Invalid Class file Format

2003-09-15 Thread Stefan Frank

i'm just moving an app from struts 1.0x to 1.1: The App runs on weblogic 
6.1: I'm developing on a windows box and deploy it to solaris: On 
windows everything runs fine, but on solaris i get lots of Invalid class 
file format - Exceptions from the Taglibs when I recompile my jsp's:

error: Ungültiges Klassendateiformat: 
 wrong version: 46, expected 45
 Klasse org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SubmitTag nicht gefunden in type declaration.
   org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SubmitTag _html_submit0 = null;
So, there seems to be just *one* version tick wrong: Does anyone know with which jdk-version struts is currently compiled?! And when this did change?! 
Unfortunately, upgrading the jdk on solaris is currently not an option, so I'm looking for a struts 1.1 compiled with an earlier jdk-version. Or does somebody have any other ideas?!


PS: I  also tried to rebuild struts from the source, but There seems to 
be missing a class (or it has been moved from the struts.jar to 
somewhere else), as i get a ClassNotFoundException for 

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Re: Invalid Class file Format

2003-09-15 Thread Stefan Frank
Hi Christian,

no, unfortunately not:
System.getProperty("java.version"): 1.3.1
System.getProperty("java.vendor"): Sun Microsystems Inc.
I'm currently trying to find out if bea somehow tweaked the "magic" - 
has anybody gotten struts 1.1 to run on weblogic 6.1 on solaris? 
(Solaris is important, as 1.1 runs on the windows-box without 
complaining. Looks like solaris has a different "magic"...)

Christian Bollmeyer (SCPJ2) wrote:


considering the class file versions, 45 stands for JDK 1.0/1.1,
46 is 1.2/1.3 (and 48 is 1.4):
Seems your server still runs under JDK 1.1, or am I wrong?

The Struts 1.1 binaries seem to be compiled under JDK 1.3:

-- Chris (SCPJ2)

----- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 2:38 PM
Subject: Invalid Class file Format


i'm just moving an app from struts 1.0x to 1.1: The App runs on weblogic
6.1: I'm developing on a windows box and deploy it to solaris: On
windows everything runs fine, but on solaris i get lots of Invalid class
file format - Exceptions from the Taglibs when I recompile my jsp's:
error: Ungültiges Klassendateiformat:

he/struts/taglib/html/SubmitTag.class), wrong version: 46, expected 45

r_myserver_myserver_dvrWebApp/jsp_servlet/_htdocs/_redsys/_products/__katego Klasse org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SubmitTag nicht
gefunden in type declaration.

   org.apache.struts.taglib.html.SubmitTag _html_submit0 = null;

So, there seems to be just *one* version tick wrong: Does anyone know with

which jdk-version struts is currently compiled?! And when this did change?!

Unfortunately, upgrading the jdk on solaris is currently not an option, so

I'm looking for a struts 1.1 compiled with an earlier jdk-version. Or does
somebody have any other ideas?!


PS: I  also tried to rebuild struts from the source, but There seems to
be missing a class (or it has been moved from the struts.jar to
somewhere else), as i get a ClassNotFoundException for

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Re: Invalid Class file Format

2003-09-15 Thread Stefan Frank
Hi Christian,

found the reason: tools.jar was a good hint and setting the jvm to 
verbose showed, that bea forks a new process for the jsp-compile: 
Unfortunately, there is an older jvm running on the same box, which 
results in the JAVA_HOME being set to a jdk1.1: ergo, the 45 is correct. 
Pointing the JAVA_HOME to the right jdk fixed this (and also 
significantly speeds up the page-compile) .

Uhh, that Oracle-Story really sounds like great fun :) At least, we can 
all be very grateful, that Oracle dumped its own App-Server, Orion was 
aat least a good thing to start with (I wonder how much time it will 
take Oracle to screw this one up, too) - BTW: how does 10g feel?! 
Compared to eclipse and/or IntellliJ?! From the Product-Description, I'm 
really thinking about giving it a try...  Maybe I'm a little prejudiced 
about Oracle, but the only really good thing that ever came from Oracle 
is the Database (and I'm very curious what they exactly mean with the 

cheers&many thanks for the help
Christian Bollmeyer wrote:
Am Montag, 15. September 2003 17:03 schrieb Stefan Frank:

Hi Christian,

Hi Stefan,


no, unfortunately not:
System.getProperty("java.version"): 1.3.1
System.getProperty("java.vendor"): Sun Microsystems Inc.

Now this is interesting. Still, obviously the JSP compiler
can't cope with Platform 2 files, though. I don't know anything
about the BEA server, but I remember having a similar
problem when upgrading the Oracle iAS to JDK 1.4 (with
class file versions of 48.0 instead of 46). Finally, the culprit
proved to be tools.jar shipped with the default installation
which was a 1.3 version. The solution was to replace the
tools.jar shipped with iAS 9i with the one from the JDK
we used for development (Sun 1.4.1_02). Then, it might
well be that the BEA server get ships with the correct
tools.jar already, but the class loader instantiates a
different version first, so I'd check the CLASSPATH, too.
It *might* be that an 'old' implementation of the JSP
compiler classes get loaded first. 


I'm currently trying to find out if bea somehow tweaked the "magic" -
has anybody gotten struts 1.1 to run on weblogic 6.1 on solaris?
(Solaris is important, as 1.1 runs on the windows-box without
complaining. Looks like solaris has a different "magic"...)

Though I have only limited experiences with Solaris, that's
still a Sun OS and should adhere the standards even better
than others in case of doubt. BTW, the aforementioned
iAS installation runs under Linux, so it's not really too
far from the spot.
BTW - want to know I found it all out? Well, finally I
remembered that Oracle had bought the iAS sources
from Orion (after their first attempt in this direction had
failed) just some time ago. So I downloaded the Orion
server to see if it behaved likewise, as this problem
nearly drove me mad. Then, in the Orion docs, right
from the beginning they almost insisted on copying
tools.jar from the JDK to its proper place (/lib or
something). And: alas, it worked perfectly. Finally,
the same recipe was applied to iAS and showed
equal results. And: when it comes to Oracle, consulting
their OTN site is no really good idea if searching 
for something, not even to speak of a solution. Well,
Ifinally did so anyway, but my expectations were
not disappointed, again. Just to show the level
of despair I had finally reached.



Cheers, and HTH,

-- Chris (SCPJ2)

developing his private things for Struts 1.1 with
JDeveloper 10g now.; under SuSE Linux 8.2 and
JDK 1.4.2, which is against all official rules (the
single supported OS is Windows 2000 |  XP
and JDK 1.4.1), but up to now, it works just
fine anyway ;-)
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Re: Invalid Class file Format (help same problem)

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Frank
Hi Richard,

it looks like your also using an older compiler. Do you have some older 
jdk's (<1.3) on your machine?! Last time I installed Oracle, they used a 
jdk1.1 and set it into the path (and they also used to run java-stored 
procedures in the database). Can you check you enviroment for:

maybe one of them contains an older jdk?! If orion forks for compiling 
the jsp's (as bea does), you may fall back to these 
enviroment-variables, ignoring the j22home you started the server with.


Richard Raquepo wrote:

I get the same error. Although i have copied the tools.jar from the jdk
installation to both j2ee/home and j2ee/home/lib
followed what others have done but im still not able to hack my application
to run. :p
can someone help me get my struts application work on Oracle 9iAS
Im using Win2K SP3, JDK 1.4.2, Oracle 9iAS, latest sruts1.1 stable release.

thanks in advance.

here's ny error details <<
500 Internal Server Error
OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.provider.JspCompileException:
error: Invalid class file format in C:\Program
Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class).  The major.minor
version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
sistence\_pages\ Class java.lang.Object not found in class
2 errors
many thanks,


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Re: Invalid Class file Format (help same problem)

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Frank
hmm, just guessing: Maybe Oracle 9iAS runs on its own, older jvm? What 
does java.version/java.vendor say, when you start it from the server? 
Before replacing the tools.ja, were you able to compile a plain jsp 
without any struts-tags in it? (this does not look like a struts 
problem, as he complains about a wrong Version of Object)

Richard Raquepo wrote:

i only have JDK 1.4.2  installed on my PC
anyway here's the value of environment variables
PATH = c:\utils;C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin;c:\mysql4\bin;C:\jakarta-ant\bin
anymore suggestion?

- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Richard Raquepo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Christian
Bollmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: Invalid Class file Format (help same problem)

Hi Richard,

it looks like your also using an older compiler. Do you have some older
jdk's (<1.3) on your machine?! Last time I installed Oracle, they used a
jdk1.1 and set it into the path (and they also used to run java-stored
procedures in the database). Can you check you enviroment for:
maybe one of them contains an older jdk?! If orion forks for compiling
the jsp's (as bea does), you may fall back to these
enviroment-variables, ignoring the j22home you started the server with.

Richard Raquepo wrote:


I get the same error. Although i have copied the tools.jar from the jdk
installation to both j2ee/home and j2ee/home/lib
followed what others have done but im still not able to hack my

to run. :p

can someone help me get my struts application work on Oracle 9iAS
Im using Win2K SP3, JDK 1.4.2, Oracle 9iAS, latest sruts1.1 stable

thanks in advance.

here's ny error details <<<<<<
500 Internal Server Error
OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.provider.JspCompileException:



error: Invalid class file format in C:\Program
Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class).  The

version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.


sistence\_pages\ Class java.lang.Object not found in class
2 errors
many thanks,


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Re: Invalid Class file Format (help same problem)

2003-09-16 Thread Stefan Frank
I guess, Oracle comes with its own runtime-enviroment (a fellow stated 
in the other mail, that oracle 9iAs runs on jdk1.3). The jsp-examples 
work, as they ship pre-compiled. Going back to 1.3 should not be such a 
big problem, as struts runs fine on 1.3 - Maybe there is an oracle-guy 
somewhere, that can enlighten us, if and how you can teach oracle to run 
with 1.4...

Richard Raquepo wrote:

running oc4j.jar with the parameter -version only gives this:

Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE (build 020927.1699)

actually i can't also run the jsp included in the Oracle 9iAS like the
found on tomcat. but the servlets example are working just fine. seem's that
Oracle 9iAS can't compile the jsp files. how come?
do i have to lower the java version i am using right now?

anymore suggestions?



- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Richard Raquepo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: Invalid Class file Format (help same problem)

hmm, just guessing: Maybe Oracle 9iAS runs on its own, older jvm? What
does java.version/java.vendor say, when you start it from the server?
Before replacing the tools.ja, were you able to compile a plain jsp
without any struts-tags in it? (this does not look like a struts
problem, as he complains about a wrong Version of Object)
Richard Raquepo wrote:

i only have JDK 1.4.2  installed on my PC
anyway here's the value of environment variables
PATH = c:\utils;C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin;c:\mysql4\bin;C:\jakarta-ant\bin


anymore suggestion?

- Original Message -
From: "Stefan Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Richard Raquepo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;

Bollmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: Invalid Class file Format (help same problem)

Hi Richard,

it looks like your also using an older compiler. Do you have some older
jdk's (<1.3) on your machine?! Last time I installed Oracle, they used a
jdk1.1 and set it into the path (and they also used to run java-stored
procedures in the database). Can you check you enviroment for:
maybe one of them contains an older jdk?! If orion forks for compiling
the jsp's (as bea does), you may fall back to these
enviroment-variables, ignoring the j22home you started the server with.

Richard Raquepo wrote:


I get the same error. Although i have copied the tools.jar from the jdk
installation to both j2ee/home and j2ee/home/lib
followed what others have done but im still not able to hack my

to run. :p

can someone help me get my struts application work on Oracle 9iAS
Im using Win2K SP3, JDK 1.4.2, Oracle 9iAS, latest sruts1.1 stable

thanks in advance.

here's ny error details <<<<<<
500 Internal Server Error
OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.provider.JspCompileException:



error: Invalid class file format in C:\Program
Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class).  The

version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.


sistence\_pages\ Class java.lang.Object not found in


2 errors
many thanks,


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Problems with file upload

2002-04-01 Thread Stefan Frank

I've recently updated from struts 1.0.2 to struts 1.1b1 - and am now 
experiencing strange problems: The Action is called fine, and the file 
(in the example) gets written to disk - however when  forwarding to the 
display I get the Following Exception:

<01.04.2002 18:58:27 CEST>   
<[WebAppServletContext(3482588,struts-upload,/struts-upload)] Servlet 
failed with ServletException
javax.servlet.ServletException: Original request not available
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

Anyone seen this?!


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fileupload on WeblogicServer6.1 throws exception

2002-04-02 Thread Stefan Frank


I've recently updated from struts 1.0.2 to struts 1.1b1 - now the 
file-upload doesn't seem to wirk anymore. I can get the examples to work 
with tomcat4.0.4-b2, but on wls 6.1 i get the attached exception: Has 
anyone succeeded in getting the file-upload-example to work on wls6.1?!

thx in advance

<01.04.2002 18:58:27 CEST>   
<[WebAppServletContext(3482588,struts-upload,/struts-upload)] Servlet 
failed with ServletException
javax.servlet.ServletException: Original request not available
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

friedensallee 7-9
22765 hamburg
telefon +49 (040) 306033 -43
telefax +49 (040) 306033 -64

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IS there any way to check in a template whether a value has been set?!

2001-06-15 Thread Stefan Frank

I'm using

inside an iterate to fill a template with values - inside the Template i
want to check wether the value is not null -> then show a link or show it,
when it is bull - I tried

   hey, I'm present

but the putted values don't seem to be in scope - anyone tried something
like this before and came up with a better solution?!


AW: accessing EJB components from a Struts application?

2001-12-19 Thread Stefan Frank


i'm not very fond of these Helper-Classes: Most of the time, they only add
an additional Layer which just proxies calls to the SessionBeans: The
benefit you get is mostly, that you can wrap all ejb-related errors inside
the Helpers. This saves you some coding, but most of the time you want to
react on a RemoteException in a different way the than on a finder

We code the EJB-Access driectly in the Actions and try to keep the Actions
small by keeping most of the Code inside SessionBeans (which is a generally
a good idea, as you can reuse this code in context's where Struts is not
applicable, eg. with a Swing-Client). In order for this to work, it's a good
idea, to use a
facade/index.html) to avoid having to code against numerous ejb's in your
action - in our experience, this is sufficient: A helper-class just doubles
the Methods of the Facade.

Check out, if portability from an ejb-Architecture to a pure-jdbc
Architecture is really a requirement, or if it even is possible: I'm not
really sure, wether it pays to code independently of the j2ee-architecture,
as it means to wrap most of the main-features (EntityBean, SessionBean, MDB,
jndi and so on) - with applicationspecific classes that abstract out the
functionality: I think in projects under high pressure you throw away all
the benefits of j2ee with this approach.

So, by keeping the code in the actions small, we us Actions in a
"Command"-way: which works quite nicely for us: As there is not so much code
in the action, we don't have problems with writing new ones or changing the
old ones.

hope this helps

friedensallee 7-9
22765 hamburg
telefon +49 (040) 306033 -43
telefax +49 (040) 306033 -64

> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2001 01:01
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: accessing EJB components from a Struts application?
> Hi all,
> after browsing the FAQ and searching the mailing list archive,
> I have not yet found a 'premium way' to go for EJB business logic
> integration into a Struts application.
> It's pretty clear that the EJB stuff should go into the action classes.
> I also saw hints that it might be useful to add another layer between
> the action classes and the entity/session beans in order to keep the
> action classes small and independent from the underlying business logic
> tier architecture.
> So the recommended architecture would be
> action class <-> ejb 'helper' class <-> EJB Session/Entity Bean
> which allows for e.g. replacing the EJB tier by direct JDBC
> database access without having to modify the action classes.
> Is the presented view correct/recommendable, or have I probably missed
> some important developments concerning the Struts<->EJB issue?
> Besides selected threads of this mailing list, are there any
> instructive resources/links regarding the topic?
> Regards,
> --
> Thomas Corte
> --
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