How to override SimpleMenuItem specify the values

2003-09-23 Thread R Balaji

I wanted to add one more attribute to o.a.s.t.b.MenuItem - 
mouseOverIcon. In
this case, I'd extend SimpleMenuItem and add get/set for mouseOverIcon. 
class can be plugged in via classtype attribute of item element in
tiles-defs.xml. But how do I specify value for mouseOverIcon in item 
in xml file. Since the tiles configutation file has to conform with the DTD
this is not possible without extending the DTD. I'd also have to write some
digester code for this!. Is there any other better way or am I missing
something here ?

With Regards,
R Balaji

Bug in - Dynamic Javascript Dumping ?

2003-09-23 Thread R Balaji
I am using validator for validating the user input in my application. I 
too defined lot of rules for the same for different pages in the 

I found the javascript for all the depends (rules), has been dumped in 
to all the pages, irrespective of , whether that rule is used in this 
page or not.

Assume i have 10 rules defined in my validator-rules.xml and i am using 
only 5 for this form, i expect that only 5 of them being dumped in to 
the page. But it is dumping all of the 10. Which make the page size 
bulky and increases the download time.

Does anybody face this kind of issue? .. help me

With Regards,
R Balaji

Re: Need Help : DispatchAction and html:image without javascript.

2003-08-26 Thread R Balaji
Shashank ,
I really need the ImageButtonDispatchAction, as i am also facing the 
same problem now. could you please help me , from where can i get the code.

With Regards,
R Balaji
Shashank Dixit wrote:

Hello Martin

Thanks for your help,

I found out the code for ImageButtonDispatchAction and it would be useful for me.

Shashank S. Dixit
Associate Software Consultant.
Datamatics Ltd. 

 - Original Message - 
 From: Martin Naskovski 
 To: Shashank Dixit 
 Cc: Struts Users Mailing List 
 Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:51 PM
 Subject: Re: Need Help : DispatchAction and html:image without javascript.


 look for in the archives of
 'struts-user'. The image buttons get submitted as property.x and
 Even if you didn't use the above named file that one of struts' users
 created, you can easily extend the DispatchAction (look at the
 source code for Struts on how to do this properly) to look through the
 HTTP ParameterMap, and look for parameters named *.x or *.y, either
 using regex or just parse them using the java tokenizer. You only need
 to find one, either .x or .y, to confirm a button push on the form.
 ImageButtonDispatchAction (already existing in the archives) already
 does this, except through the ActionMapping in struts-config.xml you
 specify what the button names on the form are in the 'parameter'
 attribute. Doing that, cuts down the time it'll take you to look
 through the HTTP parameter map.
 Hope this helps.
 Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 11:59:23 PM, you wrote:

 SD Hello All,

 SD I request you to suggest solution for the following problem.

 SD I want to use LookupDispatchAction or DispatchAction class so that the framework can 
call my action class methods when user preses any button in the JSP page. If I use 
html:submit buttons the
 SD value (which is equal to method name) with it gets submitted and used to call 
appropriate method in the action class. I am using html:image for buttons. The problem 
with it is the value for
 SD these buttons doesn't get submitted and framework cannot understand the method name. 
Does that mean if I use html:image then I cannot use DispatchAction or 
LookupDispatchAction Class. Or If I
 SD want to use these classes then I cannot use graphical buttons? can anybody tell me how 
can I use these classes with html:image ?
 SD The main thing is, We don't want to use any peace of javascript code.

 SD Thanks in advance.

 SD Shashank S. Dixit
 SD Associate Software Consultant.
 SD Datamatics Ltd. 
 SD Andheri,Mumbai


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 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-25 Thread R Balaji

Even, i know the nature of all the attributes during design time itself. 
Assume, i have 50 attributes in general, i know how to validate each one 
of them, during design time. But, for a particular kind of Business 
object, i would be getting just 20 properties alone, and the rest of the 
properties will not be applicable to the business object. Thats why i 
was facing problem, while contructing the bean.

I think, with struts-validator, i can define all the possible rules for 
the bean. I have to give a try ...

R Balaji
Adam Hardy wrote:

Concerning the validation, what you do depends on whether all the 
possible different validation mechanisms are limited to a defined set, 
or whether it is an unbounded set that you cannot limit at design time.

On 08/24/2003 07:06 AM R Balaji wrote:

well, in the jsp, i would be getting all the dynaproperties.. and be 
enumerating them while printing the keys and values in the UI. I 
managed to to do this, and able to display the bean details.

I too realized that i should handle the reset method. I will try that.

Yes, my business tier will give the information regarding the valid 
values of each attribute. I believe that i can use this for 
validating the properties. But i too do not know how far i can use 
dynavalidator and the validation framework.

Do you have any suggestions other than my  current dynamic bean 
population design ?.

R Balaji

Adam Hardy wrote:

I read your solution for populating the dynaform. How do you display 
it in JSP? I mean, how does the JSP know what the field names are?

I don't really know the internal workings of the dynavalidator form 
and how struts would populate the form bean with request parameters. 
You would probably have to do the same formbean initialization in 
the bean's reset method, otherwise the request parameters will 
probably not get saved to it.

Once you get that far, then validation becomes an issue. At design 
time you don't what the fields of a form will be - but do you know 
how any particular type of field should be validated? If so, how do 
you know? Is that in the design?


On 08/23/2003 05:34 PM R Balaji wrote:

Yes, Adam .. this is a valid point , that i need to consider.

But, it is almost impossible to define a bean for each type of 
data, in my application. I need to use the dynabean and dynaclass , 
some how.

I managed to find a solution for populating the bean ,  now i have 
to find a solution for validation too.

Suggest me  a suitable validation approach..

With Regards,
R Balaji
Adam Hardy wrote:

I can see that you could just iterate over the unknown form 
properties in the JSP, but how would you label them? And when the 
form is submitted, how would you validate them?

I think you would be better advised to add your list of properties 
as beans to your form. In each bean you could also have a label 
and a validation.

my 2 cents.

On 08/23/2003 12:03 PM Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not 
sure  why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you 
form bean in  struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally 
do what you want, but  you'd have to specify the properties you 
want in you jsp anyway. But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from 
you  old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler 
that  using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna 
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the 
dynaBean constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, 
which can  not be decided at design time. I would like to 
populate the Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and display 

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties 
as  form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying 
them in the  struts-config.xml, i am getting exception as 
mentioned below.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name  


Please help me , in this regards,


Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-25 Thread R Balaji

This approach looks nice. Did you consider, populating the bean, on form 
submit ? ... one more thing is.. will the struts-validator go well with 
this ?

R Balaji

Mark Lowe wrote:

Okay .. I've been thinking about this.

I think it might work something like this..

form-property name=beans property=java.util.ArrayList /

The arrayList will be a container for your beans with indexed  

So in jsp we're thinking, or aiming for

logic:iterate id=bean name=myForm property=beans
bean:write name=bean property=key[%= index %] /
html:text name=bean property=value[%= index %]  /
So we have a bean thats mapped backed, or something here's some 
pseudo  code.

public class MyBean {

private Map map;

public Object[] getKeys() {
return map.keySet().toArray();

public Object[] getValues() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
Object[] keys = getKeys();
for(int i = 0;i  keys.length;i++) {
String value = map.get(keys[i].toString());
return list.toArray();

public String getKey(int i) {
return keys[i].toString();   

public String getValue(int i) {
String key = getKey(i);
return map.get(key);

public void setKey(int i, String str) {
keys[i] = str;
public void setValue(int i , String str) {
well you get the idea..
Am I tree barking, smoking crack or something but Its starting look  
possible.. el should help move the scriptlets out, but using indexed,  
mapped properties looks like it may do the job.. the bean could have 
a  double sided array it returns to keep the keys and values in the  
correct order. The keys are after all the illusion that the 
properties  have names, when really they are associated via index. 
When it comes  time to write to a db or something the bean could 
return a map and the  key=value pairs should all be there ready.

Cheers mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 06:51 PM, Adam Hardy wrote:

I read your solution for populating the dynaform. How do you display  
it in JSP? I mean, how does the JSP know what the field names are?

I don't really know the internal workings of the dynavalidator form  
and how struts would populate the form bean with request parameters.  
You would probably have to do the same formbean initialization in 
the  bean's reset method, otherwise the request parameters will 
probably  not get saved to it.

Once you get that far, then validation becomes an issue. At design  
time you don't what the fields of a form will be - but do you know 
how  any particular type of field should be validated? If so, how do 
you  know? Is that in the design?


On 08/23/2003 05:34 PM R Balaji wrote:

Yes, Adam .. this is a valid point , that i need to consider.
But, it is almost impossible to define a bean for each type of 
data,  in my application. I need to use the dynabean and dynaclass , 
some  how.
I managed to find a solution for populating the bean ,  now i have 
to  find a solution for validation too.
Suggest me  a suitable validation approach..
With Regards,
R Balaji
Adam Hardy wrote:

I can see that you could just iterate over the unknown form  
properties in the JSP, but how would you label them? And when the  
form is submitted, how would you validate them?

I think you would be better advised to add your list of properties  
as beans to your form. In each bean you could also have a label 
and  a validation.

my 2 cents.

On 08/23/2003 12:03 PM Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not  
sure  why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you 
form  bean in  struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally 
do what  you want, but  you'd have to specify the properties you 
want in you  jsp anyway. But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from  
you  old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler  
that  using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna  
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the  
dynaBean constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, 
which  can  not be decided at design time. I would like to 
populate the  Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and display 

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties 
as   form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying 
them in  the  struts-config.xml, i am

Re: Issue in using struts-html-el tag

2003-08-25 Thread R Balaji
Hi Aattai,

Well, all the configurations you made in your jsp are fine.

in the html-el:text, you have mentioned that it should be populated to 
the assign property of the bean. But how will the el tag know, the 
name of the bean, this property belongs to  ?.

better you specify the  name of the bean also html-el:text styleClass= 
smalltext name=***FormBean property=assigns 

Hope this helps,
With Regards,
R Balaji
K.M.Prabhu wrote:

Hi All,

I am using struts-html-el tag in my jsp page for textarea. Steps i 
have followed..
1. Put struts-el.jar in CLASSPATH or WEB-INF/lib (This jar would be 
present in $STRUTS_HOME/contrib/struts-el/lib)
2. Declare the prefix to be used in your jsp : [EMAIL PROTECTED] uri =; prefix = html-el %

The piece of code looks like this,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri =; prefix 
= html-el %

form action=#
   table width=90% border=0 align=center cellpadding=2 
   td width=26% align=left valign=top 
class=textMessage :/td
   td height=30
html-el:text property=assign style=width:180 

But i am getting the following exception while invoking it. Where i am 
making the mistake. The exception is,

 Apache Tomcat/4.0.4 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error

*type* Exception report

*message* _Internal Server Error_

*description* _The server encountered an internal error (Internal 
Server Error) that prevented it from fulfilling this request._


javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean 
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN in any scope

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(







at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(















Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-24 Thread R Balaji
well, in the jsp, i would be getting all the dynaproperties.. and be 
enumerating them while printing the keys and values in the UI. I managed 
to to do this, and able to display the bean details.

I too realized that i should handle the reset method. I will try that.

Yes, my business tier will give the information regarding the valid 
values of each attribute. I believe that i can use this for validating 
the properties. But i too do not know how far i can use dynavalidator 
and the validation framework.

Do you have any suggestions other than my  current dynamic bean 
population design ?.

R Balaji

Adam Hardy wrote:

I read your solution for populating the dynaform. How do you display 
it in JSP? I mean, how does the JSP know what the field names are?

I don't really know the internal workings of the dynavalidator form 
and how struts would populate the form bean with request parameters. 
You would probably have to do the same formbean initialization in the 
bean's reset method, otherwise the request parameters will probably 
not get saved to it.

Once you get that far, then validation becomes an issue. At design 
time you don't what the fields of a form will be - but do you know how 
any particular type of field should be validated? If so, how do you 
know? Is that in the design?


On 08/23/2003 05:34 PM R Balaji wrote:

Yes, Adam .. this is a valid point , that i need to consider.

But, it is almost impossible to define a bean for each type of data, 
in my application. I need to use the dynabean and dynaclass , some how.

I managed to find a solution for populating the bean ,  now i have to 
find a solution for validation too.

Suggest me  a suitable validation approach..

With Regards,
R Balaji
Adam Hardy wrote:

I can see that you could just iterate over the unknown form 
properties in the JSP, but how would you label them? And when the 
form is submitted, how would you validate them?

I think you would be better advised to add your list of properties 
as beans to your form. In each bean you could also have a label and 
a validation.

my 2 cents.

On 08/23/2003 12:03 PM Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not 
sure  why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you form 
bean in  struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally do what 
you want, but  you'd have to specify the properties you want in you 
jsp anyway. But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from 
you  old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler 
that  using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna 
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the 
dynaBean constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, which 
can  not be decided at design time. I would like to populate the 
Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and display them.

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties 
as  form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying them 
in the  struts-config.xml, i am getting exception as mentioned below.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name  

Please help me , in this regards,

Thanks in Advance.
With Regards,
R Balaji
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Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-23 Thread R Balaji
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your mail.
I tried your, our first suggestion, but the BeanUtils.populate(), wont 
go well with this dynamic properties. It throws

java.lang.NullPointerException at 
at org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.populate( 

Actually, i am trying to display the properties of different 
ManagedResources. The will have different properties ( some may have 10, 
and others may have 30  properties, including few in this 10 ) ... so i 
can not pre-determine the properties, and specify them in the 
form-property tag.
Only while fetching and populating the bean , i will get to know the 
list of properties to be displayed in the UI. This stops me from 
modeling a bean for the view data.

Hope i m clear ...

I am jst trying your second approach .. do you have any code snippet for 
that ...

Thanks  regards,
R Balaji
Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not sure  
why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you form bean in  
struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally do what you want, 
but  you'd have to specify the properties you want in you jsp anyway. 
But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from you  
old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler that  
using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna 
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the dynaBean 
constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, which 
can  not be decided at design time. I would like to populate the 
Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and display them.

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties as  
form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying them in 
the  struts-config.xml, i am getting exception as mentioned below.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name  

Please help me , in this regards,

Thanks in Advance.
With Regards,
R Balaji
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Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-23 Thread R Balaji
wow, thanks mark.

i managed to make the things working like this ,,,

   String className = viewBean.getDynaClass().getName();

   FormPropertyConfig propConfig = null;
   Enumeration keys = viewData.keys();
   String key=(String)keys.nextElement();
   String value = (String)viewData.getProperty(key);
   propConfig = new 
   DynaActionFormClass beanClass= 
   viewBean = (DynaValidatorForm) beanClass.newInstance(); 
   BeanUtils.populate(viewBean, viewData);

it is working fine now 


Mark Lowe wrote:


The code for creating a dynaBean etc is in the archieves when i 
messing  around with dynaResultSet or whatever it was called.

Then try creating a form property form the key-value pairs..BeanUtils  
is just useful short-hand. But thats irrelevant now i know what 
you're  trying to do.

You'll have an easier time by nesting beans as your form-property, 
and  then i guess you beans will have to have a map or list style 
interface  to pull generate your form.

Please any snippets are demonstration of concept, I could be very  
wrong.. but something like this. Using indexed properties should help  
you stop having to define dynaBeans on the fly, which last time i  
played with doing that things got very slow.

form-property name=resource type=java.util.ArrayList /
public class ManagedResourceBean {

private ArrayLIst list;

public ArrayList getList() {
return list;

getValue(int index) {
return list.get(index).toString();
setValue(String str) {



ManagedResourceBean bean = new ManagedResourceBean();

iterator it = myResourcesFromMyModel.getResouces();

while(it.hasNext()) {

logic:iterate id=item name=myForm property=resource
html:text name=item property=value[index] /

Some of the details are certainly wrong but I think the concept is okay.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 12:22 PM, R Balaji wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your mail.
I tried your, our first suggestion, but the BeanUtils.populate(), 
wont  go well with this dynamic properties. It throws

java.lang.NullPointerException at  

Actually, i am trying to display the properties of different  
ManagedResources. The will have different properties ( some may have  
10, and others may have 30  properties, including few in this 10 ) 
...  so i can not pre-determine the properties, and specify them in 
the  form-property tag.
Only while fetching and populating the bean , i will get to know the  
list of properties to be displayed in the UI. This stops me from  
modeling a bean for the view data.

Hope i m clear ...

I am jst trying your second approach .. do you have any code snippet  
for that ...

Thanks  regards,
R Balaji
Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not 
sure   why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you form 
bean in   struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally do what 
you want,  but  you'd have to specify the properties you want in you 
jsp anyway.  But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from 
you   old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler 
that   using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna  
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the 
dynaBean  constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, which  
can  not be decided at design time. I would like to populate the  
Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and display them.

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties 
as   form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying them 
in  the  struts-config.xml, i am getting exception as mentioned below.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name   
m. java:598

Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-23 Thread R Balaji
Yes, Adam .. this is a valid point , that i need to consider.

But, it is almost impossible to define a bean for each type of data, in 
my application. I need to use the dynabean and dynaclass , some how.

I managed to find a solution for populating the bean ,  now i have to 
find a solution for validation too.

Suggest me  a suitable validation approach..

With Regards,
R Balaji
Adam Hardy wrote:

I can see that you could just iterate over the unknown form properties 
in the JSP, but how would you label them? And when the form is 
submitted, how would you validate them?

I think you would be better advised to add your list of properties as 
beans to your form. In each bean you could also have a label and a 

my 2 cents.

On 08/23/2003 12:03 PM Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not sure  
why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you form bean in  
struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally do what you want, 
but  you'd have to specify the properties you want in you jsp anyway. 
But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from you  
old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler that  
using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna 
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the dynaBean 
constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, which 
can  not be decided at design time. I would like to populate the 
Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and display them.

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties as  
form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying them in 
the  struts-config.xml, i am getting exception as mentioned below.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name  

Please help me , in this regards,

Thanks in Advance.
With Regards,
R Balaji
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Re: How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-23 Thread R Balaji
yea, i just printed the details in the Ui. I looks great .. I will keep 
you posted if i get suceeded in submiting the form.

Mark Lowe wrote:


Thats quite slick..

Also have you tried to submit the form yet? and print out its 
contents?  I'd be interested to know..

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:29 PM, R Balaji wrote:

wow, thanks mark.

i managed to make the things working like this ,,,

   String className = viewBean.getDynaClass().getName();
   FormPropertyConfig propConfig = null;
   Enumeration keys = viewData.keys();
   String key=(String)keys.nextElement();
   String value = (String)viewData.getProperty(key);
   propConfig = new  
   }DynaActionFormClass beanClass=  
viewBean = (DynaValidatorForm)  
BeanUtils.populate(viewBean, viewData);

it is working fine now 

Mark Lowe wrote:


The code for creating a dynaBean etc is in the archieves when i  
messing  around with dynaResultSet or whatever it was called.

Then try creating a form property form the key-value 
pairs..BeanUtils   is just useful short-hand. But thats irrelevant 
now i know what  you're  trying to do.

You'll have an easier time by nesting beans as your form-property,  
and  then i guess you beans will have to have a map or list style  
interface  to pull generate your form.

Please any snippets are demonstration of concept, I could be very   
wrong.. but something like this. Using indexed properties should 
help   you stop having to define dynaBeans on the fly, which last 
time i   played with doing that things got very slow.

form-property name=resource type=java.util.ArrayList /
public class ManagedResourceBean {
private ArrayLIst list;
public ArrayList getList() {
return list;
getValue(int index) {
return list.get(index).toString();
setValue(String str) {

ManagedResourceBean bean = new ManagedResourceBean();

iterator it = myResourcesFromMyModel.getResouces();

while(it.hasNext()) {
bean.setValue(;   }
logic:iterate id=item name=myForm property=resource
html:text name=item property=value[index] /

Some of the details are certainly wrong but I think the concept is  

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 12:22 PM, R Balaji wrote:

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your mail.
I tried your, our first suggestion, but the BeanUtils.populate(),  
wont  go well with this dynamic properties. It throws

java.lang.NullPointerException at   
)  at  
Vi ewBean(

Actually, i am trying to display the properties of different   
ManagedResources. The will have different properties ( some may 
have   10, and others may have 30  properties, including few in 
this 10 )  ...  so i can not pre-determine the properties, and 
specify them in  the  form-property tag.
Only while fetching and populating the bean , i will get to know 
the   list of properties to be displayed in the UI. This stops me 
from   modeling a bean for the view data.

Hope i m clear ...

I am jst trying your second approach .. do you have any code 
snippet   for that ...

Thanks  regards,
R Balaji
Mark Lowe wrote:

You cant dynamically add properties to DynaActionForms. I'm not  
sure   why you've a problem with just adding the fields to you 
form  bean in   struts config. I've demonstrated how to literally 
do what  you want,  but  you'd have to specify the properties you 
want in  you jsp anyway.  But  here goes

You could create a new form bean copy the properties across from  
you   old one and then add some new stuff..

DynaActionForm oldForm = (DynaActionForm) form;

//get the map out and mess with this and life should be simpler  
that   using the dynaBean
Map oldFormMap = oldForm.getMap();

oldFormMap.put(statusChangeTime,A new Time);

DynaActionForm newForm = new DynaActionForm();

BeanUtils.populate(newForm, oldFormMap);

If this doesn't work you can try constructing all you dyna   
properties,  having a DynaProperty[] array and then use the  
dynaBean  constructer  that takes a properties array.

Cheers Mark

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:42 AM, R Balaji wrote:

Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, 
which   can  not be decided at design time. I would like to 
populate the   Business  data into a dynaValidatorForm and 
display them

How to dynamically decide the properties of the DynaValidator/DynaActionForm

2003-08-22 Thread R Balaji
Dear All,
I have an application which returns a varity of properties, which can 
not be decided at design time. I would like to populate the Business 
data into a dynaValidatorForm and display them.

In this case, it is not possible to  specify all the properties as 
form-property. If i set  properties, without specifying them in the 
struts-config.xml, i am getting exception as mentioned below.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name 'statusChangeTime'
	at org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm.set(

Please help me , in this regards,

Thanks in Advance.
With Regards,
R Balaji
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Re: Changing bean property values in Action Class--Possible???

2003-07-29 Thread R Balaji
yes, you can very well update the FormBean from the ActionClass .

ex .
*TestFormBean testForm= (TestFormBean) form;
*this formbean instance will be passed to the jsp page with request 
scope ... i belive this will help you .


guruprasad jakka wrote:


Is there any way, where I could change the bean data from the
formbean in the Action class and use it in the forwardind JSPs.
J G Guru Prasad
V sem, Information Technology,
Bachelor of Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
( formerly KREC )

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Re: How to use JSTL taglib with struts html taglib

2003-07-28 Thread R Balaji
Dear Joshua,

The html tags does not understand that expressions were passed and  
needs to be evaluated. The html-el tags will evaluate the run time 
expressions , where you do not even need JSTL .

please do this, i believe this will work,

* html-el:checkbox property=myItems value=${basicView.itemId}/
with regards,

White, Joshua A (HTSC, CASD) wrote:

I would like to use the struts html taglig to generate a bunch of
checkboxes.  While the following is not correct, it encapsulates what I
would like to do:
c:forEach items=${myForm.myInformationView} var=basicView
   html:checkbox property=myItems value=c:out


I am looping throught the collection using the jstl forEach tag.  The
problem is that c:out is not evaluated as a runtime expression (actually, it
is not evaluated at all).  Using c:set to set a page level variable that you
could use in a runtime expression does not work either.
Is there a way to use both jstl and the struts html taglib here?  How can it
be done?


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Re: Error Msg:Internal Server Error

2003-07-28 Thread R Balaji
check whether u have the *  *in the right 
place and being configutred in the struts-config.xml.


gowri shankar wrote:


This is Gowri Shankar.I tried to run a struts
application (A basic web Application)which was given
in the site ---
I compiled the application and when i tried to run it
I got the following error.
Can anyone please help me out in fixing this bug.

The error in the browser was 

Apache Tomcat/4.0.6 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal
Server Error

type Exception report

message Internal Server Error

description The server encountered an internal error
(Internal Server Error) that prevented it from
fulfilling this request.

javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing resources
attribute org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE
root cause 

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing resources
attribute org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE

Re: Possible to dynamically set value of an html:select element?

2003-07-27 Thread R Balaji
Have you ever tried with heml-el:select, where you can pass such 
expresions .

David Benoff wrote:

Pardon the newbie-ness but Ive searched the archives extensively and
havent turned up anything on this.  Any hints would be much
Id like to know whether there is any way to dynamically set the
property attribute within an html:select element.  
The page Im working on iterates through a collection of User beans,
each of which has its own collection of Role beans.  Each user is
displayed on a row with a dropdown that is populated with that users
collection of roles.  The user needs to select a single Role for each
user displayed, and Id like to get the form returned as a HashMap with
the username as the key and the rolename as the value.

The relevant snippet is below:

logic:iterate id=user name=userlist

bean:write name=user property=username/

html:select property=rolemap(username)
html:optionsCollection name=user property=roles value=rolename/

My problem, of course, is that since property=rolemap(username) isnt
dynamic, the key gets stored verbosely as username, which overwrites
the value on each iteration, so the map always gets returned with a
single value.
My guess is theres a straightforward way to do this, but Ill be darned
if I can find it.  Id very much appreciate it if someone could point me
in the right direction.
David Benoff
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Re: Validator Problem when using Required

2003-07-24 Thread R Balaji

Adam Hardy wrote:

R Balaji wrote:

If i fail to give the userName it is prompting, that userName is 
required. But if i input only 2 characters for the userName, while 
all other ( some of the other ) fields are empty it prompts only 
about all other required fields, and not validating the *minlength* 
condition until all other required conditions get satisfied. I feel 
it should also validate the userName and prompt that the length is 
less than 5 chatacters.

is there anything to define the precedence in the validation.xml ? .. 
will the minlength be validated only if all the required get 
satisfied. ??

I'm not sure but that's the way my validation functions as well.  I 
imagine the validator has certain rules such as this built in so that 
you don't get overwhelmed with validation messages when you have 
complex validations to do.

How can that be a problem though? 
I think it would be better if we prompt all the errors at once to the 
user.  The user should not wait till entering the valid fields and then 
check for the validity of the entered values.

The Required condition should take the precedence over all other 
condition for that *particular Field*. I too agree this , as there is 
not point in checking the length, when the user fails to enter the value 
at all. But my concern is,  why should we wait till entering all *other* 
required fields, for checking the length of a Field.

Can i do Complex validations,  using the predefined rules like 
required, range .. etc .. ?  Should i write my own rules by 
duplicating the predefined ones ?


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Re: Problem with struts-el

2003-07-24 Thread R Balaji
Hi Chuck,

Well, the property parameter of the html-el:text stands for the name of 
the attribute in the form  bean ,that should be updated while 
submitting the form. And the value attribute stands for the value to be 
displayed in the text field while loading the form. As per my 
understanding from your mail, i think you  need to set the value 
attribute. But

Canning, Chuck wrote:


I found a message that says I might be missing a getter/setter field. Here
is an excerpt from the page
   html-el:form name=deployCustomForm
action=/deploy/ /
 tr height=30
   td class=greyTextc:out
 html-el:text property=*value(*

I can not understand the use of *value() *method. Do you have getter 
setter methods and a property with the result of the *value()  *method  
??? .
i believe that it should be some thing like,

html-el:text  name=deployCustomForm property=the property to be 
stored in the form bean value=${**}/

I think this would help you .


Validator Problem when using Required

2003-07-23 Thread R Balaji

I am using Struts Validator for validating my Application. i am using 
required  for many of the fields and using minlength and maxlength for 
the userName field.

my validation.xml reads like this,

/Ex :

 field  property=lastName depends=*required*
 arg0 key=validateform.lastname/
 field  property=userName
 arg0 key=validateform.userName name=required/
arg0 key=validateform.userName name=minlength/
arg1   key=${var:minlength} name=minlength resource=false/
arg0 key=validateform.userName name=maxlength/
arg1   key=${var:maxlength} name=maxlength resource=false/
 field  property=age
 arg0 key=validateform.age/
If i fail to give the userName it is prompting, that userName is 
required. But if i input only 2 characters for the userName, while all 
other ( some of the other ) fields are empty it prompts only about all 
other required fields, and not validating the *minlength* condition 
until all other required conditions get satisfied. I feel it should also 
validate the userName and prompt that the length is less than 5 chatacters.

is there anything to define the precedence in the validation.xml ? .. 
will the minlength be validated only if all the required get satisfied. ??

please Help me.

