles in your /WEB-INF/lib, or 
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext, or anywhere else. You will experience problems if 
you install them anyplace other than $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib."

- Jim

At 12:59 PM 3/13/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Always put all necessary jar files under /WEB-INF/lib for each project and 
never use a container's common directory.



From: Rasputin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Rasputin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Struts1.1 message resources ???en_CA.version???
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:39:07 +
* David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [0344 18:44]:
> Is struts.jar one of those jars?  If so, it's not surprising that 
there are
> problems finding the properties file.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but why?

Is it a general rule that struts.jar shouldn't be in tomcat's classpath?
What about $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/ ?
She is not refined.  She is not unrefined.  She keeps a parrot.
-- Mark Twain
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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ServletOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int) Return Value

2003-03-12 Thread James Watkin
I have a question regarding the return value of the write method in the 
ServletOutputStream class in the example code given in a previous post to 
this list (see the message below). Isn't the correct return value void, not 

It's my understanding that javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream extends 
java.io.OutputStream which, at least currently, defines the write method's 
return value to be void. What's interesting though is that the Java 
Tutorial claims it's int. See:

Another interesting point is that even though the current JavaDoc for 
java.io.OutputStream defines the return value to be void, it includes the 
following line: "The general contract for write(b, off, len) is that some 
of the bytes in the array b are written...", the key word here being "some."

Would anyone care to comment on the history or reality of this API?

- Jim

The following message was taken from the Struts Mail Archive:

Response to: File upload/download design question 

Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 20:08:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Craig R. McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: File upload/download design question
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a design question regarding file upload/download which is not
> completely Struts related but I was hoping someone could provide some
> suggestions.  I have succeeded with the upload using the struts upload
> package, and then I load the file into an Oracle BLOB field. Now I need to
> get it back to the user if they want to view it.
> I was planning to create an Action for processing the file download. The
> user will click on a URL and pass in the ID of the file as a request
> parameter to the Action (i.e. fileDownload.do?id=1234). The Action will
> access a session EJB which then locates the requested file and returns it to
> the Action as a File object. Here is where I need advice: what is the best
> way to send this File back to the browser?  Can I change the response type
> to "file" somehow and stream this to the browser? Another option I thought
> about was saving the file to a temp directory and then redirecting the
> browser to this file. I would rather not write temp files if I don't have
> to. Or, is there any functionality provided with struts for sending a file
> back to the browser?
This is one of the cases where you might actually want to have an Action
create the response itself, instead of forwarding to a JSP page to do
it.  The reason for this is that JSP pages aren't meant for binary output
(like a GIF image) -- but servlets can do this easily.
An example of an Action to do this might look like this:

  byte buffer[] = ... load byte array from the database ...
  int size = xxx; // Number of bytes to be sent
  response.setContentType("image/gif");  // Or whatever is correct
  ServletOutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream();
  int sent = 0;
  while (sent < size) {
int count = stream.write(buffer, sent, size - sent);
sent += count;
  return (null);

Note that NULL is returned, instead of an ActionForward.  This is the
signal to the controller servlet that the Action has already created the
response, so no forwarding is required.
> Any suggestions greatly appreciated...
> Thanks,
> Bob


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James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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FYI: "Struts in Action" Unavailable at Amazon

2003-01-02 Thread James Watkin
I tried to place an order for "Struts in Action" just prior to Christmas. 
Here's Amazon's response:

"Greetings from Amazon.com.

We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following
item from your order:

  Ted Husted, et al "Struts in Action: Building Web
Applications with the Leading Java Framework"

Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've
since found that it is not available from any of our sources at this
time.  We realize this is disappointing news to hear, and we apologize
for any inconvenience we have caused you.

We have cancelled this item from your order."

I'm going for the $22.47 E-book version available at:

They also note: "ebook purchasers who decide later to purchase the printed 
book online from Manning will receive a discount of $22.47 off the list 
price of the printed book."

- Jim

James Watkin
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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