Re: Missing bean when validating

2004-02-29 Thread Martin Gross
Thanks, Hubert! That was the information I was looking for.

Hubert Rabago wrote:

--- Martin Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a form with a dropdown list:
html:options collection=campaignList property=id 
labelProperty=name /

The collection is set by an action which redirects to this form.

action path=/showNewCampaigns 
type=de.evolt.newsletter.webgui.CampaignAction  scope=request
forward name=success path=edit.campaign /

I use Validator to check the values of this form when submitting it.

action path=/updateCampaign 
type=de.evolt.newsletter.webgui.CampaignAction name=campaignForm 
scope=request input=edit.campaign  
forward name=success path=/ /

The problem is that I get an Cannot find bean campaignList error when 
validation detects that a required field was not filled.

I could solve the problem putting campaignList into session scope. But 
is there another solution without putting campaignList into session 
scope (e.g. request scope)?


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Missing bean when validating

2004-02-27 Thread Martin Gross

I have a form with a dropdown list:
html:options collection=campaignList property=id 
labelProperty=name /

The collection is set by an action which redirects to this form.

action path=/showNewCampaigns 
type=de.evolt.newsletter.webgui.CampaignAction  scope=request
forward name=success path=edit.campaign /

I use Validator to check the values of this form when submitting it.

action path=/updateCampaign 
type=de.evolt.newsletter.webgui.CampaignAction name=campaignForm 
scope=request input=edit.campaign  
forward name=success path=/ /

The problem is that I get an Cannot find bean campaignList error when 
validation detects that a required field was not filled.

I could solve the problem putting campaignList into session scope. But 
is there another solution without putting campaignList into session 
scope (e.g. request scope)?

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Best Practice for long running tasks with status check

2004-01-29 Thread Martin Gross

  I need to start an long running task by a struts action which will
  run for maybe half an hour. I dont want the action to run for half
  an hour. It should start the task and then respond that the task has
  been started. Also it should be possible to check the
  status of the task and see for example how many elements have already
  been processed.

  What would be the best practice to do this? Code examples would be
  also appreciated.


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Re[2]: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check

2004-01-29 Thread Martin Gross
hi marco,
 thanks for the information. I will check JMX.


 My 2 cents..
 For the first half of your query, you can use JMX timer. Best way to do
 Is to write an MBean that register itself with the timer and eventually
 receive notifications.
 You can make so that the 'object htat needs to be updated all the time'
 A listener to notifications sent from the Timer. This 'object' should be
 inside your Mbean, and you can write a method on your MBean that returns
 Current status.
 Ok, maybe I am giving u too much info,  but please check JMX and the
 Timer service to see if it suits you


 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 29 January 2004 17:20
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check


   I need to start an long running task by a struts action which will
   run for maybe half an hour. I dont want the action to run for half
   an hour. It should start the task and then respond that the task has
   been started. Also it should be possible to check the
   status of the task and see for example how many elements have already
   been processed.

   What would be the best practice to do this? Code examples would be
   also appreciated.


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Re[2]: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check

2004-01-29 Thread Martin Gross
How would I get the results from the getter to the browser if I want
them regularily? With a meta-refresh in the html page? Or some kind of
keeping the connection or response open?

 Create a bean with a list of tasks to complete and have a thread execute
 them and then have a getter that will respond with the total tasks over
 tasks completed.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:20 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check


   I need to start an long running task by a struts action which will
   run for maybe half an hour. I dont want the action to run for half
   an hour. It should start the task and then respond that the task has
   been started. Also it should be possible to check the
   status of the task and see for example how many elements have already
   been processed.

   What would be the best practice to do this? Code examples would be
   also appreciated.


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Re[4]: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check

2004-01-29 Thread Martin Gross
Thanks, I think I will do it this way.

I do not know how they managed to do that: But I saw in another webapp
that the application did send some kind of continuing response to the
browser. The resulting page kept on growing with the messages until
all tasks were finished. It was the same effect like browsing with a
very slow internet connection. Probably they did some kind of response
manipulation on a servlet level.

 The only way to force a client to update is to do a meta-refresh in the
 html.  The other thing you can do is setup a callback handler, so you can
 have Bean A, listen for events from you task thread, telling you when things
 are completed.  You in turn, ask Bean A for information that it receives as
 a call back handler for your task thread.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:55 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re[2]: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check

 How would I get the results from the getter to the browser if I want
 them regularily? With a meta-refresh in the html page? Or some kind of
 keeping the connection or response open?

 Create a bean with a list of tasks to complete and have a thread execute
 them and then have a getter that will respond with the total tasks over
 tasks completed.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 11:20 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Best Practice for long running tasks with status check


   I need to start an long running task by a struts action which will
   run for maybe half an hour. I dont want the action to run for half
   an hour. It should start the task and then respond that the task has
   been started. Also it should be possible to check the
   status of the task and see for example how many elements have already
   been processed.

   What would be the best practice to do this? Code examples would be
   also appreciated.


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Re[2]: How to read contents of MANIFEST.MF

2003-10-10 Thread Martin Gross
That is what I was looking for. Thanks a lot.

 Will this do?

 import java.util.jar.Manifest;
 ServletContext ctx = ...;
 InputStream in = ctx.getResourceAsStream(/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF);
 if (in != null) {
   Manifest mfst = new Manifest(in);

 Quoting Martin Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I would like to read the content of /WEB-INF/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file
 by a struts based application. Does anybody have an example how to do
 it? The only references I found are only for jar files.

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Sharing violation when editing JSP file

2003-02-11 Thread Martin Gross

 I ported an existing web application to Struts 1.1b3. Now I am
 getting a sharing violation whenever I try to save an edited JSP file
 after testing the application. The file seems to be locked by Tomcat.
 After restarting tomcat everything works fine as long as I do not test the
 application in my browser.

 My environment is Tomcat 4.0.3 on Win2K with Struts 1.1b3. Does
 anybody know of a solution? It is very annoying to restart tomcat for
 each small change in a JSP.



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Re: Tool to convert html file to strustified jsp

2003-02-11 Thread Martin Gross
Look at the ressources part of the Jakarta Struts Website. One example
would be Struts Console.

  is there any tool which can convert an html file to strutsified jsp??

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Re: Automated Site testing

2002-09-19 Thread Martin Gross

You did not explain what kind of features you are exactly looking for,
but this might be the right tool for you:


 Hey All,

 I was hoping that someone of the list would be able to help me out. Our
 company currently uses JUnit to perform automated tests on the back end of
 our sites, and was wondering if something similar existed for doing tests on
 the front end. I have looked into httpunit but that doesn't seem to be able
 to adequately do what we are after, or provide further benefit than
 performing JUnit tests on our actions?

 If anyone has any tried suggestions I would be most appreciative.

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: Object Mapping w/ Struts?

2002-03-27 Thread Martin Gross

Try ObjectRelationalBridge:


 EVOLT Internet Applications GmbH
 Brüningstrasse 35
 61350 Bad Homburg, Germany

 I am looking for an object-mapping (to sql relational DB) solution for

 I have a medium sized database application which I've developed in
 struts.  (around 25 tables in PostgreSQL)  I've been using a home-brew
 lightweight data-access bean system -- using perl scripts to generate
 beans that interact with the database.  The java source these scripts
 generate need a lot of manual editing, so making changes to the object
 model can be a nightmare. 

 I tried downloading Torque 2.1, but had problems, so then I tried Torque
 3.0b1.  It seems like Torque isn't going to integrate well with my
 already existing tables.  I use some postgres types such as TEXT and
 BOOLEAN, which I would expect to map to LONGVARCHAR and BIT
 respectively, but in the SQL that torque spit out they were bytea and
 .  I can't find mention of bytea in postgres docs, and obviously 
 isn't going to do much for me. =) 

 After reading the Torque docs, I really like what it offers but I'm not
 sure that it will work for me.  Are there any other solutions that
 people can recommend?  Or should I try modifying torque to fit my needs?
 I don't have any EJB experience but I've heard good things about JBoss. 
 I've also heard the going EJB can really slow an application down. I've
 also noticed some talk of Expresso on this list, would this be worth

 Thanks for any advice! 


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