2003-11-19 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1
Nice complicated answers.

Just get IntelliJ IDEA and use the Struts Console.


Gonzalez wrote:

| Hello,
|   Someone knows a good editor for Java and Struts ??  I use Jdeveloper
9.03 but I would like change it.
| Thanks
| Sergio.

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2003-11-19 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1
I use nothing BUT IntelliJ IDEA.  I love that thing and you can';t pry
it out of my dead cold hands.
You have 2 choices, you can 3.0.5 which is the stable release, or you
can try the free EAP (Early Access Release) which is in huge changes
with lots of new support including Tomcat 5 with JSR45 debugging support.
In either case the Struts Console integrates Beautifuly with it.



| Robert, do let us know how you will find the IntelliJ IDEA...
| I intend to try as well :-)
| Regards,
| Robert S. Sfeir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 11/20/2003 09:12 AM
| Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List
| To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| cc:
| Subject:Re: IDE
| Nice complicated answers.
| Just get IntelliJ IDEA and use the Struts Console.
| R
| Gonzalez wrote:
| | Hello,
| |   Someone knows a good editor for Java and Struts ??  I use Jdeveloper
| 9.03 but I would like change it.
| |
| | Thanks
| |
| | Sergio.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| -

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DispatchAction and Security

2003-11-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1

Been mucking around with why I'd want to use DispatchActions, and I
understand that part, it's advantages and disadvantages, and I've read
the many threads explaining all that.  My concern is on how the various
methods in the actions are called, and how they pertain to security.
For example.  Say you have a parameter=method defined, as per the
example, and you pass method=addFoo in the URL or even as a hidden
field.  Struts will go and look through your action, see that addFoo
exists and do the processing.  All is fine so far.  However what if
someone decides to just type in the URL method=getServlet, and
getServlet() is a public method in Action, which DispatchAction extends,
or decides to type execute (which is not as much of a concern), will
using DispatchAction honor the call to getServlet or any other public
method in DispatchAction or Action classes?
Is there an easy way, besides extending the RequestProcessor (which is
not hard of course), to add a value to the parameter passed to the
DispatchAction?  What I mean is that if I specify method=addFoo, I
want to add a string to my parameter value (the one specified for
DispatchAction) so before my action is processed and tries to resolve
addFoo(), I can add param_ so that it will look for param_addFoo method.
~ If I can do that, then anyone trying to make a call to execute,
getServlet or anything like that will cause the process to look for
param_execute() or param_getServlet(), both of which don't exist of
course, hence locking down the app some more.
Perhaps this shouldn't even be a concern?

Thanks for any input you can provide.


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Re: DispatchAction and Security

2003-11-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1
How is that any different?  LookupDispatchAction, if I understand it
correctly, allows you to dynamically specify the method name, instead of
adding a parameter in specifying your action info in struts-config.xml.
~ You can still pass that information in the URL nothing stops you from
doing that.  Even in this case I would still need to prepend a string to
the parameter value.

Vara Prasad Reddy wrote:

| How about using LookupDispatch Action in struts 1.1 ?
| -Original Message-
| From: Robert S. Sfeir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 7:45 PM
| To: Struts Users Mailing List
| Subject: DispatchAction and Security
| Hi,
| Been mucking around with why I'd want to use DispatchActions, and I
| understand that part, it's advantages and disadvantages, and I've read
| the many threads explaining all that.  My concern is on how the various
| methods in the actions are called, and how they pertain to security.
| For example.  Say you have a parameter=method defined, as per the
| example, and you pass method=addFoo in the URL or even as a hidden
| field.  Struts will go and look through your action, see that addFoo
| exists and do the processing.  All is fine so far.  However what if
| someone decides to just type in the URL method=getServlet, and
| getServlet() is a public method in Action, which DispatchAction extends,
| or decides to type execute (which is not as much of a concern), will
| using DispatchAction honor the call to getServlet or any other public
| method in DispatchAction or Action classes?
| Is there an easy way, besides extending the RequestProcessor (which is
| not hard of course), to add a value to the parameter passed to the
| DispatchAction?  What I mean is that if I specify method=addFoo, I
| want to add a string to my parameter value (the one specified for
| DispatchAction) so before my action is processed and tries to resolve
| addFoo(), I can add param_ so that it will look for param_addFoo method.
| ~ If I can do that, then anyone trying to make a call to execute,
| getServlet or anything like that will cause the process to look for
| param_execute() or param_getServlet(), both of which don't exist of
| course, hence locking down the app some more.
| Perhaps this shouldn't even be a concern?
| Thanks for any input you can provide.
| R
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Re: DispatchAction and Security

2003-11-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1
Not using LookupDispatchAction, but now that you explain it that way I
can see how LookupDispatchAction can help me lock things down even more.
~ I hadn't realized that and misunderstood the API docs.
I think I'll give this a try.


Paananen, Tero wrote:

|So, only methods which you delibaratly implement
|with the approrpriate sifgnature can be executed
|via a dispatch action - you shouldn't be
| You also have to specify the allowed methods and
| their lookup key in the key method map; see
| getKeyMethodMap().
|   -TPP
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Re: DispatchAction and Security

2003-11-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1
Thanks for pointing that out Paul.  Both your other answer was helpful,
and so was this one, perhaps unintentionally :-)
I'll dig into both and see what feels better as an overall design.


Paul McCulloch wrote:
| The key method map relates to LookupDispatchAction, the original question
| was about DispatchAction.
| Paul
| -Original Message-
| From: Paananen, Tero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: 14 November 2003 14:52
| To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
| Subject: RE: DispatchAction and Security
|So, only methods which you delibaratly implement
|with the approrpriate sifgnature can be executed
|via a dispatch action - you shouldn't be
| You also have to specify the allowed methods and
| their lookup key in the key method map; see
| getKeyMethodMap().
|   -TPP
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Re: DispatchAction and Security

2003-11-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Hash: SHA1
True, but I can at least control the damage, or so it seems.  I know
NOTHING of the LookupDispatchAction and my reaction was in response to a
comment from Tero, and the explanation in the API, it looked like it
could be locked down, but perhaps it's a major misconception.
You're right, either way someone malicious will always be able to do
something to hurt a webapp, I'm just digging in to make sure that I'm
not using DispatchAction and causing myself more grief than needed,
which you've adequately answered for me, and am grateful for it.
Paul McCulloch wrote:

| I'm note sure that LookupDispatchAction will enable you to lock things
| any more. If you were to lock down a method by removing the entry from the
| MethodMap then nothing would be able to use that method!
| If the user can initiate a call to a method from their browser through a
| page you have created, then they will be able to call the same method
| diferent arguments perhaps) from a page of their own creation.
| With web applications I don't think it is ever safe to trust the
browser to
| only ever make request that you are expecting. A malicious user will
| be able to make an 'illegal' request to your application.
| Paul
| -Original Message-
| From: Robert S. Sfeir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: 14 November 2003 15:17
| To: Struts Users Mailing List
| Subject: Re: DispatchAction and Security
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| Not using LookupDispatchAction, but now that you explain it that way I
| can see how LookupDispatchAction can help me lock things down even more.
| ~ I hadn't realized that and misunderstood the API docs.
| I think I'll give this a try.
| R
| Paananen, Tero wrote:
| |So, only methods which you delibaratly implement
| |with the approrpriate sifgnature can be executed
| |via a dispatch action - you shouldn't be
| |concerned.
| |
| |
| | You also have to specify the allowed methods and
| | their lookup key in the key method map; see
| | getKeyMethodMap().
| |
| | -TPP
| |
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Re: A tag inside another: it will be not interpreted!

2003-03-21 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

I;m not entirely sure I followed everything, but if you're getting HTML 
tags displayed on screen, meaning instead of img src= you get 
lt;img src= gt; which will cause the 'tag' to display as text, 
look for the filter property of the tag you're using and set that to 
false.  It will cause the tag to not encode the text and correctly 
parse the html inside it.  BE REAL CAREFUL though, because I've caught 
myself in instances where a form was returned from the DB and it caused 
to break the page because of how the html was put together and saved in 
the DB.

Hope this helps.
P.S.  Sorry to be CC'ing you, sometimes my emails don't make it to the 
list... actually most of the time they don't.

On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 06:36 AM, Giovanni Formenti wrote:

i have some new conclusion about the problem posted in the messagge 
form with XML/XSL.
The server process the html tags, then process the xsltags:style 
(now i
use the JSTL taglibs for the XSL transformation) that output a text 
some html tags but they aren't parsed like Struts tag. So i have in 
to the client an HTML file with some html tags!
I'm searching a way to put the whole text (after the execution of
xsltags:style xml=aaa.xml xsl=aaa.xsl/ i have
html:formhtml:text/.../html:form) in the text that the Struts
parser bring like input... or something like this!

I hope my problem is more understandable now... even if my english is a
little bit poor!
Please, help me!!!

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Re: Data driven struts application

2003-03-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Yep, I agree with David.  Your code will invariably be more usable and 
be more presentation layer friendly if you always return a Collection 
of some type.  The Collection would contain beans of the object type 
you're working with.  Further if you're using for example an ArrayList 
to populate a List, and later you decide you want to change it to 
something else for say performance reasons or what ever, you don't go 
busting the whole presentation layer because of it, since the 
presentation layer is working with a Collection and knows about nothing 
else.  It is *sometimes* better to be as generic as possible with the 
underlying layers of your code, than hooking your presentation code in 
so tight that maintenance of the app is greatly affected.

On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 10:57 AM, David Graham wrote:

Both solution 1 and 2 are far better than using a ResultSet in a jsp.  
I usually use a Collection of JavaBeans.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Data driven struts application
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 16:24:08 +0100
95% of my struts web apps follow this flow:

1. User selection in a JSP
2. Action class performs a SQL query
3. Return ActionForward to a new JSP that renders the query ResultSet
What is the best practice to show SQL query results (ResultSet) to 
the user? (I mean how communication between view and controller 
should be when I do extensive use of ResulSets)

Actually, we are including the ResultSet in the request :(, and 
processing it in the JSP (using a scriptlet). But I dont like this 
aproach very much, so I wonder if it would be better to:

+ solution 1. Use a RowSetDynaClass instead of the ResultSet.
+ solution 2. Use a JavaBean with getters and setters (maybe as 
database column names) and include a JavaBean collection in the 
request as a Value Object (?)
+ solution 3. I don't know... :(

Thank you very much,
PD. Is it better to use a collection of JavaBeans or use just one 
JavaBean whose properties return a collection??

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Ping, please ignore

2003-03-14 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Sorry my email account has been having issues with this list.  I am 
testing to show that this message won't make it to the list.

Thanks and sorry for the wasted bandwidth if this makes it.


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Re: [OT]Best JSP plugin for eclipse..

2003-03-12 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
forget Eclipse, use IDEA, ok not free but it will give you the best of 
all worlds :-)
(Let the IDE browser wars begin)

On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 11:40 AM, Brandon Goodin wrote:


I use the lomboz jsp editor. But, it is buggy under the M5 build. All 
other jsp editors are pretty much glorified html highlighters. I know 
WSAD has a great jsp plugin (compatible with eclipse). But you hav to 
WSAD at a price tag of $3000 minimum.

Brandon Goodin

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 9:22 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT]Best JSP plugin for eclipse..
I was in your exact situation months ago and I have yet to find 
that will do what NetBeans does wrt jsp code completion.

I had even pondered doing this myself, but decided that my time is
better spent on other tasks.
I am also very interested in finding such a plug-in.

James Mitchell
Software Developer/Struts Evangelist

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 11:14 AM
Subject: [OT]Best JSP plugin for eclipse..
I do not want to start yet another IDE debate but..

I currently enjoy the JSP editing support in Netbeans 3.4.1
ie: full code completion for custom tags ect.
But I am slowly moving to Eclipse for other reasons.

Is there a plugin that matches the JSP editor support found
in Netbeans?

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Re: [OT]Best JSP plugin for eclipse..

2003-03-12 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 12:34 PM, Roland Berger wrote:

Yeah, why use Eclipse if IntelliJ IDEA has it all and better. Don't 
$3000 on wsad (unless you need swing gui builder), spend  approx. $500 
or FREE right now while they build the next revision... but you have to 
work with a beta IDE.  It will hook you, and you will have quite a few 
months to decide if you like it or not.  For the beta release go to  Free registration and all that, and they 
never spam you.  Excellent forums and super cool bug tracker.

Re: How do you keep your session junk free?

2003-03-07 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
On Friday, Mar 7, 2003, at 14:16 US/Eastern, Rick Reumann wrote:

Very interesting, thanks for the information. Can this kind of behavior
be achieved though simply by hitting a browser back button? I 
think that would be possible without using javascript to resubmit the
page or to make sure a fresh page was always being looked at?
Sorry to drop in like that, but what is the problem with using Tokens?  
just doing a setToken() before you forward to a jsp page, then doing a 
isTokenValid() when the action is called, usually on page submit, is 
enough to stop anything.  Even if they click the back button then hit 
submit, won't work.  If they reload the page with the form, they get a 
new token since reloading calls the action which sent them to the page 
with the token in the first place.  So far it works for me, and in the 
isTokenValid() check I just forward to a 'you can't resubmit this page 
dorkie, or you'll give me headaches' page, and all is just fine... plus 
you can do it in different languages by putting the warning text in the file.  what more is needed here?

Re: [OT] IDE / ERD modeling (Was: Re: struts IDE)

2003-03-06 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
On Thursday, Mar 6, 2003, at 11:53 US/Eastern, James Higginbotham wrote:

As for ERD, I'm sure there are others out there but I've used ArgoUML 
the past - all Java, sortof a buggy UI with nuances to learn, but free
and exports to GIF and XMI.
Poseidon UML is based on ArgoUML, but less buggy with no real nuances 
and is free too.

If you don't care about free or not, I use Magic Draw 6.0.  Solid as 
can be with tons of features even reverse DB modeling.


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Re: forward using Struts

2003-03-06 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
make the button a link and use target=_blank  this is html stuff.  
The link can point to a new URL which will call your Action.

On Thursday, Mar 6, 2003, at 15:32 US/Eastern, Pani R wrote:


I have 3 SUBMIT buttons and one of which, when clicked, should open 
the resultant page in a new browser. I dont want to use JavaScript. I 
want the ActionClass to handle the request and for a particular Submit 
button, it should forward the JSP to a new browser.

Can struts forward the page to a new browser?


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Re: Reporting an Exception message in a JSP.

2003-02-25 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
On Tuesday, Feb 25, 2003, at 10:14 US/Eastern, David Graham wrote:

Well, I would never show my user an error message from some low level 
system such as the database.  If you really want them to see this info 
you could define a message key as anything={0} and substitute your SQL 
message.  I highly discourage this but it's an option.
True but in my case I find it sometimes easier to turn on debugging 
from my browser on a live app to see what's causing the exception the 
user is seeing without having to look at logs or anything, so while the 
user never sees this error in normal processing, I can see the 
exception when trying to debug and figure out what's going on on a live 

I don't know if this was the original poster's intent though.


Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
Codepuccino, Inc.
definition - Codepuccino n:
A Little JSP mixed with lots of Java, usually served with Servlets, a 
Datasource, a sprinkle of XML, and sometimes EJB.  (See Great MVC 

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Re: jsp:useBean and logic:iterate

2003-02-24 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
On Monday, Feb 24, 2003, at 10:17 US/Eastern, bobd wrote:


jsp:useBean id=currentSchedule scope=session
The way I understand the above line is that an object
reference to the Bean class CurrentSchedule is created
if it does not already exist in the session (this is
Now I want to iterate over a collection object
retrieved from this Bean, but I'm having a hard time
understanding the difference between the id attribute
and the name attribute, and the relation to the
useBean call at the top of the page.
logic:iterate id=currentSchedule name=?

jsp:useBean id=cs scope=session

logic:iterate id=currentSchedule name=cs

property=scheduledCourseNames scope=session
bean:write name=currentSchedule property=scheduledCourseNames/
(I think that's what you want)

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Re: Quarantine message

2003-02-23 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
actually this list didn't quarantine anything, just that some servers 
out there did - servers for other people on this list-, and therefore 
you got a message from that server saying that you should be ashamed of 

On Sunday, Feb 23, 2003, at 15:16 US/Eastern, Ray Madigan wrote:

I got a message quarantine notice today from this list.  All I did was
to a message that had the four letter word that starts with F and 
isn't four
in it.

The message I responded to should have been quarantined and this would 
happened.  So I guess - whats the point?

Ray Madigan
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Re: [OT] What's your IQ?

2003-02-22 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Dude take the politics off the goddamn list, we hear enough and deal 
enough with that garbage that this is the last place any of us want to 
see it.  If you're so angry about a country's politics DON'T assume 
everyone in that country feels the same...  Just like your dumb comment 
about the IQ tests.

On Saturday, Feb 22, 2003, at 17:34 US/Eastern, alexj wrote:

What can I said, American people think they
know all the truth about how to manage the world.
(it's not only my opinion)

The world is really not an industry like IBM, I think
some american guys have to think about that.
If a coutry didn't believe in the pseudo american dream,
you really nedd to attak them ?
In my (little one) country we didn't only care about how to make
benefits but we care how to people from this country can take profit
about that.
I'm a young man (22 years old) from Switzerland but US people need to
care about how people whi lived in this countries.
Fuck Wars !!!
Fuck guys who only care about theire own profits !!
Alexandre Jaquet
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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
Codepuccino, Inc.
definition - Codepuccino n:
A Little JSP mixed with lots of Java, usually served with Servlets, a 
Datasource, a sprinkle of XML, and sometimes EJB.  (See Great MVC 

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[OT]Re: WebHosting Struts

2003-02-21 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Ditto on that. Keith is great, service is great, no limitations on what 
you need to do, within reason, and he's always there to help set things 
up if you're having problems.  Plus now, depending on the plan you get, 
you can even get JBoss.  The have the choice of Postgresql and MySQL 
too.  I have the developer subscription, and it costs me $12.00 a 
month... $20.00 canadian...

On Friday, Feb 21, 2003, at 10:35 US/Eastern, Raible, Matt wrote:

Here's who I use, they've worked great for me:


-Original Message-
From: alexj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: WebHosting  Struts


I'm looking for a free web hosting who support Struts. And if possible
postgreSQL. I only find mycgiserver who support jsp and servlet but
as I see in their forum is some post who says struts is not supported.
Any suggestion ?

Alexandre Jaquet

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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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[OT]Re: WebHosting Struts

2003-02-21 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
$12.00 a month for web hosting is too much???  If you're writing code 
surely you can afford $12.00!  Like I said before the amounts are in 
Canadian $$$.

On Friday, Feb 21, 2003, at 10:50 US/Eastern, alexj wrote:

it's a bit expensive for a poor student like me :(

- Original Message -
From: Raible, Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: WebHosting  Struts

Here's who I use, they've worked great for me:


-Original Message-
From: alexj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: WebHosting  Struts


I'm looking for a free web hosting who support Struts. And if 
postgreSQL. I only find mycgiserver who support jsp and servlet but
as I see in their forum is some post who says struts is not 
Any suggestion ?

Alexandre Jaquet

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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: Understanding the Iterate Tag

2003-02-21 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Friday, Feb 21, 2003, at 14:46 US/Eastern, alexj wrote:

Hi here is the *translation* :

logic:iterate id=SearchResultBean name=results 
   bean:write name=results property=title/
   bean:write name=results property=description/

No Alex, the SearchResultBean id should be in the name= part  not the  
name of the results collection.

Alexandre Jaquet
- Original Message -
From: Brian Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 8:36 PM
Subject: Understanding the Iterate Tag

I have a JavaBean Array in the session scope which I can loop through  
in a
scriptlet to output properties of each member of the array.
SearchResultBean[] c = (SearchResultBean[])  

for (int x = 0; x  c.length; x++){

What is the equivalent syntax for the above using the struts  

Thank You,


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Re: how old is struts

2003-02-21 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
On Friday, Feb 21, 2003, at 16:43 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I asked this question is because there is a funny recruitment ad from a
major Canadian bank hiring some one with 2 - 3 years experience of
HAHA.. Craig, Ted you guys looking for jobs?  Since it seems you'd be 
the only ones to qualify with 3 years experience LOL

I love recruiters who also want people with 5 or more years of XML 
experience  (It just turned 5 on the 10th of this month)...  I guess 
it's another way of telling us they don't want to hire anyone, they 
just want to make it look like they do.


Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
Codepuccino, Inc.
definition - Codepuccino n:
A Little JSP mixed with lots of Java, usually served with Servlets, a 
Datasource, a sprinkle of XML, and sometimes EJB.  (See Great MVC 

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Re: [OT] What's your IQ?

2003-02-20 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
for what it's wroth, this is a hard test.  I took the 35 question one.  
Scored 124.

On Thursday, Feb 20, 2003, at 10:26 US/Eastern, Brandon Goodin wrote:

You might get some fraudulent IQ posts in order to boost their Struts 
by getting a hold of a copy of Struts In Action.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

-Original Message-
From: John Espey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:17 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [OT] What's your IQ?

Any chance Ted will send an autographed copy of the book to the highest

-Original Message-
From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:53 AM
To: Struts User List
Subject: [OT] What's your IQ?

Does our list consist of the best and brightest? ;-) Take the
test to learn
what your IQ is and join the most elite nerds on the planet. :-)) 
Also, I
dare you to post your results. :-D

DISCLAIMER: The results of the afformentioned test do not
constitute a legal
declaration of genius. Just the personal gratification that you can 
make a passing grade on a pointless test.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: numeric field validation using struts

2003-02-20 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
it's regex, try the regular expression book from Oreilly, probably best 
book out there.

On Thursday, Feb 20, 2003, at 12:06 US/Eastern, Ashish Kulkarni wrote:

where do i get information about writing these mask??
like what stands for ^\d* etc,

--- Chen, Gin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

btw. the mask that u want is probably ^\d*.\d\d$
rtfm will help ;)

-Original Message-
From: Chen, Gin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:57 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: numeric field validation using struts

look at jakarta's oro which even comes with a cool
reg exp tool.
or look at:


-Original Message-
From: Ashish Kulkarni
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:53 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: numeric field validation using struts

Do u have some examle of some website where i can
information about using mask??

--- Pani, Gourav [EMAIL PROTECTED]

couldn't you use a mask to do this?

-Original Message-
From: Ashish Kulkarni
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:48 AM
Subject: numeric field validation using struts


Has any one done inut validation of numeric fields
struts, like i want to validate number of digits
decimal or lenght of the numeric field
like the valid valus will be 123.34, but 1234.4 is
I am using dynavalidatorform , so would like some
to put in validation.xml or in strutsvalidator

does any one have this kind of validation code,



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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: No Redirects in Struts 1.1?

2003-02-20 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
hum, David does that also affect ANY redirect set when set in the  
forward element of an action?

I've noticed that if I specify redirect=true, and I get 'redirected'  
to a page after form submit and I click the reload button, it actually  
inserts a new record in the DB!

I've been trying to figure out if I'm missing something or if it's  
actually a bug!  (using 1.1b3)


On Thursday, Feb 20, 2003, at 17:09 US/Eastern, David Graham wrote:

You can build from source if you want but it's easier just to download  
a nightly binary.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: No Redirects in Struts 1.1?
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 13:53:25 -0800

How does that work, David?  I take it that we need to build the  
framework from scratch with a nightly?  Are each of the nightlies  
such that they will work?  Or, is it catch as catch can?  Do you have  
any idea when the beta will be updated to include this fix?

At 02:49 PM 2/20/03 -0700, you wrote:
There was a bug with absolute url redirects but it has been fixed.   
Try one of the recent nightlies.


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List  
Subject: No Redirects in Struts 1.1?
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 13:38:51 -0800

Is there no way to redirect to an offsite url in Struts 1.1?  If  
so, I am not sure that the new features are much better than a bug.


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Re: Where to add Access control

2003-02-17 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Instead of an action, perhaps a better approach is to have something 

public boolean hasPrivileges(HttpServletRequest request)

which would check if a user or group has a privilege.  I put a method 
like this in my BaseAction, which extends Action and other actions in 
my framework extend.  This way hasPrivileges() is accessible from any 
action you write, then you can do something like this in your actions:

	return mapping.findForward(...); of action code here...

and send them onto a page which tells them to buzz off.

Nice thing about this is that if you want to change or add behavior, 
you don't mess with all the actions, just one method.


On Monday, Feb 17, 2003, at 08:37 US/Eastern, Rademacher Tobias wrote:

Hi Folks,

I want to add some access control in order to protected a site form a 
of users.
My application uses JAAS so I guess I have to write a PriviligedAction.
Where do I have to add the invokation of this
Action? Where is the best place in RequestProcessor in order to add 

Thx and Bye

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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Monday, Feb 17, 2003, at 13:04 US/Eastern, John Cavacas wrote:

Struts is great for what it does, and Rods Spring Framework also seems 
at what it does. There are also flaws in both Struts and Spring. But 
the beauty and simplicity of all of this. If you don't like something, 
use it. Use something else or do your own thing.

Yup exactly.  Struts is not a do it all framework for everyone.  Struts 
to me is a purely web-based framework which makes very complex 
web-based application development easier and more maintainable.  Plain 
and simple.  It sets a bunch of rules so we don't have to set them 
ourselves for every project we work on.  If you chose Struts to build 
Swing GUIs you picked the wrong framework, if you want to add Swing 
GUIs to maintain say application settings for an application that uses 
Struts, you can still do that, but it's YOUR job to design YOUR side of 
the framework properly in order to allow your Swing apps to tap into 
YOUR framework while keeping it oblivious to the Struts side of things 
(see Business Delegate Pattern).

Now does it break this book's opinion of proper design patterns?  I'm 
sure it does, but what GREAT engineers don't break design pattern rules 
when it benefits the end result of an application or framework?  
Patters are there to solve issues we have, not to stick us into lala 
land with shackles and whips telling us that we must do it that way.  
They're merely there to help us write better OO design, and from where 
I sit the Struts design is as close to perfect as you can get right now 
for WEB-based development.

just my 2 cents.


Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

Forms not populating on load - PLEASE HELP!

2003-02-16 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

- User gets a list of homes.  In the list of homes, there are links to 
edit each home.
- Clicking on the link sends a request to HomeDetailsAction to select 
the home details.
- This action sets a view called HomeDetailView
- Then the Action is supposed to forward to the proper jsp page which 
in turn is supposed to 'fill in' the values of each field.

easy enough.

What I'm doing now is:

HomeDetailsAction -

HomeDetailView view = homeImpl.selectHomeDetail( homeID ); //OJB layer 
which populated the view and returns it.
view.setAction( update ); //We set add/update so the jsp page knows 
how to deal with the next step.
request.setAttribute( home , view );
return mapping.findForward( Constants.SUCCESS_KEY );

The struts-config -

form-bean name=editHomeForm dynamic=true 
	form-property name=home 
action path=/edithomedetail
	forward name=Success path=addHomePage/

The jsp page -
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %
html:form action=edithome method=post 
html:hidden name=editHomeForm property=home.action /

The problem:
When the form is returned I get one of two problems depending on how I 
set the property of the hidden field:
1- I get ServletException: No getter method for property home.action of 
bean editHomeForm
2- if I just use property=action then I get the form with all blank 

I know that the view has values in it for sure.

What's the trick?  I tried to use DynaActionForm, but that gave me 
other problems, is that the only way to get things to work?  I can get 
around the other problems (mainly that when it's a new home and the 
form is empty I get an exception that action has no setter or getter 

What I am hoping I can do is use one action called EditHomeAction, 
which gets the values submitted after the HomeForm checks that 
everything is OK, and then based on the home.action value, either call 
an update or an add to the OJB layer.


html:text property magic?

2003-02-12 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Ok, still new'ish to struts, and definitely new to the custom tags, I 
used to use lots of java code in my jsps and now moving to better 
things.  This brought me to the:

html:text property=../

tag.  I have a jsp page which gets referenced via a ForwardAction like 

action path=/ViewLogin 
type=org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction parameter=loginPage/
(loginPage is a tile reference)

Now when I did this by accident in my jsp page:

html:text property=userName size=20 maxlength=50 /

things barfed, and when I did this:

html:text property=username size=20 maxlength=50 /

things were just fine.  How in the world did Struts ForwardAction know 
which field to map for property since this action is not mapped 
specifically to my SecurityForm



Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: html:text property magic?

2003-02-12 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Oh no, I understand the case sensitivity problem ( geez, do I seem like 
that much of a newbie? :-)  )

I was just wondering where it figured out to pick up the proper bean, 
and you answered it with

html:form name=blah blah

and since I have:

html:form action=Login 

I don't see how it pertains to this, unless the action Login, which is 
defined like this:

action path=/Login 
name=loginForm scope=request validate=true input=loginPage
	forward name=Success path=homePage/
	forward name=Failure path=loginPage/
form-bean name=loginForm

cascades all the way down the path to see that the name in the action 
definition is loginForm and that points to form-bean of type 

If this is the case, I am getting more and more impressed with Struts!  
Geez this thing is almost reading my mind... accidentally or not.

Also if this is the case, is there an advantage to 'naming' the form 
like this:

html:form action=Login

I can see one advantage that it might override the default specified in 
the struts-config (just guessing here).


Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: [newbie] Connection Pooling

2003-02-12 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
100% agree.  The only thing that should be placed in a session is user  
specific stuff.  Connections should never be user specific, connections  
should be returned to the pool so other users can have them when they  
need it.  The thing is that before such cool methodologies you had to  
buy 300-400 DB users for big apps, and db vendors made a killing that  
way, with the poolers and web connection pooling, now you can run a  
busy app on 5 user connections and keep the load light on the DB.

Anyway implementing the PlugIn is easier than anything I've done so far  
in Struts.  I just implemented it for my BaseOJBConnector class, it  
doesn't even have to be a servlet, and it opens up the db (the ojb  
pooler more specifically) and saves time on startup where users don't  
have to wait for the pooler to instantiate.

Here is the code if someone wants to see an example:  (If you want to  
do it with the commons pooler send me an email I'll send you the code,  
it's not very different)

public class BaseOJBConnector implements PlugIn , Serializable
	protected static Implementation odmg = null;
	protected static Database db = null;
	private static String ojbDBAlias = null;

	protected Log log = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(  
this.getClass().getName() );

	 * Default constructor, initializes the percistence layer.
	 * @throws net.sfeir.exceptions.DataAccessException
	public BaseOJBConnector() throws DataAccessException

	 * Opens the database and prepares it for transactions
	private void openDB( String DBC )
		if( DBC == null || DBC.length()  1 )
			DBC = default;
		// Get odmg facade instance
		odmg = OJB.getInstance();
		db = odmg.newDatabase();
		// Open database
			if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( Opening DB connection via OJB ); DBC , Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE );
		catch( Exception ex )
			if( log.isFatalEnabled() )
log.fatal( Something went very wrong in opening the DB connection  
, ex );

	private void closeDB()
		catch( ODMGException e )
			if( log.isFatalEnabled() )
log.fatal( An exception occured during database closing , e );

	public void destroy()

	public void init( ActionServlet actionServlet , ModuleConfig  
moduleConfig ) throws ServletException
		ojbDBAlias = actionServlet.getInitParameter( database );
		openDB( ojbDBAlias );

On Wednesday, Feb 12, 2003, at 17:20 US/Eastern, Guido wrote:

IMHO, storing the connection in the session context is *never* a good

1. Session timeout uses to be too high if you must wait the session to
expire to close your connection (the user closes the browser...)
2. You can kill your DB or you app server...  And think about how many
connections would you need if your application has i.e. 3 hits/day?
You should use a connection pool.

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, [ISO-8859-2] Micha? Postupalski wrote:

} On 2/12/2003 10:34 PM, Marco Tedone wrote:
}  You could write a PlugIn(new to Struts 1.1) to open a db  
connection and
}  store it in the session context. I would remember to close it in  
}  destroy() method.
}  Only an idea.
} Yes, it's a good idea. I use it sometimes but only when I have only  
} database's user. If You use more database's users to connect to  
} I wouldn't used connection pooling.
} plastic
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Guido Garcia Bernardo
stat rosa pristina
nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.

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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: DynaActionForm and from-property

2003-02-10 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Monday, Feb 10, 2003, at 13:15 US/Eastern, John C Cartwright wrote:

Hello All,

I'm working through Chuck Cavaness' Programming Jakarta Struts book 
(and enjoying it, by the way!).  I ran across the statement in 
reference to form-properties and DynaActionForms should try to 
use only String properties, even with a DynaActionForm. The examples 
in the book sometimes seem to often violate this guideline, but my 
question is how else would one better convey a DataTransferObject 
class to a view's JSP page? Is it better to store it a Request 

Yeah the Dyna form stuff in the book threw me off too.  Though I am 
enjoying the book I think Dyna and Validation are poorly covered (so 
are Tiles).  After much digging, I decided to not really use 
DynaActionForms unless I wanted to let the user (client that is) edit 
the forms to add more fields.  Usually it's not the case for me.  The 
second reason why I decided not to use them as much is because when it 
comes to validation it's either all or nothing, so either all the 
fields are validated in the form or none.  If you use ActionForms then 
you can have one ActionForm (FooForm) represent all the 'fields' in 
your form, and then you can pick and choose which fields you validate 
from one form to the next by adding a new validation definition.

On the String properties comment Chuck was mentioning, was because he 
said somewhere around the same quote you gave that if you wanted to use 
int or boolean it would complicate things since you'd have to use 
Integer and Boolean in the forms.  I don't see an issue with doing that 
personally.  So I'm not entirely sure why Chuck mentioned it... it 
threw me off more than helped in this case, and like you mentioned this 
particular guideline is often violated in the code.

Third piece is, read on to the next chapter and look at views.  You 
would pass a View objet to the jsp page.


Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: General Question

2003-02-10 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

Well first you might find that updating all the fields is easier, but 
still if you want to do it your way, you have to have something to 
compare the old value to the new one, and in that case you use a hidden 
field.  So you'd have something like:

input type=text name=field1
input type=hidden name=oldField1

When the user hits submit you'll have to check to see if the values are 
the same, if they are ignore and don't update otherwise update.

You see you have to loop over all the fields anyway, it's a form submit 
thing, you can't tell it to submit a form partially.


On Monday, Feb 10, 2003, at 15:46 US/Eastern, Vinay Chandupatla wrote:

That is exactly what I am trying to avoid. That is a  the real pain I 
don't want to update all the fields , I just want to update that 
particular value based upon it's key. In this case the database in 
question is the a server socket connection which cannot take lengthy 
query strings( i was just exemplifying with a normal database, ), and 
I thought it is not efficient overriding the values which need not be 

Infact I was thinking in the lines of what dave has suggested but even 
that will still have a lot of comparisions. Has anybody encountered 
these kind of situations with user editing lot of transactions and 
posting them back to database. If so how did you deal with them

Thanks Dave and Guptill for your replies,


-- Original Message --
From: Guptill, Josh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:42:14 -0500

No, just update your database table with all the fields that come 
back on
the form.  If a field has changed, that value will be updated.  
the same value will be written to the table and you will be no worse 

Unless this is exactly what you are trying to avoid?

-Original Message-
From: Vinay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 3:27 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: General Question

This is a very general question and not specifically related to 
struts or
tag libraries, may be naive,thought somebody could help me off the 
list on
the list.

I have this very big form with list of 100's of transactions pulled 
from the
database base thru a select statement or a similar one.

And this form has a lot of textfields where the user can edit the 
fields and
send it back to the database for updations.

I need to get only those values which are being edited by the user for
updations in Action Class. If this looks vague , i can elaborate.

Do i have to compare or check if user has edited.

The solution might be very trivial , but couldn't get any idea.

Thank you ,

Help appreciated,


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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

Implications of Various Forms and Validators

2003-02-08 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
I am trying to get full grasp on how to decide how to approach which 
validator and form to use for my framework.

I've successfully managed to setup demos of ActionForm and 
ValidatorForm, as well as DynaActionForm with DynaValidatorForm.  (If 
some of you are taring your hair out with this, don't forget the 
validate=true and input=... in your actions... :-)  , I'd be glad 
to send the sample code as it stand right now too.)

I can see the advantage of DynaActionForm where I don't have to create 
a new XYZForm class file for every form I want to use. and I can make a 
quick change in the struts config and the form has new or different 
fields.  I can also add a new form-bean definition and off I go.

I can see how I can also write one SecurityForm class with all the 
fields I need it to support for my security components, and then use 
that form for login.jsp, registration.jsp, addressInfo.jsp, 
phoneInfo.jsp etc... and it seems that in this case the validator will

I guess what I am asking is:
1- What are the performance implications
2- Are there any sets of rules that would define a line where I can 
determine if I should use Dyna or 'Plain-jane' Forms

What I like right now is to create one SecurityForm class file will all 
the methods I might need in it, and then have various validator xml 
definitions for every jsp form.  Each JSP form of course submits to its 
own action.
Opinions are greatly welcome.



Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Re: [OT] RE: Programming Challenge

2003-01-24 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

if you just want the code:

- Original Message -
From: Mark Galbreath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: [OT] RE: Programming Challenge


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RE: problem with html:link jstl tag

2003-01-18 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
html:link onclick= /


-Original Message-
From: TK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 7:14 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: problem with html:link jstl tag

html:link page=javascript:onClick=document.searchEmployeeForm.submit()
   html:img page=/images/go1.gif alt=Click to continue border=0/

It creates  a link like this  (note:examples is my web app name)

src=/blank/images/go1.gif border=0 alt=Click to continue/a

I need to form a anchor like below
a href=javascript:onClick=document.searchEmployeeForm.submit()img
src=/blank/images/go1.gif border=0 alt=Click to continue/a

Shouldn't the html:link tag check for the protocol (javascript:) before
forming a link ?


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Re: Wanted a Good Struts Book

2003-01-08 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
hands down Programming Jakarta Struts is the best book out there right 
now.  Covers the latest version.  What I like about it most is that it 
goes into the best way of extracting the model/view before it even 
discusses using it with Struts.  So you end up with examples that are 
Struts independent which you then implement with Struts.  This gives 
you the ability to go to a different framework (not sure why you'd want 
to do that), or reuse your code for a different approach to your app.

On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 02:19 PM, Ron Day wrote:

No-one seems to mention Struts Kick Start from Sams Publishing.

For a good practical book with lots of examples,
and a great section on the Struts tagLibs, its hard to beat.

I have it on my shelf next to Chuck and Ted's books.

I agree that there are omissions and errors in Mastering Jakarta 
In their hurry to get it out first the publishers did not do a 
job on QC or Peer reviews. The section on taglibs is far inferior to 
the one
in the Kick Start

FYI, The Tomcat Kick Start book is also excellent. I am really liking 
whole series


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 12:48 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Wanted a Good Struts Book

mech wrote:
Avoid Mastering Jakarta Struts. It was on sale at Amazon, so I took 
(at that time all newer (more) up-to-date books weren't available 
Actually for a simple application it's okay, but I got the impression
that it's not really complete. It's somewhere stuck in between 
1.0 and 1.1. I guess it's fine, if you don't mind to read the Struts
docu whenever you exceed the scope of the book.
And the taglibs, only mentioned in the appendix... Well just written
down what you could find in the documentation. Hardly any examples for
tag usage (except those cases you could figure out yourself because

I would disagree on that point. All the taglibs have
1. a definition of every attribute.
2. working example of the tag.
3. example of what the rendered html result will look like.

There may be errors as mech said, but I have not run across one yet.
I have Chuck and ted's books as well. Weighing in as the thinnist book
of the bunch , I still use it as a tag reference. Having said that I
love ted's book a lot, it is stuffed with a lot of excellent
information.A lot of question that are asked frequently on this list
are answered in this book. Chuck's book I have not had a chance to
really evaluate it fully but I liked what I have seen so far.
Vincent Stoessel
Linux Systems Developer

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Re: Need help for java IDE

2003-01-03 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 09:39 AM, James Childers wrote:

As much as I like Eclipse, it doesn't do JSPs at this time, which is 
what the original poster asked for. (AFAIK; if there is a plug-in 
available somebody please correct me.)

There's Lomboz on but in my opinion in lacks HEAVYLY on 
proper development, support and setup.  I think they're trying too hard 
to do too much, and lots of stuff doesn't work right.  Also whom ever 
is writing the code is not very responsive and seems to be extremely 
protective of their code.  I've offered to help, but didn't even get an 
email back.  I wanted to do testing for them on Mac OS X, because they 
don't have access to one, and they never wrote back.

So I dropped Eclipse AND Netbeans in favor of IntelliJ's IDEA.  They 
currently have a special where you can buy it for $200.00... that's not 
expensive considering everything the IDE does.


-= J

-Original Message-
From: Arik Levin ( Tikal ) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:41 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Need help for java IDE

Eclipse is more mature than Netbeans and more than
I have worked with all of them. I recommend using Eclipse.

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 3:55 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Need help for java IDE

Also consider Eclipse

James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Open Source Evangelist

C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it
harder, but
when you do, it blows away your whole leg.
- Bjarne Stroustrup

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 6:20 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Need help for java IDE

Netbeans is quite a good ide, try it

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Re: Need help for java IDE

2003-01-03 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 09:51 AM, Arik Levin ( Tikal ) wrote:

$200 is not much, but in case of free IDE: Eclipse;)

Yeah but everything free is not as good as struts ;-), some things you 
have to pay to get it right.


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Re: Need help for java IDE

2003-01-03 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 10:11 AM, Arik Levin ( Tikal ) wrote:

IntelliJ's IDEA is that good??? I'm not familiar with it

You don't know what you're missing!  Download it, it's free for 30 
days.  Won't take you anywhere near that long to get used to it, and 
get addicted to it.


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Re: [OT] IntelliJ sale

2002-12-31 Thread Robert S . Sfeir
Same here.  I'd say John's reaction is common for 99% of the users that 
try it.  The other 1% are just speechless!

On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 09:28 AM, John Bigboote wrote:

If you've haven't yet checked out IDEA, you should.
I've been using it exclusively now for over a year and
it is simply the best editor for me.  You won't find
the wizards that many of the other IDEs have, just
powerful editing and refactoring capabilities that
don't get in your way.  Struts users should note that
James Holmes's fine Struts Console is supported as a

JetBrains is very responsive to users' requests, and
has expanded the functionality of IDEA without adding
bloat.  Do yourself a favor and try out IDEA.

I have no connection to JetBrains and IDEA, other than
being an enthusiastic user.


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We don't have an IntelliJ HowTo (yet), but if you've
been considering
this very fine IDE, licenses to individuals are
being offered at
half-price through January 15.

Since I'm expecting 2003 to be a Very Good Year
(knock on wood-grain
laminate), it's the first thing on my TODO list

Ted Husted,
Struts in Action
Not affiliated with IDEA

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Re: code too large for try statement

2002-12-21 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
wow,  I once got that error when we were writing a converter for  
Tango/ColdFusion to java.  It turned out that there is a limit in  
methods of 64k, how much data is in your try statement???

On Saturday, December 21, 2002, at 07:30 AM, Jitendra Singh wrote:

I am a newbie ...but i read somewhere that there is a restrcition on  
size of JSP, in-built in J2EE.
I beleive that this is the coz of ur error.

hope it helps

- Original Message -
From: Michael Marrotte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 7:56 AM
Subject: RE: code too large for try statement

The try block is in the Java generated by the servlet container from  

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: code too large for try statement

Why is there a try/catch block?


From: Michael Marrotte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List  
Subject: code too large for try statement
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 16:48:37 -0500

I'm using lots of Struts custom jsp tags, e.g. logic, html, and bean.

JSP file size is about 27K.  I'm getting the following error:

500 Servlet Exception
/mainMenu.jsp:652: code too large for try statement
} catch (java.lang.Throwable _jsp_e) {
/mainMenu.jsp:46: code too large for try statement
try {
2 errors


Resin 2.1.4 (built Fri Aug 2 14:16:52 PDT 2002)

Are the limits to the number of tags, JSP file size, etc?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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