Re: How to put an object into the application scope from a plugin interface

2003-12-19 Thread Nathan Rogers
EL AKARI Mehdi wrote:
I'm writing a struts plugin, and i need to put an object into the application scope.
How can i do this.
Note that the plugin interface contains the following methods:
public void init(ActionServlet servlet, ModuleConfig config) throws 
javax.servlet.ServletException  ;
public void destroy() ;
The easiest way is to use the ActionServlet object to get the 
ServletContext and push everything in that.

The code to do it is pretty simple

context = servlet.getServletContext();
context.setAttribute(KEY, object);
Then, within a page when you need to get something out you just retrieve 
the ServletContext and get the attribute back out.  Example :

context = servlet.getServletContext();
Object retrievedObject = (Object)context.getAttribute(KEY);

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Re: Action Design Question

2003-09-26 Thread Nathan Rogers
I don't know if this was the 'right' thing to do, but I extended 
DispatchAction, overrode the execute method to use the hardcoded value 
rather than looking up a request parameter, and pass that along to 
dispatchMethod.  My actions then inherit from this modified class.  You 
can safely cut out the lines with ServletContext if you don't care about 
logging invalid parameters.

Here's the source

   Overrides the execute method of DispatchAction so that rather
   than use the parameter to determine which request parameter
   contains the action to execute, it uses the parameter property
   @param mapping ActionMapping
   @param form Form associated with action
   @param HttpServletRequest Current request object
   @param HttpServletResponse Current response stream
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception
String parameter = mapping.getParameter();
if (parameter == null) {
String error = Could not locate the requested forward;
ServletContext context = getServlet().getServletContext();
ServletContextWriter output = new ServletContextWriter(context);

response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error);
return null;
  return dispatchMethod(mapping, form, request, response, parameter);
Nathan Rogers
Library Technology Group
312F Memorial Library
728 State Street
Graham Lounder wrote:

Hey all,

After reading the [Poll] action mappings thread, I now have a couple of
design questions.  I've got a lot of actions right  now and I'd like to
group related functionality into one action.  I'm thinking of extending the
DispatchAction and creating functions to
search/view/create/update/delete/load my objects.  I'd like to create
separate action mappings for each function.  My question is, can I
hardcode my dispatch parameter in the action mapping or do I have to send
it in ever request from the page?
Thanks in advance,

Graham Lounder - Java Developer
CARIS Spatial Components Division
Phone:  (506) 458-8533
Fax:(506) 459-3849

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Struts and synchronization

2003-08-14 Thread Nathan Rogers
I am using Struts 1.1 along with the Velocity tools to develop a fairly 
simple servlet (there are probably going to be no more than twenty 
actions total)

The problem that I am facing is a deadlock situation where Tomcat simply 
refuses to respond to any new requests and just stalls.  I think it may 
be due to some code in the model where I am using PreparedStatements 
(which are declared as synchronized).  Has anyone else run into a 
similar problem where the Struts framework takes an unreasonably long 
time to handle a request due to synchronized methods?  Is there any 
workaround, other than only using Statements in my model?

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Re: Struts and synchronization

2003-08-14 Thread Nathan Rogers
Paul Thomas wrote:
On 11/08/2003 17:50 Nathan Rogers wrote:
 Has anyone else run into a similar problem where the Struts framework 
takes an unreasonably long time to handle a request due to 
synchronized methods?  Is there any workaround, other than only using 
Statements in my model?
I think you're barking up the wrong tree here. You're either getting 
deadlocks in your database or you've got some dirty code in there that 
breaks thread safety.
I am exploring all the possible things that could cause it to die; here 
specifically is the scenario that results in responses no longer being 
handled.  The exact configuration for the servlet is

Struts 1.1
Velocity Tools 1.0
Tomcat 4.0.2 and Apache 1.3.23 connected using the WarpConnection
Oracle 8i backend database
1) Start up a request for an action
2) Reload the servlet using the manager servlet
3) Watch everything crawl to a halt while Warp spins its wheels
It very well might have nothing at all to do with the Struts 1.1 
framework, but the same things did not happen when using Struts 1.0.2

 -- Paul Thomas

| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller 
Business |
| Computer Consultants |   |

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Re: Struts and synchronization

2003-08-11 Thread Nathan Rogers
The request path for a standard action within my code goes something 
like this :
Struts servlet - action - model - database - model - action - 
Velocity servlet

Here's what I know about each issue you've brought up.

#1 - Tomcat is configured to work with the Warp connector.  I don't know 
exactly how this works (if it passes all requests to Tomcat or just the 
ones registered to a servlet)

#2 - I'll have to check with the sysadmin.  Where is the number of 
request processors defined?

#3 - I'm using the Jakarta Commons PoolingDataSource.  I have used this 
before without any problems

#4 - Something to look into.  I'm closing my result sets, statements and 
connections (which returns them to the pool), but it might not be done 
in the best way.

Mainguy, Mike wrote:

The closest I ever came to this sort of problem involved the following:
#1 Sending static content (and lots of it) through the servlet engine
instead of using the web server.  
#2 Not having enough request processors and listeners configured.  
#3 Not using pooling for my connections and killing the DBMS with new
connection requests.  
#4 Not properly closing/releasing my DBMS connections and consuming all
available memory.

So there you go, everything you should NOT do in a nutshell.

Unless you're 100% proof-positive sure that it is a synchronization issue in
your database portion, I would take a look at the above issues as potential
problem areas.
As far as synchronization is concerned, the only thing I can recommend is to
be sure you aren't using your ActionServlet or something high in the food
chain as your target,  otherwise that would seem to cause that sort of a
-Original Message-
From: Nathan Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 12:51 PM
Subject: Struts and synchronization

I am using Struts 1.1 along with the Velocity tools to develop a fairly 
simple servlet (there are probably going to be no more than twenty 
actions total)

The problem that I am facing is a deadlock situation where Tomcat simply 
refuses to respond to any new requests and just stalls.  I think it may 
be due to some code in the model where I am using PreparedStatements 
(which are declared as synchronized).  Has anyone else run into a 
similar problem where the Struts framework takes an unreasonably long 
time to handle a request due to synchronized methods?  Is there any 
workaround, other than only using Statements in my model?

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Nathan Rogers
Library Technology Group
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