Please help with iteration problem

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Bowman

I am trying to nest iterate tags. I've tried logic:iterate nested:iterate and 
c:forEach without success. Here's what I want to do.

logic:iterate name=routes id=route type=RouteBean
   write stuff about the route.
   logic:iterate name=route property=segments id=segment type=SegmentBean
  write stuff about the segment

routes points to a java.util.List of RouteBeans. Each RouteBean has a method, 
getSegments() that returns a java.util.List of SegmentBeans.

I've looked at the documents and examples for the nested tag, but I don't see anything 
about this type of nesting. I don't have a monkey with a single bunch of bananas, 
instead I simply have a java.util.List of bunches, each of which has a java.util.List 
of bananas.

I'd really appreciate any help ya'll can give me. I'm up for using any tag type 
(struts-logic, struts-nested, or JSTL). I'd just rather not fall back on scriptlets if 
I can help it.

Michael Bowman

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Re: Please help with iteration problem

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Bowman

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try it. As a matter of fact, I do have IDs that I'm 
using for the segments and objects contained within the segments. I want to use 
html:link tags within the loops to build links displaying various information about 
these objects.

Do you know if I can use Struts tags inside of the JSTL tags? If the JSTL tags just 
put beans in some scope, will the Struts tags know any difference?

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:20:45 -0500
Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 c:set var=routes value=${pageScope['routesKey']}/
 - or -
 c:set var=routes value=${requestScope['routesKey']}/
 - or -
 c:set var=routes value=${sessionScope['routesKey']}/
 - or -
 c:set var=routes value=${applicationScope['routesKey']}/

Do I need the above if I put the java.util.List on the request object in my Struts 
Action class prior to forwarding to the JSP?

 c:forEach values=${routes} var=route
 !-- Iterate over routes --
 Route ID: c:out value=${}/br
 c:forEach values=${route.segments} var=segment
 !-- Iterate over segments --
 Segment ID: c:out value=${}/br
 (I don't know if your routes/segments have an id property - it's just an 
 I'm reasonably certain this should work.  I use basically the same 
 construct to go over an ArrayList (exposed as a Collection) and it's 
 nested ArrayList (again, exposed as a Collection).
 Michael Bowman wrote:
 I am trying to nest iterate tags. I've tried logic:iterate nested:iterate and 
c:forEach without success. Here's what I want to do.
 logic:iterate name=routes id=route type=RouteBean
write stuff about the route.
logic:iterate name=route property=segments id=segment type=SegmentBean
   write stuff about the segment
 routes points to a java.util.List of RouteBeans. Each RouteBean has a method, 
getSegments() that returns a java.util.List of SegmentBeans.
 I've looked at the documents and examples for the nested tag, but I don't see 
anything about this type of nesting. I don't have a monkey with a single bunch of 
bananas, instead I simply have a java.util.List of bunches, each of which has a 
java.util.List of bananas.
 I'd really appreciate any help ya'll can give me. I'm up for using any tag type 
(struts-logic, struts-nested, or JSTL). I'd just rather not fall back on scriptlets 
if I can help it.
 Michael Bowman
 Eddie Bush
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Re: Please help with iteration problem

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Bowman

One further complication: I found that nested logic:iterate tags work on Tomcat 
4.0.3, but not on Tomcat 4.1.10. Thats kind of weird.

I don't see the struts-el tags listed on the Struts Resources/Contributor Taglibs 
page. Can you tell me where to find them? Thanks. 

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:48:30 -0500
Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Find out about, download, install, and use the new contributed taglib 
 Michael Bowman wrote:
 Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try it. As a matter of fact, I do have IDs that 
I'm using for the segments and objects contained within the segments. I want to use 
html:link tags within the loops to build links displaying various information about 
these objects.
 Do you know if I can use Struts tags inside of the JSTL tags? If the JSTL tags just 
put beans in some scope, will the Struts tags know any difference?
 On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:20:45 -0500
 Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 c:set var=routes value=${pageScope['routesKey']}/
 - or -
 c:set var=routes value=${requestScope['routesKey']}/
 - or -
 c:set var=routes value=${sessionScope['routesKey']}/
 - or -
 c:set var=routes value=${applicationScope['routesKey']}/
 Do I need the above if I put the java.util.List on the request object in my Struts 
Action class prior to forwarding to the JSP?
 No.  You could reference it as ${requestScope['key']} I believe.  In 
 fact ... *ponder* ... you could possible access it by ${key}.  I think 
 that may work too.  I always go through the scope ...
 Eddie Bush
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Re: Please help with iteration problem

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Bowman

Correction, it seems that the version of Tomcat doesn't matter after all. A JSP with 
nested logic:iterate tags worked before, but not now. Maybe it was with an earlier 
version of Struts. Does anyone know if the behavior of logic:iterate changed with 
respect to nesting the tags between Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1b?

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 19:02:19 -0400
Michael Bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One further complication: I found that nested logic:iterate tags work on Tomcat 
4.0.3, but not on Tomcat 4.1.10. Thats kind of weird.
 I don't see the struts-el tags listed on the Struts Resources/Contributor Taglibs 
page. Can you tell me where to find them? Thanks. 
 On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:48:30 -0500
 Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Find out about, download, install, and use the new contributed taglib 
  Michael Bowman wrote:
  Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try it. As a matter of fact, I do have IDs 
that I'm using for the segments and objects contained within the segments. I want to 
use html:link tags within the loops to build links displaying various information 
about these objects.
  Do you know if I can use Struts tags inside of the JSTL tags? If the JSTL tags 
just put beans in some scope, will the Struts tags know any difference?
  On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:20:45 -0500
  Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  c:set var=routes value=${pageScope['routesKey']}/
  - or -
  c:set var=routes value=${requestScope['routesKey']}/
  - or -
  c:set var=routes value=${sessionScope['routesKey']}/
  - or -
  c:set var=routes value=${applicationScope['routesKey']}/
  Do I need the above if I put the java.util.List on the request object in my 
Struts Action class prior to forwarding to the JSP?
  No.  You could reference it as ${requestScope['key']} I believe.  In 
  fact ... *ponder* ... you could possible access it by ${key}.  I think 
  that may work too.  I always go through the scope ...
  Eddie Bush
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Is JSP compiler working right?

2002-09-24 Thread Michael Bowman

I have a JSP page with two iterator tags:

%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld' prefix='logic' %
logic:iterate name=routes id=route type=com.arinc.dce.routes.RouteVO
   logic:iterate name=route id=seg property=segments

I'm populating the list of RouteVOs like this:

List routeVOs = new ArrayList(routes.size());
for(Iterator i = routes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   RouteBean r = (RouteBean);
   RouteVO rvo = new RouteVO(r);
request.setAttribute(routes, routeVOs);

I'm getting an exception that says:

2002-09-24 07:20:13 ApplicationDispatcher[/dce] Servlet.service() for servlet jsp 
threw exception
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
- Root Cause -
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 4 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/multiRouteListContent.jsp

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
 _jspx_seg_1 is already defined in 
  com.arinc.dce.routes.RouteSegment _jspx_seg_1 = seg;

When I look at the code that the JSP compiler generates I see:

com.arinc.dce.routes.RouteSegment _jspx_seg_1 = null;

and further down:

   /*   logic:iterate  */
   com.arinc.dce.routes.RouteSegment _jspx_seg_1 = seg;

Why is the servlet code generator doing this? I don't understant why it re-declares 
the variable when it hits the loop. Does anyone know how to get around this problem?

I've attached the full text of the exception and the code generated by the JSP 

Any help would be appreciated. I've searched the mailing list to no avail.

Michael Bowman

2002-09-24 07:20:13 ApplicationDispatcher[/dce] Servlet.service() for servlet jsp 
threw exception
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.include(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.template.GetTag.doStartTag(
at org.apache.jsp.mainTemplate_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.include(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.template.InsertTag.doEndTag(
at org.apache.jsp.multiRouteList_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(