One further complication: I found that nested <logic:iterate> tags work on Tomcat 
4.0.3, but not on Tomcat 4.1.10. Thats kind of weird.

I don't see the struts-el tags listed on the Struts Resources/Contributor Taglibs 
page. Can you tell me where to find them? Thanks. 

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:48:30 -0500
Eddie Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Find out about, download, install, and use the new contributed taglib 
> struts-el.
> Michael Bowman wrote:
> >Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try it. As a matter of fact, I do have IDs that 
>I'm using for the segments and objects contained within the segments. I want to use 
><html:link> tags within the loops to build links displaying various information about 
>these objects.
> >
> >Do you know if I can use Struts tags inside of the JSTL tags? If the JSTL tags just 
>put beans in some scope, will the Struts tags know any difference?
> >
> >
> >On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:20:45 -0500
> >Eddie Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >><c:set var="routes" value="${pageScope['routesKey']}"/>
> >>- or -
> >><c:set var="routes" value="${requestScope['routesKey']}"/>
> >>- or -
> >><c:set var="routes" value="${sessionScope['routesKey']}"/>
> >>- or -
> >><c:set var="routes" value="${applicationScope['routesKey']}"/>
> >>
> >
> >Do I need the above if I put the java.util.List on the request object in my Struts 
>Action class prior to forwarding to the JSP?
> >
> No.  You could reference it as ${requestScope['key']} I believe.  In 
> fact ... *ponder* ... you could possible access it by ${key}.  I think 
> that may work too.  I always go through the scope ...
> -- 
> Eddie Bush
> --
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